by QexiQex
Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.
Main themes of this story are: big breasts, exhibitionism, breast bondage.
The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.
Chapter 1
Boobies. She loved the sound of that word. Ever since she grew her pair, she was utterly fascinated by those strange wonders of nature. Betty looked at the glowing laptop screen in front of her.
Her new project was shaping up well. Her first personal blog. She wanted to try that for ages, but never knew what she should write about. But that question was finally answered. She would write for her boobies! Betty grinned happily as she typed the short introduction.
Hello world, this is zips’n’ties speaking, also known as Beep and Boop. We are a 23 year young pair of balloon-y body appendages belonging to someone called… well, our kind owner prefers to stay anonymous for now, so no names!
Her naughty grin got wider and wider as she typed away,
Why zips’n’ties you ask? Well, the last good idea our owner had revolved around zip ties, so we thought that would be a fitting name for our blog. Damn, those ties were tight! Made us all red and puffy! We both just love rough treatment, and if we don’t look a bit swollen and bloated after a session, it wasn’t a good one! Oh, we’ll get some pictures from that adventure up soon. As an appetizer! To get you into the right, creative mood!
Because, unfortunately, our owner is slowly running out of ideas on how to entertain us two fleshy fun-bags. That’s why we decided to go public and ask the big, wide world for help. Maybe some of you guys have good suggestions? Please, some kind soul out there just needs to help us out!
Keywords: nsfw, adult, personal blog, big breasts, breast bondage
She read the post again and again. Yes, that should attract some attention, hopefully from some inventive, creative breast fanatics! She giggled in anticipation.
“Now we just need to do those pictures,” she whispered as her hands massaged her soft, warm breasts.
Betty rose from her chair and went to her tiny ‘bath’ which was just a corner in her room with a sink and mirror. She had already prepared part of her cramped studio apartment for a quick photo session. But first she had to prepare her body. Time to introduce Beep and Boop to the world.
Shower, shave, body lotions and other feel-good treatments. She just loved to smell good and be all shiny and squishy! Her hands wrapped around her glowing orbs and squeezed them tightly. Beep and Boop were so excited already! With flushed cheeks, she searched for her secret box, her stash of fun. She would die in shame if anybody ever found this and connected the dots!
There they were. Black zip ties and electric tape was all she needed. And, of course, her trusty camera. She finally got one that she could control from her mobile! The picture quality was great, and it was so easy to take selfies with it. She reached for the electric tape and tried to wrap it around the base of her breast. Shit, her skin was just too slippery with all that lotion. She had to use something else. Her eyes lingered on the large roll of silver duct tape. That one stuck on anything, she remembered, maybe it would work better?
She unwound a small piece and positioned it at the underside of her jiggling boob, right at her rib-cage. Then, she slowly and meticulously wrapped it around while she pulled it as tight as she could. Ouchie, that stuff indeed stuck like hell! She smoothed the wrinkles down and examined the result in her mirror.
“Good, but not great. At least it makes my tit swell up a little. Now the zip ties.”
She wrapped one of the thin plastic bands over the bobbing boob right on top of the silver tape, pushed it flush against her rib-cage and slowly pulled it tight. Yes, that was it! She felt her blood pumping, blowing up her body like a balloon. Her hands wrapped around the bloated melon and thoroughly massaged her buzzing flesh. Oh how she loved that feeling!
Now the rest of the tape. Betty took the large roll, unwrapped a little piece and stuck it on the hard breast ball, right where the plastic band cut into her flesh. She squinted her eyes shut and pulled the silver band around her tit, one, two times. With teary eyes she examined the result and then continued to wrap loop after loop around the bobbing appendage until it was covered in silver, except for a small circle right around her nipple. Then, she repeated everything on her other breast.
Two silver ‘things’ stuck from her chest and jiggled softly. Betty smiled. Yes, that looked fine for the first picture. She set up her camera and posed, snapped a few shots until she was satisfied with the result.
But of course she wasn’t done yet. More zip ties! She wrapped the little plastic suckers around her encased boobs, each less than a quarter inch away from each other, until her tits looked like weird, silver rolls of dough. Another picture for her blog.
When she looked at the mirror, she couldn’t help but wonder how much tighter those cable ties would go. Her fat nipples looked already bloated and red, but it didn’t feel like she was at her limit yet. Her sweaty hands caressed the strange objects. Blood was rushing through her veins, her heart throbbed in excitement. How far was she willing to go?
She crouched down to look into her secret box again, the two, silver twins swaying slowly beneath her. There, the cable tie tightener! She had bought that ‘tensioner’ tool on a whim some time ago but never dared to use it on her twins. When she tried it out with a zip tie around an empty coke can, she was fascinated, and quite a bit shocked by how efficiently it worked. With a few squeezes of the grips, the tool had tightened the band with ease and cut off the excess plastic. The can quickly dented around the unforgiving band, and once the tightener was finished with it, the metal had taken an hourglass shape.
With shaking fingers, she grabbed the heavy tool and turned it around. So simple, yet so dangerous. She just had to slip the end of a tie into this little opening and squeeze the grips…one grip for tightening, one for cutting.
“Fuck it,” she thought, “Now or never! Which one for start? Maybe the ones at the bases first, then slowly moving towards the tips…”
She slipped the first end into the tool and squeezed the handle.
The loop quickly tightened around her trapped breast. Betty groaned, what a pleasure! Her hand squeezed again and again, until her fingers were shaking and shivering. Whimpering in pain and pleasure, the determined girl squeezed the second grip to cut the tight tie wrap off.
With trembling hands, she put the tightener down and let her fingers roam over the hurting boob. It felt so different, so daring and dangerous! Would she be able to repeat this with all other ties as well? How would her boobs look like when she was done with them? They already hurt so much, but tightening those bands like that would put her into a whole new world of pain and pleasure!
She just couldn’t resist. Her hands grabbed the tool again, and with a lot of moaning and squealing, Betty tightened every single zip tie as much as she could.
It looked so much nicer with the excess plastic cut away! And how her hot, buzzing nipples peaked through the narrow opening! There were only two ties left at the tips, one on each side. She positioned the tool at the last zip-tie on the right and squeezed. Sweet, sweet pain!
And then it happened. The bloated tip of her tit suddenly popped through the hole of duct tape and a neat, little, fleshy balloon bobbed around at the tip of the silver roll.
“What the…” Betty stared at the mirror. This really looked weird now, but also kind of hot. Maybe she could repeat that trick on the other side? One last time she took the tool and squeezed. And indeed, Boob followed Beep, and the other tit was doing the same stunt.
