Like Yeina

324 min readFeb 15, 2021


by QexiQex, based on Gulavisual’s OC Yeina

Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.

“Like Yeina” is a sequel to “Cosplaying Yeina” and tells the story of Jana’s new project following the successful fan-movie about EDEN#1. ‘Like Yeina’ has been posted on deviantArt in short, weekly chapters.

I’d like to thank Gulavisiaul (the creator of the character Yeina) for allowing me to include the referenced images directly in text for better readability.

The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.

Chapter 1: First Contact

Jana was nervous. Very nervous. Considering that she never actually met that guy before, it was quite a bold move to come here in the first place. After all, she only had this handful of texts from him, nothing else. She was so damn jittery that she didn’t even know what to do with her hands! And so they did what they often do in such situations and unconsciously fondled her big, swaying breasts to keep themselves occupied.

The young woman lingered in the street, just in front of the place where she was supposed to meet him. Her hands groped her shapely tits, kneaded them like dough. The feeling somehow helped her to focus, helped her to think. That little quirk of her had caused many questions and some not so polite comments in the past, but she just couldn’t help it. And it really sharpened her thoughts.

Jana wasn’t sure what to expect from this new project, but it was an exciting prospect to work with this talented artist. And as her thoughts wandered and she remembered all those drawings she reviewed, her mind got busy making up all kinds of different scenarios of what could happen. Some of them were quite exciting, some funny, some scary, and some outright frightening.

She thought about the fan movie she did together with her friends some months ago, a life-action flick about the comic EDEN 1. Her part had been to play a proud warrior, Yeina. Well, she ended up stuck in that tight air duct for most of the time, and the watchers didn’t get to see much of her body in the end. Except for her huge tits dangling downward…

And then there was this huge-ass robot that pulled at her boobs constantly. Kind of weird, but it had been good fun. It was rather strange to be the leading actress of a movie, when all the viewer ever gets to see of you are your disembodied breasts sticking through some hole in the ceiling! She sniggered amused. Good times!

Now, in hindsight, the whole project had been a real blast! Jana loved to play that strong-willed warrior who looked so much like herself. And she loved having her breasts squeezed and pulled, loved how everybody got mesmerized by those tantalizing orbs of hers. And the end result had been simply incredible. A really gratifying project indeed.

And now she was up to something even bigger, better. The artist hadn’t told her much, except that he wanted to ‘try out some new ideas with her.’ And, knowing his talent, she was more than happy to oblige and agree to this rather vague proposal. She hadn’t received any further instructions so far, except to meet him here, in this cozy little coffee shop. Oh god, her breasts buzzed from anticipation alone!

As Jana entered the small shop, she almost bumped into a busy waitress who was dashing around, hectically serving customers. Luckily, Jana found a spot, a small table in the middle of the room that was still empty. She threw her bag on the ground, made herself comfortable, and prepared to wait a while for the artist to arrive.

Becky couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw that girl dumping her fat tits on the tiny table. She worked in this coffeehouse for quite a while now, but this was definitely a new sight. Those huge tits were taking up almost that entire table already! She kind of feared that this delicate furniture would give in under that immense weight and collapse on the spot! And where the hell was she supposed to put the glasses or cups, once that woman ordered something? Becky eyed her new customer critically, already annoyed by her appearance alone.

Jana watched the waitress running by. Thank goodness she had found a table! This place was packed, and it was so much more comfortable like this. She always loved when she was able to rest her heavy bosom somewhere. Much better than standing at that bar. Her back was definitely enjoying the welcomed relief!

Jana began to stroke and massage her heaving bust idly, as she ran through the project she planned to embark on. Her boobs would surely face some rather exciting new challenges! Maybe she should order something while she waits? An iced tea would be nice! Or some juice? Her thoughts wandered.

The waitress was about to lose it. Becky almost dropped her tablet when she saw that woman openly touching herself. Not believing what was happening right in front of her, she watched wide-eyed how that busty girl squeezed and mauled her tits vigorously.

And she obviously wasn’t the only one watching the show. Plenty of customers openly ogled that girl, too! Eyes were almost popping out of their sockets everywhere! Damn, why did this bitch have to squeeze her mighty udders like that? Did she want to make every girl around her jealous?

Becky heard customers whisper.

“Look at that slut! Look at how he squeezes her melons!”

“Unbelievable, how soft and cozy those gigantic cans look on this bitch! I would love to help her out!”

“Is that even legal? Thank god there are no kids around!”

“She’s going to get arrested if she doesn’t stop touching herself like that! Damn, I would love to have such breasts!”

“And I would love to suck on them! Maybe I should ask her if she needs assistance?”

Becky definitely had to do something about this! This was not appropriate! What if somebody indeed called the cops? She was about to approach the girl when somebody entered the cafe and steered right towards the awkward girl that almost caused a riot.

The artist spotted Jana as soon as he opened the door. It was almost impossible to overlook that slim woman with those huge breasts anyway. Everybody seemed to stare at her for some reason. Of course those orbs were quite a spectacular sight indeed, resting on a tiny table in front of her, taking up almost all the space.

He chuckled about that little notebook Jana had placed on top of her sweet boobs, probably due to the lack of free space. He couldn’t wait to see the girl from up close and slowly approached her.

Jana’s thoughts were interrupted as a shadow appeared in her field of view and caused her to stop daydreaming. A friendly looking man was standing in front of her clearing his throat, apparently quite nervous, and beamed,

“Excuse me, you must be Jana?”

Jana looked at the stranger quizzically. This had to be him! How did he recognize her? Oh, right, that movie…

“Yes, yes, I’m Jana…And you are Gulavisual, the artist?”

“Indeed, I’m Gula. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person!”

His eyes glanced down to her tightly packed twins. A smile appeared on his face, “Small table, huh?”

Jana laughed, “True. But I’m kind of used to that. Sorry for occupying the whole thing! Guess I’m a bit too big for this place!”

Gula grinned, “No need to apologize! Still can’t believe that you look so much like my OC Yeina! I would have never thought such a creature would actually exist in the real world! I can’t describe how happy I am seeing you!”

Jana smiled back, “My pleasure. Really looking forward to working with you. You’re such a talented artist.”

“Thanks. I’m thrilled that you accepted my offer. This project will be huge!”

Jana nodded, unsure what to say. She examined the man closer, felt pure energy and enthusiasm radiating from him. He indeed seemed to be convinced of his project, whatever that was.

“Guess you saw me already in that movie?” she grinned, “Hope you liked my performance…”

“Oh gosh, you were absolutely brilliant! You are just made for the role with that body of yours. And with your dedication and commitment… the moment I saw your play, I knew I had to ask. You looked like you enjoyed playing Yeina, like you were some kind of reincarnation of her. A perfect fit. I really couldn’t believe it when I saw you playing that scene… and your breasts bulging through that small hole in the ceiling. Spectacular! Anyway, coffee while we chat?”

“Iced tea for me, please. With plenty of ice.”

Gula looked for the waitress and succeeded in getting her attention. But for some reason, the girl seemed rather furious. She came closer, eyed Jana angrily and grumbled, “You really can’t do that here! You can’t just touch yourself, squeeze your ridiculous tits in public at a place like this! You offended our customers already!”

“You did what?” laughed Gula as Jana’s face changed color.

“I… “, Jana stammered, “I’m sorry. It wasn’t … I …”

The waitress stared at her angrily and spat, “Oh come on, everybody saw how you diddled your udders, so just stop it or I have to kick you out!”

The artist grinned, “I’m sure it wasn’t intentional. She will not do it again, right Jana?”

Jana nodded embarrassed. Gula added, “Now, can we get something to drink?”

Becky, still fuming, mumbled, “Sure, what can I bring for you?”

“A big cup of coffee for me, with cream and sugar. And an iced tea for the lady, with plenty of ice, please.”

The waitress retorted, “Lady? Really? I don’t think so!” and dashed off.

“Seems I missed something interesting!” Gula smirked, “ What the hell did you do to deserve such a treatment?”

Jana blushed, “Guess I was daydreaming and touched myself a bit too much. Kind of a habit of mine. Can’t help it, happens more often that I’d like to admit. How embarrassing. Anyway, thanks for helping me out.”

“No problem. Now, let’s talk business!”

Jana smiled, “Sure, tell me your plans!”

Chapter 2: The Task

“So… how to start this…Hmm. Alright, let me try to explain. I have this dream, a project I wanted to do for ages. But I could never figure out how to get it going. I want you to understand that this is really a big thing for me, one of those once-in-a-lifetime ideas…”

“Sounds great, but I have no clue what you are talking about. Can you be a bit more specific?”

Gula smiled, “Some years back I created an e-book called ‘HYPNOS’. It was one of my first attempts to actually earn some money with my art. I sold it on some websites and got reasonably good results, at least compared to what I expected. But it was only an ebook, and soon I wanted to have a real book, something tangible, something you could put in your library and show to friends…

“Then I saw your movie, I saw you, the perfect incarnation of Yeina, a girl that was apparently willing to put herself into rather… difficult… situations. Situations that I have devised for my OC Yeina were suddenly played out on screen, in front of my eyes, by a real person! I was speechless!

“And then it just hit me. I remembered that dream, remembered how much I wanted to create a real book with my work. I couldn’t stop thinking about how incredibly amazing it would be, to have such a book with my work complemented by actual photos of the same scene, modeled by you!”

Jana frowned and asked, “Just that I get this right. This book would have your drawings, accompanied by a photo of the same scene, side by side? So, for example, on the left page there would be an illustration, and on the other side next to it, there would be a picture of me posing, imitating the drawing?”

“Exactly! Of course, it would need to be real high quality pictures, with just the right lighting, good looking scenery, plenty of effort to get the setting right and so on. I’d die from embarrassment, if the result would be just sloppy pictures, looking like they were done by a poor art student during his spare time. I want to have this done professionally, want to treat my own work with the respect it deserves. Sure, it will take tons of effort to get each photo right, but it will be worth it in the end. I despise mediocrity. If we do this, the result needs to be absolutely flawless!”

Jana was getting curious and thought about all those drawings she had browsed through. She absolutely loved those light hearted, funny ones, like the one where two girls stuck her big boobs through some panties and use them as makeshift bras. So adorable!

She vividly remembered some pictures of Yeina in her bed, sunlight caressing her soft, sensual body.

Or another one, where she was standing in front of a mirror. Beautiful pictures. She would definitely enjoy posing for those!

But others seemed to be rather difficult to recreate in a photo session. Like the one where Yeina is getting scanned.

Or the one where she’s in a bar, surrounded by monsters, offering her milk for money. They would obviously require rather complicated props, monsters and other mythical creatures, which would be quite a challenge in itself.

The waitress approached them, with a tablet full of things, and barked, “Can you please make some room for your drinks? Your tits take up all the space already, and I need to put your stuff somewhere!”

And before Jana could even react, tiny hands pushed briskly against her breasts as Becky placed a cup and a glass on the table. Jana was startled by the sheer audacity of the girl, but bit her lip and didn’t complain.

Gula was irked and muttered, “Unbelievable! Could you be any more rude? I expect you to apologize to my friend for this, immediately! Or I’ll have to talk to your boss!”

“B-but this..,” the waitress started, but then she came to senses and said, “I’m sorry Miss. This was inappropriate and rude indeed. I hope you can forgive me?”

Jana blushed even more, but managed to nod and mumble, “Apology accepted.”

Becky grabbed her tablet and vanished, leaving both Gula and Jana gaping at what just happened. The table indeed was small, and soon Jana’s more prominent attributes sneaked back and claimed space to an extent that the shirt-covered nipples pressed against their drinks, threatening to push them from the table.

The artist said, “Sorry for that, what a bitch! But let’s focus on our project again. Let me show you something.”

He opened his bag and fumbled out a folder that he put on the small table, brushing Jana’s breasts with it. She grinned and pulled herself back a little to make a bit of room. Her assets were anyway irritated quite a bit, with one breast pressing against that chilled glass of iced tea and her twin nudging against that hot coffee.

Jana, of course, had thoroughly reviewed the artist’s portfolio in minute detail. She had analyzed every one of his illustrations she could find on the web and now tried to remember them, tried to picture herself posing for them. She was already getting worked up by thinking about all those pictures and daydreaming about how she would pose to imitate them. How it would be, to have the artist tell her what to do. How he would grab her heavy tits and push them around, so they would look exactly like they were expected to.

“This is a print-out of ‘HYPNOS’, my first e-book. Those are the pictures I want to recreate with your help, basically every picture of Yeina in there. We’ll make a fancy book out of it, to show off my early work and extend it by adding pictures of the same scene.”

Jana looked through the file and cringed at some of the pictures. She remembered most of them, and an awful lot was rather… challenging… to recreate, as far as she could tell. But, she also felt a stimulating buzz in her loins. She was a sucker for challenges, and she knew it. It would be incredible, to succeed with such a task, to show the world what she was capable of. She was ready to give it a shot. And, after all, some of the pictures looked like good fun to pose for!

“Interesting idea,” Jana responded, “But some of those have monsters and stuff in them. So you need plenty of props and decoration, and that will cost. A lot. Do you have the funds to make this a reality?”

“Well, that’s where the problems start. Short answer is, No. Honestly, I don’t even have enough money to buy the bare minimum, like professional photo equipment and stuff. And surely not enough to pay the professionals needed for the job.”

“So you need to get other people to pay upfront…”

“Yes. I have already started a poll on my website, in the hope that my fans would hand over some money. But the response was pretty lackluster so far. People want to see some samples first before they get invested, I guess.”

“So let’s create some samples then! If they get a feel for what they are paying for, maybe that will motivate them to pay up? We can take some of the easier pictures with no complicated setting for the start. That shouldn’t cost too much…”

“But it needs to be perfect; otherwise it’s just diluting the message. I don’t want to turn people off with poorly made crap!”

The two discussed vigorously over coffee and cake. Only when it got dark, the two recognized how quickly the time had passed. But finally, they had laid out an actual plan. And Jana was convinced that it was a good one. Gula had made some quick calculations to show the potential, and if his assumptions were right, this project would pay off big time. The only thing that was holding them back was the initial investment for the first few pictures.

Chapter 3: Selecting A Starter

After the artist had paid for the coffee, he invited Jana to his little atelier, a cozy place where he created most of his artwork. Jana was surprised to see only very few pictures in the room. Safe for some scribbles and papers, there was not much that showed who was working here.

But the desk, with its huge screen and tablet, was a different story entirely. Gula switched on his computer and quickly opened some of his drawings to figure out where to start.

Jana’s pulse quickened as the pictures flew by. There was so much stuff, and some of it really looked painful, if not impossible, to recreate. She had seen many of the drawings before during her research, but some of the artwork was unknown to her. Maybe some new, unreleased work?

As the pictures passed by, Jana’s mind tried to come up with ideas on how the motifs could be faked, or how she could manage to get into those incredible poses in reality. Meanwhile, the artist focused on the task at hand.

“Here, this could work as an appetizer for the masses. It’s only a sketch, but it’s one of my most popular drawings, I think. It should be easy to do and appeal to our target audience,” he grinned broadly, “And it will be fun to make. What do you think?”

Jana looked at the picture and gasped. She couldn’t say she was surprised by the choice, but she had hoped for something more subtle, more elaborate as a starter. The drawing was a black and white sketch, showing Yeina from the side, with tightly bound breasts. The title was ‘YEINA BONDAGE SKETCH’, and she could clearly see why it was so popular.

“It definitely shows off Yeina’s most prominent attributes,” she laughed, “but I would have preferred a different one… One a bit more fancy and imaginative. Can you go back three images? Yes, that’s the one I’d like to do!”

The screen showed another black and white drawing, this time with Yeina standing, dressed in cargo pants and katana on her side. She carried a box, which she held open with her right, showing off her tits neatly packed inside. Some red gift wrapping that decorated the container, a lonely sparkle of color, increased the cuteness factor quite a bit.

The picture was named ‘YEINA VALENTINE’S DAY’ and Jana loved it for the humor. And it reminded her of her own experience making that fan movie, when she had her own breasts stuffed inside a very similar cardboard box. The prospect of having her treasures trapped inside such a tight enclosure again was weirdly exciting to her. With dreamy eyes, she approached Gula from behind and pressed her warm breasts lightly against him.

“So how do you like my choice?” she chirped softly.

The artist jumped from the touch, his face flushing, and stammered, “Uh… I…” His gaze fell on the drawing she pointed to. His face cleared and he grinned, “Yeah, that one’s nice, too. How about we try both? What supplies would we need?”

Jana pushed a bit more into him, pressed her boobs into his back and frowned, “Well, a professional photographer for a start. And some place where we can control the light and stuff. Also, some ropes and rubber bands for the first picture. Posing for that one will hurt like hell!”

She playfully squeezed her large breast, wondering how it would feel having them bound like that.

“And for the one with the box… well, a box in the right size, the red wrapping, blue cargo pants, those fancy shoes, a katana, the sheath, some makeup, accessories …”

Gula groaned, “That’s a lot, but you’re right. And I’m not sure if we can find those shoes and pants anywhere…”

“Yup, needs to be custom made…” Jana pushed into him with renewed vigor and whispered, “Any idea how to get that sort of stuff?”

Gula lightly pushed back against her warm flesh and grinned, “What are you doing, Jana? You know I love your boobs and all, but I can’t think when you keep rubbing them against me like this!”

The young woman blushed and smirked sheepishly, “I… I was just thinking about the project and how… well… I guess I got a bit excited. Sorry!”

The artist pushed back a bit more, savoring the feeling of those warm, soft things pressing against him and whispered, “No need to apologize. I’m a sucker for those boobs of yours. Just keep it down a bit while we have work to do.”

“Oh, sure….” Jana muttered and pulled back. She fiddled with her clothes, face red with embarrassment, and creaked, “So where were we?”

“I think we were brainstorming on how to get the stuff we need, equipment, props, …”

“Right, so… any idea?”

“Well, for the photographer, I could ask a friend of mine who’s running a studio. But for the clothes and props? Difficult… But maybe my friend has some connections?”

“Wouldn’t hurt asking!”

Jana started fiddling with her big breasts again, squeezing and squishing her orbs around. The artist stared at her with fascination. Did she do this whenever she got bored? What a crazy, crazy girl!

He clumsily cleared his throat and murmured, “OK, enough for today. I have booked you a room in a nearby hotel. Nothing fancy though. I’ll show you where it is. And then we meet tomorrow, maybe I hear back from my friend ’til then.”

Jana stopped with what she was doing and smiled, “Alright, hope we could start already. Look really forward to posing for those pictures, especially the one with the box!”

Later, after Gula dropped Jana at the hotel, the artist called his old friend Cathy. He quickly explained the project to her, and luckily she got quite excited about it. Gula suspected it was because of his colorful descriptions of the model, Jana. And because Cathy knew his drawings well enough to understand the business potential. But he wasn’t really sure.

Chapter 4: A Helping Hand

After a short chat, Cathy offered to do the initial shoot for free. They would work out the details of the full arrangement later, as soon as the picture became clear. They both agreed that they simply didn’t know enough yet and needed at least initial feedback from the community before they could map out the entire project.

The artist was looking forward to the next day. The prospect of creating real-life pictures of his own creations made him all jumpy. And with the help of this stunning woman, who seemed to be so open to his ideas, it was certainly possible to create something truly special. He was barely able to get any sleep that night, as his thoughts kept spinning around in circles. This was such an incredible opportunity! He still could feel where Jana’s warm breasts had touched his back. What a weird, wonderful girl she was!

Finally, he gave up trying to sleep and stumbled to his desk. With dreamy eyes, and smiling happily, the artist soon typed away on a short post for his website to announce a surprise for his loyal fans. He also sent Cathy an email with the drawings, so the photographer could arrange everything for the shoot.

Cathy felt well prepared for the upcoming gig. She had cleaned up the little studio quite a bit, and even scrapped some of her old equipment so they would have some space inside the little storage room. As soon as she had seen the drawing that Gula had sent her, she knew this wouldn’t be something she could do in her actual studio, with its big window towards the busy shopping street full of curious people trying to take a peek. They would need to cram everything in that little room, so nobody could see anything from outside. Otherwise, there would be riots!

Was that girl really so stacked? Cathy laughed, thinking about the picture she received from the artist. So typical that he selected that one for the start. And so predictable. The little project sounded quite promising indeed! Given how popular Gula’s stuff was on the net, there was a realistic chance that she could earn some money with it. And she needed the money, any money, badly. Otherwise her little shop would go bust soon, and her entire career with it.

“Good morning Cathy! Thanks for doing this!”

Gula was standing in the door, a beautiful, tall woman by his side.

“This is Jana, our model. Jana, this is Cathy, my friend and photographer I told you about.”

“Hi!” Jana smiled warmly.

“So you are Jana, huh?” Cathy’s gaze wandered over Jana’s body and lingered on her impressive bust. She smiled, “Now I understand… Come in and make yourself at home.”

Cathy examined the girl with interest. Jana’s shapely form was clearly visible through the thin white shirt, and her body was indeed quite spectacular. Especially the upper part. And even more so when compared with Cathy’s own, almost non-existent bust line.

Cathy always hated her own flatness, thought that it limited her womanhood, that she somehow wasn’t really complete. She would have given anything to own the melons of this girl. Of course, they looked rather impractical, but the sheer softness… The femininity those orbs were practically radiating!

“Cathy? Where is your equipment?”

“Equipment, huh?”

Cathy was puzzled, looked at her flat chest and was about to mutter “I don’t have any!” But then her brains kicked in, and she just pointed to the little chamber, blushing with embarrassment.

“In there. I even found some rope and rubber bands to work with.”

Jana looked into the direction she pointed to and squeezed past her, mashing her gigantic tits against Cathy’s face.

“Wow, wait…”

Jana grinned at her, leaned even more into Cathy, and muttered, “Where, there?”

Cathy grinned back, “Nice rack, girl. But you’re maybe a bit too eager. We’ll need to apply some make-up first!”

Gula watched the interaction of the two women with interest. What the hell was going on there?

“Oh, OK, right,” Jana muttered, “So where do I go?”

“There’s a small bathroom around the corner with all the stuff needed to get you ready. Just undress and wait for me. Here, take those and put them on.”

Cathy shoved a box into Jana and grinned expectantly as Jana peeked inside it. “Oh, I see!” the model gasped, rummaged around and muttered with a hoarse voice, “Wow, so many of them! And they’re tight!”

“I’m sure you manage to get those on. Just apply them, so you look like Yeina in that drawing. Squeeze those melons!” she giggled, “I have put the reference drawing in there as well, so you can check if everything looks right.”

