Disclaimer: This story is of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in kinky writings, please turn away now.
This chain story was written on qexiqex’ Discord. Contributors were users Spiral and qexiqex.
This project is still ongoing. If you want to contribute, contact me e.g. through DeviantArt or Literotica (please provide an email address so I can reply) to get an invite to the Discord.
The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.
Gigi, a gullible, big breasted girl (with double G-Cups, just like her name implies ) is helping out photographer Mr Ted Titly who owns the photography shop Titly’s Titillating Treasures, during pandemics lock down. She’s bored to tears in her little campus dorm, almost everyone else has left, she has no job anymore and money is running low.
On social media she gets a ‘call for help’ from Ted who is desperately looking for a model to do the only request he has on the table right now, an extensive (and exclusive) shoot for the launch of a new online fetish/pranks store. They have commissioned pictures as well as videos featuring some of their products and are on a tight schedule. The photographer offers ‘some compensation’ once the client is paying and is absolutely desperate because he is running out of money and would have to declare bankruptcy soon if this project is not a success. Gigi feels with him and agrees to model, a bit self-conscious about her top-heavy and not so glamorous body but is in good spirits and glad to have something to do.
The customer, ‘Sexy Pranks and More’ ordered some ‘funny’ adverts targeted for adult sites on the net, videos were she’s getting x-rated ‘pranked’ (maybe even for real so the shoot looks more believable) and showcases their products like the ‘mask bra’ (made from facemasks), ‘painted-on’ or ‘disintegrating’ underwear, ‘joke’ nipple clamps and other stuff. They have products to ‘electrocute’ friends and lovers, sex toys and other fun stuff for curious couples including breast stocks, a cupboard where the girl can ‘hide’ and wait for her lover (with her breasts out in the open) and so on.
For pranks that need a helping hand, Ted’s nephew Ron (who is roughly the same age as Gigi) is happy to help out. He’s intrigued by Gigi’s massive melons and just loves to make them jump and jiggle but he’s a bit shy at first. Everything that gets her tits in trouble is a fun distraction for Ron and something he thoroughly enjoys. He also enjoys perving on her and might make a move on Gigi at some point and Gigi might — or might not — start to date him.
Almost everything imaginable is on offer by SP&M and needs to be showcased by unsuspecting Gigi. Contribute to make her adventure an interesting one!
(by qexiqex)
“Thank you so much, Gigi, you’re a lifesaver. I was afraid that the adult nature of the project would scare away candidates, so you can imagine how relieved I was when you told me you have no issues with that. Now that the paperwork is done, let’s talk schedule. How’s your availability?”
“I’m wide open, the campus is closed and the little bit I can do online I can do whenever and wherever I want,” explained Gigi, her voice slightly muffled by the mask she was wearing, “I’m happy to have a job again and can’t wait to get started. My life is boring as hell right now so I’m always looking for a fun distraction.”
“Fantastic. So then let’s get started tomorrow morning at 9. I have to prepare some things and check the scripts again. As I already explained, there’s some really weird stuff in there, so stay open-minded and just play along. Like we agreed, compensation will be plenty but unfortunately only after the project has been completed successfully and the customer has paid up. I’m… a bit stretched moneywise.”
“Who isn’t in these times? So tomorrow 9am here?”
“Oh no, not here. SP&M has rented a beautiful place for the shoot. Everything we’ll need is already there and more or less set up. It’s out in the woods, there’s a beautiful lake and lots of scenery. Unfortunately it’s, well, out in the woods, so maybe a three hour drive from here.”
“Three hours? Wow, is the commute compensated?”
“No, but you can live there for the duration of the project if you don’t mind. Would save cost and it’s really spectacular there. My nephew and I will stay as well. There are plenty of rooms and you’ll have all the privacy you’ll need. Why don’t you bring your stuff and check it out tomorrow? You can always return home if you don’t like it there, right?”
“That’s a good point. Ugh, will be an early start then. Listen, my car broke down and I really don’t have the cash to get it fixed right now, so could you give me a ride? I’ll be here at 5:30am latest.”
“I would love to but that won’t work. Ron and I are leaving in an hour. We have some prep work to do.”
“Damn. But what if I’m here in an hour?”
“Then of course you can drive with us. But please be on time.”
“Absolutely. And you will drive me home if I don’t like it there, right?”
“Of course. And don’t forget your masks, everyone will be wearing one as we will most likely get quite close to each other. Have to comply with regulations, right?”
“Right. See you in a bit, just need to pack some stuff and will be back in a jiffy.”
