by QexiQex
Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.
Adults only! Big breasts in trouble ahead!
This story is heavily inspired by the work of “hurtmybreasts” on literotica (“Bad First Day” and “Bad First Day the Next Day”).
All characters are 18 years or older. This is an over-the top breast fetish fantasy with lots of breast bondage and similar kinks. It contains non-consent and rape-like scenarios that may upset readers. The actions of some characters are abhorrent and have no place in reality.
Main themes of this story are: big breasts, breast fetish, breast bondage, exhibitionism, humiliation, non-consent, objectification.
The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.
If you enjoyed this story, consider joining my Discord. Drop me a note through deviantArt to get an invite.
Chapter 1
“You must be the new transfer student? Come on in!”
Amanda rolled her eyes already after what must have been the first ten seconds since she had opened the door. As soon as he saw her, his eyes were glued to her chest. Not that she had expected anything else and frankly, it was easier to deal with horny old men than with jealous women. But still!
She tried not to show her disdain too openly as she entered the luxurious office and simply replied, “Yes, I’m the new transfer student.”
“Name?” the leering old man asked her still jiggling tits.
“Amanda Juggs. I’m transferring to senior class.”
“Juggs? What a fitting name!” he grinned, baring his coffee-stained teeth.
Amanda sighed. She had to listen to that crack joke since the day she had outgrown her mom.
“Really?” she laughed, “So what’s your name? Henry Pervert?”
“Language, young lady!” the principal retorted, an evil smile on his face, “Senior class, huh? Only one more year, if all goes well! So you’re, what, 18 years old?”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
He reached for the phone and called the front desk.
“Caroline, can you give the school uniform to Ms Juggs on her way out? Yeah, I know. Don’t worry, that’ll be fine.”
He turned to Amanda and said, “So, about your schedule… I have appointed Igor as your Sherpa. He’ll be taking you to your classes right afterwards. Just go to one of the restrooms to get dressed properly once you get the uniform. I believe Igor will introduce you to some of our voluntary courses as well as to all mandatory activities. He’ll help you get the key to your dorm as well.”
Sherpa? Amanda had no clue what he meant with any of that but she didn’t care either way. She just wanted to get out of here, get settled into her new dorm and smoke a bit of pot.
“Thank you,” she managed to reply.
“Alright then, off you go Miss… Juggs. And remember, only the uniform is allowed on campus, no other clothing is tolerated. This includes accessories, undergarments and everything else. You won’t have any need for your civilian clothes around here.”
That was awkward. No clothes except for the uniform? What a weird sort of school was this?
Amanda looked at him, puzzled, and asked “No other clothes? Not even a bra?”
The principal smiled, “Nope, only authorized garments. But don’t worry, everything necessary will be provided. Off you go, and get your uniform from Caroline. Take care!”
Amanda shook her head as she headed out. On the assistant’s desk waited her uniform, sealed in clear plastic wrap, packed up in a school-themed bag. Caroline quickly glanced at Amanda’s impressive bust and mouthed a silent “I’m sorry!” which puzzled Amanda even more. She grabbed the bag and left the principal’s office.
A huge brute of a man waited outside for her. “What a fat monster,” thought Amanda as she nodded absentmindedly towards the tall giant.
“You’re that Juggs girl, right?” grinned the guy, his tiny, pin-like eyes glued to her jiggling treasures.
“Oh come on, why is everyone staring at my boobs?” Amanda groaned, “And yes, I’m Amanda Juggs. And you are?”
“I’m Igor.”
“Right. Igor. The principal mentioned your name. You’re apparently my Sherpa, whatever that means!”
“Yup, means I’m in charge of you. So what are you waiting for?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“You can’t walk around like that, silly little titty monster! Get that uniform on you, and quick! We don’t have all day! Restroom is right there!”
“Hey! Don’t call me stupid names! What sort of asshole are you?”
Igor just stared at her bouncing melons and sneered, “Get cracking or I’ll call the principal, bitch.”
Amanda couldn’t believe what happened to her. And she thought she would enjoy this renowned school far away from her idiot parents! She wanted to scold the jerk but decided that he wasn’t worth the effort. Instead, she waltzed off and entered the bathroom.
“I’ll give you 10 minutes before I drag you out of there, clothed or not, understood?”
“Fuck you, asshole!”
When Amanda looked at the mirror she noticed just how upset she was. Breathing slowly through her nose, she tried to calm down. The blue-haired, top-heavy girl in the mirror did the same. Amanda watched her own breasts jiggle and sway, and once again wished her body wouldn’t be such a distraction to everyone around her. No wonder all the guys were attracted to those pillows like a moth to a flame.
She took the packet from the bag and ripped it open. A full set of clothes fell out, including a white skirt, red socks and red panties. In addition, she found a red bra, a leather-like corset of sorts, a white blouse, a small, red jacket and some strange fishnet top, supposedly to be worn under the shirt. Amanda knew she was in trouble when she examined the bra. It was tiny, barely a B-cup! No way this little thing would fit her body! She quickly checked the other items and found that the panties and skirt might actually work, but all items that were supposed to cover her upper body were woefully inadequate for her size. This surely was a mistake!
Amanda marched out the door straight towards the principal’s office, ignoring Igor’s questioning look.
“Caroline?” she inquired, barely containing her anger.
“Yes, Amanda?”
“The uniform is way too small for me. Can you give me a larger one, please?”
“Sorry, girl, it’s the only size left. I told the principal already but he was convinced you’ll fit right in.”
“But I don’t! The bra is… I mean, really… This has to be a joke!”
“Just leave it off then? Be creative! The only rule is that only university-supplied garments are allowed on your body. You’re an intelligent girl, so you’ll figure it out. I’m really sorry but there’s nothing I can do for you.”
“I… You can’t be serious?!”
“Well, I am serious. And if you don’t want to risk your first infraction, I would suggest you get dressed quickly. Igor won’t wait much longer.”
“Really? That’s your advice? Is this an elaborate prank or something?”
“Come on, girl, don’t make this difficult.”
Amanda rolled her eyes and stomped off, back into the restroom. She sighed annoyed but finally started to remove her clothes. Butt-naked, she started with the simple pieces, those ridiculous panties. And panties was a rather generous term for that offensive piece of nothing! That red g-string tanga barely covered anything! Thank god she shaved herself down there! At least it somehow fitted. Then came the laughable skirt. That white little thing ended right below her bouncy ass cheeks and would expose the red-hot tanga whenever she bowed down too much!
Now came the tricky part, her top section, including those massive flesh appendages of hers. She grabbed the tiny bra, pressed it against her breast… and burst out laughing. The teensy cups barely covered her nipples! Amanda tried her best to get the straps around, but it was simply impossible.
“No bra for me, I guess!” groaned the girl and tried the next piece, the odd fishnet top.
Suddenly the door burst open. Amanda turned around and shrieked, her glorious, naked tits dancing around, unconstrained.
“What the fuck, bitch?” shouted Igor, “Calm down! And get your tits packed up, we don’t have all day!”
“Get out of here, idiot! This is a woman’s problem, and you are not needed!”
“Woman’s problem my ass. I have my orders and if you don’t get ready now, I’ll drag you right to the principal!”
“But this shit doesn’t fit, asshole!” screamed Amanda, “The uniform is way too small for me!”
“You’re just being difficult, Juggs. Let me help you. Arms up!”
“It doesn’t fit!”
Amanda wasn’t entirely sure why she suddenly complied, but something in Igor’s voice scared her. She lifted her arms and closed her eyes.
Igor grabbed the black fishnet top, pushed it over her arms and down her body. His sweaty hands mashed her sensitive breasts into her chest as he forced the stretchable pierce slowly over her massive bust. It hurt. Her warm flesh spilled through the gaps of the mesh and made her breasts look like two pieces of rolled roast in a too tight net.
“See, I told you it’ll fit. The only problem is your nipples.”
“The only problem is my nipples? Are you fucking kidding me? Not only does this thing hurt like hell, but I also look like a fucking pervert’s dream!”
“Calm down, Juggs. You still have the shirt. Get your arms in and watch.”
The shirt did not fit either. But Igor wouldn’t have any of it and just forced the few buttons close that he could, which meant that the bottom of the shirt was kind of ok, but the upper half gaped wide open, with her overflowing, net-covered pillows popping out everywhere.
“Looking good!” Igor grinned, “Now the corset. Exhale and hold your breath!”
The corset made everything just worse. It squeezed her belly and lower rib cage so brutally that Amanda wondered not if but when she would suffocate. And it forced her tightly packed melons so painfully upwards that Amanda thought they would press against her chin any moment.
“Fantastic, only the jacket left. Come on girl, I don’t need to help you with that, do I?”
Amanda could barely breathe, and the image in the mirror was just so ridiculous that it made her blush. Her breasts were mashed so hard against her body that they spilled out on top, the fishnet deeply indenting her flesh. She was too shocked that Igor actually got these things on her to respond. Igor forced her arms into the little jacket and pulled it tight, her fat melons still clearly visible.
“Now that’s a sexy little uniform, don’t you agree Miss Titty? Unfortunately, that bra is of no use to you so in the trash it goes. Just take care of your little nipples, they show through the shirt you know? Come on, let’s present your new look to the principal!”
Igor pushed the stunned girl outside and into the principal’s office.
“What a cute outfit Ms Juggs! I knew it was large enough even for you! You look delicious and absolutely appropriate for our campus!”
“It hurts so much!” Amanda wailed, her hands caressing her flattened breasts, “I can barely breathe in this, principal!”
“Is that so?” mused the gray-haired man and stroked his chin, “That’s too bad, Juggs. Where exactly is the problem?”
“My breasts! They get crushed in this uniform!”
“I see… Uhm… So what do you suggest?”
“I need something bigger, please?”
“But you already have the biggest size on you, my dear.”
Amanda looked at him pleadingly, “I… I need space for my boobs, please!”
“I see. Space for your… boobs, right? I can’t do anything right now, but I promise that I’ll come up with a solution. I’ll contact you as soon as I have this figured out. Until then, I’m afraid you’ll be stuck in this fantastic outfit. Igor, show Miss Juggs around if you will? I have work to do.”
Igor grinned, “Certainly Sir!” and pushed Amanda out of the door. The poor girl was absolutely overwhelmed by the pain and sobbed silently.
“Please help me, Igor…” she whined, “Please free my breasts from this prison!”
“Not such a stuck-up bitch now, are you Miss Juggs? Don’t be a pussy though. Come on, I’ll show you around.”
Amanda nodded in defeat and followed Igor through the corridors to a pair of large doors. As he opened them, he explained, “This is the gym, where most of the indoor sports activities are happening. We are mainly talking basketball, gymnastics and so on. As you can see, the hall is empty right now, so let’s use this opportunity and examine some of the more obscure places around here. Follow me.”
He walked to a small nondescript door and smirked, “This is my favorite spot. Go ahead, look inside!”
Amanda tried to ignore the pulsing pain in her chest as she entered the small, dark room. She heard the door close behind her and wondered what the hell Igor found so special about this dump. A familiar smell hit her nose. Dope! Someone was smoking dope in here!
“Sean, Dana? You here? Wanna meet my new play toy, Titty?”
Amanda turned around, panic in her face. Did she just walk into a trap? If only her boobs wouldn’t hurt so much!
Two shadows moved in the corner. A thin, scrawny young man and a short, sporty girl came into view.
“Titty, huh? Doesn’t look like she has any meat up there though,” said Dana, her inquiring fingers poking into Amanda’s tightly packed flesh.
“Oh, you’d be surprised. Titty complains a lot about the pain in her squashed tits, so I thought maybe we can help her out? I’m sure she’ll offer something in return. What do you think?”
Amanda immediately jumped on the opportunity and gasped, “Yes! I’ll… I’ll do anything if you help my tits out of this mess. Please, do something!”
Dana looked at the new girl amused, “Rather pushy little slut, huh? Can’t wait to get her boobs out in the open? Well, if Titty is so desperate, I’m willing to assist. But I have some problems of my own. I need a model for my new fashion project and if she really is so stacked, I think she may be a good fit. So how about it, Titty? I help you and you help me?”
Amanda nodded enthusiastically, “Of course! Thank you, thank you so much for helping me!”
“What about you, Sean? Anything our little Miss Titty can do for you in return?”
“Absolutely! I need a model as well, for my photography project! I have the feeling she would be doing great!”
Amanda agreed on the spot.
“So that leaves me. As it happens, I am desperately looking for help as well, for my industrial art project. Would you be willing to be my muse and model, Titty? With your help, I could finally create something truly revolutionary!”
“Of course, Igor. It would be my… my pleasure. Just get my tits out of this, please?”
“So we have a deal! You do understand that we need to respect school regulations, do you?”
“Abs… absolutely!”
“Good. So what do you want us to do exactly?”
“Just get my boobs out of this hellish squeeze for fucks sake!” screamed Amanda, desperate for some air.
“Right. Can you remove that jacket and that corset? Your shirt needs to go, too, so my friends can see what your problem actually is.”
Amanda nodded, tears in her eyes and scrambled to get out of her constricting clothes. Dana couldn’t believe what was hidden underneath.
“Fucking awesome!” she gasped as Amanda’s fishnet-encased balloons came into view, “Her udders look like two freaking rolls of roast beef in a net!”
“My thoughts exactly,” groaned Amanda, “Now get me out, please. You promised!”
Igor looked at his little gang and beamed, “I think I know how we can help you. Dana, get me a basketball net. Make sure it’s a black one. Sean, get some knives or scissors. Titty, just trust me with this, OK?”
The two started their search while Igor tried to calm Amanda down.
“Can’t you just remove this horrible thing?” she pleaded, her face wet with tears.
“Don’t be silly, Titty. The dress code requires you to wear the uniform so we can’t let you run around naked. Just let me do my thing, you’ll be pleasantly surprised, promise!”
Dana returned with what looked like a dirty, old basketball net. Shortly after, Sean showed up with a long pair of scissors.
“Perfect. Titty, arms up! You know the drill.”
Amanda looked at him confused. She didn’t want to have an extra layer of clothing but rather a bit less! What was Igor planning?
“Arms up, girl. NOW!”
Amanda complied, stretching her arms up high, her flattened, net-encased tits bulging through the tiny gaps of her clothing.
“Sean, help me with this,” Igor ordered and both men started to squeeze the tight net over Amanda’s head and around her compressed body. Thanks to the already tight fishnet shirt underneath, this was easier than expected. Amanda looked at Igor questioningly. She didn’t understand a thing.
“Give me the scissors, Sean. Titty, no sudden movements or you’ll be sorry.”
He started to snip away at the fishnet shirt underneath. Bit by bit, the thin material got pulled away and more and more of Amanda’s flesh was exposed beneath the wider, more rigid meshes. When he reached her terribly compressed breast, things started to get interesting. Her womanly flesh expanded and filled every tiny gap in the net, pressing against the rough ropes of the sports equipment. Soon, the fishnet was gone, now replaced by the coarse, wide-meshed piece of repurposed basketball gear.
“So you want your titties, freed, right?” teased Igor, playing with one of her engorged niples that poked through the net.
“Yes, please! It’s better already but it’s still awfully tight!”
“Alright then. Dana, help me pull her boobs through those holes.”
Puzzled, Amanda watched as their fingers pinched her compressed tits and tried to pull some of her flesh through the gaps.
“You have to start with the nipple, stupid!” giggled Sean who watched the show with interest, “Here, Dana, let me help you.”
Sean pulled the mesh right above Amanda’s left breast open as wide as possible while Dana pulled the hard nipple through and then started to work on the rest of the fat tit. Igor took care of the other side and slowly squeezed the squishy object through a hole. Amanda gasped and groaned, her tender bosom still sensitive from the horrible uniform. And finally, she understood.
It took them ages to get every bit of flesh through the mesh, and Amanda complained constantly as they pulled and twisted her hurting boobs. After a while, Amanda’s massive tits were sitting on the other side of the tight net, their bases cuelly constricted by the coarse rope forming the mesh. Because of the trapped blood and the incredibly tight squeeze around the bases of her tits, her already gigantic pillows swelled even more and sported a rather alarming shade of pink.
“So how do you like your new look, Titty?” grinned Igor, his strong fingers slowly mauling her tender, buzzing boobs.
“I… uh… better than before, I guess?” replied Amanda, trying to come to terms with this ridiculous solution for her problem. “But how am I supposed to visit class like this? I’m basically naked, my boobs hanging through my top, terribly swollen and exposed for all to see!”
“Yeah, I know. But you still can try to get that blouse on, so they won’t be completely uncovered.”
“It won’t fit! And even if it does, I’ll still look ridiculous!”
“Just be grateful that you feel better now, Titty. Or I won’t help you out in future.”
Suddenly the clammy fingers of Dana poked deep into her swollen melons.
“Yeah, you were right. She does have gigantic tits. Was quite a feat, to hide them away like that.”
“You jealous, Dana?” smirked Sean who also tried to get a feel.
“Not jealous, just curious how such huge udders feel. Are they sensitive? Or just impractical? Do they feel good? What if they jump around? Do they hurt a lot then? So many questions!”
Amanda rolled her eyes and said, “Yes, yes, sometimes and yes.”
“Interesting. Now I badly want to see them bounce. Can you do that for me? Just jump up and down a bit, so they’ll fly around?”
“I would rather not. As I just told you, it hurts a lot.”
“Aww, you’re such a buzzkill. Come on guys, let’s head out and have a smoke! This bitch is boring as fuck.”
Amanda was appalled but also concerned about her situation. And she wanted in on that smoke, hoping the dope would ease her pain somewhat.
“Wait! You need to help me get dressed first! I need to get that shirt back on and that corset. And I’d love some dope, too!”
“Jump bitch, and we might reconsider.”
“Oh come on, you can’t be serious?”
“Jump, NOW!”
Amanda sighed. These people were just horrible! But she was stuck and needed their help. So she started to move her body, careful to not put too much force into her movements.
“I said JUMP! Get those feet off the ground and jump as high as you can!”
Amanda closed her eyes and jumped. She jumped so hard that her swollen balls of flesh bounced around like crazy, smacking against each other and slapping into her face. It was so humiliating!
“That’s what I meant. Now keep jumping!” ordered Dana as she approached the bouncing girl.
“Fascinating how those things move,” she grinned, “What do you think happens if I slap them sideways while you bounce around?”
Amanda had no time to respond or to even understand what Dana was up to. Suddenly the thin girl’s flat hand crashed into her dancing breasts and forced them to the side. Another blow hit her boobs from the other side, sending the two globes crashing into each other. Dana kept up the slapping while Amanda, scared by the angry girl, kept up the jumping. Sean and Igor watched the show with interest and discussed the odd movements of those cute, pink balls of flesh.
“Alright, you can stop,” declared Dana while she held her hand beneath Amanda’s tits so they slapped against it hard with each jump, “Your boobies are really interesting, you know? How they move and jiggle, how they smack into your face when you bounce around… I think I can learn a lot just from observing them. Now tell me, how did this feel? Did you like the experience?”
“It hurt! My tits hurt so much!”
“Awwww, but you did like it a bit, didn’t you? Having boobs so big, they have to feel good, don’t they?”
Amanda wiped some tears away and groaned, “No, bitch. They’re just sore from all the squeezing and bouncing.”
“I see. But I still think they can feel good, too. Let’s find out! You wanted some dope, right? Come on, let’s sit down over there. Sean, light up that joint, Titty, down on your knees and let those boobies hang!”
Dana pushed Amanda around until she was satisfied with her kneeling position and then lay down in front of her, so her head was right below the two dangling, bloated tits.
“Ass up, tits down!” she commanded, “Let me lick those nubs!”
And then she began to suck. Amanda sighed, finally something that wasn’t painful! Sean handed her the joint and she gratefully took a deep draw.
Dana kept up the sucking, sometimes harder, sometimes softer while the boys watched. Suddenly Amanda felt something touching her bare bottom. Fingers were caressing her hot flesh, pulling at the obscenely small tanga.
“Look, she’s already wet,” she heard Igor say, “I bet you can put at least three fingers in there without problem.”
Amanda took another puff. Her head started to spin. The sensation on her nipples, Dana’s hard working, wet mouth, felt simply fantastic. Igor was right, she was incredibly turned on. She noticed how the little piece of clothing protecting her bare pussy got peeled away. Fingers brushed along her slick, wet nether lips, lightly dipping into the hot pit. Amanda’s pulse quickened, her breathing became ragged. She took another puff and wondered if she should bolt. Those people did not mean well! She couldn’t let them use her like that, could she? But it felt so good!
“The bitch is wet like a common whore, look how she’s drooling down there!” laughed Igor, “Wanna fuck her?”
Sean grinned, “Sure, let’s try this pussy!”
The scrawny young man opened his pants. Getting into position behind the squirming girl, he pushed his hard dick against the slick lips and groaned.
“Fuck, this is good! She’s pulling me in!”
The sensations were incredible. Her dope-filled brain was lost in pure ecstasy as her nipples were continuously sucked and played with while the hard cock slowly entered her overflowing sex from behind.
“Fuck me,” she whispered, “Fuck me hard!”
Sean was happy to comply. He rammed his dick into her so deep and fast that his balls slapped against her clit. Amanda squirmed and groaned as the young man drilled into her, mashing her swollen, tender breasts into the eager mouth below. Her muscles clenched, tried to hold the intruder inside for a bit longer. She took another puff, her head spinning from the dope and sex. Suddenly, she felt the dick in her getting even harder, Sean’s hands were grabbing her ass with force. He punched his cock inside her once, twice… and then there was pain.
Amanda screamed as her hard nipple suddenly exploded. She ripped herself free, howling like she had been hit by a truck.
“So sorry, Titty,” giggled Dana,”But your hard little nipples are so delicious I just had to take a bite!”
“Thanks for waiting,” grinned Sean,”I was just finished with her.”
“My pleasure, looks like the little slut performed to your expectations?”
“Yeah, her sopping wet cunt felt really great.”
“Yeah, could see that. It was getting boring though,” smirked Igor, “You guys had all the fun and all I could do was to record a little video of this sexy session. I think I did a good job with it, wanna have a look, Titty?”
Amanda was still holding her hurting breast and scowled, “You… you just robbed me of my…my…”
“Don’t worry, we’ll make you cum soon enough. But not now.”
“You made a video of our little session?” inquired Sean with interest.
“Jup, everything on it, from her bouncing tits to your nice little fuck. I’ll send it to you. What’s your number, Titty?”
Amanda was still occupied with her hurting boobs when she gave him her details without much thought. Soon after, her phone vibrated with her messenger showing that she was added to the group ‘TittyCare’. The video appeared a second later. She blushed, seeing her writhing, naked body on the screen, her huge melons mashed into the eager mouth below while her pussy got plowed from behind.
“I can get you arrested for this assault, you know?” she threatened, “This is evidence!”
“I doubt that. It’s obvious you’re enjoying the treatment. And if you wait for the end, you can clearly hear how you complain that you got interrupted. I doubt an actual victim would do that. But enough of that. Get yourself presentable, we have an appointment!”
Amanda slowly got up, readjusted her skimpy piece of underwear and smoothened the tiny skirt. Then, she tried to get the blouse on but she just couldn’t get the buttons to close.
“What appointment? I thought you’re supposed to show me around the campus?”
“Yeah, we kind of messed up your schedule, I guess,” Igor said as he collected her remaining clothes, “Getting your tits through that mesh took way too long and now we ran out of time because of you. Just hope the principal isn’t too upset about this! Don’t bother with these buttons, you’re good to go. Come on, follow me!”
Igor waved goodbye and pushed Amanda out of the door, her ballooning, constricted tits bouncing under the open blouse, “This way, come on!”
Chapter 2
Fearing that someone would see her, Amanda hurried after Igor, her breasts jumping and swaying with each step. They ran through the corridors, went outside and crossed the inner courtyard until they arrived at a little shed. Short of breath, Igor knocked on the door. A few moments later, a thin old man dressed in green workwear opened.
“And who are you?” he inquired, openly gaping at Amanda’s barely covered breasts.
“This is Titty, our new transfer student,” beamed Igor.
“Titty, huh? Ah, Amanda Juggs, right? Yeah, the principal told me already. Good that you finally could make it. You’re due for an hour already! You really need to work on your punctuality, girl. Come on in, I have something I need help with.”
Igor looked at him, puzzled, “I thought it’s just about the keys to the dorm?”
“She’ll get the keys alright, don’t worry big boy. But first, I need to use her unique talents for a while. You can go now, I’ll take care of the rest.”
Igor was confused, “I was asked to bring her back to class once she got the keys? I really don’t know if I can just leave her with you.”
“Listen, dumby, I have discussed this with the principal already and he is fine with her helping me out a bit. As soon as I heard about Ms Juggs’ unique properties, I knew she’s the girl for this job. I have put this work off for too long already and it will be a breeze with her help. When someone with the right equipment finally comes to you,” he glanced at her swollen breasts,” you just have to grab that opportunity by the balls, right? So let me do my work, you’ll see our fabulous Ms Juggs soon enough again.”
“Alright, alright, have fun you two!” Igor moaned as he dumped Amanda’s clothes on a chair, turned around and left.
The janitor smiled at her boobs and said, “Now that we’re finally alone, let me have a good look. Mmmh, nice. I see you have already been properly introduced to this school,” he pushed her shirt aside. His hands found her bloated breasts and squeezed the sensitive flesh. Amanda was about to object when a quick finger suddenly entered her still slick pussy. The old man grinned even wider, “Oh yes, you have been introduced alright. Nice! Now, I have to remind you that your outfit is …hmmm … not in line with school regulations. You always have to cover those perky nipples, you know?”
His fingers squeezed her hardening buds and pulled at them lightly. Amanda was unable to suppress a moan as he toyed with her buzzing orbs.
“But don’t worry, I have just the right thing for emergencies like this!”
He turned around and took something out of a drawer. Before Amanda understood what he even meant, a sharp pain ripped through her right breast, followed quickly by an equally bad jolt on her left side. She yelped surprised, tears shooting from her eyes.
“Excuse me?” she complained, staring at two odd objects that were now clamped onto her nipples. The round, rubbery things were white with a red school logo and had “Smack Me!” written on them.
“Just perfect, aren’t they? These are bumpers that we usually put on walls behind doors so they don’t get damaged. They are the improved, two-component models, the base is just an anchor with a little metal rod that gets screwed to the wall. These caps then snap over the rod and are held in place with a strong spring. Easily removable in case they need replacement!”
