by QexiQex
Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.
This story has won a writing contest (‘KAW 18’) about the theme “COLORS” hosted by
Main themes of this story are: anonymous sex, orgasm denial. This is not a breast-fetish story.
The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.
The face in the mirror looked so different. Purple hair really made her blue eyes pop and her pale complexion only added to that effect. Emily inspected the various tubes in front of her and, for the umpteenth time, debated whether she should really go ahead with her plan.
A familiar and incredibly titillating twitch jolted through her body once again as her eyes lingered on the choker lying next to the tubes. She couldn’t believe that the wait was finally over. Humming happily, the young woman applied sparkling blue dye to some of the remaining strands.
Her fingers danced over the white and grey tubes, as if her unconsciousness was urging her to reconsider. But the decision had been taken already and although Emily was positive that she would curse herself later for it, she was dead set on ignoring the voice of reason inside her head. With trembling hands and her heart thumping, she grabbed the tube and painted the remaining parts white.
During the necessary pause, as she waited for the color to set, her brain went wandering. Emily thought about the thrills she would experience tonight and about the phenomenal heights that waited for her. Still a bit uncertain about her decision, the young woman scolded herself yet again for being stupid, for setting herself up for a surely frustrating evening, despite knowing exactly what would happen. Emily was glad when the wait was over, when she finally could embark on this new adventure for good. They had put her on hold long enough, but now it was her turn to reap the harvest.
Emily enjoyed the deep cleaning, the clattering water washing away any left-over dye. She took her sweet time grooming her body, making sure that everything, from her rainbow-kissed head to her deep blue toenails, looked as pristine as possible. With an eye on the watch, she finally donned the beautiful choker and, forgoing any underwear, slipped into the little black dress she had bought just for this very occasion. Once her high-heeled shoes were on, the stunning young woman sporting an odd haircut checked her appearance one last time and headed out, ready for a long, lustful night.
The place looked as run-down as she had imagined and was absolutely packed. The floor was sticky and the air thick with heavy perfume and sweat. A group of young lads was cheering at some unfortunate girl, intimidated by the unwanted attention the daring choice of clothes had brought her. Emily chuckled as she squeezed through the crowd, acutely aware of her bare sex and unconstrained breasts, and ordered her favorite drink.
She soon noticed people scanning her appearance and felt their eyes linger on her tight choker. Before long, a welcome hand found its way into her barely concealing outfit and teasing fingers brushed over her erect nipples. She shuddered from the touch, squirming excitedly on her little bar stool, as hot breath graced her neck, eliciting goosebumps on her bare arms. Emily remembered how long she had waited for this, what she had done to get to this far, and sighed happily as the hands got more inquisitive and groped her soft flesh openly.
She closed her eyes as she leant back, savoring the exquisite sensations, as she heard the bartender calling out for her. Flustered, the aroused girl handed too much money to the smirking woman behind the counter while the teasing hands continued playing with her sensitive breasts. Emily tried to focus on the glass in front of her as another hand made its way towards her body, quickly approaching her already soaked sex. Curious fingertips brushed over the tiny bit of colored hair down there and then proceeded to toy with her proud little pearl. The squirming girl had trouble staying still as experienced hands entertained her needy body.
Emily downed the drink, her cheeks inflamed and burning. She felt the fingers retreating. A now awfully wet hand grabbed her own and tugged at it lightly. The black-hooded stranger pulled her along, leading the wanton girl into the back. Once inside the stall, he gently pushed her down on the closed porcelaine, only to mash his eager face right into her gushing groin.
It was hard not to scream. His tongue felt amazing as it scraped over her tender clit just to dive into her wetness a few seconds later. Emily grabbed the stranger’s head and pulled it hard against her sex, not wanting this incredible experience to ever end. Suddenly the tongue withdrew and the man, without even uttering a word, motioned her to turn around. Panting heavily, the excited young woman got in position and spread her legs as wide as she could.
