Chain Story #1: Stunt Girl Saddie

41 min readMar 2, 2021


This chain story was written on qexiqex’ Discord. Contributors were users GuySmut, Spiral and qexiqex.

Disclaimer: This story is of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in kinky writings, please turn away now.

The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.


The scenario is about Saddie, a 20 year old woman that started with 16 as talented acrobat in a circus and worked there until her tits got simply too big. So she looked for something else. She tried out ‘exotic dancing’ but it was boring as hell and paid too little. She tried to get into movies but wasn’t happy about how she was treated by the established actors and the massive competition was just bothersome.

She was considering to go into porn to earn some much needed money when she received a proposal from an old acquaintance to model for a ‘dangerous’ breast shoot where the actress had to let her big breasts hang into the open maw of a tiger that will slowly bite down until those breasts get deformed by those spiky teeth.

The Tiger is of course a trained animal with teeth blunted, but the actual actor is scared and freaks out because the Tiger misbehaved slightly when she first approached him. Saddie came to the rescue and asked for more pay than any actor starring in the movie gets.

She recognized quickly that she can dictate prices as there is rarely any competition for truly dangerous scenes and finds out that she loves the thrill. Now, after this first gig with the Tiger, she’s eager for more and plans to establish herself as the world’s most bad-ass boob stunt girl, and her list of potential engagements is ridiculously long.

Everyone in the Discord is invited to write either parts or a complete, short scene about one of Saddie’s jobs. Saddie of course also has friends that she might call in case she needs any help and she has rivals that are jealous of her success. Saddie is willing to do the weirdest, most dangerous requests and is very proud of her unique talents. Her breasts are large and pliable, with thick, easily excitable nipples. She’s not lactating right now but is willing to induce lactation if a job requires it.

Her next engagement is an incredible challenge and… is up to you!

Chapter 1 — Elevator scene

(by qexiqex)

Saddie glanced a last time into the mirror to take stock. The person looking back at her barely resembled her normal self. A large, thick rimmed pair of glasses adorned her cute face, her blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She wore a smart business suit with a tight, white blouse, its buttons visibly straining to contain the goods. The bottom of her jacket was closed, resulting in a spectacularly compressed pair of breasts trying to escape their tight prison through the opening around her neck. In addition to that, she wore a barely decent mini skirt that would flash her white panties whenever she bowed down. Everything on her screamed “sexy secretary” and looked just like the script demanded.

Saddie nodded in approval, grabbed the props — a mug full of coffee and a few files — and got to work. The corridor outside was bustling with people, cameras were everywhere. She positioned herself on the marked spot and gave the director a thumbs up.

“Three, two, one, action!”

Saddie ran towards the crowded elevator, her large, packed breasts wobbling under her tight clothes. Huffing and puffing she tried to squeeze into the cabin but to no avail. It was just too full of people. Looking around frantically, she turned and pressed her sey butt against the people next to her, slowly pushing them inward to make space. The elevator suddenly started to beep, the doors were closing. Wide eyed, Saddie let out a scream, coffee mug and files clattering to the floor outside. Just in time she threw her hands up in the air as the metal doors closed for good. She could feel the rubber-clad edges press into the base of her clothed breasts, buttons popped off as her blouse gave in to the pressure. The tight bra underneath quickly succumbed to the tremendous force and her glorious, naked breasts popped out spectacularly as they got trapped between the ever closing doors.

The camera inside the elevator cabin captured her fellow riders gaping at what was happening in front of them, shouting and yelling in confusion. With the doors closed shut, her massive breasts were now completely outside the cabin, separated from the rest of her body for good. Suddenly the elevator shook and started to travel downwards. Saddie’s body jerked, a long, deafening scream filled the small room as Saddie was pulled upward with might, her tits forcefully torn along the sticky rubber of the door, her sensitive, terribly compressed flesh getting stuck here and there. The mechanical force was unrelenting, and her fellow passengers could only watch in awe as Saddie was slowly pulled towards the ceiling, hanging there by her massive, invisible tits alone.

Outside the elevator, an unsuspecting janitor made his way through the hall, mopping away dirt in every corner. He shook his head as he spotted the mess in front of the elevator, collected the papers strewn about and cleaned the spilled coffee. He looked confused at the two odd balls lying on the floor, not able to make heads or tails of what he was seeing. Standing there for a moment, he observed the odd objects jiggling softly. His curiosity finally got the better of him and he kneeled down to inspect the strange things seemingly glued to the bottom part of the elevator door. He removed his rubber gloves and got to work, poking and prodding the disembodied pair of breasts. A wide grin began to form on his face as he realized just what he was having in front of him. He sheepishly glanced around to make sure no one was watching, and then he dove in for real, his hungry mouth biting down on one of the perky nipples while his eager hand toyed with the other one.

Inside the elevator, Saddie was about to freak out. Her head was mashed hard against the ceiling of the cabin and her tits felt like they would get ripped off any moment. She had to get out of this mess! Making use of her acrobat knowledge, she pulled up her flexible legs and put them down on each side of the wall. At the same time she put her hands down next to the tiny gap between the door and started to press with all her might. Her accidental audience looked fascinated at the human spider clinging to the top of the cabin and watched intrigued as Saddie was frantically trying to free herself.

The pain in her breast was excruciating, their base mashed together between the unrelenting blades of the door. As she pulled with everything she had, she managed to make her trapped tits jiggle, but not much more. Saddie finally broke and screamed at her fellow passengers, “Don’t just peek up my skirt, jerks! Help me get out of here for god’s sake!’

Suddenly the crowd snapped out of their shocked state and untold hands reached out for Saddie’s tensed up body. They grabbed her by her shoulders, her waist, her legs and started to pull. The pressure increased, Saddie wailed in pain as the base of her tits got stretched further and further, overshadowing the tiny pleasure of the sucking mouth on her tit outside.

The janitor couldn’t get enough of his new toys. His hungry lips changed side every once in a while, comparing the taste and texture of each nipple. His strong fingers were occupied with sampling the tantalizing flesh, pinching and poking every square inch of the trapped beauties. Suddenly he felt the breasts moving a bit. And then, with a mighty snap, they vanished between the doors. He was so perplexed by what just happened that he fell face first into the floor. Sad that his toys were gone, he slowly got up and continued with his work.

