Disclaimer: This story is of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in kinky writings, please turn away now.
This chain story was written on qexiqex' Discord and is based on an idea by user Ring. Contributors were users Ring, Spiral and qexiqex.
This project is still ongoing. If you want to contribute, contact me e.g. through DeviantArt or Literotica (please provide an email address so I can reply) to get an invite to the Discord.
The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.
Tao isn’t the brightest in the world. She’s not dumb, but she can be very tunnel-visioned and not see the forest through the trees, but she has a strong will and can be pretty tenacious.
Tao is a rookie mage who can’t seem to get any respect after three years in magic school. Her main goal of going on this ill-advised adventure is to prove herself.
Tao’s Magic
Tao only has a small amount of magic, but she may learn more with time:
She can fire a basic 'magic missile' type spell, a concussive blast that isn’t exceptionally powerful.
She can levitate small, lightweight objects around.
She can make her hands emit light.
She has a featherfall-style spell that can let her survive long falls, but this one she’s not especially good with. This is a fact I’m sure won’t lead to trouble down the line.
The world
The world around Tao is a fairly run-of-the-mill fantasy place. There’s not much modern technology, but you could expect to find magical replacements for certain modern conveniences.
Species include vampires, fairies, slimes, man-eating plants, and other fantasy-typical races, use these sorts of things as you please.
Cursed trinkets are a plenty in this dungeon. Cursed items could be a great way to force her to wear tit-crushing clothing, since it can’t come off without holy water. Even better, you could have dynamic curses, like magic rings that get heavier whenever she takes a step, and she had the misfortune of getting them around her nipples.
Unlike the last story, this one is more 'unintentional’. People around Tao aren’t particularly looking to mangle her tits (though some may take advantage of her tits if they were to be jammed through a hole). Instead, Tao tends to put her tits through hell as a result of her own decisions and mistakes, and the fact that they’re a massive target for everything around her.
(by Ring)
"I'll show 'em!" Tao grumbled to herself as yanked up her socks until the stripes were pulled thin, "I'll have five-- SIX of the damn things before they even know I'm gone!" She huffed as she pulled on her robes, the long, silken sleeves billowing down to her wrist as she pulled together the buckles at the front. Her uniform was fairly ornate, but not exactly decadent, with just enough yellow embroidery running down the front of her robe that it gave her a distinguished look, especially up top where the pattern ran outwards into an almost brooch-like shape. And indeed, a small white gem in the middle completed the look, as well as designating her rank as a class 1 spellcaster, the starting rank for all wizards, witches, mages, and warlocks at the Hexbringer's Academy.
But while on others the ornate patterns on silken robes made for a dignified, elegant look, on Tao... they simply made a gorgeous frame with which to show off her umpteen inches of barely-contained titmeat. Even with the buckles above and below her tits tightly fastened together, there were still two clasps that forced her to hold her breath as she pulled them tight. She let out a hiss, like a deflating balloon as she got the first of the two together, her boobs bulging between the gaps, and then doing so even more when she finally got the next one fastened up. "Huuuaaah..." She sighed, a little bead of sweat already running down her brow from today's repeat of her morning 'exercise'. But now she was finally ready! She twisted her hat around before giving the brim a flick to get it up and out of her face. She gave a twirl as she grabbed up her satchel and her glasses, pushing them up her nose as she made her exit with a confident spring in her step... and a resultan wobble in her chest.
This was the third year running she hadn't been picked to go out on a graduation quest, but soon she'd show them. She could only imagine the looks on their faces when she got back early with her very own class 2 gem... or twelve of them!
Tao exhaled some warm air between her hands as she fought off the dewey sensation that early mornings bring. Her cloak wasn't particularly thick, but it kept her warm despite that, keeping most of her body nice and toasty, and leaving only her bare hands and more than a dozen inches of cleavage as the only parts of her really feeling the need to shiver. She really hoped the dungeon would provide a little warmth. After all, Noah's Rest was full of monsters and magic and all kinds of madness, so they could at least have the decency to keep the temperature nice and pleasant, at least in the upper levels.
"Hoooo... they'll see... they'll definitely see..." She repeated to herself, that little mantra the only thing keeping her from returning to the comfort of her bed and sleeping in until noon, "Oh, how they'll see..."
Whether or not her classmates would see, Tao, unfortunately did not see the gate in front of her as she remained fixated on warming up her hands, and she looked up just in time to not hit her head on the thick metal bars... but not in time to keep her tits from doing the same. Each breast squashed up into one of the bars, flesh billowing around them until some of Tao's bare skin bulged into the path of the bar between them, sending powerful chills coursing through her body as her boobs touched frigid metal. "Mmnnnngh!" She squeaked, jumping back and wrapping her arms tightly around her boobs, doing little to help, but creating even more bulging as she squeezed a little tighter than was comfortable. "J-Jeeeez... who put this fence here!?"
Tao slapped her forehead, her hand bouncing back a bit. It was the gate to the dungeon. "Doi!" The very reason she'd swiped the key before she left. With a cocky smile on her face, she gave a little wiggle of her fingers, bringing the little metal key up into the lock.
The adventure begins.
(by qexiqex)
The large door creaked open and gave access to the eerie maw that was the entrance to Noah's Rest. Tao hesitated for a tiny moment but then, with springy steps and in high spirits, entered the dark cavern. The air got even colder and rather musty as she made her way further in, the clammy, wet stone walls towering high above her. Soon, she could barely see anything anymore. The young novice came to a stop and started mumbling the magic words that she had learned not so long ago. A faint, green glow emanated from her fingertips, lighting up the dark hall just enough so she could make out her surroundings.
Careful to not trip over any roots or rocks, Tao continued her journey. The insufficient light made it hard for her to see and caused her more than once to stumble, but somehow she managed to stay on her feet. A cold gust of wind made her gown flutter as the walls gave way and a beautiful little pond peeled itself out of the shadows.
"Am I already at Keya's Drowning?" wondered the young woman as she examined the shimmering water. It matched with what she had learned, with the pictures her teacher had shown her. That small body of water looked just like the infamous place where the great mage Keya met her terrible fate. This very location was well-known for a notorious population of mischievous fairies that seemed to like nothing more than to prank unsuspecting travellers.
Tao was careful to not come too close to the water and opted for a little detour to not face any of those little devils. With the pond glowing behind her, she soon found herself again in pitch-black darkness. Her fingers were shining in front of her as she tried to make out where to go. The high towering walls had made a come back and now formed a rather tight tunnel that seemed to go on forever.
Tao knew that the treasures she was looking for were much further inside the dungeon and was determined to find at least some of them as quickly as she could. Only that the way leading to these precious stones seemed to get more challenging by the minute. Soon, she found herself ducking under dripping rocks and squeezing through tight gaps, her massive breasts getting caught more than once in bristly leaves and branches. The tunnel narrowed even further and Tao was just getting ready to crawl on all fours as she suddenly felt something wet dripping right into her expansive cleavage.
It took her nerves a moment to register the incredible pain that quickly spread from where she had been hit. The young mage stumbled backward, screaming in agony as she ripped the gown from her body. Her breast hurt so much! With shaking hands she tried to examine the damage, tried to find out what had happened, but all she could see was a greenish-blue stain on her skin that slowly spread over her jiggling flesh.
"A dissolvi!" Tao screamed, "a green dissolvi! Great Keya help me! This is bad, this is SO BAD!"
She somehow managed to refrain from touching herself and instead started running back towards the lake.
"Water helps...water helps" the frantic girl repeated to herself as she recalled what she learned about this peculiar species. Dissolvis were known to consume every organic matter in record time causing terrible pain to the poor victim. And once such a creature managed to get on a living being, it was incredibly difficult to remove it again. Except if the victim was lucky enough to have access to a large amount of water. Dissolvis hated water!
In record time, Tao reached the little lake, now stark naked with only her hat and her crooked glasses. The gown and satchel were still back at where the accident had happened but the rookie mage had no time to even think of her belongings. She skidded towards the saving pond on her knees and dunked her large, pendulous breasts deep into the cool water as her glasses suddenly slipped down and fell into the lake. But all Tao cared was to get rid of the nasty slime.
The mage gasped happily as the coolness overshadowed the burning pain, convinced that she had managed to avoid a terrible fate as she heard somebody giggling behind her. She had no time to even turn her head as she suddenly was hit in her back and her naked body lost balance. Her large bosom pulled her further into the chilly water as the rest of her body tilted, only to be stopped abruptly by the pond's sudden and unexpected aggregate state change.
Tao didn't really understand how everything had happened to her, but as far as she could make it out, she somehow had managed to end up tits first in a now frozen lake, her naked ass high up in the air, her face only inches away from the ice, and her still hurting breasts woefully out of reach beneath the transparent, hard surface. She wondered how to get out of this awkward situation again when she heard something large approaching from behind.
(by Spiral)
Tao jerked to look over her shoulder, but with her teats stuck in the very cold ice, she couldn’t see more than a big shadow. Heart galloping, she scrabbled for the first spell that came to mind. Fortunately, it was a fire spell. Unfortunately, it was one of her weaker ones. But it did loosen the ice’s grip enough for her to pull, tug, and finally, painfully yank her tits free. Her nipples stood out like marble beads and bright red marks lined the sides of her boobs. She wasted time rubbing some of the ache from her melons before she heard another heavy footfall.