Emily squeaked in delight as the hard cock entered her overripe plum and gently slipped inside her trembling body. She closed her eyes, clamped down on the teasing flesh and wondered how long she would last, as her anonymous lover slowly moved inside of her. Groans of pleasure filled the small stall as her body prepared for climax, and Emily asked herself why she had even bothered coloring her hair if they didn’t pay attention to the details. But she was glad they ignored the white strands.
And then, just as she was climbing the crest of the big release, the teasing pole stopped in its tracks. Emily tried to fuck back, tried to get more of that delicious dick inside of her but to no avail. The strong man held her fast and prevented her from even moving an inch. Frustrated, Emily used her muscles to milk the fat thing inside of her, but to her dismay her lover pulled further out, leaving her hanging like a flopping fish on land.
“So they do honor the rules,” Emily thought angrily as her excitement slowly faded away, deprived of any possibility to get active herself. And then, just as she was about to give up, the teasing cock returned and plunged deep into her wet, gurgling pit.
It went on and on. Soon, Emily’s throat was hoarse from all the moaning and every muscle of her body hurt. And then, right when she thought he would finally let her peak, the jerk pulled out and left the stall.
Emily had troubles keeping herself together and thought about taking matters in her own hands, right there in that dinky booth, but she knew it would be considered betrayal and that she would risk losing access to this exclusive service. Cursing annoyed, she pulled down her dress and made her way back to the bar.
Flustered and disheveled, she ordered another drink, wondering what the night had in store for her. Within a matter of minutes, warm hands were again touching her body at inappropriate but very welcoming places. Emily slowly opened her legs, hoping that this time the fingers finished the previously botched job. She nearly bit her tongue when instead something cold was pressed against her tender clit and freezing water mingled with her hot juices.
The ice cubes surely were an efficient way to combat her arousal but not something she would have chosen for herself. The poor woman squirmed in her seat, stifling a surprised scream, as the hands were caressing her, teasing her endlessly until the coldness had melted away. Soon, the stranger pulled her up and guided her outside, into a dark alley and Emily hoped that this time she would get what she so desperately needed.
It all began so well! The muscular, black-hooded man gently pushed her down on a car hood and quickly entered her from behind. With spread legs and moaning from excitement, she welcomed his hard member, gasping through clenched teeth as he penetrated her depths. His movements were precise and well-timed, he hit the perfect spots in an absolutely mind-blowing rhythm that elicited squeaks of pleasure from the squirming woman. And he didn’t slow down like the guy before. No, he raced her right to the top. Emily braced herself for impact, for the earth-shattering orgasm that would surely hit her any moment. But then, as if the whole world had conspired against her, blue flashing lights and deafening sirens filled the cold evening air and her wonderful lover scrambled to get away, leaving Emily once again unsatisfied.
She quickly pulled down her dress again and ducked away before any of the officers could spot her. Back in the bar and horny like a sex-starved teenager, she ordered another drink when suddenly a well-known face popped up in front of her.
“Hey, are you a regular around here? How are you? Quite the unusual hairstyle, girl! When did we meet last, was it at that office party?”
Zoe was an old friend that she didn’t meet often enough and, to her own surprise, Emily was happy that she had run into her.
“Not really a regular, no. I’m… I’m on a kind of date.”
“A date, huh? Tell me more! And weren’t you always pretty conservative with your outfits? That little bit of nothing is not something I’d expect to see on you! You look stunning in it, I have to admit.”
Emily smiled teasingly and whispered, “It has something to do with my date. You know, I was accepted into DoP not long ago and today is the day I …claim my benefits.”
“DoP? Never heard of it. What’s that?”
“Dye of Pleasure. It’s a club offering rather… unique… services. You’re open-minded about sexy times, right?”
“Absolutely! And I’m so fucking curious right now. Come on, I want to know everything!”
Emily giggled like a school girl and started to explain.
Suddenly Zoe ‘s eyes went wide as saucers as a muscular, male arm appeared from behind her friend and wrapped itself around her chest. The accompanying hand unceremoniously slipped into her deep decolletee and started toying with Emily’s large, soft breasts.
“Uh, looks like I’m up for another session,” gasped her friend as the stranger’s hands roamed her body.