“Wow, what a squeeze!” groaned the girl as she staggered to her photo corner, “Another set of pictures and then off with those things!”
The pictures were great and she would only need to do some minor edits to make sure nothing on those would allow to identify her. One couldn’t be careful enough with all those creeps out there! But damn, this time she really overdid it. Her tits felt like they would explode any moment! She needed to get a wire cutter and get those things off her! Quick!
Beep and Boop speaking. Here are the promised pictures of our last sessions! Our owner really outdid herself with those. Look at us two, how swollen and disfigured we are! Owner squealed like a piggy when we two popped through that silver opening at the end. We felt like mushrooms after that! With silver stalks and dark-red caps! Yummy! Anyway, our owner had great fun afterwards, at least that’s what we think. We heard very wet noises from below, and lots of moaning and screaming! And then she slapped us! How rude! Enjoy the pictures, more to come. Cheers, Beep and Boop
It didn’t take long for the first suggestions to arrive. Betty wasn’t surprised to find some horrifying ideas in there. Some made her choke, some made her blush, and quite a few intrigued her so much that she squirmed in anticipation. She got all wet and excited from reading through the comments and her mind was busy picturing herself in the suggested scenarios.
Over the next few days she added more pictures of her boobs. Some with naughty words written on them, some with binder clips biting down on her hard nipples, and some with yarn, rope or rubber bands squeezing her globes into bloated, swollen balls.
Her fan base grew, and so did the number of comments. She made sure to read any and all of them, but only very few really piqued her interest.
One of her favorites was about putting remote-controlled pipe clamps around her tits. That guy explained in vivid detail how her fans then could tighten or loosen them using two simple buttons on her blog. There would be a display showing how tight they were, and if she wanted, she could even do a live stream of her balloon-y tits. The guy promised to build everything she needed, even to provide the code for her blog.
Remote-controlled clamps! Her tits at the mercy of her visitors? Definitely intriguing. She would get off on that fantasy alone! For days, weeks even! But doing it for real? Way, way too unsafe! Would her visitors know when enough was enough? Or would they strangle her tits until Beep and Boop were black and blue? Probably the latter. Simply too risky. Unfortunately.
Another comment suggested using heat-shrink tubing to bind her boobs and nipples. Nipples wouldn’t be a problem, as the tubing for that diameter was easily available. That material would shrink down to about a quarter of its previous size once heat was applied. A quarter! How would her nipple feel when they were squashed into two, thin, long rubber-coated rods? She squirmed at the thought.
But how on Earth would it work on her tits?
They make heat shrink tubes in all sizes, up to 4 inches diameter. It should be easy for you to squeeze your tits into those with a bit of preparation. But if you are too lazy to get those, look for heat shrink tape and wrap it as tight as you can around your hooters, from the base to the middle. And then apply heat with a hairdryer, industrial heat gun or simply a lighter and watch the magic happen!
Neat! Shrink-wrapped titties! She had to remember that one and try it once she got hold of the supplies.
And then there was that other proposal. A real stunner. Also dangerous but in a very different way. She had read it for the third time by now and she still got dizzy and aroused by every word.
Dear Beep and Boop,
Love your blog and your recent pictures! You really can be proud of your owner, I think she is taking very good care of your demands.
I would like to propose to you something that I hope will be to your liking. I’m the owner of a small art gallery and have an exhibition coming up that focuses on erotic art through the ages. And I still have an empty spot for a contemporary piece for which you two would be a perfect fit. I’m thinking of you balloon-y guys hanging from a wall for our visitors to play with. They would have some entertainment and you would have a bit of fun. We could put a screen right above you that shows your blog so everybody knows what you like!
Two fitting openings in the wall would be ready for you to hang out. A room right behind that wall would be reserved for your owner. I understand that she wants to stay anonymous and safe and have thought long and hard about how to assure this as I am very aware that her needs must be respected if this arrangement should work. But I think my proposal is reasonable and provides for enough safety to make her feel comfortable.
The room I mentioned can be locked from the inside and there is no way to get in once locked. Your owner would be able to get into the room whenever she wants and I would make sure nobody, not even myself is around when she gets there. And whenever she wants to leave, she could simply wait until everybody has left.
The room has everything one could need during night, including a small bathroom, bed and a well-filled fridge. It is perfectly safe, but of course I understand if your owner is reluctant and finds this proposal too risky for her liking. The room will be left open for the next few days in case your owner wants to check it out first. Looking forward to your reply.
All the best,
Minamoto ‘Bob’ Hiroshi
Owner of Amazing Arts Gallery
Her twins tickled excitedly as she read the proposal again. What a cute idea! How would she feel, being part of an exhibition? Beep and Boop exposed to strangers for an entire evening? Groped and played with, without any control over the situation? It sounded like a fantastic idea! But was it safe? Was the guy trustworthy? She searched the web for references.
So, the art gallery actually existed. Well, there was at least a web page about it. And she found the address. Funnily enough it was only an hour drive away. Maybe she should just drive there and check it out?
The place was located right at the center of a bustling city. Cafes and bars full of art students from the nearby university were close-by and Betty would just love to live there. The shop itself was indeed small but looked cozy and nice. She sneaked around the building and quickly found what she was looking for. There was a small metal door leading inside. She listened for steps, people, but there was nobody around.
Betty pulled the door open. Unlocked. She entered into a small room. Just like the note said, it had everything necessary, bathroom, bed, fridge. And there were the holes. She slowly approached the far wall. Two openings, maybe 4 inch in diameter were waiting there, waiting for her tits. She peeked through one of them.
She looked straight into a dark, empty room filled with artwork. Mostly erotic sculptures, some looked rather old, but also paintings and other art were placed neatly along the walls and in expensive looking showcases.
So this was the place, the place where she would put her boobs through the holes and let strangers fondle her. She giggled nervously. Her fingers traced around the rim of a hole. Soft rubber. No edges. Pleasant. Safe.
She had seen enough! Time to head back home.
Dear Bob, Thank you for your kind proposal. We, Beep and Boop, are happy to announce that our owner is willing to engage on your terms. In fact our owner has indicated she would give up ownership during that day of your exhibition and transfer all rights and duties to you for the duration of the event. She wishes to remain anonymous and asks for your cooperation.
We, Beep and Boop, are excited about these news and look forward to meeting you in person. We will announce our presence at your exhibition on our blog in time before the event.
Hope to see you soon,
Beep and Boop
Betty was so fidgety since she wrote that response. She did it! She had agreed! The event was still a month away, how on Earth would she be able to sleep with all that excitement rushing through her?