Red-faced, Jana nodded slowly, surprised about the sudden request. She had hoped to get a bit more time for preparation, a slow, gentle introduction of sorts. But now she was standing there, a box full of rope and rubber in her hands, expected to tie herself up. Her heart pounded with excitement.

This was different from her previous work! Back in that dungeon, she barely had to do anything herself! She simply had to stay in that duct and tolerate whatever was done to her dangling tits that she couldn’t even see! But now, she had to take action herself, had to bind her boobs on her own! Was she up to the task? She trembled.

Chapter 5: Some Action At Last!

Nervous and a bit excited, Jana headed into the little bathroom to prepare. Rummaging noises and panting could be heard shortly after, as the model tried to follow the instructions.

“How am I supposed to use those bands? This isn’t going to work!” she complained loudly, as she tried to wrap the tight rubber loops around her big breasts.

Cathy opened the door, peeked inside, and entered the little bathroom. She grinned amused as she saw Jana’s struggles. The girl was already naked and tried to pull a rubber band over her jiggling left breast.

“My, my, your tits are really a sight! A bit on the big side, aren’t they? I’m glad that I don’t have to cope with such impractical attachments!” Cathy lied with a smirk on her lips, her fingers curiously touching the bouncy flesh as she examined Jana’s challenge closely.

Jana shrugged and said, “You get used to the size, I guess. And I love my boobies. Their softness, the feeling when you lie down, how they squish and jiggle… and how they draw attention! But enough of the chatter. Can you please help me get them in shape?”

Jana pointed to the reference drawing and groaned, “Just look at how her boobies are all puffed up and swollen! Gula said, I’m supposed to put a layer of rubber bands around my globes and then finish them off with some rope, but I can’t even get the bands right without help!”

“You’re way too impatient, Miss Big-Tits. Look at the sketch again; we also need to do your hair and eyes. And we need to apply some body oil so your skin gets all nice and shiny. Put those bands away for now and sit down. I’ll help you.”

Jana sat on a small chair while Cathy went to work. She watched Cathy’s actions closely, amazed by her skills. When the photographer wrapped her oily hands around Jana’s boobs, she had to giggle. The feeling was pleasant and she secretly wished that Cathy would squish her breasts around a bit harder, and for quite a bit longer.

It took more than two hours until Cathy was finally satisfied. Jana’s hair was now thick with hairspray, and her bangs were pointing towards her cute nose. The overall look was almost identical to the picture in front of her.

Her eyes were bright and big, supported by Cathy’s expert make-up arts, and her whole body was glowing and shiny from the liberally applied body oil. But her breasts were still dangling in front of her, swinging back and forth, totally unconstrained, just like before.

“Alright, now let’s work on your boobs. We’ll start with the rubber bands and then add the rope, right?”

Jana nodded, “That’s what he said,” she grabbed her breasts and inspected them, “I just hope this goes well…”

“Don’t worry, dear,” Cathy poked into her soft orbs, “It’ll work. Just give your best. Now stand up and bend over so your tits point downward nicely. That should be the best position.”

Jana grinned wryly and did what she was asked. Her tits gently pulled downward and just waited to be touched by Cathy.

The photographer grinned amused, took one of the large rubber bands and pulled it open. Cathy searched for eye contact with the model, smiled warmly and whispered, “Let the fun begin!”

The young model held her breath as Cathy released the rubber band and let it snap around the base of her right breast. Jana felt the pressure building up immediately, felt her own heartbeat pounding and her breast swelling. She whimpered, “Wow, so tight!” as she watched how her breast changed shape.

“You have really great tits to work with, honey!” Cathy complimented her, “I know Gula’s art for quite a while, and never imagined that there may be girls with such ridiculously large tatas on such a small frame! This is almost too good to be true! Can’t wait to take all those exciting pictures!”

The photographer then took a second band, pulled it open and let it snap around the bulging breast.

“Ow, ow, my boobs!” complained the model, as the band joined the first and hugged her tightly.

Cathy quickly got into the rhythm, pulled band after band over Jana’s treasures. The squirming girl watched concerned as her breasts ballooned and slowly transformed into a tight pack of flesh that more and more resembled Yeina’s in that reference drawing.

Suddenly Cathy stopped with what she was doing and pointed at Jana’s quivering tits. “We have a problem, honey,” she giggled, “You’re leaking!”

Jana was puzzled. What did she mean? She looked down at where Jana was pointing, and then she understood. Something was dripping from her engorged nipples! Milk! Jana remembered how she worked on getting her tits to lactate when she did that fan movie, and obviously her breasts still had this capability. She thought they would be back to normal by now, but with all this squeezing and pulling…she groaned.

“No worries, sweetie. We’ll deal with it once you are all set! Let’s get your melons tied up first!”

Cathy grabbed another set of bands and continued her work. Soon, Jana was panting and moaning. She desperately wanted to touch her hurting melons that were bulging and throbbing by now. But Cathy was quick to block her hands and told her sternly, “Don’t do that! You would just screw up the makeup and oil, and we would have to start all over again! It’s enough already that we have to deal with that dripping milk of yours!”

Jana sighed annoyed but complied. Finally, all the bands were applied. Cathy tugged and pulled them around a bit, with one eye on the drawing to make sure everything was placed properly. Then, she took the rope and began wrapping it around Jana’s quivering orbs.

Jana moaned silently, as the tightening rope constricted her swollen boobs even further. Milk was flowing freely as Cathy’s muscles strained under the effort of binding those tits. But it paid off. The ropes and rubbers transformed Jana’s amazing rack into two tantalizing, hard balloons that looked just like the ones on that picture. Except of the ongoing dripping, which thankfully seemed to slow down a bit.

Suddenly, the door opened and Gula’s head popped in.

“How’s it going in there? Oh, wow! Jana, you look fantastic!”

His eyes were glued onto the trapped, swollen pack of tits that bounced in front of him. “Yummy! Those look delicious!” His hands reached out, inches away from the shiny globes.

“Stop it, Gula! Don’t mess with those things!” Cathy laughed while she pulled the rope even tighter, “Just give us a few more minutes, we’re almost done!”

Gula just stood there, gawking, as Cathy continued her work. By now, Jana whimpered in pain as her tits got more constricted by the minute. Tears were flowing down her cheeks and her trembling hands grabbed her tight balls to soothe them.

“Ow, ow, ow, that’s too much! Stop it!”

“Silly girl, now you really ruined the makeup! Look at you, look at what you did!”

Jana could barely see anything through her teary eyes, but it was obvious that Cathy wasn’t happy. The photographer showed her a mirror, and she indeed looked like shit. Her makeup was smeared all over the place, and the shiny oil covering her boobs now showed two big fat hand prints.

“Now, this won’t work,” said Gula, shaking his head in disapproval, “You need to fix this. Jana, you can’t just touch yourself after being prepped. And no crying either! And what’s that fluid seeping out of her? Milk? Damn, Jana, you’re messy!”

“I know, I know,” sobbed the girl, “but why did you choose such a challenging pose to begin with? You have so many nice works that wouldn’t require such painful preparation!”

Gula laughed and said, “Well, that’s what people like! And we want them to donate, so we better do stuff they will pay for!”

Jana brushed off her tears and nodded, “OK, fine then. Cathy, I’m ready. Fix me up!”

She cringed as the photographer massaged more oil into her swollen, hard balls of fire. The squishiness was nearly gone, and the hard flesh looked rather painful. Gula observed with interest how Jana tried to control herself, how she tried to be brave. But her quivering, shaking lower lip showed what she went through.

Then, Cathy reapplied the makeup and made sure that the hair was alright. And finally, she wiped away the remaining milk, patted the quivering model on her back and said, “That’s it, you’re all set!” She gently pushed the naked girl through the door into the tiny storage room, where she set up her camera and everything else.

“Stand before that silver screen. Look, I have put another copy of the drawing just above the monitor, so we all immediately see if we recreated it faithfully. Now, push those puppies out and look here! Arms behind your back please! And smile!”

Jana gave her best. She really did. She paid attention to the pose, made sure that she looked into the right direction, but there was always something wrong. Sometimes she blinked, sometimes the angle of her body or the position of her bound tits was a bit wrong, or her hair was just not cooperating.

At some point, they even had to unwind the rope and free her tits just to tie them up again, only so much tighter. And all that just because Gula said her boobs were slacking a bit, not bulging properly and hanging down a tad too much.

But in the end they managed to create a few pictures that were almost perfect replicas. By that time, Jana couldn’t even feel her breasts anymore and her whole body hurt from the awkward posing. She was so relieved when Cathy finally called it quits and freed her from the horrible ropes and rubber bands.

Chapter 6: Getting Bored

“Wow, what a challenge!” groaned Jana as she massaged her hurting orbs.

“But it was so worth it!” beamed Gula. The artist was absolutely thrilled with the result. He immediately printed a large poster of their work and compared it in detail with the reference.

“Simply fantastic, Jana! Look at this, you’re perfect! It’s almost like my drawing came to life!”

Jana smiled weakly. The picture indeed looked spectacular, and her bound, huge tits were really an eye-catcher. She was sure the community would love it.

“Alright, thanks for the great work, girls. But no time for slacking around, our next project is waiting.”

“What is it?” inquired Cathy.

Gula grinned, “‘YEINA VALENTINE’S DAY’. Here, have a look.”

He handed her a printout. Cathy smiled, “So cute! This should be much easier to pose for, Jana!”

Gula nodded, “But this will need some preparation. We need the entire costume, including the weapon, and of course the box. Any ideas where to get all this?”

Cathy frowned and said, “An old friend of mine is working at a theater. She might know somebody that could help. Give me a bit of time, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Alright, we have a plan. Jana, enjoy your time off. We’ll let you know when everything is ready!”

The next few days, Gula and Cathy met every morning to check the status. And while Cathy was trying to organize all the materials, and Gula was working on some comic, Jana got bored quickly and didn’t know what to do. So she decided to visit somebody.

“Hey Jana! What are you doing here?”

Gula had hoped to finish some commissions, but instead his dream model was standing in his door.

“Don’t want to get on your nerves, but honestly I’m quite bored. Don’t know what to do while you and Cathy organize everything. I feel a bit useless. The waiting is killing me! Can’t I just watch you creating some nice pictures?”

She smiled seductively, grabbed her boobs and whispered, “Let me be your muse! Let me inspire you!”

The artist chuckled, “I’m not sure if I can concentrate with having such beauty around. And I really should get these …”

“Hey, this looks interesting! Do you really believe breasts work like that?”

Jana pointed at a page that was lying on the crowded desk. It showed five different scenes with a busty woman in distress. The sketch was called ‘NIELE’ and the breast torture depicted by it was rather severe.

Jana laughed, “This one is completely wrong, look at how her tits stretch! Real breasts don’t do that!”

Gula looked at the sketch at the upper right, where Jana’s finger rested. The huge breasts of the character were pulled up and forward by a chain that ended in two threads which were wound around her elongated nipples. He remembered working on those stretched orbs for quite a bit until he got them right.

“I… uh… I think they do! Don’t you think so?”

“No, this doesn’t work in reality.”

“But if you pull really hard?” the artist grinned.

Jana shook her head, “No way, this is not possible!”

“But…I mean if you would pull really, really, really hard?”

“No! Forget it.”

“But… I still think the drawing is correct. Niele just has incredibly large, soft, stretchy boobies,” His face blushed, as he added, “Just like you.”

“You’re so wrong!” her eyes brightened, “Alright, I’ll prove it!”

Gula laughed, “Would love to see that, Jana. But I really have some work to do now…”

Jana pouted, “Sure, sure. Whatever. But believe me, you are so wrong with this. You’ll see. I’ll prepare something to prove it!”

“Can’t wait to see it!”

“Alright, so… see you later?”

“No! That was not what I meant!” the artist said surprised, “I do want you to stay around, I… just have some work to do. Actually…. maybe you could…”

Jana was confused. She peeked over Gula’s shoulder and looked at the incomplete drawing on his screen. The artist mumbled, “I face a bit of a challenge with this one. Somebody commissioned me to do another version of the elven warrior ‘TIAH’, and for some reason I just can’t get the pose right. This is the original one.”

He showed her a picture of a cute, blonde elf lying on her back, her little hands mashing her gigantic tits together. Luscious, golden hair was flowing around the petite body, providing a luxurious backdrop. Jana loved the picture and asked, “Why do you need to redo it? This is stunning already!”

“Well, the person asked for a more realistic take on this exact scene. Improved texture, more elaborate lighting, stuff like that. And a third hand squeezing her boobs. Probably wants to imagine himself squeezing those soft elven orbs. The character is supposed to look seductively, too!”

Jana nodded, “So you want me to pose like this?”

Chapter 7: Offering Help

The artist looked sheepishly, “Would you? Would help tons to get the anatomy right. I don’t know what it is, but those breasts are really hard to draw!”

Jana giggled, “Not a problem, happy to assist! That way, I have something to do and don’t feel useless! I guess I need to be naked for this? Want me to lie down on your bed?”

Gula beamed, “Yes, just strike the exact same pose and hold it so I can do the work!”

Jana stripped happily and enjoyed showing off her body once again. She draped herself on the low but comfortable bed, grabbed her boobs from both sides and pushed them together.

“Like this?”

The artist nodded, “Yes, almost. But your skin needs to be shiny, so I can study the reflections…”

He handed her a bottle of body oil and admired her delicate movements as she applied it liberally onto herself until she was gleaming.

“This is absolutely perfect! Now mash those tits together as hard as you could and hold the pose!”

Jana grinned, “Not a problem!” and pushed against her oily breasts. Bright laughter filled the room as her boobs refused to cooperate and escaped her grip. Her melons squished and jiggled as she desperately tried to get a hold. The girl was giggling furiously and laughed, “Can’t believe this! Wait a sec…”

Finally, she had them in a vice-like grip and mashed them neatly together. The artist grinned, “Perfect! Don’t move! Now I just need to find out how that third hand will deform those. May I touch you?”

“Sure, go ahead! After all, we do this so you can figure out how to draw those boobies!”

The artist hesitantly pushed against the warm, slippery breasts and analyzed how the tissue responded. He pressed against the big, soft orbs with increasing strength to see how the shadows morphed, and how the shiny surface changed its properties. He got so absorbed in his studies that he didn’t even notice Jana’s complaints as he thrust his fingers with full force into her soft pillows to see her flesh bulge.

“Ow, ow, that’s a bit too much!” Jana creaked, milk seeping out of her nipples, “Can you turn this down a few notches, please?”

“Oh, oh… I’m really sorry about this!” the artist muttered as he watched reddish pressure marks spreading across Jana’s tits. “I obviously got carried away quite a bit… It’s just that… I never got an opportunity like this.”

Jana smiled, “No problem, but be a bit more careful next time. I’m quite sensitive there. Anyway, so I hold this pose now?”

“Yes, yes. And I’ll try to get this picture done!”

With reddened cheeks, Gula stared at the milk-seeping twins and was about to say something. But then he just giggled and went back to work. The artist analyzed closely what he had in front of him, his eyes dashing around, capturing the spectacular sight.

And then his hands got to work and skillfully replicated the figure of this fantastic girl, creating one of his very best drawings in record time.

A few hours later, Jana finally saw the end result and was totally stunned. “I guess it was worth it!” she smiled, caressing her now rather tender breasts. Gula nodded and said, “All thanks to your help! I would have never gotten this one so realistic and yet so ridiculously sexy without you!”

Jana planted a kiss on his cheek and whispered, “My pleasure, loved to play your muse! Now I have to clean myself up a bit. Sorry for the mess!”

Chapter 8: Box Of Goodies

A few days later, Cathy finally announced that all the props were ready and everything was prepared. The group met at the little photoshop again, where the photographer proudly presented the costume to the group.

The clothing was manufactured using several of Gula’s drawings as templates and was made from high quality materials. It looked exactly like it should, even the shoes were just like the ones drawn by the artist, not to mention the katana and the pouch. Gula was very excited and asked Jana to try everything on, so they could see how it fits.

“Perfect, just perfect! Like I pictured Yeina in my mind!” he declared happily.

“Now, where’s that box?”

“Damn, the box! Completely forgot about it!”

Gula laughed and pointed to a cupboard packed full of stuff. “But that one looks about the right size! I’ll go to that cozy little handicrafts shop and get some red wrapping to complement it!”

Cathy looked up to where he pointed to. Right, she completely forgot about that thing. The photographer vaguely remembered that something was wrong with that box though. That there was a reason why she didn’t consider it as prop. But what was it?

“This is great! Do you have some sort of knife, so we can cut the holes in?”

A few moments later, the box was nearly shredded. Jana’s tries to carve openings into it weren’t that successful, and some of the cardboard was already torn rather badly.

Cathy had a concerned look on her face and shook her head. “This won’t work. Give me the box; I’ll try to fix it.”

“Sorry!” mumbled Jana, “I really thought the knife would work!”

“Not a problem. Give me a few minutes, get a coffee, whatever; just don’t destroy anything else, please?”

When Gula returned, with a collection of wraps that were matching the ones in the picture, Jana was sitting idly in front of her coffee. “What’s up? Where’s Cathy?”

“Fixing the box. I destroyed it… Hope she can repair it.”

“Oh, I see. So we have to wait?”

A door opened, and a rather tired looking Cathy appeared.

“Sorry, took a bit longer. But I did it. Here’s the box. With holes. Had to stabilize the openings though. But I managed to cover up the reinforcements with a bit of paint.”

Jana examined the box and noticed that the two holes were now framed by some metal rings which were expertly worked into the cardboard.

“This looks great, Cathy!” Gula complimented her, “So now we have anything ready, right?”

“Indeed. Now it’s Jana’s turn to get prepared!”

Jana nodded. Yes, now it was up to her. She simply had to change her clothes, stick her boobs through the holes, have the box wrapped and they would be ready to go. She smiled. This was a shoot she would enjoy! A funny, witty motif just the way she liked it!

Jana went into the bathroom and dressed. When she stepped out again, clad in cargo pants, cute shoes and katana, with her large boobs jiggling invitingly, Gula whistled, “Looks great, Jana. This costume is amazing! Here, take the box and stuff your tits in it!”

The problem became obvious as soon as Jana put the box against her naked chest. The holes were way too small for her! Jana tried to push her flesh into the openings, but balancing the box and pressing her tits in wasn’t going to work.

Both Gula and Cathy quickly understood the situation and were eager to help. Jana was asked to kneel down and tilt the cardboard container so both of them could try to get her assets through the holes.

Jana complained quite a bit as fingers dug into her tits and pulled at the soft flesh . She didn’t think it would work, the openings were just so tiny! What was Cathy thinking when she did those? Was she so bad with taking measurements? This was just another ridiculous slip-up!

In contrast, Gula and Cathy seemed to enjoy their new task quite a bit. Both joked and fooled around while trying to pull those incredible orbs through. Jana moaned and groaned louder and louder as their hands got more and more serious. But to her surprise, her breasts indeed slipped through bit by bit, until both cans were firmly seated in the small box.

“Wow, what a tight fit!” panted Jana, “Didn’t you know my size when you made those openings?”

“Well, guess I just couldn’t believe how large they really are!” Cathy chuckled, “But it worked in the end, right? At least I don’t see your tits outside anymore! They’re neatly packed up in there!”

Cathy checked everything and glued the red ribbon on the cardboard. Carefully, she fixed more of the red band on the lid and pushed it on the box.

Gula grinned, “Indeed, a perfect hiding place. Melons now nicely stowed away! Anyway, I got rather hungry by this. Anybody else in for a pizza?”

Chapter 9: Food For Thought

“Good idea!” chirped Cathy. And Jana had to agree, they hadn’t eaten for ages and it was about time to change that. Gula called a nearby pizza place and ordered some food for all.

“I’ll get everything set up for the shoot while we wait for the pizzas!” said Cathy and headed off into the little storage room. Moments later she was rummaging around, arranging lights and equipment.

Then a phone rang. Gula reached into his pocket, looked into his mobile and murmured, “Damn! Sorry, this is important.”

The artist took the call and headed out. Jana could hear him talk feverishly, overheard something about tax and about missing documentation requested by some authority. It sounded serious. Soon Gula’s head popped in, a worried look on his face, and he groaned, “I have to quickly go to the bank. It’s urgent, sorry! Will be back soon!”

And then something shattered. Cathy’s voice was screaming and furious swearing ensued. The photographer appeared, red with anger, and bitched, “That freaking light just exploded in my face! Now I have to get a replacement bulb before we can do the shoot! Guess we still have a bit of time until the pizza arrives, so I’ll better get it now. Be back in a minute!”

Jana was shaking her head in disbelief. What was happening here? Alone with herself, she thought about her situation, about her plans. About her boobs stuck in that box. And then she felt something strange…

Her boobs itched! Something was tickling her, teasing her there! She wanted to scratch herself so badly!

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. The pizzas! And she was alone! Where was the money? Why did everybody leave?

Jana wasn’t really sure what to do. Should she open the door? But she was basically topless! Except that her boobs were actually well covered by that box. It rang again. And somebody knocked on the door.

“Pizza!” shouted a male voice. The hammering increased. Jana sighed, searched for her wallet and stuffed it into the back of her pants. She went to the door and opened it while pretending to balance a heavy box in her hands.

“Sorry, we’re renovating a bit here…”

The young guy eyed her and shrugged his shoulders, “Was about to leave again! Would’ve been a shame for all those pizzas…”

Jana felt the itch increase. Something in that box was changing. Her big boobs felt sensitive and begged for a scratch. She blinked, remembered that guy in front of her and collected herself.

“Sure, thanks!” she muttered and reached out to take the three pizzas. The guy’s eyes went wide as he watched her remove her hands from that large box she was apparently balancing. “Careful, you’re going to drop your box!” he warned her, but to his surprise the box stayed firmly attached to the girl’s body.

Jana’s face blushed feverishly when he recognized her fault. Damn, if he found out? And that itch was getting worse by the minute! She desperately wanted to scratch herself there!

“How do you do that?” the guy asked curiously, “Is that thing attached to you or what?”

Jana stuttered, “No, I … this is… just an experiment…I” She put the pizzas on top of the box that by now pushed down significantly onto her trapped tits. Balancing everything, she grabbed her wallet, fumbled out some money and shoved it on the guy muttering, “Thanks, Have to get back to work!”

The guy watched her wide-eyed. Something was fishy here! This girl was actually topless, no shirt or bra, just that box covering up her assets. He looked curiously at the apparently very flat-chested girl and shrugged. Not his type anyway. He liked them big and bouncy, especially up there, where that box was sitting. That girl was way too flat for his taste! He counted the money, noticed that he got barely a tip for his efforts and fumed, “Thanks for nothing, flattie!” He cursed and bitched as he left for the next customer.

