Fafnir’s Quest

20 min readFeb 17, 2021


by Neglected2much

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reach neglected2much for a few years and fear the worst. As he was the only one with the necessary access rights to keep the old site running, I have posted his stories here to save his incredible work.

— QexiQex

Disclaimer: This story is of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in kinky writings, please turn away now.

The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.

Divorce me, untie, or break that knot again;

Take me to you, imprison me, for I

Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,

Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.

— John Donne

Wizard’s Quest

“That is all I can do for you barbarian. The venom from the wyvern bite will slowly bring your death unless you do as I have told. You only have a few sunrises left. Seek the standing stone I spoke of to the West. Though the path you seek into the forest is now avoided by all; it is still well worn from ages past. A hunter such as you will find it.”

In the small smoke-filled hut, the lanky old wizard was dwarfed next to the huge barbarian, by comparison, a mountain of muscle almost 6 feet tall. The blue tattoos on the wizard’s bald head, face and chest showed beads of perspiration from his exertions with the black arts.

“Your arm will heal slowly and cause great pain — even for one such as you. The talons of the wyvern taint the flesh causing a painful wound that does not heal, but does not kill.”

Fafnir tested the wizard’s patchwork, rotating his left arm, gauging the pain. He was grateful it was not his sword arm. As he stood, his muscular frame snapped taut and ready for action like a sinewy predator preparing to leap at its prey. The wildness in his penetrating blue eyes an indication that he was already preparing to leave and escape the confines of the village.

“If you have deceived me wizard, the last strike of my sword will be to split your lying skull.”

“Only a fool would lie to a slayer such as you. You need not fear treachery, barbarian.”

The wizard peered through the smoky haze to make the sacred man-to-man, eye-to-eye, contact which he knew meant more than any words to the barbarian. The wizard understood the unspoken blue-eyed response. Few men ever looked a wizard in the eyes without fear as this barbarian did.

“The villagers are grateful beyond words that you have slain the beast. Now their children and livestock are safe. It is for their thanks and our arrangement that I have helped you, not for your threats. Few men have seen such a creature and lived to tell, let alone slain one as you have. You are favored by the gods. To ignore those favored in such a way is to invite misfortune, it is as simple as that.”

Fafnir still saw the concern in the eyes of the wizard — real or feigned he was not sure — and knew that his threat had served its purpose. He did not think the wizard was lying, but he had been deceived before by the servants of magic so trust would need to be earned.

“Remember my words barbarian. You will know the moment.”

Standing Stone

Another night under the stars and another morning alive! The poison would not claim its price today. The morning air was brisk with the remnants of a chill fog — nothing compared to Fafnir’s homeland in the frosted North.

The envenomed bite in his side ached incessantly as he moved. The pain only fueled him onward. All battles had their price and their scars; he had already borne more than his fair share even for a warrior. The bandages on his right side were crusted in his dried blood, but holding. The bite was manageable for now, his wounded arm likewise. Despite a slight lightness of head, he felt vigorous and alert. The poison in his blood was unmistakable and as euphoric as Stygian lotus.

The standing stone was within sight. Arriving during the moonless night, he had slept almost on top of it unnoticed. He could not read the ancient runes etched into the smooth granite (they were Elven script) but he knew their meaning: a warning to travelers of the dangers of the forest. More importantly, it bore the glyphs which warned of enchantment and the presence of evil. Evil he could handle, but magic was a bigger problem.

Fafnir stood for a long while at the entrance to the wood. He felt danger prickling up his spine; the same feeling he got before a battle…or an ambush. The surrounding undergrowth was thick. The opening in the wood was like a tunnel into another land. Occasional sun beams penetrating the leaves mixed with the dark gloom of the heavy forest canopy. His barbarian instincts were analyzing: every branch, every drop of dew, every tree, every stirring leaf. His hungry blade was already out, unconsciously, ready to taste flesh, hide or fur. Power runes along the sharp heavy steel shimmered in the morning light.

Fafnir entered the sun-spotted gloom, all of his hunting instincts called to bear. He proceeded cautiously along the trail, quieter than most forest animals. He would look for the slightest sign, the slightest out of place leaf. The skills of one who hunts to survive guided him.

There! A fleeting glimpse, it was too big to be a dragonfly, definitely not a bird. It seemed to have arms. To the right, again! Yes, a small woman less than 2 feet tall with wings fluttering like a butterfly. She lingered in the air a moment before flying off deeper into the forest, away from the path.

The wizard’s words rang in his head, “as deadly as a serpent’s fang.” She did not seem so, but one always heeds the warnings of wizards. He must catch her, the only possible cure.


