by QexiQex
Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.
This story was created for a writing contest hosted by (‘KAW Tournament of Champions’). The author had to choose one out of a range of pictures and was supposed to write a story about the selected image. The picture I chose was this one:
Main themes of this story are: erotic horror, non-consensual, bad end, mind control, anonymous sex under influence. This is not a breast-fetish story .
The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.
Sally straightened her black dress as the professional gaze of the bouncer casually judged her scantily-clad form. Muffled beats were pouring out of the dark doorway behind him and tickled her tummy. A tiny nod and she was in.
Like a fish in the water, the young woman squeezed through the crowd, inhaling the scent of her fellow clubbers and scanning her surroundings.
“Seen Timmy?” she screamed into the ear of a good friend. Fingers pointed further in, towards the busy dance floor.
She had been going out with Tim for almost six months now but their titillating affair was still going strong. Whenever as much as a thought about his chiseled body crossed her mind, she got all hot and her imagination ran wild. Maybe she could get him to do something kinky tonight, something that would take her breath away once again.
Sally slowly made her way towards the dance floor, hot bodies pressing against her skin, hands groping her barely covered behind.
Something seemed different today. All those times she had been here before, the crowd had never been that daring, never that openly touchy-feely. She slapped away a sneaky hand, just in time before it would have gotten inside her tight little dress. What was wrong with those people?
The young woman searched around to find her hot boyfriend. People were frantically dancing around her, jerking and spasming to the mind-numbing beats, their clothes torn to pieces. Body parts that were supposed to stay covered were hanging out in the open, jiggling and swaying lasciviously for all to see. Her eyes wandered over the wanton display around her and came to rest on a peculiar object tucked away in one of the corners, a golden head with glowing, blue eyes. Her legs suddenly got weak like pudding.
It was so hot in here! The gaze of that strange eye brushed over her skin, causing goose-bumps everywhere. The horny hand was back, sliding over her sweaty skin. The flimsy fabric slithered downwards, exposing her upper body. Hot fingers were squeezing her bare breasts, tweaking her hardening nipples. She groaned lustfully.
A dense fog wrapped around her mind, taking away any coherent thought. Why was it so damn hot in here? Ah, there he was! Finally!
“Timmy! TIMMY!”
What was he doing with that woman? That looked like fun though, if only she would be on the receiving end instead of that tramp! Why didn’t he use her instead? The loud music made her hips move. Someone was pulling down her thong, tickling her moist lips.
Sally watched mesmerized as her boyfriend slammed his newfound sex buddy against the wall, his hips jerking spasmically back and forth in rapid succession. The almost naked woman had her legs wide open for him, embracing his skillful lovemaking eagerly. With her eyes closed, the slutty stranger was gasping in ecstasy as Sally’s boyfriend plowed into her again and again.
Something in the back of Sally’s mind was screaming bloody murder, but it all didn’t really matter now, did it? The eye — that was the important part. The eye. She felt fingers sneaking deeper into her soaking sex. Someone was grinding against her from behind. Then the fingers were gone, replaced by a deliciously hard object that urged deeper and deeper into her squishy body. Hands were groping her full breasts again, and Sally got lost in sexual ecstasy.
The old man gasped joyfully as raw energy streamed through his body. He felt his skin tighten, his old joints cracking, as his flesh slowly rejuvenated. This time he had gotten everything right, this time it worked perfectly.
Severin observed the lewd happenings around him with interest and tried to determine which of those frivolous acts provided the most benefit to him. Through his glasses, he could see the young people tiring, their bodies spent and exhausted already from the unrelenting debauchery. But the eye wouldn’t let them stop. He giggled silently as he closed the lids of his new creation, packed up and left.
Sally vividly remembered the horror once her mind had cleared and she got aware of her surroundings. Everyone was screaming. Frantic, naked people had been shocked to their core by what they had done. And Timmy? He simply kept fucking that slut like there was no tomorrow.
Somehow she made it back home, her clothes in shreds and her body in tatters. Like many other young people that night, she collapsed on her bed and didn’t wake up until another day had passed.
“What a productive evening,” the old man beamed as he inspected his bespectacled face in the mirror, “You look younger than ever, old man!”
He couldn’t be more thankful to the wacky German watchmaker. Dieter really had outdone himself with his lenses and with all those little nuts and bolts needed to make everything work. Severin was still amazed at how important the science of photography turned out to be for his studies, and how Dieter, with his deep knowledge of optics and technology, had cracked the few remaining puzzles so effortlessly. Once he had added those spectacular lenses to his own designs, the energy that the device could pick up vastly increased. It was scary just how efficiently the statue could suddenly drain people under its spell, and how powerless the victims became once their minds had been broken.