“Have fun!” mouthed Zoe, staring in fascination at what was unfolding right in front of her very own eyes. The black-hooded man apparently knew what he was doing and Emily was soon squirming like a wanton slut. Zoe could only watch in disbelief as the two finally vanished into the restroom for the main course.
Emiliy’s friend only got aware of her silly smile once the bartender looked at her expectantly. Feeling caught, she quickly ordered another drink when she recognized that the women behind the counter had rather colorful hair as well.
“She’s a neon-red. What might that mean? And what would I choose if I’d be a club member?” Zoe pondered as she waited for her drink, contemplating the intriguing possibilities Emily had unveiled. Deep in thought, she soon made plans for her own escapades and wondered if she should join DoP as well.
Zoe had just finished her drink when a disheveled looking Emily emerged from the bathroom and stumbled towards her table.
“Just fucking kill me, please?” she squeaked, her eyes dashing around wildly.
“Oh my, what happened?”
“They are just too good with this. I’m going to pop! Rip out the white parts, please? Now!?”
Content that her friend was not actually hurt, Zoe chuckled and asked, “So you never told me what white means. Care to educate an ignorant fool?”
“Orgasm denial!” rasped Emily, “Fucking orgasm denial! Why did I even think this was a good idea? Grey would have been so much better!”
Zoe laughed so hard that other patrons started to look. It took her a few minutes to calm down again, even though Emily was rolling her eyes since the beginning of her outburst. She snorted, “Grey? Why would grey be better?”
“Grey is edging. With grey they would tease me but I would eventually be allowed to come. With white? Not so much. Now help me get rid of those suckers or I’ll fuck myself right here with that damn pepper caster!”
“Calm down, dear,” giggled Zoe as she searched for her scissors, “Let’s get you out of your misery. Come on, back to the bathroom with you.”
The two young women made their way into the back of the bar. As they were alone in the small, tiled room, Zoe grinned, “You know, I really need to join that club as well. What do I need to do to get accepted?”
“Just cut out the white strands, please?” urged the still fidgety woman.
“Only if you help me to get in.”
“You’ll need a referral from a member. I’ll give you one, promise! Now can you please just snip away?”
Zoe smiled as she made short work of the strands. She examined her friend’s colorful head closely and declared, “There, all done! No white left! Your release should be around the corner! Now let’s get back inside so your savior can find you. And remember what you promised!”
Soon, Emily and Zoe were at their table again, another drink in front of them. The little Zoe had learned from her friend made her only more curious, so she interrogated Emily for additional details about this esteemed organization.
“Yes, the men have colored hair, too, obviously. They have their own preferences and can signal them by choosing their style, just like the women.”
“You mentioned the color codes and I know the ones you are wearing now, but surely there are more?”
“Of course. There are so many different shades it’s overwhelming. You can express almost every kink imaginable using different combinations. And you’ll need to get really good at identifying what people are signalling. You’ll get all the information you’ll need during the initiation phase though.”
“Damn, I can’t wait to see what’s possible. Can you give me an example?”
“Sure, see that girl there with the neon-red hair?”
“The bartender? I already wondered if she’s DoP as well.”
“Yep, she is. She’s just not active so to speak, has to wait for the choker to arrive. So her hair has this popping-red color and if you look closely there’s some black underneath. The sides are black as well.”
“So what does it mean?”
“That’s easy. She likes breathplay and enjoys getting spanked.”
“Really? She doesn’t look like it.”
“Yeah, the innocent looking ones are often full of surprises.”
“So how does this actually work?”
“Every member gets a schedule upon joining, some days they are assigned Seducers, some days they are Indulgers. The Seducers always have to cover their hair because only the Indulger’s preferences matters and signaling their own need would just distract from that goal. So they all have to wear these black caps. You’ll get one, too, once it’s your turn.”
“That makes sense. So how often do those assignments happen?”
“You can influence that a bit. The higher you climb up the ladder, the more often you get Indulger slots. And you can tell them when joining how often in general you are available. There’s a life outside the club after all. You’ll have to install an app that will tell you what to do, where to service, where your reward is waiting and so on. It’s really simple. So you still want in?”