For hours, Fafnir chased the pixie through the forest following a glimpse here, a flutter there, the scent of wild flowers which grow elsewhere. He was lightheaded and out of breath from the effort, but this was a race for life. She seemed to be slowing down, tiny footprints now with a longer second toe. Was she getting weary or was she laying a trap?

Suddenly, the brush erupted to Fafnir’s right with thundering hooves. In his pursuit, he had neglected his own defense. He rolled to the left, momentarily forgetting his injuries. Thrusting his legs underneath as he tumbled, he regained his footing, ready to fight, his sword already finding his hand. A sabre-boar turned immediately to charge again with the strength and agility of a quadruped. Razor-sharp tusks at the head of a few hundred pounds of mindless, carnivorous beast closed quickly upon him. Fafnir knew he had one move and one move only before his saga would end unpleasantly: food for a giant hog. The room for error was narrower than the room for death.

The rune blade had never failed him. He would ask much of its ancient steel now. As the boar charged full-force in attack, Fafnir dropped to the ground and braced the pommel of his sword into the ground like a pike. By chance, it found purchase against a stout tree root. Every sinew in his arms was tested as he held the blade firm against the charge while the creature attempted to trample him to death. The blade drove deep into the heart of the beast, splintering bone and rending muscle. The deathly squeal did not echo amongst the trees with its volume; nevertheless, it was as chill as the darkest banshee wail. “One more trip back to Valhalla empty-handed for the steel-cunted Valkyries today,” he scoffed. Once again, death could wait a while longer.

The boar thrashed. It was still alive, but dying. In barbarian tradition, he drew out his keen-edged dagger, “Reliever,” to slit its throat. One of hundreds of such times it has relieved someone or some creature of its life or its pain. On one knee, he loosed his mightiest barbarian roar to the sky as thanks to the gods and the spirit of the boar. Instantly resuming his pursuit, Fafnir ran deeper into the forest, all sense of location completely abandoned. The crime of leaving the boar and its bounty of food to rot could be paid in hell.

The pixie could not have gone far. He was wiping the blood off his blade as he ran. Was his sword cloth stained with the blood of the boar or his own blood? His side was bleeding again; his life leaking away. The pain in his arm was that of a hundred bee stings. No time, he must keep moving.

The Enchanted Pool

Ahead, he sees the fluttering wings of the pixie as she lands near a strangely serene pool amongst ferns and moss-covered stone. Fafnir approaches cautiously. The water is mirror flat, reflecting like polished silver. His barbarian senses once again cry out in warning, magic. The pixie looks his way, as if to make sure she is seen, and then slowly steps into the pool up to her ankles.

Before his eyes she transforms. Her wings shrink and disappear as she grows in size to a little more than 5 feet tall. Now appearing as a slight woman, lean and lighter than a barrel of potatoes, the creature of enchantment now seems to be an attainable prize, the contours of her shape stir the lusts within him.

Her flowing auburn hair and fair skin are as fine as the most pampered of princesses. Her oval face hints at her fairy blood with high cheek bones, delicate chin and narrow nose contrasting a well-rounded, full mouth. Her bare arms are slender, implying the strength of a child. Her legs show a hint of sculpted muscle and are revealed all the way to her hips. His lust stirs to higher levels at the further sight of her, her soft inviting flesh radiant as she stands in a patch of sun.

She is dressed in silken green leaves. They are arranged as if the scales of a fish, from her maiden mound to her perfectly proportioned breasts, tight and form-fitting. Her breasts are covered, but her cleavage is open and her chest otherwise bare. She has the chest of a fully-developed woman, no dainty child, breasts that he can hold in his hands.

As Fafnir approaches, she turns to look at him with the palest of blue eyes. He knows that look. It is the look of an animal deciding whether to run or to stand and fight. Desperation and consideration run their course behind those eyes. She lingers, frozen, as he approaches closer. There is another look in those eyes as well. It is the look of a predator and it is also the look of lust — the difference being as fine a line as the line between pleasure and pain.

In a soft voice as pleasant as the summer wind on a field of heather, the pixie speaks, “Will you ever stop pursuing me mighty boar-slayer?”

“No,” answers Fafnir, his voice a boom of thunder compared to hers, finality in its tone.

“You would have me…despite the cost?”


“You know that I can do nothing about what I am?”

“I know.”

Fafnir saw the slight slump of her resignation as a signal and surged forward like a lion while enveloping her small frame in his bulging arms. Their mouths find each other as they collapse to the ground.

He raises himself up over her using his good arm to inspect his panting prize as sharp stabs of pain from his mortal wound remind him that he is in fact a dying man.