Amanda screamed again as he suddenly pulled on one of the bumpers, slowly increasing the force and stretching her breast away from her body. She thought she would pass out any moment when suddenly her nipple popped free and her tit smacked back into place, her bud now swollen and twice the original size.
“See? Easily replaceable!” the cruel man grinned as he quickly snapped the bumper on her hurting breast again.
“Ouch, what the fuck? You can’t do that!”
“Oh, I can. This is for your own good! Now you are at least complying with regulations! See, no areola showing anymore, your little nipples are perfectly covered! But this is not what I wanted from you. Come on, follow me!”
Outside, he pointed to a box full of new pipe clamps and another one, full of pieces of black rubber.
“See? The idiot supplier shipped the unassembled version. How am I supposed to put these together without the proper tools?”
Amanda did not understand a word.
“I’m sorry to hear that, but how would I be of any help with this?”
“Simple, don’t you see?” he grinned, “Your tits are just the right size to glue those rubber pads on the inside of these clamps! Come on, let’s do this together, alright?”
Amanda groaned, “Is everything about my boobs here?”
The janitor didn’t respond and instead took one of the rubber strips out of the box. He squeezed a bit of glue on one side of it, then put it carefully on the inside of one of the clamps and said, “Tits out, girl! And you might want to remove that shirt.”
Amanda wanted to run away but something made her stay. Instead, she put her still open shirt away and presented her bulging breasts as if they were simple tools to help with the janitor’s job. She stared fascinated as the old man put the metal object over her left boob and pushed it back until it was sitting right at her chest. Then, he grabbed some wrench and quickly tightened the clamp.
“Ouch, stop it? You’re hurting me!”
“Oh no, this is too loose still. I need to tighten it well, otherwise the glue won’t bond properly.”
He turned the tool again, shrinking the clamp further and further. Her already bulbous breast, constricted by the awful basketball net, now turned even redder and rounder. The swollen orbs looked like they would separate from the rest of her body at a moment’s notice and roll on the ground.
“Ugh.. ugh,” the man groaned as he tried to tighten the clamp even further. Sweating from exertion, he finally conceded and examined his handiwork.
“See? Just perfect! Now the other side. We have about 49 more clamps left.”
“Are you serious? This shit hurts!”
The janitor ignored her pleas and started his work on the other breast. A bit later, both of her melons were in balance again, and Amanda was hyperventilating.
“Alright, this stuff has to set for at least ten minutes, so if we can get five on each side we’d need only 5 rounds, so 50 minutes plus a bit of time for the tightening, right? One hour and you’re done, isn’t that great?”
Amanda was about to object but instead she watched fascinated as more and more clamps adorned her terribly compressed tits. Finally, every breast was squeezed by five clamps, each close to another, from her chest to about the middle of her oddly compressed tit. The rest of her sorrowful bosom was forced into a hot-red ball at the end of the metallic stalk. The mesh of the basketball net around the base was now slack and barely touching her skin.
Suddenly, the janitor pulled out his phone and said, “You look terrific, darling!” He took a picture of her front and then added,” Now, if you could turn just a bit? I really want to get a few different angles, so your true beauty is coming out!”
Amanda moved around, presenting her hurting breasts to the camera. It was strangely exciting for her to pose like that, even though her tits were in a world of pain.
“Alright, now the glue should have set. Let me get these off.”
One by one the metal rings got removed until her boobs were free again, now sporting angry red indentions where the rings had been.
“See how well the rubber pads now stick? You did a terrific job, girl! Alright, four rounds to go and no time to waste! Come on, tits out!”
Amanda watched like in trance, felt the pain coming back again as the clamps got assembled around her breasts once more. By now she knew what was in store for her, and she just stoically stood there, watching this cruel man doing his work, her breasts degraded to nothing more than a useful tool.
Finally, the last batch was removed again, her bare breasts were back to a less balloony state, only constricted by the basketball net. Amanda carefully inspected her boobs for damage but except for the red rings that already started to vanish, there seemed to be no lasting bruising. The janitor beamed, “Good work, girl. Now let me see how these have kept up with the challenge! Remember to always inspect your tools for damage after a job, and keep them in pristine condition!”
He pushed her hands away and started a careful examination. He prodded and squeezed her tender flesh for a few minutes and finally declared, “All good! Your tits are of prime quality, dear. Thanks for the help. Now, this is the key to your dorm. A few things to keep in mind: You are to always wear proper school attire, on campus as well as inside all the shared facilities. Only in your own room are you allowed to dress however you like. Your personal clothes will be stored by me, so if you need anything, just drop by here. You are supposed to receive a set of clothes for each day of the week, but there seems to be an issue with the supplier, so unfortunately you only have this one set for now. Try to keep it clean and wash it regularly, alright? If you have any questions, let me know. That said,…”
Suddenly, his phone rang. He fumbled the device out of his pocket and looked at the screen.
“Sorry, I have to take this, follow me inside, please.”
The janitor gently pushed her into the little shack.
“Yes, yes she’s here but we have just completed the work. Yes, she got the key. For Mr Howler? Sure, I should have some here but it will take some time. Medium size you said? Alright, give me a moment. I’ll send her over once we have them sorted. Sure, no problem. We’ll do it right away.”
He put the phone away and grinned amused, “Looks like you just got another assignment. Please take a seat.”
Amanda looked at him confused and asked, “Who was that? What assignment?”
“Oh, they need some materials for the art class. Luckily, I have everything here. But it’s a bit of a mess. Here you go.”
He put a large box in front of her. As she glanced inside, she saw that it was full of rubber bands.
“So what do I need to do?”
“We just need the medium-sized ones. So your task is simple, put them around your tits. The ones that are slack are too big, the ones that won’t go over your boobies are too small. The ones that fit right over and are still taut are the ones we are looking for.”
“Are you kidding me? What’s wrong with you?”
“Hey, it was not my idea, OK? And now, get to work! We don’t have all day!” He glanced at his watch and grinned, “Shoot, already that late! Alright, I’ll help you. Come on, let’s do this together!”
“This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever had to do!” complained Amanda, but her hands already grabbed some of the rubber bands and pulled them over one of her breasts. Both worked in silence, rubber bands snapping around her slowly tightening treasures. Once in a while, the old man removed the ones that he considered too big and challenged her with the ones she had declared too small. Many of the small ones still made it around her tits once the janitor pulled them open, and her already colorful breast bases were slowly squeezed into a smaller and smaller diameter.
More and more of the bands were now slacking as the box got vacated, and only a very few tiny bands were still considered too small for the job. Finally, the box was empty, and her chest was full of terribly tight rubber. The man examined the result happily and toyed with the two discs sticking from her tits.
“Your breasts are so versatile, girl, I wonder how I could ever do my job without them! You know what? Maybe they need the small ones, too. What do you think?”
“Isn’t this enough already?”
“No, I really think we should give them those as well, just in case. And I already have an idea how we select the right ones.”
He pulled one of the small rubber bands open as hard as he could and let it snap around her nipple, right behind one of the discs.
“Ouch! Dammit?”
The next band followed suit, the old man grinning like a madman. Amanda stared at him while he continued his work, putting more and more of the bands on both her nipples. Finally, the small bands were gone as well.
“Great work as always. Now let me take a few pictures!”
He took out his phone and pointed the camera at her.
“Can you turn a bit? Yes, that’s great. Just look at those puppies! Man, this is awesome! Now to the other side… fantastic. Can you pull on your nipples a bit? Yes, just like that. Now pull them a bit to the side…. Brilliant. Stand up and push your ass out, now let those beauties dangle down. Look at me, show me how sexy you are! Damn girl, you’re dynamite! OK, enough of the fun. Guess I need to go back to work. Head over to the main building, please. Igor will be waiting for you and show you the way to Mr Howler.”
With her breasts bound by the awful rubber bands, Amanda grabbed her jacket and tried to squeeze in. The old man giggled as he watched her unsuccessful attempts and shook his head. “You know you need to be fully dressed or you risk an infraction, right? And as a responsible member of staff I can’t let you out the door without making sure you comply. Let me help you.”
He grabbed the shirt, “You know what you are wearing is not the proper attire, right? No bra and a piece of sports equipment instead of the approved fishnet. Well, nothing I can do about that now, so let’s just pretend those parts are not missing from the ensemble. So let’s get you in that blouse.”
Amanda obediently put her arms through the holes and stood as still as she could when the janitor closed one button after another until he reached the underside of her tender breasts which were still hanging out of the shirt. He tried to close the next button but it was obvious this wouldn’t work.
“Guess that’s as far as it goes. So let’s try the corset then.”
Amanda inhaled sharply as the constricting piece of leather squeezed her body from waist to just under her breasts. Happy with the result, he helped her into the jacket. There was no way he could close more than the few buttons at the bottom, but at least every piece of clothing was on her.
“You look stunning, Juggs. And with your nipples perfectly covered by those bumpers, I think this is as compliant as you can get right now. Let me take a few more pictures.”
He took his phone and asked her once again to pose for him. Groaning from the pain her strangled breasts were causing, Amanda did everything he asked, just to get out of there quickly. She was finally sent off and made her way to the main hall, hoping to avoid any other human being.
“There you are! Wow, nice covers for your nipples! Should probably follow the instructions on them, eh?” Igor grinned and slapped her bound tits hard.
“Ouch, dammit idiot! What was that for? Can’t you see I’m already in pain with my tits choked off like that?”
“But it says ‘smack me’ right on the label? I was just doing what your tits told me to! Now get up the stairs, we’re late already!”
He pushed Amanda along and into one of the classrooms. As she walked through the door, everyone was turning their head and stared at her ballooning breasts.
“Well well well, if that isn’t our beautiful new transfer student! What can I do for you?”
“The janitor sends me. I …uh… have the… uh… rubber bands?”
“Do you? That’s fantastic. So where do you have them? I can’t see you carrying anything and I’ll need an awful lot of bands. I hope you have enough on you?”
Igor smacked her butt and sneered, “Have fun, Titty. I’m off. By the way, those pictures the janitor sent around? They’re fucking brilliant!”
“How did you get…?”
“Oh, I added him to TittyCare. He really liked the video of you going to town with Sean by the way. But damn, your boobs can take a beating, girl!”
His hands jiggled one of her bound tits as he smirked, “And If you want to add someone else to the group, just ask me or Dana. She’s admin as well. There can never be enough… uh… caretakers for a pair like yours, right? Let me know when you finished your assignments. Just send a message to the group and I’ll get you.”
“Ms Juggs?”
“Y…yeah…so… the rubber bands are…are…”
“They’re… on…on my… my… boobs, Sir.”
“Your… what?”
The entire room fell dead silent.
“They’re looped around my breasts, Sir. We used my… attributes… to find out the right size.”
Mr Howler grinned, “Well, aren’t your… attributes… practical! I can see even from here just how big these things are and they do look a bit… how should I say… bloated? So why don’t you go through class and let everyone take maybe 20?”
“Alright, Mr Howler.”
Nothing happened for a few moments.
“So what are you waiting for?”
“Sorry Mr Howler, I wasn’t sure where to…”
“Just start from the back and present your… assets… to each of your fellow students, please?”
Amanda walked to the nearest table, closed her eyes and awkwardly pushed her buzzing breasts forward. Eager hands pulled at the bands and carefully removed a few, squeezing and mauling her swollen charms in the process. When the person finally confirmed that they had enough, she withdrew her pair and proceeded to the next student, who was equally thrilled to grope these astounding orbs as hard as they possibly could.
The top-heavy girl slowly made it through one row, squeaking and moaning as her fellow students played with her breasts. Everyone was giggling and laughing amused by now, when suddenly the next student slapped her right tit hard.
“Lower, bitch!”
She squealed in surprise.
“You need another slap or what? My, my, look at those udders, bet all the guys would love to fuck them!”
Amanda blinked a tear away and slowly lowered her rack so the angry girl could get her bands. She grabbed a bunch at the bottom of her right breast and pulled down sharply. Suddenly, she let them snap back, the stretched rubber crashing hard into the soft underside of her boob. Amanda yelped in pain.
“Alice! Enough!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
Alice’s fingers found the rubber again and she pulled them off, not without tweaking one of the nipple clamps hard and poking her fingers deep into the taut flesh.
Amanda couldn’t wait to get away from that bitch. Thankfully, the rest of the class was more forthcoming and, save for a few snaps and tweaks, she finally made it to the last student.
“I see you still have quite a few left. But your breasts do look more relaxed already. Let me take care of the rest.”
The teacher pulled one by one off her swollen twins until she was free again.
“Thank you, Ms Juggs. I must say your breasts are very practical indeed, and incredibly well shaped, too! As it happens, we are having anatomy class today. If you wonder, the rubber bands are used for a home assignment, so no need to worry that they end up on your… wait, I might have that wrong. Hmmm… Just forget what I said, please. A change of schedule might be in order. Sorry for the rambling, but as I said, we are studying anatomy right now, and as you surely understand, the female breast is one of the most fascinating parts of the human body. And with such a breathtaking specimen right in front of us, I just have to ask you: Would you mind modeling for this class? It shouldn’t take too long and I’ll make sure to inform the principal. I’m positive he’ll be thrilled. It would also benefit your grades.”
“What… what would you need me to do?”
“Oh, just pose for the class so they can study the shape of your fabulous breasts. We would need to go through a few different states though, as we want to observe in detail how they react to different stimuli.”
“So I just sit there?”
“You’d be standing, but essentially yes. I might ask you to change pose once in a while. And we’ll need to put something on them, maybe. The main goal is to study how they change shape. We’d be studying breast dynamics, if you will.”
“Al…alright. I think I can do that.”
“Brilliant!” the teacher beamed, “Now then, I need to make a quick call. Class? Please take your chairs, your utensils and form a half-circle here in front. Ms Juggs? Would you stand there at the blackboard?”
Rustling and whispering filled the room as everyone got into place. When finally everyone found their seat, Mr Howler said, “Ms Juggs? Could you remove your clothes, please?”
Amanda looked at him quizzically.
“We are learning anatomy here, so it would be a shame to let this opportunity go unused, no? You surely don’t mind?”
With a reddening head, Amanda slowly got out of her tight uniform. It was one thing to expose her boobs at every corner, but stripping in front of the class? On the other hand, this was actually a valid reason, right? Art models had to get naked all the time!
The corset popped off her body with might. Now, she was standing there only in her panties and with that ridiculous basketball net.
“The nipples as well, Miss?”
Amanda took one of the disks between her fingers and pulled, desperate to get the thing off her body. But instead of having it pop from her stretched breast, she let it slip and moaned in pain. The poor girl just couldn’t remove the clamps on her own.
“I need help with this,” she sobbed.
“Did you say something?”
“I need help, they are stuck. Could you, please?”
“How are those removed?”
“Just pull them away. They will snap right off.”
Mr Howler took one of the clamps in his hand and started to pull. Amanda whimpered as her breast slowly stretched outward.
“It doesn’t look like it’ll come off though.”
“Just pull harder, please?”
He yanked at her tits with force. Amanda screamed at the top of her lungs but finally the clamp disengaged..
“More rubber bands? I didn’t ask for small ones, I think?”
“It was… it was the janitor’s idea. He thought you might need them. Could you get them off, please?”
Mr Howler carefully pulled the tiny bands from her terribly swollen nipple.
“You need help with the other side as well?”
The second one was much quicker as Mr Howler now knew what to do. He quickly reached out and ripped the bumper off.
“Aiiii!” screamed the poor girl and grabbed her hurting nipples once the second set of rubber bands had been removed as well. It took her a few moments to recover, but finally she was able to put her hands down again.
“What is this thing that you are wearing? Aren’t you supposed to wear the school-issued fishnet?”
“It’s… it’s a basketball net. The fishnet was… not working for me.”
“Huh? You use sports equipment instead of a proper uniform? Can you get out of it?”
Amanda tried to pull her breasts back through the mesh but it was too tight.
“I might need your help again with this.”
“Alright, let me try.”
She felt his hands grabbing her from behind. They quickly found her breasts and toyed with her hurting nipples a bit. She was about to say something when they went further and got hold of the tight rope constricting her tit. He repeatedly tugged at the tight bindings but soon found out that it wouldn’t be so easy.
“Class? I need your assistance here. Everyone, get hold of that net and pull it towards you. Let’s get it off of her so we can see the beauty hidden underneath.”
Amanda squirmed as all those eager hands grabbed her body. The net was stuck to her like a second skin, but somehow the combined effort worked and they slowly peeled the odd piece away, even managing to pull her swollen breasts through the tiny gaps. Finally, she was free from that strange prison.
Mr Howler scrutinized her and nodded, “Now off with the skirt and panties.”
Amanda was, oddly enough, still embarrassed about getting naked. Somehow, she managed to put both pieces away and was now standing there just in her socks and shoes.
“Yeah, get those off, too, please?”
So the socks and shoes followed the rest of her clothing.
Amanda was now standing in front of the blackboard, buck-naked and shivering, carefully scrutinized by her fellow students only inches away from her.
“You are a stunning girl, Ms Juggs! A perfect model for our anatomy session. Everyone, please get seated again and draw some sketches. Study this beautiful specimen in every detail.”
Pens scratched over paper as the students got to work. They carefully examined every piece of her naked form, sometimes even getting up to inspect her body more closely and maybe sample an interesting part of her. Amanda’s feet started to cramp already, but she didn’t dare to move.
“Alright, everyone had a good look, I assume? So let’s focus on her fabulous breasts now. Rick, Ben, would you mind heading down to the janitor? He’ll give you something that we need to proceed with our study.”
The two boys left the room while Mr Howler continued with his lesson.
“What we will do now is to study how the shape of her breast changes when some pressure is applied. An easy example is when I touch her globes like this,”
He grabbed Amanda’s left breast and slowly strengthened the grip. His fingers sank into the soft tissue as he increased the force bit by bit.
“Aiiiiee, Mr Howler! This hurts!”
“I’m sorry my dear, but this is important. Class? Can you see how my fingers color her flesh white and the surrounding area gets a bit reddish? This is what I mean. Observe how her breast changes, how the tissue slowly deforms.”
He removed his hand, leaving back an imprint of his fingers.
“Another important example is the kinetics. Watch carefully.”
Amanda yelped as his flat hand crashed against the underside of her left boob, causing it to fly upwards and smack against her chin.
“And of course, a sideways motion produces different patterns,” he slapped the soft side of her right breast so it crashed into its neighbor. Amanda screamed, “Mr Howler?! This is not appropriate! I am in pain!”
“As you can see, our model is a bit agitated which is terribly distracting for any artist. And this is precisely the reason why I sent Ben and Rick down. Ah, here they are again. Now Ms Juggs, I’m really sorry about this but believe me, it helps our students to focus on the important aspects of this session.”
Amanda was still holding her breast after it was so brutally squeezed and had no idea what was happening to her. This was definitely more than simple posing! Suddenly, the teacher had a scarf in his hand.
“Please hold still.”
Before Amanda understood what he was up to, she was blind. She wanted to yank the blindfold off but strong hands grabbed her wrists and pulled them back, quickly tying her hands together. Unless the poor, young woman wanted to run away blindly and fall over chairs and tables, she was stuck for good.
“Ben, Rick, I assume the rest is outside? Please bring everything in now.”
Chapter 3
Amanda tried hard to find out what was going on, but except a few surprised squeaks and giggles, she couldn’t make out a thing. Then, she felt something flat press against her tummy. Someone pulled her tits forward and her chest pressed against a cold, hard object. She heard some groans and more giggles. Then, something pushed against the top of her breasts. The hands were back again and pulled her tits forward, hard. The pressure on the top slowly increased and made Amanda scream in pain. Before she could close her mouth again, something popped behind her teeth and was quickly fastened. Now they had taken her voice, too!
“Alright everyone. I know it looks a bit extreme but believe me, this is all for the better. Our wonderful model is now shielded behind this nice black wall and only her fabulous assets are visible through those conveniently placed holes. As Ms Juggs is now blind and speechless, we can work without any further interruption. If you are concerned about her wellbeing, do not worry. I will make sure that nothing bad will happen to her. So focus on these two, globular objects instead and study how their shape already has changed compared to their previous, unconstricted state. As their base is now compressed by the wall, those holes are slightly too small for their massive size, you can see how they take a much rounder shape.”
Amanda couldn’t believe how she had been tricked into another awful situation. Her boobs seemed to be true absurdity magnets! And now they discussed her melons like the rest of her didn’t even exist!
“So what we’ll do now is to increase the pressure step by step and observe how their shape develops. As I have done before, I ask each of you to step forward and give those balls a healthy smack. When you do that, watch their movement carefully and try to memorize the details of their behavior. Ben, you want to do the honors?”
Pain exploded in her tits as they were slapped around by eager students. And it just didn’t stop. Once one of them was done, the next one jumped forward and delivered another blow. Her tight melons were catapulted up and down, crashing into each other or against the rough wood.
“In addition, you should also feel their consistency and structure. As we proceed, you will find out how they get tauter and harder. Try to grab them like I did before, let your fingers sink in as far as they’ll go. Don’t hold back, you can’t really damage anything with your hands alone.”
Amanda was about to go crazy. This was worse than the rubbers, worse than the clamps, worse than anything she had to endure so far!
“It seems everyone had a go already, so let’s get to the next phase. Take your rubber bands and put them over those breasts. You have 20 bands, so let’s start with 6 each, three on every side. Once everyone is done we’ll do another physical round.”
Amanda felt her tits tightening up again. The students weren’t gentle by any measure and popped the bands over her tits without much consideration. Another round of slapping and grabbing followed, bringing her to tears.
“As you can easily see, those breasts are already much tauter now and their movement pattern is significantly more dampened. Let’s each get another 6 bands on them and observe if there is any difference in behavior.”
Those bands changed a lot for Amanda. Her tits felt like they would explode again, just like back in the shed. And with the blows raining down on them, everything was much more painful. She could barely hold it together but with the ballgag, and her hands tied, there wasn’t really anything she could do.
“Yes, smack them hard. See how their movement is slowed down by the rubber bands? They only bounce around so far now, and the tighter their base gets the more they behave like actual balls. Let’s put the rest on her and see what it does.”
More rubber bands were snapped on Amanda’s buzzing melons, forcing them into an even more pronounced ball shape. She tried to block out the pain but it was nigh impossible, especially when the slapping and mauling started again.
“Observe how hard they are now. You can barely dent their surface anymore, even if you apply lots of pressure. And smacking them just makes them bounce around, very similar to an overfilled ball right before bursting. Play some more with them, and have a look at those cute nipples. They are barely visible anymore, right? But I’m sure with a bit of teasing you can get them out again.”
Suddenly someone drove sharp fingernails into her hardening nipples and pulled at them forcefully.
“Yes Alice?”
“This is really fascinating and I think I already learned a lot today, but the time just isn’t enough! I fear I’m missing out on so much if this is our only session with those… things.”
“What are you asking, Alice?”
“I wondered if there’s a chance to have a more private session with these? Maybe we can schedule some alone time, so we can learn even more?”
She tweaked the nipple hard and pulled it forward.
“I appreciate your enthusiasm, Alice. I’m sure we can arrange that. Now, who would be interested in such a private appointment?”
All hands shot up.
“I see. This is great. Let’s plan to schedule some private sessions in the coming months, contingent on the availability of our model. Now please have a final look before we end today’s session.”
Amanda wondered how she would get out of this. There must be at least 30 students in the class, maybe more. Would she really have to go to individual appointments with each of them to let them abuse her boobs?
“Alright, class is over for today. Try to memorize what you have learned, there will be tests!”
Students were giggling and joking about their experiences as they left the room. Then, once everyone was gone, Mr. Howler walked behind the wall and squeezed Amanda’s naked ass. His fingers quickly found her dripping sex and slowly entered her messy hole.
“Ah, you already had some fun today, I see. I hope you enjoyed this session as much as I did. I count on you for these private appointments. My students would be terribly disappointed if they wouldn’t get some more time with your breathtaking twins. Hmmm, I would just love to sample this lovely wet tunnel of yours now, but alas, I have work to do.”
Amanda felt the restraints around her wrists being removed. She could finally use her hands again. A phone rang.
“Yes? Of course! Sorry, I must have missed that. Yes, I’ll be there in a moment.”
He put his phone away and turned towards the tits on the wall.
“Excuse me, Ms Juggs, I have to run. I trust you get out of there on your own. Thanks again, this was a stellar performance. I’ll make sure the principal will learn about your contagious enthusiasm.”
Amanda heard him walk away. Was she alone? Her hands found the blindfold and pushed it off. For the first time, she saw the black, wooden wall that had been used to trap her breasts. Time to get out of there. She pressed her hands against the hard surface in an effort to pull herself free. Her sore flesh stretched a bit, but her breasts didn’t budge. She was stuck. Amanda grabbed the top of the wall and lifted her feet. She put her naked soles against the wall and pushed with all she had, her thighs vibrating from the effort. The pain was terrifying, she feared she would rip her breasts clean off! But her swollen balls didn’t move an inch.
The trapped girl was a sobbing mess, tears were streaming down her face. She needed help, urgently.
Amanda looked around and found her clothes in a neat pile not far back. With a bit of stretching, she managed to pull the stack closer and a few moments later, she had her phone in hand. She quickly opened the TittyCare group. It made her cringe that this demeaning chat now may well be her only way out.
“Help me! I’m stuck in art class and can’t get out.”
Amanda was relieved to see that Sean was typing a response already.
“What do you mean, stuck? Teach not letting you out or what?”
“No, literally stuck,” she wrote and took a picture of her breast bases extending into the tight holes.
“What am I seeing?”
“My tits squeezed through a wooden wall and I can’t pull them out alone. Really. And nobody’s here anymore. I need help.”
“WTF? You really have talent, girl! I’ll be there in a sec.”
Amanda couldn’t wait to see Sean and wondered how he would react. About 10 minutes later the door opened.
“Holy shit!”
Her phone vibrated and a picture of the other side of the wall was showing up in the chat, her swollen tits proudly popping out of the wood.
“Holy shit indeed,” she scowled, “How about helping me out?”
Sean walked behind the wall, his hands traveling down her rear and quickly dipping into her gushing pussy.
“Happy to see me?”
“Just glad that it’s you and not Igor or Dana. So, can you get me out? My tits will fall off any moment!”
“Let me first have a look, ok?”
He went back to the other side and inspected her trapped treasures.
“Rubber bands, huh?”
“Yeah, they love those. Can you get them off?”
Sean pulled at the rubber.
“I think so, but there are so many, it will take a moment.”
“Just do it, please?”
“So what do I get in return?”
“What? I thought you like being my white knight? And you fucked me already today, you know?”