Gigi was thrilled. Finally something interesting was happening! It was a pity she had to leave so early as she just completed her weekly laundry and most of her clothes were still soaking wet. But she was determined to return tomorrow or the day after anyway, so light luggage and a few essentials would be all she needed.
An hour later, Gigi sat in the cramped car packed full of stuff, Ted and his nephew in front, she in the back, squeezed between all kinds of equipment. Her small backpack contained all of her belongings, her bathroom essentials , a change of clothes that was a bit on the warmer side in case it got chilly out there, her laptop, a charger and her phone. She hoped the shirt she wore was fancy enough for the shoot and that her favorite and relatively old bra that she wore would be acceptable for the more racy pictures, at least Ron seemed to like her outfit, judging from the creepy stares he gave her through the mirror.
It was hard to find good bras in her size and all of them except for the one she had on were still dripping wet when she had to leave. But one would be plenty for a day and tomorrow she would return home to pack everything she needed once she knew how that place looked like.
“Oh my god, this is beautiful!” beamed Gigi as they drove up to the secluded mansion, “It was definitely worth the ride!”
“As I said! Just imagine the pictures and videos shot in this dazzling sunlight! Now feel free to scout out the place, your room is on the top floor, the one with that little balcony over there.”
“Great! Keys?”
“Oh, there are none. Just a digital lock at the entrance. The code is 6615.”
“No key?”
“It’s only us here and I’ll lock the main door every night. Ron and I will leave you alone, promise. You can have dinner with us at 10pm if you so wish. Ron? Help me in the studio, please. We’ll need to prep for the first shoot! Gigi, see you later!”
The house was incredible, everything had such a fine taste and was so clean! The bed in her little room was incredibly comfy, there were plenty of power sockets, a large TV, a little fridge that was fully stocked, even a separate bathroom. Just the missing key bothered her a bit. Gigi unpacked her little backpack and started to explore the house and its surroundings.
The dinner was quick and uneventful, and soon Gigi was snoring, dreaming of beautiful, naughty pictures and exciting adventures. She had been so beat after the dinner that she more or less collapsed on her bed, too tired to even remove her bra.
It was the pounding on her door that woke her on the next day.
“Gigi? Are you awake? We should get started while the light is still good. Please come down as soon as you can!”
Everything hurt and Gigi cursed herself for being so careless. The bra had poked her chest terribly overnight and looked pretty much done for, bent out of shape by her rough sleep pattern. She sighed, told Ted she would come down in a minute and brushed her teeth.
With the bra destroyed and no spare at hand, her only option was to go without, letting her big breasts bounce around beneath her shirt. Gigi thought it wasn’t worth bothering too much, considering the type of work she would be doing. Grabbing a quick bite on her way out, the young woman soon found herself standing on the porch where a number of boards had been removed from the floor. She looked at the masked-up guys and, remembering their agreement, pulled up her own as well.
“So our first shot is about these,” explained Ted and handed her an odd, breast-shaped rubber object.
“It’s a door stop and SP&M wants us to make a quick advert about it. Your breasts will have to double as one of these. The story of the ad is that guys needing a door stop won’t need to convince their girls anymore to pose as one. Stupid, I know, but that’s right on point for their brand and their target audience.”
“Huh? My boobs posing as… how the hell will that… Ah, forget it. So what do you need me to do?”
“Just lie down into this gap. We’ve prepared the boards already so this won’t take too long. The sun’s good for only about an hour anyway. Ron? Can you bring some blankets and cushions?”
It wasn’t uncomfortable in there, just very odd. Ted and Ron helped her to get enough cushions under her back that her chest was perfectly aligned with the other boards of the floor. Ted was already setting up his cameras when he said, “Time to get that shirt off, Gigi. As said, this is a job for those breasts of yours. Ron, don’t stare, OK? Gigi needs to trust us for this project to be a success, so no perving! Go get the boards so we can get started.”
Gigi felt quite self-conscious as she pulled the shirt over her head, which made her big tits slap against her ribcage. But she had not much time to feel embarrassed, as both men were already putting the two missing boards in place.
“Careful! I’ll push them down now, let me know if it’s too tight and we’ll remove some of the cushions.”
Gigi watched concerned as the boards closed the gap and it got dark around her. The rough wood pressed against her sensitive breasts and pushed them firmly against her body. Two holes had been carved into the wood which were sitting right above her nipples but they were too small to offer any relief for her.
“Are you doing fine in there? We’ll start pulling your breasts through the holes now. Just tell us if it’s too much and we’ll take a break.”
Gigi shivered as her hard nipples got pinched and slowly pulled through the openings. Ted and Ron soon figured out that this wasn’t an easy job and started to tear at them in earnest.