He pulls his sword belt and loincloth free and lays them within reach. Only his pouch with its shoulder strap, boots and bracers remain. His hairless, muscled chest, marked with scars, shades her from the sun. The pixie makes no attempt to escape, recognizing fate in the making, his intentions clearly evident. His proportionate cock is already as rigid as his rune sword. A new weapon, unsheathed, to be guided by his might.

He feels the soft curves of her body. The leaves encasing her are finer than Keshan silk. He can feel her erect nipples underneath the greenery. His calloused hands on her body are as strong as a blacksmith’s and as skilled as a woodcarver’s.

Carefully peeling away one of the leaves, he exposes her left breast. They are not the breasts of some forest creature, but real and human and soft and round and warm, slightly pink with a blush of arousal. Her areolas are small and faint, but her nipples are budding hard and erect. Her body betrays her desire. She did not run away when she could, a willing victim of his animal desires — or perhaps she has chosen fight over flight? Leaf after leaf quickly falls as he exposes her whole chest and her two handfuls of delight. He can feel her heart beating quickly, like a captured hare, while her chest rises and falls with increasingly rapid breaths.

Fafnir can wait no longer. He reaches down lower. A single leaf is all that is in his way. He peels it back revealing her needy nymph parts. The leaf is wet with her lust, her pouting nether lips swollen in anticipation and glistening with moist desire. Fafnir tests the hardness of her clit sending waves of pleasure through her. He can see the reflection of those waves as ripples of pleasure in her face. She arches her back involuntarily at the sensation and gasps in reflex. Yes, her body betrays her true need to give herself to him, undeniable words written in her flesh. She is ready to be penetrated.

The remaining leaves fall away on their own as Fafnir thrusts into her, sheathing his weapon into hers for the duel of mutual pleasure. The soft walls of her love nest stretch tight to match his girth. Does her gasp show strain in accommodating him or her pleasure in doing so? He cares not which.

He fucks for his life, or perhaps to end it in bliss, as his wound stains her side with blood. In the tales of legend, the power of a pixie’s love can cure all ills. Each thrust seems to fill him with greater strength. Can the legends be true? Her cure flows up his cock into his body like the warmth of a fire, more with each thrust. The pain from his damaged flesh is second in his thoughts to the pure passion of their enchanted embrace. A passion that consumes him as a fire consumes tinder. His pain is fading away, but the euphoria of the poison remains.

Like the distant call of spring in winter, Fafnir remembers the warnings of the wizard, “More deadly than a hundred Centurions.” Yet he would gladly face those hundred Centurions to win her. The peril he truly faces is now clear to him. He remembers the wizard’s instructions. With his seed, the pixie would earn his life maybe also his soul. His manly essence would be drawn into the insatiable depths of her mystic lust. He would be swallowed by her sorcerous void of need, forever. He could feel the dark magic of her curse now exposed. He knew that finding her had been way too easy, too good to be true.

The hunter in him could feel her mournful loneliness as easily as he could feel the fear of a beast being chased. She had a burden beyond bearing, to know that no man could resist her charms, yet also to know that if he did not then he would be consumed by her curse. Regardless of her plight, now that the moment to satisfy her lust was here, she was determined. She wanted to climax desperately. Fafnir could tell that she was trying, trying for him as well as herself. She sought the one man that would be able to outlast her, the one man that could force her to cum after all these years. She could not help her nature. She could not help that no man could push her to the pleasure she craved so dearly even if it meant his own life.

Fafnir could feel the first pressures of seed building up inside him. His own early fluids were already mingling with hers. Soon, his lust would be too great to hold back. The pixie under him had her arms wrapped tightly around him in affectionate embrace. Her head against his chest feeling his smooth weathered hide with her cheek. He made to rise and decouple from her. He would try again for her cure. This time it was too late. She would take longer to achieve release than he would. The wizard warned that her cure would be bestowed only when she was in the throes of her own passion.

Fafnir felt her arms hold fast around him, preventing him from decoupling. She saw his intention in an instant. With an inhuman strength, a magical strength, she instantly wrapped her legs around him as well, clinging to him and his cock. He could no better pry her off of him than iron bands. Despite binding herself to him, she continued to work his cock. The pleasure was beyond his imagining. She milked his cock with her sweet sheath as his last moments of resistance started to pass.

The wizard’s words cut though his mind like a knife. The fog of his lust cleared for a moment, “You must tame her.” Yes, that was what she truly desires. He knew what to do. He rolled over so that the pixie was on top. She was distracted and surprised by the movement, but quickly resumed her ministrations. She did not seem deterred by the position. Her arms and legs pinned under him now made them prisoners of each other. The soft leaves and earth of the forest floor both bed and bondage. His arms holding her tight. In a few moments, she realized what had happened and that she was now held, but her tentative struggles were useless.