Spinning around, she gasped. A displacer beast crowded the shore of Keya’s drowning. It’s long tentacles swayed back and forth from the cat like creature’s shoulders. It’s bright almost glowing eyes were locked on Tao and she could feel the evil hunger emanating there. “Th... this can’t be!” There hadn’t been a displacer beast in the Noah’s Rest since before Keya rose to power. Half panicked, Tao leapt to her feet, intent on running as far away as possible.
The displacer let out a loud yowl and wrapped one of it’s tentacles around her ankle. With a powerful yank, it jerked her back to it. She tumbled and rolled to a stop, smashing her heavy boobs into the shore. The rough stones jabbed painfully into her tender flesh. But she didn’t let it distract her. She tried to jump to her feet again. This time her large breasts leapt up higher than she’d expected nearly knocking into her chin.
This didn’t just distract her, it also caught the attention of the displacer. With speed beyond anything Tao had ever seen before, the creature’s tentacles wrapped around the bases of her fat boobs. They coiled twice, crushing tight on her beautiful melons. Instantly, they bulged into two massive orbs, the color tenting dark red. Veins began to crease the surface of her taunt flesh.
“Owe!!! Let me go you nasty bugger!” Again, she clamored for the first spell that came to mind. Fire, it worked against the ice. Putting more effort into the flames, she slapped at the tentacles crushing her poor teats. The displacer yowled even louder and violently jerked her into the air. The sudden weight of her body hitting her breasts caused her to lose control of her spell. She screamed her agony into the caverns.
It felt like her breasts were going to be ripped from her chest. It was so hard to think, but she had to do something quick before the displacer beast grew tired of playing with her and decided it was meal time. She racked her pain fogged brain and the only spell that came to mind was celestial light. A weak spell that would cast a bright light within thirty feet of her. Though she knew it to be useless, desperation won out.
Raising both hands toward the sky, she called out the spell. The light flashed so bright, that even with her eyes closed, it left burning after images on her vision. The displacer cried out, it’s tentacles quickly uncoiling from her boobs. For a heartbeat she was thrilled, and then she remembered she was several feet in the air. With a cry of her own, she came tumbling down on the hard earth, breasts first.
While the agony of the impact filled her brain, she dimly noted that the displacer beast fled in apparent terror.
(by Ring)
"Rrrgn...blrrghn... grrrmble-brmble..." Tao grumbled several words that barely counted as profanity through her teeth as she slowly made her way back to her feet. Monsters were so rude sometimes! Now not only was she naked and missing her glasses, but sore all over! Or... at least her soreness covered enough surface area that it felt like it was all over. She still red markings running rings around her chest, in three different colours to boot. One from the sudden cold, one from being yanked through the ice, and one from the squeezing!
This... really wasn't the sort of place that a rookie should be exploring, was it?
"Good thing I'm so talented!" Tao boasted to herself, tossing back massive swathes of green hair as she squinted around for her things. Not that she needed her glasses and robes to prove herself, but being naked around the frozen lake was starting to make her shiver. Plus! She'd need her glasses to spot whatever had laughed at her earlier. Fortunately for Tao, the water was barely running, and so it seemed reasonable that her glasses would still be where she dropped them. After all, the water wasn't that deep. Plus, there was still a big pair of holes in the ice from her... partial submersion earlier.
"Nnn!" She squeaked as her first attempt to reach into the water resulted in her breasts touching the sub-zero surface of the ice. "C-C-C-Cooooold...." She shivered, immediately recoiling. Goosebumps were already rising around her areolae, and she couldn't help but try to rub some warmth into them. If she hadn't just burned a good deal of her fire magic getting free she'd let loose another round.
She gulped. There really wasn't any way around it, was there? She leaned towards the holes again, one arm doing its best to cradle her bosom as she reached into the water, getting just past her elbow before she touched the bottom... but she had to go deeper if she wanted said elbow to be able to bend.
(by qexiqex)
Tao hesitated but there was no way around it. Sighing defeated, she pushed her hands further into the cold, bending her elbows so the range she could search increased. Unfortunately, that meant her large, sensitive breasts were now pressed hard against the ice and slid around the rough, stingy surface while she looked for her glasses.
It took forever until her fingers found the object in the muck and her tits felt like they had turned into freezing stone by the time she had her glasses back. Ecstatic and desperate to get away, Tao scrambled to get her hands out of the holes, only to hear a familiar laughter behind her.
In an instant, the ice turned into water causing the rookie mage to fall forward and drenching herself in the terribly cold liquid. Only split-seconds later, the water was gone and instead, Tao found herself lying in squishy, stinky mud. Irritated by the sudden attack, the young mage rose to her feet, her frontside now covered in thick, brown goo and her precious glasses equally dirty in her hand. She had to get away from this cursed place as quickly as she could!
With a brisk walk, the soiled girl made her way back to where she had dumped her robe. For once, the creepy inhabitants let her alone and Tao was happy to finally have her stuff back. But covered in mud like she was, she would only make her nice robe dirty, so instead, she stuffed everything in her satchel and continued her adventure.
It was hard to make out in the darkness where she was, but the flickering light emanating from her fingers was enough for Tao to recognize the first gnarly trees as she entered the Forest of the Damned. Tao shivered as she thought of all the different monsters living in these woods and hoped that the rewards she would reap would be worth the risk.
It was then, when she got aware of an unmistakable sparkle in the top of one dead tree.
"That must be one," she squealed as she went closer, "That must be a gem!"
Happy to finally have found something worthwhile, Tao inspected the old wood and wondered how she could get to the treasure. To her dismay, the bark of the tree was covered in sharp, pointy thorns and poisonous-looking fluid was seeping out of their tips. There was no way she could just climb that trunk. But then she realized that the tree was hollow, and that a large hole provided access to its inside. Even better, the twinkling light clearly came from within, right at the top of the hollow space. The young mage examined the odd, natural chamber closely and determined that she could indeed climb up from there.
Putting her stuff on the ground and brushing away some of the dried mud, the naked girl squeezed herself into the hole and started her climb. The space was tight and thankfully the wood provided enough friction so her feet didn't slip. Inch by inch she made her way up, the twinkling object always in sight.
She was up quite a bit, and rather close to the precious gem when she found out that the hollow interior got so narrow that she could only proceed with her arms over her head. It got quite difficult to find something to hold on and her naked body soon had troubles squeezing through the tight space. Tao huffed and puffed as she pulled herself upward, worried that she soon might get stuck for good. With a mighty pull, she tried to propel herself further, but her meaty breasts were just too large for her to make any progress.
The pressure was already immense, her sensitive tits pressed tightly against the wood, as Tao realized that she was indeed stuck.
"Damnit, only a few more inches!" she wailed as she tried to get a bit further, but to no avail. The poor, trapped girl squirmed in her odd, self-inflicted prison and pushed against the tight confines with all she had, when suddenly the rotten wood gave in and a large chunk around her breasts broke away.
"Yes!" exclaimed the young mage, "Take that you old beast!" only to find out that she was now even more stuck. Her large breasts quickly expanded through the rough hole and were now sitting outside the tree, the evil thorns on the bark threatening to penetrate her delicate skin. The gem was still just out of reach, and to make matters worse, her feet lost grip and she was slowly sliding downwards until her trapped breasts provided enough support to stop the fall.
Tao thought she had reached peak absurdity when a large bird landed on the convenient platform her exposed breasts now provided and she felt its sharp beak peck into her nipple. The young mage couldn't believe in what an unfortunate situation she had ended up again and wondered how she would ever get out.
(by Spiral)
At the first peck of the bird’s beak, Tao panicked and tried to shake the critter off. This was a terrible mistake! With most of her weight being supported by her massive tits, it jerked painfully at their bases. It also caused her melons to slap into one of the trees poisoned spines. The pain that flashed out was beyond anything Tao had every felt before. She screamed, and thrashed against the confining wood.
This caused her even more pain. The weight hitting the bases of her breasts, her tits jiggling into more spikes. As the agony filled her teats, it took everything she had to keep herself calm. Using her mage training she slowly gathered her focus and pushed the pain to the back of her mind. It still screamed and tore at her, but she could now think about how to get out of this mire she’d gotten herself into.
The gem still glimmered just out of reach, her breasts felt like they were on fire, and she couldn’t move. “C’mon, you’ve got this! You’re a great mage!” Her confidence bolstered, she cast the first spell that came to mind.
The magic missel spell wasn’t her best but it felt like the right move. Blasting it from her open palms toward the wood encasing her, she figured it would break her free. As the magic gathered, the fire in her breasts also seemed to grow. While she continued to focus the pain away, she did notice that she was gathering more magic than she usually could for the simple spell. When she released it, the concussive blast roared like an explosion.
The wood around her shattered, sending splinters in all directions. While most of her body was safe from the flying debris, her poor melons took a beating. Several of the poisoned spines pincushioned her boobs like the a porcupine. Before she could do more than hiss in a pain filled breath, the rest of the tree crumbled out from beneath her.