“That reminds me, I still owe you an orgasm. Dana interrupted you last time, right?”
Amanda smiled, “You’re sweet, Sean. Alright, you can fuck me when the bands are off, OK?”
“Terrific! Give me a sec.”
Amanda felt the pressure lessening as Sean got to work. A few minutes later, he declared, “Done! Get your pussy ready!”
“Thanks, but don’t you want to get me out of the wall first?”
“Hell no, this is fucking awesome, Amanda. I’ll pound you right there, stuck in that wall!”
She felt his hard dick press against her overflowing sex from behind.
He entered her pussy in one swift motion.
“No foreplay? You should really start to learn how to please a woman!” she complained only half-seriously.
“You’re wet like a bitch in heat, why would you need any foreplay?”
His hand found her engorged clit and started to play with it. Amanda’s pulse quickened. His cock stirred deep in her insides and slowly pistoned in and out.
“Fuck, this is good!” she moaned.
“How… how are your tits?”
“Oh, they hurt like shit. But they can wait a bit longer. Hey, did you hear that?”
“It sounded like the door.”
“I… haven’t… heard… a…thing!”
His dick was now plowing into her fast and deep, his fingers dancing on her excited sex bump.
“I’m… I’m coming any moment… ahhh….Are you… ugh..are you ready?”
“Yes, ah…, yes I’m … ooh… I’m ready!”
Amanda felt him getting harder, his thrusts getting even faster. She heard him moan. His hands grabbed her shoulders and his mouth found her neck.
“Ah… ah… ah…”
She was so close, so close to the big one. Seconds, mere seconds away from a tremendous high!
Sudden pain ripped through her right breast. She screamed, her voice shrieking in panic. Amanda felt Sean’s load shooting into her womb, he drove his prick deep into her and groaned in ecstasy.
“Hey guys! Having fun again?”
“Dana! What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I saw Titty’s cry for help and thought I’d swing by! The picture you sent looked especially intriguing. Well, and then I found those to tits here, and heard some hot fucking going on behind the wall, so…”
“So you bit me again, just when I was…”
“Wait, you didn’t come?” asked Sean, “Man, that fuck was epic! Dana, how could you?”
“Those tits are just irresistible, hon. I had no choice but to take a bite! Not my fault!” she giggled.
The rush was gone and Amanda just wanted to get out of the wall as quickly as possible.
“You know, I really feel sorry now. If it was such an epic fuck, maybe Sean could do another round?”
“Sorry, but I’m spent.” groaned Sean.
“Alright, then let me make up for it, Titty.”
With that, Dana went behind the wall. Her fingers quickly found the right spot and before Amanda could even object, she was moaning lustfully again.
“Wow, you’re an easy girl, huh? Even with your fat tits trapped in a wall like that, you can’t think about anything else than sex, eh?”
Amanda felt something warm and wet on one of her tits. Was Sean sucking her? Sean was sucking her! The excited girl’s reactions got more pronounced as she was approaching the big one once again.
“You know what? I’m bored!” announced Danna and withdrew her hand.
“What?” squeaked Amanda, “No, please?! Not now?!”
“But what do I get out of this? It’s hard work, fucking your sopping cunt, you know?”
She felt Sean switch to the other tit, his sucking getting more intense.
“Please?” she whimpered, “I’m so close!”
“Just joking girl,” giggled Dana as her fingers went back to work and penetrated her gushing sex. And those were more fingers than Amanda cared to know, but they did a great job.
“Ooh, you’re getting tight down there! Sweet!”
“Ah, ah.. ooh…deeper, please?”
“Deeper, huh? Let’s see if I can do that for you.”
Amanda’s eyes popped open as something big squeezed into her body.
“Oopsie! You know what just happened?” giggled Dana.
“Stop talking, more fucking, please?” squeaked the top-heavy girl, fearing that she would lose her mind if Dana would leave her hanging again.
“Alright, alright. But man, this feels great! How your lips hug my wrist… you should really see that! Let me check if I can make a little video.”
Loud, wet noises emanated from behind the wall as Amanda’s moans intensified.
“Yes, yes, yes. harder… ugh, ugh…”
“Hello? Someone need help?”
Dana ripped her hand out of the tight, wet hole in surprise. Sean stopped his work of love and turned towards the door. And Amanda screamed in frustration. Her cunt was burning with desire like never before in her life, and now she was robbed of her well-earned orgasm? Again?
“I just saw the message and thought I’d check if everything’s alright up here.”
“Excellent timing, don’t you think, Titty?” laughed Dana, patting Amanda’s dripping pussy, “How would you like another cock instead of my hand? I was getting sore already anyway.”
The janitor approached the wall and toyed a bit with Amanda’s stuck breasts.
“What are you talking about?” inquired the old man.
“Oh, our friend here is a bit needy. She’s well prepared already, so I don’t think it will take long. Do you want him to put his pecker into your gushing hole, Titty?”
Amanda was so horny, all she could think of was getting something between her legs.
“Yes!” she squeaked, “Fuck me, please?”
“Alright, if you ask so nicely. Who am I to disappoint such a pretty, young lady.”
“Please, Sir!,” laughed Dana, showing him the way.
“Oh, maybe you could put my phone over there and take a video of this? I’d like to have something for… later.”
“Absolutely. Now get to work, the lady is waiting.”
Amanda felt something hard and fleshy poking into her cheeks. Seconds later the welcome stick sunk deep into her sex.
“Damn, is she wet! This must be the most pleasant pussy on the entire campus!” laughed the janitor as he pushed into Amanda. Dana meanwhile set up the camera and went on the other side to take care of the available breast.
The old man was not gentle, and he didn’t care about Amanda’s needs. Instead, he drove his cock into her wet hole hard and fast. And even though Amanda had been on the brink of a great orgasm only moments ago, this rabbit fuck was a terrible disappointment to her. The only good thing was those mouths sucking on her tits. These were incredible!
“Ugh, ugh, ugh,” the old man groaned in her ear. Amanda was afraid he would die on her any second. Suddenly, his dick jerked and she could feel him emptying inside. He quickly pulled out of her squelching snatch and grinned, “Nice one! Thanks, dear!”
“It wasn’t nice at all, jerk. You really should care more about the girl you’re fucking,” replied Amanda, mad that she still had no orgasm despite of all the action she had gotten.
“Oh, so you didn’t cum? That’s a pity. Uhm, maybe … I think I have an idea. Just a moment, girl.”
He grabbed his phone to stop the video while the two on the other side of the wall kept on sucking. Then, he put the device to his ear and said, “Hey, yes it’s me. Yes I know. I have a surprise for you, if you come into the arts room right away. Yes, you’ll like it.”
He put the phone away again and turned to Amanda, “So, how do you like my wall?”
She rolled her eyes and said, “I’d love to get out of it, actually. But somehow you guys seem to enjoy this situation way too much and nobody ever cares about me.”
The old man chuckled and said, “Oh, we care a lot about you. In fact, I could barely think about anything else than your gigantic jugs since the moment we met. Ah, here he is. You’re still horny, right? Want to give my old pal a chance?”
Another man entered the room, gaping at the makeshift wall and the two eager people enthusiastically sucking at what looked like two bloated, female breasts.
“Over here!” the janitor yelled and signaled where he was supposed to go.
“Ugh, yes I’m still horny. But he’d better be good!”
“Alright, you know my friend? He’s the gardener of this place. Oh, and this is Ms Juggs aka Titty.”
“How did she…”
“Long story, you want to fuck her or not?”
“Fuck her? Really?”
Amanda groaned, “Yes, I’ll let you fuck me. But only if you’re good and make me come, understood? Everyone here seems to have fun, just not me for some stupid reason.”
The man grinned, “My pleasure, Madam. Let me help you out.”
Amanda felt another hot poker stabbing her soft backside. Then, something was slipping between her wet folds.
“My, my, quite the mess in there. Looks like I’m not the first one today, eh?”
He slowly started to fuck her, and to Amanda’s surprise, he actually did a decent job. His pulsing dick hit just the right spots and had just the right rhythm to get her going. And then, his fingers found her clit. What a difference! The two mouths on her swollen boobs continued with their delicious work and soon she was writhing and moaning again.
“Ugh, wow, this is great!” groaned the man as he fucked her, “Are you filming this?”
“Yep, I’m so fucking filming this, pal,” grinned the janitor.
“Send it to me later! Now let me take good care of you, darling!”
Amanda was sure, this time it would be her. This time, she would finally reach the top.
“Hey, can someone add my friend here to our little group?” asked the janitor as he watched the pair fuck their brains out.
Dana quickly disengaged from her nipple and grinned, “Of course! Anyone who fucks our little Miss Titty is welcome! Just give me a moment.”
She diddled on her phone and grinned, “Done! And don’t forget to share your videos!”
With that, she went back to work on the tit in front of her.
“Ugh, ugh, yesss…”
Amanda was oblivious to what happened around her. The only thing that mattered in that moment was the fat, hard cock pistoning in and out of her body, and it felt fantastic.
“Are you ready, darling? Because I can’t go much longer.”
The gardener’s breathtaking fingers quickened their delicious dance, and Amanda was in heaven. She felt him tense up, his hands left her snatch and he started pounding into her in earnest.
“Hey guys, what are you doing? I read that somebody needs help?”
“Aaaiiiii, not againnnnn!”
Amanda’s nipple exploded once more. At the same time, the cock inside her jerked and shot its load deep into her body. The gardener collapsed on her, groaning in post-orgasmic bliss.
“This is insane!” Amanda screamed, “Absolutely bonkers! You’re all so fucking awful! Can’t one of you make me cum?”
The poor girl was close to a nervous breakdown. Her body was so longing for that orgasm, she couldn’t think straight anymore.
“Guess I had a bit of a bad timing, huh?” grinned Igor who had just entered the room.
“No worries, that was all my fault,” giggled Dana, “It’s just so much fun to keep her from coming.”
“Ha-fucking-ha, laughing my ass off!” bitched Amanda from behind, “Now that we are all here, maybe you guys can finally get me out of this terrible contraption? I really need to clean myself and while getting my tits sucked was great and all, they also hurt like hell.”
Chapter 4
“She has a point,” said Sean patting the now vacated breast, “Let’s get to work. Everyone, go behind the wall and try to get her free. Dana and I will push her boobs through from this side.”
Hands grabbed her sweaty shoulders and started to pull her back. Amanda tried to ignore the pain radiating from her stretched breasts and pushed herself away from the wall with hands and feet. She felt Sean and Dana press her swollen tits into the holes and prayed that they would eventually pop through. But it didn’t look like it would work.
“Harder, pull harder!” Sean shouted, and indeed the force increased. Amanda could feel her flesh finally move a tiny bit, then a fraction of an inch more. Suddenly, her tits ripped free and she was flying back, everyone falling over each other.
“Thank God!” she yelled, “Free at last!”
“You know, you could have just opened the wall,” the janitor said.
“Here, you can unscrew them. Pretty easy, actually. And then you can just open it up and separate the two halves.”
Amanda was furious, “And why did you stupid jerk not tell us before?”
“Dunno, thought you liked the excitement or something,” the janitor shrugged, “Well, you’re out now, right?”
“Hey how are you?” asked Sean, staring at her bruised tits.
“OK I guess, but my boobs feel like they were run over or something. I need to clean myself.”
Suddenly, the principal barged in and exclaimed, “Ah, Ms Juggs! I was looking for you! I just learned of your adventures. Igor was kind enough to add me to this TittyCare group and I must say that is some fantastic material on there. I see you have found quite some friends already and seem to have a lot of fun!”
Amanda stared at Igor, angry that he had betrayed her, that he so freely shared this awful recordings with everyone, even with the principal. And when did that even happen? Did he talk to the principal while she was still behind the wall? She tried to cover herself up with her shirt, blushing deeply.
“So how’s the uniform? Is everything working alright?”
“No, definitely not. Like I told you countless times, everything is too small! I can’t even get the shirt to close and my tits are constantly hanging out! I need a bigger set, please?”
“Hmmm, but we don’t have larger ones. Let’s have a closer look, shall we? Igor, can you collect Ms Jugg’s uniform? Take her shirt as well, we have all seen her naked already, so no reason to cover up now. Let’s head down to my office. And no, you two get back to work,” he said, pointing to the janitor and the gardener, “Enough fun during working hours!”
Amanda was pushed out of the door without a stitch of clothing on her. The little group made their way to the principal’s office and went inside. Everybody was asked to take a seat.
“Now, Ms Juggs, how did you like your first day at our school?”
“Is this a serious question, Sir?” Amanda scrowled angrily.
“Yes I’m serious, Ms Juggs. I really want to know how you feel.”
“It was horrible, from the first moment I stepped into this place to the disaster in that art room you just witnessed.”
“Well, judging from those nice pictures and videos I found on TittyCare, you seemed to have a jolly good time though. How many times have you had intercourse today? Four, five?”
Amanda blushed, “It wasn’t… I didn’t want to…”
The gardener told me you couldn’t wait to get his… thing… inside of you. And the janitor told me a very similar story. He commended your, how did he put it, your versatile rack, and said you had been a tremendous help today. Mr Howler similarly praised your enthusiasm and willingness to assist in teaching our fine students. So you’re telling me that all of this happened against your will?”
Amanda thought about what he just said and got furious. But wasn’t he right? Wasn’t she encouraging this sort of behavior? No, no she wasn’t! This was all their fault!
“Yes, it all happened against my will with,…” she looked at Sean, “…with very few exceptions.”
“Please stand up, Ms Juggs.”
Amanda didn’t understand.
“Stand up, Ms Juggs, now!”
Amanda slowly raised.
“Please spread your legs for me,” smirked the old man as he walked towards her. Amanda hesitated.
“Please? Just open them a little.”
Amanda glanced around, looking for support.
“It won’t hurt, I promise”
She opened her legs, providing access to her messy, dripping sex. The principal’s hand cupped her mound, she felt a finger entering her warm tunnel.
“Just as I thought, Ms Juggs, just as I thought. Care to explain the state you are in?”
“What…What do you mean?”
“Oh, don’t play dumb, please. It’s evident to anyone here that you are sexually excited right now and your vagina is full of smelly sperm. If this would have happened against your will, you would not be aroused in the slightest. Instead, you would be at some police station or hospital documenting all the terrible things that were done to you. Don’t you agree, Ms Juggs?”
“I… this is… I mean…”
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Ms Juggs, figuratively speaking of course. I know full well what kind of person you are, and I really like you. But take this advice, analyze your own behavior and make peace with yourself. Oh, and now that I have witnessed just how messy you are down there, I will relieve you of the duty to wear panties. In fact, I explicitly forbid you to wear them on school grounds. You’ll only soil them anyway.”
“You forbid me to…?”
“You can’t do that!”
“Of course I can! Igor? Hand me her tanga, please?”
The young man grinned amused as he gave the tiny piece of red underwear to the principal. Amanda couldn’t believe it.
“And by the way, you are growing some stubbles down there. Please remember to keep a close shave at all times. Now, let’s focus on a more productive topic. You said you have problems with your uniform. Could you show us what the exact issue is?”
“I told you already, everything is too small!”
“But you looked fine this morning! Let’s examine this little problem of yours piece by piece. Maybe you can slowly dress yourself and we will analyze together what we can do to improve your situation?”
Amanda nodded in defeat, “As you wish.”
“So where is your bra? You know that the bra is a mandatory part of the uniform, right?”
Amanda groaned, “It was too small! I was unable to even get it on! Ask Igor! He threw it away!”
“He threw it away? You can’t let others throw away parts of your uniform, young lady! And what about your fishnet top?”
“It got….it got destroyed. They cut it up when they wanted to help me get my breasts out.”
“It got destroyed? This is unacceptable, Ms Juggs! I will have to charge any additional cost to your account, is that clear? This will have consequences, young lady! So you went braless?”
“Yes Sir. I just wore this basketball net underneath.”
“Huh, interesting. At least you showed some improvisation skills.”
“Oh, it was Igor’s idea.”
“Care to show me how this works?”
Amanda turned to Igor and the others, who immediately understood.
“Arms up, Titty!” grinned Igor as he pushed the net over her body. It was a bit more difficult without the fishnet under it, but together they managed to pull it in place. Amanda’s huge tits were brutally squeezed against her chest and the coarse ropes cut deep valleys into her skin. Under the principal’s observing watch, they started to work her squashed tits through the gaps, pulling and pushing her tender flesh in place. Soon, her two sore pillows were once again bulging through the net and quickly swelling into two massive, mouth watering globes.
“Interesting, and this was your idea, Igor?”
The big man nodded proudly, “Yes, I thought it’s as close to a fishnet as possible.”
“Good thinking! Alright, you can wear this for now. So what’s next? The shirt, I assume?”
Amanda shook her head, her face clearly showing that she was not happy about her situation, “No, first the clamps.”
“The clamps?”
Igor presented the two white discs. Amanda sighed as she toyed with one of her nipples until it was hard and let the awful clamp snap over it.
“Ouch, dammit!” she cursed annoyed but immediately proceeded to take care of the other one.
“Nice. I must admit, these cover your offending parts quite well. Was this, too, Igor’s idea?”
“No, I got them from the janitor. They’re door bumpers.”
“I am amazed! So many creative people in this building!” the principal smirked, “Yes, yes I think these are acceptable. So what’s next?”
“The shirt,” Amanda groaned and tried to get into the flimsy piece, “As you can easily see, there is no way I can cover myself with this.”
The principal watched intently as she buttoned up the white fabric until she reached the bottom of her breasts. She demonstrated that it was simply impossible to close the next one.
“I see. But you really don’t need to close them, do you? As we just agreed, your female charms are already well covered. Not a piece of nipple is showing! I don’t see any problem here. So what’s next?”
“Sir! I can’t walk around with my tits hanging out in the open, even though my nipples may well be covered!”
“I emphatically disagree, Ms Juggs. I think this is absolutely appropriate for you. Now, please continue. I assume the skirt is fine at least?”
“Yeah, yeah, the skirt is fine,” Amanda muttered as she put on the little piece, “No, actually it’s way too short! Everyone can see my panties when I… oh.”
“It’s just as long as any other skirt on this campus. You may want to be a bit more careful with flashing your privates in future though,” he chuckled, “So what’s next, socks, shoes?”
“Socks and shoes are not the issue here, Sir,” she fumed as she put on the respective pieces.
“The corset?”
Amanda groaned, “The corset is horrible and too tight, but it’s not why I am upset!”
“Please put it on. We need to see your full outfit.”
“Let me help you,” offered Sean and squeezed her into the tight leather piece.
“This looks fabulous!” the principal beamed, Now the jacket, right?”
“The jacket is of no use, I can’t get it to close. It just pushes my tits further up!”
“Show me, please.”
“Alright, alright,” Amanda groaned and slipped into the tiny red thing, “See? I barely get one button to close and it just pushes everything up! My boobs are still bare for god’s sake, except for these terrible clamps!”
“No reason to get upset, Ms Juggs. I really don’t see why you are so agitated! Honestly, you look great!”
“It’s bad enough like it is, but as soon as I move, my boobs bounce all over the place!”
“Can you demonstrate what you mean?”
Amanda rolled her eyes and started to jump. Her bound balloons jiggled and swayed enticingly.
“Oh, I see. Yeah, that can be a bit distracting for the pupils. We can’t have them jiggle and bounce like that. Let me see if I can do anything to help you with this.”
He walked behind her and grabbed the base of her left breast with both hands. He jiggled the tender appendage around a bit and then strengthened his grip, forcing her womanly flesh into a red hot balloon.
“Ouch, Sir! What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to help you, of course. Let me check something.”
He walked over to a cupboard and took something out. Back behind her, he quickly looped the object around her left breast and pulled it tight.
“Aahhh, that hurts! What the hell is this?”
“Zip ties. Very useful. Let’s see if we can stabilize those balls a bit and dampen the bounce.”
He put another zip tie on the other breast and pulled it taut.
“Now jump again, please?”
Amanda got up and bounced around, her tits still wobbling and swaying on her chest.
“Better, I think. Hmmm, that reminds me… Do you feel like I’m stressed out a bit? Maybe overly aggressive or irritable?”
Amanda gaped at him, “Excuse me?”
“Oh, I think you are, Sir!” nodded Igor, “You have been acting a bit strange lately.”
“I see. You know, your fabulous breasts just reminded me of my stress ball, tightly bound like they are right now. Sadly, I lost it a few weeks ago and thinking back it really helped me to decompress and relax. Uhm… how do you get these off again?”
He pointed at one of the nipple clamps.
“Just pull, Sir,” grinned Igor.
“I see.”
He grabbed one disc in each hand and janked hard, leaving Amanda howling in pain and with swollen nipples for all to see.
“They may be a bit bigger than I’m used to, but I’m sure they’ll work just as well. May I?”
Amanda looked at him, irritated, “What do you want from me?”
His hands found her hurting breasts and started kneading.
“Fantastic! They’re so much better than my old one!”
Amanda tried to push his massaging hands away but he just kept squeezing her sore breasts, poking and pinching her tender pillows.
“They are very effective, my dear. I already feel so much more relaxed! Want to try, Igor? I think you can use a bit of their magical healing power as well!”
Without waiting for her response, Igor took over and sank his hands deep into Amanda’s melons.
“Ahhh… Please?”
“Ms Juggs, I know this is not helping with that bouncing problem of yours, and I promise I will come up with a solution for that as well. But your…charms… would be incredibly helpful to get the student body into better mental health. Igor is merely testing your capabilities right now, so please don’t interrupt him, will you?”
“But he’s so brutal! You, Sir, have been much gentler with your massage! He… ugh… he squeezes them so hard!”
“That’s why it’s so important to provide this service. See, he’s just an angry young man and needs to work his aggressions off somehow. By using your wonderful breasts, he can get this unhealthy energy out of his system and be a more productive member of society! I’m sure that bit of uncomfortableness you might experience is worth the benefit, don’t you agree?”
“Ugh… ah… No… I think it’s…ahhh… Ouch!”
“You were right, Sir! I already feel much better now. Thanks, Titty!” Igor grinned as he removed his hands from her red, hot globes. He gave them a playful smack and went back to his seat.
“Dana, Sean? Do you need to get some of that terrible stress out of your system as well? I’m sure Ms Juggs will be happy to provide her fantastic services for a few more minutes.”
Dana grinned evilly but when Sean whispered something in her ear, she politely declined. Sean, too, shook his head.
“Good, good. Now, about your jiggle situation, I think I can offer a temporary fix but you will need to come here on Monday morning again, so we can discuss a long term solution. In fact, we should make Monday morning our regular check-up day. Would that be alright for you?”
“Y…yes, I guess?” said Amanda, happy that her ballooning tits were finally left alone.
“Great! Let’s get you fixed up then.”
The principal searched a few drawers and muttered, “This should do nicely!” He approached Amanda with a roll of duct tape and said, “Please keep still for a moment.”
Amanda knew that it was all about her tits again, so she simply closed her eyes and hoped it would be over soon. She felt the sticky tape being pressed against one of her breasts and, with much force, looped around the globe several times. When she opened her eyes again, a silver stalk extended from her chest out, a red ball of flesh capping its end.
“This is ridiculous!” she squeaked, “You’re just making everything worse!”
“Trust me, you will be completely covered once I’m done. Now let me do the other side, please?”
Amanda watched with a mixture of fascination and disgust as her other breast got transformed into a very similar form. Finally, the principal pulled two condoms out of his pocket, ripped one open, pulled the small rubber ring as wide as he could, and rolled it over one of the odd breast balls. He quickly repeated the procedure on the other side and beamed, “Almost done!”
Under Amanda’s furious watch, he grabbed both of her nipples covered behind the rubber and teased them until they popped right into the little reservoir at the end of the condoms. Grinning mischievously, he took the two bumpers and let them snap on.
“What do you say? You can now jiggle all you like, your breasts are well covered, from your cute nipple down to your chest.”
“This is absurd!” whined Amanda, “You turned me into a freak! Just look at my disfigured boobs!”
“Always complaining, aren’t we? Let’s discuss this next Monday. Have a nice weekend Ms Juggs! Oh, and before I forget: I’ll need your clothes in my office by Sunday morning. Otherwise, I can’t prepare them for the long term solution I have in mind.”
“But… But they are all I have? Do you expect me to walk around naked?”
“Of course not. Just get your civilian clothes from the janitor. You have my approval to wear them on property until next Monday.”
“Really?” Amanda asked, not believing what she had just heard.
“Really. Now off you go!”
“Thank you, Sir, Thank you so much!”
“My pleasure. Igor? Will you please show her the dorm?”
It was odd, but this sudden, unexpected offer to wear her own clothes, even if it was just for a weekend, made Amanda unbelievably happy. She had been forced to wear this ridiculous outfit for just a day, but it felt already like she would never be allowed to wear anything else ever again. On a rational level, Amanda knew this was not the case, but emotionally, this tiny little show of goodwill caused her to be fucking ecstatic.
Chapter 5
“Hey, you have the key to your dorm, right?” asked Igor as they walked past some buildings and into a small, quiet park.
“Yeah, I got it from the janitor. Wait… oh shit. It’s not there! But I am sure I put it in that shirt pocket! You carried my clothes down to the office, right? Maybe you have it?”
“No, no I don’t have it, Titty!” groaned Igor annoyed, “Dammit, girl, how can one be so dense? Alright, wait here while I get it for you, and don’t move!”
“Here? But… this place is creepy! And it’s getting dark already!”
“You’re a big girl, Titty,” he smirked, eyeing her strangely bound bosom,” Just plant your naked ass on that bench over there and take care that nothing bad happens to your jiggly jugglers, alright? I’ll be back in a jiffy.”
She could only watch him walk back to the main building. Alone and scared, shivering from the cold, Amanda sat down and listened to the rustling trees. The quietness made her queasy. Suddenly, she heard voices. Girls’ voices.
“Yeah, that bitch is fucking obscene!”
“You just have to look at her gigantic hooters and you know that she’s dumb as shit.”
“Right? I bet she can’t take her hands off her tits, even when she’s alone in her room!”
Amanda’s eyes grew wider and wider as she listened to their conversations. Who were they? That one girl sounded like that Alice bitch from art class! But the others?
“Especially if she’s alone! I bet she’s getting herself off every night, grabbing and pulling her fat knockers for hours! Did you know that she fucked Sean in school?”
“No way! I just heard the gardener boast that he dumped his load in her fuckhole.”
“The gardener? No, it was the janitor! He told everyone that… wait, do you think they both…? What a filthy slut!”
By now, Amanda was sure they were talking about her. She panicked, what should she do? Hide? But where?