“You bet!”
“Alright, I’ll put in a request. You should receive some instructions for the initiation phase once they accept it. I’ll need a full-frontal nude though, can you send me one?”
“Uh, sure! Oh wow, there’s another one. Is that one of those Seducers?”
Emily felt hands slipping into her dress and playing with her barely covered charms. She hushed, “Oh god, yessss…. I’m so glad the white is out!”
“Have fun!” giggled Zoe , “Enjoy while it lasts!”
“I will!” groaned her friend, “If you’d only know how much I need this!”
Zoe watched the silent man lead her randy friend away, daydreaming about how he would pleasure her instead of Emily.
A few days later, the invitation arrived by mail. The shipment contained a black bag full of goodies for her upcoming adventures as well as a sealed envelope. Zoe opened the bag, curious to learn what was inside. She blushed as she laid out its rather explicit contents, ranging from the black signature cap to toys of various sizes and other kinky accessories. She even found a small bottle of knockout drops as well as an assortment of bondage gear and wondered if she would ever get to use those things when out and about.
The letter directed her to download an app and the provided personalization code was all she needed to register herself. Once done, the phone greeted her with a welcoming message and a list of tasks she had to fulfil in order to get accepted. The app also included the handbook Emily had mentioned. Zoe opened the list of color codes and was blown away by the sheer volume of what was possible. She studied the various options, her dirty mind busy with choosing the right selection for herself.
To her dismay, she had a life to live and a job to attend to. The little time she had, she devoted to studying the DoP list of colors and even devised some simple tests for herself. But she knew she was not good enough yet and still had some deficiencies. So Zoe texted her friend Emily, desperate for some help.
“Hey, how was the finale?”
“You mean last week? Oh god, spectacular! I exploded like a freaking volcano!”
“All that pent-up lust needed to go somewhere, I guess 😏”
“😁 Thanks again for getting rid of the white strands, I would have died for sure.”
“So… I need your help, Emily.”
“With what?”
“DoP initiation. Can we do a mock test or something? I feel like I can barely even remember the codes! I only have a week left…”
“Uh, hon? You’re not supposed to talk with me about this, you know? We can both get banned for even mentioning DoP during your initiation.”
“Really? Damn. But can’t you help me a little?”
“No way. I like this club way too much to risk an infraction. Sorry hon, I’m happy to chat with you about anything else, but you’ll have to get through this by yourself. Once you’re in, we can talk. Good luck!”
Zoe sighed. She had forgotten about the no-talking rule! How would she ever be able to pass even a simple multiple-choice test about this stuff! But there was no help in sight, so she just had to give her best and study more.
It was only a few days later when her phone vibrated and the young DoP applicant almost lost her mind. The message was simple enough but what made her freak out was the fact that she couldn’t do any further preparation. Her time was up. Zoe frantically tried to get into the handbook section of the app again but to no avail. Instead, the screen now told her the location to be in and the time of her next encounter. Her first task had just started.
Dressed up in her most revealing outfit, complemented by the trademark black cap covering her hair and the DoP bag in hand, the nervous girl left her home. People stared at her openly as she made her way to the location, even though it was already dark and plenty of party folk were around. But even for them, her look was remarkable enough to warrant a few catcalls and more than one explicit invitation for some good, old, adult fun.
But Zoe fended off all advances and soon found herself in a dark alley just next to the red light district. Her phone confirmed that she had reached the destination but there was nobody to be seen. The nervous pledge searched the clammy street when she suddenly got aware of two people chatting in front of a barely lit entrance. It was a couple, the woman wearing a long, red coat, the man dressed in black leather. And he had the telltale choker around his neck, his hair a conspicuous mess of light blond hair with dark, almost black strands in between.
Zoe immediately knew that this was the Indulger she had to service. The color scheme he was wearing was a popular choice and an often discussed example in the handbook, so Zoe had no trouble decoding its meaning. She gulped, steeled her nerves and approached the couple. Without saying a word, she knelt down in front of the man and started to unbutton his leather pants. The woman squeaked surprised as Zoe fished the fat dick out, but the man didn’t flinch and was clearly enjoying the situation. The young woman wrapped her lips around the rapidly expanding cock and sucked it like a lollipop, her tongue teasing its head.