“Oh Keya’s Robes!” She quickly cast feather fall, but her mind was so scattered, it turned her so that she faced the ground teats first. She tried to cast it again, only managing to finish the spell a couple feet from impact. Her poor massive breasts slammed into the hard packed earth. Felt like a dwarf had used them as an anvil.
Gasping in pain, she rolled over onto her back and looked at the five spines buried in her tit flesh. Two in the right and three in the left. The fire that had consumed them before was worse now. And her breasts were starting to look extremely bloated. Tenderly, she plucked the spines from her mounds. Poison glistening on the tips worried her. What kind of poison was it? It couldn’t be a corrosive like the dissolvi, and it couldn’t be a blood toxin or she’d already be dead.
A strange pressure built behind her nipples. It throbbed in time with her heartbeat. Lifting her left breast toward her face, a small spurt of white liquid sprayed from her nipple. Frowning, she wiped up some with her finger and brought it to her nose. “Milk? What in the name of the gods...Why would the tree have a poison that caused this?”
“Unless...” She looked over her shoulder and there not ten feet away was an inseminator plant starting to uncoil it’s tentacle vines toward her. She tried to jump to her feet and found that her limbs were starting to feel sluggish. “Keya’s teats! It must have a mild sedative in the poison too!” Before she could finish speaking, the inseminator had twined around her right wrist. “Oh gods!”
(by qexiqex)
Tao barely had time to react and with the poison slowing her down, there was no chance to flee. Vines had coiled around her wrists and ankles in a blink of an eye and pulled her up. Tao was hanging in mid-air, spread-eagled with her large tits dangling downward. Milk seeped out of her nipples as her drugged mind tried to comprehend what was happening to her.
The young rookie mage could only squirm as more vines wrapped themselves around her swaying orbs, squishing their bases down to a ridiculous diameter. Milk was exploding from her tits now, forced out by incredible pressure and hungrily consumed by weird-looking appendages of the inseminator plant.
Tao didn't see the main stalk approaching, but she felt only too well when it fored it's way into her tight, underused sex.
"Oh mighty Keya help me!" Tao screeched as the thick stalk rammed inside her body and began furiously fucking her underprepared pussy.
The sensations were otherworldly. The constant pounding combined with the neverending sucking on her teats made head swim and Tao moaned in pleasure. The poison only added to the experience and the ecstacy seemed to be endless. But something in the back of her mind stayed on guard, aware of the mortal danger she was in, and was just waiting for the right moment to act.
What seemed like hours later, the opportunity finally arrived. Tao meanwhile was hanging head first just inches above the ground, her tits dancing around and smacking against each other while she was getting brutally fucked by a unearthly thick stalk with a mind-blowing knobbly head. In a moment of clarity, when finally the evil monster left one of her hands unattended, Tao grabbed the gem that was by now lying right under her head and jammed the tick, egg-like object with force into her wide-open sex as soon as the terrible vines down there left an opening.
The poor girl screamed in pain as the stalks forced their way in again, pushing the big stone into her as far as it would go.
"Keya's teat, please let this gem protect me!" the young mage prayed as the inhuman fuck continued.
Soon, the tired young woman felt a magical warmth filling her body, spreading from her womb out to every nook and cranny. Tao focused on one of the few spells.she knew, tried to ignore the constant pounding and the terrible pull on her swaying, milk-spewing breasts.
Blinding light exploded from her body, burning the terrible stalks and wilting away the monstrous inseminator plant. Tao fell on the ground, tits first, and slowly got on her legs again. Still wobbly from the terrible experience, she escaped to a calmer spot, where no evil monsters threatened her wellbeing, and sobbed silently. A few moments later, she squatted down and tried to push the gem out of her body. But it was stuck for good.
"Maybe it's better that way," mused the still shaken Tao, "It seems to refill my mana just fine and may even work better, so deep inside of me."
Wiping away her tears, Tao steeled herself for her journey. Suddenly she had an idea.
"If this gem generates so much mana, maybe I can use higher level spells now?"
She focused her mind and cast a cleanup spell that she had recently learned. To her immense relief it worked. All the gunk and dirt fell from her body and she was as pristine as a baby. Clapping happily, Tao was eager to unpack her satchel. A bit later, the shaken young mage was fully dressed again with hat, glasses, robe and everthing at their proper place.
"Close call, this inseminator!" she grumbled as she recalled the terrible attack, her pussy still incredibly sore from the mind-blowing abuse. Walking a bit awkwardly, Tao proceeded down the path through the woods, makung her way through this dangerous dungeon.
A few hours later, Tao arrived at a clearing. She could see a funny little house in the distance, seemingly made from gingerbread. "Maybe there's a witch roasting kids in her oven!" chuckled Tao as she spotted a familiar glint right on top of the cute little chimney.
"Keya's wish! I guess I have to check out that chimney!" Tao muttered as she made her way to the odd little house, hoping to score another gem.
(by Spiral)
Tao stared at the little gingerbread cottage. While she felt more powerful than ever, she knew a witch living this deep in Noah’s Rest would be extremely dangerous. She chewed on her full bottom lip and considered how she should approach. An idea popped in her head when she spotted a half open window in the near side of the cottage. I’ll just go up and sneak a peak inside.
With a determined nod, she straightened her shoulders. As usual, she was completely oblivious to how this made her huge mammaries jut forward. And she didn’t notice how the aftereffects of the inseminator’s attack had filled her breasts out even more. Now her robes gave off a faint groan, straining to contain the massive milk sacks.
Tao made her way over to the side of the cottage. While she could sense magic all about the place, there appeared to be no wards in the yard. Slinking her way to the open window, she kept casting about. She didn’t want to be caught unawares by the witch.
Unfortunately, her paranoia worked against her. She tripped over a rock. Pinwheeling her arms to regain her balance, she caused her over burdened robes to burst open. Breast sprang forward. Jiggling mounds dragging her even further off balance. She staggered toward the wall only to stumble tits first into the open window. Once her tremendous breasts slipped completely over the window seal, she felt the ward activate.
“Oh Keya’s grace!” It was too late, she couldn’t move in time. The window came crashing down, slamming painfully on her melons. It landed with the weight of a troll. Her breast were smashed almost flat near her chest wall. The rest bulging, swollen with milk dribbling from the hard nipples.
Tao screamed and tried to force the window up. But the warding kept it crushingly tight on her poor breasts. The pain fogged her brain, keeping her from thinking of any helpful spells. It felt like the house was trying to eat her huge paps. Mind clouded, she could only result to groaning cries and futile, painful, pulling.
“Calm down dear,” A grand-motherly voice called out from inside the cottage.
Though the pain still tore at her, the words did seem to sooth her some. Swallowing back another cry, Tao pleaded. “Please, open the window! Quick, it’s destroying me!”
“Oh, child, pish-posh.” On the other side of the window, a wrinkled face came into view. “It’s just a trap ward. If you’d not been a naughty minx, you wouldn’t be in the jam you’re in.”
“You’re right, you’re right! But I swear I wasn’t trying to sneak into your house!” Tao practically danced in place from the tearing bite of the window. “I just wanted to take a peak. To...to make sure you wouldn’t mind me climbing on your roof!” She actually had no idea what she was saying anymore. The grinding agony in her tits, coupled with how swollen they were - she just knew they were about to burst.
“My roof? Child why ever would you want to climb up there?”
“The gem, the gem! Please let me loose!”
The friendly smile on the wrinkled face dropped. The brows furrowed, the lips curved into a sneer. “YOU ADVENTURERS ALWAYS TRYING TO STEAL MY GEM!” She reached out and grabbed Tao’s left breast in both of her hands. “I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF YOU ALL! TIME TO MAKE AN EXAMPLE OUT OF YOU COW!” Her boney fingers dug deep into Tao’s breast. A jet of milk splashed on the floor and the pain doubled, tripled in two heart beats.
(by qexiqex)
The young mage squirmed in pain as the sharp, yellow nail penetrated her milk-filled breast and threatened to puncture her tender skin.
"Please?" she squealed, "Please, let me go!"
"Oh, I don't mind you leaving, greedy little tramp, but those bloated sacs stay where they are! Cloud and Raven have not had a proper meal for days, and I must say I feel a bit peckish myself!"
As if on cue, a pitch black raven came crashing down on her trapped boob and sank his sharp beak right into her hard nipple.
"Not again!" wailed Tao, only to see an equally pitch-black cat bolting towards her free side, her pointy claws scratching the swollen titball like it was some new toy.
The poor girl hollered in pain as the evil pets had their way with Tao's treasures, biting and tearing at her swollen, trapped flesh while her warm milk flowed freely from her tender nipples, feeding the hungry animals as they played with her gigantic melons.
Tao was frantic and pulled at her tits as hard as she could to escape from the awful animals. But when she saw the cackling old woman reaching for a long, gleaming knife, she freaked out for good. Thankfully, Tao remembered that she wasn't really helpless, that in fact she was able to wield powerful magic even though she still had much to learn.