Free from the two fleshy obstacles, the cabin started to move again. Saddie, who crashed into the floor the moment her tits popped through the narrow gap, was lying there, unable to move a limb. The door opened and everyone got out. Everyone but Saddie. She was still lying in a corner of the cabin, legs spread, white panties showing, her jacket open, her blouse ripped to shreds and the two halves of a destroyed bra decorating her thighs. Her glorious, red and raw tits were hanging out in the open, tantalizing the viewer and asking for more.

“And… Cut! Stellar work, Saddie! This was fucking awesome!”

“Thanks Carl,” grinned Saddie and got on her feet again, “That was fun! Can you send me the shots once the editing is done? My portfolio can use some new material!”

“Absolutely, Saddie. How are you? Your boobies must be hurting like a bitch!”

“Oh well, they’re used to it, believe me. They would feel insufficiently challenged if they are not put through the wringer every now and then.”

“I see, alright then. Thanks for your service, hope to work with you again soon!”

“Likewise! And don’t forget to send me a copy!”

Carl chuckled, “Bye bye, Saddie!”

“Bye guys!”

Chapter 2 — The Boxing Ring

(by qexiqex)

Saddie’s hands slowly massaged her sore boobs. The elevator gig a few days ago had really put her globes through a world of pain. She looked out of the window of her car. The contact had told her that the shoot would take place at Jim’s Boxing Emporium and it looked like she was at the right place. She climbed out of her car, quickly glanced into the tiny mirror on the door and straightened her body-hugging, bright pink leotard that barely contained her sprawling breasts. Happy with what she saw, she climbed up the flight of stairs and rang the bell.

“Hi there, I’m Saddie the stunt girl.”

“Ah great, come in. Everything is ready, we were just waiting for you.”

She entered the dimly lit hall. Cameras were everywhere, some muscle-packed men were

practising in a ring in the middle of the room. Saddie smiled as she saw the contraption that was just getting set up in a corner of the room. This would be fun! She jumped into the ring and beamed, “I’m ready, where do you want me to go?”

Everybody in the room turned and stared at her, more accurately at her big, heaving bosom.

“The tit girl, huh? Damn, she looks fantastic! Can’t wait to see her melons performing!” she heard someone laughing. A tall, slender woman with a ‘Director’ cap on her head approached Saddie and said,[…your turn!]

(by GuySmut)

My name is Martha, and I’ll be your director.” said the slender woman. Martha used her left index finger and motioned it, signalling to Saddie to follow.

As they walked towards the ring, Saddie noticed a platform just above the sweat stained ring. It had two, small holes in the center and a ladder that lead to the top.

“So what’s going to happen is you’ll climb up the ladder here, and push your massive, um, assets through those holes, okay?” Martha explained to the boulder breasted stunt woman.

Saddie understood completely, though she slightly wished that her tits had time to recover. She sighed, but remembered she was getting paid well for the shoot.

Saddie climbed the ladder and made it to the top. She looked through the holes, already making the conclusion that her tits would never fit through.

“Okay! Go ahead and lie down, and push your breasts through!” the director called from down below. The muscle bound men began to whistle and hoot as Saddie took off her shirt and they saw her nipples beginning to poke through.

She struggled with her abundant flesh. Squeezing the sides of each one and tried to wiggle it into that holes.

“ Damn it!” she swore to herself. Her breasts were just too gigantic.

“Need some help?” Martha called.

“Yes! Thank you!” Saddie called back.

Martha walked into the ring. She observed Saddie’s melons. Her nipples and a little skin made it through, but it seemed to be stuck there. With no warning, the director grabbed hold of what she could with both hands, and began to pull.

Saddie yelped and the sudden action. It felt as though the woman would rip her nipple clean off.

As Martha pulled, she found it seemed to be working, but she needed more force.

“You there, come here and pull me while I hang on to this tit.” she told a very built gentleman. He walked over, wrapped his strong arms around the director’s thin waist, and pulled. The man’s muscles flexed as veins began to protrude through his skin. Martha had her teeth clenched and her hands gripped tight on Saddie’s udder.

Poor Saddie screamed as her sore breast was stretched through the hole. Finally, with a pop, her massive tit made it through.

“There!” Martha said triumphantly, “ Now the other!”

(by Spiral)

Saddie panted. The pain of her trapped orb was astounding. She’d thought the elevator stunt had been rough, but this was next level. And she’d asked for it! Martha’s triumphant cry brought Saddie back to the moment at hand. Her other teat was waiting it’s turn.

“Hurry, pull the other breast through,” What am I saying? She couldn’t believe the words had come out of her mouth. The throbbing ball of agony that was her right breast should have made her want to be as far away from there as possible. But she found herself pressing her left toward the too small hole as if eager for it to feel what the other had.

“Love the enthusiasm!” Martha clapped the muscle bound man on the shoulder. “You heard the lady! Yank that sucker through!”

He grinned and leapt too. Strong fingers digging into Saddie’s tender nub, he pulled and twisted. Jerked and tugged, slowly working the fat mammary through. Saddie cried out. And yet, not once did she beg him to stop. The pain was blinding and she lost herself in it. Finally, with a hard pop, her huge melon popped out. Red and already starting to swell, it looked perfect to Martha.

“Damn girl! You are perfect for this roll,” Raising her voice for the gathered crowd, she called out, “Places everyone, let’s get this shoot rolling!”

(by qexiqex)

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” someone asked. Saddie tried to get a peek to find out who, but with her pillows solidly trapped in place, she was unable to move even an inch, and the edge of the frame was way out of reach for her.

“Oh god, how could I have missed this! Sure, get to work, prep our stars! And be quick!”

Saddie heard someone approaching, light steps, almost dancing on the wooden floor of the ring. Small hands caressed her buzzing globes, grabbed hold of them almost lovingly. Fingers trailed along the rim of the hole, poking into her tormented flesh.

“Hey guys, I think she’s hiding a bit more up there!”

“Really? We need every ounce of those funbags we can get! Guys? Have another go, get those pillows all the way through, please!!”

Saddie yelped as the strong hands were back, now pulling at both of her tits at once. But there was no part of her boobs left for them, they were already well separated from her body! Suddenly she felt something move. The stretch was unbelievable, Saddie feared not for the first time that her massive tits were about to pop from her body.

“Now that’s better,” she heard someone giggling below, “Let me get those puppies set up!”

The small hands were back at her painful bosom, massaging her sore flesh. She felt something press against one of her tits, move around, sliding over her hot skin. For a few minutes, nobody said anything. Then her other breast got the same treatment.

“You’re a real artist, Jane!” Martha said, “This looks fantastic!”