“And every boy is constantly staring at her udders, right? It’s like they are possessed by her or something! It’s always tits, tits, tits with those jerks!”
Amanda dashed behind a tree, calming her bouncing, tightly packed mushrooms with her hands.
“We need to put a stop to this. Time to teach that slut a lesson that she won’t forg… What the hell is that?”
Alice pointed towards a nearby tree, two round, globular objects were jiggling next to it.
“Come on, girls, let’s have a look!”
Amanda was about to freak out. The girls approached her from all sides, there was no escaping! It would only take seconds until she’d been found out!
“Well, well, look at this, our filthy little titty whore! We were just talking about you!” snarled Alice, “Grab her, girls! This is a divine sign, let’s put the whore in her place!”
“Hey, are you mad?” screamed Amanda, “Get your hands off me!”
But the girls just laughed at her, grabbing her weirdly shaped boobs and slapping them around for their amusement.
“What in heaven’s name did you do with those udders of yours, bitch? Do you think that makes them look even bigger? You are disgusting!”
“It… it was the principal! He wanted me to cover up! So that’s… that’s what he did…to me. He said my breasts are a distraction and….”
“And he’s fucking right! Your obscene jugs are distracting everyone around here!” Alice yelled, her hand grabbing both nipple clamps and pulling at them. The angry girl turned the discs slowly around and Amanda howled in pain. Then, she ripped the little bumpers free and grinned, “Time for a little play time, slut. Or are you not into girls?”
Her fingers found a hard, rubber-covered nub and pinched it hard.
“Jodie, check out her pussy! Cassie, give me those scissors from your vanity kit.”
Amanda felt fingers touching her backside and sliding down between her legs.
“The slut doesn’t even wear panties! Guess she can’t wait to get something inside her vile cunt!”
Her sex was pulled open and something penetrated her tender hole.
“Fuck me, this whore is disgusting! She’s full of goo! Didn’t even clean herself after all the action she got! You have to feel this mess for yourself, girls, fucking unbelievable! “
Amanda’s face was as red as a tomato. She struggled to get free, tried to push her attackers away but to no avail. She felt a sharp tug on her nipple and looked down. Alice was cutting the little rubber reservoir away and pulled her bud out. Her other side followed suit.
“You know, those balls at the end of… what the fuck is that anyway, duct tape? Well, those fat red globes are still bigger than any of our own boobies, and we all got plenty enough already! You’re a freak, bitch, and you know it! Let’s have a closer look, shall we?”
“Hey, Alice! Her hole is so filthy, you really should look at this yourself! And she’s so loose, you can probably drive a truck through her cunt!”
Amanda felt them put more fingers into her body. She moaned in pain.
“She’s getting horny! That fucking cunt is enjoying it! Not with us, bitch!”
The condoms were pushed back, now forming just a tight rubber ring at the end of her rigidly bound breast stalks. Hands were mashing her bloated, hurting tits. Suddenly, her breasts started to heat up and hurt even more. A different sort of pain made itself known.
“Hey, what did you put on her udders?” laughed one of the girls.
“You want some as well? Just wash it off afterwards before you touch your eyes or something, otherwise you’ll be in trouble,” giggled Alice, “Now let’s work this stuff into her melons for good!”
The poor girl’s breasts were thoroughly massaged by eager hands, and Amanda quickly realized that something was not right. Her boobs were on fire!
“Hey, is this your phone?” teased Alice, “You really should set at least a PIN, you know? Basic security practice. Oooh… Now I know who left all that gunk in your sweet little pussy. My, this TittyCare group really is something! Who’s the admin? Igor? Let’s see if he will let us in when you send him a request. Girls? Want to join the fun?”
Cassie and Jodie giggled, “Sure, boss!”
“Now that was fast! Igor seems to take his admin job seriously! How about we create a little gift to share? I bet a video interview would be right up their alley!”
Amanda stared at her angrily. The thought that these girls had access to these pictures and videos infuriated her. And her breasts were killing her!
“Titty, huh? Fitting name! So you know how an interview works, right bitch? Just play along and nothing bad will happen. Now, look at your phone and state your full name when I ask for it.”
Amanda shook her head, “You can’t do that! It’s my phone, and I won’t answer any of your stupid quesions!”
“There, there girl. I can only warn you that I will get very angry if you keep being so unreasonable. I’m sure the other students and maybe your parents would love to see those pictures as well, don’t you think?”
Amanda groaned, “Alright, alright, just get on with this shit then!”
“Language, Titty! Now, let’s do this!”
Alice started the recording and pointed the phone at Amanda.
“Good evening Miss, and thanks for agreeing to this interview! So you are the new transfer student that joined today, is that correct?”
“And your name is?”
“Amanda Juggs.”
“So, I heard that you had quite the day today, what was the most memorable thing that happened?”
“That everyone messed with my tits! I wasn’t even allowed to wear proper clothes!”
“But you look quite proper now, although your top is a tad unconventional. You do bear quite the burden though, dear!”
Amanda rolled her eyes, “Yes, I’ve got big tits, so what?”
“Is that all there is? With your current… covering… we can’t really see all that much. Maybe you can show us their true glory?”
“What… what do you mean?”
“Just remove that silver band for our viewers, please? We would love to know what makes those hooters so special!”
Amanda tried to loosen a bit of the duct tape but it proved to be quite the challenge as it clung hard to her tormented breasts. She looked at Alice pleadingly as she tried to remove the band. The giggling girl motioned her friends to help the little slut, and Cassie and Jodie were eager to step in. Piece by piece, they ripped the sticky band away and Amanda’s breast flesh bloomed through the gaps from underneath. The poor girl was cursing and yelling as they slowly pulled the horrible fabric from her skin, tweaking and prodding her sensitive flesh on purpose. Her breasts seemed so inflamed and tender once she could actually see them again, and they felt much bigger and more sore than before.
“Look at those beauties! I think I understand now why you hide them under all that silver. They do look obscene!”
“I didn’t…”
Cassie still toyed with Amanda’s tender breasts and slowly pulled the tight rubber rings, leftovers from the condoms, from her swollen and buzzing tits. Only the basketball net remained, accompanied by her tiny skirt.
“So, I heard that women with such large and vulgar breasts often receive unwelcome attention by the other sex, would you agree to that statement?”
“Absolutely!” groaned Amanda, “Everyone just wants to get their hands on my boobs!”
“They do look quite big. Maybe you can show our audience how much of a burden they really are? Maybe you can shake them a bit, or jump?”
Amanda glared at the evil bitch, but when Alice stared back, she slowly started to move her torso, letting her heavy bosom swing and jiggle.
“Quite the sight, dear. I think it would be interesting to see you jump as well.”
Amanda groaned but did what she was told and let her fat knockers bounce around for the enjoyment of the unwelcome audience.
“Terrific! So, can you still do sports with those?”
“With proper clothing, yes.”
“I am sure our audience would love to see that. But I heard that not only your breasts attracted quite some attention today. There were rumors about you having sex on school grounds! Are these rumors correct? Did you have sexual intercourse today on campus?”
Amanda blushed, “Y…yes.”
“And how often, dear?”
Amanda didn’t respond, her head glowing in shame.
Alice shot her a warning glare.
“M..maybe four or five times?”
“Oh my! So you don’t even know how many times you fucked today? Quite a feat, dear! Maybe you can lift your tiny skirt so that we can see just why those men are so attracted to you?”
“It’s not my bottom… it’s my…”
“Lift your skirt, please?” insisted Alice, staring at her angrily.
Amanda took hold of the flimsy fabric and pulled it up.
“Oooh, what a surprise! You’re not wearing any underwear?”
“I am … forbidden to do so.”
“Forbidden, why?”
“Because… because my vagina is … leaking and I would… I would only soil them.”
“I see. Could you please move your little snatch into view and open it up a bit for our audience?”
Amanda sighed and spread her lips. White goo was slowly drooling out of the slimy opening.
“Now I understand why you can’t wear panties. What a sight! Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our new slut on campus, Amanda Juggs aka Titty! Whores and hookers beware, a new hoe is on the block! Thank you very much for watching, and make sure to pay our dear Titty a visit as soon as you can!”
Alice nodded towards her two goons. Cassie and Jodie immediately understood and quickly snapped the two bumpers back onto Amanda’s sore nipples.
“Ouch, dammit!” she cursed, her hands still massaging her inflamed breasts. Alice stopped the video and grinned, “Nice performance, whore! Now let’s send this to your care group, I’m sure they like to watch that. Let this be a lesson, slut. Don’t mess with us or this nice little movie will be plastered all over the net and your parents will call you to find out what this educational show was all about, understood?”
Amanda was shocked. Her hands found her burning breasts and tried to wipe away whatever they had put on them. Why did they have to humiliate her like that? Why were they so angry with her?
The bullies watched her spitefully as she tried to come to terms with the shame and with those intense sensations in her itching, hurting breasts. Alice turned to her one last time, spit on her heaving bosom and hissed, “If you don’t behave yourself, it will get much worse. Girls? Let’s go!”
Amanda watched silently as the group finally left. She heard steps from behind.
“Hey, are you alright, Titty?”
Igor was back, the key in his hand.
“I… I got attacked!” sobbed Amanda, “I got attacked by a bunch of bullies and they… they… made me say things and… and… and they filmed me! They… they also put something on my breasts and it… burns! They looked into my… my … And my boobs itch so much! Why did they do this to me? I haven’t… I haven’t done anything?!”
“There, there, Titty. Calm down. Come on, let’s get you to your dorm.”
When Igor showed her the room, Amanda was still disturbed by what had happened in the park. Her itching breasts were distracting her terribly and she was ashamed that these brats had seen just how much semen there was inside of her.
But somehow Igor succeeded in soothing her nerves. And once she had calmed down, she was actually pleasantly surprised by the dorm she was in. It was a mixed house, with both male and female students in the different rooms, and everything looked clean and well kept. Her room was tiny, there was a bed and a cupboard, a desk and a chair, but not much else. The cupboard was empty and she assumed this was where the usual spare uniforms would be kept. Igor showed her the common kitchen, leisure rooms and terrace, the showers, bathrooms and laundry room. There was a small shop on campus, but she could also order food or go to the cafeteria. There were even several restaurants and bars nearby. If she could get her own clothes back, she could actually have some fun this weekend!
“Alright, Titty. Are you all set?”
“I think so.”
“Great. Sean, Dana and I are usually around during the weekend, so if you get bored just contact the group.”
“Oh, and take care of these for me,” he grinned and lightly slapped her dangling tits.
“Then maybe see you later! Have a good night!”
Amanda could not believe she was finally alone. Her head buzzed from all that had happened, how she had repeatedly been humiliated to her bones. The principal’s speech about her encouraging and tolerating all of this still rang in her ears, and she wondered if he was actually right about that. Her hands found the terrible clamps and pulled at them hard. But they wouldn’t budge.
She remembered how difficult it was to remove them alone but she couldn’t wait to get out of this ridiculous dress. She opened the door a tiny bit and pushed one of her breasts through so the clamp was on the other side. Then, she closed it again as far as it would go and pulled her torso back with might. Familiar pain shot through her body as she heard the object clatter to the floor. Proud of what she had achieved, she quickly repeated the exercise on the other breast, collected both clamps and dashed back inside.
The jacket and shirt were quickly pulled off but the basketball net turned out to be a bigger challenge, and one that took her quite some time to get rid of. But somehow Amanda managed to remove that constricting piece of makeshift clothing, too, systematically pulling at one string at the time and slowly working the entire net up her body. She even got her tits out of their ropey prison, but her meticulous work was accompanied by a lot of swearing and moaning.
Once she pulled off the net, she could see that her entire body was covered in a criss cross of red marks. But Amanda was just happy that she was free at last. She quickly removed the rest of her clothes, grabbed the provided towels and went into the shower to finally clean herself.
The hot, soapy water washed away all the grime, sweat and tears. She paid special attention to her sore sex and cleaned herself thoroughly. It took at least half an hour until she got out again, clean and sweet-smelling, and incredibly tired.
Amanda remembered the janitor’s instruction to wash her clothes regularly, and that the principal needed them on Sunday already. Slightly annoyed by the extra work, she decided to take care of these chores now, so she could use the uniform on the next day if needed. With the last bit of energy, she collected all the pieces, including the strange basketball net, and went to the laundry room, her naked, clean body only covered by a few towels. The tired girl dumped everything into one of the washing machines and switched it on. Back in her room, she crashed on her bed and fell into a deep, relaxing sleep.
Chapter 6
Her dream was vivid and upsetting. Amanda was naked, except for two tight ropes looped around each of her gigantic tits. They pulled her up in the air, where she was slowly oscillating back and forth like an obscene, human swing. Something was pounding into her squelching pussy. She was turned on like never before. The cruel pull on her mighty melons, the fat dick cruising through her tight sex from behind, the hot breath right on her neck, the loud banging on the… door?
Amanda was sitting bolt-upright in her bed, her heart racing, her body covered in sweat. She could still feel the thick rod in her spasming pussy as she tried to come to grips with what was going on.
“Hey, Amanda! Are you in there?”
She dashed out of her bed, looked for something, anything to cover her naked body. But her room was empty except for the wet towels and her blanket. She opted for the blanket, wrapped it around her nude self and slowly opened the door.
The floor was brightly lit and there were tons of people gathering outside.
“Welcome to Dorm 17–3, Amanda!” they screamed, and pulled her out of her room.
“What… hey? I…”
A friendly, giggling young woman greeted her with a big hug and beamed, “Everyone! Let us celebrate our new arrival, Amanda Juggs!”
Cheers echoed through the building as the confused girl was warmly welcomed.
“Friends, let’s head into the party area and have a toast on this beautiful lady! My, honey, you are a bit top heavy, aren’t you?”
Amanda was overwhelmed. All those people welcoming her into their fold? A party? Just for her? But she was completely naked under that thin blanket! How could she…
“Here, have a drink, young lady,” beamed a cute guy, eyeing her shapely body with interest, “Nice clothes!”
Amanda dumped the glass, hoping to wash away the awkwardness. She spotted Sean talking to the girl from before.
“Hey Titty, nice outfit!”
“Hi Sean, what are you doing here? You don’t live in this dorm, do you?”
“No, but I heard about the party. And as I still owe you something…” he looked at her ominously, “I thought I’d drop by to see how you’re doing in your new home.”
Amanda grinned, “Thanks Sean, so what do you owe me exactly?”
“Later, Titty, later.”
“Titty, huh? Is that how they call you? Are you OK with that? I’m Hanna by the way, the head of this little community.”
“Hi Hanna, nice party! Yeah, that name… I don’t really like it but somehow everyone keeps calling me that.”
“Not without reason, I guess? That blanket looks awfully stretched up there,” she smirked, “So tell me, how was your first day?”
“Oh god, it was so awful! Everyone is just trying to grab my tits, put stuff on them, smack or suck them. And if they get tired of my melons, they want to fuck me. That’s all there is, really. And that principal? A fucking pervert!”
“Wow, that sounds like quite the day. So, uhm, if everybody has already seen you naked, why don’t you… ah, forget it. This is your party, you can do what the hell you want.”
“But she’s right, Ti… Amanda,” grinned Sean, “You paraded your boobs around school the entire day, why cover up now?”
“I just… I mean, I don’t want to… people already think I’m a slut, you know?”
“People? You mean Alice and her goons? I saw the video. Don’t worry about them, they’re boneheads.”
“You… you saw the video? Oh my god!”
“Yeah, it was sent to the group, from your very own phone. I’m sure everyone watched it already. You made quite the impression!”
“What video?” asked Hanna curiously, “Can you show me?”
“N…no, better not.” mumbled Amanda but Sean already had his phone out and played the video for her.
“Wow, what an outfit! What did you do with your boobies? They look… holy moly, that is… what a pair!”
Sean stopped just before the ‘inspection’ of Amanda’s sexual performance started and put the phone away.
“So why the odd bra-thing?”
“Long story, but basically the principal put this on me.”
“Really? Fuck. You don’t need to be ashamed of your boobs, you know? They’re beautiful!”
“Thanks, but I th…”
“No, really, they are stunning from what I could see on that tiny screen. Want a drink, some food?”
“Yes, please.”
Hanna went away to get something.
“Sean, don’t show that stuff around, please? I don’t want to be seen like this!”
“But she’s right! You’re beautiful! You’re the queen of the campus, and everybody should know that!”
“No, they shouldn’t … see me like that! Shh, she’s coming back.”
“Here, something stronger to calm your nerves. And some bites.”
“Oh, good! I’m starving!”
“So tell me, what did you wear in that video? Under the blouse, I mean? That wasn’t our school-approved fishnet top, was it?”
Sean grinned mischievously.
“No, it wasn’t. The fucking clothes didn’t fit my…figure. So some idiot… my ‘Sherpa’… came up with this brilliant solution and put me into a freaking basketball net.”
“Really? And it fits?”
“But your boobs…?”
“They were pulled through the gaps. It looks ridiculous, trust me.”
Sean was grinning like a Cheshire cat now and smirked, “It looks fantastic, Hanna. Nothing compares to that piece of clothing on this hot body.”
Hanna smiled, “Now I really want to see it. You have it in your room?”
“No, it’s in the laundry with my other stuff. I put it in when I came here so it’ll be clean tomorrow.”
“So it’s ready now, right? Maybe a bit wet but clean?”
“I guess so?”
“I can get it! I’ll put the rest of your stuff in the dryer so it’s all done by tomorrow. The net… we’ll need that,” offered Sean.
“Hey, I didn’t agree to this, did I?”
“OK, OK, you’re the boss,” he moaned, “How about a smoke?”
Hanna’s eyes lit up, “You have dope?”
“Fantastic! Let’s grab some more drinks and head to my room!”
Amanda shrugged and followed along, the blanket tightly wrapped around her naked body.
The drinks were good and so was the music. The dope made everything so much better. Soon, the three were lying on Hanna’s small bed, talking about school, love, music and sex.
“So you fucked four times today? You’re a damn sex athlete!” giggled Hanna, taking another puff.
“I think it’s because of that basketball net. It’s just so fucking hot how her boobs bulge through it!”
“Oooh, the net! I need to see that. And get that stupid blanket off your body, Amanda. I want to see your waaaares!”
“Geez, alright, alright,” laughed Amanda, high as a kite and in good spirits, “If you must see, I’ll do it.”
“Oh, great!” beamed Sean, I’ll go get it then!”
“Be quick!” giggled Hanna, “I might pass out if you take too long!”
Hanna’s curious hands slowly moved towards the blanket-clad beauty on her bed and sneaked up Amanda’s legs, “You like him, huh?”
“I barely know him, but he’s OK, I guess.”
“He fucked you two times already today, and intends to do another round tonight, and you barely know him?”
“Did he tell you that?”
“Yes he did,” giggled Hanna , “Now, let me see your titties so I can be jealous!”
“Hey!” laughed Amanda, “I didn’t know you are such a freak!”
Hanna’s quick fingers soon found a gap in her defenses and teased her fleshy mountains under the white fabric.
“Ooooh, I like what I feel. Damn, they are big, aren’t they?”
“Uh-hu”, whispered Amanda, high from the dope and horny from all the sex talk. She felt Hanna’s fingers toy with her hard nipples, lightly pulling and tweaking them. The blanket slowly unfolded and slipped to the ground.
“Wow, you are a hot little number, sweetie,” gushed Hanna, her hands now all over Amanda’s naked body. The door slowly opened and Sean entered the room.
“Got it! Hey, don’t start without me! Isn’t she beautiful?”
“Oh, yes she is!”
Sean knelt down and took a nipple between his lips, tenderly sucking the little bud. Amanda moaned excitedly. Hanna took care of the other breast and together they worked their magic on the panting girl, who was soon squealing in delight. Sean’s hands traveled down her body and dipped into her wet honeypot, slowly gliding along her nether lips and over her hard little clit.
“You know I still owe you one, right?” he teased.
“Wh… what, Sean? What… do you owe me?”
“An orgasm of course. I left you hanging the last time, don’t you remember?”
Oh I … I … remember, Sean,” gasped the aroused girl, “It was… horrible! Can … can you make me come… now?”
“While Hanna is watching?”
“Yes,…. ah… yes! While Hanna is watching! Come on Sean, fuck me, please?”
The young man smiled affectionately and slowly got out of his clothes. Hanna watched mesmerized as the two got to work. She eagerly took Amanda’s large breasts in her hands while Sean mounted her from behind. Her tongue played with her hard nipples until they threatened to explode, and Amanda groaned and moaned in delight.
“You’re so fucking hard, Sean, this is great! Come on, pound me like before!”
The young man quickened his pace, plowing into her wet, gurgling sex with vigor. Amand’s large breasts swayed back and forth, passing across Hanna’s outstretched tongue and her teasing fingers.
“Uh, Sean, I think I am coming….”
“Uh, uh, I can’t hold it much…uh..longer..uh…too.”
Suddenly, Amanda’s body trembled and a mighty jolt ripped through her body. Finally, finally she had her release. Finally, her body got what it so desperately needed! Sean pushed into her deeply and filled her body.
“Wow, third time’s a charm!” he beamed, “Girl, you are intoxicating! If you keep this up, I’ll be dead by the end of the week!”
“Nice show, you two. I’m a bit jealous though.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t…”
“Oh, no Sean, no way I’ll let you inside of me. No, I’m into girls. I’d like to have HER!”
“Oh wow, I didn’t know!” Sean laughed, “So how about it, Ti… Amanda, want to fuck her?”
“Uh, I… I don’t know? I like boys, I guess?”
“Don’t worry,” giggled Hanna, “I’ll try my luck later. Thanks for letting me play with those melons. So, what about that net? I still haven’t seen you in it and I really need to know!”
“Fine,” smiled Amanda, “I’ll do that for you. As a booby prize.”
“I get a boobie-prize?” Hanna grinned, “I’m thrilled!” her hands reached out to touch Amanda’s heaving breast, “So how do you get it onto your fabulous body?”
“Usually, I just put my hands over my head and someone, mostly Igor, forces it down. But now you two need to do that.”
Amanda got up on her shaky legs and stretched her arms, “Sean, you know the drill, go ahead.”
Sean was more than happy to comply and started to pull the clingy net over her arms and head. Hanna quickly understood and joined the fun. Together, they worked the sports equipment until the black piece hung around her neck. They had trouble coercing the thing to pop over her shoulders, even though both Hanna and Sean did their best and Amanda tried to make herself as small as possible.
“It’s much tighter than before,” stated Sean matter-of-factly, “Maybe the wash wasn’t the best idea.”
“Oh well, it was a try. Guess I’ll need to stay naked for now!” shrugged Amanda.
“Oh no! You don’t get off so easily,” giggled Hanna, “Let’s hop into the shower. You’re messy and I think once we lathered you up, this thing will slip right over your sexy body like a second skin.”
“I don’t know, “ mumbled Amanda, “It’s really tight. Maybe we can have another smoke instead? And some cuddling?”
“We can do all that and more later,” grinned Hanna, poking Amanda’s sensitive breast, “Come on, sweetie, for your new friend? As boobie-prize?”
Amanda giggled, still high from all the pot, and got up. Dressed in her blanket and with the net dangling around her neck, she got out of the room.The three conspirators ran through the corridors and quickly vanished into an empty bathroom.
Hanna directed her into the shower stall, and stripped. She glanced at Sean, who was getting undressed as well, and grinned, “Don’t get your hopes up, pal. I’m not into boys.”
“I heard that,” laughed the young man, “And I’m still exhausted from before, so don’t worry. But I do want to take part in this little experiment!”
Together, they squeezed into the tight cabin, naked flesh pressing against naked flesh. Everyone squeaked as Hanna opened the valve and cold water rained down on them.
“Shit, I hate this shower,” cursed Hanna as she got the temperature under control, “Now, this is much better!”
Warm water was splashing down on the three, making their skin wet and glistening. Hanna reached for the soap and lathered Amanda’s body, paying special attention to her stunning breasts. Sean initially just watched the two hot girls showering, but soon joined in. Soapy hands were all over Amanda, on her tender breasts, between her excited legs, even over her messy pussy.
“Let’s clean her out first, “ gasped Hanna excitedly as her fingers entered Amanda’s hot sex and pulled it open. Sean couldn’t take his eyes off the two and directed the warm water into the gorgeous girl’s opening. Amanda moaned in heat as her new friend caressed her lovingly. Once in a while, fingers found the drenched sports equipment and pulled at it, slowly extending the short threads. Hanna became aware of what Sean was trying to do, winked at him conspiratorially and lent him a hand.
The wet net was much more cooperative this time around. Together, they managed to slowly pull it over Amanda’s soapy, slick body while they kept the groaning girl entertained and excited. Her gigantic breasts were putting up quite a fight, but their persistence finally paid off. After a few minutes, the soaked object slipped into place, harshly compressing Amanda’s melons beneath the tight strings, just as Amanda was about to come.
Suddenly, the three excited friends squeaked in surprise as the water turned to ice.
“Dammit, never enough warm water in this dump!” cursed Hanna as they jumped outside. The three dried themselves using the only towel they had. Sean and Hanna jumped into their clothes while Amanda wrapped the blanket around her wet, bound body again.
“My tits,” she groaned, still excited from all the teasing, “You need to get them out of there. The net is too tight!”
Hanna examined her blanket-covered breasts, her fingers testing the thin ropes cutting deep into her massive pillows and said, “Sure honey, let’s go somewhere to take care of you. My room or yours?”
“Mine,” gasped Amanda, trying to ignore the pain in her bosom, “I’m getting quite tired and would like to be as close to my bed as possible.”
“Alright, no problem. Let’s go!”
Sean peeked outside and signaled both that the corridor was empty. Wet feet ran over the floor as the group made their way to the room. Just as they turned around the final corner, they came to a screeching halt. A girl was standing in front of Amanda’s door, knocking at it repeatedly. Before the three could react, the new guests spotted them and shouted, “There you are! Finally! I was so looking for you!”
“You three having fun? And who is your new friend?”
“Hanna, this is Dana. Dana, this is Hanna. Now, let’s get inside!”
Dana examined Amanda’s still glistening body, fingers poking into the barely covered flesh, and curiously asked, “How are your boobs doing?”.
“Ugh… Not great! I could really use some help!”
Chapter 7
Inside the small room, the group sat down on the floor and took a breath. Dana’s gaze jumped from one to another as she examined the odd group to find out just what was going on. Hanna looked like she just had a shower. But she also acted erratic and nervous. And Titty, well, Titty played her slutty self quite well, her hot body exuding sex appeal. Only Sean seemed to be pretty relaxed, though he, too, had wet hair.