The blast sent the stunned animals flying, even the old woman was briefly shocked by the loud bang. But more importantly, the glass of the window shattered into thousand pieces and the tight warding disintegrated around Tao's heaving globes. Tao reacted swiftly, pulled back her hurting, milk-dripping flesh and ran. But then she remembered why she had scoped out the house in the first place and decided to grab that gem on her way out.
The young mage glanced through the broken window and was relieved to see the old witch lying on the floor, still groaning from the surprise blast. Evaluating her chances, she quickly climbed up the roof and dashed towards the twinkling star right on top of the cute little chimney.
"Oh dammit!" the young woman groaned as her hands clumsily reached for the treasure, only to see it tumble down the soot blackened hole.
But Tao wasn't one to give up so easily, and instead of escaping this cursed place, she quickly slid out of her robe and put all her belongings into a neat little bundle before she dove down the chimney, tits-first.
"Oh Keya's wisdom! How can I be so dumb!" Tao groaned as she got aware of her awkward situation. Her arms were pinned to her sides, the tight confines of the chimney barely big enough for her body, as she slowly slid downwards until her massive tits popped out right over the fireplace with her green hair following suit.
"My, my, look at this," she heard the woman say, "Looks like I will get to taste those delicious fruits after all!"
A bony hand caressed her jiggling pillows, lightly squeezing the swollen tip until a trickle of milk spurted out. The old hag slapped her oscillating tits around a bit and then got into her kitchen to prepare everything she needed.
Meanwhile, Tao unsuccessfully tried to jiggle herself free, but all she managed was to swing her bouncy flesh back and forth, making the still hungry cat dizzy from following the treat with her eyes.
Suddenly something clanked down right next to her and the old woman pushed a gleaming copper pot right beneath her swaying breasts. The pot was so big that she could barely see over its rim and was filled with all kinds of nasty ingredients that swam around in the foul, stinky fluid.
"Frogs' hearts, testicles of a dragon, the eyes of the spider, some bunny ears, ten teeth of poisenous snakes, the intestines of a boar,... I hope I didn't forget anything of importance. Oh, right, a quart of milk from a nosy adventurer!" she chuckled as her hand roughly milked Tao's teats until enough white fluid had made it into the pot.
"Now we just have to boil those things for a few hours and the healing potion is ready! Your breasts are obviously not merely enough to compensate for all the damage you caused, but better than nothing, eh? A few gallons of pig's blood is all that's missing now. Hope your tits like it toasty!"
With that, the evil witch filled her cauldron to the brim, Tao's hairs were now swimming in the stinky gunk and her tits were more than half covered by the still cold potion. The old hag then put some logs under the pot and, singing happily, ignited the dry wood. The flames quickly warmed up the copper and Tao could already feel the heat slowly making its way through the metal. But the witch had overseen an obvious problem. Tao's naked body was blocking the chimney so soon, dense smoke filled the little room and everyone that could fled the scene.
Tao, however, was still stuck and had trouble breathing. In addition, the vile contents of the cauldron were getting hotter and hotter, bubbling and cooking her poor breasts alive. If she didn't do something quick, her short life would end pretty soon.
Tao was panicking but didn't have a great idea on how to get out of this mess. So she started to swing her upper body back and forth, banging her head as hard as she could against the hot copper, her tits stirring slowly in the steaming potion, and hoped she could topple it over with enough force. Her ears were soon ringing, her swaying breasts hurting from the searing heat as she heard the old hag cackling outside, amused by the odd display she was giving.
But then, with renewed energy and determination, she finally managed to tilt the cauldron just enough and its smelly contents spilt on the floor. Tao was ecstatic, happy that her breasts were no longer exposed to the awful heat when she heard the witch dashing back inside. She had to act fast!
Tao knew she had not many options, her trapped hands prevented her from using most of her spells. But there was one spell that didn't require any external movement. It was a bit complicated and required lots of mana, but desperate times called for desperate measures and she still had the gem inside her that would hopefully provide just enough energy. The young mage shut out all the distractions and focused on her core, the glowing, radiating stone deep inside her sex. She teased its energy out, channeled it through her body and directed it to where she could handle it best, right into her fabulous orbs. Her rhythmical chanting puzzled the witch and thankfully the old woman watched her curiously instead of fighting her. Then, with a mighty swosh, flames leapt from Tao's dangling treasures and torched the ground.
The young mage started swinging again, directing her oscillating breasts into new directions. Her milk, now infused with heat and flaming, ignited more and more of the witches home, lighting up the wooden table and chairs. The old woman watched mesmerized as all of her possessions were set ablaze, and it took her minutes to come to her senses.
The old hag finally got her stuff together and cast a water spell, drenching everything in cool wetness to stop the flames. But it wasn't enough. In mere seconds, the searing heat converted every drop to steam, and even worse, the frail stone chimney suddenly collapsed from the expanding droplets, finally freeing the trapped girl that now unceremoniously fell into the fireplace. Tao lept back on her feet, each of her hands grabbing one of her massive breasts, and started milking.
Like Ireia herself, the black fire demon guarding the gates of the underworld, Tao stood in the middle of the room, naked, soot-covered and proud. Flames licked her stunning body, fiery fountains shooting from her humongous breasts. It was a rather apocalyptical sight, even for the old witch. And so, as her home and everything she ever had went up in flames, the hag grabbed her trusty broom and ran, cursing Tao with eternal damnation as she flew away.
The young mage, exhausted from the mana-guzzling fire spell, willed herself to continue, to at least find the gem that had cost her so much. She felt the stone within her crumble to dust, all of its mana consumed by the fire, right as she spotted the telltale sparkle between the rubble of the former fireplace. She grabbed the precious, egg-like stone and made her way outside. Just when she wanted to climb up the roof to get her belongings, she saw the black raven grabbing her bundle and vanishing into the sky.
"Keira's plight, why is everything always so difficult!" she groaned as she watched her clothes disappear once again. Tao felt tremendous exhaustion and could barely keep herself upright when her gaze fell on the gem in her hand.
"Better keep you safe!" she mumbled as she squatted down and pushed the smooth stone deep inside her body so it could take the place of its already used-up sibling.
She felt the stone heat up inside of her slick sex, radiating new, magical energy that her tired body immediately consumed like a dried-up sponge absorbig water. Tao gasped as the relaxing warmth filled her body and toppled over, falling into a deep, much needed sleep before she even hit the ground.
(by Spiral)
When Tao woke, there were two things she knew right away. First, her breasts felt more swollen and tender than they’d ever felt before. Second, her hands were stuck behind her back. It was really odd. It didn’t feel like they were tied or chained, but something held them in place. Struggling to sit up, she only managed to cause her heavy breasts to slap into the ground. She heard the tinkling laugh she’d heard back at Keira’s Drowning.
More than a little irritated, with a jerk of her shoulders, she gave her boobs a toss off the ground. Using their weight and momentum, she slung herself into an upright position. There was more of the tinkling laughter. It really irked her. She knew that whoever was laughing, was laughing at her. “Show yourself!” She growled.
“Here I am!” A little voice called her attention.
Turning her head that way, she spotted a bright pixie. The little fae was beautiful, with flowing purple hair, shining Amethyst eyes, and a grinning cupid’s bow mouth. Then there was her body, while tiny, no more than two hands tall, she had a woman’s body. If she was full sized, she’d be able to get any man she wanted. Her looks distracted Tao so much, she forgot her hands were still trapped. The mage reached out to the pixie only to come up short. The sudden move nearly dropped her on her tits again.
That brought her attention back to her aching breasts. They looked swollen, much larger than usual. And a soft, steady drip, drip, drip of milk fell from her nipples. Again, she forgot about her hands and tried to take a hold of her poor melons. When she couldn’t move them, she growled. “What did you do to me?”
“I did nothing.” The pixie’s word choice was pointed.
Tao narrowed her eyes at the fluttering creature. “Okay, so it wasn’t you, but you know what is holding my hands.”
“Oh, smart.” The little woman clapped her hands. Her wings sped up and the soft tinkle of bells filled the air. “I wouldn’t normally just answer your question. It’s more fun to weave words, but this once I think it’ll be so much better if I told you.” She fluttered closer to Tao, gently landing on her shoulder. One tiny hand on Tao’s earlobe, the fae peeked behind the naked mage.
On a snicker the little fae said, “You remember that inseminator, the one that ploughed you for nearly an hour?”
Tao sneered at the pixie. “Yes, I also remember I destroyed it. Maybe you should think about that and show me some respect.”
The little fae fluttered in front of her face and tapped her nose. “Oh, I do respect you. What other bumbling mage would stumble into Naoh’s Rest and make such a spectacular show! Facing a desolvi, freeing your teats from the frozen pound, chasing off that nasty displacer, shattering a lacta-tree, and fucking a inseminator to death! And we won’t even talk about how you’ve half burned down the witch’s house, here.” The pixie waved at the destruction around Tao.
The mage furrowed her brow, not sure if the little woman was mocking her or complimenting her. Deciding the later, she gave a nod. “That’s right, I did all that and I can do the same to you. So, stop stalling and tell me what this is about.”
With another annoying tinkle of laughter, the pixie sang, “You don’t seem to know much about inseminators then?”