That was close! Thank god the guy didn’t really get what he was seeing! But flattie? Really? Jana couldn’t believe what she just heard. What did that even mean? Then it dawned on her and she burst out laughing. Of course, the guy thought she was flat-chested! With no shirt on and no noticeable bulging breasts pressing against the box! And apparently he didn’t like that! She grinned. If he only knew… Having her naked tits covered only by that thin cardboard box in front of a stranger was quite a stimulating experience though! But now she had to check herself up, something definitely was wrong inside that box. Her orbs practically screamed at her!

Jana somehow managed to put the still warm pizzas onto the kitchen table without damaging the box that was stuck tightly over her bosom. She carefully lifted the lid and peeked inside. Her trapped breasts were squeezed tight in there, but no apparent damage or anything. It itched so badly! She was about to scratch herself when suddenly the door burst open and Cathy entered the room.

Chapter 10: Itches, Itches

“Man, that stupid bulb was so expensive! I can’t believe… What are you doing, sweetie? Don’t mess up that box! We’re almost ready to shoot!”

“It itches, I just need to scratch a bit.”

“Don’t, just don’t. Ugh, I’m so hungry. Where’s Gula?”

“Some important matters, don’t know. Hope he’ll be back soon. You wouldn’t believe what just happened. That pizza boy…”

“What?” inquired Cathy.

“He called me flattie! Can you believe this? He saw me with that box and…”

Cathy laughed, “Stupid guy, if he just looked a bit closer…”

“I know! That was such a close call! Still can’t believe I got away with this. Anyway, I’m hungry, too. Should we start with those pizzas? They’ll get cold and Gula can catch up later.”

Cathy nodded and grabbed a piece of food. Both girls were munching happily as Gula entered the little shop. He grinned, grabbed a piece of pizza and eyed Jana as she was trying to cope with that huge box in front of her.

“Getting used to that thing?” he smirked.

“You have no idea!” groaned Jana, “That box is hideous! My tits itch like hell, but Cathy doesn’t want me to ‘mess up the box’! Can you believe this? I thought I would like this scene better, but this thing is getting nasty. Can’t we just start with the shoot?”

“So about that itch… can you stand it until after the shoot?”

“I… no clue. But yes, I think I’ll manage.”

“Alright, so let’s get started then!” chimed Cathy and pushed Jana into her small ‘atelier’ again. She explained where to stand, applied a bit of makeup, pushed her hair around and fixed some loose strands with a bit of spray.

“Here, you need to wear the katana and the sheath, too! Look at the drawing, just open the lid and smile like Yeina does. It won’t take long.”

Cathy was definitely wrong with that assumption. It took forever. And soon, Jana showed signs of desperation. Small beads of sweat were forming on her forehead as she got more and more shaky.

“Oh fuck, it itches so much! My tits burn like hell! I just need to be scratched! Really! It’s getting fucking urgent!”

Suddenly, Cathy went blank. “Ugh, now I remember… That box… I’m so sorry Jana… I’m really…”

Gula raised his eyebrow. “What’s up?”

“Well, my silly brother, I guess. He ordered some itching powder some time ago. God knows what he planned to do with it. It was a huge shipment. And it came in this box. The entire powder was inside there, without any additional packaging. It’s quite some time ago, so maybe it’s not that strong anymore. But that stuff was vile! He put some of it into my panties, just for the giggles. I nearly chopped his head off for it!”

“Aaaahhhh….. I can’t stand it anymore!” squeaked Jana, the small box shaking in her hand.

Gula grinned, “Posing for those pictures is really not easy, especially for your boobs, darling. But can you just try to cope with it a bit longer? We’re almost there, a few more shoots and we’re done!”

Jana squirmed, but as she saw the determination in his eyes she nodded, “Just make it quick, please!”

“Let me fix her makeup a bit,” said Cathy and went to work on the shaking girl.

It took them another hour until they were satisfied. Finally, they allowed Jana to remove the devilish box from her body, and the poor girl practically tore it in two as her hands shot around her itching orbs. She squeezed then furiously, scratched and mauled them like a maniac. But it really didn’t help, so she asked her two friends to join in and scratch her there, too.

The ensuing giggle fest was out of this world. Everybody prodded and pulled at the itchy flesh, and made Jana moan in pleasure and pain.

Thankfully, the itch subsided after a while, so the team could finally inspect the photo more closely.

“Looks great!” smiled the artist as he examined the result.

“Those two pictures should be enough to raise some interest. Let’s hope that we’ll drown in money, soon!”

Gula posted them the same night. He explained what his project was about and that he needed some money to make his dream a reality. He also posted some links to his drawings and to the shop where people could buy his ‘HYPNOS’ ebook. And then they waited.

First comments came in almost immediately. The pictures were praised and people seemed to be quite ecstatic about them. Plenty of discussion started, and people quickly suggested which drawings they wanted to have remade next.

Other people added their suggestions, and some sort of top ten list quickly developed, headed by the popular ‘PRESSURE ROLLERS’. Gula, Jana and Cathy had a good laugh at the rather witty comments and finally decided to go out to adequately celebrate their achievement.

Chapter 11: Convincing The Crowd

Gula almost constantly checked how the comment thread developed. Everybody seemed to like the pictures they created, the only problem was that nobody sent any money! Well, except some longtime fans. But overall it barely amounted to a hundred dollars! Nothing that would help them to pull off this project.

This wasn’t working too well and he knew it. Cathy and Jana were a bit more optimistic, but they acknowledged that this won’t bring in the funds needed for his dream. They had to try another angle.

The three chatted a bit, and Cathy explained in colorful words what she expected of the project, and what she could do with the money earned. Gula was a bit depressed already and considered giving up. But then Jana dropped the word that changed everything.


“Crowdfunding?” Cathy asked, not understanding a word.

“Yes, crowdfunding. You know about all those projects out there? Where people come up with crazy ideas that nobody in their right mind would fund, but they still get enough money to try it? There are so many platforms available to help connect with enthusiasts that are willing to put real money on the table.”

“And you think this will work?”

“I’m convinced it will. We just need to get people engaged, need to offer them something. A chance to influence the project, to suggest ideas, get their fantasies realized and be part of the decision process.”

Gula got all excited and said, “I agree, I think this could do the trick. We just need to set it up right, come up with a convincing story, set up the right tiers and so on!”

Cathy was still a bit skeptical, but the enthusiasm of Gula was quite contagious. And once they wrapped their heads around the idea, everybody was buzzing with energy. Jana vividly explained a first concept, and sketched out a quick plan. They worked for hours like crazy, debated the initial setup and how to find the backers needed.

Jana even found a platform that was targeted towards art projects and open to content of the more daring type. Now, it was up to them to provide a convincing story and define pricing, tiers and goals.

Only Jana got a bit concerned over her own courage and pondered what she would be asked to do, once the project picked up steam. What would the backers demand? Which pictures would they choose? A shiver of anticipation crept down her spine.

The team quickly came up with a pretty solid project outline, prominently featuring Jana, and linked to all sorts of articles about the film she did. Then, they added the two pictures and a short description of the entire project and its goals.

But only asking for money wouldn’t be enough. They needed to engage their fans and get them to choose the higher tiers! After all, they looked for something like 100.000 dollars to fund the entire project, including all props and scenes needed. They definitely needed some ‘whales’ that would pay up!

Gula’s head was already fuming. He looked in all the faces around him and asked, “So how do we get our fans really interested? We can’t just ask them and hope that they’ll pay! We have to offer them something!”

“Of course we have!” muttered Cathy, “And it’d better be convincing, otherwise we can stop right here!”

Jana added, “What if we offer them a voice in the decisions we take? We can put out some proposed pictures and let them comment?”

“Well, we have to do the Hypnos pictures, that’s for sure. But of course we can offer more, a kind of community review… why not?”

“And for the real whales, the ones that pay loads of money, we can let them just pick some pictures. Like a commission.”

“Good thought. So let’s write this down!”

They quickly came up with a detailed plan. Each of the team would select one drawing which they would like to see recreated. The list would then be put up for comments to get some feedback by the community before the team went off to select one.

They also came up with a number of tiers for the project:

  • A low cost tier ‘Basic’ for $5 would simply give rights to access to the first few pictures.
  • A ‘Digital’ tier for 50 bucks that would get you a digital version of all pictures created.
  • A ‘Physical’ tier for 100 bucks that would give you in addition a beautiful, printed book plus the right to propose a drawing for consideration.
  • An ‘Elite’ tier for $1000 that would get you the book plus the right to select any of Gula’s Yeina drawings that would be replicated in addition to the proposed ones.
  • And finally, the ‘Ultimate’ tier for 50.000 or more that would grant the right to basically request whatever you want from the project team.

Gula was grinning when he proposed this last tier. No way in hell would anybody dump 50k on their little project, right?!

At the end of the week, they had everything together. The project page looked sleek, the tiers were well differentiated, and the first two pictures were really quite an appetizer. They had posted a promise to add new pictures in the next few weeks that would only be visible to backers.

The team checked and re-checked their project page and concluded that everything was looking good. So Gula pressed the ‘publish’ button and posted everything right away.

Chapter 12: A Wish List

And then…. nothing. Not a single sign-up in the first hours. But Jana was positive that it was just a matter of time until some backers would show up.

And indeed, a few days later there were some sign-ups, but only a bunch of basics and one or two for $50. Nothing to brag about, but at least there was hope.

Of course, as soon as some backers subscribed, the bitching started. Some of those that paid the $5 sent emails almost daily to beg for more content. And some flooded the comment sections with tips and wishes about what they would like to see.

The team got together and decided to start working on the second phase. The only problem was that nobody had any money, and the few bucks coming from those backers were too little to make any difference. But, for all the props they would need, money would be key!

Cathy somehow got the idea that the project was her only chance to ever become successful as an artist. She constantly talked about the bigger picture, how they all would get famous, how those pictures would end up in art galleries and the like. Nobody paid attention, but it was obvious that she was much more invested than the rest of the team.

Then she started to suddenly talk about the project failing already. She claimed that they would need funds quickly, otherwise the whole thing would tank big time. She got into some weird vicious cycle, complaining and bitching that the project was about to go bust without proper funding.

And then, to everyone’s surprise, she went all in.

Without telling anyone, Cathy asked her bank for a loan on her little shop. She was ready to risk everything she had. The only request she made to Jana and Gula was that her vote would be decisive whenever there was a decision to be made. After all, she was betting her entire career on this project and wanted to have a say in it. If this would fail, it would be game over for her.

Gula was absolutely shocked by her decision. This project was nothing to bet an entire existence on! But, of course, he welcomed the money and the option to make his dream a reality.

When Cathy finally got her hands on the $20k from the bank, the team reconvened immediately. Everyone was asked to select a favorite picture that they want to recreate to stir more appetite.

“Alright, let’s do this. So please put your choice in an envelope and give it to me. I will then post them on our project page and collect the feedback from our backers. Finally we’ll get together a few days later, review everything together,” said Cathy, “I will then select one but I want you all to see what everyone is proposing and what the community is thinking, even if it’s me in the end that makes the call.”

So everybody went off to go through a pile of pictures that Cathy printed out for them, and grabbed whatever they liked. Once everybody was satisfied with his or her choice, Cathy collected the envelopes and went off to post the list.

A few days later, Cathy called for a meeting. She shuffled everyone into the main studio room and said, “Finally, it’s time to have a look at what we are about to work on!”

Jana giggled, “Can’t wait to see what’s in those envelopes! Was really hard to not peek into that list you posted!”

The group gathered around a table and Cathy made quite a show as she put the drawings one by one in front of them.

“Here comes Gula’s wish… it’s ‘between legs’ which prominently features … you guessed it… her amazing boobies, dangling between her legs! They are kind of hidden though, but what a fantastic perspective! Who would expect to see such a delicious pair peeking out down there? An interesting choice, Gula! Applause!”

Jana examined the picture and grinned, “Great pose! This would be fun to make!”

Gula smiled, “I always loved this one, it’s just so innocent! I think the pose really works well!”

“Yes, what an innocent beauty!” laughed Cathy, “Oh, and here’s a second picture in there. Gula, are you cheating?”

The artist blushed, “I… I couldn’t resist. And it’s ‘GRAVITY+’, just a simple sketch of Yeina that I used to demonstrate the effect of gravity on drawn boobs. We have the costume already, so this should be very easy! It would be so cool to have this sequence of sketches complemented with an actual photo of the pose! You know, first only some lines, then more and more complete drawings … and finally… the real thing! It will be fantastic!” He was beaming.

“I get it, and I agree!” chuckled Cathy, “You’ll get that one as a bonus. The whole thing was your idea after all.

So let’s see what the others propose. Here comes the letter from Jana; A pair of disembodied tits, ‘FALLING FROM HEAVEN’. Absolutely spectacular! What a fitting choice!”

Gula applauded. “Indeed a great choice, Jana.”

“I so love this picture,” beamed Jana, “it’s so simple yet so… tantalizing! I … I just couldn’t help, I had to select this!”

“Would like you to see you doing this,” grinned Cathy and continued, “You certainly could do it with those huge things on your chest! So here is finally my own choice. I figured our primary audience is fans of big bound boobs that are squeezed tightly. We saw it already from the initial feedback. So I thought we should try this! It’s one of your newer ones, right Gula?”

Jana gasped. “Wow, this looks painful! What the hell is this?”

“It’s called ‘Yeina in Tubeshape device’, and it will be perfect to gain backers. Just look at Yeina’s tasty breasts! And her pose! How she’s biting her lip to not scream in pain… so cute! It’ll probably be a bit difficult to get Jana’s tits in shape like that, but who doesn’t like a bit of a challenge? Right, Jana? I’m sure you can manage this. It will be incredible!”

“Ugh… my tits hurt from just looking at it!” squirmed Jana, “How am I supposed to do this? And what are those… things anyway? Looks like metal? Please, don’t choose this one, Cathy, take ‘Yeina between legs’ or ‘FALLING FROM HEAVEN’. Please? Pretty please?”

“Sorry, Jana, but I have to select ‘Yeina in Tubeshape’ device. Your choices are a bit too tame for my taste, and the few backers we have pretty much agreed with me. Almost all of them selected this one from the list. You should see those comments… scary! Anyway, we have to think of our audience. We want this project to be a success, right? So you have to make some sacrifices. Don’t be a pussy! It’ll be a great teaser and will show off your stunning capabilities and dedication to the project!”

“Great!” grinned Gula, “So what about those tube-things? Where can we get those? I mean, when I drew those, I kind of imagined them being rigid and sturdy, and they would compress by a push of a button. But drawing them is one thing, building stuff like that…how?”

Cathy laughed, “Don’t worry, I know just the right person for a task like this. Give me a few days and everything will be ready. And Jana can use the time to train her tits for this!”

Chapter 13: A New Face

Jana had nightmares from what was waiting for her. She carried a printout of the picture in her bag and stared at it every few hours, wondering how the fuck she would manage that pose, how her tits would manage this incredible squeeze. She even tried to wrap some rope around her orbs to see how easy it will be, but remembering her experience with the shoot of ‘YEINA BONDAGE SKETCH’, it definitely won’t be a walk in the park.

In the following days, Jana squeezed and groped her twins every minute she could spare, tried to tie off her tits to get them in a shape that at least resemble somewhat the sketch she was supposed to do. But her efforts weren’t really convincing and after some days she had enough of it and counted on the help of the team when the time came.

A week later, Cathy called everyone again into the shop. The atmosphere was buzzing, and the entire team looked forward to their next project. Jana and Gula were drinking coffee and chatting, while they waited for Cathy to tell them the plan. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Just in time” laughed Cathy as she stormed to the door. A tall, blonde woman entered the room and smiled, “Hi Cathy, I have what you requested. Was kind of difficult this time, but I think I managed. Look!”

Cathy nodded, “Great, let me introduce you first.” She turned around and said, “Guys, this is Maya. She is simply the greatest, most reliable props engineer, tailor and mechanical artist on the planet! I know her from a job at the theater. She’s absolutely brilliant with creating or commissioning all kinds of props. She also made the costume we used for ‘YEINA VALENTINE’S DAY’!”

Gula beamed, “Oh, wow, your work is really great! Thanks for your help!”

“And she has almost the same figure as you, Jana! About the same amount of material up there in the boobs department, I think! I really start to feel inadequate with such melons around!” giggled Cathy, blushing lightly.

“Yes indeed!” grinned Jana, “And I’m really lucky to not be the only one with big boobs here! I was starting to feel quite a bit exposed!”

“Cathy showed me quite a bit of your work, Gula. I really like your drawings! You’re always so creative! I’m so happy for this opportunity, looking forward to working with you guys!”

Gula beamed, “Appreciated! Pleasure to have you here!”

“Anyway, I asked Maya to join our little team. She will help us with the props. And having her in the team should speed up things significantly.”

“Welcome!” smiled Gula, “Always good to get support from someone so talented!”

“Thanks guys”, beamed Maya and added, “I brought you something. Suppose this is for you, Jana?”

She handed Jana a rather heavy package and said, “I made it precisely according to the specifications I got from Cathy and from what I could see in that sketch,” she eyed Jana’s bust, “So I hope everything fits. In addition, I added some features to help you get it on.”

Jana’s hands trembled nervously as she took the box. Her heart was racing and she feared to faint any moment. She knew what was in there, knew for what it was, and what her role would be. Would she be able to handle this challenge? She had already trouble getting that damn package opened, and all the others were watching her every move, waiting for her reaction!

And then she managed to bust it open. Jana had already a very clear expectation of how the device would look, but the real thing looked so much more intimidating. It was made from heavy metal, with bolts everywhere. Some leather straps were dangling from it, too! The whole device looked nasty, like a weird bra with long tubes instead of cups, and a third tube that was attached to the strap on the back.

From the picture she knew too well what the tubes were for, that this third tube was supposed to fix her arms behind her back. Tears were welling up in her eyes as she sobbed, “I.. I don’t know if I can do this! How am I supposed to get this on anyway? It looks awful!”

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” grinned Cathy,” together we’ll manage. Now let’s get out for a change. This scene is clearly supposed to be done outdoors, in the woods! Just look at the sketch; see how spiky that ground is? How Yeina’s breasts are getting poked and scratched by those little thorns? I think I know exactly the right place for this. Let’s pack up and get out!”

Jana was jumpy during the entire drive. She didn’t know what to do with her hands and was constantly asking questions, like where they were going, and what she had to do, how she would get into that bra and what the others think of it. It only took about half an hour to get there, but it felt like an eternity for her. And by the time they arrived, everyone was annoyed by her constant talking and her jumpiness.

Jana almost panicked when she finally got out of the car. Now her challenge was only minutes away!

The place was beautiful, calm and sunny. A small clearing nearby a little river in the middle of nowhere. But there was something peculiar about it. Something Jana has never seen before. And when she finally calmed down enough to have a closer look, she shrieked in fear.

Chapter 14: A Thorny Situation

The ground! The entire area was covered with sharp, spiky thorns! On first glance, it just looked like the usual forest floor, but on closer inspection Jana saw thousands and thousands of little, brown thorns poking out of the ground. It indeed looked just like on that sketch.

“Jana, please get into your ‘costume’ now, we’re almost ready!” snarled Cathy as she set up lights and equipment, “If you need any help, just ask the others! I’m sure they’re happy to assist you!”

Jana cringed. Oh well, there was not much she could do about this now. And she wanted the project to succeed, like everybody else. So she simply had to bite the bullet and squeeze herself into that monstrosity. Jana opened the trunk of their car and grabbed the heavy device.

“Any idea where I could change?” she asked, hoping for a quiet spot to undress. But then she realized just how silly that was. For once, she was in the middle of nowhere, with nobody around except people that will see her naked anyway. And her tits won’t be covered by the device, they would just get pushed out even more, and that look would be so much more humiliating than being naked could ever be! There was definitely no point in being prudish around here…

Jana got out of her shirt and bra and tried to put the cold device on. She laughed hysterically as she recognized just how small those tubes actually were compared to her naked, bouncy boobs. Meanwhile, Maya was sitting on a nearby rock watching her intently and giggling with joy.

“How the fuck should I get this on, Maya? Those things are way too small for me!”

Jana turned around, facing the others, with the leather straps fastened over her shoulders and chest. The tubes were hanging uselessly from her, bouncing against her soft bosom.

Gula looked at her wide eyed, appreciating the tantalizing sight. The thought of seeing those incredible melons squeezed into those tight tubes was rather stimulating. But when Cathy saw Jana’s predicament, she simply laughed heartily and shouted, “Better get Maya to help you out, dear! She should know how this thing is supposed to work!”

Maya grinned, rose from her rock and said, “Let me assist you, cutie. Come here and turn around!”

Jana felt a pull on the straps. Then the tube on her back was opened. And shortly after, both of her arms were securely bound.

“Now, that’s better. At least one of the tubes is installed,” laughed Maya, “Let’s get to work on the other two, those will require a bit more effort. Turn around again, sweetie.”

Jana faced the beautiful woman and saw her manipulating one of the tubes. Suddenly, there was a metallic click and a hissing sound, and the tight tube expanded a bit.

Jana looked puzzled at Maya, who grinned, “I know… the steam, right? Kind of retro and all, but I’m a sucker for steam-punk. I just had to do it this way. Look, here’s a pressure valve. If it’s pressurized, it opens up and expands. This way you could separate the segments and disassemble the whole thing. If you want to lock them together again, just open the valve and the segments will shrink and snap together. Simple, really. Just need to make sure that everything is pressurized.”

She connected a hose to each tube and connected them to some machine in the car’s trunk. Then she flicked a switch and a machine roared alive, pumping air into the contraption. She then closed the valves and disassembled the weird bra piece by piece until only the first segment on each side was left.

Those base pieces were already solidly affixed to the leather straps that were fastened around Jana’s torso, but the rings still were way too small to go around the base of her boobs. Maya inspected them quickly and then opened up a bracket at each side of the rings. Suddenly, those opened up at one side and formed a sort of clamp.

“Alright, now let’s get you into shape. Brace yourself, girl. This will hurt a bit.”

Maya grabbed one of Jana’s soft breasts and pulled it away from her body. She then took one of the clamps and tried to fumble it over the stretched tit.

“No, this won’t work. Cathy, could you lend me a hand?” she asked and added, “Just pull her boob away a little so I can get this sucker in place!”

Jana cringed when Cathy complied and grabbed a handful. With both hands, the strong woman pulled her flesh away from her body, and Maya was finally able to snap the first clamp around the base of Jana’s breast.

“That was easy!” joked Cathy and watched intently as a bit of white fluid seeped out of the budding nipple, “Your breasts are just spectacular, Jana. But I guess I told you already! Just look at those suckers! Look at how this thing is swelling up and spewing stuff!”