“Ouch! That hurts!” squeaked Gigi as Ron pulled particularly hard, “I don’t think this works!”
“But we got plenty of tit through already, I think?” mused Ron, lightly patting a bit of her breast.
“No way there’s plenty of boob still on my side and with me lying on my back there’s no way you’ll ever get my whole thing through.”
“Huh, alright then. What do you suggest?” asked Ted, “And better be quick, time is running out!”
“I’m no boob engineer, but if I learned anything in physics, we’ll need to push my tits into a proper form so they can’t escape. Do you have some rope or something? If we bind them around the base, maybe that works?”
“Alright, let’s try that. But I think tensor bandages might work better even to squeeze them in shape, would you agree?”
“Worth a try. Do you have some?”
They removed the boards and Gigi got out again. She bent down so her big breasts dangled enticingly in front of her while Ted, under Ron’s lustful stares, wrapped tensor bandages as tightly around them as possible. Soon, Gigi was lying in the gap again, now with two white stalks rising from her chest and bloated red balls topping them. Following Gigi’s suggestion, Ron covered both in lube before they tried to push the boards down again.
This time it worked like a charm. With a bit of squeezing and lots of help by Gigi, the odd objects popped through the small holes. There was still space to spare between the tightly bound and incredibly painful breast stalks, so Ted could easily confirm that even the last ounce of precious titflesh had made it through.
“O…Okay, that.. uh… kinda worked, right?” huffed Gigi, “Can you please remove the bandages? My boobs are killing me!”
“No problem!” smirked Ron and grabbed one of the loose ends. Ted followed suit and grabbed the end of the band around the second tit. With a mighty tug, both ripped the white cloth away, sending her bound breasts spiralling in circles and smacking against each other all the while Gigi was yelling frantically, more because of the awkward feelings her breasts caused than from pain.
Once the bandage was gone, her mighty tits stood proud on the board just like the much smaller rubber doorstop.
“Looks great! But the board is not completely flush yet, so I’ll need to nail it down. Don’t freak out, OK? You’ll be out soon enough.”
Gigi heard — and felt — the hammering and wondered what the hell she had agreed to. She had to admit that the experience was quite unique so far but it was way weirder than she had ever imagined.
“Alright almost done!” she heard Ted announce, “Now let’…. Oh shit! The door’s wrong!”
“The door’s wrong? What do you mean?”
“It’s open! The door stop…. your breasts… are on the wrong side! Ron, help me here, let’s unhinge that thing and get it on the proper side.”
Gigi heard some rustling. A bit later Ron suddenly groaned “It’s too heavy, Ted!” and pain shot through Gigi’s body.
“What the fuck?” the trapped girl screamed, not knowing that the heavy door was now sitting squarely on top of her swollen tits.
“Ugh, sorry Gigi, my fault!” stammered Ron as he tried to get hold of the door again just to let it slip once more, mashing Gigi’s beautiful balls into the floor.
“Oh god, be careful, please?” wailed the hidden girl, afraid that her tits had been injured by the accident.
“Sorry Gigi!” apologized Ted, “Won’t happen again. The door is in and we’re finally ready to shoot. Now Ron, once I’ll give you the signal, you’ll bust the door open so it would smack into the wall. Gigi’s boobs will do their job and hold it back, demonstrating their effectiveness. Alright?”
Ted got behind the camera and gave the go. Gigi had heard everything and braced for impact. But the shock of the door slamming against her tender flesh still took her breath away.
“That’s great, another one! Go!”
They repeated the scene several times until Ted declared the take good enough. Gigi was breathing frantically, her breasts in shambles.
“Now put your foot on her tit and slowly push it down. Yes, that’s the way. Now stomp a little to show off how flexible they are. Great!”
Gigi could barely hold back, the pain was getting worse and worse and Ron was clearly enjoying this way too much.
“Are we… are we done?” she inquired, “This is a bit dif… Oh fuck, my tits hurt!”
“Sure, just one more go. Ron, slam the door open real hard, OK?”
Gigi screamed in pain as the heavy wood smacked against her pillows.
“Alright, great job, girl. I’ll remove the nails and then film you when you get out.”
Soon, Gigi was standing on the porch, Ron and Ted congratulating her for the great performance.
“Spectacular job, Gigi. Your tits are made for this project! SP&M will be thrilled when they see the footage!”
“Thanks, glad you think my first shoot was good, but I didn’t really do much, did I!”
“You took it like a champ and didn’t complain when Ron slammed that door against your tits, that was much more than many would be able to take!”