Hi folks, Beep and Boop speaking. We will be part of an exhibition at Minamoto ‘Bob’ Hiroshi’s Amazing Arts Gallery next month and are really looking forward to it. And you guys will be part of it, too! There will be a display with our blog posts and your comments just next to where we are exhibited. Yes, you heard right, we are being exhibited. Stuck through holes in a wall. No kidding! So if you are close, drop by and have a grab! If you are far, far away you can still post suggestions and encouraging comments for the visitors to read. And there might be even a live feed, so check this blog when the date comes close! By the way, our anonymous owner will give up ownership for the duration of the event. We are not sure why, probably she just got bored with us. Anyway, Bob will hold all rights and obligations to these two titties once the show starts.
The days went by. And her nights were hell. Betty could barely sleep with all the excitement, and after a few days she just hoped the event would come already.
And then the day finally arrived. The day before the show. She would drive there tonight and prepare herself. Bob told her the event would start at around 9am, so she had enough time for a quick breakfast and a trip to the bathroom. Damn, was she nervous!
Betty headed out as soon as it got dark. She had packed some comfortable clothes and shoes, her travel kit and a few more things. But she wouldn’t need much anyway.
The place was as dark as it gets, but there were plenty of people partying in the streets around. Betty parked her car a few roads away and sneaked back to the gallery. She paid close attention to the people on the street, making sure nobody followed her. And she was relieved when she finally made it into the room and locked the heavy metal door behind her. Safe. She was safe.
After only a few moments of contemplation Betty got busy again, prepared a light meal, showered and stowed away her few belongings. But her gaze always found the holes and lingered there, and her confused mind wondered what would happen the next day.
Should she try them out? Should she stick her boobs through right away? What if they wouldn’t fit? She still had the option to flee! Betty stuffed some food into her mouth and munched on it. Yeah, better safe than sorry!
She got out of her clothes and into her sneakers. Naked. Shoes were important if she had to stand that long but clothes were of no use. Her boobs had to be accessible anyway, so why bother with pants and underwear?
Betty examined the holes nervously. Should she? Not yet, not now. She had to pee! And then maybe that bottle of wine she brought with her? Yes. She had to calm down and relax.
Chapter 2
The fidgety girl went to relieve herself and readied a glass of wine. Her gaze drifted back to the waiting holes in the wall. Would she be able to stuff her tits through those taunting openings? How would that feel? The event started at 9am, so she had to be ready by then. But if something didn’t work out? Shouldn’t she check if her boobs actually fit?
Betty walked over to the wall, positioned her naked body properly and pressed her soft breasts against the two intriguing gaps. It quickly became obvious that it wouldn’t be that easy. The openings were simply too small for her humongous melons. If she only had brought some duct tape and zip ties! Betty took another sip of wine and wondered if Bob had thought about this little problem.
Not sure what to do next, Betty searched the room for tools she could use to get herself prepared. The fridge indeed was well equipped and so was the bathroom. But that was no surprise as Bob had specifically mentioned those supplies in his note. What was a surprise though, and a rather pleasant one at that, was the sizable dildo she found in a drawer of the nightstand, complete with a small bottle of lube and a note that simply said ‘Enjoy!’
Betty inspected the toy closely and wondered if the fat pleasure stick would fit inside her little box. It was definitely bigger than anything she had fucked so far. The odd base of the rubber dong piqued her interest, especially the little metal bracket on the lower end of its shaft. Suspecting that it was designed to fit on some sort of holder she went back to the holes and searched the area. And indeed, there was a sturdy looking little plug of sorts affixed to the wall, just at the right height. She slid the toy into the holder and giggled like a schoolgirl. The pink rubber dong pointed vertically up in the air, the slight angle making it aim right at where her tight love tunnel would be. The toy buzzed for a brief moment before it died down again, the thick shaft jiggling slowly. Betty wrapped her hand around the fat head and grinned excitedly. This little adventure turned out to be better than expected. But first she had to take care of the important part, her tits.
Another search finally netted her what she needed. A bag full of thick, strong rubber bands had been waiting for her in one of the cupboards, complete with small scissors in case she needed to cut them. Happy that she was finally able to fix her little problem, Betty sat down and took another sip. Her thoughts wandered as she pictured herself trapped in those holes, invisible strangers prodding her flesh from the other side, the large pleasure stick squeezing climax after climax out of her sweaty, writhing body. The excitement was just too much for her and once again her fingers found their way to her squishy, wet sex.
“Come on, girl!” she scolded herself, “Time to focus!” and turned her attention to the bag she just found. She grabbed one of the black bands and began toying with it, stretching the material in different ways. It was a strong band alright but it was perfect for the task at hand. Betty glanced at the watch. It was 3am already. “Time flies when you’re busy!” she thought and decided to check her blog.
First she was alarmed when she saw a post on there that wasn’t from her. But then she remembered that she had created an account for Bob and handed him the keys to the kingdom so to speak. He had argued that he needed access and admin rights if he should indeed take ownership of Beep and Boop. If he owned those two puppies it would only be logical that he owned their blog as well. Hard to argue against. So what did Bob write about?
To the fans of Beep and Boop,
As we wait for those two sweet, squishy balls of flesh to appear at our event tomorrow, I would like to hear what you guys would like to see them perform. It’s still a bit early but I for one can’t stop thinking what to do with those cuties. I’m planning a number of experiments to find out what they like best and I would love to get some inspiration from their fans. If everything goes according to plan I’m confident my esteemed guests tomorrow will be happy to try some of your ideas on our two squishy stars. So use this opportunity and tell me what you like to see!
Betty scrolled down, wondering what her fans would come up with. But for some reason she couldn’t open any of the comments, even though the feedback counter was showing 57 new ones and climbed up as she watched! Did Bob lock her out of her own blog?
Of course the post had sent her mind on a spin. She couldn’t stop thinking about all the things her fans would suggest and the fact that she couldn’t even see what they proposed drove the excited girl crazy. And it made her horny as hell. She took another sip as she thought about the possibilities, her sweaty hands massaging her tender melons as she fantasized about the things to come. It didn’t take long for her hand to find her dripping sex once again and soon Betty was screaming like a banshee as her fingers violated her hot, tight hole.
Once more she scolded herself for her weakness as her body slowly recovered. And she was only too aware that she hadn’t progressed with her task in the slightest. It was high time for her to prepare Beep and Boop.