The trapped breast bounced around and indeed ballooned from the squeeze, milk slowly leaking out of it. Jana could feel the trapped blood pumping, and it wasn’t pleasant.

“Good, that’s good!” said Maya, patting the bouncy melon, “Now the other one!”

Chapter 15: A Mighty Squeeze

Gula gaped and watched with curiosity while Cathy joked about the effort it took to get Jana ready and about how much of a pain her tits were. If even the very first segment of Jana’s new bra took so much effort, how would they ever get the whole thing on her?

But Maya knew what she was doing. She asked both Cathy and Gula for help, and soon four hands were pulling at Jana’s reddening, dripping boobs while two others closed one clamp after another around them, creating spectacular metal tubes that securely trapped her assets.

Finally, Jana’s breasts were both hugged tightly by the steel bra, and the bulbous tips of her orbs ballooned from the ends of the tubes.

Maya tickled one of Jana’s fat, leaking nipples and laughed, “How do you like it so far? Looks good, I must say!”

“Ugh, it’s a bit on the tight side!” complained the model while she tried to get used to the squeeze.

“We’re not there yet, sweetie, the tubes are still way too wide. Remember the picture? They’re supposed to be a lot tighter. And you’re still missing some accessories, too! Come over to the car!”

Jana stumbled behind Maya as she followed her. Gula was kind enough to give her some support; otherwise she would have collapsed on the spot! And with her hands on her back, she wouldn’t be able to soften her fall.

Panting exhausted, Jana wondered what Maya was talking about. Suddenly she felt something around her neck, almost choking her.

“Here’s a nice collar for you! Just like in the picture. Couldn’t skip that part, could we?”

There was a collar on the picture? Really? She must have missed that piece. And she didn’t like that new sensation at all! But it surely emphasized the feeling of helplessness, together with her bound arms and strangled tits.

“Now the fun part!” grinned Maya and pushed some small buttons on contraptions around her breasts. Air was hissing out of the devices, and suddenly milk sprayed from her tight twin torpedoes.

Jana shrieked in panic. The metal tubes vibrated and shook her tortured flesh around, causing her red, hot balloons to bounce and quiver. And the tubes got tighter! With a mighty squeeze, a hidden mechanism shrank the devious metal further and further, causing the ends of her twins to balloon and blossom even more.

Jana was sweating profusely and screamed, “This fucking monster is destroying my tits! Stop it, please?!”

But Gula and Cathy were dumbstruck and just watched in awe as Jana’s tits were transformed into some sort of sprinkler. Maya marveled at her creation and joked, “It’s working like a charm! Don’t you think, Jana?”

Jana screamed on the top of her lungs as the monstrosity finally stopped shrinking. Her breasts looked ridiculous, and they felt like shit, too.

Maya laughed, “Great idea, right? The loss of pressure triggers a nifty internal mechanism that causes those tubes to slowly collapse into their ‘natural’ form. And I assure you, you don’t want to know how they look in that state. Better keep some of the pressure in those things, sweetie!”

Jana gasped, and stared at her vibrating tits. The tight metal hug felt rather dangerous and frightening. Thank goodness the shrinking stopped!

But Maya wasn’t done with her just yet. Instead, she grabbed each hurting boob-in-a-tube and screwed some thin rods into the metal. The rods caused her boobs to be pushed away from each other, increasing the pressure even more.

Tears were streaming down Jana’s cheeks and she was sobbing uncontrollably. This was so much worse than she imagined! How could she ever agree to this? What a disaster! But then she heard Cathy saying, “I think she’s ready. Let’s clean her up and get going. Time to take the pictures!”

Thank god, only a few more minutes and she would be done with it! She blinked, looked around and creaked, “So, what do you want me to do?”

Cathy pointed to a spot between all her equipment and said, “Go over there, kneel down and push your tits into the ground just like in the sketch. We’ll pull down your pants a bit so your naked, shapely ass is showing, too. Then just let me do my work.”

Jana nodded and stumbled forward, supported by the artist’s strong arms. Gula helped her kneel down and position herself.

The girl trembled and shook as he tried to lower her torso. With her hands on her back, she had no way of supporting the weight of her body, let alone the weight of those things on her tits. But that fact only became apparent after she toppled over and slammed her bound tits into the thorny ground.

Jana screamed in pain as she drove her hard, swollen melons into the spiky thorns. Her body trembled and shook, trying to cope with the unexpected challenge, while the model’s hot tears were messing up face and hair.

“Ouch!” murmured Gula, who was rather shocked by the whole scene. If he would have known how this all went, back when he created that sketch, maybe he would have chosen quite a different setup altogether. But now it was too late.

Meanwhile, Cathy took one picture after the other. The scene was just too out-of-this-world to pass on. That voluptuous girl, bound like she was, supported by only her strangled tits that leaked a white river… what a sight! Of course, the pose wasn’t really correct, and Jana looked like shit with her make-up all over the place, but that girl was so damn hot!

“Jana, you need to push your ass a bit higher! And your tits are not in line either! Your left nipple needs to just peek over the thorns, and right now it’s not visible at all! And stop the leaking, please!” complained Cathy with a smirk on her face.

Jana couldn’t help but sob and groan, “I… I’m really stuck here. If I try to move any part of my body I’ll probably fall over. Please, can somebody help me?”

Gula and Maya came closer, each with a printout of the sketch in their hand, and started to push and prod her straining body. As Maya pulled one of Jana’s bound orbs over the thorny ground, the tormented girl moaned in pain.

“Damn, please be careful Maya. This hurts!”

“I just wanted to get those in line, like on the sketch! Your nipple…” she grabbed the fat nub of Jana’s left tit and pulled it up, spraying the ground with white fluid, “Now, that’s better. Almost there, girl. Let me fix your make-up!”

Maya returned to the car while Gula was carefully studying Jana’s pose and the reference drawing. Something still wasn’t right. Was it the separator rods? Were they a bit too short? Yes, that was it! And the pressure on her boobs was obviously not enough; the dent in the upper part of the right boob-ball wasn’t as pronounced as in the picture! He reached out to the rods and slowly expanded them a bit.

Jana groaned as her tits were pushed further out and scraped over the floor. Fuck, this was just horrible. When were they done?

“Jana, you need to push your chest down a bit more, the pressure is not enough. It looks wrong!”

“What the fuck? This is ridiculous, Gula! I’m in pain and my fucking tits are digging into a fucking shitload of thorns! I can’t press down any more!”

“Sorry Jana, but you have to. Just a tiny bit! But you can wait until Maya fixes your makeup! Or maybe…”

He reached out to her breasts and pulled them apart further. Jana howled as her balloons once again scraped over the spiky floor. Gula, red-faced, quickly apologized for the discomfort. He murmured, “We just need to get this right, otherwise we have to do it again later. And you surely don’t want that, right?”

Jana moaned, “Right… it’s just… fuck it, just get over with this, fast. Please?!”

Then, Maya returned from the car and started to clean Jana’s face. Jana couldn’t believe it! The whole situation was totally ridiculous. And when Cathy ‘accidentally’ stepped on her swollen tits, pressing even more milk out of her tight balloons in the process, she just had enough.

“Damn, Maya! Please! You fucking stepped on me! This isn’t funny anymore!”

“Sorry, dear,” Maya chuckled,” wasn’t on purpose. Just so damn hard to not hit your tits if they’re swollen like that. They’re all over the place! But only a few more minutes and we’re done here. Promise!”

Jana groaned annoyed. Her back hurt. Her tits hurt, and even her thighs hurt from being in that awkward position for so long. And her voice was getting hoarse from all the screaming, too! Would this ever end?

“There, done!” Maya said, wiping away the milky trail from Jana’s body, “Looking good, sweetie! Cathy, how do you like it? Is her pose OK? How’s the expression on her face? Her hair?”

Cathy gave them a thumbs-up. “Looking good! Just need that tiny tear on your left eye, Jana. And bite your lip a bit. Remember the sketch! Now, press down your tits until they feel like they’re going to explode!” she cackled.

Jana was getting desperate. She would do everything to end this! And so she blinked, pressed and bit her lip, twisted her head and let them prod and poke her more until they were happy with her pose and all.

“Can I please at least get off these thorns now?” creaked Jana after another round of picture-taking, “I’m about to collapse any minute, and I can’t feel my fucking tits anymore, and even my legs are getting numb!”

Jana was furious. Time to get out of this! Then she saw Gula approaching Cathy, whispering something in her ear. Cathy nodded, whispered back. Maya was called over, more whispering, nodding. Jana saw Cathy returning to the camera. The photographer fumbled with the controls, shook her head and went back to the group again. What the hell was going on?

“Hey guys, get me out, please?!”

Chapter 16: Too Much To Ask

Finally, Gula approached Jana and said, “Sorry Jana, we just found out that the stupid camera is broken. The damn thing didn’t take any picture at all! We need to get a new one right away, and it won’t make sense to get you out of this monster. So …”

Jana groaned, “Really? And what now?”

“Well, Cathy and I will drive back as fast as we can. And Maya has some important appointments in the city, so she’ll be with us, too. Can you just … wait here for us? I know it’s much to ask, but…”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Leaving me like this? Here? In the woods? Alone?” Tears flooded Jana’s eyes.

“I know, but we spent so long to get you in this pose! And it’ll only take a moment!”

Jana screamed, “It will take an hour at least! And if you get stuck in traffic? You can’t do that, Gula! What if somebody shows up? What if there are wild animals around? I’m totally helpless like that!”

The artist knelt down to her and whispered, “I know, I know. But it’s safe out here. There is nobody, anywhere. No dangerous animals, nothing.”

Jana obviously didn’t believe him and murmured, “This is dangerous, Gula…”

“No, really, Jana. Don’t be afraid. You will be completely safe here.”, he looked deep into her eyes, smiled reassuringly and joked, “Nobody wants to step into those thorns, you know!” and then added more seriously, “It won’t take long, and the sooner we leave the earlier we’re back!”

Jana stared at him, fear in her eyes, “This shoot is absolutely horrifying, Gula! The worst thing I had to go through, ever! I hope the next ones will be better, because otherwise I’m out! I’ll leave! You know that I really like the project and all, but today? This is the worst. Ever. My entire body hurts like shit, and now you’re leaving me alone? Really?” Her whole body shook and trembled.

Gula whispered, “I owe you for this. And I’ll return the favor, promise. But it’s really the easiest if we just get going!”

Jana nodded, looked at him with teary eyes and whispered, “But be quick! Promise?! I’ll fucking lose my mind, if you don’t return within an hour!”

The artist patted her head, “Thanks, you’re the best!” He turned around and shouted, “Girls, Jana is OK with us going, let’s hurry back into the city and get that freaking camera!”

“Now that was a difficult sell,” murmured Gula as they drove down the street, “You’re sure this was a good idea? The poor girl will go crazy, alone like that!”

Cathy groaned, “She knew that it won’t be easy, that there are sacrifices to make. And goddammit, she was simply not looking scared enough on those photos. Look at the sketch again; look at how you drew Yeina, with that wide-eyed look, the tears! And now, tell me this wasn’t a good idea! We’ll simply walk back and wait in the woods for a while. I have my best zoom lens with me and we’ll have a great picture in moments. Don’t be such a whiner, Gula!”

Maya nodded, “She’s right, you know? This way the poor girl has to go through it only a few minutes more. If we would stop here, you would complain that the picture is no good and we’d have to start all over again. So this is definitely the best solution. And Jana is a tough one, she’ll cope with it.”

“If you say so… Alright, let’s get back to her. But be quiet so she doesn’t spot us.”

Jana bitched since ages. She hated being there, in this stupid forest. Thankfully, her boobs didn’t hurt too much anymore. Her bulging balloons have gotten completely numb and didn’t feel like a part of her body for a long time. But that surely wasn’t a good thing either! She had to get out of this mess, fast! How long since they left? Probably not too long yet. Fuck.

The group parked at some secluded spot down the street and briskly walked back to where Jana was waiting. They had an excellent view from behind the bushes, especially with that fantastic zoom lens. And Cathy quickly managed to take some rather good pictures. But Jana still didn’t look scared enough, compared to the sketch, just furious and very, very angry.

“Damn, this won’t work,” whispered Gula, “she just isn’t frightened at all! Any ideas?”

“How about we just wait? Maybe she freaks out at some point?”

“I don’t know. It’s getting dark already. We don’t have much time left!”

Jana heard something rustling somewhere. What was that? She tried to concentrate, listen. There was it again, closer this time. Was it some animal? Or some guy that was about to discover her, bound and strapped into that horrible device? She held her breath, goosebumps covered her back.

Suddenly, something touched her on her behind, creeping down slowly but steadily. She shivered. Out of breath and with a pounding heart she turned her head and tried to catch a glimpse of what the hell was going on. Was her mind playing tricks on her? She was on the verge of panic.

Maya grinned, “I think I have an idea how we get our star a bit more excited! I almost forgot this little thing…” She emptied her bag on the floor, searched through her stuff and whispered, “Ta-da! Here’s the little sucker!”

She proudly presented a tiny remote control and said, “This little dude can’t do much, but probably enough to be of help. I actually used it to try out some features of that steel bra during construction. And I think for the situation we are in right now, this is the perfect tool!”

Meanwhile, Jana calmed down a bit. Maybe, there was nothing attacking her after all? At least those sounds were gone. She just felt so vulnerable, with her ass sticking up like that, and her womanly parts so openly on display! But what would be, if there was indeed somebody behind her, somebody taking advantage of her situation?

Jana was certain that she would freak out immediately if that would actually happen, but the situation made her curious. And she had plenty of time to kill. So she tried to explore her feelings, tried to get her into the right mood. She imagined somebody touching her, kissing her exposed ass. She fantasized about warm hands working her straining thighs, wet lips kissing her body at very intimate places.

Fantasy fingers stroked her, teased her, tweaked her nipples. Jana’s pulse quickened, and the exhausted girl soon moaned freely.

Cathy looked through her zoom lens with fascination. She giggled silently and whispered, “Looks like our star has quite a bit of fun!”

Her camera clicked, time and time again, as picture after picture was taken. Maya and Gula watched the show in awe.

Maya smirked, “Quite an interesting sight, seeing Jana panting like that. But it’s not the emotion we need for the picture. So, sorry to spoil the fun Jana, but we need to change this!”

With a wide grin on her face, she pointed the remote towards the model and pressed a button.

Jana jerked in surprise as suddenly that awful contraption around her breasts started to vibrate in earnest. The girl was thoroughly shocked as she got yanked out of her fantasy. The sudden change made her panic again. Wasn’t she supposed to simply wait here? Nobody told her that this squeeze-monster had a life of its own! Surely, that devilish device wasn’t supposed to do… stuff?

With a pang, the pain in her tits was back. Jana didn’t know what happened, if it was the vibrations or that the tubes seemed to shrink again. But that hissing sound was freaking her out for good. That horrid machine would surely destroy her tits any moment! Her fear and panic increased by the second and the frightened girl desperately cried for help. Hopefully, somebody was nearby? Somebody that wouldn’t eat her alive or murder her…

The tubes rattled and screeched, squashing her melons to mush, and wringing the last drops of milk out of her tortured tits. At least, that was how it felt to Jana.

And then there was a flash of light.

Chapter 17: Back Safe

“I think she passed out!” whispered Cathy, as she zoomed into Jana’s face for another picture. “Damn, look at how swollen her tits are! They look like they pop any minute!”

Maya approached the bound girl and patted her head softly, then with more vigor. “Oops, yup, you’re right. She passed out cold. Guess that was a bit too much for her.”

She knelt down, took one of the awfully constricted breasts in her hand and examined the tight ball closely. “All purple. And tight like some overfilled water balloon! Kind of hot to the touch, too! This doesn’t look healthy, guys. We really need to get her out of this thing. And quick!”

Together they went to work, rolled the unconscious girl on her back and began pulling at her trapped pillows.

“Can’t you expand those tubes again with that nifty remote of yours?” asked the artist as he tried to open the tight device with his hands, “Those things are completely stuck!”

Maya looked at him in surprise, smacked her head and shouted, “Of course! Good idea!” She searched through her bag, retrieved the remote and pressed a few buttons.

“Uh-oh, no pressure left in there!” she said as some air escaped and the tubes shrank a tiny bit further, pressing a drop of milk out of the distended melons. “Cathy, get me the compressor from the car, we need to put some pressure in there first!”

Together, they managed to connect the valves on Jana’s contraption to the machine, and soon compressed air was hissing into the tubes. Slowly, the tight metal around Jana’s purple assets expanded, and the tight balls deflated in front of their eyes.

“Looks much better! Poor girl! Should be much easier to remove those tubes now!”

And indeed, finally they succeeded in pulling the cold metal from Jana, and her tortured flesh slowly returned to its natural color and shape.

Jana barely remembered anything when she woke up. Well, she had been out with the others, doing an outdoor shoot in the woods… Ugh, that hellish contraption tormenting her tits… right, she remembered that part!

But how did she get back to her hotel? Was the shoot a success at all? She faintly remembered the others leaving her, that she was alone out there, bound and helpless. She shivered. Did she just dream the whole thing?

Groggily, Jana managed to crawl out of her bed. Her entire body hurt like fuck. Muscles, she did not even remember having, ached, and her breasts tingled and itched. Definitely not a dream! She had to find out what had happened!

Jana fumbled her phone out of her bag and called Gula.


“Hey! Hi Jana, great to hear from you! How… are you? You did a fantastic job, yesterday!”

“Really? That’s great! Because I can’t remember a thing! Did I pass out or what?”

“Well, kind of, I guess. Right after Cathy took the final picture, you collapsed and slumped over like a freaking sack of potatoes!” he giggled, “Wasn’t easy to get you out of there. And freeing you from that tube-thing was quite a challenge! Glad to hear that you are all well and good!”

“Really? So I did it? I managed the pose?”

“Like a pro, sweetie! We’re in the shop looking at the pictures we took. They’re spectacular! Some of them are just like that sketch! You should really drop by and see them yourself, they’re simply incredible! Even Cathy said they’re her best work, ever!”

Jana almost felt the artist’s excitement radiating through the phone. This buzzing, warm feeling that something you worked on very hard for a long time came finally to fruition. She got quite curious about those photos, too. Were they really that great?

Jana showered, grabbed something to eat and headed out of the hotel. Every piece of her body hurt, her leg muscles ached, and her entire back felt sore. And her boobs were a whole different story, suffering from a level of soreness that was simply out of this world. She couldn’t remember feeling that beaten since ages! What the hell did she do yesterday?

The looks she got, when she entered the little shop, were kind of weird. Like, if Cathy and Maya were hesitating to say anything. Like, they were trying to figure out Jana’s mood first, just in case.

Jana approached the table where they assembled and saw the printouts spread over it. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw herself, wide eyed, stretched, vulnerable, imitating Yeina’s pose on the sketch. Her constrained breasts were practically oozing out of the tight tubes and looked rather unhealthy. In some of the pictures she could even see the trickle of milk flowing from her compressed teats. The whole scenery was breathtaking. She gulped.

“This… this is what I did yesterday? I mean, I remember being squeezed into those things, and I even remember how you asked me to… pose and pushed me around… but…”

Then, suddenly, something happened in her head, and her memories came back in an instant. She remembered being in that forest, everything hurting, the others chatting and joking. And suddenly they had left her behind, left her alone in that creepy forest.

Anger rose in her, as her memory became more pronounced and she gnarled, “You have left me there, simply walked from me! I was scared like shit! Where did you go? You told me that camera… but those pictures… I thought the thing broke?”

Suddenly, she realized. It was all a ruse! She screamed, “You lied to me?! You betrayed me?! You… the camera didn’t break! Right? Right?! Tell me, Gula, tell me NOW!”

Gula gulped. Red-faced, he whispered, “Jana, calm down for god’s sake! Look… it was… necessary!”

“Necessary? I almost fucking peed my pants out there!”

Cathy calmly retorted, “Don’t be such a wimp, Jana! You perfectly knew it wouldn’t be easy, so don’t be such a fucking prima donna. And for god’s sake, look at those pictures! All of the ones from before we left simply look fake! Only when you are alone, after we are gone, your facial expression looks believable and authentic! Can’t you see? It was really the best choice!”

Jana blinked and spat, “Easy to say for you, fucking flat-chested tomboy! You weren’t in that situation! You have no clue how I felt!”

Then, her gaze fell on the pictures again. Was Cathy right? Jana tried to remember which pictures were first. Yes, yes, she could tell the sequence from the position of the sun and from how the light came in. Jana studied her own face in the images.

Fuck. Cathy indeed had a point! The later the time, the more fearful she looked. Kind of obvious, really. If you’re scared, you look scared. But the difference was significant, the scene just felt much more real when she looked like that. Yes, she had to agree, the last pictures were indeed breathtaking. Jana groaned and muttered, “Fine whatever!”

Cathy retorted calmly, “And by the way, the real Yeina wouldn’t make such a fuss. As a proud warrior, she would just deal with the situation and do what’s best for the project! She wouldn’t be such a whiner!”

Jana’s eyes pierced through Cathy as she laughed at her and spat, “Yeina? Yeina would fucking kill you for that betrayal! But, well, you’re lucky that I’m not an actual warrior. I actually get it, really! I see the difference and appreciate the pictures. They’re great and all. But I still vividly remember that situation out there, and I assure you it was NOT FUNNY! So, don’t fucking expect me to be thankful for this, OK? Now excuse me, I need a drink!”

With that, and without looking back, she stormed out of the shop and slammed the door shut as she left.

“Wow, that was intense!” whispered Gula after a moment of silence, “Hope she’ll forgive us…”

“There’s nothing to forgive, dammit! She just needs to grow a pair and be a pro!” grumbled Cathy annoyed.

“She’ll be OK, Gula!” whispered Maya, “Give her some time and she’ll come back!”

And indeed, a few days later Jana showed up again, relaxed and full of energy.

“Sorry guys, I… wasn’t myself back then. I just felt betrayed, I guess. But I had time to think about this whole thing, and I’m fine now. Really. I’m OK.”

“Great!” smiled Gula, “I already feared you’ll leave us for good!”

“No worries, this project is too important to me! Now show me those pictures again! Did you post them already? What did people say?”

“Actually, I haven’t posted them yet, still working on the text and all. It’ll be awhile before the next round, and we thought about letting the community decide on the next piece!”

Chapter 18: About Gravity

Cathy grinned, “But no reason to get bored! If I remember right, our Ms Big Tits has another task up her plate. Right, Jana? ‘Gravity+’? Remember?”

Jana shuffled through the printouts, inspecting each of them closely. They were simply perfect! She could practically feel the fear and despair of the scene!

“And you wanted to show me something about those ‘NIELE’ sketches, too!” smirked Gula, “You said the breasts don’t stretch right or something…”

“Right…Almost forgot,” mumbled Jana, putting the pictures away, “So what’s the plan?”