“Thanks. My pleasure… Well, not pleasure but … It’s part of the job, right? So can you help me get out of these again?” said Gigi, pointing at the boards that were still stuck around her breasts.
“Oh, sure. Let’s get you out of this. Damn girl, you’re stuck for good!”
“Tell me about it. Can’t you just, I don’t know, cut me out?”
“Too dangerous. Don’t want to injure you. I think pulling you out is safer.”
Ted and Ron grabbed one plank and tried to work it free.
“Ouch! No, this won’t do it guys. Any idea?”
“I have one,” offered Ron with a smirk on his face, “We’ll lube you up real good and then put the boards on that frame over there!”
Gigi looked into the direction he was pointing at. Thick metal pipes were forming some sort of arches, two relatively close to each other, probably for gardening purposes.
“So… you want to hang me by my tits?”
“Yep! You’ll slip out of these holes right away!”
Gigi thought about it. The idea sounded terribly painful, but she had no better plan either. It also sounded like it could actually work.
“Alright then, let’s do that!”
A few moments later, Gigi was dangling in the air, squeaking like a piglet, her tits forced upward by the boards. Ron was sitting atop of the boards and coating her stuck and swollen breasts with lube. The young man was visibly enjoying his new task and was pushing his oily hands into the large, jiggling pillows to help them through the tiny openings.
“My goodness, this hurts!” squealed Gigi as she swung back and forth, suspended by her sore melons. She tried to grab one of the pipes when suddenly things began to move and her breasts plopped out of the boards. Stumbling on her feet, the groaning young woman massaged her tender breasts and said, ‘OK guys, this is it for today. I need some rest.”
“But we’re not done yet!” complained Ron, sad that his play toys are gone, “We have another shoot lined up for today!”
“He’s right, Gigi. We’ve prepared everything already and according to schedule we have two more ads for today. I’ll give you 30min, OK?”
“Is it with boobs again? Because they hurt lots, you know?”
“You’ll see soon enough. Now relax a bit. Meet us at the studio when you’re ready.”
“Alright! Oh, can you drive me back home tonight? I need some more clothes.”
“Sorry Gigi, the car broke. It’ll be fixed in a few days.”
“Not yours as well? Dammit. OK, see you in a bit then.”
“See you, Gigi. And good job!”
(by Spiral)
“Whoa, uncle Ted, this contract is messed up!” Ron shook the contract at his uncle.
“I know, but the client has always paid ridiculously well for “extreme” shoots, this isn’t the worst, though it is dark.” Ted continued to set out the materials for the next set of the day.
“But she’s so sexy, I’m worried for her beautiful tits!” Ron frowned.
“Well, considering the advance the client just paid for the first set we’ve done, we might be able to make them happy enough that we can change their mind about the last set.”
Ron went back to helping set up for the set and asked, “And what if they don’t change their mind?”
Ted’s face went into a dark, scared look. “We’ll do what we have to do.” With a shake of his head, he went on. “Let’s not dwell on it, just enjoy getting to play with Gigi’s magnificent tits.”
“You’re right,” Ron laid out the last piece of the set. “I’ll go get our star now”
He found the sexy young woman sitting in the lush living room slowly massaging her fat melons. Just watching her squeeze and lift the beautiful orbs made his pants become unbelievably tight. The way the flesh bulged and slipped between her palms. Drool pooled at the corner of his mouth. Only a bit of luck kept him from making a fool of himself in front of the sexy girl. Swallowing back his saliva, and adjusting his package so he could walk halfway normal. “Um, Gigi, uncle is ready for you.”
“Okay, I guess my girls aren’t hurting any more.” She smiled beautifully up at him.
It took all his strength not to just ogle her fat tits. Swallowing the pooling drool down again, he said, “Yes, um, that’s great. Then, um, let’s head up.”
When they arrived at the room, uncle Ted clapped his hands. “Great, let’s get started. Here Gigi, put this lingerie on.”
She held the panty and bra set up. It looked a little odd, but nothing too strange. With a shrug, she slipped on the panties and then wiggled her girls into the odd cups of the bra. “Well, it is weird, and does look kinda funny, almost like I’m wearing breast socks, this is one of the most comfortable bras I’ve ever worn.” Feeling really sexy, she began to do little poses from side to side without realizing it.
“Yes, just keep posing like that. I’m going to get some shots.” Ted pulled out his camera and snapped a half dozen pics in seconds. Waving to Ron, he says, “Take the remote and hold it out in front of Gigi.”
“Remote?” Gigi stops posing to ask.
“Yeah, the lingerie has some special features controlled by a remote. Anyway, when Ron points the remote at you, I want you to give it a worried/scared look.”