There had been simpler times, of course, back in the day when it was enough to visit a coven once in a while and attend one of their many rituals. The witches never had a problem with him siphoning off some of their plentiful energy during those raunchy orgies. It had been a rude awakening all around when magic suddenly stopped working and left everyone scrambling. And of course he had been just as desperate and paranoid as everyone else once he got aware of the severe consequences, witnessing his own body suddenly aging and getting ever more frail and unreliable as the years passed.
But now, finally, he found the cure! Not much longer and he would be his old self again, with a young body full of energy, just like it had been all those centuries ago. Immortality got so much better once aging was no longer a concern.
Severin groaned exhausted as he snuggled into his bed, tired and happy from a day well-spent. As he drifted off to sleep, his mind was busy working on the next mission for his new toy.
Sally’s head was still pounding from pain and she could barely move a finger. What the hell had happened in that club? Cloudy images of carnal lust appeared in the back of her mind and made her squirm in embarrassment. And Timmy! Why did he act that way? She had to meet him, now!
“What the hell, Timmy? Why did you ignore me last night?”
“Hey sweetie. Man, my dick is so sore! That was great, wasn’t it?”
“What? Do you actually remember who you fucked?”
“Everyone fucked everyone, as far as I can tell. You too, by the way. Quite the stud that guy, eh?”
“But you… “
“Yeah, that chick! Damn, if I only knew her name!”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Oh come on, Sally. Everyone was on god knows what drugs yesterday. It was a once in a lifetime thing. Don’t be grumpy like that, we can fuck again once my little fellow has recovered a bit.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about, Tim! You betrayed me!”
“I wasn’t myself! Just like you!”
“But I distinctly remember that only one of us kept going when whatever curse lay on that place got finally lifted!”
“Really? Well, it did feel great. But that girl wouldn’t continue for long either way. Why are you so upset? Wanna break up or something? Would be a real shame…”
“I… I don’t know. Yeah, I need a break, I guess.”
“Huh? Really? I… I’m sorry you feel that way, honey, but… well…”
“See you around, Tim.”
Sally felt terrible. The betrayal of Tim but also of her own body stressed her out. She tried to distract herself with work but that didn’t go too well either. Tim kept calling her, telling her that she was all that had ever mattered to him. He claimed that he wasn’t thinking straight that fateful night, and that he was so terribly sorry.
All his moaning and apologizing made Sally doubt her rash decision and she wondered if she wasn’t equally responsible for the situation. She had, after all, betrayed him just as much, only that she had stopped in horror as soon as her senses had returned somewhat.
Thankfully, a few days later an intriguing announcement made the rounds and hyped her up just enough to overshadow her ongoing issues with Tim. Someone out there was about to throw a massive party and invited everyone and their dog. For Halloween! With costumes and everything! Finally something she could focus on! Who needed Timmy when she could instead work on a fancy Halloween dress!
Another mysterious message appeared shortly after, disclosing the location of the event. Everyone was puzzled why they chose some place in the middle of the forest, with no amenities around. But that made everything only even more alluring .
Soon, Sally found herself on the way out, with a bunch of friends all dressed up in rather revealing but nonetheless incredibly cute costumes. Loud beats were rolling through the underwood as they approached the location.
“Wow, look at that decoration! Amazing! All those lights and spooky ghosts!”
“Yeah, and look at that golden statue right above the big fire! Just like the one at that club, right? Freaky!”
A large crowd had gathered in this god-forsaken place and people were having a great time. Drinks were given out freely, the music was fantastic and someone always had a bit of dope ready to share. Suddenly, Sally spotted a well-known face.
“Timmy! Really, you here? And what’s that supposed to be, a police uniform or what?”
“And you? A naughty witch? How imaginative! Wanna fuck?”
Sally was about to give him an earful when suddenly the statue above the flames opened its weird, blue eyes. She felt her skin ignite and was barely able to breathe. Her gaze was locked on the suddenly very attractive looking groin of her ex that seemed so awfully tight.
“Y…yeah!” she moaned and hungrily reached out to unleash the titilating sex object.
“What, really?” laughed Tim, puzzled by her odd reaction. Suddenly his eyes lit up, “I’ll be damned. It’s the statue, isn’t it? Just like in the club!”
But only seconds later, all his questions were gone. Instead, his mind was filled with pure lust as he fed his engorged dick into the hungry mouth of the willing girl in front of him.
Sally didn’t mind the hands on her breasts and the fingers unfastening her skimpy costume. All she cared about was to get that delicious pleasure stick all wet and ready. She didn’t even realize when someone grabbed her by the waist and pushed her down, and her soaking sex was not complaining about the eager cock that stretched her so skillfully shortly after.
Soon, the frenzied gyrations of the stranger behind her were all that mattered. The lips on her boobs were like icing on a cake and enhanced the experience even more. Somehow she had lost track of her friend though. What was his name again, Timmy? Tommy? That guy over there looked somehow familiar, didn’t he? And how well he took care of all those needy women!