Gula and Cathy looked at each other and Cathy said, “Let’s have Maya work on the text while we’ll do that ‘Gravity+’ shoot together. As long as you feel up to the task… How are your udders doing lately? Ready for another stretch? Your tits sure looked like they could take a beating, back there in the woods. And there is plenty of material to stretch and maul, as big as those things are. Best thing is that you even enjoy getting them smashed! At least that’s how it looks to me…”

Jana’s face reddened and she retorted, “You don’t have to be so cruel, Cathy! What you just said…those insults… hurt!”

“Well, you called me flat-chested tomboy, remember? That wasn’t nice either!”

Jana’s ears glowed bright red and she mumbled, “Sorry… be friends again?”

Cathy nodded, “Let’s forget about this bullshit and work together. Come on, let’s go to Gula’s place. I think that bench in the sketch actually exists! He probably used the real thing as reference!”

Gula laughed, “Right, I indeed own such a bench. Let’s move!”

As they entered the building, Gula led them down into the basement. There, in a secluded workshop, was the bench. Actually there were two almost identical benches, about waist high and with some sort of decoration around the rim of the tabletop. One was rather short while the other was big enough for one person to lie on.

“We’ll need to move them together, so Jana can pose on them, like in the sketch!” chirped Cathy and asked the others to help her.

Soon, the two benches were aligned, with a few feet distance between them. Cathy examined the scene and said, “Time to free your cans, Jana! Move up that shirt and wiggle those pants down a bit. Look at the sketch for reference! I’ll meanwhile set up my equipment!”

While Jana and Cathy got to work, the artist moved over a chair and found a nice spot for him to oversee the shoot.

“You want me to get on that bench?”

Cathy nodded and helped the naked girl up. Jana struggled a bit to grab the rather far away edge of the other bench, but it was a piece of cake compared with the challenge of her earlier project. She let her dangling breasts sway and jiggle and chuckled joyfully, “How does it look? Close to that sketch? Do they have a perfect drop shape?”

“Well, it definitely looks interesting! Your tasty melons swinging freely is surely I sight I can’t get enough of!” grinned Gula and grabbed one of her swaying tits.

“Hehe, that tickles!” giggled Jana as he massaged her soft flesh.

“Well well, seems you two have a bit too much fun over there!” laughed Cathy and added, “Time to get the first pictures done! Gula please, compare the sketch with Jana’s pose. Does everything look alright?”

Gula studied the printout intently and mumbled, “Well, almost… but her shirt is a bit too crinkled-up and obstructs her breast a little. Also, her hair looks kind of wonky!”

“Then fix it! By the way, can you explain that sketch to me? I’m not sure I really get it… what’s that HM thing?”

“Head Measure,” grinned the artist, “I found out that drawing Yeina’s breasts about the size of her head looks best. That’s what this sketch tells you. See? Her orbs are just about the size of her skull when she’s standing. When she let’s them dangle, they’re a tad larger, but really only a tiny bit. But once you apply weight, they’ll stretch to about one and a half times her head measure max. That’s what this sketch illustrates. It had been a great help for me as reference.”

“Wait, what?” Jana was startled. “Let me look at that picture again, please! Seems I missed something important here!”

“You know, I initially tried to draw Yeina’s boobs stretched to 2HM…”

Jana gulped, “You mean twice the size of her head? That’s… a lot! I don’t think I can manage…”

“No worries, 2HM looked really not that good anyway. Kind of wrong… shape was weird, way too oblong. Didn’t look sexy at all…”

“Really?” Cathy was surprised. “I always thought you can’t get enough of all that boob stretching!”

Gula blushed, “No, really! 1.5 HM looks best. But first, we’ll need to measure your breasts in their natural, relaxed state.”

Cathy giggled, “Guess we should get going then! See, if they’re the right size and all!” She turned to Gula and asked, “Tape measure, please?”

Gula nodded happily and said “Sure! This will get interesting. Finally, we’ll see just how close Jana’s tits are to Yeina’s orbs!”

He searched through some drawers and soon presented a rather old looking tape measure. “This should do the trick. Now, let’s measure her up!”

Everybody could tell just how excited Gula was about this opportunity to work on replicating his sketch. He obviously spent lots of time thinking about the perfect breast shape and was looking forward to proving his theory.

Totally absorbed in his task, he put the tape measure first against Jana’s cute head, mumbled something, and then put the tape measure against her large, dangling pillows.

“Unbelievable! Jana, you’re just perfect! Look at this, just as I thought! Slightly more than the size of your head when they hang like this!”

Jana smiled, “Seems I’m closer to your dream character than I thought!” she joked.

“Alright, so we’re ready to take the pictures?” inquired Cathy, who was done by now with setting up the lights and cameras.

“Yes, we are. At least for the first picture. For the second though, we have a bit more work to do. Now, Jana, assume that pose, smile and bend that cute back a little. Wait, I’ll fix that shirt for you…”

He approached the beautiful girl, tweaked and pinched until the crinkled shirt was stretched around her neck and left her tits unobstructed. He pushed her pants down a little and carefully checked that everything was alright. Once he was satisfied , the artist lightly slapped Jana’s boobs and said, “I think we’re ready!”

“Ow, hey!” Jana giggled. Finally she had fun during a shoot! No comparison to that bondage sketch. And that tube thing! Oh sweet Jesus, she got goosebumps just from remembering that one! Even the itchy box was kind of worse. But she definitely liked letting her large boobs dangle down and sway like this. And teasing her favorite artist, enjoying all the appreciation she got… she could do that forever! Definitely a nice break from the previous scenes! Jana heard the camera click, looked invitingly at Cathy, and thoroughly enjoyed the shoot for once.

Chapter 19: Getting Ready For More

“You’re really getting into this,” Cathy complimented her, “The pictures will be excellent! I think we’re ready for the next step. Are you feeling good enough for a stretch?”

Jana nodded, “Sure, I think I can do it. But please, take it slowly and don’t rip those jugs off while trying to replicate that boob-stretch, OK?”

“Sure, sure. We’re just trying to get them to about 1.5 of your head, and given how soft and pliable those orbs have proven to be, I think it won’t be that hard. Gula, any idea how to do this? Guess we don’t have those weight balls ready that you have drawn there?”

“Well, those balls really are just fantasy. I simply drew them to look heavy, but also kind of light-hearted and funny. So yes, we’ll need to build them first before we can recreate that picture.”

“How would we build them? I don’t have such capabilities…” mused Cathy, studying the funny balls on the sketch in detail.

“We’ll have to ask Maya, maybe she can do them for us. But first, we need to figure out how much mass they need. We’ll need some kind of plate or container that we can hang on Jana’s nipples and slowly fill up. Then, we would just need to observe when we hit the 1.5 HM mark and measure the weight of those. What do you guys think?”

Jana looked a bit concerned and said, “I don’t really like the sound of this. Especially the part about reaching ‘1.5 HM mark’ by slowly adding weight to my poor nipples. But honestly, I don’t have any better idea, so yeah, go for it!”

Cathy smiled, “I like your attitude, Jana. That’s a pretty professional stance you take!”

“Agreed, great fighting spirit, Jana!” Gula chimed in.

“Well, guess I learned my lesson! Found anything we can use for that plan of yours?”

Gula scanned the room and mumbled, “Let me search around a bit, maybe there is something we could use… Want a coffee while you wait?”

“No worries, Gula. We’ll take care of ourselves. Just let us know when we can proceed. Jana, time to get away from that bench and relax a bit. Come on, let’s head out and have a chat!”

Soon, the two women were sitting outside of the same coffee shop in which Jana met the artist for the first time. The sun was shining and both enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere. Lounge music was playing and everybody around them seemed to have a good time.

“Great job with those tubes out there, Jana. I was pretty blown away by your performance.”

“Thanks, appreciate it. But I still can’t believe you all left me alone out there. That was fucking scary!”

“I know. It kind of was my idea though. I made Gula talk you into this. But, from my professional background, I just know how important real emotions are. So, sorry for making you freak out, but it really paid off. And I would do it again, anytime!”

Jana nodded, “And I completely understand your position on this. But for me, this situation caused real nightmares. I still wake up in the middle of the night, my mind replaying that scene over and over again. It’s like being out there every fucking night, tied-up like that, and sometimes some evil monster is approaching me from behind to do who knows what with me. But sure, the pictures you took back there are spectacular, no doubt about it.”

“So, you’re fine with it?”

“Well, I guess I’ll get over the bad part of it. And, luckily, there is another part in me that secretly enjoyed that situation quite a bit.” She blushed.

Cathy raised her brows, “Tell me about it?”

Jana giggled, “I don’t know how to explain, but being out there… forgetting about all that fear I had… it was kind of stimulating. I mean, I could feel every one of my heartbeats echoing through my strained body, every fiber of me was kind of vibrating. I was so … excited… being exposed like that. Sometimes I think if anybody would have touched me in the right spot, when I was alone out there, I would have exploded. Like, I’d have an orgasm on the spot. Fuck, I still get wet just talking about this!”

Cathy smirked, “So it wasn’t all that bad after all! Tell me, are those nightmares actually wet dreams of you?”

Jana laughed, “No, that would be a bit too much. What I wanted to say is, there is not only that dark, scary side that is still haunting me. There is also that… exciting and stimulating side… that… turns me on quite a bit. I don’t know really. I’m actually kind of shocked that I’m telling you anything about that part of me!”

Cathy smiled, “Well, I’m glad you did. Oh, seems Gula had found something we could use! Time to head back and get to work!”

Back in the basement, Gula showed them two metal bowls hanging from rather heavy chains. At the very end of each chain, there was an evil-looking clamp. Jana shuddered as she examined them closer, knowing exactly where they were supposed to go.

“Those are great!” beamed Cathy, “Exactly what we need! How heavy are they?”

“About a pound each,” replied Gula, “and we can use those small lead weights to slowly increase the pull!”

“A pound each? Isn’t that too much?” asked Jana concerned, digging with her fingers through the bucket full of lead.

“No,” smiled the artist, “We’ll definitely need more weight to get your breasts in shape, Jana.”

“Time for you to get on that bench again! And free your boobies for us!” laughed Cathy and pulled her forward, digging her fingers into Jana’s flesh.

The model mumbled, “As you wish, my dear!” and prepared herself. A few moments later, Jana was stretched over the gap again, hands grabbing the ledge of the bench, boobs dangling unconstrained. Jana sighed and mumbled, “Ready when you are!”

Cathy and Gula knelt down in front of her wobbling tits. “I’ll stretch her nipples a bit, then you can fix the clamps on them, OK?” hushed Cathy and grabbed one of the little nubs.

“Ah, cold!” cringed Jana as Cathy’s fingers touched her sensitive buds. The nipple hardened in an instant, excited by the tweaking and pulling.

Quickly, Gula let the first clamp snap around the hard nub. Jana screamed as the heavy bowl pulled down the chain and stretched her nipple.

“Ouch, dammit!” complained Jana and breathed heavily.

“Next one!” announced Cathy and got to work again.

“Ouchie!” whimpered the model as her second breast underwent the same treatment. Both tits were pulled tight and held the bowls up in the air. Cathy grabbed one of the bowls and pulled it down a bit, stretching the breast further.

“Aiii” squeaked the girl above, as the strain on her increased.

“Looks good, pretty solid construction!” Cathy said, examining the tight clamps that bit into Jana.

Gula quickly found the tape and measured again, “We’re at about 1.2 HM, plenty of room still. Let’s load ’em up!”

Chapter 20: Testing The Waters

Gula pushed the bucket full of small lead balls between them and said, “We’ll do this in sync, Cathy. I’ll put one in the left bowl and you repeat on the right. Just always take the same amount of balls as I do!”

Jana was panting heavily over them, with a frightened look on her face. Slowly, they filled the bowls with lead, stretching Jana’s orbs bit by bit. Once in a while, Gula took measure and compared the scene to his sketch.

He watched with fascination as Jana’s pliable pillows were forced into elongated cones. Gula couldn’t resist touching the quivering flesh, testing its texture and feel, as those fantastic melons showcased just how gravity actually affects their shape.

Jana’s breathing got more intense by the minute, and she whimpered and groaned. But the brave girl did not complain and endured the situation without a hitch. It was a task she had to complete, and whatever it would take, it would better be over soon.

“Doesn’t look like they stretch anymore, does it?” asked Gula after a while, “We’re still at 1.4 HM, and the weights are almost gone!”

“Well, maybe she’s already at her limit. Look at how strained those things are! 2 HM would definitely be a stretch!” chuckled Cathy as she grabbed a handful of lead and let it fall into the pot.

“Ahh… fuck!” screamed Jana as her breast was pulled down even further, “You’ll rip off my fucking nipple!”

But Cathy didn’t pay attention and instead grabbed the tape to measure her up again.

“1.45 HM, still not enough…”

Suddenly Jana screamed on the top of her lungs. The shattering sound of metal on concrete startled Cathy, and small metal balls rolled all over the floor. One of the bowls had crashed down, letting Jana’s stretched tit bounce and jiggle.

“Wow, that clamp was ripped right off her nipple! Look, the sucker’s gone!”

“Fuck,” moaned Jana, “this hurt!”

But at least one of her breasts wasn’t stretched anymore.

“This is interesting,” mused the artist, “look at the difference. This one is still stretched to about 1.45HM. But the one where the clamp came off is at around 1.2.”

He grabbed the vacated nipple and pulled it slowly down, increasing the strength gradually.

“Eh, what are you doing?” complained Jana, “Are you doing some tests or what?”

“Calm down, girl,” smirked Cathy, carefully examining the two unequal boobs. “This is indeed interesting! Both Gula and I rarely have the opportunity to study tits like this!”

Gula pulled at the free breast, let it snap back and observed the jiggle. “Really fascinating…”

Cathy laughed, “Looks like our artist just found his favorite hobby! Ready to proceed now? We still need to get her to 1.5 HM.We need to figure out the required weight!”

“Oh, right!” mumbled Gula, “Why do you think that clamp slipped?”

The photographer shrugged, “I don’t know…” She examined the offending nipple, touched it with interest and smiled, “Well, actually I do know! Look, that bud is totally wet! Some milk was seeping out and caused the clamp to slip…”

She grabbed a towel, cleaned the milk away and, accompanied by Jana’s protest, let the clamp snap around the now dry little bud again. She then tightened it until she was sure that it would hold.

“Ouch, dammit!” squeaked Jana, who was getting fed up with all the pulling and pinching.

“Looks good, let’s load that one up again!” murmured Gula, pulling on the chain to test its stability.

The artist kept measuring the stretch while Cathy slowly filled the bowl again. And finally he announced, “1.5 HM, done! Let me check the other side… maybe we need a bit more in there.”

Cathy dropped some lead into the second container until Gula concluded, “Fantastic, this side seems about the same! Jana, you made it! Your twins are stretched just enough!”

Jana groaned, “Great! Now get those things off me, please?”

Gula grabbed hold of the now rather cone-shaped tit one last time, feeling how taut and hot it was, before he opened the clamp. One of the bowls slipped through his fingers and fell on the floor, rattling loudly as the strained boob bounced back.

Cathy quickly grabbed the other one of the filled containers, made sure that nothing fell out and put it on a scale. “Wow, more than four pounds! Jana, you’re a tough one! I can’t even imagine how that must feel!”

“Four pounds each? Shit!” gasped Jana, rubbing her sore boobs, “Glad it’s over! What a pain!”

Cathy smiled, “Great job, Jana. Alright, I think we’re done here. I’ll tell Maya what she needs to do. Hope she can have those weights ready, soon!”

Proud of what they achieved, Gula helped Jana up, pulled her shirt over her hurting tits and smiled, “Great job indeed! I think you have earned a break! Let’s join the others.”

“I just completed the article for the picture replicating ‘Yeina in Tubeshape device’. Have a look and then let’s post this work of art!” beamed Maya as they entered Cathy’s shop again.

The three immediately assembled around her screen and read through the text. They were stunned by Maya’s wordsmithing capabilities, and Gula had only a few tweaks to add before they concluded that the post was ready. The group decided to add a call for proposals, asking their backers to suggest the next picture to recreate, and finally closed the text with a quick outlook.

“So this is it? Time to publish our masterpiece?” asked Jana nervously.

“Yes, time to test the waters. Remember, this will be members-only, so only our backers can see it. I guess it will take a bit of time to spread. Maya, how many backers do we have right now?”

“About 20 Basics and 2 Digitals. Not many, really…”

“Let’s hope that changes now. Publish it, Maya. And make a small thumbnail that we can use as bait on the public site!”

Soon the article was posted and the picture went live. The group watched excited if anything would happen. But with only 22 backers, it would surely take a while.

“I can’t stand this,” laughed Cathy, “let’s get some drinks! I’m so nervous! If this doesn’t work out, I’m toast!”

“Don’t freak out just yet, give it a bit of time. Maybe we can put a version of the photo up with Jana’s tits masked by a ‘censored’ bar or something? That could help to draw attention, too!”

“Good idea, let’s do that! But then let’s head out for a drink!”

Cathy checked the page first thing next morning when everybody assembled again. And she was pleasantly surprised. The numbers were up significantly, now clocking in at 50 Basics, 100 Digitals and 2 Physicals. She quickly calculated what that meant in terms of money. That was $5450 right there! Still not that much, but much better than before!

Gula peeked over her shoulder and asked, “So how’s it looking?”

“Great! Much better than I expected actually. And look at the comments! We got quite a bit of feedback! Our backers seem to like Jana’s performance! And look at their suggestions!”

Jana joined them and looked at where Cathy was pointing at. “‘Pressure Rollers’? Not sure if I remember that one, can you open the picture?”

“Sure!” Cathy grinned, and opened the artwork.

“Ouch, looks challenging!” cringed Jana as she studied the drawing.

“Yes, and there’s another problem with it,” added Maya, “building that device will cost around 10k. At least!”

“Shit, we don’t have that kind of budget yet,” mumbled Cathy and scrolled down in the thread.

“Seems runner-up is ‘Mega GLUE’ … followed by ‘Yeina in her own hell’. But the difference in votes between ‘Pressure Rollers’ and ‘Mega GLUE’ is significant…….” added Maya, deep in thoughts.

“‘Mega GLUE’ would be much easier though, and pretty cheap if I can figure out how to mix some glue of that color…”

Cathy pondered and finally declared, “Fuck it, we can’t do ‘Pressure Rollers’ at this point. Too risky with our limited funds right now. I’ll make my first executive decision. We’ll do ‘Mega GLUE’ instead.”

Jana sighed, at least that picture did look relatively easy, compared to ‘Pressure Rollers’. She examined ‘Mega GLUE’ closer. Well, not much different to her recent experience with ‘Gravity+’, just a bit of stretching, not much else.

“So, what’s the plan?” she asked Cathy, who was still studying the comments.

“Well, Maya has a bit to prepare. As soon as she manages to get usable glue and that pot and wooden poles, we can get cracking. Oh, and we’ll need a wizard costume for Gula, too!” she grinned, “Time for our artist to get involved!”

Maya nodded, “I’ll get to work immediately. Shouldn’t take too long. Also, those weights for ‘Gravity+’ should be ready soon.”

Jana was happy about the bit of free time she got. Her body could definitely use that rest, and she was looking forward to doing some sightseeing and shopping.

The team reconvened after a few days again, and Maya proudly presented them the heavy weights for and a sample of glowing , bright purple glue.

“Great job, Maya! Is the pot ready, too?”

Maya nodded, “Everything ready. And I know a spot we can use for the scene. It’ll be perfect!”

“An outside shoot again?” asked Jana with a hint of fear in her voice.

“We can’t do it indoors, it wouldn’t look right,” said Cathy, “But the setup isn’t too complicated so I expect no hiccups this time. Let’s do ‘Mega GLUE’ today and then finish off with ‘Gravity+’. Let’s go! Maya, lead the pack!”

Chapter 21: Sticky Situation

Jana was surprised just how long it took to get there. It surely shouldn’t be that difficult to find a spot for that picture? The background of that scene was only some sort of golden brown color anyway? Nothing that couldn’t be fixed by some simple, painted canvas, right?

But when she finally got out of the car, she understood. Maya surely knew great spots! They were in the middle of the desert, fine brown sand stretching as far as one could see. The air was buzzing with heat, and there was literally nothing around.

“I selected this place because of the morning mist. It’s a spectacular sight. Once the sun rises, this whole area feels just so eerie. It fits the scene perfectly!”

“But it’s only 3pm now?” Jana was puzzled.

“I know, but I wanted to have a close look first. Won’t be easy to set everything up in the middle of the night…”

Gula nodded, “So let’s prepare as much as we can already!”

They checked out the place and selected the exact spot they wanted to use for the scene. Cathy got busy setting up her equipment while Maya, Gula and Jana worked on the wooden stakes and the position for the pot of glue.

“Great job with that thing, Maya,” praised the artist, as he examined the heavy object, “It looks so authentic! The right size, style, and you even managed to accurately copy the label!”

Indeed, the pot looked great. Just like everything Maya created, it was a work of art. Jana was asked to kneel on the ground and imitate the pose, so they could figure out how to position the stakes. She felt funny, posing like that, fully clothed as she was. And she recognized just how challenging the position was on her back. But Maya wanted to make sure that they knew where to put the poles later on, so they would be at the right place when they drove them into the ground.

“Alright, let’s find out where to put the stakes. Maybe we can dig some holes so we can easily fix them into the ground once they’re glued on Jana. By the way, Maya, how will that glue work anyway?”

“Well, once I mix the two components together, the stuff will start to bubble and boil. It will get that characteristic, purple color within a few minutes and will get really sticky. As it cools down, the stickiness goes away a bit and the material kind of hardens. It’ll still be a bit gooey and stretchy, but it’ll stick like hell. So, basically we have about one hour to work with it once we start.”

“And how can we remove it again?”

“A bit of nail polish remover is all it takes to make it go away.”

Cathy decided that they would start to prepare Jana around 3am in the morning, well before the first rays of sunlight would hit the ground. Which meant that they had almost half a day left! Together, the three of them figured out the approximate positions of the stakes, while Jana did her best to imitate the pose she would be in.

It didn’t take long until they were satisfied, and Gula quickly proposed to check out the bars and pubs of the nearby towns. Soon they were on the road again.

Jana had great fun partying that night. The group had a quick dinner at some pizza joint and soon hit the local bars. Hard. Plenty of booze followed, and soon everyone was pretty drunk. Well, everyone except Maya, who kindly volunteered to drive.

At about 2:30am, Maya began to prod them, asking when they could return to their spot in the desert. But nobody listened to her. Instead, they kept on drinking and dancing. Jana attracted quite a following, constantly bumping into people and squeezing through the crowds. Surely, the locals rarely had the chance to see such a titillating girl, and she had troubles fighting off the hordes.