“I know,” came the reply, “Just one more thing to do!”

Saddie felt warm fluid being sprayed on her two pendulous assets, the tiny hands were back and slowly working their magic. It was almost erotic, and Saddie had to bite her tongeu to keep herself from moaning.

“They are so fucking big, girl! How can you even live with those? There! How does this look? Ready for the show?”

“Absolutely! Lights!”

Saddie heard the strong lamps pop, heat engulfed her dangling treasures.

“And 3!”

There was a bit of a hustle below the platform as cameras were moved and people found their spots.


Everyone was getting ready, preparing themselves for what was to come.

“1! And Action!”

A young, muscle-packed man entered the view, his glistening body sparkling under the strong lights. He silently slipped his big, red boxing gloves on, stepped into the ring and lightly touched the oily objects now sporting the logo of the club, making them sway and swing under the bright lamps. ‘Jim’s Boxing Emporium, Professional Sports Equipment Guaranteed!’ was written on both of the jiggling punching bags and informed everyone of their purpose. He examined them for a moment as if to judge their quality, stepped back, got into a boxing stance and started his attack.

Saddie screamed at the top of her lungs as the blows rained down on her. She could only imagine how her compressed, dangling darlings danced under the hard hits, smacking against the underside of the platform, crashing into each other. The pain was almost unbearable. It was dead silent in the room, except for the constant, wet smacks and Saddie’s throaty screams. And it went on and on. Saddie wondered once again if her massive melons were in for a bit too much action.

Chapter 3 The Bum’s Home

(by GuySmut)

After the shoot, Saddie’s massive mams were the sorest they had ever been. She lost count of how many jabs, left hooks, right hooks, and more they had received.

Martha even took a few shots at them, and despite her weaker appearance, she still hit pretty hard.

Though her tits ached, the money she was given helped her cope. At the moment, Saddie was on her way to yet another shoot. The directions she got from her manager slightly confused her, but she felt confident that she’d find her way.

“This place can’t be too hard to find.” she said to herself aloud, “Like my manager said, it should stick out like a sore- oh wait, is that it?”

Saddie parked her car in front of a weathered, slightly run down building. She got out of her car and approached the door. Her huge, aching melons bounced with every stride.

She knocked on the glass door and attempted to peer inside. There was no camera equipment in sight, but as she looked around, she saw a shadowy figure peek out of a door on the left.

The figure stared for a moment, then slowly approached. Saddie stood back a bit as the door was opened.

A man, an older man. Frail in appearance with disheveled grey hair, that was balding on top. The man had a large nose with a boil on the left side. His teeth, rotten, and stained yellow. He wore tattered clothing and his odor was most foul.

“Uh, can I help you?” He asked, his eyes bouncing from her face to her expansive bosom.

“Yes, my name is Saddie, I was told to come here and do a shoot?”

The man looked at her puzzled. He had no idea of what she was talking about, but he knew such a gorgeous, and busty, woman would not stay if he told her ‘no’. So he thought of a quick lie, not wanting the chance at those gigantic knockers to slip away.

“Ah! Right,yes, we are, um filming in the back actually. Please come on in!”

Saddie, though skeptical, followed him inside.

“I’m Harold, by the way.” He said as they walked towards the door he had originally come from.

“Well it’s a pleasure” she said, her nostrils flaring as she walked behind him. His funk was practically slapping her in the face.

“So not to be rude, Harold, ah thank you.” she said as he held the door open for her, “But I must ask, why do you smell like that?”

Harold thought for a second and replied, “Oh I’m a, uh, method actor you see. I like to really throw myself into the roll.”

“Ah! Okay that makes sense. So,um, what are we filming? I don’t see any lights or cameras.” Saddie asked, looking around. All she saw was lit candles, a pile of flattened cardboard boxes, and darkness where the candles couldn’t light up.

Quick on his feet, Harold answered, “Oh it’s a kidnapping scene..Yeah! The director wanted a closed set. He said something about ‘ shooting it gorilla style’, ya know. To make it more real in a way.”

Harold was a bit proud of his made up story. Saddie bought it without question, “Oh, one of those kinds of films.” she said with inflection, “So what am I supposed to do?”

“Well, uh, you’ll need to bed, erm, topless for the scene.” Harold told her. He was afraid of her answer, but was happily surprised when she said, “ I figured that much.”

She began to slowly pull her shirt up over her head, as Harold stood there with his heart fluttering with excitement. Sweat trickled from his forehead as his cheeks blushed as more and more of her massive breasts came into view.

She was not wearing a bra and her lovely nipples appeared, her massive udders fell from her top. They bounced hard, causing a slight pain as she was still very tender from her earlier shoot.

The old man’s cock grew instantly the moment her naked jugs came flopping into view. He stammered, “Oh mama..”

“Excuse me?” Saddie asked, unsure of what he said.

“Oh, I um, I- yeah you look great! Um here let me bind your hands with these zip ties here.”

He grabbed a bag of black zip ties and began to bind her hands behind her back.

Once he was finished, he grabbed her shirt and forced it in her mouth. This surprised Saddie as she looked at him concerned.

“Yeah, I forgot to mention you’ll need to be gagged as well. Okay, now just come this way and kneel on the card board, there you go.” He said as he patted her on the head.

He took the remaining ties and strung them together. Making them a bit more than the width of her bountiful bosom. Then slid the ties over her melons and pulled tight. Saddie gasped in her gag as the squeezing of the ties around her tits caused her much pain.

Harold looked on in absolute awe at her chest. Her tits were bruised and red, her nipples poking straight out.

“Oh fuck yes, come to Papa!” he cried as he rushed forward and slammed his ugly face into her left tit. Saddie gasped again, then felt his rotten teeth and slimy

tongue around her nipple, as he engulfed her entire areola.

He sucked hard on her juicy tit like a starving infant while pinching her other nipple with his thumb and index finger. Harold groaned and moaned as he slurped and fed himself with her huge breast.

Saddie could only watch wide-eyed and confused as the dirty old man sucked away at her tasty, juicy udder.

(by qexiqex)

After what must have been at least 15 minutes, Saddies sensitive nipples were already tender from the brutal mouth, the stinky man finally disengaged from her swollen breasts. His dirty fingers stroked her naked thighs and crawled upwards towards her tiny skirt, getting closer and closer to the stunt girl’s hidden unmentionables.