Getting ready to start her preparations, she suddenly wondered how everything would play out on her blog. Sure, Bob would post his stuff, engage with her fanbase and set up everything to his liking. But shouldn’t Beep and Boop comment on how things were going? Bob would know jack about how her boobies felt, so that’s something she would need to take care of herself. And of course she could, but for that she would need to have her mobile in her hand and type while being tethered to the wall by her own tits! Would that actually work? She grabbed her phone, opened the blog and created a new post. At least Bob still allowed her to do that! Before she started writing, she pressed herself against the wall, simulating how her body would be positioned once she had pushed her tits through the holes.
And… it didn’t work. She simply didn’t have enough space to type anything. But without Beep and Boop commenting it was only half the fun! She was stumped. Why didn’t she think about this earlier?
Betty toyed with her phone wondering what to do. Suddenly a pop-up appeared on the screen, nagging her to try out voice control. Voice control! That would work! Finally a reason to use that stupid feature! Happy to have found a solution, Betty began experimenting. It didn’t take long for her to get the hang of it. She even changed the hot word to activate the phone to “Boobies” just for the fun of it! Satisfied with herself she performed a final test and let her mobile write a blog post just by talking to it.
Beep and Boop speaking,
We are about to make our appearance! Just trying out if everything works of course as we have still a few hours until the grand opening and our previous owner still hopes for a bit of rest before the show. We couldn’t care less about her needy self and just want to know how our new home feels! By the way, for some reason our new owner, this Bob guy, doesn’t want us to know what you guys are up to, which, we have to admit, makes us a bit nervous. There’s of course not much we can do about it but please keep it civil, OK? We certainly enjoy the attention and love a bit of rough play but don’t overdo it, alright?
Looking forward to meet you all,
Beep and Boop
Betty checked the text before posting it and was satisfied that everything seems to work just as well as typing it by hand. She looked at the watch again. 6am, no time for rest! Butterflies in her stomach made her feel queasy.
She quickly went to the restroom again, drank some water and went to work. The rubber bands were a bitch to get on, but with enough force she could pull them open far enough to get her tits through. Betty groaned with pleasure as the rubber bit into her tender flesh with force and, within seconds, transformed her soft melons into tight balls. The first bands squeezed the base of her breasts which of course didn’t really help in her quest as it made her tits expand even more. But the following bands positioned in half an inch distance from each other slowly modelled her soft appendages into the form of fat sausages which would be much more helpful for the task at hand.
Squirming from sweet pain, Betty tried whether her breasts would now fit through the holes. Positioned against the wall, she pressed her chest forward, carefully aiming for the rubber-clad openings. Dammit! It surely looked like they should slip right through but something was still blocking her progress.
Betty wondered what to do, examining her weirdly shaped tits jutting in front of her. Then she remembered the lube. Of course! If she made her twins oily and squishy enough, they would probably just pop through! And while she was at it, she really should set up that pleasure stick as well! Where was the fun without it?
And so she got going. Soon, her disfigured twins were glistening with lube and the fat dildo, equally shining and oily was dancing on the wall. Breathing nervously, the naked girl was ready to try her luck again. But this time she climbed the dildo first and made sure the squishy, lubed-up toy found its way into her needy cunt. She sighed with pleasure as the rubber dong penetrated her body. Betty wanted to fuck the fat thing right there and now and it took all her willpower to not get distracted. But somehow she managed to contain the urge and instead pressed her oddly shaped tits against the small openings in the wall.
It wasn’t easy. The holes were still a bit too tight and Betty really had to push forward. But she felt that she slowly made progress. Bit by bit she worked her flesh into the intriguing gaps, stuffing Beep and Boop inside the challenging openings as good as possible. Somehow she made it work, but there was one thing that concerned her a bit. All the squeezing made the rubber bands slowly slide towards her chest. The one close to the tips of her breast had already joined its neighbour and both were well on their way to the band sitting next to them. Betty had a bad feeling about this but continued to push her flesh through either way.
Huffing and puffing, the girl finally managed to push most of her breast through, but the price she paid was now sitting tight against her chest. All the rubber bands had assembled around the bases of her tits and constricted her flesh with force. Betty enjoyed the sensations rushing through her body. Her full pussy and her bloated tits excited her to no end. She frantically rocked her ass, desperate to get more friction between her legs.
Ugh, those rubber bands were a tight affair! Way too tight in fact! She had to do something about that and quickly. The scissors in the bag, where were they? Betty craned her neck, happy to see that the tool she so desperately needed was still lying on the table behind her. She reached out with her hands, her fingers touching the promising metal. Thank god those scissors were close enough! Pulling her body back a little she confirmed what she already knew: She was indeed stuck. Her bloated pillows were swollen enough that she couldn’t pull them out again, and the constricting ring of rubber around their bases just made things worse. Peering down her bust she worked the blades around the bands and quickly cut them away.
The relief was not as big as she had hoped, but it was still better than before. Betty pondered what to do, angry that she got herself stuck so early in the morning, and even more angry that she forgot to bring the bottle of wine close enough preventing her from taking another sip.
Suddenly she heard something rumble on the other side. A tiny, muffled voice said, “Nice to finally meet you, Beep and Boop. You’re early risers! Welcome to your new home. Let me help you two to get settled. Just relax, this might hurt a bit.”
Then she felt something touch her breasts, two large hands were grabbing Beep and Boop and slowly pulled her flesh away from the wall. Betty grimaced, tears building up in her eyes. She felt her trapped melons move a bit, felt the little tissue remaining on her side of the wall slide through the holes. Once everything was on the other side, the hands seemed to be satisfied and patted her swollen flesh approvingly.
“Now then, let’s get everything set up for our little show, shall we?” she heard the voice mumble and felt something cold embracing her left breast. The fact that she couldn’t see what was happening to her made Betty squirm in anticipation. What was the person, presumably Bob, doing to her? Why did he put this… thing… around her breast? It felt like some sort of metal ring that he had squeezed around her troubled flesh. Now she felt him push the cold object into the already overfilled hole. But she couldn’t be sure! And even if so, what the hell was the purpose? She heard Bob talking again.
“You two look great! Now we’ll just have to wire you up so your previous owner can have a bit of fun as well! That’s one… and… another one. All set! Let’s see if it works!”
Betty still had no clue what was going on. But then she felt the hands touch her globes again and… she was in heaven. In an instant the vibrator powered on and rumbled in her dripping channel. Betty sighed happily, pressing herself down on the stick as far as she could. That toy was simply too good! And it only got better! The vibrations slowly increased, got stronger and stronger. Her body responded immediately and in moments Betty was squirming in pleasure. But then the hands left her boobs and… the vibrations stopped. The damn toy left her hanging, seconds away from a tremendous climax! Betty was furious.