Thankfully, the clubs closed around 3am and Maya finally managed to herd her cattle back into the car. It was a struggle to get them to cooperate though.

Back at the location, and drunk as everybody was, they started to fool around in the middle of the desert, and poor Maya didn’t know what to do. The sun would begin to rise in less than 30 minutes, and almost nothing was prepared yet!

Maya managed to switch on a small light to illuminate the scene a bit and rounded everybody up again. At least Cathy seemed to sober-up a bit and somehow got the message. The artist, on the other hand, sat into the car and snoozed off.

The biggest challenge was Jana though. The girl was on a roll, prancing around and cackling like crazy. Somehow, Maya managed to get Jana to kneel down into the sand and assume position. Then, she quickly threw the components of the glue together and mixed them up in the pot.

Why the hell was she suddenly responsible for everything? She was supposed to be only an assistant, helping the team with props and stuff! Just that the entire team was now drunk and the short time window they had for the picture was about to close!

“Don’t move, dammit! Jana! Don’t fool around like that! We need to be ready when the sun rises! Now, stay on your knees and wait for me! Please! And Cathy, don’t make fun of me and get your equipment up, NOW!”

Cathy smirked and suddenly dropped her top, “I don’t have any, look! But Jana has more than enough for two!” The drunken photographer stumbled towards the kneeling Jana and grabbed her boobs from behind, “Mmmmh, so soft and warm. And so big! Can’t you just pass on a bit of that stuff? I could certainly use it!”

Maya rolled her eyes, “You guys drive me crazy.” She tested the glowing glue with her finger. “Ouch, still hot!” she yelped. But the time was running out, and maybe that hot stuff somehow managed to bring Jana back to her senses. At least the glue should be sticky enough to work!

“Time to switch on the beams! Jana, drop your pants, free your tits and get ready for the glue!”

The drunken girl giggled, wiggled out of her clothes and stretched her naked body invitingly. Cathy meanwhile stumbled back to her equipment, and suddenly bright light flooded the scene.

Maya sighed. Time for the last preparations. She grabbed the steaming pot of glue and announced sternly, “Now behave yourself, Jana. Just press your tits against those stakes once I put this stuff on them. We need to affix them properly, otherwise this will never work!”

She heard the camera clicking and whirring as she applied the purple glue liberally on the wood, wondering how Cathy managed to even press the shutter. “Cathy, it’s too early for that! Better lend me a hand, we need to get everything set up first! Those stakes first need to go get glued on our model and then go into those holes we dug, dammit!”

Cathy stumbled over, looked irritated, and asked, “Wh-whaddaya want?”

“Oh, for god’s sake!” groaned Maya, turned to Jana and shouted, “Now, give all you have, girl! Lean into that stuff, mash them melons into the sticky goo! Wait, I’ll help you! And Cathy, come here and push her boobs into the glue!”

Maya grabbed one of Jana’s large breasts and mashed it into the oozing, purple substance. The model shrieked in pain as her skin made contact, “Ouch! OUCH! Ahh… this sh-sh-stuff is ho…ly SHIT! It’s b-burning m-my fucking tits off!”

Maya groaned, “Toughen up, sweetie! I checked the stuff out. Yes, it’s a bit warm, I know, But only for a moment. And because of you fooling around the entire evening, we don’t have time left to let it cool off! So please, cooperate!”

Cathy giggled, drunk as she was, and grabbed the other tit. She literally jammed it against the second stake, waiting for the glue to set, cackling happily. Jana bitched and struggled, frantically screaming around, but somehow they managed to keep her in position for long enough.

“Alright, seems the glue sticks. Now let’s work on the rest.”

Maya carefully checked the printout of the drawing and announced, “Cathy, help me glue her knees to the ground first. And then we go for the arms.” She glanced at the drawing again, hoping to get everything right from the beginning.

Chapter 22: Desert Fun

Maya covered the two stakes with the sticky goo and roughly grabbed Jana’s wrists, pushing them against the purple stuff. “Jana, for god’s sake! Keep calm!”

“This stuff burns!” squeaked the girl and struggled frantically. But finally it was done. Jana’s knees were stuck on the desert ground, two puddles of purple glue fixing her in place. Two wooden stakes were glued on her tits, lying right in front of the drunken model, and another pair of stakes were glued to her hands, waiting on the ground right behind her.

Now, she just had to get those silly stakes into the ground to stretch her out, just like Yeina on that picture. Maya sighed. With all those drunken people around her, this was a herculean task! Suddenly, Gula was standing in front of them, watching them with interest.

“Oooh, look, a naked girl!” he joked as he stared at the expanding tits in front of him.

“Ah, our artist is back! Gula, can you please help me with this? Our model is in a bit of a fighting spirit, and we need to get her into the right pose quickly. And Cathy, I need you to help, too! Gula, grab that stake! The one that’s glued to her left boob! Cathy, you take the right one. And then you both put the ends into those holes in the ground and slowly pull them backward, OK?”

Maya stepped behind Jana, grabbed one of the stakes that was affixed to the model’s hands and tried to get the end into the respective hole.

“Aiii. What the hell?” screamed Jana, as her breasts were suddenly, and rather rudely stretched by her friends. Worst of all, those drunken bastards stumbled and fell, tearing unmercifully at her tits in the process.

Maya was about to lose it. She groaned annoyed, looked up into the sky and said, “You guys drive me crazy! The sun is almost there, for god’s sake! This just doesn’t work…”

Then she had an idea. She called Cathy and commanded her to take the other back stake, the one with Jana’s right hand. “Now Jana, forget about your tits for now, just stretch your arms and lean back a bit. Yes, that’s it! Gula, bring over some of that glue and put it where those stakes hit the ground, right into the holes, OK?”

Finally it worked. It was only the fixtures for Jana’s hands, but it was a start. Soon, the girl was glued in place, arms stretched behind her back, knees fixed on the ground. Just her breasts weren’t yet in place. But that should be much easier now.

“OK guys, final step ahead! Gula, take that stake over there and pull it back, slowly!”

Somehow he managed it, as drunk as he was. Jana complained loudly as her boobs were pulled out of shape once again, but it was the only solution. Maya grabbed the remaining stake and pulled it back, too, pushing its tip into the respective hole. Seemed like Gula managed to find the hole on his side, too!

“Now, pull it back further. Slowly! Cathy, pour some glue to where the stakes meet the ground. And Gula, don’t let it go loose!”

Jana stared blankly at them, as her naked boobs were stretched further and further from her. Suddenly, the drunken girl shrieked surprised as she was rudely pulled forward, her glued-on tits being stretched out even more.

“Jana, don’t fight it! You need to support me! Gula, grab her shoulders and pull her back as far as you can! Stretch those cans, just like you pictured them in that drawing!”

Gula grinned, staggered a bit, but happily complied.

“Ugh, this is more difficult than I thought!” he giggled as he pulled Jana’s shoulders back further.

Maya looked at the scene. It wasn’t far off, but still those tits need to be stretched a bit more. She grabbed one of the stakes and pulled it back with force.

“Aiiiii! Be careful, please?” squealed the girl as she was forced into an even tighter stretch. Her boobs were pulled further away from her rib cage, but her nipples remaining solidly stuck in the glue. Jana wondered, if her tits were already stretched like back when she did the ‘Gravity+’ test. How did they measure her again? Right, that nifty ‘head measure’ scale Gula invented….

She tried to get a glimpse of her own tits. Wasn’t that easy to estimate how far they’re pulled out, but definitely looked awfully stretched! How far will she need to go? Will her boobs hold up with the challenge?

Maya watched closely, made sure that everything looked right. That the pose was just like on the reference drawing. Yes, it looked like they’re getting close! The stretch factor was about right, 1.5 HM maybe? It was really quite amazing how far those tits of Jana could stretch! How did that actually feel? Painful? Or just a bit funny? Hot? Maybe, she should try something like that once, just to know what the poor girl was going through…

“Whew, what a task!” groaned Maya exhausted but satisfied, “Seems we finally got our star into the right pose! Now, just a bit more glue on those stakes around the ground and around her knees… And we need to put the glue pot into the right spot. Piece of cake. Look! The sun is already peeking over the horizon, it’s about to start! Cathy, are you ready?”

“Uh-hu!” mumbled Cathy, not sounding very convinced.

And then it happened. The desert was starting to burn in a warm, brown-orange color, mist slowly rising from the ground. Everybody watched in awe. All of a sudden Maya screamed, “Gula, your costume! You’re the mighty sorcerer! You’re part of the scene! Get ready, quick!”

Gula jolted up, red with embarrassment, and ran to the car. A few moments later, he was dressed up and stumbling to the right spot where he posed like he practiced in the afternoon.

“Whew, that was close!” laughed Maya, finally enjoying the scene. Cathy took one picture after the other as the sun slowly rose. Even Jana was managing well, posing and screaming like a trapped animal.

Then it was over. The mist was gone, and with it the magical atmosphere. And worse, the whole group fell quickly into sleep, exhausted by the alcohol, or the excitement, or both. It took well over 6 hours until the first one woke up again.

It was Cathy, groggily massaging her bed-head, slowly raising on her feet again. With bleary eyes she looked around, stunned by the sight of the still naked Jana, glued into place.

“Wow, that’s kind of hot! Did we really do this?”

She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. The pictures! Where was her camera? She quickly found the device and scrolled through the photos. Hot. Actually they looked pretty incredible for how spent she was last night. She examined them closer, comparing them to the reference drawing.

Uh-oh. Damn. How could they miss this?

Gula was getting up, too, stumbling towards her.

“Hey, how’s your head?”

“Shhhh… don’t mention it!” he mumbled, trying to get his eyes to focus, “What a night! Did we do it? Did we take the pictures?”

“We did. But there’s a problem. Come over and look for yourself!”

The artist looked on the screen. “Wow, those look great! But… wait…”

“Yup, you spotted the error, right?”

“Damn. The shoes! How could we forget the shoes?”

“I know! But everything else is perfect!”

“Well, almost! Her breasts need to stretch a bit more, too! Look, it’s like they’re only at 1.4 HM instead of 1.7 or 1.8…”

Cathy giggled, “I like how you always refer to the size of those puppies using your HM scale. Pretty funny! But yes, those things can use a bit more stretch…”

Maya groaned behind them and asked, “What’s up guys?”

“We… forgot her shoes. The pictures are great and all, but without those shoes, it’s just not right.”

“Damn it! How the hell could we …? I mean… I completely missed them!”

“How long would it take you to get some that look right?”

“No clue. I can check the local shops if they have some. But if we need them custom made, it’ll be a few days at least. Let me have a look at the reference again.”

“Fuck, that’s too long. We need to get Jana out of that goo then. We can’t leave her like that for so long. Where’s that nail polish remover you talked about?”

“Nail polish remover?” Maya looked at him quizzically. Then she smacked her head. “Oh fuck it, I know I talked about that, but it never occurred to me that I should… take care of it.”

“You can’t be serious? You mean, she’s fucking stuck like that? I think you have quite some explaining to do! Looks like she’s waking up…”

“Arghh… fuck, this hurts! How could I even sleep like that? Please, get me out of this misery, quick!”

Maya gulped. Yes, she fucked up. Time to explain herself. She slowly approached the stuck girl, knelt down and said, “Jana, I’m really sorry. I messed up. I…”

Jana looked at her and muttered, “Can’t you get me out of this first? It’s getting really difficult. My muscles are sore, I honestly have no clue how I could sleep like this… Every piece of my body is screaming at me!”

“Well, see… here’s the problem. I forgot to bring that nail polish remover. The stuff to get you out of this mess again. I’m really sorry.”

“What the… can’t you just cut me from this stuff or something?”

“Sure, good idea! Let’s try.”

Chapter 23: Stuck For Good

And so they tried. They tried to cut through the glue with a knife, to pull it from her skin, anything they could think of. But to no avail. Jana was seriously stuck, and Maya’s self-made glue proved to be hard to come by.

Jana groaned, “This is ridiculous!” as she pulled her tits back, only to see her glued-on nipple elongate even more. “This stuff is only stretching, like, a tiny bit and then pulling back at me again. This is vile!”

Maya’s face was flushed, she felt horrible. “I’m so, so sorry, Jana. I… I really am!”

Cathy and Gula watched the spectacle, and finally Cathy said, “Seems our star is stuck for good. Maya, jump into that car and get that nail polish remover. And if you’re already at it, look for those freaking shoes, too! And take Gula with you, maybe he can help finding the right ones, he came up with them in the first place after all!”

So Maya and the artist headed off, leaving the photographer and her model back in the desert.

“Oh fuck, I hate this!” groaned Jana, trying to stretch her body a tiny bit. “And I’m getting thirsty, too! Stuck in the desert, what a disaster! And that freaking sun is already burning down on us like there’s no tomorrow!”

Cathy nodded, “True. Thank god we unloaded the supplies before they left. Here, drink some water. We’ll need to keep you hydrated. Maybe I can cover your ass with that sleeping bag or something when it gets too bad. Need to protect you from sunburn!”

Jana sighed. “If just my tits wouldn’t hurt so much! I’m so stretched out! Maya surely came up with an efficient glue formula! Freaking awesome!” she cackled hysterically.

Cathy sat down beside her and mused, “This project is really demanding. Especially on you, Jana. I just want to let you know that you’re really an awesome woman. Of course, you’re bitching and complaining all the time, but you’re going through with our plans. And I appreciate that.”

Jana smirked, “Well, there’s not much choice, right? I mean, I could leave of course, but that would be unfair after what we agreed to. And I know how important this is, especially for Gula. Oh fuck, this glue is awful! Look at my tits! They’re gonna snap for god’s sake!”

Cathy nodded, “Yes, it’s important for Gula indeed. But for me it’s even worse. I mean, Gula wants to realize a dream of his. But for me, my entire existence is at stake. You probably don’t know the full picture, but I’m more or less broke. Honestly, I was amazed that the bank lent me any more money!”

“Really? Your shop looks kind of nice though!”

“Sure! I have invested a lot. But there are no customers! At least none that pay enough! You can’t live from just a few people asking for photos for their passports and stuff. And I always aspired to be more of an artist than a mechanic, if you know what I mean.”

“But what’s the relation with our project then? I mean, we don’t pay you anything, right?”

“Well, if we can complete this project successfully, there’s at least the chance for wide exposure. We’ll have built a community and my work as a photographer will be spread globally. And I hope it’ll be much easier then to find new clients. I mean, I fucking hope I’ll be drowning in commission requests after this, for god’s sake!”

“I see. Well, makes sense…somewhat. But then, our project really needs to take off big time! Right now we’re talking about just a handful of backers…”

“Exactly. We need to do more. That’s why I’m so happy about your recent attitude change. I need you, Jana, badly. Without you, this whole project would have no chances.”

“Thanks, I guess. Ouch! Fuck, I hope they return soon, I can’t stand this pose any longer!”

“Poor girl. Yes, let’s hope they’re back. I’ll get us something to eat. Anything else I can do for you?”

“Well, you could scratch my back a little. And remove that fucking sand that covers my ass. I don’t know… my whole body itches and buzzes… fuck.”

And so they ate a bit, chatted, and did their best to kill the time. Maya was feeding Jana, chatting and joking while the sun rose higher. Sweat was dripping from the model’s stretched body, and she was demanding more and more water to cool her off.

Suddenly Cathy groaned, pointed to the glue on Jana’s right breast and said, “Look at this! A stupid beetle!”

Jana tried to see the animal, but her view was obstructed by her own, stretched tit. “A beetle? What is it doing?”

“Looks like it wants to get on your tits? But it got stuck somehow. I hate those things…they’re so gross!”

“Where is it? Can you remove it? I don’t like the idea of something crawling on me….”

“Ugh, you want me to touch this? I don’t know… Maybe it stings? Or it could be a stink bug!” she giggled nervously.

“Cathy! Please! Just whack that critter away from me! I don’t want it to touch my tits!”

“OK, OK…” Cathy looked at the black insect again. It was huge! And it looked like it got one of its legs stuck in the glue! She readied herself, took aim, and slapped it away. That had been her plan at least. But instead, her hand crashed flat against the strained boob smacking it with force.

Jana screamed surprised, her fat tit wobble and jiggle from the impact. “OUCH, Cathy! Can’t you be more careful?”

“Oops, sorry… wow, your tits are strung up like a cord of a guitar or something. Look how it bounces and shakes! And that little sucker still hangs on! “

Jana groaned. “Don’t tell me how my tits look! Instead, get that horrid creature away from me!”

Cathy nodded, took aim again and whacked the beetle away.

The critter was hit hard, tumbled off the string of glue, and landed on the ground. But something else caught Cathy’s attention as her hand hit the glue and surprisingly bounced off of it.

“Shit, Jana. This stuff… it’s solid! She examined the purple material closely, poked a finger against it. The glue was rock hard, slightly sticky and shiny! Like those sweets made of hard caramel!

Cathy was mesmerized, touched and prodded every puddle of goo to confirm that they, too, were rock hard.

“What… what does that mean?” asked Jana, scared about being stuck forever.

“I don’t know… It’s just… kind of surprising how that glue changed so much. Maybe it was the sun? Maybe it solidified the goo? How does it feel? Can you spot any change?”

“Honestly? I don’t feel much by now. Everything is kind of numb. My tits hurt, for sure, but if they hurt more or less than before? I don’t know.”

“Hope the nail polish remover works still. I only tried it on fresh glue, you know…”

“Don’t…. even think about it! There are no other options anyway, are they?”

Cathy nodded. She sat down again, trying to help Jana forget the situation she was in. So she started to chat about the project again, about her goals with it. And Jana was happy about the distraction and quickly joined in. Hopefully the others would find soon what they needed to proceed.

A few hours later, the sun was already on her way down, Cathy suddenly shrieked in horror.

“A snake! A fucking snake! Over there!” she jumped on her feet in panic.

“Where, WHERE?” screamed Jana, scared by the mere thought that some slimy, poisonous creature would touch her at any moment.

Cathy’s eyes gaped in fear, her trembling finger pointing behind Jana. “About 5 feet from you! It’s rather small, very colorful. With red, white and black stripes, I think. Looks k-kind of p-pretty. Do you think it’s dangerous? I think it’s dangerous! Oh god!”

“How the fuck should I know? I can’t even see it!”

Cathy shuddered, “W-what should we do?”

Jana tried to catch a glimpse, pulled against the glue in panic, stretching her tits further in a feeble try to see the monster.

“I… I think it’s coming!” squeaked Cathy. “Oh god, I hope it won’t bite you!”

Jana was on the verge of panic. She couldn’t even see the snake, and she couldn’t move a freaking inch, glued in place like she was. She desperately tried to get free, almost ripping off her nipples. But it just wasn’t possible.

And then she heard it. The slithering sounds of a snake moving over sand. Her heart almost skipped a beat. Where was it? Was it between her legs? Jana’s skin crawled.

Chapter 24: Dedication

“Oh fuck, I need to get OUT here! Cathy, please help me!” Jana screamed at the top of her lungs. But Cathy was of no help. The poor woman was absolutely terrified by the sight alone, trembled and shivered leaning against a rock that was more than 10 feet away. Jana held her breath. If she just would sit it out, the snake wouldn’t hurt her, would it? She strained her ears, trying to find out where it was. Was it touching her? Climbing up her thighs? What if it would slither upwards, over her ass? Or, god beware, over her…pubes?

No, she wouldn’t even think about this! She had to be brave, brave like Yeina! “Just keep calm, Jana!” she told herself and tried to breathe slowly. She desperately tried not to hyperventilate, to stay calm. It wasn’t easy, but she would be able to do it! Don’t panic, Jana!

And to her relief, after a few more nerve-racking minutes, the dangerous animal finally slithered away and vanished between some rocks.

“Oh fuck, that was close!” groaned Cathy as she dared to come closer again.

“Is it gone?” asked Jana, still scared of a poisonous bite.

“I think so. Sorry that I couldn’t be of any help. But those beasts creep me out! Oh god, if it would have bitten you!”

Jana sighed, “Well, it’s over I guess. But I really want to get out of this mess. Who knows what else is out there! I just hope they come back soon!”

The two women tried to stay alert, alarmed by what just happened. They resumed their chat again, doing the best to kill time.

To everybody’s surprise, it was close to midnight when Maya and Gula finally showed up again. The desert was dark already, and Cathy was sitting besides Jana, illuminated by a tiny flashlight.

“Hey guys, sorry that it took so long. The fucking car broke and it took ages to find a mechanic.”

Jana giggled, “This day is cursed already. Well, glad you made it back finally. Got the nail polish remover?”

“Yes!” beamed Gula, “And even better, we found some shoes, too! Look, they’re just like the ones I imagined on that drawing!”

Gula put the shoes on the ground in front of Jana and pointed the flashlight on them.

“They’re cute!” smiled Cathy, “Glad you made it. You wouldn’t believe what happened here. Bugs and snakes… ewww. And look at that glue! It’s completely solid now!”

“Ugh, sorry for that, Jana. Hey Maya, look at this! I think this stuff somehow shrank or something! Look, her tits are way more stretched like before! At least…. 1.8HM?”

Maya examined the glue, poked against Jana’s straining breasts. “You’re right! They’re much tighter now. The glue has probably contracted when the sun dried it up!”

“Really?” asked Cathy, “I mean… really?”

Jana creaked, “So you mean my tits are like… stretched even more than tonight?”

“Yes, I think the glue slowly but steadily pulled at your body when it dried. Maybe it was so slow that you didn’t even recognize, but you definitely look different now.

“More sexy,” grinned Gula, “Way more sexy!”

“Thanks, I guess,” smirked Jana, not really sure how to take that compliment.

“Now the big question, should we get our star out of her terrible situation, or wait for the sunrise to do the picture again?”

Gula mused, “I think we demanded enough of her already. I’d say get her out quickly, we can do the final shoot in a few days when her body recovered somewhat.”

Cathy nodded, “My thinking exactly. She must be completely trashed by now. Can’t imagine how her legs feel, let alone her boobs!”

Maya added, “Agree. Though it looks like waiting another four hours could be easier than getting her in that pose again. We managed to recreate the scene pretty accurately after all, just those damn shoes were missing…”

Jana cleared her throat and said, “Do I get a say in this, too?”

Cathy grinned, “Of course you do! It’s you that needs to go through this after all. Whatever you say, we do!”

“OK, just wanted to be sure. Honestly, I want to be done with this. That horrible stretch, those freaking critters… I can’t imagine doing this scene ever again. And that glue… horrible. Itchy…. like, the devil himself invented this stuff or something. Which means, either we wait another three hours and take that fucking picture, or we live with what we have. I don’t mind staying in this another three hours…. Well, actually I mind. A lot. But for the sake of the project, I’ll do it. So, if you want that perfect picture, leave me glued in this mess for another three hours and let’s get done with it.”