“Want a smoke?” Dana offered, presenting her little pipe to the group.
Sean nodded and took a hit. Amanda was constantly pulling at her blanket to find a better position, but she soon was happily accepting the offer. Hanna’s eyes were glued on Amanda’s sexy body as she took a deep puff, “So what do you want us to do, Amanda?”
“Just get my tits out like you did before,” she whined as she got out of the blanket to show her predicament , “Sean and Dana know what to do.”
“Holy shit, you still have that net on you!” laughed Dana, “What happened to your boobs though?”
“I… I had it removed. But Hanna wanted to see how I look in it, so…”
“No shit! You really can’t stop doing stuff like this, can you?”
Amanda blushed, “Can you help me or not?”
“Sure. Sean, let’s show our new friend how we got her tits through the last time. Titty, get your ass on the floor, tits up! We can do this!”
Hanna watched how the sexy girl slowly slid on the floor. She would certainly like to have something to remember this very special occasion. A naughty thought crossed her mind.
“Hey, guys! I was just pondering… maybe… would you mind if I record our little session? I’ll show you later and will delete it if you don’t like it. But I have the feeling this could get interesting.”
Dana beamed, “Absolutely! And please send it to the group afterwards so everybody can enjoy it!”
“The group?” inquired Hanna, not sure what she was talking about.
Dana glanced at Sean, “She doesn’t know? I thought you guys already…”
“The one I mentioned before, Hanna. When I showed you the video.”
“It’s called TittyCare,” beamed Dana, “And we use it to share… stuff… about our little sweetheart here. Give me a sec, I’ll add you. Just take a look and you’ll understand.”
Hanna’s phone vibrated. She quickly opened the chat program and gasped, “Wow, I had no clue! This is great! Oooh, those clamps are hot!”
“Hehe, yeah, she’s a real looker! But now, back to business, Start recording and make sure all the important parts are in the frame. Sean, are you ready?”
“Ready as can be! Let’s do this!”
They quickly got hold of Amanda’s swollen nipples and started to slowly work them through some gaps, but they didn’t get very far.
“It got tighter,” explained Sean.
“I can see that. But so what? We’ll just need to put some more effort into this.”
Dana tried to expand the mesh that squeezed one breast. Hanna quickly understood and helped her pull it further open while the stressed out girl on the floor squirmend and squeaked. Once Sean joined their efforts, they were finally able to work the tight opening partly over Amanda’s bloated tit. But the tiny mesh wouldn’t go past the swollen middle of her breast and savagely cut into her flesh.
“I… I might have an idea!” mused Hanna, “Just give me a few seconds!”
Dana watched the young woman leave the room and carefully close the door behind her.
“What was that?”
“No idea, Dana. Let’s work on that little problem of ours. How are you holding up, Titty?”
“Not…. not so well. My boobs hurt so much! Ouch, please be careful?”
Hanna ran into the room again, gasping from her short sprint. “Here, try this!” she said, and handed Sean a bottle of lube.
“Sweet!” he grinned and was about to squirt the liquid on Amanda’s strangled breast when Dana suddenly grabbed his hand and said, “Wait, be careful not to cover her nipples! We need a place to grab and if you make her whole boob slippery, we won’t have any part to hold on.”
“Good thinking!” agreed Sean and squirted the oily substance right onto the constricting cord. Together, they got hold of Amanda’s tit again and pulled hard. The lube helped a lot, and finally, the little hole popped over the bulge of her breast and nestled itself around the base, squeezing the large tit into a tight ball that was rapidly gaining color.
“That was a great idea, Hanna!” beamed Sean, “We’ll be done with the other boob in a jiffy!”
Hanna was proud. But when her gaze fell on the face of the squirming girl, she felt sorry. Maybe she had asked a bit much from poor Amanda? On the other hand, she really wanted to see those fat knockers expanding through that tight net. Maybe she could make it up to her somehow. Watching Sean and Dana working on her tit, she figured they didn’t need her help right now. So she got between Amanda’s legs, pushed them further open, and without much ado, put her mouth on that delicious slit and pushed her tongue inside as deep as she could.
Amanda felt something warm inside her sex, something slippery and wet. The strange object danced inside there and touched just the right places. She was squirming aroused, her heart racing. Whoever did this to her was very good at whatever that was! Amanda spread her legs further, inviting the welcome distraction, and pushed her pussy into the slurping mouth.
Hanna had troubles containing her own arousal, but now she wanted to please her new friend and wanted to focus on Amanda’s needs. She recalled what she had learned from previous encounters and added her fingers to the mix. Her tongue lapped over the hardening clit, her fingers teased the moist folds and playfully entered the gushing hole. She kept up the game, made her new friend more and more agitated.
The writhing girl had almost forgotten the pain in her tits, the rough pulling on her breast just added to the wanton lust rushing through her excited body. Hanna was so turned on by how well Amanda responded that she quickly gave up on her earlier commitment and wanted in on the fun as well. She suddenly stopped her ministrations, put her head close to Amanda’s ear and whispered, “Do you want me to fuck you real good?”
“Y… yes,” gasped Amanda, “Please, I need more!”
It was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up on. She would have two spectators, but those were occupied with Amanda’s fantastic melons and either way, Hanna didn’t mind if they watched. She dashed back into her room to grab something she wanted to try out for some time already.
Amanda didn’t even realize that Hanna had left, lost in a drug-supported trance of sexual bliss. She suddenly felt something big pressing against her hot opening and moaned. The object pushed inside and filled her sex to the brim. She heard Hanna groan. The object stirred in her depths, withdrew a bit and was forced back in.
“I’ll fuck you real good, sweetie! Real… good!” huffed Hanna as she drove the nifty strap-on into Amanda’s sex. The toy had been a present she had bought for a former lover, but the opportunity to hand it over, and to actually try it out, never materialized. It was a marvel of design, two-pronged, one end now deep stuffed in her own pussy, the other embedded in her new friend.
The toy was bent so she could fuck her partner comfortably, and a delicious rubber pad pressed teasingly against Hanna’s own love button. A tight harness kept everything in place and made sure she could put as much force in her thrusts as she wanted to, without having things slip out of wet openings. But the best features were yet hidden. She clenched her muscles to pump up the sex toy, slowly expanding its girth inside Amanda.
She was close, so close. The teasing, pulling, squeezing on her breast now was delicious background noise while the rough fuck of her pussy drowned her senses. Amanda could feel something change down there, change for the better. She had never been drilled so thoroughly, she thought, as the relentless rubber rummaged deep inside of her.
Hanna couldn’t wait to try out the last feature of the toy. Her hand gripped the shaft and flicked the switch to full power. A mighty motor started to rumble, the object embedded in the two girls jerked and jumped. Amanda howled with passion. She didn’t even feel the pain in her breast as the mesh finally popped in place.
“What the hell?” laughed Dana as she watched the two girls go to town, “Did you see that massive shaft?”
“Now, I am getting a bit jealous,” laughed Sean, “She’s having such a good time!”
“Well, I can think of one thing to make this even more exciting,” Dana teased, her hand caressing one of the tautly swollen melons, “Wanna join in?”
Sean laughed, “If I am thinking what you are thinking, hell yes!”
They both lowered their mouths onto the red balls below them and teased the hard little nipples between their teeth. It wouldn’t take long, and it was just a matter of good timing. They felt Amanda’s body tense up, her breath becoming ragged, her screams of pleasure more intense, accompanied by wet sounds emanating from her and Hanna’s flooded tunnels. The busty woman trembled under the assault, her body jerked and jolted as Dana and Sean bit down hard.
The pain crashed through Amanda’s system, her bound tits exploding once more. But this time it didn’t stop her. This time, she was already too far gone. Her body was washed away in pure bliss, her drug-filled mind got flooded with endorphins. Amanda’s muscles tensed up one last time, and then her body shut down. The poor girl was out cold.
Sean and Dana watched in amazement at the spectacle. They had wanted to keep her from coming, so they could have a bit more fun. But to witness this incredible result was even better! They got up, prodded their new playtoy to see if she’s OK but there was no reaction. Only then, they recognized that Hanna was still furiously fucking the unconscious girl.
“Aehm, I think you should stop now!” offered Sean, “She’s out. It was too much for her.”
Hanna slowed down and groaned, “But I haven’t even come yet! And I’m so fucking horny!”
“Yeah, but she’s done for. Let’s put her in her bed. She needs rest,” said Sean, carefully checking her pulse to make sure she’s OK.
Hanna switched off the vibratior, withdrew the giant dildo from Amanda’s battered pussy and sighed, “Another time, I guess!”
Dana couldn’t take her eyes off that tool. She whispered, “You know, I might not be a lesbian myself, but I’m a very curious girl and…”
“You are?” asked Hanna with sparkling eyes, “Do you… do you want to try it?”
“Mhmm? Y…yes, I think I would. But be careful, this thing looks huge!”
“Then let’s get you out of your clothes, girl. What about him?”
“Oh, I saw him fuck Titty today, so I don’t mind him watching me this time around.”
“Alright then,” beamed Hanna, “But let’s lube up your little slit first!”
She offered her the bottle of lubricant and watched impatiently as Dana applied the slippery fluid into her sex. Then, Dana scooted over and presented her ass. Still breathing heavily, Hanna pushed the large head between her lips. Meanwhile, Sean had taken a seat on Amanda’s bed, put her head in his lap and a hand on one of her swollen breasts, lovingly kneading the warm ball. He intended to thoroughly enjoy the show.
Dana gasped excitedly as the fat head popped into her pussy, “It’s sooo… fucking… big!”.
“Yeah, and you can even make it bigger if you squeeze your muscles.” hushed Hanna, demonstrating what she meant.
Dana squirmed in reply, the head inside of her slowly moving and growing.
“Get ready for the fuck of your lifetime!” warned Hanna and started to move.
The sporty young woman had never come so hard in her life. The rubber toy was ripping her open, vibrating her into ecstasy. And Hanna had so much stamina, and took so long to come herself, that Dana had no choice but to orgasm repeatedly as she got drilled by that giant sex toy. Once Hanna had no strength left, they both collapsed on the floor, the vibrating toy still deeply embedded inside both.
Dana smiled blissfully and said, “I might as well become a part-time lezzie when the sex is like that!”
“I would be happy to take you up on that offer,” smiled Hanna as she lovingly caressed her hair.
The two girls cuddled a bit before they finally fell asleep on the floor, still naked, with the large toy deep inside their tender bodies. Sean had crashed a while ago, now sleeping in a sitting position, with his hands firmly attached to Amanda’s heaving breast.
The next day, it must have been already past noon, Hanna slowly came to senses as someone was pounding against the door.
“Oh my god!” she groaned as she disentangled herself from the tight embrace of her midnight lover and carefully pulled the thick lovestick out of her sore sex.
“That pussy buster surely lived up to its name,” she gasped as the toy slipped out of her.
“Hey, girl, wake up!” she whispered and shook Dana lightly, while the banging continued on. Dana stirred, moaned, and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
“Holy shit!” the naked girl squeaked as she became aware of the giant object still stuck inside of her.
“What a night, huh?” smirked Hanna who was slowly getting dressed while Dana removed the fat thing from her body.
“My pussy surely got a pounding last night!,” laughed Dana, “Might have been the most brutal fuck I have ever endured, and by an innocent girl no less!”
“Innocent? Surely not!” smiled Hanna, “But you are a good fuck, girl! Would love to do a repeat! What about them?”
She gestured over to Amanda and Sean, who were both still sleeping.
Dana grabbed Sean’s shoulder and shook him until he, too, awoke. The young man slowly became aware of his surroundings and let go of his companion, complaining about the awkward sleeping position and a buzzing head. All three of them got dressed, only Amanda was still snoring on the bed, her large tits looking decidedly unhealthy in their tightly bound form. The knocking had never stopped.
Then, Dana opened the door to see what the fuss was all about.
“Hey Igor, stop the pounding!”
“Finally, wow, quite the crowd in there! Had a party or what? Where’s Titty?”
“Still asleep. What’s up?”
“I wanted to remind her to bring her clothes to the principal.”
“She washed them yesterday, just get them from the laundry.”
“It’s not my job to…”
“Igor! She’s been through so much yesterday, just do it, OK?”
“Alright. Hey, you guys going to the rave tonight?”
“Yep, “ nodded Hanna, and both Sean and Dana made clear that they intended to do the same.
“Good, see you there! And get Titty to join as well! Can’t wait to see her melons again!”
Dana closed the door and walked over to Amanda. She turned her around, her constricted breasts were heaving and jiggling. Her hand grabbed one of the rosy balloons and massaged it carefully.
“Ow….” the sleeping girl groaned, “Ow….”
Suddenly, her eyes popped open and she yelped, “OWWWW!” her hands shooting to her hurting bosom. Her hair disheveled and barely awake, she stared down in disbelief at these odd round objects attached to her body.
“Shhhh…, don’t panic,” soothed Dana the disturbed girl, “Let’s take care of this. Come on you two, let’s wake up these puppies.”
All three knelt down besides Amanda and started to massage life back into her awfully bloated bosom. The squirming girl did not object, obviously in pain from the tight bondage.
“Let’s try to expand these cords a bit. Sean? Get some warm water. Dana? Help me pull these open.”
Together, they worked on the tight net, and soon the pressure on Amanda’s breasts, while still irritating, did not threaten to cut her treasures off anymore. Once Amanda could think straight again, she remembered that she had not a single piece of clothing to cover her body, even though the principal explicitly allowed her to wear her civilian outfit this weekend. She groaned, annoyed, and said, “I really should go to the janitor and get my stuff. I can’t be naked the whole time!”
“Better get used to being naked, girl,” teased Dana,”The janitor and his pal are out the entire weekend. Some long planned trip to Vegas, if I remember right. I saw the notice on the blackboard when I walked over.”
“You’re kidding! Please tell me you’re messing with me?” complained Amanda, “This can’t be! Why would he… oh no! That pervert knew! He knew from the very beginning! He was playing me like a fiddle!”
“You’re probably right. But there’s really nothing you can do now, so better just accept the situation and make the best out of it,” offered Sean, “Come on, let’s focus on more fun things, alright?”
“Fun things?” fumed Amanda, “Like what?”
“Like the rave tonight. Everyone ready to go?” asked Hanna as they arranged a small breakfast on the floor.
“What rave?” asked Amanda curiously, her hands on her buzzing breasts.
“Didn’t you hear?” asked Dana, “A new club is opening on campus, and they promised to open with a bang. Supposed to be the best party in ages! Everyone’s coming tonight. They want people to dress up and go real crazy with costumes and stuff. I’m going as Leelo from the 5th Element.”
“And I’m going as Boba Fett,” beamed Sean.
“And what about me? Oh, god I don’t have any clothes except for that uniform!” complained Amanda.
Dana grinned mischievously but didn’t say a word.
“So what am I supposed to wear at that rave?”
“I think you’re looking incredible already. I was thinking sexy, bound Wonder Woman, captured by Harley Quinn,” Hanna’s eyes sparkled, “I’ll get you a nice leash and parade you around the club, what do you think?”
“Uh… and… and where do you get the costume?”
“What costume? You don’t need anything except for a little body paint.”
“Body paint?” squeaked Amanda, “I can’t go there naked?!”
“Don’t worry, You’ll be covered up just fine. I’m really experienced in this. And body painting is all the rage, so I’m sure you won’t be the only one.”
Dana’s eyes sparkled as she watched the two discuss how they would make this little titty monster presentable for a night at the club. She couldn’t believe how easily Amanda got swayed by Hanna that the little net and a bit of paint really was all she needed for a night out.
“We still have a few hours left, but better start early so we’re ready in time. Everyone, get your stuff, shower and meet us here in an hour. Meanwhile, I’ll do a test run with Amanda and see how well I can work with her body.”
Sean and Dana dashed off, both already discussing the details of their outfit, while Hanna turned to Amanda and said, “Just wait a moment while I get my tools. We’ll better do this outside on the roof terrace in case it gets messy. Meet me there in a few!”
Amanda nodded and used the opportunity to get her freshly washed uniform so she could at least wear something tonight. To her utter dismay, the clothes were gone. Running through the dorm in only the little net, she screamed, “Hanna! Hanna! Where’s my stuff?”
She was lucky that no one else was around, otherwise she would have been mortified. Hanna opened her door, packed with equipment, and explained, “Calm down, sweetie. Some guy, I think Igor, took your uniform to the principal already. But as I said already, you don’t need anything you’re not wearing already, come on, let’s get you set up.”
“But I have no clothes! None at all! I need something for tonight? And how should I get food?”
“We’ll take care of you, Amanda. Don’t worry. Now follow me.”
Soon, Amanda was standing in the hot afternoon sun, naked except for her tight net, hair covered by a plastic cap, legs spread apart, while Hanna was working on her body as if it was a canvas.
The most difficult part was to paint her skin without messing up the basketball net. But removing it was not an option, it was just too tight now. Hanna used lots of little plastic pieces to pull her skin free and impressed Amanda by her patient, dedicated work. Soon, her bare crotch had turned blue with white stars, her waist and top sparkling red, and golden, painted applications were all at the right places. She indeed looked like Wonder Woman, captured in a tight, black net. Only her boobs looked a bit out of place, but the red paint masked their odd color.
When the others returned, they were blown away by just how good the paint job looked. Amanda was still concerned, especially about her bare sex, and examined herself closely in a mirror. But she had to admit, Hanna had done an outstanding job. In a crowded club, surely no one would be able to see anything of substance unless they were real close to her pussy.
The naked girl beamed, “I’m looking great, right?”
Hanna patted her behind and said, “Sure you do, sweetie. Let’s get your hair and face done and we’re ready to roll.”
They still had plenty of time after Hanna was done with preparing Amanda’s outfit, so they went back into Amanda’s little room to hang out. Sean again provided some dope and the four bonded over music, talked about college life, and teased Amanda once in a while.
Before they finally left, it was already dark outside, they again loosened up the tight cords, paying attention to not damage Amanda’s fantastic outfit. The bound girl still struggled with the tight hug but was convinced she would make it through the night.
The club was bustling already, loud electro beats filling the entire area. They squeezed themselves through the crowded entrance and into the dark main hall, illuminated by seizure-inducing flash lights and light effects.
“She doesn’t know, does she?” screamed Dana into Hanna’s ear. Hanna just smiled and shook her head as she pulled Amanda forward on a leash affixed around her neck.
There was not much of Amanda’s Wonder Woman costume visible in the darkness. Instead, the omnipresent black light highlighted a totally different look on the voluptuous girl. Hanna giggled like a school girl as she watched an enterprising hand worm it’s way between Amanda’s legs and another one rest squarely on her bound breast. The club patrons surely got the message quickly.
Amanda looked at her friends, wide eyed and panicking. Everyone was touching her at very inappropriate places! She screamed and complained, tried to slap away all those hands, but the loud music drowned out everything and the hands just kept coming! She wasn’t even at the dance floor when she felt the first finger penetrating her slick sex! It irked her that nobody even bothered to ask and just felt her up however they liked. She tried to find out who had worked their finger inside of her, but she just couldn’t be sure if it had been that guy over there, or maybe the girl pressed against her naked rear. It was just too crowded to know for certain. Amanda was freaked out by all the attention she got, but it also made her incredibly horny.
It was no surprise that the patrons did what they did. Hanna’s paint job was stellar in more than one way. Beneath the obvious Wonder Woman layer, she had applied black light paint in a way that accentuated Amanda’s curves, highlighted the tight bondage of her breasts and made her look like an oversexed hentai girl. Emphasizing this new role, she seemed to be constantly aroused, painted-on girl juice dripping from her apparently wide open pussy, her tightly bound breasts leaking copious amounts of drawn milk, and her hard nipples just waiting to be touched. In addition, lewd and obscene calls to action were written everywhere on her sexy body, from the ‘slap me’ on her butt, to the ‘tweak me’ close to her nipples and the ‘finger me’ on her groin. And there were many more such instructions all over her skin.
Hanna watched carefully over her little play toy and noticed how her behavior changed. She seemed genuinely excited by now, and all the touching and prodding seemed to not bother her anymore. When she explored Amanda’s pussy with a quick dip of her finger, the result confirmed her suspicion. The little angel was wet and ready. She pulled at the leash and screamed, “Follow me, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine!”
Ken was dressed up as Kratos from God Of War. He was a huge guy, packed with muscles and with a friendly face. They tried to chat, but the loud music made it impossible. Amanda saw Hanna shout something in Ken’s face when she handed him her leash and vanished. The naked girl was nervous but also curious to get to know this lovely looking chap. She tried to escape from the hands that groped her backside and snuggled up closely to her new acquaintance.
“Should we look for a quieter spot?” Ken suggested, his eyes glued to Amanda’s massive assets. She nodded and followed his lead, guided by the pink leash that was lightly tugging her along. When they finally found some space near the restrooms, Ken didn’t waste any time.
“You’re the hottest chick in this entire club,” he beamed, his hands already on her heaving breast. Amanda smiled, meanwhile used to all the groping, and happily offered him her tits to play with. She closed her eyes, tried to block out the noise and focus on the big, strong hands massaging her globes when she felt something probe her slick entrance. His fingers felt even better there.
“Uh…Ah…” she moaned as she let him pleasure her, eyes still closed and hands around the handsome man. “Let’s get in a stall,” she suggested, not believing what she had just said. Ken was more than happy to comply, and soon they occupied one of the gent’s cabins, Amanda bent over the smelly toilet and Ken fucking her from behind. Her large breasts swayed to and fro as the young man drilled her expertedly, both moaning lustfully and enjoying every second. Soon, quite a bit too soon for Amanda, Ken shot his load and withdrew from her body, leaving back an awful mess inside of her.
They slowly disentangled, Ken slapping her tender breasts appreciatively, and exited the stall. Amanda was about to clean herself up when she suddenly became aware of two things: She was in the men’s restroom and should better leave to avoid bumping into any horny guys. And she saw in the large mirror that she didn’t look at all like Wonder Woman, but like a fucking pervert’s dream!
Her heart was pounding as she glanced over her mirror image. What were those drops on her tits? Breast milk? And why did her pussy look so lewd? Her tits looked even more obscene than usual! She dashed outside, cum still leaking from her sex, agitated and alarmed. She wanted to get out of there, quickly!
Suddenly, the leash jerked her back. Hanna was grinning at her and shouted, “Having fun?” her finger already deep inside Amanda’s cum-filled hole.
“Can we go? I look obscene!”
“You are obscene, sweetheart,” she laughed, the mobile phone trained on the confused girl, “Say cheese! You think your fan group will like those? Come on, follow me!”
Hana paraded her around the club just like she promised earlier, and Amanda had no chance to escape. Strangers groped her sexy body, examined her drooling pussy and offered their services for further adventures. After a bit of fooling around, Hanna led her to the girl’s restroom to clean her up a bit and before long, Amanda was in a stall again, this time together with her dorm mate who was brutally driving her hand inside the girl’s sore pussy.
“Lick me,” she commanded once Amanda had her well-earned orgasm, “Lick me good!”
Hanna pressed her naked groin into Amanda’s face, aroused and giddy. The naked girl was so intoxicated by the oversexed atmosphere that she happily complied and buried her tongue between her friend’s legs. Hana moaned in pleasure, commanding her to keep up the good work while she mashed Amanda’s head against her pussy.
By the time Hanna finally came, Amanda’s neck was sore and her tongue hurt. She wobbled back on her legs and both girls exited the tiny stall, flushed and happy.
Amanda couldn’t remember just how many people she had fucked that night. There were countless encounters in those toilets and at least one or two fucks on the dance floor, where she got pulled against a sweating male body and suddenly had a hard cock thrusting inside of her. By the time the club closed, her pussy was sore like never before and her tits felt like they had been molested the entire night. Hanna, Sean and Dana made sure she got back to her dorm safely and the whole group crashed there, spent from the wild night.
Sunday was the day to rest, and Amanda really needed nothing else. When she woke up, the pain in her tits was killing her. The tiny net had shrunk again and her breasts looked like they would pop soon. Sean went to the shower with her and provided some relief, though no sexual one. Clean and slightly less constricted by the awful cords, Amanda sat in her room with the others, dressed with a blanket and eating lunch.
She groaned, “How could you do that to me?”
“What?” asked the others, not sure about what she meant.
“You, Hanna! The body painting! You made me look like a fucking slut! I looked ridiculous!”
Hana laughed, “You looked breathtakingly hot, babe. No one in the entire club even came close! And you enjoyed it!”
“I did not!”
“Oh yes, you did. People were groping you from start to finish and you did not complain!”
“I did complain!”
“No, you did not. And you stayed. If you wouldn’t have liked it, you could have left at any time. Nobody was forcing you to do anything but there you were, fucking your way through the dance floor.”
Amanda blushed, “I… Oh shit. How many?”
“I know of at least four people, including myself and Dana. But you probably had many more.”
“Oh god, I am a slut!” screamed Amanda, slowly remembering what she had done that night.
“Oh come on, Amanda! Don’t be such a drama queen. You enjoy sex, so what? Your body is so fucking sensual, your tits are like out of this world, so why the fuck should you not make use of it? No one here is thinking anything less of you just because you banged some guys and girls last night. In fact, I’m incredibly jealous of your performance and would love to switch places but alas, I can’t keep up with your sex drive.”
Amanda looked at her, dumb-founded.
“What? Sean, Dana, am I right or am I right?”
“Of course you’re right,” added Sean, “She’s fucking hot and I would love to bang her all day but my dick is not up to the task.”
“She’s a hottie, that’s for sure. And she just loves making her tits hurt.”
“Hey! I don’t ‘love making my tits hurt’! That’s what you guys always do! I just … I want them to NOT hurt for once!”
“That’s what you’re telling yourself. But the reality is different. You’re enjoying the attention. And you love it when your tits get pummeled. Just face reality!”
Amanda couldn’t believe what she was hearing and she would have none of it. After a bit of a scene, she sent everyone away, claiming that she needed some time for herself. Sean offered to bring her some dinner later, which she gladly accepted.
The entire afternoon, Amanda pondered what had happened through the weekend and what Hanna had told her right into her face. Was it true? Did she really enjoy being treated like that? It couldn’t be, could it? Her hands found her bound breasts and squeezed them carefully. Oh god, they hurt so much! She just hoped she would soon get rid of that awful net.
When Sean brought her some sandwiches later, they had another chat. He was sweet, tried to calm her nerves and repeatedly emphasized what a fantastic girl she was. When she asked him if all was just because of the sex, he smiled “Of course not, but if you want to fuck right now, I would be happy to be of service!”