Saddie furiously shook her head and grunted unintelligibly, making it quite obvious that she was not happy with what her client had in mind. The old man pleadingly looked at her wide eyes but even he understood that he’d better keep his hands from there, at least for now.

“Oh well, maybe you change your attitude further into our movie, huh?” he whispered, “Time to meet the rest of the cast, young lady!”

Harold pulled a bit at the cardboard she was sitting on and started to fold up some pieces of it. He shook his head and said, “This won’t work, sweetie. We need to get you smaller. Look, the box is high enough, but your legs just take too much space like this.”

He grabbed one of her ankles and pulled it slowly upwards until it rested against her shapely backside. Saddie was barely able to keep the balance. She saw him push some dirty underwear beneath her knee and then loop more zip ties around her, this time connecting her shin to her well shaped thigh. Happy with the result, Harold tried the same thing on her other leg, but as soon as her remaining foot had left the floor, Saddie crashed boobs first on the ground, hard, her swollen, zip-tied breasts cushioning her fall as they mashed into the filth. The young woman complained audibly.

Harold giggled amused and slowly pulled her up at the shoulders. Taking into account the rather unique challenges of her anatomy, Harold pushed her face first against the wall, her breasts now pressing against its cold surface. He proceeded to bind her other leg up, just like the one before, and added some padding beneath her knee by means of squeezing some filthy socks between the girl and the cardboard. Happy with what he achieved, he folded the cardboard pieces up.

It all went well on her backside. With a bit of tape, the cardboard was stable enough to stand on its own and reached until right above her head. Harold examined his work carefully, nodding his silent approval, and then carefully turned her around until her back was resting against the wall. There was a short moment of alarm when her top-heavy body suddenly threatened to topple over again, but this time the old man was prepared and quickly put a piece of package tape across the top of the box, fixing her head in place so it couldn’t fall out.

Harold started folding up again, fixing the cardboard pieces in place, starting from her shapely, trembling legs until just under her gigantic tits. It became quickly obvious that his packaging strategy now faced a rather practical problem. Saddie’s breasts were simply too big for the tiny cardboard. Harold would have to come up with a different solution. But first he wanted to complete his current project, so the stinking pervert cut the cardboard in just the right places and quickly taped it around her head and neck. Now every part of this beautiful lady was covered, except for her massive, bound boobs. The old man indulged in a bit of guilty breast fondling, carefully watching those fascinating objects respond to his ministrations, and then proceeded with a slightly different approach. Harold took a piece of tape and slowly but firmly looped it around both breasts, mashing them together into one single, gigantic package. Unfortunately, the roll of tape was empty before he could complete his work, leaving the tops of Saddie’s breasts woefully unprotected, her nipples and some surplus flesh bulging from the tight band. Harold groaned annoyed, his hands pressing against the bulbous ends of Saddie’s melons as if he wanted to push them inside. He glanced around, searching for something that could help him to overcome this final obstacle. His gaze wandered around his messy home and finally lingered on some of the flickering candles. “Yes, that could work!” he thought, and giggled in anticipation. His pals would be ecstatic once they would unpack his surprise present! And then she would have no choice but to play with all parts of her enticing young body.

(by Spiral)

As the box closed around her, Saddie’s instincts began screaming. Nothing Harold had done so far was like anything she’d experienced in her film career. And she knew that none of her contracts allowed for anything “below” the belt. Suspicion filled her mind. And she started to test her bonds. Wiggling, and jiggling about. Her tender breasts felt so swollen with the tight zips around their bases, each move on her part only seemed to cause the pain to flare hotter.

The crushing weight of Harold trying to press her melons flat stole her breath for a heartbeat. She screamed at him through her gag to untie her. But her words were an unintelligible garble. Harold giggled, actually giggled as if he was a school boy and patted her aching teats. He couldn’t believe his luck. A sexy girl with the most incredible breasts and he was getting to have his way with her melons. Slowly, he brought over one of the candles. Tongue sticking out the side of his mouth, eyes narrowed, he carefully aimed at Saddie’s salvia covered right nipple. The splash of wax fell perfectly.

Saddie screamed. It felt like her nub was on fire. She thrashed so hard, that the zip tie holding her left leg gave and nearly popped off. Even with the terrible burning in her nip, she realized that the ties were not long enough to really hold her legs. When the vicious fire dripped onto her left nipple the pain fueled her anger and with a roar she kicked both her legs as hard as she could.

At first Harold was so focused on the task of coating her nips that he didn’t take in that his plaything wasn’t as bound as he thought. When her tits started jiggling forward, he was lost in the erotic rippling of the swollen flesh.

Legs breaking free, Saddie kicked down at the old cardboard encasing her. Her feet smashed through the flimsy material and she forced herself up. The box slammed into Harold’s chin knocking him back onto his butt. The move jarred some of the cardboard around her head, and a small sliver opened in front of Saddie’s left eye. It wasn’t enough for her to see clearly, but it was “Hopefully” enough for her to make her escape.

She took off running toward what she thought was the exit. Harold shouted something after her, but she only cared about making good her escape. Her right breast clipped the archway, pain shooting up from her melon like a shockwave. But she wouldn’t let herself stop and took the hit like the pro she was. Teeth dug deep into the nasty gag, she stumbled into the dark…

Saddie’s heart was beating a mile a minute. This was crazy! How did she let herself get into such a mad situation? Running half blind in the dark with her swollen melons sticking outside of an old cardboard box. But despite these thoughts, she kept moving forward. Though, running was a stretch, she could barely call it a jog. Without being able to really see, she wasn’t certain enough to try moving any faster. Anyway, at her current speed, her sore breasts kept bouncing and jiggling painfully.

Is that a light! Up ahead she spotted a tiny spark that might have been light from outside seeping into the old barn. Anxious, she did what she’d told herself not to, and quickened her stride. Her right foot caught on something in the dark and she tumbled boobs first toward the ground. “No!” She cried into her gag. It would be so hard to get back up with her hands bound and trapped inside the box. She crashed to the dirt floor and it was so much worse than she imagined. Her right breast struck something metal and there was a groaning twang as a spring gave. Pain like nothing she’d felt before slammed into her already abused tit. It felt almost like when the tiger had gnawed on her teats for the first stunt she’d done. But it was all metal and way tighter.

With a huge amount of effort, she managed to roll off her breasts. Whatever was crushing her poor right breast held one tight. It moved with her, clanging softly. Oh God! It feels like my boob is going to burst! Inside her cardboard blind, she shook her head. She had to get out to her car, pain — agonizing or not — couldn’t stop her. She had no idea what horrible things would happen to her if she didn’t get far away from Harold.