The companion had meanwhile overcome her initial shock and was now watching mesmerized as Zoe pleasured the man, clearly intrigued about the exciting scene playing out in front of her. By now, the young Indulger started to pant and twitch as Zoe kept working on him using all of her sparse knowledge, licking and sucking his cock with enthusiasm. Finally, after a few really deep pumps, he erupted in her mouth and Zoe quickly gulped down the load. Once the man was done, she cleaned the now limping dick and kissed it goodbye. Moments later, the DoP pledge vanished into the dark, leaving the satisfied man and his stunned companion behind.
Her heart was still thumping like after a run. It had been so weird to just get down on this guy in the middle of the street, right in front of his female friend no less, but she had not even hesitated! Her mobile vibrated, announcing the completion of her first task and informing her that the next one was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, in a large shopping mall. Zoe smiled happily, savoring the taste of the stranger’s seed lingering in her mouth. This had been easier than expected.
She quickly got into a rhythm and enjoyed servicing those people whenever her phone told her to. The second task had been equally easy to fulfil, a blowjob in a restroom, this time with a glorious finish on her face. The clerk had certainly enjoyed that break.
The third one had been another male enjoying a good suck, but his hair coloring additionally asked for a cowgirl-style fuck after getting his dick hard. It had been a pleasant ride in a cramped hospital room and the tired surgeon on the receiving end had been rather grateful for the little distraction.
Her fourth request had been the most thrilling so far. The app had led her to a banking office bustling with people, where she had quickly found the choker around the slender neck of a beautiful bank teller busy serving customers. After conning her way into the employee’s area, Zoe had smoothly slid under the bank teller’s desk. The young woman had been well prepared and had quickly spread her long legs, exposing her bare sex so Zoe could eat her out while she continued to consult clients. It was a miracle they didn’t get caught when the fidgety girl had finally come to a shuddering climax, barely holding herself together in front of her unsuspecting customers.
Zoe was ecstatic that everything was proceeding so well. Only one more trial to go and she would be accepted into the club! The last task was a weird one though.
It was almost midnight when she arrived in the deserted part of the old harbor. Zoe didn’t have to search for long and soon spotted the target from her car. A young girl with neon-green hair and odd blue dots. There were some grey strands visible, too, and the choker was sparkling around her neck. Zoe gulped, her pulse quickening. This combination of colors was a pretty unique one and signalled a rather rare kink. She parked around the corner and reached for the bag as she stepped into the chilly night. A little bottle in her hand, she walked over to the lonely girl as inconspicuous as possible. Zoe quickly analyzed the situation, spotted the almost empty cup of booze at her side and decided to try her luck. As she slowly walked by, she let a few well-timed drops fall into the drink as she passed her and hoped for the best.
Zoe inspected the surrounding area while she waited for the drug to kick in, scouting out a good place to complete the task. Not much later, she returned to check on her client who was by now lying on the ground. Satisfied that the operation had been a success, Zoe readied her equipment and approached the now unconcious girl.
Surprised by her own coolness, Zoe popped the black rubber ball between the girl’s teeth and pulled the straps tight. She then hoisted the light body over her shoulder and made her way into the abandoned warehouse where she got to work.
A few minutes later, the young woman was tightly bound, her back resting against a concrete pillar, her legs in an incredible split on top of a horizontal beam. Rubber bands were wrapped around the girl’s beautiful, large breasts to increase their sensitivity and evil-looking clamps adorned their tips. For her first foray into bondage, Zoe was quite proud of her accomplishment.
Thanks to the ball gag and blindfold, Zoe had no idea whether the otherwise naked girl was awake or not but she didn’t want to wait any longer and started to lick the exposed peach in front of her. It was weird to service someone who showed no reaction and after a few minutes Zoe pondered if she should just give up, when she finally noticed some stirring. The bare sex she was attending to also started to taste different as her juices began to flow. These encouraging signs motivated the young pledge to up her game and she intensified her mouthwork only interrupted by a few light kisses to the girl’s breasts and a bit of tender nibbling.