The whole place descended into a rather faithful recreation of Sodom and Gomorrha. The fancy costumes got shredded in a moment’s notice, and men and women alike were locked in a lecherous embrace. The moans and groans were so loud and emphatic that it was hard to make out the music. The smell of raw sex filled the forest’s air and carnal lust was on open display.
The old man snickered as he watched once again the magic unfold while his cherished creation was doing its thing. The statue and its golden eyes worked with perfection, their gaze bewitching every living being in their way. He could almost see the traces of the victims’ very soul wobbling through the air, finding him, feeding him. It was awesome!
Severin looked at his fingers. Not a trace of the old wrinkles left! He beamed, thinking about what to do with all his energy and whether he should also engage in a bit of good old fornication when he noticed just how exhausted some of the young folk already were.
“Well, time to wrap it up! Better not let them die here, entangled and naked like that!”
When Tim came to his senses again, the statue was gone. Instead, a confused and very nude Sally was looking at him with wide eyes as they freed themselves from the strangers’ embraces.
“What the fuck? Again?”
“Listen, Sally. I didn’t …”
“No, not you! I mean, look around! Everyone! Naked and freshly fucked! Me included! What the hell happened?”
“It’s the statue,” Tim groaned.
“What statue? The one above the fire?”
“Yeah, I saw the same one in the club. That old man was taking care of it. I saw him there, too.”
“And that statue can…”
“I don’t know,” grinned Tim, “But I would love to have a closer look at it, together with you of course.”
“You want to….”
“Yep, I want to snatch it. As soon as I’m dressed again. Well, maybe I need a nap first, but I’ll get it first thing in the morning!”
Sally had to laugh.
“And what about that other girl? You know, from the club?”
“Sally, all I need is you. That other girl… I don’t even remember her face! Can’t we just…”
“Aw, really? OK then, let’s look for this thing together. No other female allowed when we mess around with it though, alright? And first I need to find something to cover myself.”
“How about this?” Tim grinned and pointed to some fern.
“Better than nothing, I guess? Want to help cover my boobies?”
Dressed in a few remaining scraps of cloth and some artfully arranged plants, both made their way back to Sally’s home where they engaged in some romantic kissing and cuddling before drifting into a deep sleep.
Tim had not forgotten his plan in the morning and was eager to start searching for the old man and his odd statue. Sally watched him enamored as he left her house dressed in an old shirt of hers.
She heard from him a few days later, when he announced excitedly that he finally had a lead.
“He lives not far from here! The house looks like some sort of antique shop and is not very well secured. Will be a cake walk!”
“You sure you want to do this?”
“Absolutely! That thing has almost cost me the love of my life! And you?”
“You bet! So what’s the plan?”
“Let’s wait for nightfall. We’ll get in, find the statue and get out again. A matter of minutes. He won’t know what hit him.”
“Alright, let’s do that!”
Tim and Sally prepared their impromptu heist as well as they could. After reassuring themselves for the umpteenth time that they were doing the right thing, both headed out into the night, dressed in black with masks, beanies and everything. Once they reached the house, Tim opened the ancient lock with surprising efficiency. Soon they were standing in a dark room, surrounded by all kinds of antique bric-a-brac.
“Do you see it? The statue?”
“Sssshh, keep your voice down! Let’s search this place calmly and efficiently. I’ll go up, you look here.”
Sally and Tim made their way through the overwhelming mess, looking in every nook and cranny. Sally found the old geezer fast asleep in a little chamber on the ground floor and made sure not to wake him up accidentally. It only took a few minutes for Tim to find the golden figurine which he then quickly stowed in his backpack.
“Got it!” he whispered in Sally’s ear once he was back in the main room downstairs, “Let’s get out of here!”
They both couldn’t believe everything went so smoothly. And now that weird idol was standing in the middle of their own bedroom, eyes closed and looking innocuous. But they both knew better.
Tim carefully examined the golden statue, pressed and squeezed the various parts in hope that it would trigger a hidden mechanism.
“Check its eyes!” Sally suggested as she wiggled out of her clothes to get into something more comfortable, remembering how they had pierced her flesh during those carnal events
“I know and I am trying! but there is no obvious way to….”
For the first time, Tim saw the strange eye up close. He could make out little cogs and gears made out of copper and brass. The inanimate object looked almost lifelike, with its golden skin and the pure white of the eyeball. And it had eyelashes, too! But the most peculiar part was the surprisingly blue iris, which looked very much like the expensive lense of an antique camera.
Unfortunately for Tim, not one of those observations registered in his brain. The intense gaze had wiped his consciousness clean and had reduced him once again to the horny animal he usually tried to hide so elaborately. His pants were gone within seconds and all he cared about was a willing partner to mate with.