She punched him in the arm for that, and then they laughed.
“You’re OK, right? I know the last days were intense, but…”
“Don’t worry, Sean. I’m fine. I’m just…. I guess I learned a few things about me and I’m really not sure how I should feel about it. Do you think I’m a slut?”
“You’re no slut, Amanda. You’re a tease but you’re no slut. Your body… you drive people crazy. And then they drive you crazy. That’s really all there is to it. Your boobs… they are irresistible.”
“I should get rid of them. They’re just trouble.”
“Are you serious? That would be the worst! It’s a gift, Amanda, it’s… You’re really special. And I would be so happy if you would understand that and accept who you are.”
“I don’t know. It’s just such a hassle! Everyone is bullying me, groping me, making fun of my body. I really can’t live like that.”
“Look, remember the first day you came to school. What was it, two, three days ago? The principal… what Igor told me, that guy is totally addicted to you. I’m sure he’s thinking about your boobs right at this moment. Can’t you see how much power you have because of this? You just… you need to use it. You need to take a stand and play them, the principal, the janitor, the gardener, even Igor. Dana is just teasing you, so don’t worry about her. But the others? Fuck’em. You’re better than them, and you have all you need to turn tables on them. Just wait for the right moment and they’ll all eat out of your palm.”
“Thanks Sean. I’ll think about it.”
“Do that. Oh, I wanted to tell you something. Remember the assignments we talked about? The ones you promised to help with? My photography project and Dana’s fashion stuff? Dana and I decided that we’d like to do it together, so you could model her work and I’ll take pictures of it. It’ll take much less time than doing both separately and we’d still be able to achieve what we want to. Is that fine with you?”
Amanda nodded, remembering her promise, “What about Igor? He had some project, too, right?”
“Yes he has, but that’s a bit more difficult. I heard he got funding from some sponsor and is planning something really big. Don’t worry too much and think about what I said, OK? See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow Sean, and thanks again!”
Chapter 8
Amanda’s night had been a rough one. Her tightly bound breasts kept her awake and the constricting net around her body was driving her up the walls. She tried desperately to ease the burden somewhat, but the ropes were just too rigid. Even a midnight shower brought only temporary relief. Tired and cranky, she got herself some breakfast and walked over to the main building, covered only by the net and her trusty blanket, and way ahead of time.
“Good morning Ms Juggs, you are quite the early bird!” chirped Caroline as she entered the principal’s office, “Take a seat, he’ll be with you shortly.”
Amanda entered the small room, wondering what the old pervert had in store for her today.
“Hello Ms Juggs, what a pleasure to see you again! Ah, you got creative, I see! But you could have just worn your civilian clothes this morning.”
Amanda shot back, “It won’t surprise you to hear that the janitor was out the entire weekend, so even though you so generously allowed me to wear my own stuff, there was no way for me to actually get it back. So, just like you had planned, I had no other option than to stay naked the entire weekend, with this measly blanket and that too tight net being the only things I could wear.”
The principal feigned surprise, “Oh gosh, Ms Juggs! That’s scandalous!”
Amanda shook her head in disgust, “You’re an old pervert who can’t get enough of my tits, just confess to it!”
“I will not do anything like that, young lady. Now enough with the accusations, we’re here for a reason, right? Let’s discuss your outfit once and for all. As promised last week, I’ve come up with some ideas that I would like to show you. And I hope you’ll refrain from destroying these new pieces like you did with your school-issued bra and fishnet!”
Amanda remembered what Sean had told her, that she had power over the leering old bastard, that she should stand up to the bullying. She smiled seductively, her hands cupping her swollen, hurting breasts and softly jiggling them.
“But that bra was soooo tiny, principal,” she teased, “There was no way it could contain my girls with so little fabric! You have to understand, a woman has to take care of herself!”
The old man harrumphed nervously, his eyes glued to Amanda’s luscious, naked boobs.
“Either way, as we found out last week, your … charms… are ideal to work off that terrible stress. In order to facilitate this essential community service, I will allow you to be dressed in this instead of the formal wear. Of course, as long as you are wearing the service uniform, you are obliged to provide said services.”
Amanda took the package from him and ripped it open, curious about what he had come up with. A gleaming white onesie fell out, with bright blue applications that matched her own hair color. The entire thing seemed to be made of neoprene and looked more like sports wear than an actual uniform. She spread the piece out and was impressed. The high cut seemed to not expose any of her sexy bits, covering everything from the neck down to her ankles. The long arm sleeves, the torso and even the bottom seemed neat and form fitting. It looked so much more comfortable than what she was wearing right now and Amanda couldn’t wait to try it on.
“Want to give it a go?” the principal asked, looking at her expectantly.
“Sure, if you could help me out of this awful net?”
The principal was happy to oblige. A pair of scissors made short work of the terrible piece of sports equipment and Amanda was relieved that she would never have to squeeze her body into this nasty thing again. The principal examined her naked breasts carefully, his eager fingers trailing along the deep, red indentations the ropes had left behind. Finally coming to senses, he stepped back and motioned her to put the new dress on.
Amanda had a bit of trouble getting inside her new service uniform, and some parts seemed rather unusual to her. But the flexible piece, including its odd breast compartments, was very, very comfortable to wear and the whole thing fit like a second skin. The principal offered her a mirror and what Amanda saw pleased her eyes. The blue-haired girl looking back at her was finally properly dressed, the shiny white piece neatly wrapping her naked body. Even her arms and legs were fully covered, and her womanly form nicely accentuated by bright blue applications. Of course, these applications did everything to sexualize the outfit, one of them highlighting the love triangle between her legs and two more emphasizing her breast area, but she was used to so much worse.
Large letters on her tummy informed everyone about her purpose, that she offered “Free To Use Stress Balls and More!” and Amanda wondered how that would actually work. She turned around to examine herself more closely in the mirror and spotted an odd area on the back of her neck that read “Press Here for Service!” with a round, button-like application in the middle of the circular writing.
“Want to experience how it works?” inquired the principal as he reached out and pressed the strange button.
Amanda yelped surprised as her new outfit came to life. The sections covering her boobs suddenly opened and the bases of the breast compartments shrunk down quickly, forcing her tender globes out. The squeeze was just as bad as with the net once the bright blue bands hugging her pillows contracted with force. At the same time, the area between her legs retracted, baring her cleanly shaven sex for all to see.
While Amanda was still trying to come to terms with what had just happened, the director knelt down in front of her and grabbed the naked lips of her pussy, quickly tugging them into some sort of built-in clamp.
“You’ll need to pay attention when you get dressed. Your lips have to be properly seated for this to work, The enforcement phase, once activated, will continue until everything is in place. And one piece of additional advice: Put your arms behind your back and let the magnets on your elbows and wrists engage. And spread your legs as wide as you can. You have about 10 seconds to get into the right stance.”
Amanda looked at him quizzically, not sure about what he just said to her.
Suddenly, a massive jolt of electricity passed through her body. The shocked girl screamed in pain.
“Assume position!” the principal barked as he pushed her arms back and forcefully opened her legs. Amanda did not react, her eyes glued to her massive, jiggling balls of flesh that once again were on display.
“See, this is what I am talking about. You have to be properly dressed and assume the service stance or you’ll be shocked! Man, you look absolutely fantastic in this thing,” the old man beamed as his hands found her swollen tits, “That’s how I like my stress balls, nice and hard and oh so enticing!”
He massaged her breasts for a few more moments, then his fingers found the exposed area between her thighs and pushed inside the gaping hole.
“How do you like your new uniform? It makes all your key parts easily accessible, don’t you think? By the way, the service interval is only 10 minutes. After that, your sexy bits will be hidden away again and you can move freely.”
His fingers slowly fucked her and Amanda wondered why she got so aroused by this humiliating situation. By the end of the 10 minutes, Amanda was moaning with pleasure and wondered what the hell was wrong with her. Finally, the odd uniform relaxed, her breasts magically popped back inside and her crotch area was again hidden from sight. Everything was neatly covered again, only Amanda was still panting excitedly.
“Good, good. So that’s what you’ll have to wear every Tuesday from now on. If you like, you can offer your service on additional days except Mondays, even on weekends. It’s up to you, really. Now, want to see your new school uniform?”
Amanda nodded, still shocked by what she had just gone through.
“Great!” he beamed as he helped her out of the service dress. Once she was naked again, he handed her the new school outfit and explained, “So the order will be a bit different. First, you’ll need to get into this new fishnet. It should be flexible enough even for you.”
He watched closely as Amanda followed his request. The fine meshes of the new top were hugging her massive melons tightly.
“Now you have to get the bra on,” he continued as he handed her the red undergarment. Amanda rolled her eyes as she examined the piece. The entire cup was missing and the ‘bra’ only consisted of the underwire and a somewhat flexible bow across the top of the breast. The thing essentially came down to two holes surrounded by red, metal-enforced lace rims that were held in place by a strap around the back. She tried to put it on, but the way the fishnet mashed her tits against her upper body, there was no way she would get into this thing. The principal saw her struggle and mused, “Wait a moment, I think I know how we can help you get dressed.”
Amanda let go of the bra and inspected the rest of the uniform. The blouse and the jacket now sported two rubber-fitted holes There were no panties to speak of and the skirt was just as tiny as it had been before. She groaned, annoyed.
“Here we are,” beamed the principal as he approached her with an odd glass tube. Without asking for permission, he pressed the opening against one of her fishnet-encased breasts and activated the pump. The young woman didn’t know how to react and watched with morbid fascination as her tender flesh slowly got pulled into the tight glass container, the fishnet reluctantly stretching with it. After a few moments, and accompanied by a barrage of swear words from Amanda, the principal squeezed the bra around the glass tube and pushed it up on her chest. He then asked the girl to hold it in place and opened the valve.
Amanda inspected the odd ball with curiosity. She had to admit that the bra now fitted, but her boob hurt terribly once again, as the mesh cut deep into her flesh. She watched spell-bound as the principal repeated the stunt on her other side and soon had two fishnet-encased orbs popping through the tight bra openings.
The principal beamed, “Now that’s how I like my girls. Come on, let’s get the rest on you!”
The shirt’s breast openings popped right over her ball-like tits, and once the tight corset was on her, even the jacked fit. The tiny skirt, socks and shoes complimented her uniform nicely and the director was thrilled to see her in the full ensemble.
“You look spectacular, sweetie!” he gushed as he offered her the mirror.
“I don’t know,” Amanda moaned, caressing her tender tits that stuck through the closed jacket.
“Ah, I see. Your nipples! They pop right through the net, don’t they? Yeah, that’s not according to policy. Here, let me help you with this.”
He reached out, teased her little nubs until they were hard, and pulled them through the gaps of the fishnet. Then, he grabbed the old bumper discs and snapped them in place.
“Owww……” complained the girl, tears shooting from her eyes.
“Now you’re properly dressed. What do you say? Do you like the new outfit?”
“No, it’s even worse than before!” Amanda complained, “My tits are still hanging out for all to see!”
“No, they are well covered and have all the space they need. But enough of this. You have two options to choose from, the service dress or this uniform. That’s more than any other of your fellow students has.”
“But I can’t even get into the uniform without this awful pump!”
“That’s a good point. Feel free to drop by whenever you need help with that. My door is always open. Now off you go, I believe you have swimming class?”
“But I don’t have a dress for that either! You removed everything from my room, including my bathing suit!”
“You’ll of course have to wear the school-issued model. The coach will give it to you at your first lesson. Now go, I have work to do. And don’t forget your service costume. Start wearing it tomorrow, please. The swimming class is waiting for you!”
Amanda reluctantly left the room and made her way over to the sports center. It was her first swimming lesson and she wanted to leave a good impression, hoping that there were some courses she would actually enjoy. Swimming had always been one of her favorites and she hoped that it would stay that way. She just had to get proper equipment and lose this terrible uniform as fast as possible.
When she entered the sports complex, her heart sank. The pool area was already full of people, a mixed class of boys and girls training, and a stern looking teacher ordering them around. A mixed class! A bit nervous, Amanda found the lady’s locker room and entered. A group of girls changing clothes turned around and all eyes were glued to her ridiculous, fishnet-covered tits.
“Oh wow, you must be that Titty-bitch!” someone giggled, “You’re swimming with us?”
“Apparently so! And no, I’m not a bitch I’m a regular student doing swimming classes, just like you! Now let me through, I need to talk with the teacher.”
“You can’t go in there dressed like that,” one of the girls objected, “It’s swimsuits only!”
“But that’s why I need to get to the teacher! To get my swimsuit!”
The girls ganged up on her and said, “You’re not going in there in these clothes, understood?”
“So then what? Can you at least tell the coach I’m here?”
“We’re not your underlings, bitch. And we’re not making the rules either.”
“Then how do I get in without having a swimsuit?”
“Get naked, slut! Then, we’ll let you in. You’re enjoying that anyway, don’t you? With tits like these? Damn, you look obscene!”
Hands shot out and grabbed her bloated balls, feeling her up as if she was cheap meat.
“We can help you out of your uniform if you want?” offered one of them but Amanda declined.
Instead, she started to undress, removing her uniform piece by piece under the girls’ careful watch. Buck-naked, with tits that looked like they were coming out of a waffle-iron, she put her clothes as well as the service uniform into a locker and sighed, “Will you let me in now?”
“Sure, have fun you fucking titty monster.”
Amanda tried to ignore the insults but they still hurt. She rushed through the door, quickly found the coach standing at the side of the pool, and made her way over.
When the students spotted her, everyone stopped what they were doing and instead stared at the naked woman that had just entered. Amanda tried to ignore the attention she was getting and said,
“Coach? The principal told me you’ll have a swim suit for me?”
The older but fit man turned towards her and stared at her tits, “And who are you?”
“I’m Amanda Juggs.”
“Right, the titty girl. Heard already about you. Yes, I have.”
He turned around and opened a locker behind him.
“Here, I hope it fits. It’s the last one we have.”
She had heard that one before, thought Amanda as she ripped the foil away. When she unfolded it’s contents, she rolled her eyes and groaned, “Are you fucking kidding me? That’s a kid’s size!”
“Just try it on. It’ll stretch!” offered the coach, eyeing her jiggling bosom.
Reminded of her previous troubles with school-issued clothing, Amanda reluctantly stepped into the leg holes and pulled the tiny thing up. But there was no way it would fit. The bottom was already digging into her sex painfully and the shoulder straps were nowhere near were they needed to be.
“That’s not going to work,” Amanda groaned, “Please give me one that fits my size!”
“You’re not trying hard enough. Let me help you.”
The coach grabbed the two straps and yanked them upward, forcing her naked breasts against her chin as the straps popped over her shoulders. The coach and all the students around him chuckled at the image, her fat melons popping out of the neckline and pushed into her face. The older man unceremoniously grabbed one of her fleshy pillows and tried stuffing them into the tight dress but to no avail.
“See? It fits! Now just put your obscene melons in there and get into the pool.”
Amanda had to try hard to get her tender breasts into the tiny thing, but somehow she managed the impossible feat. Her tits, now pressed flat like pancakes and hurting terribly, were almost covered, except for the plentiful flesh that was seeping out from under her arms and around her neck. The little swimsuit looked like it would explode any moment, straining under the immense pressure her body put onto the flimsy material. With all of the focus on her tits, nobody really paid any attention to Amanda’s uncomfortable pussy, which got almost severed by the stretched strip of cloth that crushed her tender clit. Amanda had trouble breathing.
“Finally dressed! See? Wasn’t that hard, was it? Let’s take a picture of this achievement before you get into the water.”
He grabbed his phone, asked her to turn around a little and beamed, “Everyone will appreciate how great you look! Now, get into the pool and swim against Joe. One lane is enough.”
Happy that she could finally show her talent, Amanda got onto one of the starting blocks and prepared herself. Joe was smirking, checking out her tightly packed body and said, “Good luck! I’m the front runner of the team, so no hard feelings in case you lose!”
On the coach’s call, both jumped into the water. The impact took Amanda’s breath away as the water crashed against her flattened tits but the young woman tried to ignore the pain and started to swim. The slightest movement forced her bathing suit further up into her crack though, and her breast was so compressed that she could barely think straight. After only a few strokes, the little suit finally gave up and snapped apart, leaving Amanda naked in the water. She was almost glad to be nude again and started to swim in earnest, trying to catch up to Joe who had already made it through half of the pool.
“Your breaststroke is fine,” chuckled the coach as he watched her performance, “No wonder with those melons. Now show me your backstroke.”
Amanda wasn’t sure if she had heard right, wasn’t she supposed to compete? The man became aware of her hesitation and added, “Forget Joe, he’s too fast for you. Just show me your style. Come on, turn around!”
Everyone was staring at her tits and right into her now naked sex as she performed the routine. Amanda felt terribly uncomfortable but soldiered on. Once she had made it to the rim, Joe helped her out of the water, not without landing a grope on her swaying melons.
“Alright, fair enough. Not bad, girl, not bad. Now the swimsuit situation… We obviously can’t let you perform like that, your body is just such a huge distraction to everyone else, right guys?”
The coach approached the shivering girl and grabbed one of her boobs showing the offending object to the other students.
“With tits like that you can’t properly focus. Come on everyone, touch this thing! Just look at how obscene her boobs are. And that little slit of hers is not helping either! I want everyone to explore this distracting body for a few minutes while I get some stuff. We’ll get you fixed, Titty.”
This time, Amanda paid attention. Did he just call her Titty? Why did he know of her nickname? She shuddered thinking that he might be part of that chat group, aware of all the pictures and movies that had been shared there.
Hands were groping every part of her body, pinching and poking her jiggling flesh, even exploring her wet sex. Amanda tried to fend off the molesters but there were simply too many. Soon, she just let them have their way, hoping it would be over quickly. After a few minutes, the coach had returned, a large box in his hand.
He stood there for a moment, watching the gropers playing with her naked flesh and then announced, “Alright, enough of that. Now that everyone understands just how distracting your body is, we’ll fix this for good. As we do not have any more swimsuits, we’ll have to improvise. Titty, help me with this. Push your melons out and hold them up for me, please.”
Not knowing what the hell this pervert had planned for her, Amanda stared in disbelief as the man took a diving ring out of the box and pushed it against one of her boobs. With the weighted plastic pressed against her flesh, he grabbed the nipple through the opening and pulled hard, forcing her breast through the too tight object.
“What are you doing, Sir?” inquired Amanda, not liking where this was going. But the coach did not even answer and instead continued to force rings over her naked breasts until it looked like she was wearing a colorful bra, only that the ends of her tits were still poking out of the last ring, forming an angry, swelling little ball.
“This is ridiculous!” complained Amanda as the coach made her show off her new outfit.
The old man beamed, “Almost there! What do you guys think? A nice make-shift top! Now we just need to hide those obscene nipples and that little pussy of hers!”
He took something out of the now almost empty box and, after fiddling with it for a moment, pushed the sticky object over her nipple.
“Waterproof stickers! Let’s hope they stay on long enough!” he smirked as he smacked one on the other tit and then kneeled down in front of her
“Spread your legs, girl!” he commanded. Feeling rather exposed, Amanda presented her cleanly shaven pussy and yelped as he pushed another sticker right over her slit. Amanda tried to get a look at the objects, so she grabbed one of her breasts to get a better view. The cute little thing had the school logo on it and declared the object it was affixed on as property of the school. She sighed humiliated, “This is demeaning! You can’t do that!”
“The hell I can, little tart. Let’s take another picture and then you’ll show us how good you can swim in your new outfit. Turn to the left. Yes, that’s it. Another great one. The guys will be thrilled! Now, get in there! Let’s see how good your breaststroke is with your tits properly covered!”
Chapter 9
Holding the two absurd things on her chest, Amanda made her way to the pool, head shaking in disbelief. Without waiting for another word from the coach, she climbed the starting block and jumped into the water.
The pressure forced her odd appendages hard against her belly and Amanda winced in pain. But she knew better than to complain and started to swim, focusing on rhythm and strong strokes. Unfortunately, the immense weight of the lead-filled rings kept pulling her down, and the poor girl had trouble staying afloat. To make matters worse, the evil man was walking along the pool next to her, commenting on her insufficient performance. Amanda cursed but kept on swimming.
After a few minutes of exhausting exercise, Amanda felt something move on her badly disfigured breasts. Suddenly, the weight got a bit lighter but her balance was off. She kept going, tried to stay in lane and mostly ignored the awful insults from the sideline. When the coach finally told her to get out, she heaved herself out of the water only to see that there were much less of the silly rings around her chest, and the few remaining ones were squeezing the middle of her boobs rather than the base, threatening to slip away, too.
“You really have to work on your stroke, Titty. This was so bad!”
“But it’s just because of these stupid rings!” complained Amanda as she removed the remaining rings, “They’re too heavy!”
“And too big, apparently. The stickers didn’t stick either! I guess your little hole is just too wet from all the exercise it’s getting. Why they didn’t stay on your obscene nipples is beyond me though.”
“Can I get changed now?”
“Of course not! We’re not done here, lady. Any idea how we can get her dressed decently again?” he asked the group of students watching them.
“She wore some sort of clamps before,” offered one of the girls that had bullied her before.
“Good thinking, go get them! And for the rings, we just have to try the smaller sized ones. I’ll need a few hands to get them on her though. That leaves us with her dripping slit.”
“How about that old pipe and plug we replaced last week? Should fit alright, I guess?” suggested Joe mischievously.
“Perfect, bring it here! And don’t forget to bring the proper tools as well. Titty? Just bend your waist and let those puppies hang. Pete, get on the floor and pull her nips when I tell you to. Susan, lend me a hand and push this ring up against her chest.”
Without waiting for Amanda to even acknowledge the plan, he pushed her into position and grabbed one of the tiny dive rings. He positioned it over one of her nipples and nodded, “Let’s see if this works!”
Amanda couldn’t believe what she had to endure. Pete grabbed hold of her poor nipple and started tearing while the others slowly forced the ring over her straining flesh. To Amanda’s utter surprise, they managed to get the thing over her hurting boob and it soon sat tightly on her ribcage, the rest of her breast terribly bloated and rapidly gaining color.
“That was easier than expected!” huffed the coach as he grabbed another ring, “Let’s keep this going, the more we can cover her naughty bits the better!”
Amanda squeaked in pain as they pulled, poked and prodded her flesh, tearing bits of her breasts through the awfully small rings. But the expanding and swelling breasts made progress more and more difficult, and soon even the most brutal manhandling of the sensitive tissue wasn’t working anymore.
“Alright, guess that’s as far as we can get with this. We’ll just have to live with seeing those obscene balls then. Ah, thanks Susan, yes, those clips should work fine.”
“Fuuuck!” yelled Amanda as the terrible clamps were snapped onto her tender nipples and hot pain exploded in her strangled bosom.
“See? We’re getting there. Now where’s Joe? Ah, there he is, with all the equipment we need. Let’s see if this works.”
The coach turned towards the group of students, two red plastic objects in his hand.
“You guys don’t usually see this kind of stuff, but pool maintenance is an awful lot of work. So this here is the end piece of one of the water pipes and as you can see, the thread at the end is busted. It had been a terrible mess but, well, it doesn’t really matter and I would bore you to death with the details anyway. We can cut that part off and still use it for the task at hand.”
Joe handed him a knife and with a few quick cuts, he shortened the tube down to about an inch in length.
“The other item here is the plug to close the pipe. It’s a rather long one and has all those rubber lips along its shaft, but the best feature is that this is a torquer style locking plug. So when… well, let me show you. Titty? Open your legs, please. Let’s get your hole plugged!”
“What? You want to use… that? For my…?” Amanda couldn’t believe what these people came up with just to humiliate her. She wanted to run away, wanted to hide somewhere, but something in the back of her mind wanted to find out just how far these bullies would go.
The students watched intrigued as the coach got on his knees right in front of the confused girl who reluctantly spread her legs.
“Wider, please,” the coach ordered, “Joe, help me with this. Stuff the tube into her as soon as I have opened her up enough.
Amanda felt the man’s rough fingers penetrate her sex and rudely stretch her opening. She squirmed, ashamed of the show she was forced to endure, but didn’t move an inch. After a bit of work on her most intimate area, the short, wide tube slipped finally into her, stretching her sex terribly.
“Perfect,” the coach beamed as he inspected his work, “As you all can see, this rubber pipe has a nice flange at the end that neatly covers her obscene sex lips. Now the only part left to cover is the filthy hole itself. Joe, hand me the plug, please.”
Amanda watched spellbound as the coach lined up the ridiculously large plug and pushed it into the short tube. The weird plug was much longer than the tube though and stretched her insides brutally. The man kept pushing and pushing without a regard for her well-being, and was only satisfied once the rubbery object bumped against the end of her sex. He wiggled the thing around a bit to see if he could get any more of it inside and finally turned a dial at its end. Amanda gasped surprised as the rubber intruder suddenly grew inside of her, locking everything in place.
“Alright, Titty,” smirked the coach, “You’re all sealed up! Come on, let’s document your new outfit and share it with your care group!”
He pulled his phone out once again and asked her to pose, humiliating her to the bones.
“Time to test your new equipment! Let’s see if your new clothes are up to the task! Joe, race against her. Breast stroke, please. Let’s see who is faster.”
Amanda felt violated. The small, tight rings around her disfigured breasts and the nipple clamps hurt, and that terrible plug was piercing her insides. She wanted this terrible lesson to end and go back to her dorm, but to her dismay, it was still morning. Not looking forward to more abuse, she gritted her teeth and gave her best, beating Joe by a small margin.
The coach waited for her at the end of the pool.
“See? With proper equipment even you can do it. Unfortunately, our session is over for today, so go shower and see you all next week!”
“Hey, what about the rings and the plug?” complained Amanda, “I need help to get those things off of me!”
“Surely some of the girls will help you with this. Just leave everything in the changing room. Now go!”
When Amanda finally exited the shower, still clad in rings and plug, the other women were already waiting for her. But instead of getting the rings off her boobs and the awful plug out of her body, they toyed with her as if she would be a sex doll.
“Look how deep that plug goes into the tramp! She must be so loose!”
“Yeah, no dick can satisfy her anymore, that’s for sure!”
“Those rings are stuck for good though. Care to help?”
Amanda howled in pain as they tore at the rings and violated her body, but she did not run. Instead, she waited patiently until they finally had removed the rings and left her alone, the plug still stuffed deeply into her sore pussy.
The exhausted girl thought about getting dressed again, but there was no way she would get her boobs through the bra without help. Thankfully, she remembered the service uniform and decided to use that instead. At least that one she could get on herself.