“What the fuck!” she screeched, “Don’t stop now, please?”
The hands came back, and so did the vibrations. Again, Betty leaned back, squirming and groaning as the toy made her body sing.
“OK, that’s enough for now. Looks like your previous owner has installed the toy properly and everything is working alright!” she heard the voice saying and the hands left her bound balls for good.
“Oh come on, you’re evil!” Betty shouted, but there was no response.
Chapter 3
Bob looked at the two trapped breasts approvingly. Those wonders of nature were truly amazing, and the daring girl behind the wall fascinated him to no end. What a stroke of luck that the girl has willingly made her cute pillows freely available for the exhibition, only separated from the undoubtedly excited girl by a thin, wooden wall.
He listened intently as he touched one of the warm, pulsing globes again. The muffled moans of the young woman were easy to make out as soon as the vibrator kicked in. Those lustful groans… Yes, that was something he needed to take care of urgently. But he had already prepared for that.
The new owner of Beep and Boop was more than satisfied with his preparations, and the little device he had gotten from a resourceful friend worked flawlessly. He tried to remember what the engineer had told him. His friend had insisted that it was a pretty simple circuit but Bob still couldn’t believe that it actually worked so well. Apparently, a tiny electrical current, well below the perception threshold, sprung from a hidden metal plate on the ground, flowed through the body of the visitor and his or her hand, straight into Beep and/or Boop once those hands touched those delicious exhibits.
That unremarkable current then triggered a simple switch that activated the vibrator wedged inside the sex of the aroused woman behind the wall. The vibrations would slowly increase in strength until the visitor’s hand left those breasts again. Simple and ingenious. He wondered what the girl behind the wall thought about his little present but hoped she would appreciate the little extra excitement.
Giggling with joy, Bob left the two trapped, fleshy pillows and worked on the remaining preparations. He hoisted some wooden barriers towards the wall and slowly set up the little booth he had prepared. Once he had everything in place, Beep and Boop were separated from the exhibition hall by a simple, black box. The entry to that box was covered by a thick, black curtain reaching from just below the ceiling to the ground. A bright light above the enticing doorway indicated in red or green whether the booth was occupied or not.
Bob entered the small confines and adjusted some spotlights to properly illuminate the delicious pair in the center of the wall. Now Beep and Boop really stood out like an expensive art sculpture. A large screen right above them was displaying their blog that will undoubtedly be soon filled with ingenious suggestions on how to treat the two stars properly. Modern art was a weird and wonderful thing, and those two fleshy cushions with their blog fitted right in.
Behind the wall, Betty was nervous about what was going on. Hoping to find out more, she grabbed her phone to check the blog and see whether Bob had posted something. Sad that there was no update, she was about to put her phone away again when suddenly the page reloaded and an image of a black wall with two brightly illuminated, fleshy objects sitting in the middle appeared on the screen. Her tits! That’s how they looked right now! Betty gasped excitedly. She zoomed in, tried to find out what objects Bob had put next to her globes but she couldn’t see a thing. She only saw the small cupboard sitting beneath her twins that was apparently full of stuff. She couldn’t really figure out any details about what was on there though, but it looked like boxes filled with random objects that he probably planned to use on her. She squirmed in anticipation.
And then she screwed up. Her phone slipped through her fingers and landed squarely on the floor. Betty cursed, afraid that the screen was cracked. Then it dawned on her what just happened and she cursed even more. How was she supposed to see what Bob posted? How was she supposed to manage the anticipation, now that she couldn’t even see the images and the live stream? How could Beep and Boop tell the world how they feel? Oh right, voice input might still work… Betty tried to get herself under control again. She awkwardly said “Boobies” and heard the familiar chime of her phone. Happy that she could at least report on Beep’s and Boop’s current situation, she dictated to her mobile:
Beep and Boop reporting in.
Things are tight around here but oh so exciting! Despite some unforeseen issues we face right now, we have to commend our new owner. This place is awesome! And he really cares about our previous host as well, did something that makes her very happy whenever someone plays with us two squishies. How he did that? We have no clue! But it surely is fun!
Wondering what her fans would think of her predicament, Betty leaned back and tried to focus on her trapped breasts. Beep and Boop surely were buzzing with joy! But what would the visitors of the exhibition think of her bloated twins? Would they appreciate their perfect form, carefully touching the glistening balls and gently teasing her? Would they ridicule her swollen udders, poke and slap them? Or would they jump at the chance to finally try out something weird on this pair of freely available tits and do unspeakable things to them? And most importantly, would anyone touch Beep and Boop long enough to make her cum? Betty’s mind was locked in overdrive with no way to escape. It was the best thing that had ever happened to her.
Bob checked the setup once again and pressed a button. The groaning and moaning of untold men and women suddenly filled the small box, accentuated by the wet slapping sounds of furious fucking. He had received the recording from a good friend some time ago. The work had been created by a well known artist collective which regularly came up with some pretty experimental stuff. Those people really did the weirdest things. The work was just perfect for this exhibition. The explicit sounds would put the visitors in the right mood and at the same time mask the moaning and groaning of the trapped girl behind the wall well enough to make them feel comfortable.
He adjusted the volume of the playback slightly. After a bit of fiddling and some teasing of the two funbags he had managed to find a setting that was low enough to actually hear what the girl was doing back there but at the same time high enough to give the impression that her noises are simply part of the recording. Happy with himself, he fiddled with the large screen next to Beep and Boop and made sure the ranked suggestions and live feedback were properly displayed.
The ranking feature he had added to the blog overnight would surely be helpful for the visitors, thought Bob. With one glance, they would see what request had gathered the most support from the community and could decide whether they would try the suggestion on Beep and Boop to make their fans happy. Nobody would run out of inspirational ideas this way and in turn the online community could immediately see in the live stream which suggestions got implemented by the visitors. Bob wondered what results this intriguing feedback cycle between guests and fans would bring and couldn’t wait to see it in action.
Right now the top trending suggestion was to press some ice cubes against those pert nipples and make them long and hard, followed by the proposal to give Beep and Boop a healthy squeeze. Bob chuckled and gently massaged one of the tits mumbing, “You guys will have the time of your life today, promise!”
Then he switched on the video camera facing the wall and activated the live feed. Beep and Boop were finally broadcasted to the world in all their glory.