The pixie squealed as Fafnir’s mighty hand came down on her bare ass. The sound from his slap resounded like a thunderclap in the forest. Without pause or mercy, he smacks her other cheek with his left hand. The pain in his arm is less, but the blow still hurt him more than it had hurt her. It helped Fafnir regain his composure. He had a few more moments before he would fill her with his come and ejaculate his life.

At the pain, the pixie only increased her movements. His slaps seemed to fuel her passion. The wizard was right. He must tame her. Fafnir unleashed a frenzy of spanking. Alternating sides, each arm holding or striking, as he worked up and down every inch of her tight round bottom. Soon her soft cries turn into groans of pleasure then a moan like an animal in heat. Looking up towards her face, Fafnir finds her looking back into his eyes. Tears welled in the corners of those pale blue eyes. Tears of pain? Tears of pleasure? No…an emotion rare in his life, tears of joy! The pixie wants to be tamed. She wants her curse to end. She wants to give herself. Helpless to fulfill her own needs, she needs him to break her. He knows it.

With each strike, Fafnir fuels his own lust as well as he feels her body shudder against his impaling cock. However, the exertions help to distract him just enough. His hard shaft is winning the duel of their coupling. Now she tries to escape in earnest, struggling desperately; the pain is getting to her. It is Fafnir’s turn to hold her with the iron bands of his arms. She could escape no more than he could. She is not broken, but she is no longer the one in control.

There! That was the sign. The first contractions felt by his member told him. She would cum soon. Her body is already responding, nearing the point of no return. She tries to lean back in her passion. Fafnir knows that it will take more pain to break her, more punishment. He releases her arms. She is free to rise up, but her legs are still trapped mercilessly underneath him. She cannot escape as he continues to slap her while she feeds off the pain.

The poison is strong, and Fafnir is feeling fainter as death approaches. His exertions have cost much of his precious remaining strength. The euphoria is gone leaving him with a spinning, aching head, yet he blindly continues punishing the pixie knowing it is his one last chance. With a force of will only available to one who has lived a life filled with physical adversity, he renews his efforts. Fafnir grabs her hair and holds her with one arm while he slaps her breasts and face with the other. The harsh combination seems to finally be enough. The pixie can take no more. He slaps her ass again with all his might, sending her over the edge for good.

His own release is deferred as the pixie’s sheath clamps down on his member harshly, in spasm or by intention, he did not know which. Fafnir feels her magic flow through his body like a slow wave of pure energy. She breaks eye contact with him and tilts her head back to the sky to cry out in abandon. Such a moan of pure lust and enjoyment Fafnir has never heard. It was the moan of a mighty beast and not that of the small woman riding his cock like a galloping horse. The moan went on and on as if years, perhaps decades or centuries, of trapped energy and frustration were being untapped and poured out in a guttural expression of pure bliss.

Freedom Earned

The pixie struggles frantically to escape like she is in pain; she gasps and twitches. Is she still cuming? She slaps at him, but to him it was like being slapped by a playful child, hardly the strength of the creature clinging to him earlier.

“Stop! The throbbing! P-l-e-a-s-e! stop!”

Fafnir stops his thrusting.

“What have you done to me?” she accuses.

“Have you never reached climax before woman? Hold still and wait. You are merely sensitive from your pleasure, like a human woman might be.”

The pixie angers immediately.

“I am a human woman. This is my breeding form, in all respects human! There are no pixie males. In this form, I lust for a man and can receive his seed until I return to my natural state.”

Regardless, she collapses into his arms and remains motionless. Her breath still comes rapidly. His cock is still rigid within her, but he waits for her to recover. Yes, no doubt in his mind, all respects human and maybe more. The poison’s euphoria and its dance with death are now a lust, deep and longing. The poison is acting like a powerful aphrodisiac. He feels like he could remain hard forever and perhaps he might if not able to achieve satisfaction. He keeps her legs trapped under him assessing his options.

“Do you feel it barbarian? Our passion has drawn out the poison. I must drain it from you now.”

Fafnir did not understand but when she moved to rise, he lifted to let her free. His body did not feel any pain from his wounds, his side and his arm were healed as good as new; he only felt the restored sense of euphoria from the poison without the weakness or aching head. After the pixie stands, she reaches out for Fafnir’s hands gesturing for him to rise as well. Out of reflex, he snatches up Reliever from his discarded sword belt as he rises, suddenly suspicious. His member is aching with desire and the need for relief. He thinks about taking her again, but does not know if the curse would still seek to consume him.