“I know about them.” Tao took serious offense at her tone. “Inseminators are a magical species of plants that can plant and seed their offspring in any womb. They tend to focus on human and humanoid women, but will go for animals if given no choice.”
The fae clapped, her wings chiming. “Yes, yes, very good!” Then the pixie gave a mock frown, “But you forgot something very important.”
“What? I didn’t forget anything, that is the textbook definition!”
“You forgot that an inseminator creates an offspring everytime it mates.”
“Ha!” Tao felt smug, especially knowing that she killed the plant before it could impregnate her. “I was raped by it and it didn’t knock me up!”
The little winged lady shook her head. “I didn’t say it always impregnates, I said, it always creates an offspring.” She pointed over Tao’s shoulder.
Eyes going wide, Tao said, “What! I have a baby inseminator on me?!” She started to struggle to free her hands once again.
The pixie flew as fast as she could, landing a stinging slap on the mage’s cheek. “Pay attention! When an inseminator can’t impregnate, it uses what it can find nearby to create its offspring. In this case, some of you, some of your magic, some of its magic and what was left of itself. Here, let me show you.”
She flew over Tao’s shoulder, down to where her hands were trapped. She said something in a whispered voice. Suddenly, whatever was holding Tao’s hands, shifted. While her hands were still trapped, it felt like something slithered off, weakening the hold. That slithering continued up her arm until a bulbous shape snaked its way over her shoulder and into her line of sight. Tao almost screamed. A human like face grinned at her from a green stalk. The stalk was what had slithered across her arms.
“By the gods! What is that thing!”
“You’re baby, and he’s hungry!” The pixie cheered. “Dinner time!”
Several thin vines shot out from behind the “head” of the creature, wrapping tight around the bases of Tao’s swollen teats. The mouth opened, small throne like teeth lining the gums. Before she could do more than recoil in horror, the head struck, it’s sharp teeth latching onto her tender nipple.
(by qexiqex)
Blazing pain shot through the screaming mage as the horrifying creature's mouth engulfed her breast and started sucking, its sharp, thorn-like teeth scratching her bloated tit as more and more of the taut balloon got pulled into its hungry maw. Tears were running down the frantic woman's cheeks as she watched the odd head feasting on her overfilled boob.
"See how hungry the poor thing is?" giggled the fluttering fae, "It was only barely alive when the dying inseminator birthed it. But now your nourishing milk will make it strong and healthy! Aren't you proud to be such a good mother?"
Tao was too shocked to even respond, still mesmerized by the unreal monster sucking her dry. Its peculiar mouth got bigger and bigger as the creature worked its way down her fat globe, as if it had unhinged its jaw to get as much of her delicious flesh inside of it. Tao was barely able to look away as she felt something moving on her other breast.
"Oh no, what is it doing?" she squirmed, watching horrified as the stalk-like body slithered over her bare skin and coiled itself around her free breast.
"It just wants to get a better grip on you, I suppose," giggled the fairy, "Hey, that'll be interesting to watch!"
The little fae fluttered around the troubled mage's head to get a full picture of what was going on.
"Should I ask it what it wants?" she smiled, her sparkling wings buzzing excitedly as she danced around the inseminator.
Tao groaned in pain as the stalk that meanwhile had wound itself several times around her hurting breast suddenly pulled tight, causing a fountain of precious milk that hit the fairy right on her delicate wings. The tiny woman tumbled down and crashed on the floor, her wet wings unable to keep her in the air.
"Ouch!" the fae yelled as she hit the ground, "That hurt! Your boobies can be a real pain, girl!"
"That I agree with," moaned Tao, visibly enjoying the naughty fairies struggles, "Teaches you to stay away from meeeee….Aaargh, my breast!"
The baby inseminator had pulled even tighter, forcing Tao's trapped appendage into an odd mushroom-like shape, the bloated, rosy cap spewing milk in endless bursts while her other tit meanwhile was so deep inside the creature's mouth that it's thorny teeth threatened to separate the round globe from her chest. The odd, human-like head was now deformed and swollen, filled to the brim with her tender flesh while the rest of its body was slowly getting thicker.
"I can't take this anymore!" yelled Tao, feebly pulling at the icky, brutal monster to dislodge it.
The fairy, her wings now dry again, was buzzing around her head again and laughed, "Just give it time. You should be glad someone relieves you from all that milk. Wanna hear what it wants from you?"
"Ugh, what? What does it want?"
"It wants to stay with you forever. It loves you, and it can't get enough of your delicious milk. You saved it, you know?"
"Then why does it hurt me so much?"
"Oh, it doesn't want to. It's just incredibly hungry. But if I'd wager a guess, you should be OK for a while after it has fed, maybe in a few hours or so. Then it'll leave your boobies alone and retreat into its favorite place."
"What's… what's that? The place?'
"Come on, you can't be that stupid, can you? It's an inseminator after all, where do you think it'll go next?"
Tao blushed and mumbled, "No way! No way I'll let this happen! There has to be something I can do!"
She again tried to pull the creature away and break its stranglehold but without success.
"Damn you, evil baby! Let me go!"
(by Spiral)
“By Keya’s Wand!” Tao roared! With the hybrid inseminator distracted by her heavy milk sacks, it had loosened it’s grip on her arms. Growling, the busty mage finally jerked her hands free. “Stasis!” She cast the spell unprepared. The magic in the stone tucked inside her womanhood fed power to the hasty magic. The sucking suddenly stopped as did the tinkling flutter of the fairy’s wings. The tiny woman dropped like a stone to the ground with a thud.
But Tao couldn’t appreciate the fae’s plight. Her poor casting had resulted in a very mixed result. It may have stopped the inseminator from drinking down her milk on one hand. On the other it locked the creature in place. It was like she was wearing the most painful bra ever made.
The vines were coiled so tight around her left breast milk was spraying out at a steady rate. And it felt like the misshapen head of the creature was an inch away from biting her other breast clean off. With a moan and growl, she carefully started to unwind the vines. The whole time her milk kept spurting out. At first she paid it no mind, then she heard a strange gurgle. Glancing down, she saw that the spray was coating the little fae woman. Even paralyzed by the stasis spell, she must have managed to swallow a good amount of Tao’s milk. Her flat stomach was noticeably pouched out.
Despite how angry Tao was with the little fairy, she didn’t like the idea of drowning her in milk. Taking care to aim away, she refocused her efforts on freeing her vine bound breast. As the green coils came free, the blood rushed back into her melon. The orb stung and buzzed with the sudden return of feeling. Tao had to grit her teeth to keep from crying out. This whole adventure had been a serious test on her poor chest.
Gently massaging the pin and needles from her now free tit, she turned her attention on her “baby”. The bizarre hybrid creature’s head was swollen and more disturbing than when she’d first seen it. Stuffing her entire melon in it’s maw distorted the human like face into an odd shape. “Now, how in Keya’s name, am I going to get you off there?”
The question no sooner left her lips and the inseminator blinked and two tentacle vines waved feebly about. “What! The stasis shouldn’t be wearing off yet!” Tao was desperate to free her fat orb before the creature could recover any more. She stuck her fingers in the corners of the beast’s mouth. But all she got for her efforts was the thorn teeth pricking her finger tips.
The creature let out a soft mewling noise. It’s brow furrowed and the edge of it’s lips curled in anger. Slowly, agonizingly slow, it began to tighten it’s jaw again. The thorn teeth jabbed all over the base of Tao’s fat melon. In her mind, it felt like her teat was about to be sawed off.
The pain combined with her frustration, she shouted at the hybrid. “Get the hell off of me, you foul creature!” Growling, she shoved almost her whole hand into the beast’s mouth. Her breast squished and bulged down the creature’s throat. It also mashed her pliant flesh harder against those jagged thorns. Tao wasn’t going to let that little bit of pain stop her though. She shoved her other hand in on the opposite side.
Now her orb was smashed between her palms. It sloshed further down the creature’s throat. The steady milk flow tripled, turning into a hard jet of thick white. The hybrid insimenator actually gagged on the sudden influx. With an almost sudden move, the beast opened it’s jaw wide. Tao took advantage of this and with both arms pushed the terrible child away.
The creature landed on the ground with a limp thump. Hacking weakly, it spewed up a few cups of milk. Tao raised her hands, a fire spell curling on her tongue. The beast stopped hacking only to start crying and mewling like an abandoned kitten. Tao pointed her hands at the creature. For several heartbeats, she knelt there, the spell eagerly leaping behind her lips. But looking at the poor creature, she couldn’t bring herself to harm it.
She climbed to her feet. While she had no intention of attacking the pathetic beast, she kept her hands at the ready. Once standing, she frowned. “What the hell am I going to do now? That damn raven took off to gods know where with my clothes. All I have to show for my adventures is one gem and a strange hybrid child!”
“What in the wild green hills have you done to me!” The fae’s voice tinkled out shrilly.
Tao turned toward the little woman. Her eyes boggled. The purple haired fae’s nice breasts had swollen. They looked to be easily the same shape and size as Tao’s, that is if Tao was pixie sized. The large melons seemed even more exaggerated on the little fae. Tao leaned toward the dragonfly winged woman. A spurt of milk shot from the mage’s nipple.