“Ah, okay,” Gigi followed his orders.
“Perfect! I’ll take some shots of this and then Ron, when I give you the signal, start the remote.” Again, Ted took several shots in seconds. Pointing to Ron, his lips curled up wickedly. Camera aimed at Gigi and her pillows.
At first the busty girl didn’t feel anything. Then slowly, she felt the cloth moving. The cups engulfing her paps began to vibrate a little against her nipples. The panties not only began to vibrate, but it felt almost like a front wedgie was starting. It’s small pulses feeling a little too good. Gigi smiled, “Oh, this is kinda nice.”
“Wait for it…” Ted smirked.
Suddenly, a small electric shock zapped her nipples making her shout out in shock. Another zap came from the panties and she actually jumped as the arc danced across her clit. “What the hell!”
“Yes, that’s perfect, keep going!” Ted cheered as he continued to take pictures.
Gigi didn’t have a chance to ask anything before the bra began to move. The bands at the bases of the cups grew tighter, and the semi-sheer material of the cups turned almost transparent. She could see her fat melons begin to redden and swell from the constriction. Then to top it off, the lingerie set gave her another, stronger jolt. “What is going on!”
(by qexiqex)
“No need to worry Gigi. It’s supposed to do that. Just relax and smile for the camera. Yeah, that’s the way!”
Gigi desperately tried to stay professional and do her part, but that bra from hell just kept shocking her tits and made those globes jump around like freaking bouncing balls! Another jolt hit her melons and made her almost faint.
“Uhm, Uncle? I think there’s a part missing still. Her panties aren’t activated yet, are they?”
“Good catch, Ron. Let’s see… ah, you just need to pull that string really quickly and then push the fabric hard against her skin. Can you do that? I’ll record everything so we have some good material later.”
“Alright, I’m on it!”
Gigi blinked her tears away, preparing for another electrical buzz as Ron approached her. His trembling hands searched for something right between her legs, only inches away from her recently zapped clit.
“Found it!” the young man declared proudly as he ripped the string downward with might. Part of the skimpy lingerie suddenly disintegrated, a thin layer of foil sailing downwards and Gigi’s crotch got very, very hot. Her sensitive mound was on fire and the poor girl could only wail in pain, once again puzzled about what was happening to her.
“Press it on her, fast!” she heard Ted bark and Ron followed suit. His strong fingers pushed the now gooey material into every nook and cranny down there, particularly over her soft, well-groomed little patch of fur, while the young model danced around awkwardly in the hope to relieve at least some of the pain. Another jolt zapped her bouncing tits and made her scream, leading to some spectacular pictures that would later be used by their client to advertise their new online shop.
“Just give it a few more moments, Gigi. You’re doing great! Your breasts look fantastic in that thing! Uh-oh, I think the bra is gearing up! Watch out!”
With a sudden bang, the front of the strange lingerie snapped off and Gigi’s choked breasts exploded forward, the two, red-hued, massive balls jiggling enticingly as their owner squealed surprised. Gigi’s hands shot up in a bid to cover at least some of her wares for decency’s sake but the two men had different plans.
“Do what I told you!” shouted Ted, his eyes glued to the dancing funbags in front of him, and Ron immediately got to work.
“I’m sorry,” the young man apologized as he snapped a pair of fluffy handcuffs around her wrists, immobilizing her arms behind her back so her tits stayed uncovered.
Between the terribly tight squeeze around her jugs, the incredible heat right on her pussy and the awkwardly bound hands, Gigi did not know how to react to what happened to her.
“Give me that beaming smile, girl, please!” she heard the photographer demand and somehow, despite all the terrible sensations, that’s what she did.
Until Ron ripped away the now hardened brazilian waxing strip from her groin.
“Aiiiieee!” squealed the bound girl as the few hairs down there were forcibly removed. She had never dared to try this procedure before and was rather shocked by the sudden pain. A curious finger explored her reddened, now bare skin down there.
“Your pussy looks so cute!” Ron beamed as he massaged her hurting sex eagerly, “It’s almost like it wants me to stick something inside that tiny little hole of yours!”
Gigi gasped as she felt a finger slip inside, slowly pushing deeper into her all the while it made tiny circles, stimulating her excited body even further. Gigi was moaning, juices flooding her needy sex. Despite the embarrassment, despite knowing that those cameras captured everything for eternity, Gigi enjoyed the teasing finger that played with her inflamed pussy so expertly and she wondered if she should approach Ron for some more in-depth action later on. He surely seemed to be willing to provide some sweet distraction! But before she could even finish that thought, she heard barking Ted his next order.