More pain, sting blasts that flashed through her head, followed her as she struggled to her knees. The metal biting her tit grew felt so heavy and pulled down at her as she finally made it back to her feet. In all of this, there were two bright rays of good luck. First, the cardboard that had been covering her head had been knocked free. Second, she could see that there was a door of some kind less than 15 feet away.

Reluctantly, she looked down to see what was causing her breast so much torment. Bile instantly filled her throat. Her breast bulged an angry red out between the flat metal “teeth” of an old rusty bear trap. The only thing that saved her from a more serious injury was that the hinge was so rusted that it couldn’t close all the way. Thank God for small favors! She swallowed down her bile and started toward the exit. Maybe if she could get out to her car, she could find something to cut herself free with.

“Ahh,” Harold moaned behind her. “Why’d you hit me?”

Saddie risked a quick look over her shoulder. The old homeless man leaned in the doorway of the room she’d escaped. He held one hand to the back of his head as he glared at her. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Saddie’s eyes got big and she turned and ran for the door as fast as she could. The bear trap dragged and slapped her breasts, nearly stealing her breath. C’mon Saddie! Move it!

(by GuySmut)

As Saddie ran, the dim sunlight piercing through the stained glass, Saddie’s hope increasing as she felt almost free.

Suddenly her leg hit something, which made an audible “oof!” causing her to fly forward and crash on the hard floor. As she fell she was able to turn, so the bear trap would not stab into her ample tit.

“What the actual fuck?!” said a voice Saddie had not yet heard. High pitched and raspy. She looked down to see Harold approaching and a very small man rubbing his forehead.

“Harold! God damn, what’s going on? Who’s this?” the dwarf asked.

“Why Bill, this here is our special guest.” He chuckled. Bill looked Saddie over, his eyes lingering on her huge melons, one being strangled in the bear trap.

Oh! Oh my, my, my! She is indeed special! Just look at those huge udders!” Bill waddled over next to the bound babe. Her eyes lighting up once again with fear. She struggled as he placed his pudgy, small hand on her breast. He squeezed her nipple. Stretching it upwards till it couldn’t stretch no more.

“Come on, Bill. Help me drag this hussy in the back. I’m horny as all hell!”

Bill let go of her nipple as her tit jiggled back to it’s resting position. He slapped her giant boob hard, leaving a red handprint on it. Then both men took an ankle each and slowly dragged her back into the back room.

Once they had their play thing back, safely secured in the room, Bill couldn’t wait a moment more and pounced on top of her. Saddie yelped as he did so. He grabbed hold of the rusty trap on her tit and pried it off. Saddie felt a bit of relief. Only for a moment, however, as Bill bit down on her nipple. Making her wish for the bear trap.

The dwarfed man sucked and chewed on her ample tit like there was no tomorrow. As she yelped and squirmed underneath him, Harold dragged an old table out of the corner. He placed it in the center of the room, then walked over to the busty stunt babe. He nudged Bill away from his treat. The midget, grunting in frustration, reluctantly let go of her bosom.

Harold picked her up. Though it took some effort as he was not a strong man by no means. Though it was hard, he managed to throw her on top of the table. Saddie’s tits hung over one end as her plump ass was hung over the other.

The weight of her tits was evident as the two giant breasts hung there. Bill made a comment, “Oh wow! They’re like a cow’s udders! Lets see if we can milk this broad!” The midget rushed over to her dangling tits and began tugging on them. His small hands going to town on her hardened nipples.

Harold, while wiping some sweat from his forehead, grabbed hold of her bottoms and revealed her womanhood. He began licking her shaven cunt with his vile

tongue. Saddie did her best to struggle, but with her hands bound, and her positioning, she couldn’t do much to stop the lustful Harold and Bill.

As Bill began to suck her meaty tit once again, Harold wiped away her juices from his lips with his forearm. Then the disgusting homeless man undid his trousers and his hard cock sprung free.

“I have been waiting a long time for this!” He yelled as Saddie shed a tear. He drove his cock into her snatch. Plunging it as deep as he could.

Next door the camera crew sat bored. They have been waiting for a while for their stunt woman to arrive. “ Where the hell is that woman?!” Snapped the director.

A production assistant had his ear pressed to the wall. He could faintly hear slurping noises, wet slapping sounds, and what sounded like a man and a woman grunting and moaning.

“Ha! Hey guys! I think the homeless are banging next door! Boy sure sounds like a good time.” He called his crew members.

“Probably just some cheap prostitute they were able to hire. Does anyone have that stunt girl’s number?!” The director yelled.

Chapter 4 Hanging Around

(by qexiqex)

“I really have to leave guys,” one of the actors sighed, “I’m booked for another shoot later today and really need some time to get this filth off me.”

“Likewise,” the second actor dressed up as a bum chimed in, “but maybe the camera team can at least take some of the solo shots in case Saddie finally shows up?”

“Found her number!” the production assistant beamed, “Let’s see how she explains this hold-up. Damn, she’s not picking up.”

“Uh, guys? Did I just hear her ringtone through the wall or am I hallucinating?”

“What the hell? Is she doing porn now? Those sounds are definitely coming from a good hard fucking! Can someone go check? I can’t believe this! How long are we waiting for her already? If Saddie is indeed getting drilled over there making us wait for no good reason, I am going to kill that girl!”

Bill was just finishing off inside the incredible woman as suddenly someone was pounding against the door. Saddie was still moaning through the wet shirt stuffed into her mouth, her eyes glazed and gaping in horror, as the second stranger finally stopped violating her body and stuffed his smelly dick back into the torn pants.

“I got this, just keep an eye on her so she doesn’t bolt again!” said Harold, heading for the door.

“Sure,” grinned Bill, “Wouldn’t want our big titted toy to go missing again!”

“Hi, I’m Eva, production assistant at Boobie Fun Videos. We are looking for our breast stunt girl Saddie, maybe you have seen her?”

Harold was startled. He had expected one of his friends, maybe someone trying to get him to join a religion or even the police. But this? How did they find out that the girl was at his place? Oh, right, her phone had been ringing! He had to improvise, and quick!

“Absolutely! But see, she’s booked already and we’re in the middle of a shoot ourselves, so…”

Eva looked at him doubtfully, “So you’re an actor?”

“Method actor,” beamed the bum, his chest puffed out proudly, “Harold, nice to meet you.”