“Hey! Watch it! That stuff caused this in the first place!” The fae clamored as she fluttered her wings to dry them out.
Tao’s lips puckered. “I’ve had several partners drink from my orbs and not once did their breasts grow.”
The fae shot up into the air, nearly smacking into the mage’s forehead. “Your milk is loaded with so much magic right now, I’m surprised it didn’t make the insimenator grow boobs!”
“You can’t be serious!” Tao shook her head.
“I can and I am!” The pixie landed on Tao’s heavy breast. “I think I should pix you for this! Or maybe I’ll just help your baby get to his special place.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” Tao raised her hand, flickers of fire danced on her finger tips.
“Oh, I would.” The fae tapped her little foot. Her new breast jiggled enticingly. Their weight threw off the little woman, causing her to stagger to the side. “Toad swallop! How do you move around with this udders?”
“Hey don’t talk about me like that!” Tao gave her breast a shake, causing the little fae to fly off.
Wings tinkling, the pixie put her hands on her hips. “You did this to me and I’m sticking with you until you fix it!”
“I think you look really good like that.” A harsh voice sounded behind them.
Tao spun around on her hell, nearly toppling over from the momentum of her tits. “Who’s there!”
The air rippled in place like heat waves off of stone in the summer. Bit by bit, a large red man appeared before them. Twisted rams horns curled along the top of his head. Thick dark hair cascaded down to his shoulders. Dressed in a strange charcoal colored suite, he gave the pair a slight bow. “Let me introduce myself...”
The pixie screamed. “Run! He’s an infernal!”
On instinct, Tao tried to do as the fae suggested. The new comer sneered, his sharp fangs poking out of his mouth. “That’s rude.” He snapped his fingers and suddenly Tao’s body locked up. Right beside her head, the pixie hovered in place, though her wings were not moving at all. Tao’s eyes darted from the little fae over to the large infernal man. He casually strode over to them. His goat feet kicking up ash from the ruins of the witch’s house.
He pinched the pixie’s expanded left breast between a clawed forefinger and thumb. Eyes flickering orange and red, he reached out and captured Tao’s right nipple in the same grip. “These melons look very tasty, should I take a sample?”
(by qexiqex)
Tao felt helpless as the large man teased her nipple until it started to leak again. She wanted to scream, to cry for help, but her lips didn't move.
"I'm Warr by the way. And you are? Oh, you won't tell me? How rude!"
He cackled over his joke as his hands wrapped around Tao's melons and massaged them in earnest. Soon, the milk was shooting out of her orbs again and was drenching the ground.
"My my, what a resourceful young lady you are. Your baby surely is a lucky one."
He drank a bit from her breasts, even bit into her tender nipples as he munched on her for a while.
"Now then, time for the main course."
He snapped with his fingers and Tao, like she was sleepwalking, changed position. She was now kneeling on the ground, her breasts gracing the soaked mud. Her body petrified again.
"Don't move, alright?" the infernal joked as he grabbed the fairy mid-air and moved behind her, "I'm sure you'll enjoy this at least as much as me if you just let yourself."
The horny man sucked on the little creature's bloated tits as if they were a lollipop while at the same time let his free hand started to roam around Tao's naked body. The paralysed mage was furious but helpless. She felt something big and meaty push against her groin and demanding entry.
"Uaargghh…" the Infernal groaned, the fae in hand and his meaty pack slowly sinking into Tao's body.
"What a tight little snatch you have!" complimented Warr, "Now let me dutifully enjoy this encounter!"
Tao heard him huffing as he fell into a rhythm, plowing into her slickening sex with vigor. She would have shrieked and screamed, yelled and even groaned if just her body would have let her. But instead, she endured the assault without the slightest movement of her own, her breasts mashed into the forest's ground and leaking.
Warr groaned loud and slapped her ass approvingly as he exploded, filling the busty mage to the brim. "Now that was nice!" he beamed, withdrawing his slimy cock and disengaging.
Tao was still on the floor with her ass raised high. He sucked again on the fae's engorged boobs, gulped down the delicious milk and said, "Thank you for your service, my dear mage. It has been a pleasure meeting you. I'll keep the little buzzer as a souvenir, she does taste incredible and shall entertain me during my travels. You, however, will be free to leave in about… let's say an hour from now? I know your baby needs you and deep down I'm a terrible romantic, so let me make sure your baby has all it needs while you are indisposed."
He grabbed the hybrid and put it on Tao's back. It's vine-like arms quickly coiled around her thighs and pushed it's nightmarish head right between her drooling nether lips.
"Have fun dear, I hope to meet you again, soon! And take care of your offspring!"
Tao could feel everything, her pulsing pussy, her leaking breasts, the mud under her knees, and yes, the nibbling head between her legs. She was furious and angry with herself. Why did she keep bumbling unto such terrible situations? She had a quest to compete! At least that Infernal had left her more or less unharmed except for this shocking humiliation. Or did he impregnate her? No, the gem surely would protect her from that. Or would it? She felt something move on her crotch.
"Oh no, not that! please, don't do that!"
(by Spiral)
The terrible hybrid lapped at her pussy with a rough dry tongue. If her sex hadn’t been so overworked from the infernal it would have been very painful. From the way the half-breed inseminator reacted, her quim must still have quite a bit of the infernal’s spunk inside her. The creature made an angry noise and slithered higher up. Suddenly it’s thorn like teeth clamped onto Tao’s pearl. She screamed inside her head, pain and fear flooding her body.
That fear, that pain, coupled with her rage. She took that seething fire and pushed it down into her magic. Something sparked, a power she’d never felt before. Faintly in the back of her mind, she wondered if it was a reaction with the gem. But the rest of her just called on the sudden bonfire and attacked the paralysis spell holding her in place.
She could almost see it shatter into a million glowing shards. Rage twisted her lips into a rictus grin. Grabbing the hybrid creature working away at her clit, she gave it a command. “Stop!” When the creature followed her order, she felt more powerful than she’d ever felt before. And her anger, her boiling rage continued to fuel her.
Rising out of the mud, she looked to where the infernal stood. He hadn’t noticed her yet, his focus on searching the old witch’s scorched house. The little fae’s breasts between his lips like he was sucking on a baby’s pacifier. The pain and fear on the tiny lady’s face gave even more heat to Tao’s anger.
She lifted her hands, one filling with magic, the other holding her misbegotten offspring. Throwing them at the same moment, she shouted “Sunder!”
She didn’t know why she said that, wasn’t even sure what the magic was going to do. It was almost as if her magic was using her instead of the other way around. Almost at the same time, the spell hit the infernal then the mutant inseminator. The man shouted in surprise, letting the little fae tumble to the ground. As the inseminator’s vines wrapped around the large beast, a bright light began to glow over his entire body.
“What have you done to me, you bitch!” Warr roared at her.
Before Tao would have cowered at the infernal’s cry. Now, she laughed. He began to shrink, almost as if he was collapsing in on himself. He continued to diminish until he was half his former size. Now the size of a young teen, his head at the same height as Tao’s breasts, he glowered at her.
“What I’ve done, is sundered you from your plane. I guess from the look of you, you have no more magic than an imp.” She strutted over to him, rolling her hips and letting her huge breasts bounce freely. Bending down with her ass pointed at him, she scooped up the barely conscious fairy. The little pixie’s breasts looked even bigger, as if all the milk Warr had been sucking from her caused them to swell.
“You poor thing,” crooned Tao as she cradled the little woman in the crook of her arm. Mouth turning into a sneer, she looked at the reduced infernal. “If you ever want to be able to return to your plane and repair you link, you will do as I say from now on.” She pushed her face into his, “Do you understand me.”
(by qexiqex)
The little imp shook in fear and nodded emphatically, "Of course, my queen."
Tao huffed, proud of herself and said, "Alright then. Off you go and don't bother me ever again! Now where is that damn raven that stole my clothes!"
The little fae was again fluttering in the air, slowly recovering from the tremendous pain her bouncy breasts had to endure.
"I… uh… I might have seen a black bird with a bundle of sorts down at the Ivy's Crossing," said the imp.
"Ivy's crossing, huh? Never been there. Which way?"
"Oh, it's only about an hour away but unless you have wings the path can be a bit of a challenge. Just head south for a while and follow the path eastwards once you hit Eerie Growling, you really can't miss it."
"Thanks…. I guess. But just because you're being nice now doesn't change anything! Stay away from that plane, alright?"
The imp nodded once again.
With that, Tao started to walk away. The naked mage hesitated for a moment and turned around once again, "Are you coming or what, little fae?"
The pixie's fluttering increased a little as she flew towards the young wizard, landing on her shoulder.
"Thank you…. for rescuing me," she whispered, I didn't like being a lollipop."
Tao laughed, "Yeah that must have sucked. Now let's get my stuff back."
The two made their way through the forest, enjoying each other's company for once. Tao explained how she crushed the infernal and the pixie was impressed by what powerful magic Tao was able to wield.
"Yeah, but I guess my mana was all used up by that outburst," Tao sighed, "Let's just hope we don't get into such a pickle again."