Soon, the blind girl was squirming, her body glistening with sweat. The tight bondage held her in place even though she was pulling at the ropes with vigor. Zoe continued to eat out the weird girl when she suddenly sensed that her Indulger was close to coming. Remembering what the colors signalled, she quickly pulled back and grabbed the little DoP riding crop. The flat head of the tool swished through the air and landed with a smack squarely on the exposed clit. Stifled by the ball gag, the poor girl grunted in obvious pain and made Zoe feel bad for what she had done. But Zoe knew she had a job to complete and immediately went down on her again, lapping the now inflamed sex until her client was writhing again.
Zoe kept going, worked on the blindfolded girl until she was close, only to beat her arousal down a few notches with some carefully aimed smacks. Her quivering sex was not the only target though as Zoe tried to spread out the pain and directed the crop to those two engorged breasts for variety. After a few rounds of pain and pleasure, when Emily was preparing her Indulger for the great climax, she suddenly noticed something odd. The choker was missing the DoP logo! Zoe’s face lit up as she suddenly got aware of the terrible mistake she had made and she stumbled backwards, shocked by what pain she had inflicted on an unsuspecting victim.
The panicking woman quickly removed the blindfold from the girl, desperate to see if she was OK. The look in her eyes was sickening. The poor thing was obviously in panic and feared for her life. With trembling hands, Zoe opened the latch of the ball gag so she could speak again.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” she screamed as soon as the ball was out, her body shaking, “Continue! NOW!”
Zoe was flabbergasted and didn’t understand a word.
“Fuck me, dammit!” squeaked the bound girl, the face contorted with lust.
Finally Zoe snapped out of it and obliged. Her mouth once again engulfed the girl’s wet nether lips as her tongue penetrated her gushing hole. This time, Zoe didn’t hold back and soon the frantic girl exploded with a mighty climax.
”So… uh, I don’t know how to…” stammered Zoe desperate to explain herself, now that the girl had calmed down a bit.
“There’s nothing to explain,” screamed the still bound girl, “You’re some sort of sexual predator who tortures innocent women by… by brutally abusing them!”
“No.. no! That’s not what I…”
“And now free me, so I can call the cops!”
Zoe hesitated.
“Remove these ropes, now!”
“Listen. I need you to understand! His was all a terrible mixup. Your choker…. and that hair…”
“What are you talking about, freak?”
“Can you please just listen for a moment? I promise I’ll free you afterwards and you can call the cops if you so wish. But first I want to explain myself. Can you let me do that?”
“Alright, but get these things from my tits first! They’re killing me! Really, how kinky can you get?”
The girl inhaled sharply as Zoe carefully removed the clamps and bands from her swollen breasts, “Thanks. Now talk!”
And Zoe told her everything.
“Wait, so that means somebody is waiting somewhere outside for you to get them off?”
“Yes. If you don’t believe me, we can search for them together.”
“Oh, I believe you. You’re not behaving like an actual abductor and these toys are clearly not your favorites. But you’re damn good with your mouth! I’m Haley by the way and I usually prefer boys. You’re the first girl that made me cum and that orgasm blew everything I had experienced so far out of the water.”
“So you’re not mad anymore?”
“No I’m not. But I still want you to unbind me. My legs fucking hurt and my poor pussy is still sore from that riding crop. Maybe I should return the favor so you get to experience what you just did to me.”
Zoe smiled, “If that’s what it takes, I’m all yours.”
She carefully removed the ropes and helped the naked girl on her feet.
“But first I want to see you perform. Can I watch you when you do your thing?”
“The DoP task?”
“Yes. I’m deadly curious.”
“Absolutely. Here, your clothes. And you should really change your hairstyle or get rid of that choker. There are a lot of DoP people out there and some might be a bit more serious with delivering your supposed benefits.”
“Thanks for the warning. Now show me how this works.”
Zoe and Haley left the building and checked the surrounding area. Soon, Zoe found her target whispered, “See that guy over there, next to the container?”