“You are smelling like the real deal, I have to say. Are you doing this solo? Where’s your crew?”

“Oh, it’s just Bill and me, we have small cameras set up everywhere and… listen hon, I don’t want to bore you with the details. So how can I help you?”

“Are you by any chance finished with your work? We really need Saddie next door and… hey, actually you’d be perfect to fill in for our actors. Is… Bill… also dressed up in a similar costume?”

“Indeed he is. He’s a midget though. Want our films to be inclusive, you know,” he smiled professionally, or so he hoped.

“I know it’s a bit sudden, but you guys would really save our ass if you could just come over so we can finally start the shoot. You’ll be compensated of course.”

Harold couldn’t believe what he was hearing, “Compensated you say? Alright girl, let me just finish up my work here and we’ll be over in a jiffy, how does that sound?”

“Brilliant, see you then!” chimed Eva and left.

“Did you hear that, Bill? Come in, let’s get that beauty cleaned up and head over,” he kissed Saddie on her wet cheek, “I hope you enjoyed our little session here, girl. You’re a great fuck! So… doing stunts with your boobies, huh?” he slapped one of her large breasts hard, “From what I can see, you’re a natural and absolutely made for that job. Can’t wait to see what we’ll be asked to do for you next door! It’ll be fun, don’t you think?”

Saddie felt the vile fluid slowly leaking out of her violated slit and was repulsed by this horrible man and his friend. Her poor tit was still buzzing from the slap, the bear trap and all the mauling and squeezing. She had heard Eva talking at the door and immediately realized what had gone wrong. The actual shoot was next door! She scolded herself for being so stupid and wondered if she should make a fuss as soon as the gag was out or just play along and forget what had happened so nobody would find out just how much of an idiot she really was.

“There you are,” chimed Lazlo, the director responsible for shooting ‘Garbage Dump Funbags’. His gaze traveled up and down Saddie’s naked, toned body covered in grime and yuck as he added, “I see you’re already perfectly prepared for the scene. I assume these two are the stand-ins for our actors?”

Eva nodded happily, “Exactly, Lazlo. They assured me they’ll be up to the task. Give me a second to brief them about the scene and we’ll be ready to go. As per the script, both will drag Saddie by her feet into the scene and then get going.”

Lazlo nodded, “Everyone, you heard Eva. Be ready to start in 5. Saddie, get your ass over there and drape yourself on the floor!”

The production assistant pulled Bill and Harold aside and quickly explained to them what they were supposed to do, while Saddie, still gagged and bound, the tiny skirt being the only piece of clothing still on her, put herself in position. Eva had to suppress the urge to hold her nose because of the stink, but trusting the professional training of both actors she kept it short and only focused on the few essential key items both would need to know.

“So did you understand everything?” Eva inquired, as she gave up her struggle and pinched her nose.

“Absolutely, honey. We’re no rookies, of course we know what we are supposed to do,” he said as he winked towards Bill.

“Alright then, let’s get rocking!” Eva beamed and gave a thumbs up to the director.

“Everyone ready? Three… Two… One… action!” shouted Lazlo as he sat down in his chair.

Harold and Bill turned Saddie on her tummy and each grabbed one of her beautiful ankles. They waited for a brief moment and then started to pull. Saddie moaned audibly as her large, tender breasts scraped over the uneven, wooden floor, desperately hoping that she didn’t catch any splinters in her professional assets.

Once her body had been moved to the center stage, Bill turned her around again and pulled her up by her nipples. The squirming stunt girl now sat on the dirty floor, her breasts pulled out sharply for all to see. Meanwhile, Harold grabbed a bunch of sturdy looking, hot-pink ropes, made a knot on one end and threaded the other through the small opening he just created. With surprising skill, after Bill quickly let go of one nipple just to grab it again once the first loop was around the tit, Harold pulled the remaining cord a few times around the gigantic boob. The smelly bum took care that each new round got tightly situated at Saddies ribcage so any additional loop pushed the previous one away from her chest wall, the growing encasement forcing her flesh brutally outwards and capturing the tiniest bit of womanly flesh available.

Saddie wanted to scream, wanted to yell at the entire set to stop the madness. Her breasts were no strangers to abuse, but this was just too much. It wasn’t really the bondage that concerned her, it was what waited for her. She remembered the script all too well and only had accepted it because she trusted the professionalism of everyone involved. Unfortunately, those two smelly punks were anything but professionals and the frantic stunt girl feared for the wellbeing of her sore tits if those two idiots were the ones in charge of the stunt.

Wide-eyed, the beautiful, grime-covered woman watched as Harold threaded the end of the pink rope through a pulley and tied it off. She was helpless and couldn’t do anything except putting even more energy into her struggle, but alas, her squirming and boob shaking was simply interpreted as great acting and nobody gave a damn about her.

Then, once her second breast was equally bound and both ropes were pulled taut by the pulleys, she felt the binding getting even tighter around the bases of her melons. She could hear Harold groan behind her as her body suddenly was forced upward, only supported by her bloated, sorry funbags. Saddie inhaled deeply, steeling herself for what was to come. The pain in her tits was almost unbearable but the stunt girl was no stranger to such challenges and prepared to endure whatever was thrown at her.

The trim, glistening body of the thrashing girl slowly traveled upwards, swinging to and fro in the middle of the damp room, suspended only by a beautiful pair of brutally bound breasts that threatened to explode on moment’s notice. The entire set was dead silent, all eyes were on the odd, human pendulum and every woman in the room grabbed her own breasts and wondered just how much pain the poor stunt girl had to endure for this scene.

The midget marvelled at the fit, female body thrashing in front of him and, following a sudden inspiration, stepped between her long, flailing legs. Faster than he could comprehend, her unsupported limbs wrapped themselves around his neck and within moments Bill found his face beneath the woman’s tiny skirt, squeezed hard against her messy cunt. The muscular thighs around his head threatened to crush his skull any moment, but Bill only had eyes for what was in front of him and quickly buried his long, flexible tongue into the overfilled, cum-oozing pit.

Saddie was desperate. The pull on her tender tits was just unbearable. Her two, tightly bound pillows got compressed to the point of bursting by her very own weight. It had been a godsend that the small man came into reach and of course she had to use this opportunity to offload some of her weight. She shuddered thinking about how vile and stinky that man was, how filthy his clothes, how horrible the smell of his breath. But now he did such beautiful things to her, teased her naked slit so expertly that she was moaning into her awful gag like a pervert, wanton slut.