“Stop fooling around, Ron! Here, use that on her while I put it on her boobs! This should cool her down!”
The finger left her yearning slit but didn’t take long to come back, now coated with deliciously cool grease. At the same time she felt Ted’s strong hands on her bloated, awfully constricted orbs, massaging the very same cream into her hurting breasts. The cream was great! It soothed her exposed sexy bits, washed away the pain and just felt phenomenal! It seemed to numb her nerve endings a bit and converted all those nasty, painful sensations into a pleasurable buzz instead.
“Great, man this chick is so hot!” beamed Ted, “This one is almost done. Get the sparkling wine so we can have a toast!”
Gigi looked at him quizzically, her hands still bound and her now relatively calm breasts still compressed awfully tight at their bases.
“Sorry, can’t find the keys,” Ron apologized as she held a flute full of champagne to her lips. Gigi was a bit suspicious first, as she was very aware of Ted’s expectant stares, but still took a sip.
“This one is the best I think,” laughed Ted as he watched Gigi’s reaction. The poor girl was suddenly shrieking again, struggling to get her hands free as both her previously numb tits and her very, very naked and grease-glistening cunt lit up and burned like never before.
“The cooling cream isn’t really cool anymore, is it?” chuckled Ted as Gigi freaked out in front of him, “What a little bit of alcohol can do to you, right? This will be a smashing hit at sorority parties!”
“Ohhhh, oh fuck!” squealed Gigi, grinding her burning tits into the wooden wall behind her, “Please help me?”
Ted made sure all the cameras captured the frantic model as he casually said, “The only thing that seems to work is to suck it off. Want us to try?”
Moments later, Gigi shoved her melons into their open mouths and pleaded with them to suck her tits real hard. The men complied, but that didn’t help with her hurting pussy one bit. Ron finally had mercy with her and pushed a thick dildo into her mouth until it was nice and wet, not leaving her delicious tits for a moment. Then he pushed the dripping stick deep into her naked sex and started to fuck her with it.
Gigi moaned excitedly as the pain slowly subsided and got replaced by very pleasurable and highly erotic sensations. The poor men had to keep up their sucking until their jaws were sore. When Gigi finally disengaged her tits, her eyes sparkled lustfully. She grabbed hold of Ron’s hand and whispered, “That was evil but thanks for helping me out. You made me all hot and horny though, so I’ll need a bit more of your time. And I need you to get naked for me.”
Ted chuckled behind them and said, “Have fun you two. And Ron, if you can try that other product on her while you’re at it, that would be great. I’ll leave the cameras on. See me outside once you’re done here, alright? And please keep that bra on her and try the max setting. Those pumpkins can take another hit or two. Get those bases down to what’s possible and show off how that improves those fleshbags, OK?”
Ron’s eyes were firmly glued to those wondrous, swaying melons as he tore off his clothes, “I will, Uncle,” He huffed, his hard cock popping out of his briefs, “I will!”
Gigi didn’t hear a word of all that. Her eyes and thoughts were busy with that enticing, hard pole now dancing in front of her. She couldn’t wait to feed her hungry, salivating pussy with it.”
(by Spiral)
So distracted by her arousal, Gigi didn’t see Ron point the remote at her. Lightning struck her sensitive clit. The jolt sent her soaring off the cliff of her climax! The twin bladed sword of pleasure and pain tore through her, slashing all thought. The orgasm blasted her mind until her surroundings were a distant haze. In this near blind state, she didn’t notice how tight the rings on her bra were getting.
Ron watched in awe as the large balloons swelled out from the writhing girl’s chest. Blue ripples and branches, her veins stood out against her reddened, taunt skin. As he stared, mesmerized, those tributaries pulsed fast and hard. He could almost swear he heard them pumping more blood into the bloated teats. Lub-dub, lub-dub, lubdub,lubdub! His cock seemed to throb in time with the beat. And he felt harder than he’d ever felt before. He just had to be inside her, NOW!
Carelessly, he tossed the remote over his shoulder, giving no thought to where or how it landed. Grabbing Gigi’s hips, he thrust into her warm center. She was tight and eager, her pussy clamping on his dick, pulling him deeper. In one smooth move he bottomed out. Gigi let out a soft cry, her hips twitching. Her orgasm nearly stole one from Ron. He knew he couldn’t last much longer, she was just too damn hot!
Blinded by lust, he began to pound into her over and over as fast as he could. The pleasure built, growing hotter and higher with each thrust. He wanted, no needed to make her cum again before he finished. Growling his desire, he drew himself almost all the way out and then slammed back inside.