Haley nodded, eager to find out more.
“You can easily make out the choker and his hair is telling me all I need to know.”
“So what is it? What does the guy want from you?”
“Actually not that different from your own, just without the abduction part and no edging either.”
“That’s the code you’re signalling. Abduction play, edging, bondage. And his code is bondage with passive vanilla in an upright position.”
“Passive vanilla?”
“He likes me to fuck him while he’s standing. You’ll see.”
Zoe told Haley to hide in a corner while she got to work. The guy was obviously happy to see her and followed obediently as Zoe led him back into the warehouse. Haley stayed a bit behind and sneaked into the building, watching the odd couple from a dark corner. Mute but obviously excited, the man let Zoe bind him to a pillar and didn’t complain as she pushed the ball gag into his mouth. Once she had slipped the blindfold in place and inserted the ear plugs, she motioned Haley to join in and unpacked the goodies.
Zoe opened his tight leather pants and fished out his hard cock. Spell-bound by the impressive organ, Haley could only watch as Zoe went to work and swallowed the thick member. After she was satisfied he was well prepared, the young woman stripped and wrapped her legs around the muscular body, pressing her pussy right onto the rigid shaft. Haley’s hand quickly found its way into her own slip to tease her still sore sex, as she witnessed the hot scene in front of her. Finger inside her body, she approached Zoe from behind, careful to not give herself away, and whispered, “Can I fuck him, too?”
Grinning amused, Zoe climbed down again while Haley got rid of her clothes. With a bit of help from Zoe , she was climbing the heavily breathing man and lowered her gushing sex onto his engorged dick.
Haley was in heaven. After the torturous foreplay and the explosive but superficial orgasm, she couldn’t wait to get herself filled with meat, and this hunk of a man was exactly what she needed. Happy to be finally in control, Haley impaled herself with vigor and fucked the stranger until she reached her goal. Her legs cramping from the unusual exercise, Haley carefully untangled herself, the now limp dick sliding out of her and white fluid dripping on the ground.
“Fuck, this was great!” gushed the satisfied girl, “If this is the duty part, how good will the benefits part be? Zoe, you need to get me into this club!”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it!” giggled the relieved girl, “Getting you into DoP is a way better than going to jail for what I did to you. Now let’s get this guy cleaned up!”
Both girls went down on their knees and sucked every bit of goo from the man’s equipment. Finally, Zoe told Haley to hide again and removed all the accessories. His eyes told her just how much he enjoyed the experience but no words were exchanged.
Later, Zoe was sitting with Haley and talked about the future. Zoe ‘s mobile vibrated and she proudly showed the message to her new friend.
“So you’re in, huh?”
“Yep, I’m in! Want to celebrate?”
“I do! And I know exactly how! Get your ass on that beam and be ready for payback, bitch!” announced Haley, a fake stern look on her face.
Zoe enjoyed the warm tongue tremendously. But she had to agree that the riding crop was just plain evil. Thankfully, Haley proved to be not as unforgiving as she feared and only let her experience the stinging sensation a handful of times. Instead, she showed Zoe just how much pleasure she could experience at the hands of a thoughtful friend.
“So, did you know you’re bi?” asked Zoe as Haley untied her again.
“Nope. Had no clue! I actually still can’t believe it. Who knows what I’ll find out about me once I’m a DoP member! By the way, how come you know about that club?”
“Oh, an old friend introduced me to it. That was so funny! I met her at a bar when she was being serviced. You can’t believe the kink she put in her hair!”
“Worse than mine?”
“Orgasm denial! And intentionally, too!”
“Oh god, poor girl! At least you made me come in the end.”
“Well, Emily’s selfless sacrifice got me into the club. And you’ll get there soon enough, too! I should introduce you guys. You’ll like her.”
“I bet. And I owe her big time for getting to know you.”
“Now you’re just being silly. I’m a sexual predator, remember?”
“Only too well. That was so intense! I’m so happy it turned out the way it did.”
“Me too, Haley, me too. Now let me show you how I like to fuck.”