Comments flooded the blog the moment Beep and Boop went online. Bob smiled and mumbled “This should get interesting. Now there is one last thing to do.”
He exited the small box and went into the supply room of his little gallery. When he returned, he had a heavy signpost under one arm and was carrying a bucket full of soapy water, a sponge and a towel in his other. He hoisted everything inside the box and erected the sign right next to Beep and Boop. The handle of the bucket fitted right into a small hook in the signpost, the towel into another one. Bob moved the post around a bit and made sure the sign was properly positioned. It read “Be considerate. Clean up after yourself.”
Chuckling amused, Bob went to the door and opened the exhibition.
Betty gasped when the cold hand caressed the underside of her left breast. This wasn’t Bob, this was someone else! She tried to listen, tried to find out what was going on, but the loud, explicit groaning blaring from the speakers made it impossible to hear anything. The dildo had again activated as soon as the bony finger had touched her buzzing orbs. Oh god, how would she survive this?
She felt the fingers explore her bulging balls, felt them squeeze her nipples, tug at them. Then there was a freezing coldness that suddenly enveloped her senses and surely made her nipples hard as stone. She sighed, focusing on the delicious vibrations from below. The hand now lightly slapped the undersides of her twins and likely made them dance in joy. And then they left again, way too soon, and an odd feeling of wetness made her wonder what was going on. Thankfully it didn’t take long for the next pair of hands to arrive, and Betty appreciated their tender caressing of her tingling breasts. She smiled, happy with how everything had turned out so far. Those visitors were quite a considerate bunch! If they would just let their hands rest a bit longer on her twins so she could get off once in a while!
The odd wetness was there again. Betty mused that it always happened between visitors and wondered what the hell that was. It almost felt like someone was rubbing her off with soap. Weird. Most visitors seemed to be content with just touching her globes and jiggling them around a bit, but there were also some more enterprising fellows, some that would put stuff around her tits, that would suck on them, slap them or make them dance. But most didn’t give her enough time for her own fun, which was really a shame. Maybe she could do something about it? She activated her phone to post some hints.
Beep and Boop speaking,
We are thrilled that the event is now open and are looking forward to a great day. But guys and gals, we implore you, take your time! Don’t rush it! We appreciate meeting you and would love to get to know you better, so just give us a few more minutes of your time, please? Beep and Boop out.
Hopefully that would help with her little problem. If only those people would read her post! Betty squirmed as her nipples suddenly got pulled away with might. Someone apparently wanted to test how flexible those little nubs were!
Kate didn’t know what to expect, but the exhibition so far had been really interesting and it was so much fun to see Ben squirm when faced with all those hard cocks and gaping pussies. Those ancient sculptures depicting unspeakable acts were really quite a stimulating sight! But the black box, with that traffic light of sorts, was what intrigued her most. The queue was unfortunately quite long, but every single person popping out of there smiled like they just experienced the most amazing thing ever! Kate squeezed Ben’s hand and mumbled, “Come on, darling, let’s queue up! I just have to know what’s in there!”
Ben groaned but didn’t object, and so they waited until it was their turn. Finally the last visitor in front of them vacated the booth and the light jumped to green. Kate entered, pulling Ben with her.
“What the hell is that?” asked Kate quizzically, looking at the swollen globes illuminated by the bright lights. Ben grinned nervously and pointed to the display, “Modern art I guess. Looks like a performance?”
“Wait, you mean these are actual breasts?”
“It’s Beep and Boop! Of course they are!”
“You… you know this blog?”
Ben blushed. Damn, why couldn’t he just shut up for once?
“Y.. yeah.”
“Then explain, please?”
“It’s a girl flaunting her tits on the internet. She is kind of famous for tying them up real tight. And she has a cute way of presenting it, like her tits speak to the audience, not herself.”
“And you like that? You like when girls… what did you call it? Flaunt their tits?”
“Listen Kate, don’t get this wrong. I love you, I just sometimes…”
Kate ignored him and instead grabbed one of the fat tits on the wall. She angrily squeezed the soft ball and wondered what Ben was thinking about her own breasts.
“So Ben, what do you like most about those? That they are so large? That they are so perfectly round? Or …” she aimed and smacked one of the balls hard “…the springiness of the flesh?”
“I like how they change shape when she binds them, honey. But I do like your tits much better!”
“So then why did you never tell me that you like bound boobies?”
“I… I didn’t dare to ask. Would you let me?”
Kate smirked, “I don’t know, maybe? But I would have to know how hard you want to bind them. I don’t like being in pain, you know. So then show me, show me how hard you would like to tie those titties. It’s the perfect opportunity for this, isn’t it?”
Ben grinned. After a rather bad start this actually turned out to be a good talk! He opened the cupboard and quickly found a roll of thin rope. With trembling hands he looped the cord around one of the breasts and pulled it as tight as he could. The flesh changed shape, the front of the tits blushing a tad more. He licked his lips and sucked on the delicious nipple.
“Uhm, so that’s it?” inquired Katie, “Don’t you also like to, I don’t know, slap them, maybe? Like that?”
She let her hand crash into the unoccupied globe again, making it jump and jiggle.
“No, I don’t like violence. Just a bit of bondage is fine,” he mumbled, nipple still in his mouth.
Kate smiled, “So you’re not a freak after all. Alright then, I might consider letting you do that.”
“Really?” asked Ben, nipple popping out of his mouth, “Like, now?”
“If you want?”
“Then let’s go!”
Betty didn’t really understand what was going on, but it was weird having her two twins be treated so differently. The smacks had stung quite a bit but the rope was not nearly as tight as she would have liked. Suddenly she felt the wetness again and somebody was knocking against the wall. Hands were back on her twins, lightly squeezing her tender flesh. And for once they stayed on, resting on her globes, stroking her skin. The dildo engaged, the vibrations increased, and after a few minutes she screamed with pleasure.
“Thank god someone that gave me enough time for once,” she huffed as the hands left her again, “Time for some feedback to my fans! Boobies!”
Finally someone considerate enough to give us the time we needed! Thank you dear stranger, thank you for lending us your hand! If only the other visitors would squeeze us a bit longer as well! Oh, and just a hint: The slapping is fine and all, but tone it down a bit, will you? We do enjoy being cuddled though, and those wet lips sucking us dry are a welcome change. A bit of rope play is fine as well. Just be kind to us afterwards. And don’t rush it!
Bob left the room again, whistling happily. He had to remember to keep his stars happy! That post clearly showed some frustration and he was not convinced that people actually paid attention to it. So he had decided to pop in once in a while and give the two squishy pillows all the time they needed to satisfy their previous owner. He looked at the queue, marvelling at the amount of people fitting in his small shop. Three young men were standing at the front, giggling and joking about the art surrounding them.