The cry that Gigi let out, the way her center squeezed and spasmed, he could do nothing but spray his seed deep inside her. Panting for breath, the only thought in his head was, That was amazing! Then a shock struck Gigi’s clit. Though it didn’t directly hit him, Ron felt it and jumped back.
Gigi practically screamed as the jolt tore another orgasm painfully from her. Ron stood stunned. Now no longer buried in the bliss of her vagina, he noticed that the bra and panties were still going. And it was frightening! The rings had shrank down so deep into the poor girls huge breasts, that they almost vanished. The color! Her breasts were now a bright lavender, and slowly darkening further.
Gigi slowly came back to herself. She’d never felt so many orgasms in a row. She felt so drained that she barely could move. If not for the terrible throbbing in her breasts, she would have passed out already. With a momentous effort, she sat up and looked down at her chest. “What the fuck! MY BREASTS!” She reached up and lightly touched her melons. The pain had her scream out. “The bra is trying to garrote my tits! Get this damn thing off me!”
Ron finally shook himself from his stupor. “The remote!” Casting about, he hunted for the small device. There! Half wedged under the door. As he got near, another jolt hit Gigi’s clit. She didn’t want to, was so terrified, but the orgasm slammed into her so suddenly and hard, she fell breasts first to the floor. The impact was so painful for a second she thought her breasts had burst like overfilled balloons.
Ron luckily was able to get the remote out from under the door. As he picked it up, he saw that the button was stuck down. He glanced over at the busty girl writhing on the floor, gently cradling her swollen boobs. They were visibly swelling and the color was really starting to frighten him. “The button’s stuck, what do we do?”
“Get these damn things off me!”
(by qexiqex)
The young man fumbled with the remote and tried to get the button unstuck but to no avail. He kneeled down next to Gigi, his eyes glued to her unreasonably round and angry-purple boobs and sighed, “It’s broken. The button is jammed!”
“Then do something about it! Can’t you see that this thing is chopping my tits off?”
Ron examined the bloated melons closely, his fingers exploring her terribly swollen pillows and mused, “There’s barely anything left of that bra except for the wire. I would cut it with some pliers but I can’ reach the loops without hurting you. It’s barely visible anymore.”
“Can you get a finger under it and pull it up a bit?”
He traced around the base of her hurting breast and shook his head, “Not a chance. It’s way too tight.”
“Maybe if you remove the batteries?”
“Huh? Good thinking!”
Ron tore the remote open and yanked out the batteries, but there was not the slightest change.
“So what now? My tits really hurt and they don’t look healthy!”
“Yeah, I see that. I’ll have a look around, maybe I’ll find something. And you better massage those balls hard and get the blood flowing!”
“Uhm… my hands are still locked, you know? Did you find the key?”
“Oh, yeah…… that,” Ron was blushing furiously, “That was a joke. I have it, I just wanted to…”
Gigi groaned, “Sure, you just wanted to take advantage of me. Open, please?”
The cuffs unlocked. Gigi gasped as her hands started to lightly squeeze her bound, discolored breasts while Ron searched the room. The tortured girl wondered if he would find something helpful and whether she would ever get out of this mess again.
“Nothing so far. But maybe in this crate with bondage gear? One could only hope! Hmmm… what the hell is THAT?”
“Does it look helpful?”
“I don’t know. Maybe?”
“Show me!”
Ron dumped the large package next to Gigi and asked, “So what do you think?”
The box had a picture of a cow on it and promised ‘Fun With Breasts!’ but there was not much else on it. Gigi let her boobs rest a moment and tore the packet open.
“What the fuck?” Gigi exclaimed as she perused the contents, “You think this helps to get that wire off?”
“I don’t know! But I don’t have any better ideas either, unless you want to try the tit board again.”
“The tit board?”
“From the door stop shoot we did. You could go beneath the floor again and we put some pipe clamps around your boobs. Then we pull them through the holes and up really hard until we can get to that wire.”
“You’d need some winch or something.”
“Yeah. And fixing the board with nails will probably be not sufficient. We need real power to stretch your boobs enough so we can clip the wire.”
“So… we try this instead?”
“Or anything else you can come up with. Your choice. They’re your tits after all. But whatever we try, we should get going. These beauties look so bad!”
“Yeah, I know!”
“So which is it?”
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“The board was terrible for my boobs, so let’s go with that box.”
Gigi pulled a set of tubes out of the container.
*Any idea how to use this stuff?”
Ron searched through the rest and grabbed what looked like an electrical pump. There was a little jar as well as some other things.
“Y….Yeah, maybe? I think we can use the pump to get to that wire. Uh, I think this is only part of the product. See, there is another packet or something. It’s called COW-1, we have COW-2. Let’s search the place again”
“Uh, ok.”