The pixie kneels in front of him bowing her head close to his erect manhood.

“If you are ready barbarian, I will complete your cure and lift my curse.”

Does he understand her intentions correctly? She looks up, into his eyes, the beginning of tears in her pale blue eyes.

In almost a whisper, she asks, “Please…I must.” As she licks her lips, Fafnir knows for sure now; he did understand her intentions.

He steps closer, placing his outthrust cock in front of her mouth. At the same time, he places Reliever against her delicate white throat. Its keen edge stopped short of drawing blood only due to his finely tuned skill with the weapon. The pixie gasps at the sensation and the threat, but she does not question. She knows his intent is not to kill her or he would have already done so.

She takes the head of his cock in her soft mouth. Her tongue begins to pleasure him with a surprising speed and skill, perhaps it is just his own nearness to release amplifying his pleasure. He looks down to see she is looking back up at him as if seeking approval. The longing is there again. The loneliness. The hint of tears. She knows that soon she will be returning to her lonely life in the forest.

She sucks on him now as she works her mouth up and down the length of his shaft. No longer looking up, she aligns her mouth to take him in deeper, concentrating on his pleasure. The sensation is in incredible. Fafnir feels the point of no return nearing. He deftly tosses Reliever aside; its point embedding in a nearby tree with a thunk. With both hands free, he grabs the pixie on each side of her head guiding her and thrusting back deep into her throat. He can tell she is struggling for breath, but she makes no effort to resist.

At last Fafnir feels his release burst with a force beyond any previous experience. Her mouth is flooded with his spunk. The pumping continues on and on well past normal. Clearly, the pixie’s magic is working. He is not pumping out just his cum, but the poison as well. His head clears more and more as the fluids leave his body. On and on it went. He was grunting with enjoyment, but also grunting with the effort. He could not stop.

The pixie is gulping furiously, licking and swallowing his transmogrified fluid. She never lets up and keeps working his shaft better than any back street whore. Despite the transcendent moment, he does not forget his quest. He draws the pixie in using his left hand to grip her hair. The pain seems to renew her efforts. His right hand, concealed from her by his own body, reaches into his pouch. He can feel the smooth, cold metal circlet, his part of the bargain made with the wizard.

Finally, his body is slowing down, the endless pumping nearing an end. The pixie can sense it. As she consumes the last drops of his tainted cum, she starts to pull away.

“Free! At long last, free of the curse!” She cries out.

Fafnir times the moment perfectly. With her hair still in his hand, he pulls her forward off balance. He’ll never forget the look in her face as his right hand thrusts to her neck closing the circlet. It makes a sharp metal snick and then glows brightly for a moment, each of the thin runes in its surface glowing in yellow light.

“No force on Earth can ever remove it save the gods,” were the words of the wizard.

“NO!” She screams. “Do you know what you have done?”

For several minutes, the pixie frantically tries to remove the collar. The brilliant silver steel adamantine is unyielding. The faint enchanted runes around its length binding her magic and binding her to him with ancient power. She stares daggers at him and screams in frustration. Still, hinted within her words, the barbarian detects insincerity. She is not as outraged as she would like to appear. She enters the enchanted pool, but nothing happens. She once again screams, “NO!” She splashes the water all over her, but nothing happens.

The barbarian sits on a log, chin propped by his fist, patiently waiting for her to calm down.

Finally after a several minutes, she seems coherent again. “How will I live trapped in this form?”

The barbarian patiently answers, “With me. Your loneliness and mine are at an end.”

“You know that my lust will be never ending in this form, my breeding form?”


She pauses with realization. Realization that he knew exactly what he would do from the start. He not only sought her cure, but her very being itself. Deep down, it was her deepest wish, someone to save her, to use her, to make her his own. Did it really just happen? Did he know?

Fafnir grins at her, seeing her understanding come to light. She will learn more of his control in time.

He gives her a moment before asking, “What is your name, my little pixie?”

“No mortal man can say or know my true name.”

He considers for a brief moment. “In the legends of my homeland there is a tale of a woman. She appears in dreams so real that they are hard to tell from reality. She gives men favors, the favors a woman gives to a man. In the morning she is gone like a phantom and he wonders if she was real, only for her to return the next night. Her name is Tasha.”

“Tasha? I like the sound of it. What should I call you?”

“It’s really quite simple Tasha, you will call me Master.”




Written by QexiQex

I enjoy writing about big breasts in peril. Feedback always appreciated! In case you are interested in joining my Discord, send me a message.

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