“Good luck with those guys, Beep and Boop. They look rather eager.”
Chapter 4
Hugh, Jack and Gil weren’t really interested in art. On a usual day they would just scour the beach for hot babes and try to get into their pants. But today was no ordinary day. Today Beep and Boop were in town. Their blog was one of the go-to sites that all three of them checked religiously and when they found out that they would do a performance in this shop, they couldn’t believe their luck. Of course they had followed the entire development, had even suggested some ideas of their own, but somehow they got ignored by the pervert girl that ran the blog.
But now fate struck and they got their unique chance to show those fat balls of flesh what they really needed in life. Gil giggled, patting his large bag, “Do you guys think this will work? We will need some sort of power supply in there otherwise we’re out of luck!”
“Don’t worry, pal. It’ll work out just fine. And just in case I have a few lighters in my pocket. Did you get all the shrink tubing? The one with the larger diameter?”
“Yes I did,” Gil replied, patting his bag again, “Alright, it’s our turn. Let’s entertain those tits!”
Betty couldn’t really make out what was happening on the other side. Some eager hands had patted and jiggled her boobs and apparently had some fun with tweaking her nipples, but then the sensations got harder to interpret. Something got squeezed over her tits for sure, and they also did something to her nipples. Yes, those were multiple persons, too many hands and fingers for one visitor. But what were they up to? Suddenly she felt something warm, something hot burning her skin. Then there was pain. A mighty something gripped both of her tits and squeezed her flesh so hard that she thought she would go insane. But the pressure didn’t stop either, it just got worse! It felt like her nipples would fall off, like her boobs got pressed into two nasty, long sausages! What the hell did they do? Betty screamed in panic. She had to act, fast!
Uhm, guys? Don’t roast me, please? We don’t know what’s going on, but we sure feel cooked! And something is making us real sore! Can’t you be a bit more gentle? Honestly, we are freaking out right now, not knowing what’s going on!
How could someone inflict so much pain? And why did that vibrator not work anymore? They were touching her, weren’t they? Some distraction from the pleasure stick should have been the least they could provide!
“Wow, look at those udders! That shrinking tube works wonders! Look how tight those rubber sleeves are! Her tits are gonna pop!”
Hugh grabbed the rubber-clad appendage and squeezed it lightly. The nipples on this one had been transformed into thin, long stalks, angry red and hard. The tubing really had been a great idea.
“Guys? Can you have a look? I think we overdid it a bit. Her tits are so thin now, she could easily pull them out of the wall.”
“For real?” asked Jack, carefully pushing one of the disfigured objects against the wall. And indeed, the rubbery sausage started to slip through.
Betty recognized that fact, too. The pain was horrible but at the same time her boobs felt so fucking sensitive! And when she wiggled around, she could slip her tit right out of that hole! Should she? Should she just flee, pull out and be done with it? This was her chance for an early end, her chance to save her tits from whatever might be in store for them! But Beep and Boop would not approve. They had promised a full day of performance and that’s what they would deliver! Betty grimaced in pain but kept her tits right where they were.
Uhm, well, someone did something that made it possible for our old owner to take back control. We are not amused. Whoever is entertaining us right now better fix the situation fast, or our previous owner might do something stupid. We are feeling a bit… pressed… as well and would enjoy some more space. Beep and Boop out.
“She doesn’t pull out, guys. Look on the screen, Beep and Boop just posted a comment! They know but hey don’t want to leave! That’s some brave girl behind that wall! Come on, let’s do a few selfies and get the rubber off of them. Next time we send her suggestions she better makes use of them. We can show her now that our ideas actually work and what a pussy she is if she doesn’t follow through!”
The three positioned themselves around the disfigured tits and pulled out their mobiles, each of them grinning like they had the day of their life. Hugh posted the picture immediately on the blog and wrote “Heat shrink tubing is just great for a little breast bondage! Beep and Boop didn’t believe it first, but now they know we were right! Had a great time with the two squishy guys. Thanks for your hospitality!”
Jack pulled out some scissors and started to cut away the rubber. Tender, red flesh was squeezing through the gaps. Then the remaining part popped off, the stressed balls expanding quickly again. The two, hard nipples were equally happy about their newfound freedom and quickly returned to a more common size.
“Great show, Beep and Boop!” grinned Hugh, lightly patting the swollen balls, “Let’s go guys. Others want to have some fun, too! Let’s hope these melons will do another round some time!”
Betty was breathing rapidly, her pulse still racing. Thank god her tits felt somewhat normal again. But now she was stuck, again, chained by her tits in an immovable wall! She could have simply pulled out, but she didn’t. What did that tell about her? Was she so desperate for attention? The young woman still pondered about her strange behavior when something touched her tits again. Thankfully the vibrator was operational this time and started to caress her sore sex.
Hilda was looking forward to this. Finally an opportunity to showcase her new goth accessories on breasts that actually had the size for it. Of course she could have looked for a model, but when she saw the post on that blog, she decided to make use of those two cuties instead. So here they were, chilling on the wall, waiting for whatever she had in store for them. The slim woman giggled, her bony fingers lightly tapping against the sensitive nipples of the exhibit.
Time was tight, and so Hilda reached into her bag and got the two clamps out. It had been an idea from her friend, a proposal to address an entirely new segment with her work. She was still a bit inexperienced, didn’t know just how strong those clamps need to be, so she looked forward to trying them out on someone else. Herself couldn’t stand the pinch at all. When she tried them on her own, tiny tits, she had almost lost her mind! But maybe that was just because she wasn’t into that kind of stuff? On the other hand, it was well known that Beep and Boop enjoyed some rough play, so what would be better than getting their direct feedback? She opened one of the clamps and let it snap close around one of the nipples.
Betty yelped in pain. Something awfully strong bit her, something that was much tighter then any clamp she had before. What was going on? Maybe she could get them off by complaining?
Beep and Boop speaking. Yes, we love clamps, but we also love our two little nipples. It’s too tight, guys. Give us some space!
Hilda grinned when she saw the comment pop up. “Great feedback, you two. So it’s tight, right? That’s good, no? So how do you like some twisting and pulling? I thought you bondage buffs enjoy that?”
She grabbed the clamp and toyed with it. When she paid attention, she almost could hear someone panting behind that wall. Or was it just that sex tape? She pulled a bit harder, then put the second clamp on and toyed a bit more with both.