The forest got thicker as the trees changed. Soon, a dense roof made of dark leaves let barely any sunlight through. Tao could almost reach the eerie green ceiling when she stretched her hand.
"So how are your boobs?" Tao asked, trying to ignore the darker surroundings.
"Still a bit swollen from all the sucking, but nothing I can't handle. And yours?"
"Likewise," Tao laughed, "I look forward to get my robe back though. I feel so vulnerable with my boobs uncovered like th…"
Suddenly Tao was catapulted in the air and crashed through the leaves. The trap she just triggered consisted of a coarse net that had now captured the young wizard and held her in mid-air. To Tao's annoyance, her top-heavy body was positioned less than ideal in the tight trap, with her head and breasts mashed against the bottom, her arms trapped at her sides and her legs painfully bent upward. The little fae had been mashed against Tao's left boob with one of the strings crushing the pixie's swollen tits right in the middle.
"Ouchie, that hurt!' complained the fae inspecting her crushed breast, "Can you move back a little so I can untangle myself?"
"I wish I could," moaned Tao, "But apart from wiggling my toes there's not much I can do."
"Oh well, I should probably be happy that I'm not close to your fat nipple, you're leaking quite a bit!"
"Yeah, the pressure on my boobs is no good! And now what?"
"Can't you use your magic or something?"
"No mana! But you could chew through that net, right?"
The little fae took a bite.
"Blegh, that tastes like crap! Listen, can you hear that? Sounds like a bunch of metal clanking together."
"Yeah, what is that?"
Quintus was tired from all the fighting and the trip back to his castle seemed to just never end. His whole body hurt and he could still feel the hits on his head. Thankfully he had protected his ears well this time, if only that damned wax would get out again! And how long had he not eaten? Since before the fight? His stomach was growling like a dying dragon!
The tired paladin decided to rest, if only to get his ears free again. And just when he found a nice spot, he noticed that something was soiling his shiny armor. A fine, white film was suddenly covering everything. Puzzled, he sniffed at the odd fluid. It didn't stink, in fact it smelled delicious. His stomach churned. A bit hesitant, the tired man licked his soiled armor.
"Not bad, not bad at all!" he thought, his hunger only increasing, "But what is this? And where is it coming from?"
Quintus looked up to find the source but couldn't see anything through the dark leaves. After a bit of unsuccessful searching, he grabbed his spear and poked through the leaves in the hope to find out more.
Suddenly, two large, soft objects avalanched through the dense ceiling and dangled right above Quintus's head. He stumbled backward, surprised and landed on his derriere, all the while staring at the strange, swaying objects that he just uncovered.
The paladin slowly got on his feet again to inspect his find. Unfortunately whatever it was was right out of reach for his hands, so he took his spear again and poked the strange fruits a bit, curiously watching the delicious white fluid shooting out of two rosy nubs whenever he pushed the spear a bit harder into them .
"Hey! Stop that!"
The knight really wanted to inspect this exciting discovery closer and searched for something to stand on. Soon, he found a piece of rotten wood and pulled it right under the two curious objects. Once he stepped on that, he could finally get his hands on the two sacs and started to examine them in earnest.
Quintus noticed a little shadow flying around his head but was so focused on his task that he ignored anything around him. And once he started to suck at one of the nubs and the delicious fluid filled his hungry mouth, nothing else mattered.
"Hey!!!" screamed Tao from above, " Stop that and get me out of here for once!"
The little fae was watching the paladin, cackling amused.
"What's so funny, little buzzer? Better help me out of here!"
"Oh I don't know," giggled the busty pixie, "I think I'll just watch for a bit."
(by Spiral)
With his ears still partially blocked by the wax and the delicious nectar coming from the fruits, Quintus didn’t hear the busty wizard. His gauntlet covered fingers dug deep into the strange wondrous melons. His hunger called for more and more. Almost greedily, he crushed the sacks together and suckled at the nubs.
Tao cried out. The pain grew, sharp, tearing waves. “Hey leave off! You fool let go of tits!”
The pixie fluttered in a circle around the paladin. Her huge breasts still a new experience, she nearly crashed into the knight in her attempt to get the best view. Even with that, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Wizard! He is suckling at your teats like a new born calf!”
“Buzzer, you didn’t like it when Warr was slurping you this way! Now stop playing and help me!”
The beautiful fey woman, scrunched up her little face. She could easily remember how it felt to be gobbled on by the infernal. She would still be in that cruel bastard’s clutches if it weren’t for the wizard. “How?”
“I don’t know, jinx him or something!” Tao’s voice rose to a screech.
“His armor is enchanted.” Her wings tinkled as she flew back up to the trapped wizard. The poor woman was still curled back on herself. Worst yet was how her breasts were stretched down toward the feeding knight. “My magic couldn’t touch him.”
“Please, please! It feels like he’s trying to rip my melons off!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll see what I can do.” With her huge breasts jiggling, the little fey flitted around the paladin. She hoped to find a chink in his armor or something. But the further down his body she circled, the lower her hope sank. Until. She spotted the half rotted log. Snapping her fingers, she grinned. “Perfect!”
With a small amount of power, she caused the log to rot at an astounding rate. In seconds, the wood began to crumble to dust. Quintus was still so obsessed with his meal, that he didn’t notice his makeshift stand had given up on him. When his feet suddenly dropped out from under him, his battle trained instincts kicked in. His gauntlets crushed into Tao’s teats as he clung to them to keep from falling.
Tao screamed. It felt like her breasts were going to be torn off. So much weight! She just knew her boobs were going to be destroyed. “Gods! Oh please gods!”
Whether the fickle gods listened to her plea or not, the ropes of the net couldn’t hold the weight of Tao and the paladin at the same time. They came crashing down in a tangled heap. Quintus lay prone, his hands still clutching the soft bags. Tao struggled in the net. This drew Quintus’ attention. For a heartbeat he was struck dumb, locking eyes with the pretty mage. Getting his thoughts back together, he started to apologize. Then he noticed she was completely naked!
“Succubus! Get back you foul demon!” The paladin tightened his grip on her melons and heaved her off bodily.
Stuck in the net, Tao could only crash painfully onto her abused teats. She let out a roaring series of curses. Staring daggers at the armored knight, she screamed, “I’m not a succubus! Now get me out of this blighted net!”
For once, Quintus was grateful that the wax was still clogging his ears. The sexy... er... vile temptress had already gave him a brush with her magic. His cod piece felt decidedly tight. Quick from all his training, he snatched up his spear. “I am Paladin Quintus of the Straight Path. My god Jurasha protects me from your spell of lust!”
Pressing the tip of his spear against Tao’s right breast, he lowers his voice. “I have captured you demon and I will bring you before the Grand Marshal for judgment.”
“She looks nothing like a succubus.” The little fey woman laughed as she fluttered over the knight’s head. “She doesn’t have wings or horns. And she’s not even blue!”
Quintus spun on his heel. Spear raised to strike. “What was that? I thought I heard someone speaking behind me.”
The pixie dove toward the prone wizard. “What is wrong with him? Is he deaf?”
Tao frowned at the paladin. She couldn’t understand it either. His voice and maners were not that of someone who’d lost their hearing. Then she glanced at the helmet laying on the ground. “Ah buzzer, he’s got wax in his ears!”
“Why would he have that?”
Quintus spun around again. “Succubus are you trying to befuddle me by casting your voice.”
Tao shook her head. She shouted at the top of her lungs. “I’m not a succubus!”
Confident that she was trapped, the knight planted the butt of his spear in the soft loam of the forest. “Try to deceive me all you want. But my armor is enchanted and won’t let your lust magic take hold.”
The pixie fluttered next to the man’s cod piece. Snickering, she turned to Tao. “I think he is trying to fool himself. ‘Your lust magic’ looks like it’s working just fine.”
“Buzzer please! I can’t get out of this rope and I don’t want to find out what this grand marshal of his is going to do to me.”
Hands on her tiny hips, the little woman glared at the wizard. “And what are you wanting me to do?”
“I don’t know! Clear the wax from his ears, maybe.”
Before the fey woman could make the attempt, Quintus rammed the butt of his spear into Tao’s right breast. “Quiet demon.” He reached into his pack and pulled out several items. Tao began to buck and shout at the sight of them. A long, thin coil of rope, a gleaming set of shackles, and a knotted length cloth. She didn’t know exactly what they were for, but she knew they meant nothing good for her.
The paladin reached out lightning fast and clutched her battered right breast. “If you continue to struggle demon, this will hurt all the more.” He shoved the knotted cloth into her mouth and tied the ends behind her head. Though she tried to push it out with her tongue she couldn’t budge it.
Her eyes grew wide when the paladin skillfully, turned first one and then the other end of the rope into a matching pair of nooses. Someone else might fear they were for her neck. Tao knew differently. She wanted to kick and scream, but the net left her completely helpless. Methodical, almost practiced, the knight had the nooses synched tight around the bases of the wizards huge breasts.
As if in after thought, he slapped the shackles around her wrists, locking her already trapped arms behind her back. “Now once I cut you loose from this net, I’ll be able to keep you in line as we make our way to the castle.”