Both went off to look for the missing items. Gigi took care to not cause any additional uproar to her breasts while she awkwardly moved about. Finally Ron announced, “Found it!” and pointed to a huge box. “Can you help me get that out?”
Gigi couldn’t belive her eyes when they removed the packaging. In front of them was nothing else than a life sized, fur-covered plastic cow on wheels, with black and white patches and everything. The object was hollow and had a peculiar cutout at the bottom where the udders should be.
“How is this supposed to help with my problem again?”
“Don’t be so negative Gigi. Let’s just try, OK? Help me open the top so you can get inside. You know what to do, don’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah. Give me a sec.”
Soon, the big-titted girl vanished inside the contraption and after a bit of huffing and puffing, her two, swollen and purple appendages appeared between the legs of the cow.
“The good news is that my tits are so strangled that they easily fit through those holes here. But I still have no clue how that would help with anything.”
“Just be patient, Gigi. Let me set up the pump.”
An electrical whirring filled the room as Ron was trying out the different settings. Then, he went down on the floor and scooted under the cow so that Gigi’s boobs were right above his face.
“Ah, that’s how this works,” he mused as he manipulated the openings, “ Yeah, that should do the trick.”
Gigi felt a cool sensation on her nipples as Ron coated her with the contents of the jar. Then a strong suction on her left nipple took her breath away.
“One more…” announced Ron and Gigi squirmed as her second tit felt the same incredible pull.
“Now just relax while I make use of this udder holder. I need to get some tools first though.”
The sucking was actually quite pleasant and Gigi for once forgot to worry about her bloated breasts. She closed her eyes and moaned softly as the humming machine manipulated her teats. She heard Ron rustling beneath her again. There was a ratcheting sound.
Suddenly it got very tight around the base of her tits. The formerly spacious holes had shrunk down and were biting into her sore flesh. Gigi squealed.
“Just a bit more!” announced Ron as he continued to shrink the openings.
It only took minutes until the pressure became unbearable. Gigi was losing her mind and thrashing inside the cow. The sturdy metal rings were now so small that the wire from the busted electrocuting bra became visible again but it took quite the toll on her.
“A few more turns and I’ll be able to get that wire off!” beamed Ron and indeed, after another tremendous squeeze, Gigi heard Ron cutting something.
“Now let’s dial back the pressure a bit. Shoot, I need to take some pictures first!” he exclaimed and scooted away. He grabbed the camera and took a bunch of shots while Gigi was thrashing inside the cow.
“Huh, I didn’t know your pussy was accessible from out here. Kinky!” Ron said as he examined the back of the cow, “ How the hell do you even fit in there?”
Gigi felt his fingers in her wet sex.
“Can you please get me out of here? My boobs are killing me and it’s not really that comfy.”
“Alright. I’ll lessen the strain a bit but you can’t get out right away. We need to take a few shots outside as well.”
He went down under her boobs again and Gigi felt the rings finally relax. Ron massaged her burning twins all the while the pump kept pulling on her nipples.
“Phew, looks like they’re almost back to normal again. The redness is quickly fading.”
“Y….yes,” squeaked Gigi, “I can feel my blood circulating and it’s killing me! Thanks though. Can you keep up the massage a bit? I think it helps with the soreness.”
“Sure!” beamed Ron, “Happy to help! Wanna try a higher pump setting?”
Gigi didn’t have time to reply before the pump switched into high gear, now sucking with force on her teats. She groaned in pleasure and pain.
Ron kept up his work for a bit longer before he got out again to take some more pictures.
“Man, who is into this sort of thing? Pervert ranchers? Anyway, I’ll have to show Ted. Will be back in a jiffy!”
Gigi wondered how the hell she managed to end up inside a cow with her naked tits sticking out like udders and getting milked no less! Could it get any weirder? At least her tits weren’t about to pop anymore. Although, that constant sucking started to get on her nerves.
“Wow, she looks great!” she heard Ted exclaim, “Let’s get her on the pasture. Can you help me carry her down?”
“Sure. Just need to disconnect the pump first.”
Gigi felt everything move and sway after her tits were finally released again and were now instead slapping against each other as the men carried the odd cow outside.
A few moments later, the petrified cow with her oddly enticing udder was standing on the green pasture.
“Good job getting her into this thing,” complimented Ted, “I thought we would never be able to convince her to do this.
“It wasn’t that hard actually,” grinned Ron, “ Her boobs look great like that, don’t they?”
“Absolutely. Let’s give her a bit of rest before we continue.”
(Your turn)