Her overloaded brain couldn’t decide where to focus on, the wrecking pain in her tits or the breathtaking sensations in her squishy hole. If the good man kept up his tantalizing work, she would soon come all over him.

The director watched the scene with curiosity. He could not remember any shoot that had gone off the rails so quickly. But he hated the original script anyway and was enjoying the powerful improvisation skills shown by those actors. The girl’s lustful moans and her emphatic thrashing was surely a convincing act.

Harold was getting jealous. Sure, he had fucked that beauty not long ago, but seeing his friend getting all the action still stung. He stepped behind the swaying girl and grabbed one of her tightly bound melons. His fingers explored the taut orb, squeezed and prodded the hard flesh while the owner squeaked aroused. He teased the little nipple until it stood proud and erect, and embraced the hard, fleshy pebble between his wet, sucking lips.

Saddie was in heaven. The never-ending tongue eating her out and those hungry teeth nibbling at her breasts were almost too much. She pressed the tantalizing head hard against her cunt and gasped with lust as she was nearing her peak.

Suddenly Harold let go of her tits and tapped Bill’s shoulder, signalling that he wanted to change place. The midget reluctantly complied and together they were able to pry Saddie’s legs open to free Bill from her deathgrip. Harold quickly stripped while the stunt girl frantically searched for much-needed support, her breasts once again carrying her entire weight. The bum, now naked and sporting an impressive erection, stepped forward. Saddie’s shapely legs quickly found what they were looking for and wrapped themselves around his hips.

Harold just stood there, not moving an inch as the desperate stunt girl quickly impaled herself on his rigid dick, her pelvis gyrating in heat. Saddie’s body was on autopilot, her screams of pleasure muffled by the gag, she fucked herself silly in front of a spell-bound audience. Bill, who watched the show from below, was feeling a bit neglected and suddenly climbed onto the jerking, female body. He sat on her stomach, reached for her face and pulled the gag out. Saddie’s screams of passion filled the room as she continued to fuck the bum’s unmoving, fat cock. Meanwhile, Bill unpacked his own dick and squeezed it between her bloated melons.Thrusting forward, the head of his penis slipped through the sweaty valley between her breasts and dipped into her wet, gaping mouth.

Everyone watched mesmerized as the girl slowly climbed the orgasmic highs, impaling herself faster and faster on that smelly prick all the while her abused twins got fucked by the small midget on top of her, seemingly moments away from filling her mouth with smelly gunk.

Then, in one spectacular moment and just like any good porn movie would want to end, all three came simultaneously, leaving the audience gaping in awe by the obscene display of twitching, ecstatic bodies entangled in orgasmic embrace.

The team gave standing ovations as the three bodies slowly disentangled. Saddie oscillated in the air for a few more moments but then was quickly lowered to the ground.

“Great job,” Lazlo beamed as he removed the tight rope from her marked breasts, “I’m thrilled to see you’re now doing sex scenes as well, Saddie! And I’m very grateful that you decided to give us such a stunning demonstration of your skills for free! I have a bunch of other movies in the works where I could really use your talent and that of your team.”

“My… my team?” replied Saddie, barely able to speak.

“The two guys you brought. They’re incredible!”

“Th… thanks,” mumbled Saddie, trying to get Bill’s stinky sperm out of her mouth, “Glad you liked our performance.”

Then, disturbed and terribly humiliated, Saddie grabbed her wet, crinkled cloth that had been used as a gag and quietly escaped from the set, only dressed in a tiny skirt and a wet, drool-covered shirt. Back at home she immediately soaked her smelly body in a warm, foamy bath. Everything hurt, her breasts still burned from the rope, her pussy throbbed from the self-imposed fuck, and Saddie wondered if this line of work was really the right thing for her.

Maybe it was time for something a bit less taxing for her body. But then again, her long neglected pussy really seemed to enjoy all the action it had received today, and she knew that her tits could take a beating like no one else’s out there.

(by Spiral)

Saddie’s beautiful, fat tits showed no more signs of the abuse she’d “put” them through the week before. The whole time she’d been recovering, she’d debated with herself about leaving the stunt business. She’d even picked up her phone to call her agent to cancel her gigs. But every time, her fingers hovering over the send button, her mind flashed to all the mad feelings that had filled her body during the last session. And she put her phone back down.

Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders, thrusting her overly large breasts tight against her bra. She wouldn’t quit … yet. Finishing getting dressed, she headed out to her next assignment. With each mile closer to the job, she felt her center grow hotter and hotter and her heart beat faster in excitement and fear. What would they put her big melons through this time?

She pulled up out front of a large warehouse building. On the outside it was very nondescript. But she suspected the bland exterior would lead to a multitude of interesting sets. Parked, she sat and took several deep breaths. “Why am I doing this?”

Despite the question, she opened the door and headed into the warehouse. A squat, muscled man in a guard uniform stood at a small desk just inside the entrance. “Hello, you must be the “stunt” girl. They are waiting for you on sound stage 5. Head straight back and take the third left and it’s the last door on the left.”

“Thank you.” She swallowed the lump in her throat and found her fingers already reaching up to knead her breasts. Her heels echoed on the cement floor as she followed the guard’s directions. Somehow the tap, tap, tap of them added more to her mixed feelings. And she couldn’t believe how much her pussy was starting to drool. “Why am I here?” The question didn’t slow her down at all. Shoulders squared, breasts thrust forward, she entered the sound stage.

“Ah, Saddie!” A tall blonde walked over to her. “I’m so glad you could make it. No one else would work for this roll.” Without another word, she took a hold of Saddie’s arm and dragged her to the set.

It looked like something out of the inquisition. Torture racks made of old wood, dotted the area. Rust coated chains dangled from the walls. And a selection of torture tools lay scattered over several of the racks. But the piece they dragged Saddie too made her stomach drop and her heart leap into her throat. It was a massive wooden structure, at least eight feet tall. It had a leather padded bench and right in front of the bench was a pillory like section. But though the holes in it were slightly too big for her hands.

It didn’t take her any guess work to know they were for her breasts. And for her melons, it would be a very tight fit. The blonde grinned up at Saddie as she took in the scene. “Here let me help you out of this outfit, we have to get this scene rolling quickly.”

And in seconds, the woman had Saddie stripped down to her panties, her huge tits heaving in the chilly studio air. But the blonde didn’t stop there, she took the stunt girl’s hands and quickly bound them behind her back. “There,” She patted Saddie’s shoulder. “You look so sexy! Now let’s get you in place.”