The confused girl made her way over to the main building for lunch. The cafeteria was bustling with people already and Amanda noticed plenty of weird looks. Her new outfit surely was an eyecatcher.
“Hey! How are you?” someone called. Hanna!
“Hey, yeah. Had a bit of a rough morning, And you?”
“Still sore from the weekend, I guess,” Hanna chuckled, “Wow, new look?”
“Y… yeah. Got it from the principal. I’m actually not supposed to wear it on Mondays but I had no choice. Can’t get into that other abomination. It’s actually quite comfortable.”
“Free to use stress balls, huh?”
Amanda giggled, blushing lightly, “Yeah, I know.”
Hanna inspected her outfit curiously and asked, “Is that a button on your neck? What does it do?”
“Don’t!” pleaded Amanda but it was too late. The curious girl had already activated the costume and she had no choice but to comply.
Amanda dropped everything and assumed the service stance with her arms behind her back while Hanna watched dumb-struck as Amanda’s sexy bits were prepared for display once again. And it wasn’t only Hanna that was watching. Everyone around them stopped with what they were doing and instead stared at the weird girl in the white onesie that just had her bare tits pop out.
“Hot damn. Those are some fine stress balls!” giggled Hanna, her curious hands wrapping around the naked globes, “And your little twat is accessible, too! Oooh… what is that? Do you hide something in there?”
Her fingers found the plug and playfully twisted and jiggled it around.
“Looks like it’s stuck for good! Let me see.”
Amanda was mortified. All those people were watching while her new friend fucked her with that awful plastic thing! She felt her body respond in all too familiar ways. She wanted Hanna to stop! Despite her body betraying her once again! A lustful groan left her lips.
“You make me all hot and bothered, girl!” laughed Hanna, “I would love to fuck you right there, right now, but alas I have lessons to attend,” she patted Amanda’s naked tits, “But let’s take a picture first! TittyCare will love to see what you are up to today!”
She pulled her mobile out and took a few snaps. “Done. Now enjoy yourself. I might drop by tonight though.”
Giggling amused, Hanna turned around to get some food while poor Amanda was still trapped in her uniform. It didn’t take long for others to step in, and soon her boobs were squeezed and groped by untold hands while several of her fellow students tried their luck with the plug between her legs. Finally, the 10 minutes are over, and accompanied by the regretful groans of her new fans, her charms were hidden once again.
Amanda, her cheeks red and buzzing, grabbed her bag and quickly selected a meal, hoping that the button would be left alone for a while.
Thankfully, she was able to eat lunch without additional disruption. Her mind wandered, recalling the different trials that had been thrown her way. The plastic tube inside her body itched a little and she wondered if anyone would be able to get it out again. Suddenly, Igor was standing next to her.
“There you are. I was looking for you all morning! Did you eat already?”
“That uniform is so cool! Would love to push that button right now and enjoy your boobs a little but…”
“We need your help.”
“The drama group. We have a rehearsal this afternoon. In fact, it starts in just a few minutes. So glad I found you!”
“And what pray tell do you need me for?”
“Oh, you’ll see. Just come with me, please?”
“But… My math lesson!”
“Don’t worry! We’ll tell the teacher. He’ll understand. It’s an emergency!”
Igor grabbed her hand and pulled her along. While they made their way to the drama room, Amanda remarked, “So you’re acting? You don’t strike me as the drama group type.”
Igor smiled, “Yes I do! And I enjoy it greatly!”
“So what play is on?”
“Oh, it’s one of our own. Some of the details were actually my idea. Here we are.”
They entered the barely lit auditorium and walked towards the stage where a bunch of people were standing around some sort of bed and discussing animatedly.
“Found her!” Igor declared and pushed Amanda up the stage.
“Great! Have we met? I’m Jorge, the drama teacher. You’re… Titty, right?”
Amanda groaned, “Don’t tell me you’re also part of TittyCare?”
“In fact I am! You’re the hot new thing around here since the day you arrived!” laughed Jorge, “You know what to do?”
Amanda shook her head.
“Right, Igor? Help her get inside. It’s your creation afterall.”
“Sure, teach! So first…”
Igor reached around Amanda’s neck and pressed the button with two hands. But instead of simply pushing it, his fingers performed an elaborate dance on the active area, pressing some parts for a few seconds, releasing and pressing again. Suddenly, the costume responded, baring her breasts and sex, the strong bands squeezing her tits into tight balls once again. Amanda hectically assumed the service stance, eagerly presenting her ballooning boobs to avoid the electrical shock.
Igor chuckled, “No need to panic. I just initiated the debug mode. You won’t get shocked or anything, and it won’t stop in 10 minutes. Now get in the bed! On your back, please.”
The uniquely dressed, blue haired girl lay down on the thin mattress and followed Igor’s guidance. In the corner of her eyes, she noticed people carrying a large object.
“Put it over her. Yes, her boobs need to go through the hole and her head needs to be hidden behind it. No, not that far down, it needs to cover her upper torso completely, it doesn’t matter if her tummy shows. We’ll have blankets for that.”
The large, cushioned board snapped in place, covering Amanda’s upper body almost completely, save for the two globular objects sticking out of it. Amanda groaned, “I knew it’s about my tits again! Everything is always about my tits!”
“It sure is!” agreed Igor, “But that’s just because they are so irresistible! Are you comfortable down there?”
“As comfortable as I can be. So tell me, what is this? Am I now a pillow or what?”
“Exactly! You’re my pillow! Just that your boobs don’t match the color of the blanket yet. We need to get them just as red and rosy as the fabric. But don’t worry, I have a plan!”
“Once again, I’m reduced to just a pair of tits,” Amanda thought and was annoyed that the thought alone somehow resonated within her and made her heart flutter. She felt Igor’s rough hands on her tender twins, twisting and tweaking her hard nipples. Suddenly, her left boob exploded in pain.
Another hard smack followed, this time on her right breast.
“Looks better already! But the color is a bit uneven. Can someone bring me the rubber bands, please?”
Amanda tried to keep her calm while Igor pushed more and more of the tight, strong rubbers over her sore breasts, causing them to swell even more and change color. She wondered how her boobs looked from the other side, how the two, probably now bright red balls, protruded from the hole in the mattress, posing for two oddly shaped, innocent looking cushions. Amanda felt something heavy press on her breasts, something bristly tickling her nipples.
“You are really comfortable, Titty!” she heard Igor compliment her, “Your boobs are the best pillow I’ve ever rested my head on! Soft yet firm and just at the right place for my sore neck.”
She felt him turn his head, his hand grabbing her sore flesh, his tongue licking her sensitive nipple. She gasped.
“Like it?” Igor asked, one of his hands now exploring the lower parts of her body. Amanda felt him brush over her taut, costume-covered stomach, his fingertips coming dangerously close to her bare groin. Her heart raced, her breath became ragged. A finger touched her hard clit, rubbed it slowly and sensually.
Then the fingers teased her stretched lips, pushed against the hard plastic embedded inside.
“What’s that?” she heard him ask, “Is that for me?”
The other hand left her breasts, joined the one between her legs. She felt him pull harder, twist and turn the plug, causing it to stir up her insides. Her moans became louder and more pronounced.
“Ohhh… ah, careful, please?”
“Is it stuck?”
The plug shifted a bit, retreated from her depths just to penetrate her again. Amanda groaned as the unusual object slowly fucked her.
“You are so wet down there,” Igor teased and she knew he was right.
“Faster, please!”
The squishy sounds were arousing her even more, she could feel her body tense up as the plug drove into her faster and faster. But then, suddenly, it was gone.
“Got it out!” Igor beamed, the plug now lying beside him, his fingers busy at her gaping hole that was still held open by the short tube. She felt his teasing fingertips enter her, sample her wetness.
“Fuck me, please?” she gasped, horny from all the foreplay. Igor quickly opened his fly and pushed himself through the odd tube into her soaking pussy.
“Ahhh… finally! Thought you would never ask! I was getting jealous, you know?”
Amanda gasped in response and pushed her groin up to get more of his dick inside of her. Igor began to fuck her slowly but steadily, his hands stroking the two bloated spheres coming out of his mattress.
Amanda’s head was full of images, pictures of her bound breasts on a bed, of the unmistakable movement of Igor’s hips fucking her invisible body. It was all too much for her. She clamped down on his dick, but the damn tube made it so difficult. It was so weird to only feel him deep inside of her and not between her lips, where her most sensitive parts were.
She felt his fingers play with her engorged clit, massaging it hard. His strokes got faster and deeper, she could hear him groaning atop of her. It felt good. Her own fingers joined in, grabbed his hands, guided them to the right place. She fucked back, tilted and twisted her body to feel him better. His lips found her breasts again, suckled and tickled. She was getting close.
“Deeper, please?”
She felt him expand, his movements becoming more erratic. She pressed down again, feeling him deep inside her. And then the dam broke.
Amanda was moaning in ecstasy, joined soon by Igor’s triumphant yells. The two exploded right in front of the eyes of their intrigued audience, a pair of tits and a barely covered young man was all that was visible to them. They had recorded every minute.
The applause reminded Amanda that they were not alone, that in fact their passionate fucking had been watched by an alarming number of people. She was thankful that her face, along with most of the rest, was hidden or these people would see just how embarrassed she was.
“What a show! I have the weirdest boner watching you go to town on those tits. And you both climaxed almost in sync! Good work!”
Thanks!” grinned Igor who slowly raised out of the bed, the odd tube still around his dick, “Yeah, that was nice.”
His eyes wandered over the bed, resting on the enticing two cushions that were still heaving, “So how do you like it?”
“Your fucking?”
“No, the bed! Her cushions. You think it’ll work for the piece?”
“Absolutely. It emphasizes the despicable weirdness of the main character. Once we disclose near the end that those things are indeed real breasts, all the arguments, all the transparent schemes to hide his perviness will become obvious and the audience will know just how rotten to the core he actually is. Yes, it’s perfect. And the trick with the rubber band worked wonders! They’re now just as red as the blanket.”
“So we’re done?”
“Yes. I’m positive the show will be a great hit. Now, let’s help our star out again. Interested in the video I made? I have a few websites in mind where this might win some votes.”
“Can you share it through TittyCare?”
“Great. Then let’s get her out of there again and reset the suit.”
Chapter 10
The happenings of the day didn’t help Amanda to accept what was going on with her. Back in her room, dressed in her inactive service uniform and alone, she was just as confused as before and couldn’t understand how she could allow that everyone objectified her, that she was no more than a pair of tits to them. At least Igor had managed to get that terrible plug out of her.
Why the hell did she ask him to fuck her, trapped in that pervy bed? She scrolled through TittyCare, gaping at the various pictures of her in compromising positions. Her ridiculous swimsuit, her service uniform in action in the middle of the cafeteria, and now her boobs sitting on a bed in the drama room. She shook her head and wondered why she kept ending up in such humiliating situations.
Someone knocked at the door.
“Ti… Amanda?”
“Yeah, I noticed the light. You wanna talk?”
“I don’t know…”
“Saw the pictures on TittyCare.”
“Oh yeah? Got a favorite?” asked Amanda sarcastically.
“Oh don’t be like that. The one at the pool looked painful. Must’ve been a hard day.”
“Seems I like being treated like that,” Amanda sobbed, tears welling in her eyes, “You were right! It’s all my fault! It’s… I….”
Hanna sat down and hugged her, “Shhh… It’s OK. I know these jerks can be rough.”
“I can’t take this anymore, Hanna! It’s driving me crazy!”
“Don’t be upset. Come on, let me help you. Think about the last few days, the people you met, the situations you experienced.”
“It was all awful!”
“But you asked people to fuck you, right?”
“I… that’s the point! Why did I do this? What’s wrong with me?”
“Some people are wired that way. They enjoy a bit of … “
“Of what? Getting treated like dirt?”
“You’re not dirt, Amanda. You’re the cutest, most attractive girl on campus! You’re…”
Suddenly something beeped. The suit awoke again, her breasts popped out and her groin covers vanished. Amanda yelped, jumped on her feet and assumed the service stance.
“S…sorry! I must have accidentally touched the button!” apologized Hanna, her eyes glued to the jiggling orbs in front of her. Amanda didn’t say a word. She just stood there, presenting her wares and waiting for the time to pass. Hanna wanted to comfort her, to tell her that she was beautiful and unique, that she loved her. But all she managed was to grope the naked breasts and enjoy their warmth. Her lips found the rosy nipples and gently sucked at them. She could feel Amanda relaxing, could see her calming down a little. Without a word, Hanna licked around the enticing breasts and then wandered downward, towards the little slit that was so perfectly pulled open by the suit.
Amanda gasped excitedly as her neighbour traced along her aroused sex, dipping into the squishy hole. Hanna huffed, “You’re just too hot for your own good, Titty. Can you wait a moment? I need to get something.”
Hanna was back only moments later, now carrying her favorite toy in her hand. She quickly stripped and eased the pussy buster into herself.
“Last time you were so high… you probably don’t even remember that I pampered you with this. But now we have all the time in the world! Let me show you how I like to fuck!”
She pushed Amanda, still in her service stance, against the wall, her hand guiding the massive head of the toy into the spellbound girl. Careful to not cause any pain, Hanna started to move her hips, forcing the large shaft deeper little by little while her hands caressed the bare breasts of her friend.
She took her time, kissed and fondled the confused girl all the while she kept fucking her slowly and sensually. Amanda was soon following her lead, now panting in heat. Due to the suit, Amanda couldn’t reciprocate, she didn’t dare to move her hands, didn’t dare to mutter as much as a word. But she was more than willing to receive Hanna’s treats.
When the service interval was over and the suit tried to close, Amanda was quick to press the button herself. She didn’t want her breasts to be hidden, she wanted to stay open for business, open to whatever Hanna wanted to do with her!
And Hanna did everything she could to make her lover happy. She nibbled at her breasts, squeezed the luscious melons lovingly, and she kept fucking. Once she felt Amanda was ready, when the thick toy effortlessly drove into her body as deep it would go, she switched on the vibrator. Amanda’s eyes popped open, shocked by the intensity of the buzz. But Hanna knew that it was only temporary, that soon her body would be craving the additional stimulation. She grabbed Amanda’s bottom, guided her legs to wrap around her own waist. Thankfully, the suit did allow for that change.
The two lovers were lost in a haze. The new position allowed Hanna to fuck her friend even better, and the vibrations awoke ever new sensations deep inside Amanda’s body. And even Hanna, who had so much trouble achieving a climax, felt something big approaching.
A few minutes later, Hanna was pounding into her partner hard and fast. Amanda almost broke her lover’s bones, so hard did she squeeze her legs around Hanna’s waist. Both girls were panting frantically when Hanna announced that she was almost ready.
Amanda wanted to feel her lover, feel the wet skin on her own and threw her arms around Hanna’s neck. She pulled her tight while pressing herself down on the gigantic toy. Her suit beeped but she didn’t care.
The electric shock hit her with breathtaking precision. Just when both girls reached the peak, the sudden jolt catapulted Amanda higher and higher. Her entire body spasmed while she screamed so loud that everyone on the entire campus must have heard her. But Hanna was just as gone, exploding like never before in her life.
When Amanda awoke again, she was lying on the bed, her head on Hanna’s lap.
“Did you like my toy?”
Amanda had to laugh.
“The toy? I like YOU! Nobody ever made me feel that way.”
“Thanks to your fantastic uniform! If I wouldn’t have pressed that button…”
Amanda giggled, “Yeah, for once it did its job. Although, I didn’t provide any service, did I? It was you servicing me, not the other way around.”
“Who cares! It was great!”
“Yeah, it was!”
“So… Sorry that I interrupted you earlier.”
“You apologize for that?”
“No… yes. We were talking about you. About how you feel. How everyone treats you.”
“Right. I … I need to think, I guess. Can we talk tomorrow about this?”
“Sure! I’ll leave you alone then. Let me know in case you need anything!”
“Thanks, Hanna. And don’t forget to take that monster with you!”
“The pussy buster? I won’t, I promise. I might need it again later!”
“You’re crazy.”
“You too! Take care!”
Amanda was glad to have such a good friend, and she felt more relaxed than ever. Tired and happy, the young woman got herself ready for the night and crawled in her bed, desperate for some much needed sleep.
“Hey Titty! There you are! Overslept a bit, huh?”
“Oh shut up Igor! I’m here now, right?”
“Sure. And dressed to service, no less! Did you like our rehearsal yesterday?”
“The weird bed? What can I say, I’m all tits to you, ain’t I?”
“Not only, but it’s a big part of you for sure. Come on, today’s the day! Today, I’ll unveil my art project to you. You promised to help, remember?”
“I sure do! So what is it?”
“Follow me.”
He led her inside the main building and through a few doors. Finally, they were standing inside the workshop. Igor pulled an odd device out of some corner.
“Like it?”
“How could I? I don’t even know what it is! Some sort of… Frankenstein pogo stick?”
“Close! Meet PogoFuck 2000! I worked on this for months, and since you showed up, I added a few very unique features. Thought I would have to persuade Dana to demo it, but you’re so much better for this!”
“It’s about my boobs again, isn’t it?”
Igor didn’t answer. Instead, he reached for the button on her neck and entered the debug code. Amanda’s breasts and sex were once again vulnerable and without any protection. Igor fiddled with the odd device which started to buzz and blink.
“Sit down over there and spread your legs, please.”
Amanda didn’t move.
“Sit down, please. You promised to help!”
“That… that stick… it has a massive dildo at the end!”
“I know,” grinned Igor, “That’s the whole point of it. You’ll love it, I promise! Now get on that chair!”
“I won’t. This is ridiculous.”
“Last warning, Titty. Get on the chair!”
“You fucked me yesterday and I was fine with it. But this…”
“You begged me, Titty. You begged me to fuck you. And you promised to help me with my project. This is it, my project!”
“A fuck stick.”
“Don’t be difficult, Titty.”
“Alright, alright.”
Amanda sat down and reluctantly spread her legs. Her shaven sex was already glistening in anticipation.
“Now, don’t freak out but I will have to push this thing inside you, OK?”
“What a surprise. Go on, let’s get this over with.”
The toy was well lubed and thick like her wrist. Igor did an admirable job coercing the thing into her tight snatch, fucking her slowly with the fat head until the whole thing popped inside.
“Ugh… Couldn’t you use a smaller one? It’s ripping me apart!’
“Nah, needs to be that big. You’ll see.”
He put the other end of the pogo stick on the ground and said, “Feet on the stirrups and try to keep the balance once I pull you up.”
It was the weirdest feeling. She had loved playing with pogo sticks as a child, but this one was a completely different experience. As soon as she was upright, the stick started to bounce, forcing her own body to ram itself down on the fat dildo just to pop off of it a bit later.
The smug grin on Igor’s face told her how proud he was of his little toy.
“You’re doing great! Is your pussy holding up so far?”
He grabbed a remote of sorts and switched the devilish device to a gentle jiggle. The fat dildo now merely wiggled deep inside her but the device stayed surprisingly stable.
“Maybe I should tell you a bit more about this invention of mine while I assemble the rest of it. You see, this little thing is using top of the line technology. It’s autonomous, controlled by an AI that intelligently monitors its surroundings. Dana helped figure things out, if you must know.”
He pulled her hands behind her back and put some handcuffs around her wrists.
“Now, on the more practical side… As you surely already realized, the stirrups are moving up and down quite a bit with each jump, forcing you to fuck that dildo like a horny slut. The amplitude — nice word, right? Amplitude? Another thing I learned from Dana. The amplitude is controllable, though not directly. And the frequency as well.”
He snapped something to the stirrups. Amanda felt a cold pole press against her back.
“This is to help you keep balance. Now, let me fix this properly.”
He pushed two loops made of steel wire over her exposed breasts and cinched them down until they tightly squeezed her orbs.
“To make things more interesting, these loops are controlled by the AI as well. But enough of those boring details, you’ll figure things out on your own, right?”
He pressed something on the remote. The device geared up and started fucking her in earnest again. At the same time, the metal loops shrunk down so much that her tits looked like a pair of red balls.
“Oh, I almost forgot. See that little display? That’s the number of orgasms you had. Need to affix this little sensor to your skin. Here you go. Your little tour will end once you reach a certain number of orgasms, or if time runs out.”
“How …Ow! How long? H…how often do I…need to cum?”
“As said, you’ll figure it out. Now off you go!”
“But how do I… ah…uh.. steer it?”
“Oh, that’s simple. Just lean into the direction you want to go. Have fun!”
Amanda tried to ignore the constant fucking, tried to ignore the painful but arousing toy as she leaned forward. Her odd vehicle slowly bounced towards the door, her tightly bound tits jumping around like possessed.
The poor girl didn’t know where to go. She kept jumping on the spot, right outside the workshop and noticed that the bands around her tits slowly got tighter and tighter.
“Ouch! Fuck me, always my tits!” she cursed, wondering what Igor meant with everything being AI controlled. Was there a way to make her boobs less uncomfortable? She leaned forward and started bouncing towards the main hall.
“How do you come up with this shit,” the first girl spotting her giggled, “Are you really such a horny slut?”
“This… this wasn’t my idea!” squeaked Amanda, bouncing around wildly, “This…. ah… fucking… ugh… machine… ooohh… is…. owww…. killing… ahhhh… meeee!”
The girl laughed and called her friends over, “Look at our school slut fucking herself silly! She’s about to cum on that thing from the looks of it.”
Soon, a large crowd gathered, watching the bouncing girl with interest. Amanda felt their stares burning on her skin and the humiliation got to her. She wanted to bounce away but something held her in place. Suddenly, she erupted in her first climax since she had started her tour.
“Ah… ah… Ooooohhhh…. Aaaahhhhhhhh…..”
The crowd watching her commented on her performance, on the obscene noise her pussy was making, and more than one phone was trained on her, recording her titillating show.
Once Amanda was coming down from her high, she became aware of something peculiar. The loops around her sore breasts were much looser now, and not nearly as painful as before. But in turn, the hellish device was pounding her faster and faster, with deeper and deeper strokes. Her pussy was in shreds already and she could barely tolerate the ruthless intruder.
With her head somewhat clear and desperate to slow down the dildo, she managed to bounce away, her big boobs slapping against her chin and each other.
Once she had left the crowd behind, the fuck stick became more gentle again but in turn, the loops around the base of each breast tightened considerably. Amanda was relieved that her sex got some less action but she couldn’t make sense of the change.
The young woman bounced around the campus, entertaining fellow students during their breaks. And slowly, she figured things out.
“So it’s the number …. ah… The number of people seeing me…” she muttered while getting drilled, “The more are watching me, the more that thing fucks me. But the loops are in turn relaxing a bit….”
“What was that?” she heard a somewhat familiar voice from behind, “Can you repeat that, slut?”
Alice! It was that bully Alice! Amanda panicked. Her goons surely weren’t far either!
“So if no one watches you, your tits go through hell? THAT’S something I want to see for myself! Guys? I need some help here! Open that storeroom over there, please?”
Cassie and Jodie were suddenly appearing out of nowhere, a door to a tiny chamber opened, and before Amanda could even say anything, they shoved her into it and locked the door. Suddenly alone, Amanda was bouncing up and down in the dark, and the bands around her tits were whirring into action.
“How’s it going?”
“Owww…. Let me out!”
“Only after you describe how exactly you feel right now. Let us know about your plight. Oh, you know what? Isn’t there a mirror? Switch on the light and take a video. You have your phone, haven’t you? Stream it to TittyCare and I’ll decide when you pass the test.”
Amanda hoped she was wrong. Of course she had her phone with her, but maybe there wasn’t any mirror in here? Maybe the light was broken? She searched the wall while the stick churned inside of her. Suddenly, the lamp turned on and she could see her very own form staring back at her, bouncing around wildly. Her tits looked terrible already.
“You can’t do that!”
“I’m waiting!”
Amanda stared at the two, awfully red and round objects that jiggled in the mirror and wondered how much time she had before they popped off and fell to the floor. Fascinated, and quite scared, she watched mesmerized as the skin of her breasts grew taut and shiny. Amanda gulped, concerned at the sight of the two, alien objects, the fine net of her usually well hidden veins now clearly visible.
Any second now, those evil loops were going to cut her tits clean off! If only that fuck stick would stop with the constant pounding! Her pussy was sore like never before already but that damn thing just kept going and going.
She had to do something or it would be too late! The frantic girl searched for her phone, opened the TittyCare chat and started the video. Eyes wide and teary, she aimed at the mirror, broadcasting the sorry state of her swollen and endlessly bouncing boobs out into the world.
Everyone part of her expanding care group received the notification, and soon her fans were tuning in, watching with bated breath what they saw on their screens.
“Fuck me, this girl keeps getting herself in trouble!” laughed Igor, seeing just how well one particular feature of his invention is being tested right now. But Igor was more interested in people appreciating his ingenuity and for that, the device — and Titty — needed to be around people, not trapped in some storeroom. So he decided to get Amanda out of this unfortunate situation.
“Hey, Alice! What’s up?” Igor asked as he approached the rebellious trio.
“Haven’t you checked TittyCare? She’s in there having some fun! Look at how round her tits are already, that… thing… is strangling them for good!”
“Yeah, I know. I built this machine. But that’s as far as the loops will go. No point in waiting any longer. Come on, let her out again, so we can see those boobs fly.”
“Really? That’s all these loops can do? I wanted to see her tits fall off!” Alice complained with a smirk on her face, “Alright then.”
She pulled the door open and yelled, “Back to work, Titty! Let them jump for us!”
Happy that she finally could get out again, Titty bounced out of the storeroom, her garotted breasts rolling on her chest. She sighed relieved as the loops relaxed a bit and was gladly accepting that the dildo and her hopping around got more pronounced.
“Hey… hey, Igor! Which direction are more peop… ah… people? Left or… uh… or right?”
“So you figured it out, huh?” Igor chuckled, “I’d recommend left, down the hall.”
He watched the frantic girl bounce in place and said, “So… five orgasms already,” looking at the little display on the stick, “I’m jealous! You’re having the time of your life, eh?”
“Fuck… you!”
“No, fuck YOU! But I see you’ve already taken care of that.”
“So what’s this about?” asked an older voice from behind. Amanda tried to look into that direction, causing her strange vehicle to turn around.
“Principal! This… Igor forced me to…”
“Oh, don’t worry. I support you helping others. So this is your art project, Igor? I’m really curious about this thing. What does it do? How does it work?”