Gula smiled broadly, “What a sport, really great, Jana!”

Cathy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You’re serious, Jana?”

“Yes, yes I am!”

“Fuck, yes!” Cathy screamed, “Jana’s the best!”

And then they assembled around their star and chatted about the project, about their plans for the future, with Jana still firmly glued in place, complaining every now and then about some itch, about her straining tits, or some other part of her body that felt weird.

And finally, when the sun started to rise again and the mist came back, Gula put on the wizard costume, Maya slipped the shoes over Jana’s feet, and Cathy took a lot of pictures again. This time, everything was perfect. And then, as they all were satisfied with the result, everybody helped to apply the nail polish remover to the hardened glue. First, Maya had some doubts if it would work, but thankfully the glue dissolved without problems and Jana was free again in a matter of minutes.

The model groaned happily, stretched her sore body, and asked every team member to massage her hurting boobs, giggling with joy. They were done with the shoot. Finally. And the result was a good one. Another picture for their project, another one to draw more attention, to gain more backers. It was a stepping stone, one of many to follow. But a promising one.

Chapter 25: Reward For The Brave

“What a fantastic result!” beamed Gula, as he analyzed the photos in detail, “You look pretty desperate, and thoroughly stuck!”

“Well, I was!” smirked Jana, who still couldn’t believe that she had to endure this position for over a day. But yeah, the result looked pretty amazing. She was curious how her backers would react. Would this be enough to gain more followers? What were they expecting from her?

The group had a great time gossiping about the previous days. Back in the safety of Cathy’s studio, it was just so much fun looking back, letting the events pass by again, revelling in the shared memories of this great adventure!

Jana welcomed the warm, fuzzy feeling, when everybody thanked her for her endurance, for her willingness to put up with unforeseen challenges. She recognized just how much she enjoyed the attention.

“Listen everybody, I have to announce something,” said Cathy, looking at all the happy faces around her, “Jana was so brave out there, and I’m very, very proud of her. She went through quite a stretch not only with the ‘Yeina in Tubeshape device’ shoot, but also with ‘Mega GLUE’!”

Everyone giggled, remembering the pictures, but Cathy continued, “I think it’s time to show her just how much we appreciate her dedication!” The team was nodding, Jana’s face glowing red from all the appreciation.

“Therefore, I decided that she gets to select the next picture. As a reward, a well earned break!” she turned to Jana, “You can select whatever you want. Something easy, cute, challenging, whatever. It’s completely up to you.”

“Thank you,” smiled Jana, “My boobs certainly could use a bit of downtime!”

Everyone laughed.

“So how are our backers doing?” asked Maya, curious to know the feelings of their community.

Gula opened the project page and slowly scrolled through the comments. “Looks like they’re desperately waiting for their pictures,” he smiled, “plenty of buzz going on!”

Cathy nodded, “Yup, but remember, they expect ‘Pressure Rollers’, which was by far the most voted suggestion. By the way, are we ready to post ‘Mega GLUE’?”

“Well, almost. I’d like to try out a side-by-side arrangement this time. Give me a few hours to work on the picture. Meanwhile, you can plan for Jana’s selection,” she smirked, “whatever that might be!”

Jana laughed, “I’m sure I’ll find a nice picture! Can’t wait to go through all of Gula’s ‘Yeina’ pictures again! There are so many to choose from!”

She spent the whole evening reviewing drawings once again. Every single one was scrutinized in detail. Jana checked each for scene composition, pose and general attractiveness, always keeping in mind that whatever she selected also needed to appeal to her backers.

Of course, she had some personal favorites, like “between legs” and “Yeina warm”, or “Falling from heaven”. But would the community appreciate them? Or were they looking for something more challenging, more sinister? Like “Yeina in her own hell”? Or maybe something along the lines of “Training Clamps and Heavy Weight”? Jana shuddered thinking about that picture. That one was definitely a big no-no. Having her tits crushed like that was completely out of question! She looked at all the drawings again and again.

But maybe it was time to surprise the team? Surprise her fans? Maybe, just maybe, she should put the project first? By now, everybody knew that the community, that their backers, looked for ‘challenging’ pictures, scenes in which her boobs basically went through hell!

Jana thought about the past photos she did. The response on ‘Yeina in Tubeshape device’ had been absolutely overwhelming. And if she now selected a simpler scene, like ‘between legs’, the backers might be disappointed! Surely, no new backers would show up because of that picture, right? But if she would select something like ‘Training Clamps and Heavy Weight’… that would be an entirely different story.

Maybe it was time to surprise the team! Time to show them what she’s willing to put up with, that the success of the project had priority! Jana examined the drawing again, gulping nervously. Was she really prepared for that? Was she ready to willingly select ‘Training Clamps and Heavy Weight’, by her own choice? Was she too committed for her own good? And what kind of message would that send to her team?

Jana pondered about this through the night, weighed her options and their consequences. But when she woke up the next day, her decision was made. And she would stand by it.

“Good morning, Jana!”

“Hey! Everyone’s up so early?”

“Yep. And we all can’t wait to hear what picture you’ll select as reward!” said Cathy with sparks in her eyes.

Jana smirked, “Well, it was a hard decision. But yes, I made up my mind.”

“What will it be?”

“Well, what’s your guess?”

“I’d say ‘between legs’” said Gula, “you seem to like that one a lot!”

“No way,” added Maya, “it’ll be ‘Falling from heaven’, a simple but oh so titillating picture!”

“You all have it wrong!” laughed Cathy,”You underestimate our star quite a bit! She knows what our audience looks for, and therefore she’ll select ‘Yeina in her own hell’, no doubt about it!”

Gula grinned, “So tell us, Jana. What’s your choice?”

Jana laughed nervously, her face reddening quickly, as she muttered “‘Training Clamps and Heavy Weight’”

Stunned silence. Everyone was gawking at her, unsure if they heard right.

“‘Training Clamps and Heavy Weight’? Seriously?” whispered Maya, slowly stroking her own boobs.

“That’s … quite a surprise!” mumbled Gula, “Are you really sure about that? I mean, with all what your boobs went through… you want them squashed like that?”

“I don’t want them squashed. But I want our project to succeed. And I think if we want to gain more backers, get more money, this is the way forward. Just think what our fans will say when they see this picture of me! And compare it to the reaction on, say, ‘between legs’!”

Cathy smiled, “You’re just fantastic, Jana. I agree, 100%. If you’re really ready for ‘Training Clamps and Heavy Weight’, you’re going to break the bank with it. You’ll be the hero of our little project! My hero!”

“And I’d just love to create that pressing device for you!” beamed Maya, who apparently couldn’t wait to design the evil machine. “Maybe I can test it by crushing some melons or coconuts!” she giggled.

“Great, so that’s decided. Cathy, do we have enough money to create that machine already?”

“Uhmm… might get a bit tight. But if we quickly publish ‘Mega GLUE’, and maybe add ‘Gravity+’, we should get some more money.”

“Fine. So what do we do now? I mean, Maya certainly needs some time to make that press, right?” asked Jana.

“Right. Well, you can complete that ‘Gravity+’ shoot. Those balls are ready, you can find them in Gula’s basement.”

“Great! Gula, Jana, let’s go!”

Chapter 26: More Gravity

Jana was almost used to this by now. Again, she was stretched over the two benches, her large breasts dangling beneath her. Meanwhile, Cathy and Gula marveled at the metal balls that Maya prepared for the shoot. They were pretty indeed, made from black metal with funny faces painted on. And they felt heavy!

Gula balanced the balls in his hands and asked, “Ready to try those out, Jana? You think your boobs can handle them?”

“After what I went through in that desert? Piece of cake! Let’s get this done! I know, the picture is important to you, so go ahead and check how my boobs get stretched out! Hope you’ve learned something for your future work!”

Cathy laughed, “This is my girl! Great spirit, Jana! Now brace yourself!”

She grabbed one of Jana’s dangling tits, tweaked the little nub to get it hard, and let the clamp close around it. Without even a warning, she opened her hand and let the ball fall down.

“OUCH!” screamed the model, the heavy object tugging at her nipple. “A bit more care would have been nice!”

Cathy giggled, “Sorry, sweetie! Couldn’t help it!” while Gula watched the expanding breast with interest. He grabbed the tape measure and held it next to the quivering tit.

“Right on target, Jana! Look, we’re spot on! 1.5HM!”

“Cool!” grinned Cathy and grabbed her camera. “Time for pictures! Can you hang the second one on her other side, please?”

The artist did as he was instructed, and soon Jana was squirming again. Damn, those things were heavy indeed!

“Her pants are not right yet, and push her shirt up a little! Also her hair is a bit messed up?”

Gula nodded and went to work. The model had troubles ignoring the heavy pull on her body, but it wasn’t that bad either. If just those things wouldn’t sway around like that! Worst was when both balls bumped against each other. The sensations her strained nipples went through were quite a challenge.

“Does this look right?” asked Gula, trying to get Jana’s hair in shape.

“Yes, much better. Now Jana, give us the look! You know, squint your eyes, tilt that cute head and open your mouth a little. Just like if you would really feel that weight pulling you down!”

“I feel it, really!” groaned Jana but of course she understood. So she gave her best, posed like the pro she was. And Cathy took plenty of pictures of the squirming girl with her stretched melons.

“I really love this shoot,” beamed Gula. “Just look at her breasts! They look so sexy, stretched to one-and-a-half the size of her head! I think it’s really the perfect shape!”

Totally mesmerized by the two, quivering orbs, he touched Jana’s sweating body, massaged her breasts and hushed, “You’re so beautiful, Jana. Thanks so much for doing this! I think this reference will be very valuable! Not only for me but for tons of other artists, too!”

“Thanks,” squeaked the model, “Can I get down now?”

“Sure, sure, let me remove the clamps!”

As soon as the clamps were opened, Jana screamed in pain again. “Shit! It always hurts like hell when the blood flows back like that! Hope I get used to that at some point…”

“Well, that would be good indeed. Maybe you could train them? Anyway, Cathy, how are the pictures? Ready to create that final ‘Gravity+’ reference sheet, with my drawings and the pictures mixed together? Would love to post it soon!”

“Definitely. We should have something ready in a few hours!”

The artist helped Jana down again. Jana adjusted her clothing, tried to ignore her screaming nipples and said “Well, glad that one’s done. Ready for some drinks?”

Cathy shook her head. “Sorry, sweetie, have some work to do. And Gula needs to help me with this. Also, we should check out how Maya’s doing. Maybe you want to pay her a visit? She’s at her place. You know where her workshop is?”

“No, never been there. Can you give me the address?”

Soon, Jana was strolling through the streets, looking for Maya’s place. She was a bit surprised that the location seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, a remote section of some industrial area, but the GPS on her phone assured her that she was close.

And then she found the address. A huge, nondescript old factory, maybe a former foundry. It definitely looked like heavy industry, but the place seemed abandoned. She searched the huge area for almost an hour until she stood in front of a giant hall that was illuminated by some faint lights.

“Maya? Maya?”

“Who’s there?” she heard a familiar voice.

“It’s Jana! Where are you?”

“Come inside, the door is open!”

As Jana entered the chilly, dark hall, goosebumps covered her back. This place was creepy! All this old machinery around her, the darkness, those loud echoes of her own steps… But then she saw her. Maya. Standing in front of some metal construction, welding some metal.

“So this is your workshop?” Jana asked curiously.

“Yes! It’s great, isn’t it? So much space! And all the stuff in here! This building was abandoned long ago, and nobody knows the owner of it. So I decided to set up my little workshop here! And I never had any problems! Not paying any rent, being able to use all those old machines, plenty of metal lying around that I can use… brilliant! Only downside is that the electricity is a bit spotty and there’s not much around. But hey, can’t complain!”

Jana nodded. “Well, if it works for you…”

“It does! Look, this is the press! Already finished the work on the bottom handle and the fixtures for the harness. Cuffs are still missing, and as you can see I have just finished the openings. Now that you’re here… would you mind testing them out? I mean, it’ll be your breasts that need to go through, right? So…”

Jana smirked, looked around. “Are you sure there’s nobody else around? This place is kind of huge, and I don’t want to be strapped in there, naked, when there are some creeps around….”

Maya laughed, “No worries, Jana. This place is as empty as it gets. I never saw a single person around”

“OK, then… sure, happy to assist you. What do you want me to do?”

“Well, I just want to make sure that all those fixtures and openings are at the right places. Just get your tits out and try to squeeze them through. But be careful, there could be sharp edges and stuff…”

Jana nodded, removed her shirt and stepped closer to the rusty metal. “Looks like the openings are at about the right height. But they look a bit small, don’t you think?”

“Well, let’s try…” said Maya and grabbed Jana’s breast through the hole. She roughly pulled the warm orb through the metal and mused, “You’re right, a bit too small maybe…”

“Like I said!” laughed Jana, “You always underestimate my size!”

Suddenly, Maya strengthened her grip and yanked the tit through. Jana shrieked surprised, but funnily enough it worked. Her breast popped through in an instant and jiggled around on the other side.

“Cute!” grinned Maya, “And the opening is definitely not too small. Now the other one!”

Jana whimpered, “Why is it always like that? My poor boobies!” She already felt her breast expand and swell again.

Maya matter-of-factly grabbed her other tit and yanked it through. “Done! And it looks great already! Your tits are just great, Jana. So glad to work with you! Mind if I check the harness, too?”

“Well, now that I’m here already…. go ahead!”

Chapter 27: Niele’s Troubles

Maya took some leather straps and fixed them around Jana’s back using the small fixtures on the metal plate. Then she examined the setup closely, walked around the strapped-in model, poked her bulging breasts and mused, “Now I just need to attach the underside of the press and the weight on top…”

She measured the size of the ballooning orbs, brought some metal pieces and checked which of those she could use. “Look, that’s the weight!” she beamed, showing off a sinister looking piece of metal. One side of it had a deep, wedge-shaped structure, apparently to efficiently mash whatever was below it into pieces. It looked just like the thing in the drawing.

“30 pounds!” grinned Maya, “I tested it already with some watermelons. They couldn’t stand it!”

Jana shuddered. Would they really let this thing fall on her tits? And would she survive this ordeal? Given her past experience, they surely will try it. And worse of all, it was her very own choice this time!

“Scary!” she whispered, “Hope you build in some safety net for me?”

Maya grinned, “Don’t worry, Jana. You’ll be safe.”

She opened the harness again and helped Jana to pull herself out of the openings. “Thanks for helping me out,” said Maya while the model got dressed again, “Was great to verify that everything works as expected. Oh, by the way, I posted ‘Mega GLUE’ a few hours ago. And the first comments were very positive. Looks like our backers enjoyed it. Well, most of them did anyway.”

“Most of them?”

“Yes…. well.. There’s a group of very vocal guys that heavily complained that it wasn’t ‘Pressure Rollers’. They claim we cheated on them. That we took a much easier scene instead. And that we’re basically thieves.”

“Thieves? Why that?”

“Well, they paid for their voting rights by choosing a higher tier. But now it turns out that we don’t take the vote seriously, hence the uproar.”

“Is it that bad? I mean, ‘Mega GLUE’ wasn’t that easy! At least for me!”

“Maybe you should post some comments about it. I tried to explain that there were budget reasons behind, and that ‘Pressure Rollers’ will be coming soon. But they didn’t seem to listen. Maybe if they hear from the star herself?”

Jana nodded.

“Oh, and there’s another thing you should be aware of…” grinned Maya.


“Some guy created a silly meme about it, showing a picture of your face and tits with the subtext ‘Cheating on my backers… paying with tits’.”


“Yup. It’s actually kind of funny, especially with those pictures of your bulging boobs. They used the tube-device photo for it. The meme got very popular in some circles already, so expect to see it pop up. You’re famous now!” she giggled.

Jana groaned, “Fuck. Guess I need to post something. Why are they so difficult? I mean, it’s not like I didn’t want to do ‘Pressure Rollers’!”

“Don’t have to tell me. Just wanted to make you aware of it.”

Jana immediately fired up her laptop as soon as she was back in her hotel room. She had to put things straight, had to explain herself to her fans. And so she posted a few comments, explaining her point of view, and assuring her fans that ‘Pressure Rollers’ would come.

Thankfully, many comments were very encouraging. The number of backers had grown significantly over the past hours, and the overall feedback was quite positive. Jana had the suspicion that this meme picture actually helped advertising their project a lot, as it got spread all over the place.

And once Gula posted the extended ‘Gravity+’ sequence that included the photos, the community was ecstatic. Jana could practically watch the numbers climb. Basics and Digitals joined in troves, and even some Elites showed up.

Cathy beamed as she saw the new numbers. “Finally, it’s taking off! I think we’ve passed the critical phase! Time to get to work! Enough funds for ‘Pressure Rollers’, and the first ‘HYPNOS’ photos should be manageable, too!”

Maya smiled, “Lot’s of work for me, I guess. But first we need to complete Jana’s selection, the weights and clamps shoot. I’ll be ready by tomorrow evening, so get yourselves prepared. I think that one will increase our following even more!”

Finally something to celebrate again. Cathy was so happy that the little project worked out so well. But without Jana, they wouldn’t stand a chance. She was so lucky that the girl was willing to do those pictures! And hopefully, she could capitalize on their work as photographer and artist, too! Maybe she should make herself a bit more known? Maybe, she should comment more? Post her own thoughts? The challenges as a photographer?

“Hey, Gula, while we wait… does this ring a bell?” asked Jana, a fat grin plastered over her face. Gula looked at her, puzzled. “Here, see? This little wooden rod, those tiny threads? Some arms from… a straight jacket maybe? And this chain? And… a pulley?”

Gula laughed, “‘NIELE’!, That’s all we need for the Niele picture, the one where you wanted to show me how tits stretch in reality, right?”

Jana nodded, smirking, “Yup. And I think it’s the perfect time to show you just how wrong you are!”

“Wow, great! Then let’s do that! Let’s go into my room and check!”

The artist couldn’t wait to see it, see how Jana proved him wrong. And it was indeed the right time, with both Maya and Cathy being busy to get everything prepared for the next shoot. Gula happily fixed the pulley on the ceiling, making sure that the chain could move freely. Jana smiled at him, happy that the artist was so full of energy. The girl got out of her shirt and let her boobs dangle and jump, making sure that the artist noticed her jiggling orbs.

“Woohooo! Those are just so great!” he screamed ecstatic, “Can I put those threads on you?”

“Sure, that’s why I’m here!” laughed Jana and pushed her tits into his face.

The artist rubbed her little nipples between his fingers until they got nice and hard, and then wrapped the threads around them tightly. The little wooden rod at the end of the pulley chain functioned as a kind of separator, with the threads fixed tightly around it.

Jana had to giggle. So funny to have her nipples bound like that, with that chain dangling from them! This was another great project, something easy and silly, a simple gift to her favorite artist. She handed the other end of the chain to Gula, who was standing on a chair and working on the pulley.

“Almost ready, Jana. Now, let’s fix your arms so you can’t run away from me!” he chuckled. Jana put her arms behind her back and let him wrap them with the straight-jacket thing. Soon, they were thoroughly bound together and fixed to the wall behind her. Gula grabbed the chain and slowly pulled it tight, watching closely how the breasts changed shape.

“Am I right? They do look different, don’t they?”

“Too early to tell, Jana. They’re not even close to the shape yet, but the chain isn’t tight enough, either!”

The artist increased the force, pulling the chain further bit by bit. Thankfully, the pulley had a locking mechanism to retain the strain, but the effect on Jana was rather remarkable, too.

Her face was flushed, sweat dripping from her body.

“I.. ugh, that’s….” she whimpered as Gula pulled with both hands on the chain, stretching her boobs further out.

“Looks not so different anymore,” he grinned, “just a bit more tension and we’re there!”

“Can’t… be…,” replied Jana,” look at the sag…. bottom of tits…”

The artist looked at her, puzzled,” Where?”

“Bring me a mirror, p-please!”

Chapter 28: Hidden Desire

Now the artist was curious. Was Jana right? Did he make a mistake? He brought a large mirror and placed it so Jana could have a look.

Jana was sure about this. While the drawing was correct in most aspects, the amount of sag in the middle of the breast definitely wasn’t right. She just didn’t expect that it would be so difficult to convince Gula!

“OK, I see what you mean,” the artist mused, “but what if we stretch those orbs a bit more?”

Before Jana could even react, he yanked the chain downwards again, pulling her breast even tighter.

“No…nooo…” creaked the girl with a hoarse voice, “don’t… you’ll rip them off!”

Suddenly, the door opened and Cathy peeked inside. “Ah, here you are! We’re ready for the shoot, can you… Wait, what the hell are you guys doing here?”

She stepped closer, inspecting the scene with eyes big like saucers. She grinned, “Whose idea was this? I mean…” her gaze fell on the Niele sketch, “Oh, I see! This is the sketch you were talking about? the one with the… wrong boobs?”

“It was Jana’s idea,” laughed the artist, “she wanted to show me how this is supposed to look in reality. And here we are!”

“Nice!” smirked the photographer, touching Jana’s stretched-out treasures with curiosity. “How taut they are! Fascinating!”

Jana panted, “Wanted to show him…. see, the tits look different, right?”

“Sure, they’re not stretched enough yet!” laughed Cathy, “Look at the picture, we need to pull quite a bit harder on them. Wanna help me, Gula?”

Jana nearly freaked out as both pulled at the chain with combined force. And to her horror, the pulley clicked further quite a bit, almost ripping her arms out of their sockets.

“Nggghh… that’s too much!” gasped Jana, tears traveling down her face.

“But now it looks like it should! Well, almost. Look Gula, she’s right. Here, this area is different.” She patted the middle of Jana’s heavy breast, “They’re hanging a bit more, and also the upper part is slightly more tight. But overall I think you did a decent job with that drawing…”

The artist was inspecting the offending parts closely. “Thanks Jana for showing me, this is indeed an interesting observation….”

“Ugh… my.. pleasure…. I guess. If I would have known what it takes…. can you get me out of this mess? Now?”

The artist didn’t listen. Instead, he poked and prodded the strung up breasts and said, “Cathy, do you think you could take a picture of this? It’ll be a great reference for the future!”

“No problem, I just need to get the camera. Give me a few minutes…”

Jana was so occupied with her ‘breast situation’ that she didn’t pay attention to the chatter. She just wanted to get out of this! But nobody seemed to be interested in helping her. When Cathy suddenly patted her on the head and said “Only a few minutes, sweetie, promise!” she realized that it wasn’t over yet.