Again, the woman took charge and before Saddie knew what was happening, she was seated on the massive device. The blonde lifted the top of the pillory-like piece and pushed Saddie’s chest toward the opening. Her boobs overfilled the bottom half circles. Seeing this the Blonde called over to two of the film crew. “Hey guys, I’m going to need a little help here.”

The two guys came over. “Whacha need?”

“We need to get her tits to fit in these holes.” And without another word, the blonde began to push the top of the “pillory” down on Saddie’s melons.

The two crew immediately understood and began to squeeze the bases of her breasts. It made her boobs bulge between their fingers, the skin reddening. They pulled and stretched her breasts. Finally, the blonde was able to press the pillory top down until it locked in place. The two fat teats were swollen, taunt, with the tracery lines of blood vessels just barely visible under the surface. Saddie pressed her thighs together, hoping no one noticed how moist her panties were becoming.

“Okay, this looks great.” The blonde turned her back on Saddie. Voice raised in director mode, she cried, “Archie, get the top of the guillotine in place!”

“The what!” Saddie couldn’t believe her ears.

(by qexiqex)

The trapped stunt girl watched horrified as two muscular men hoisted a contraption sporting a rusty but awfully sharp looking blade into the structure. Wide-eyed and spellbound, Saddie stared at the glistening metal being pushed into place as suddenly the wooden piece she was sitting on changed shape. Without warning, her panties were snipped away and something wet and warm wrapped over her cleanly-shaven sex. Confused, Saddie peered down but her view was blocked by her locked-in tits and she had to crane her neck sideways to catch even a glimpse of what was happening down there. Her pussy was slowly forced open by an eagerly pushing, slimy object and the exquisite sensations made her shiver.

“Keep it up, Jane, eat her out until she explodes! Now let’s get the show started!”

The tall blonde approached the pillory, her fingers tracing around Saddie’s squashed melons. She carefully checked the now fully assembled guillotine and even slid her finger along the glistening blade to test its sharpness. She grabbed something Saddie couldn’t make out and stepped behind the squirming girl. Saddie wondered just what exactly the imposing blonde looped around the base of her breasts but the expert mouth working down below made it incredibly hard to focus on anything.

“All set. Everyone in position! Jane, make her cum! And action!”

Saddie was overwhelmed by the incredible action on her pussy. That thick tongue worked her hole hard and fast, and soon Saddie was panting with passion. The entire room was dead silent except for Saddie’s guttural moans as she slowly approached the peak.

As cameras were recording the scene from every angle, a dark-hooded figure entered the set and slowly approached the strange contraption. His big hands caressed the bulging flesh, poking into the tender balls. He seemed to hesitate, glanced around the room as if he waited for something.

The blonde observed the scene with all her senses, waiting for one more moment to assure she got the timing just right. Then, just as the stunt girl was approaching her climax, she pressed a button on the remote in her pocket and gave the sign to start the fireworks.

The dark-hooded man bellowed, “Time to finally harvest those ripe fruits you withheld so long from us!” and engaged the hellish device. The rusty blade crashed down just as Saddie exploded in pleasure. Two large, soft objects thumped on the floor, right into the conveniently placed basket in front of the pillory.

The man laughed evilly as he retrieved his prize, grabbing the two gigantic funbags by the nipple, “Time to have some fun with these,” he grinned as he slowly turned around and left the scene, whistling happily, the two disembodied breasts in his hands.

“And .. cut! Great work everyone! Someone get the girl off that contraption. Riley, get those things from Daniel and put them on. I want to see if what we discussed works!”

Saddie blinked, still high from the incredible orgasm she had just experienced. Something felt different though. She wasn’t trapped anymore, in fact she could move her chest freely! A young assistant helped her up, asked if she was OK. Saddie mumbled something unintelligible, still not understanding what just happened. She glanced down. Then it hit her.

“W…where are my boobs?” she shrieked, her hands clutching her non-existing chest that now sported two glowing white circles.

“Oh, right. Well, you know, your tits are absolutely fantastic, but your body type doesn’t really match with what we need for our upcoming film. So we decided to try something new. Riley, are you ready? I think our stunt girl is looking for some explanations.”

“Almost there. Just give me a moment. And I need that remote!”

The tall blonde walked away, leaving the puzzled Saddie behind. Suddenly two cute little breasts appeared on the stunt girl’s chest, filling up the white glowing area until it was gone. Saddie examined her new boobs with curiosity. It was odd, she couldn’t feel anything when she touched herself there. Instead, she could feel her own breasts bounce around unconstrained. There was no match between what she saw and what she felt!

“Saddie, this is Riley, the new, temporary owner of your breasts. You’ll notice that you two kind of swapped your female charms. But don’t worry, you still experience all the surely incredible sensations your gigantic rack is producing. Riley, please jump around a bit, make those melons fly!”

Saddie grimaced as she felt her tits bounce around. She tried to steady them, but cradling the two little boobies on her own chest had no effect.

“To film the scene for this horrible snuff movie, we had to find a way to separate your breasts from your body without causing any actual harm. We were lucky to get our hands on these nifty little devices that can generate portals on any surface. So when the blade came crashing down on your bloated twins, the portals materialized just in time and kept your tits safe. As you can see, we are also able to affix these portals on random objects, like for example Riley’s relatively modest bosom. By doing that, we can have the best of two worlds, RIley’s spectacular body type with your absolutely stunning tits.”

“I … I didn’t agree to any of this!” Saddie complained angrily.

“You should have read that contract more carefully, sweetie. In fact, everything that happened today is perfectly in line with the terms you agreed to. We are taking ownership of your breasts for the next 7 days. You’ll get them back soon enough, together with a handsome compensation, just as agreed in our contract. I know it’s a bit much, but we really need them on Riley for our next movie. The guys will bring you back home now. Take a bath, relax, enjoy RIley’s small tits for a change. You did a great job today and deserve some rest.”

“I’ll take good care of your bazookas” giggled Riley from behind, groping her new set of tits vigorously. “Can’t wait to find out what my boyfriend thinks of these. He’s a bit of a bondage nerd and always complains that my tits are too small for a good bind. He’ll be thrilled to see those!”

This is the end of this chain story. If you feel like contributing a new chapter or a proper ending, let me know through the Discord, deviantArt or other means.




Written by QexiQex

I enjoy writing about big breasts in peril. Feedback always appreciated! In case you are interested in joining my Discord, send me a message.

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