Sally should have expected the attack, after all that was exactly what had happened the last times she had seen the idol. Nevertheless, the young woman squeaked in surprise as Timmy’s hot hands ripped away her panties while her head was still stuck in the comfy sweater she was about to put on.
She felt his ragged breath on her skin as he pushed her down on the floor and pulled her legs apart. The hard prick she knew so well was pounding against her entrance and not willing to wait one bit longer.
“Timmy! Slow down!” she begged but her friend pressed on.
“Ouch!” Sally complained as he penetrated her unprepared sex forcefully, taking what he so desperately needed.
Sally wanted to scream, wanted to get the selfish brute off her body but then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the bewitching gaze of the statue grazing her skin.
She couldn’t lose her sweater fast enough. Suddenly, Timmy’s hot hands were the most delicious distraction, and the thick shaft ravishing her sex the profoundest pleasure imaginable. Her own body quickly tuned in to the rhythm and adjusted in elaborate ways to increase these most intoxicating feelings even further.
The young couple was moaning in sync as they fucked like animals in heat. It didn’t take long until they both exploded in a breathtaking climax, timed to perfection. Sally yearned for some cuddling and rest, her whole body flush from the afterglow. But the unforgiving gaze of the statue didn’t allow for any pause and kept both of them going.
Right after Timmy had pulled out of her gurgling body, he quickly grabbed her sweaty hands and pulled her up. With breathless moans, he guided her arms around his neck and she immediately understood. Like in trance, Sally wrapped her legs around his waist, her hungry sex desperate for more. She swallowed him fully once again, the wet sounds echoing through the house.
They fucked for hours with no end in sight.
When Severin woke up, he immediately noticed something was amiss. Someone had disturbed his home! Things were not where they used to be, his clocks and idols had been rearranged into a maddening chaos! He ran upstairs to check for his most prized possession, the statue he had so carefully crafted. But to his utter dismay, it was gone!
“By the gods, who dared to rob me while asleep? Has it come to this?”
He was devastated and didn’t know what to do, so he slumped into his trusty rocking chair for some old fashioned thinking.
Severin had barely started pitying himself when he suddenly felt a very familiar influx of energy. His grin got wider and wider.
“Lucky me! It seems someone was too curious for their own good! Let’s see if I can find those reckless perpetrators!”
He closed his eyes, sensed the direction of the heartwarming stream and put his old jacket on.
“Time for some sherlocking!” he quipped as he made his way through the door.
Severin was careful to follow the energy stream as closely as he could, but he got lost a few times either way. He always managed to get back on track quite quickly though, thanks to the strong signal that called out for him like a beacon in the stormy sea.
The neighbors of course were curious as to what he was up to, as was the baker and his wife. But Severin always had an interesting explanation for his rather odd behavior that allayed even the most grumpy and nosy acquaintances.
It took him more than an hour to finally find the thieves’ hideout and he had to admit that their place looked rather underwhelming.
The flimsy door was no match for his determined lockpicking and soon he was rummaging through the intruder’s very own home. Severin snickered when he heard the excited groaning from above and joyfully made his way up the stairs.
“Now, what do we have here!” the meanwhile rather fetching-looking man giggled as he pushed the door open, his eyes analyzing the scene in front of him.
Two youngsters were rabidly fucking on the floor, their voices hoarse and ther skin glistening. The sound of their fornicating was music to Severin’s ears and the wet squelching of their lovemaking brought up images of his own lust-filled youth.
“Having fun, girl?” he whispered in Sally’s ear, his eyes glued to her frantically dancing breasts, “Aren’t you a little sore already?”
The blank stare of the young woman showed no reaction as her body continued its endless gyrations.
“Oh well, I guess I’ll take a seat then and wait until you guys are finished with whatever you are doing right now,” Severin laughed and moved a chair in position so he could keep a close watch on the two spellbound thieves.
“By the way, how do you like my little friend here? He looks great, all glowy and excited, doesn’t he? And he’s so thirsty! Maybe you guys should change position so my inanimate soulmate gets a bit of variety? How about a little cowgirl action?”
Sally grunted and groaned as she pulled herself off the glistening cock. Like two mindless puppets, the two rearranged for the stranger’s pleasure, Tim now lying on the floor and Sally bouncing atop of him. Severin reached out, touched the girl’s glistening flesh and mused, “You youngsters have so much more energy to give. Now show me just how long exactly those little hearts of yours can keep up!”
With that, the cruel man slumped back in his chair, closed his eyes and immersed himself in the small but continuous stream of energy evaporating from the busy couple.
The unforgiving stare of the golden puppet did not waver and kept doing what it was built for. But Sally and Tim were so far gone already that nothing mattered anymore. Their bodies yearned for just one more climax, like they had done for hours already, and that was all there was left for them to do.