When Sean had received the notification, he couldn’t resist watching the stream. Amanda was apparently once again humiliated beyond belief. That girl attracted so much attention, it wasn’t healthy! He kept watching her bouncy bound boobs until the screen changed and he could see Igor and Alice.
Alice! That bitch! He had to help Amanda, but where was she? He looked at the screen again. There, the plant and that painting! Yes, he knew where that corridor was! Sean bolted out of the classroom and ran.
A few minutes later and completely out of breath, he saw Amanda bouncing on that pogo stick while the principal himself was talking animatedly with Igor. Both did not hide their curiosity and repeatedly groped Amanda’s bouncing tits and even touched her between the legs. Sean only now understood the true depravity of the device and watched dumbfounded as the large toy rammed into the girl again and again.
“I… I need to do something!” Sean muttered. He thought about how he had told her to challenge the principal, to take the power in her own hands and make him her bitch. But she obviously couldn’t do it.
“She just can’t say no to these people”, Sean groaned. But he would help her, and he already knew how.
Sean took his mobile and pointed it at the scene in front of him. Then, he started to record.
“Thanks for the thorough demonstration, Igor. That’s really a fantastic invention and I can’t wait to see more girls making use of it,” He thought for a moment, “Maybe I should put a mandate in force that every female student has to use it once a month, eh?”
Igor chuckled, “Brilliant idea! Right, Alice?”
Alice was not amused.
“So can you…. Uh… can you get that dildo out of her? I mean, could I fuck her on this thing?”
“But Principal!” gasped Alice in fake outrage.
“Just a …uh… theoretical… question, I mean…”
“Oh absolutely,” beamed Igor, “In fact, I was looking forward to trying that feature myself at the end of this test. But I’m honored that you consider helping me out and are willing to put this device through its paces! Here, we only need to unlock this and… tadaaa… out it goes. I’m sure Titty is happy that her pussy is finally getting a bit of a break.”
Amanda was indeed relieved that the terribly large fuck machine was finally removed, although it bothered her that the pogo stick was still going strong, making her boobs bounce while all those nasty people were treating her like some sort of interesting object to mess around with.
“Feel free to… uh… sample this pussy right away, principal.” beamed Igor, “She’s available and ready by the looks of it.”
The old man didn’t need to be told twice. He quickly zipped his fly open and wrestled his hard dick out.
“Thanks, Igor. I’ll make sure your outstanding performance will be noted accordingly. Ugh…. This feels great! She’s so slick and…deep! And the bouncing… What a treat! Her muscles are flexing just perfectly! Quite well trained, I have to say.”
Sean watched in disbelief as the old man ravished the bouncing girl, camera squarely on the scene unfolding in front of him. Or was Amanda involuntarily ravishing the principal? It was hard to tell.
“Say, uh, Igor. Would you mind making those tits a bit more .. uh… attractive for me? Like, get them in a better shape?”
“Sure, principal!” Igor smirked, “How about this?”
Amanda felt the bands tighten again, choking her tormented tits at their base and transforming them into bright red globes.
“Owwwweeeee… stop it!” she complained, but they didn’t care.
“That’s just perfect!” the principal beamed, “I like them so much better in this form!”
He groped and squeezed the swollen melons with might while the machine kept them fucking, his face adorned by a blissful smile.
Somehow, the stick kept its balance, mashing the poor girl against the creepy man with each bounce, her taut, ballooning tits sliding over his fully clothed body. Sean couldn’t keep his eyes away from the unlikely couple fornicating in public.
Chapter 11
Finally, the old man shuddered and groaned, a pained yelp escaped from Amanda’s lips. The two separated again, both breathless from the odd performance. Igor unceremoniously jammed the dildo back into the now vacated but graciously lubed up hole and connected it with the pogo stick again, granting Amanda no pause from the constant fucking.
“Uh… can you…. can you slacken the bands a bit? Please?”
“But of course, Titty. Back to the default then. Now get going, the rest of the school would like to see my invention, too!”
Without much choice, Amanda bounced off and started to make her rounds through the halls, always aware of the number of people watching her and trying to strike a balance between the intensity of the fucking and the state of her sorry tits. Her fellow students as well as the school staff seemed to appreciate her performance though.
Wherever she turned up, people were oohing and aahing, and groped her sweating, jiggling body openly. The poor, tormented girl lost track of time and couldn’t even remember the many occasions the horrible machine had forced her to climax. But she knew her strained muscles were about to give in when finally the pogo stick changed course and bounced her back into Igor’s lab.
Amanda was spasming involuntarily when the young inventor helped her off the contraption and collapsed on the floor, her tense muscles vibrating. Igor almost tenderly spread her legs and touched her terribly sore, gaping hole.
“Wow, looks like you had quite some fun, eh! Better be careful in the next few days.”
He grabbed a tube of lube and covered her raw sex generously with the cool substance. Amanda groaned, still in pain but appreciating the little relief the lube was giving her.
“Your boobs looked great by the way. Everyone liked how they jiggled and jumped! I received so many messages with compliments on my invention! The internet is full of pics documenting your performance. Here, let me share some on TittyCare!”
“Can I… can I go now?” Amanda asked weakly, barely able to stand up.
“Sure, let me reset your uniform for you.”
He pushed the button on her neck a few times and her boobs and groin vanished behind the uniform again.
“What was that?”
“Oh, nothing. Just… the uniform hurt my… my tender bits. But I can deal with that. So we’re done here, right?”
“Right,” smiled Igor, “Thanks for doing that, Titty. The principal was thrilled! I expect great grades from this!”
“I’m sure you do. But you… you could tone things down a little. This monstrosity almost broke me!”
“I know, but I liked it better this way. See you around, Titty!”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Amanda could barely walk, so sore was her body. Her poor pussy was in shreds and hurt with every step, and her boobs did not feel any better. She really needed some rest, but alas another appointment was waiting for her. The young woman made her way through the halls and soon entered the school’s very own photo studio where Dana was waiting for her impatiently.
“Hey Titty! You’re a few minutes late! Can’t be bothered to deliver your boobs in time, eh?”
“S…sorry. They were… I was… paraded around school.”
“I know,” laughed Dana, “I was just messing with you. Great performance by the way. Igor really outdid himself with this thing. How do you feel? Are you alright?”
“As long as I make no sudden movements? Yeah, kinda.”
“Great! Sean should be around in a minute or two. You know what you’re supposed to do, right?”
“Yeah, some modeling and a photo shoot?”
“Yes! I’ve dabbled a bit in fashion and designed a bit of…. lingerie…. that I want you to wear. But first, you need to get out of that uniform. I need you completely naked for this, alright?”
“Sure, of course.”
Dana helped Amanda to get her suit off, marveling at the soft, sexy body underneath. Her curious hands lightly groped the massive naked breasts as soon as they emerged, causing Amanda to wince in pain.
“Ouch! Be careful, please? They hurt terribly.”
“You don’t say? I hope you can deal with some pain then. My … design… is a bit of a challenge for busty girls like you. But don’t worry, you’ll be done in a jiffy. First, let’s make this experience a memorable one. Hold still, please?”
Dana pushed a soft blindfold over Amanda’s eyes, robbing her of her sight.
“Hey? That’s not lingerie!”
“I know,” chuckled Dana, “But it will be so much better with this. Sean agreed by the way, so just bear with me, OK? Now stand up please, and come over here. Great! Hands up! Do you feel the bar there?Just grab it and wait for me. Legs apart until you can feel something cold. Yes, like that. Perfect!”
Amanda felt something wrap around her wrist. Her hand was pulled up a little. The same happened to her other hand and her feet. She tried to move but her limbs were stuck for good.
“You look great, hon!” Dana beamed, groping the unprotected pillows of flesh that so enticingly jiggled in front of her, “This will be fun! Now don’t panic, the next step might feel a bit odd.”
Amanda was already feeling quite odd as it was, but the slimy, wet sensation on her boobs was surely irritating. It felt like something was wrapped around her hurting boobs, and it was cold! Then, the same coldness grazed her hardening nipple, squeezing it with might. Whatever it was, it suddenly tightened and forced her tender breasts into new forms.
“Ouch! Owwww! Dana! I said they hurt already! Can’t you be a bit more considerate?”
“And I told you it will be a bit of a challenge for someone as top-heavy as you are. And honestly, I’ve had enough with your complaining!”
Amanda felt something big forced into her mouth and a band quickly tightening around her head.
“There, no moaning anymore. Ball gags are just great, aren’t they? You just need to hold tight for a bit longer. Almost done!”
Amanda complained, tried to yell at the inconsiderate girl, but the ball reduced everything to silent mutterings. The odd sensations were back, now around her inflamed pussy. She felt something squeeze her labia, touch her sensitive clitoris. This felt totally out of place for just trying on some lingerie!
Amanda heard the door open.
“Holy shit! That looks great!”
It was Sean’s voice! Sean! He’ll protect her, right? He’ll keep Dana in check!
“You like it? I just need to tighten it a bit more and we’ll be ready for your shoot.”
“Can’t wait to see the final stage! Hey, Ti… Amanda, I need to speak with you.”
“Yeah, I know you can’t talk right now but listen, I have evidence of… of what you went through earlier today. I have a recording of the principal fucking you. This can help you to finally put an end to his reign, right? We’ll be able to prove that he’s out of line, that he abuses his power!”
“Mmhh! Mmmhhhh!”
“Yeah, just wanted to let you know.”
“Hey, Sean? Care to help me with the tightening? Just pull here as hard as you can.”
Her boobs exploded in pain. Whatever was squeezing their base just got a lot tighter. And then every other part of her tits followed suit.
“Wow, great job! Now, prepare your camera, this will be amazing!”
Amanda heard some metal clanking, some heavy object was being pushed around.
“This should be close enough. I’ll switch it on now.”
Suddenly, Amanda felt warm, like on a hot day at the beach. Her front side was heating up rapidly, and whatever was wrapped around her boobs started to contract.
“Hey, help me pull the mirror over there. She should see herself for full effect.”
The bright light was almost unbearable. Amanda had to squint her eyes and couldn’t see anything for the first second. She felt the gag being removed. The pain was overwhelming. As soon as her sight was back, she saw the mirror in front of her, and started screaming.
Her boobs! That was no bra, that was a monstrosity! Her tits looked like fat melons dissected by tight, brown strings! Her nipples were trapped between the leather bands and hard like never before! Her hot, red flesh was bulging through the gaps between the bands, glistening and shimmering.
Her gaze wandered downwards. Her pussy! What on the first glance looked like a conventional bikini bottom turned out to be a set of strings that artfully pried her sex open, displaying her gaping tunnel to everyone!
And every second it just got worse.
“Can you feel the bands tightening? I’ve had them in warm water for a week, carefully stretching each and every one for this big day! The heat is causing the leather to shrink, leading to a bit of additional stress for your sexy bits. You look fantastic though!”
Amanda heard the camera clicking. Sean seemed enraptured in the moment.
“You did take a video, too, right?”
“I sure did! But those photos will be spectacular! How much longer can she take this?”
“A few more minutes shouldn’t be a problem. Take your time! I can put the gag in her mouth if the yelling bothers you too much.”
“Sorry, Amanda. I know you are in pain and it’s not something I enjoy. But you just look so hot in these straps! You’ll like the end result, too!”
Amanda’s voice soon was hoarse from all the screaming and the pain began to dull a little. The sight of her disfigured tits was so disturbing that she couldn’t look away. Finally, after taking all the time he needed, Sean stepped towards her and sensually touched her tormented flesh. His fingers traveled over her distended nipples, tickled her squished boob flesh and down towards her gaping slit. He slowly circled her engorged clit, causing her tense body to immediately respond.
Amanda’s screams softened and sounded much more like lustful moaning now. Sean went on his knees, his tongue teasing the swollen bud and licking around her quickly wettening insides. Amanda’s mind was wiped blank. She could only feel the terrible pain her boobs caused and the excruciatingly wonderful feeling in her pussy. Her mouth started to blabber unintelligibly, her groans became louder and more urgent.
“She wants you to fuck her, Sean!” giggled Dana, “You should help her out!”
“Really? Amanda? You want me to fuck you?”
The bound girl nodded, her eyes wide open and glassy.
“Yes! Please, fuck me!”
Sean jumped out of his briefs, his prick hard and ready. The glistening, wide open pussy was welcoming him like an old friend as he slowly penetrated Amanda’s body.
Sean took his time, slowly stirred his manhood in Amanda’s hot, tightening pit. The poor girl was sobbing openly, wincing whenever Sean touched her tormented boobs and groaning when his dick bumped against a particularly pleasurable spot inside of her.
Meanwhile, Dana took care of Sean’s camera and started to take pictures from each and every angle.
After a few minutes of slow and sensual fucking, Amanda urged her lover to speed up. Sean was more than happy to comply, and a few moments later, the bound girl exploded in an intense orgasm, quickly followed by Sean’s messy climax.
“Damn, you two can’t stop fucking each other, can you? Sean, pack away that filthy thing of yours and let’s get the girl out. She looks like she’s about to faint!”
In a combined effort, Sean and Dana cut the straps from Amanda’s body and removed the bondage. Soon, the exhausted girl was lying naked on the floor, breathing heavily.
“What a session! Here, look at the pics I took!”
Sean blushed furiously as he browsed through the camera’s memory.
“I already uploaded a few to TittyCare, so don’t be embarrassed if people ask you about your little affair. Hey, she’s back from the dead!”
“Hey, Amanda! How are you?”
“S…sore! But also happy, I guess? This was incredible, Sean! That fuck? I never experienced anything like that!”
“Thanks, I guess?” giggled Dana, “I can bind you again whenever you want! Should we get you dressed again?”
“Y…yeah, please!”
Soon, Amanda was clothed again. She still had to be careful whenever she was moving around, but she felt much better. And the pictures the two showed her were indeed spectacular and oddly exciting. Suddenly, the door opened and an older woman entered the room.
“So this is the photo lab? What are you guys doing here? Some project work?”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, sorry. I’m Evelyn Hawke, the inspector in charge of this school. I’m doing an unannounced assessment today. But please, continue with whatever you are doing, I’m sure it is all in perfect ord… holy moly, those are some hot photographs! Not exactly what I expected to find here! Names?”
Dana blushed and started to stammer, “Dana. I… it was a project from…. The principal seems to like naughty…”
“And you are the model?” asked Evelyn, now facing Amanda.
“Y…yes. I’m Amanda, the… the model. Dana and Sean asked me for help. It’s… it’s quite similar to the other tasks I have to do around here.”
“I see. Your uniform looks different to what the others wear. I like it, but I’m not sure if it complies with regulations. Can you turn around for me?”
“What’s that on your neck?”
Suddenly, the uniform awoke, baring Amanda’s sizeable breasts and well-used sex once again and forcing her into her service stance.
“Oh my! That’s … unheard of?” squeaked Evelyn, her eyes locked on the soft, slightly red and completely bare bosom in front of her, “May I touch them?”
“Y…yes, everyone can touch her when the service mode is engaged,” explained Sean matter-of-factly.
“Service mode, huh?”
“You need to talk to the Principal, Madam. He forces Amanda to do these things almost every day. Life must be hell for her.”
“But you seem to be happy to make use of her… assets… without batting an eye?”
“It’s… it’s not like that!” replied Sean, “She’s just so hot! I try my best, really, I help her whenever I can, I…”
“But she does look delicious, although her sex looks a bit red and sore.” Evelyn inspected Amanda’s exposed body parts thoroughly, poking her flesh in various places.
“He’s right,” confirmed Amanda once the service interval had ended and her private parts were covered again, “Sean is my friend. He protects me. He cares about me. And today… this shoot would have been horrible, but he managed to turn it around! Just look at the video!”
“So he fucked you and then all is fine?”
“Nooo! I mean… Yes, maybe?”
“So tell me, what exactly are they making you do? The principal and the other pupils?”
Dana handed Evelyn her phone, the TittyCare group opened, “Here, just check this out.”
“Wha…This… evidence…. Can you… can you add me to the group? I need to have a closer look at this.”
“Sure,” smiled Dana, “My pleasure! But don’t get too worked up, OK?”
Suddenly, Evelyn was blushing.
“Of course. Sean, Dana? Thanks for being so open. Go home for today, please. And don’t worry, you’re both doing great. And Amanda? I would appreciate it if you could stay around for a moment.”
Sean and Dana went to the door. Just before exiting, Amanda asked, “Could you drop by at my place in an hour or so?”
“Sure Amanda, see you there.”
Now alone with Evelyn, Amanda was even more nervous. The older woman browsed through her phone with interest, totally absorbed by whatever she was looking at.
A few minutes later, after Amanda had harrumphed a few times, Evelyn finally looked at her kindly and said, “Don’t be afraid, you have nothing to worry about. I just had a quick look at that chat group and, well, these pictures and videos are quite explicit. This one, for example,…”
She started the recording of her session behind the odd breast wall in the classroom. She could see the gardener fucking her expertedly on the screen of the phone.
“You seem to be awfully compliant in that one. You even begged them to have sex with you, right? You don’t need to explain anything to me, I just want to know if you enjoyed these…. trials…”
Amanda blushed, averting the eyes of the older woman.
“No need to be ashamed, Amanda. Just tell me. It will help me make the right decision. For your future.”
“Y… yes. I … sometimes…”
She gulped, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Take your time, Amanda.”
“Th… thanks. I …. sometimes …. liked it. When they… when they were playing with my boobs like they were mere objects. When they bound them so tight that I could only feel these massive balls of flesh, and nothing else in the world mattered anymore. I am weird, am I? Something is wrong with me!”
“No, nothing is wrong with you, Amanda. In fact, my partner has rather similar urges and we manage quite well to live them out in our bedroom. Or on one of our many adventures. I can see you are confused about your feelings, about how your body responds to these … challenges. But that doesn’t mean you are broken! You are just a very emotional, young woman that likes… different… things. Everyone has their tastes and preferences, and yours happen to be a bit more exotic.”
“You think so?”
“Yes, I think so. Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. Now, return to your dorm and try to relax. I need to talk to your principal.”
Amanda joined Sean and Dana who had waited outside and the three silently left the building, disturbed and concerned about what Evelyn’s visit would mean for them. They gathered in Amanda’s dorm to discuss what had happened.
“Don’t worry, Amanda,” said Sean, “This is good news! She knows how that asshole treats you and she will put a stop to it!”
“I’m not so sure, Sean,” replied Dana, “She seemed awfully interested in the pics on TittyCare. Maybe she’ll just join in and make her do even more outrageous stuff?”
“Come on, guys? I can’t deal with any more of that! I just hope Ms Hawke will make things right!”
“Yeah, let’s hope for the best,” agreed Dana, “Want some dope? We have nothing to do either way, so why not enjoy the break?”
“Hell yes!”
Meanwhile, Evelyn was at the principal’s office yelling furiously at the old man.
“What do you think this is? Your private sex club? A whore house? You can’t make these girls do such things!”
“But they’re all adults! If they don’t want to, they can just leave!”
“You sick pervert! I’ll have your ass handed to the police! Or maybe we start with the press? How do you think this reflects on the school?”
“There is no way around it, Tom. This has to stop!”
“I know…It got a bit out of hand. That girl is just so damn hot! And she seems to like it, too!”
“I have just checked this TittyCare group, and I agree, she does seem the type. And that uniform? Spectacular! But still, this is not going to work! Things will need to change!”
“Do you have any suggestions how to … get out of this?”
“In fact, I have! I’ll let you stay in this position as long as you agree to a few rule changes.”
“I’m all ears!”
“First, you won’t force Amanda or any other student into any sort of compromising situation. You will do your very best to make them feel supported and appreciated. No perving around, no groping their boobs, no FUCKING their damn pussies, understood?”
“To provide some support to Amanda, we let her keep the uniform. But the device will be changed so that she can override its function whenever she likes to. When someone pushes that service button, she’ll have to actively accept the request and only then she is forced into that position. She has to consent, that’s important!”
“I see.”
“It seems Amanda experiences some … urges… that we need to keep in check for her own benefit. I think the three friends, Sean, Dana and yes, Igor, will be perfect to put some checks and balances in place. They will form a committee to come up with new adventures for Amanda. Of course, Amanda will always have the opportunity to decline, but I think some excitement and a safe release for her urges will be good for her mental wellbeing.”
“Now my last demand. I need such a service uniform.”
The principal looked at her confused.
“It’s a …. personal request. I … my partner would love this. I want to gift it to her.”
“You’re a lesb…”
“Yes, Tom, I’m a lesbian. Don’t get your knickers in a twist. All I ask is that you provide me with the contact info of the manufacturer.”
“It’s my own design though,” smiled the principal, “I have invented it.”
“Then I’ll ask you to make one for me. I’ll send you the measurements in a few days.”
“Now I know why you let me off so easily,” smirked the principal, “But sure, if that’s what you want!”
“I didn’t let you off easily, Tom. It’s the best solution! Unless Amanda is out for revenge. If she wants to prosecute you, I’ll be there to support her. But honestly, I don’t think she wants that. She just needs safety and a supporting environment, and from now on, you will provide that. To make sure this arrangement works, I will drop by whenever I’m around. So be prepared for regular and thorough inspections!”
“Sure, Evelyn. Whatever you say. I’ll get you the suit as soon as I have the data. Anything else?”
“No, I’m good. Have a good day, Tom!”
“Likewise, Evelyn!”
The next morning, Amanda was called into the Principal’s office. Sean, Dana and Igor were already there, as was Evelyn. The principal seemed a little nervous when she entered wearing her service uniform. A large bag was standing on the desk.
“Welcome, Amanda. Glad you could make it.”
“Sure, Principal. Anything you want me to do? Should I push the button on my neck for you so you could grope my ‘stress balls’ a little? Or maybe you want to fuck me for a bit, like you did yesterday?”
The principal was blushing, “N…no, please don’t. In fact, I want to apologize for how I treated you in the past weeks. I have been a jerk and put you through some terrible experiences. This will change. And as proof, I have this brand new school uniform for you. You will be glad to hear that this one is actually the right size. I had a long talk with Ms Hawke and …. We have a proposal that we’d like to present to you.”
The principal then explained all the points Evelyn had requested, and Amanda’s face morphed from disgusted to concerned to curious and finally ended in an ecstatic smile.
“That sounds… better than I dared to hope, principal! So you won’t make me wear that terrible thing again?”
“Your old uniform? No. As I said, this is the new one and it’s perfectly normal, even for your size. And you can keep the service uniform to wear whenever you feel like it.”
“Thanks. And that committee… So Sean, Dean and Igor will come up with challenges for me?”
“Yes, that’s the plan. If you want them to.”
“Oh, absolutely! This sounds so exciting!”
“Well then, any other questions?”
“No, not for now.” replied Amanda. The others all shook their heads as well.
“Fine. Then let’s make this arrangement work! Igor, Sean, Dana, remember that the committee work will be part of your evaluations, so don’t slack and provide Amanda with something truly amazing, alright? And don’t forget your studies! Now, if you would excuse me?”
Amanda grabbed the bag with her new uniform as the four students raised from their seats and headed towards the door.
“Amanda?” asked Evelyn before they could leave, “Would you give me a moment? I’ll be outside in a minute.”
“Sure! I’ll wait!”
A few moments later, Evelyn offered Amanda to join her on her walk back to the dorm.
“So how does it feel? Do you really like the proposal? Be candid with me.”
Amanda thought for a moment and then said, “Yes, I like it. It’s a great opportunity to find out more about myself, to learn what I’m really like. And with your help, that old perv won’t be able to do much harm. Thank you for that.”
“That’s great! And Amanda? Would you allow me to ask for a favor?”
“Anything, Ms Hawke!”
“Call me Evelyn, please.”
Amanda beamed, “Sure, Evelyn.”
“I told you about my partner, right? The one I want to surprise with that uniform?”
“Would you mind visiting us in the next few days and… tell her about your experiences? About what they did to you and how it made you feel? And maybe show her your service dress? I think it would mean a lot to her and help her feel more comfortable with my… proposals. You can use the pictures from TittyCare to illustrate, if you want to?”
“You want me to talk with her about my… experiences?”
“Yes. I think it would be good for both of you. She has very similar urges but is always so cautious about them. And whenever I suggest something more… daring… she clams up. Our love life is great and all, but she wouldn’t let me tie her boobs no matter what! And her melons are almost as big as yours!”
Amanda giggled, “Sure! Would love to chat with her, I’m curious how she feels about my… my adventures.”
“How you just referred to the tortures your had to endure. Adventures…”
Amanda was blushing again.
“You called them ‘experiences’ which isn’t really any better.”
“Right, sorry. Thank you, Amanda. Thank you very much. I look forward to getting to know you better. But now, back to your dorm! I’m sure your friends are waiting. And don’t forget your studies!”
“I have to thank you, Evelyn. See you soon then!”
“Yes, see you soon!”
Sean, Dana and Igor were indeed waiting for her at the dorm. All three couldn’t wait to hear from her how it went, and what Evelyn wanted. Amanda still couldn’t believe how the day had turned out as she beamed at her friends.
“She wants me to visit her at home! She’s a lezzie and her partner is just like me!”
“What do you mean, just like you?” asked Igor, not understanding a word.
“Similar urges, similar feelings, similar fantasies! At least that’s what she said! She said she wanted to gift her such a uniform, too!” The excited girl pointed to her own, uniform-encased boobs.
“The service uniform? Really?” giggled Dana.
“Yes! I can’t wait to talk to her!”
“Calm down, Ti… Amanda. You don’t even know her yet!”
“I know, but soon I will.”
“Anyway, what do you think about their proposal? About the arrangement?”
“I love it!”
“And how about our committee? That we will come up with exciting ideas for you?”
“It’s a great idea!”
Suddenly, the door opened and Hanna’s head popped into the room.
“What’s that? Can I be part of it, too?”
Amanda laughed, “Sure! The more the merrier!”
“Great, so what’s that about?”
“We’ll come up with exciting challenges for our little pervert to satisfy her … urges… in a safe way. And we’ll be evaluated by the school for it, too!”
“That’s amazing! And you’re up to it, Amanda?”
“Definitely! In fact, I think I’ll give you a carte blanche! Whatever you guys come up with, I’ll do it!”
“Nice!” smirked Igor, “Can I push that button so we have some inspiration for our brainstorming?”
“Absolutely! And please call me Titty when we’re doing this,” Amanda blushed, “I love being called like that!”
“Good to know that our Titty is still in there somewhere!” grinned Igor, “Let’s get to work!”
He quickly found the button and the suit did what it was built to do. The three friends stared openly at her bare boobs and her hairless crotch, thinking about challenges that would really put these fabulous sex objects to test. And Titty couldn’t be any happier.