Alright, now the candles. Hilda had heard that black, scented candles were all the rage in the scene so she made some herself. How did that work? Didn’t those freaks pour wax on their skin? She had to try it out. She ignited the candle and let some of the wax melt. Then she tilted it right above the clamped nipple and watched the hot fluid drip down on it.
Beep and Boop here. Ouch, that one hurt. Someone out there enjoys torturing us it seems. The second time now that we get burned. What’s going on with you guys? Don’t you want to make us happy?
Hilda giggled, then pulled the clamps off.
“So you guys want to cuddle? OK, I can do that as well!” she chimed and started to pat and kiss the two bloated melons.
“Oh I wish I would have tits like that! You guys look so delicious!”
Finally some tender love! Betty was in heaven. That person out there was apparently very capable of doing both, inflicting pain and pleasure. And if whoever was out there kept up the ministrations for just a bit longer, she might actually come again! Betty squirmed against the vibrating pleasure stick, enjoying the wet mouth on her tender nipples and the soft hands touching her breasts. Oh please, let this never end!
Hilda smiled, happy with her little experiment. She grabbed her cell phone and took a selfie with the two rosy balloons in the background. She quickly posted it to the blog, adding “Had a great time with Beep and Boop! Keep up the good work!”
Betty was sad that the nice sensations were gone again. Her feet hurt by now and her pussy was terribly sore. Her tits… yeah, they could really use some rest as well. How long would the exhibition continue? How much longer did it take? She should have pulled out when she had the opportunity!
Suddenly there were hands on her globes again. Eager, strong hands that squeezed Beep and Boop hard. Betty squirmed behind the wall, the dildo dancing in her sore pussy.
Pete did prepare well for this visit and he looked forward to finally delivering his surprise gift to both Beep and Boop. But first he wanted to make them feel good. He gently massaged the two hot pillows, toyed with the hard little nipples and sucked on them for as long as he could. He wondered what the woman behind the wall felt, if she enjoyed the show. What did she experience? How did those other visitors treat her trapped tits?
He opened his pouch and got the little tube out. The disposable gloves were next, and then, while he kept sucking that nipple, he applied the paste liberally, first around the undersides, then on the top and finally, just after he pulled back from the nipple, on both areolas as well. He hoped the girl would enjoy the sensation. Maybe she wrote a comment?
Betty’s world was on fire. Once again she couldn’t put any sense to what happened but something was very wrong. Her breast itched and burned. She wanted to scratch herself, rip the skin from her body, but she couldn’t do anything. She creaked, “Boobies!” and screamed at her phone.
Aragh, dammit guys? What the hell? You can’t just… we don’t even know what you did but it doesn’t feel right! We are burning like hot lava and we so want to be scratched! Scratch us, please! Someone scratch us red and raw! And fast!
Pete was more than happy to oblige. He removed the gloves and started to scratch the tender balls, scraping his fingernails over the excited skin. He imagined that woman groaning in pleasure, asking for more. Her flesh felt hot and tender. If he could only know whether she liked it or not! Maybe some of that soothing cream would work? He applied a bit of it on each globe and kept massaging those amazing pillows.
Betty was in heaven. The scratching helped a lot already, but now this gentle coolness? That felt amazing! Plus her tight box got flooded again and this time the hands did not feel like they would leave any time soon! This should be good! She moaned “Boobies!”
This is it! Dear stranger, keep up the good work! Yes, you have hurt us terribly but now we are on cloud nine! Keep kneading, keep kissing, cuddle us, keep us happy! We would love it if this would never end! Thank you, thank you so much!
Bob looked at his watch. The queue was still there, but he had to close down soon. He walked over to the door and put the ‘Closed’ sign out, telling anyone in the room that it would be now or never to experience the exhibit in that box. “Only a few more admirers, Beep and Boop,” he thought, “ only a few more and you are done for the day.”
He waited patiently for the queue to clear. Then, when the last visitor had finally left, he locked the door and shut down the tape. He went into the booth and said, “Thank you for your service Beep and Boop. The show is over, you are free to leave. I hereby hand back the ownership again.”
He watched the two balls slightly jiggle and laughed, “So you want to stay? That’s of course fine as well!”
He heard something knocking against the wall and laughed, “Just a little joke. Wait, I’ll help you out!”
With that he took some zip ties out of the cupboard and started to put them around the two swollen balls. He teased her nipples, toyed with her breasts while he slowly forced the flesh into shape. Finally the two balls were more sausage-like again and he gently pushed them through the holes. The two metal rings that entertained Betty so well fell on the floor, clattering loudly. Bob took them both and pushed them through one of the holes.
“For your owner. Oh, and feel free to take that dildo with you. Maybe you can make use of it. And tell her that I really enjoyed this exhibition. If she feels like it she is more than welcome to contact me again.”
He heard someone breathing heavily behind that wall and smiled. Hopefully that girl had some fun. The blog posts clearly showed that his visitors enjoyed the exhibition a lot.
Betty was happy to see her sore boobies again. Yes, they felt tender but they were still there and unharmed. What a day! She retrieved her phone from the floor and went back to the table. A big glass of wine should help to get her mind in order. She opened her blog and scrolled through the content. Amazing, what those people did to her breasts. She found the comment by Hugh and giggled. So heat shrink tubes felt like that, like her boobies would pop. Good to know that she could actually cope with it.
Betty slept for hours, and when she woke up again she still felt sore everywhere. But she was also very satisfied and happy how everything turned out. When she looked outside it was still dark. Nobody would be able to see her. She packed her stuff and was ready to leave, but then she sat down again and wrote a note.
“Dear Bob. Thank you for this phenomenal experience. I had a great time and so did my two tender friends. All the best and good bye.”
Her mind replayed the events for months, and the live stream of her performance was soon her favorite piece of media. She couldn’t get enough of it, couldn’t stop fantasizing about all those hands that caressed her, hurt her, kissed her. What a blast the event had been!
But she soon found out that there was a downside as well. The thrill of her solo experiments was gone. She struggled to come up with any good idea for her blog and even binding her breasts seemed bland and boring now. Having others do things to her that she couldn’t control was just so much better! Betty wondered how she could get excited again, how she could get her heart pumping like that day behind the wall. Should she ask Bob for another round? Or would that be more of the same as well, and she would be forced to do something else, something even more dangerous, something that a girl in her right mind should not even think about? And what was that, what would bring back the excitement? Betty was at a loss. Maybe she should send Bob another note, maybe he would know what to do. Maybe he could use those rings and that dildo on her again.