Yes, cut me loose! That will be my chance! Tao reasoned. To prepare, she relaxed all her muscles, barely breathing in her eagerness to try to escape. The paladin knelt next to her back and began to cut away the net with his belt knife. As soon as her legs were free, Tao kicked back, knocking the knight over onto his rear. She had to kick her legs and use all her stomach muscles to roll into a keeling position.
As soon as she jumped to her feet, something bit painfully into the bases of her teats and jerked her backward. Tao glared at breast noose the paladin clutched in his hand. He sneered at her. “Nice try succubus.” Climbing to his full height, he gave her “lead” a hard tug. The nooses bit deeper into her melons.
(by qexiqex)
Tao sighed deeply and trotted forward. Naked as she was, her precious clothes missing and hands cuffed behind her back, she frantically thought of ways to get out of this mess again. The little fairy fluttered a bit behind, audibly amused by her perils.
Her right breast suddenly got jerked upward, a clear sign that the knight wanted to turn her that way. Tao winced as pain spread through her ballooning melon but reluctantly followed the order. They walked through the dense forest, with Quintus watching her every move suspiciously. Tao felt terribly exposed without her robe and longed to get her dearly missed belongings back, but with her hands tied and unable to use her magic, she had no idea how to escape.
Qunitus chased her through the forest, her boobs getting pulled this way and that, and whenever she dared to slow down, he poked her naked bum with his long spear.
Her feet already hurt from all the walking, her boobs were sore from all the pulling and jerking, and even the fae's giggles had long stopped, when suddenly both of her swollen titballs got cruelly pulled upward and she heard Quintus groan,
"Let's take a rest here, succubus. And don't you dare to seduce me!"
Tao wanted to counter that she in fact wasn't a succubus and even if that were the case, she wouldn't try to seduce him in a million years, but remembering that the man couldn't hear a word, she just swallowed her pride and slumped down on a tree trunk.
Quintus carefully looped the leash around a short but sturdy piece of wood and started to work on his ears again. His eyes suddenly lit up and he yelled triumphantly, "Finally!"
"Oh thank goodness!" sighed Tao, "He can hear again! Hey Mister Knight! I am NOT a succubus! Now get me out of this mess, please!"
"Oh are you not? But why are you naked then, you evil creature?"
"I lost my clothes, duh!"
"And what are you then, pray tell?"
"I am a mage! An apprentice at the school of AIIIEEEEE!!!"
Quintus watched confused as Tao suddenly flew upward, lifted into the sky by her massive breasts. He had not much time to contemplate on what he was seeing though as the ground around him started to quake and rumble.
"Ooooooommmmpppphhhh" a booming voice rumbled through the forest, "My head! Why is everyone always walking over me!"
The giant wood golem stretched it's cracking limbs and shook its massive head, causing poor Tao to swing wildly around, only held by the thin leash biting into her terribly swollen mammaries. Her frail body was hanging from what now looked like a stubby horn on the giant's forehead, bouncing against the splintery wood of the beast's big mouth. The tight rope was choking her boobs so hard that milk was spraying from her nipples and wetting the dry lips of the monster.
"Mmmmmhhhh," the golem boomed, "What is this yummy thing quenching my insatiable thirst?"
Tao could only squeak in panic as the giant's fingers wrapped around her naked body and pulled her down, straining the thin rope hard and causing the already tight nooses to further shrink around the bases of her bloated breasts.
"Ngggg….Let me go!" screamed Tao, frantically trying to ignore the blinding pain in her boobs.
"Ho-ho-ho, what a cute little thing! And so tasty!"
The splintery tongue slithered over her skin and licked copious amounts of milk from her ball-like globes. Then the giant pulled her down even harder.
"Keya's grace! Stop it!" Tao wailed, afraid that the beast would finally rip her apart. The thin leash stretched and creaked making her big breasts bounce and jiggle as the loops got ever tighter, but the cursed rope held fast. The golem beamed at his new toy and wrapped its rough, wooden lips around Tao's hurting, swollen melons to get more of the tasty white fluid.
The poor mage cursed in pain but was unable to stop the beast from nursing.
"How does it feel?" Tao heard the fairy ask, "Similar to what I had to experience at the hands of that terrible infernal, I guess?"
"Instead of buzzing around with no use whatsoever, maybe you could help me get away from this wooden jerk?"
"But how?"
"I don't know! But this beast is going to suck me dry and then some! And I can't even cast a spell with my bound hands!"
"I see. Well, maybe old Quintus can help us with that!"
(by Spiral)
As the golem pulled harder and harder at her tits, Tao started to feel the blunt edge of his teeth scraping her engorged nipples. She knew at this rate her breasts would soon be trapped between those dangerous blades. And once her milk ran out, a shudder ran through her body. Desperate, she swung her legs forward. Her bare feet scraped against the rough wood of the golem’s chin. Fortunately, that gave her more than enough purchase to try to push herself free.
“Yes!” She cheered as her breasts began to slip back out of the beast’s mouth.
The golem made a growling noise and redoubled his efforts to suck her teats off. His flat wooden teeth came crashing down on the tied bases of her breasts. Tao screamed in terror. She just knew the monster was about to snap his jaws shut and guillotine her beautiful melons. But something, maybe the milk or maybe one of the gods too pitty on her, and the golem only continued to suck as it had been before.
The pixie heard the wizard cry out and having experienced a similar predicament with the infernal, she flew with all her speed to get the paladin. Her wings tinkled like little bells as she came to a stop before the fallen knight. He looked a bit like a turtle on his back as he try to reclaim his feet after the golem’s sudden appearance. The little fay woman only gave one laugh before she remembered the wizard’s plight. “Hey, you great ox, get up and save my friend! It’s your fault she’s in this mess!”
The paladin froze in place. “Did someone just say something to me?” With a giant heave, he forced himself into a sitting position. Brow narrowed, he cast about for the speaker. “Huh, I could have swore I heard someone talking to me.”
The pixie clapped her wings hard. “Ah, I’m still hidden by the veil. I forgot human’s can’t see me without help.” She looked back to where Tao hung from the mouth of the golem, her small feet pressing against its chin. “I’ve got to do something!” Scrunching up her face, the tiny woman darted to land on the Quintus’s shoulder. She gave the enchanted armor a stomp and shouted at the top of her lungs. “Hey you Lunker! Save me friend!”
Quintus snapped his head to the side. “There it is again. Someone is talking to me, I could swear it.” He clasped his hands in front of him and closed his eyes in prayer. The little fay woman’s fluttered back when she began to feel a force wrapping around her.
It moved too quickly for her to react, suddenly there was a pull and her veil dropped away. It oddly left her both tired and feeling vulnerable. “Planting her fists on her naked hips, she said, “Hey, what’s the big idea here!”
“Ah! A fairy!” Quintus leaned forward. “What are you doing here little belle?”
Her cheeks flushed from his obvious appreciation of her looks. Unconsciously, she straightened her shoulder, jutting her fat melons out. Quintus clapped a hand to his mouth. “Oh, you poor creature. Has that succubus bespelled you to have such massive paps?”
Speaking of the wizard reminded the pixie of her task. “She’s not a succubus, you fool! She doesn’t have horns or wings nor is her skin blue!” She gave herself a shake. “Doesn’t matter right now! You have to save her from the golem before it decides to start eating instead of sucking!”
Quintus turned to where she pointed. A wooden creature, at least 12 feet tall, stood happily suckling at the woman’s teats, like a child with a sweet candy. He frowned at the scene and glanced back at the little fay woman. “Are you certain that she is not a succubus, for she has surely seduced that living statue?”
The pixie vibrated in place, her large breasts jiggling tantalizingly. “Arg! She’s not! And it doesn’t matter! Just do something!”
Jaw firming, the knight nodded. “It is my duty to protect.” He climbed to his feet. Drawing his sword, he let out a war cry and charged the golem.
The beast seemed completely enraptured with his meal. The armored man, clanking, neared the creature at speed. His heavy blade came clashing down, the steel flashing in the setting sun. It sank deep into the wooden flesh, a spurt of sap flying from the wound. His lips peeled back in a fierce grin. First blood!
The golem made a strange noise deep in its throat. Lips clamped even tighter on Tao’s teats, it cocked its head to the side. Mumbling around it’s mouthful, it asked, “What is this? Why do you strike me?”
Sword held high, the knight turned his fierce gaze on the golem. “Unhand her at once, you begotten shrub!”
“Unhand her?” It mumbled again.
Tao had thought the sucking was bad, but this was far worse. It felt like her melons were being ground between two massive logs. She began to renew her kicking, for no other reason than to let out her rage. “Let go of my boobs, you hunk of rotting wood!”
The golem suddenly reached up and plucked the busty mage from its mouth. “What did you call me?” The glow in its eyes turned ruddy, red like dying embers. “I am the guardian of this forest! I have nurtured these trees for over two centuries and you would show me such disrespect!”
His grip tightened, one bark covered finger slipping over Tao’s fat teats, another under. As he squeezed, her poor breasts were crushed as if in a vice. With almost a casual wave, he swatted Quintus back half a dozen feet.
(Your turn!)