But her protests didn’t really help. Gula tried to convince her that it wouldn’t take long anyway, and that it would be a shame to not document this situation properly. But the pull on her tits was just unbearable. How long would she need to stay like that?

Jana tried to relax, tried to listen into her body, tried to feel the different parts of herself. Her hands were numb by now, her legs seemed OK. Her back… not that bad yet. But her breasts… those tight pyramids were practically screaming at her! She could sense the trapped blood in her tied-up nipples, the taut skin of the usually tear-drop shaped, warm and soft boobs. Why did she want to show Gula so badly that he got the drawing wrong?

The stretching kind of felt weird though. It amplified her self-awareness, the awareness of her own, large boobs. Jana wondered why it was so exciting for her to get her breasts treated like that. Only a few months ago, she had known nothing about this hidden desire of her. And now she stumbled in one ‘boob adventure’ after another? Why didn’t she run away from this project? Because she liked it! There was no other way to put it, really. She had to admit, she somehow craved for this! If she was honest about it, she loved the attention her boobs got, how everybody examined them, touched them… the jealous looks of Cathy, the studying eyes of the artist…

Deep in thought she tried to lean back, tried to stretch her twins even further. Maybe only a bit more…half an inch? Would she feel the difference?

Gula watched the girl with interest. Jana obviously was in trance or something, but that the girl willingly tried to stretch herself even more was quite a surprise. Silently, hoping to not disturb the girl, he grabbed the chain and slowly but steadily pulled it further down.

Ugh…this raw pull on her nipples… it felt so…dangerous. Would her little nubs snap soon? Jana panted, listened to her screaming twins, and pulled her chest back as far as she could.

“Wow…” whispered Gula, watching the straining flesh, taut like chords. He carefully touched Jana’s disfigured boobs, felt their consistency. Jana moaned silently as she felt his fingers caress her body.

“Here I am again!” Cathy blasted through the door, camera in her hand. “Oh, did I disturb you? Did you… Hey! Her tits look even more stretched! Did you do that, Gula?”

The artist shook his head, “Nope, Jana did it all by herself!”

Cathy giggled, “Cute, want me to take a picture of our beauty?”

The photographer got to work, aimed at the tied-up girl from every angle. Her camera rattled and whirred, documenting the scene in every detail.

Jana was so happy when they finally cut the little threads and her stretched nipples and sore breasts finally snapped back into their natural shape. Wow, what an experience! But those last few minutes had been a bit disturbing. Did she really enjoy this? Was she becoming some weird breast stretching expert? If she had known in advance how badly her twins would get stretched, would she still have offered her assistance? Obviously, there was quite a bit to learn about herself and her hidden desires…

She massaged her tormented twins, looked at her friends and moaned, “Glad I’m through with that! What a pain!”

“Was all your idea, Jana, so don’t complain,” laughed the artist, “and it looked like you enjoyed at least parts of this. But now it’s time to head out to Maya’s place for the next round. Another one of your wishes will soon become a reality!”

Cathy patted Jana’s head and added, “Great warm-up training, Jana! But maybe you bit more off than you can chew on with that selection? Can’t wait to see you in that thing! The crowd will appreciate the pictures, for sure. But do you think you can stand it?”

Jana laughed nervously. She tried to ignore her sore, stretched breasts, which was easier said than done, especially when they swayed and jiggled like that! Yes, maybe she got more than she bargained for… She still couldn’t believe she actually enjoyed this… and that she selected that nightmarish picture!

Chapter 29: Clamps and Weights

Soon, the group entered Maya’s place. Or, to be precise, the place Maya decided to occupy. The young woman was just cleaning up the area where the shoot would take place, dusted off the dreaded device that would soon squash some melons.

Talking about melons… as soon as Maya got sight of her gang, she stopped what she was doing and instead proudly presented her work.

“That’s it! The press! A device thought up by our favorite artists, brought to reality by myself! See how shiny it is! Those holes… I’m sure you know what will go through there. Oh, wait, let me demonstrate the mechanism!”

Cathy grinned, “Looks like our friend is pretty proud of that thing! But what the hell are those watermelons for, Maya?”

“Just to show how it works!” she grunted as she lifted the heavy fruits on the platform.

“So… this is where my tits will be, right?”

“Looks like so…” smirked Cathy, “Hope you’re ready for a challenge!”

Maya checked if the fruits were seated properly, turned to her audience and said, “As soon as I press this little button, the mechanism that holds this weight in place will release, which will in turn send the heavy plate downwards. Watch closely now.”

And Jana watched closely. She saw with horror how that heavy metal plate crashed down, crushing the large melons to pieces.

“That’s why I call this device the melon masher, nifty, isn’t it? Now just imagine Jana’s boobies instead of those melons!”

“That’s exactly what freaks me out!” whispered Jana. This thing didn’t look safe at all! How on earth would her tits survive this ordeal?

“I … don’t know… Maya. This looks dangerous!” mused Cathy, and grabbed a piece of the shredded melon.

“Which is the point, sweetie. Just like in Gula’s drawing. But of course we need to take care of or model, we need to make sure that Jana will get through this with boobs intact, more or less.”

“And how would you do this?” asked Jana, eyeing the intimidating device.

“There’s a built-in safety mechanism. But instead of explaining everything, why don’t we just start? You’ll soon see how it works. If you would just remove your top and get your lovely melons in place?”

Jana had doubts. But if Maya said that there are safety mechanisms, there surely wasn’t any real danger, right? But how on earth could such a device be safe? Maybe those weights weren’t that heavy after all? But they were completely capable of trashing those watermelons!

“Don’t worry, dear. You’ll be fine,” whispered Cathy, munching on a piece of melon, “Just trust her. She knows what she is doing!”

Jana nodded, still not really convinced but curious what Maya had up her sleeves. Reluctantly, she removed her shirt and walked to the aptly named melon masher.

“Great, now this will be preparation only, so no clamps yet and we also do not need to care about your detailed outfit at this point. But you do need to get your breasts through the holes. Gula, Cathy, please lend Jana a hand and pull those puppies through!”

Jana felt hands on her exposed boobs, each grabbing a handful and roughly yanking them through the tight openings that were still sticky with melon juice. Soon, both her orbs were firmly separated from her chest by the metal plate.

“You need to make sure that her entire breast is on the other side, none of that fantastic stuff should be spared, right?” grinned Maya as she tweaked and pulled at the exposed flesh, making sure that as much as possible was squeezed through.

Jana’s heart was racing. She felt the cold metal pressing against her chest, the tight openings constricting her flesh, making her boobs bulge already. The plate obstructed her view, but as far as she could tell, that immense weight was hovering above her trapped orbs and just waiting to squash them to pulp. Like it did with those watermelons. She shivered.

Standing there, her breasts squeezed through the tight holes, she wondered about the entire setup of that machine. Why was it designed that way? Why was that padded tube at waist level preventing her from standing comfortably? And why did Gula choose to put the cuffs above her head instead of having them at her sides, which would be much less tiring? She had to know what the artist thought when he came up with that design…

“Hey, Gula…can I ask you something?”

“Sure, Jana. Anything you want!”

“Why did you choose to put the cuffs over the head instead of sideways? This will be a very difficult position after a while…”

“Easy… I wanted to have the arms out of the way so that the boobs are unobstructed. Kind of obvious, really!”

“I see. And why did you design this machine with that tube at waist level? This thing doesn’t look like it fulfills any purpose?”

Gula chuckled, “Well, this is even more obvious, Jana. It forces you to bend your back and makes your ass stick out. This is such a sexy pose you’re in… and you have such a tasty little butt!”

Jana’s face blushed. Of course. Why didn’t she think of this! It really was obvious. Gula just made sure that Yeina’s features, that her features, are properly on display. Because that was the main idea of the whole picture, right? Putting a beautiful body into difficult situations, for the pleasure of the viewer. That was the whole point of it!

Could she really trust her team? Was she safe with those people? She surely hoped so, but could you ever be sure about anything? Damn, she really wanted to know how it looked from the other side, how her twins bulged through the plate. She creaked, “Maya, how do I… how does it look? I mean, I can’t see a thing behind this stupid plate, and only feel that cold metal. My boobs feel kind of … separated… from me. Really weird. Please, can you describe what you see?”

Maya chuckled, “Honey, you look brilliant. Well, I can’t really see much of you, but your giant tits on that metal plate? Gorgeous! And that intimidating, heavy weight above them? Brilliant!”

“The suspense is killing me!” cackled Cathy, “You look great, Jana! I’d love to bite into those tasty melons!” She stuffed another piece of melon into her mouth, grinned “Want some?” and offered a bit of juicy fruit to Jana.

Gula smirked, “You really want to see it?” He took his mobile phone, went to the other side of the plate and took a picture. “Here, look! Like two tasty pieces of meat over that cold, hard platform. Like it?”

Jana looked at the screen. What a sight! No trace of herself except those bulging melons and a bit of her elbows! And that weight? Shivers raced down her spine as soon as she saw it! She examined the picture closer. Wait, what was that in the background? A white box… with…. a red cross? A first aid kit? Why the hell did they bring this? Did they expect they would need it? Jana gulped, “Wow… that’s… a scary picture! My tits… are they safe? Why did you bring a first aid kit?” She was shaking in fear and muttered, “Please, be careful?”

Maya laughed, “Better safe than sorry, hon! But I don’t think we need the kit. Just relax and let us do our work! Now, let’s check if everything fits. Jana, please put your arms above your head. Let’s see if those cuffs work as expected!”

Jana hesitated, but then she did as requested. She was scared about that evil machine, but she trusted her friends. They even brought a first-aid kit to be prepared if bad things happen, so she was surely in good hands, right?

Soon, her wrists were fixed over her head, preventing her to escape the situation even if she wanted to. Jana sighed, hoping that her judgment was right, that she indeed could trust those people. A thin leather strap was quickly wrapped around her back, pulling her torso tightly against the cold metal. Now she was severely stuck.

“Looks good!” Cathy smirked, slapping Jana’s tight ass joyfully, “Looking forward to the test, sweetie?”

Jana groaned, “I just hope this works out well… would really love to know more about that ‘security mechanism’ …”

Maya laughed, “Well, you will! In a few minutes!” and got to work.

She inserted a large tool, a giant crank of sorts into her machine and began to rotate it. Slowly, the heavy weight descended downwards, only a few inches away from Jana’s quivering flesh.

“What happens?” asked the scared model, not able to see what was going on there.

“You’ll feel it in a moment,” smirked Cathy, who was watching the moving plate with growing interest.

Gula was, too, captivated about what he saw. How would that weight deform Jana’s constricted boobs? Would he see them slowly deform and flatten? And how exactly would the soft flesh look like, when it was bulging through the gap on the side? He surely could learn a thing or two from this little experiment!

The creaking noise of the crank echoed through the room as Maya worked tirelessly on the machine. Jana gasped as the cold, rough metal first touched her. “Please, Maya, tell me what you’re doing! I’m freaking out! Will this thing crush me?”

Maya laughed, “Well, sort of. But very slowly. OK, let me explain. We will gradually press the weight down on you. Piece by piece, your tits will get compressed. We do this to figure out just how far we can get the weight down without causing serious issues for you. That’s why we do it slowly. Once we found out your limit, we will put some distance limiters in place, so that the weight, when it finally will fall down on you, won’t damage those nice orbs.”

“Great idea, Maya! With that approach Jana should indeed be safe!” beamed Gula, taking a piece of the shredded watermelon and munching on it, “Wow, this stuff tastes great!”

Cathy nodded, “Yup, can’t get enough of it, too! Jana, listen. Maya thought this through. You are safe, no worries! And if things go sideways, we still have that first aid kit, right?”

Jana hesitated. The whole plan really didn’t sound that convincing to her. Wouldn’t the force be different? The slowly moving plate would be much more gentle to her body compared to one that was crashing down on her in one swift fall, wouldn’t it? On the other hand, maybe the falling plate would be cushioned enough by her tits that it wouldn’t go that far down anyway? But surely, there was no guarantee that her tits won’t be smashed to pieces. The others seemed to trust Maya though…

Jana felt the pressure increase. The hard metal was already squeezing her assets significantly, and her beautiful breasts slowly changed shape.

“Ufff,” huffed Maya as she worked the crank, “This is more difficult than I thought!” The group watched in awe as the disembodied breasts were slowly compressed into two flat pancakes, flesh squeezing through every nook and cranny.

Cathy and Gula were happily sucking on pieces of watermelon. “I really would like to taste those other melons now…” Cathy grinned, “Bet they taste great, too!”

Gula eyed the bulging flesh in front of him and joked, “Yeah, I much prefer those melons, too! Maybe we should take a bite?”

The bound girl laughed hysterically and groaned, “Go ahead and taste them! I probably won’t feel a thing because that press is killing me already!”

“Here, eat some of this! It’ll distract you a bit!” smiled Cathy and pushed a piece of juicy watermelon into Jana’s mouth.

The watery fruit tasted awesome! Jana’s stressed body absorbed every drop of liquid like a starving animal. How could such a simple fruit be so tasty? “More… please?” she whispered, opening her mouth wide to receive another piece.

Cathy chuckled, “My my, looks like our star is a bit hungry! I’ll feed you all that is left if you offer us your own ‘watermelons’ in return!” She stuffed more fruit into Jana’s mouth letting her suck and slurp on the sticky fruit.

Every now and then, Cathy bowed down, joyfully scraping her teeth over Jana’s bulging breast, faking to take a big bite of fresh ‘melon’. “Your fruits are tasty, too!” she laughed, sucking and poking into the taut flesh, “Even better than the stuff I fed you with!”

Jana grunted, imagined Cathy feasting on her crushed melons. She was wrong, she could still feel the teeth and the prodding. Instead of getting numb, her tits got only more sensitive from the pressure! The pain was almost unbearable by now, and her boobs felt like they were crushed to pulp already. She sobbed, “Please, I can’t stand this anymore?”

“Maybe you need more watermelon?” asked Cathy, with a smirk in her face, “That seemed to help before?”

Jana was panting heavily by now, squirming and bitching without pause. “Please, stop this? It feels like my boobs explode!”

“Just… a… bit… more…” panted Maya, and moved the crank a few degrees more.

Gula stared at the transformed flesh, poking into the tight parts ballooning from the side. “Cathy, Maya, I think we need to stop! Look at how taut her flesh is! It looks like those balloons are ready to burst! Don’t want to damage her…”

At least somebody with some sense! Jana couldn’t stand the pressure any second longer, her face red and sweaty, trails of watermelon juice covering her mouth. It felt like her breasts were smashed to pieces!

“My my, look at what happened!” smirked Cathy pointing to the two crushed balls, “You’re leaking again! There’s milk everywhere!”

‘Leaking’ was rather an understatement though. The two flattened globes were practically flooding the platform, covering it in white fluid.

“Guess that happens when they get under pressure,” laughed Maya, patting Jana’s head. “I’m really proud of you though. I would never dare to propose a scene that would put my own boobies through something like that!”

“Can… can you please release me again?” whined Jana, cursing herself for getting into this situation in the first place.

Chapter 30: Safety Features

Cathy laughed, “Sure, sweetie. We’ll get the weight off your boobies in a minute. But first, we need to put those distance limiters in place. You don’t want to go through this again, do you?”

Maya rustled through one of her many toolboxes and presented two tiny metal objects while Gula examined the rather large springs that dominated their appearance.

“Those are the limiters. They can be snapped around those rods and then fixed in place. But first I would like to demonstrate how they work.”

Maya put one of the tiny devices between her thumb and forefinger and pressed it together. Immediately, a hidden mechanism was released. The small rod expanded and pressed her fingers apart with force. To Gula’s surprise, the whole device then seemed to disassemble itself, the different parts falling on the ground.

“I don’t understand… why is it falling apart like that?”

Maya grinned, “I’ve really hoped you’d ask that, Gula. When you drew the picture, you imagined Yeina’s breasts to be forcefully flattened by the weight, right?”

“Sure, but I haven’t thought about limiters and such…no need to care about the safety of a virtual character.”

“Right. That’s why those things fly apart. To have the weight compress whatever is below it without restriction. Basically, only the very first impact is lessened, the force of the falling weight absorbed to a certain degree. But the springs will push the weight a bit up again. And when it falls back down, Jana’s breasts will be the only thing holding it up.”

“Nice idea!” grinned Cathy, idly slapping a bit of Jana’s bulging flesh, “You’re so inventive! Can we try it out now?”

“Sure, why not!” Maya marked the position on the rods and snapped both limiters on, a tiny bit above the current position of the weight.

“That’s it! Ready for a dry run? I’m sure you want to see this thing in action, Jana!”

Maya worked the crank again and slowly lifted the heavy press from Jana’s entrapped boobs. The bound model sighed relieved, thankful for the pause. Her cuffs were opened, the leather harness removed, and even her breasts were pulled from the openings.

“Whew, that was something!” giggled Jana, inspecting her milk-covered breasts.

“You made quite a mess, hon!” grinned Cathy and pointed to the platform that was drenched in milk.

“Oh, I’m sorry… I really couldn’t help it. That metal thing was just too much!”

“Not a problem, at least not for now,” smirked Cathy and dried the milky mess with some cloth, “But when we do the real thing, you’d better not leak!”

So this was it! Jana shivered, looking at the machine that was about to flatten her generous breasts with a bang. In just a few minutes from now. She stared at the contraption with utter fascination, her fingers sliding along the cold, hard metal. Soon, her breasts will be crushed by that cruel device, and it was nobody else but herself who proposed to do this. Did she dare a bit too much?

She watched Maya demonstrate her creation again, a huge grin plastered over her face. She saw the heavy weight crashing down, a sound of metal against metal filling the room. The limiters did their job though and briefly stopped the weight in its fall before disintegrating. Jana’s heart throbbed.

Lightheaded, she turned around and looked at the faces of her friends. All of them watched with fascination how the intimidating metal block raced down. And all of them couldn’t wait to see her breasts mashed by that machine. How did she get herself into that? Why didn’t she run away, screaming in fear? And why did the prospect of getting strapped into that press excite her? What the hell was wrong with her?

“Jana, it’s about time we prepare you properly,” said Maya, “Your pants are fine already, but you need to wiggle them way down over your shapely ass. And your panties need to go down, too! Look at the reference drawing, look at how crinkled they need to be! And don’t forget that belt… We also need to do your hair!”

Jana nodded. She knew the drill. A careful look at the drawing was enough to get her going. Would she be able to get the facial expression right this time? She just had to grit her teeth and open her eyes as wide as she could, right?

Gula stared at Jana’s exposed, naked behind and couldn’t get enough of the sight. He had to congratulate himself for coming up with this additional tube. What a great idea! How it made those tasty buttocks stick out! What a sexy pose! And the girl didn’t even notice his stares, as busy as she was with trying to squeeze her breasts through the holes.

“Ngggg, dammit! Those things are too small for me!”

“Maybe it’s more like your ‘things’ are a bit too big! But don’t worry, we got them through before, we will get them through again!” laughed Cathy and grabbed a handful.

With combined efforts, they managed to get her monstrous melons in place again, and soon those globes were neatly sitting on the platform and waiting for action.

“Time to apply those!” smiled Maya and presented a bucket full of evil looking clamps. “Have a close look at the picture and place them accordingly. Gula, could you help us with the correct placement? How many clamps did you imagine when you drew the picture?”

Gula grinned, “When I created the drawing, I drew some support lines around Yeina’s breasts to get a better feel for the volume. Wait, I’ll show you. Cathy, could you hand me over one of those light-gray eyeliners?”

Cathy didn’t really get what was going on as she handed over one of the makeup tools. She watched with curiosity as the artist painted circles of light-gray color on the bulging pillows. Then, he added vertical lines on the globe-like objects, creating a mesh-like grid of ink on Jana’s soft boobs.

“This tickles!” the model complained, “What the hell are you doing there?”

“Gula just shows us where to put the clamps and gives us some insight in how he draws those beautiful boobs,” giggled Cathy as she marveled at the almost invisible mesh, “So, now what?”

“Simple,” grinned the artist, “Just pinch her skin at each node of the grid-lines and add a clamp. That’s how I positioned them in the drawing! So if we simply repeat this method, we can recreate the scene accurately.” The artist took one of the tiny metal objects and let it snap around his pinkie, “Ouch! Wow, that bite is nasty!”

“Yup! Don’t want to make this too easy for our star, do we? It definitely helps with the facial expression if they’re a bit of … a challenge for her. She needs to look panicked and fearful!”

Jana groaned, “Can’t you spare me at least that part? Panicked and fearful, my ass! Wooden clamps would’ve been alright, too!”

Cathy took one of the clamps, opened it and pinched Jana’s soft skin where two lines crossed.

“So, like that?”

“Aiiiiii! Dammit, that hurts!”

Chapter 31: Mashed Melons

Jana screamed as the first clamp bit down hard and squeezed her soft flesh. Cathy took her sweet time, letting the device sink into the skin just below her hard nipple. The others quickly followed her lead, and soon the bountiful bosom was adorned with plenty of clips, leaving Jana’s eyes soaked with tears.

Wherever two lines crossed, one of clamps marked that point. Around the largest loop over her breast were now 7 of them in a row. Her quivering orbs were practically spiked with the evil objects that bit into her tender flesh without mercy.

“Arghhh, this is too much!” she squealed, trying to shake off some of the evil claws. But tied like she was, she couldn’t move her boobs the tiniest bit.

“Awww, poor girl. But don’t worry, the clamps will be off in a minute!” laughed Cathy and got behind her camera. “Great opportunity to test out that slow motion mode, don’t you think?”

“Slow motion mode?” asked Gula, not sure if he got what the photographer was talking about.

“My camera has this cool feature… I only tested it briefly with some falling apple a while back. Shoots like tons of pictures a second and you can really see all the details. On the packaging it said something like 300fps… better than a movie… more crisp and detailed … a picture every 200 millisecond. We’ll have plenty of photos to choose from. You’ll see!”

“Sounds like a plan!” grinned Maya, “I sure want to see every detail when that press mashes those melons!”

“That’s what I thought!” grinned Cathy, “Ready when you are, guys!”

Maya nodded, examined the objects of desire one last time and said, “Alright then, let’s go!”

Jana tried to catch a glimpse of the big, red release button. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, and her pulse raised. She was soaked! The prospect of that huge weight smashing into her cushions was just too much for her. She strained her neck to get a better look, saw Maya’s hand hovering over the red button.

“Wait… I don’t know if I can take that! Please…”

“Oh my, now our star gets cold feet!” chuckled Maya, secretly enjoying Jana’s struggles.

Meanwhile, the artist marveled at the decorated twins, imagined the solid weight and how it would crush the two soft, pliable objects beneath it. How would it look like? How would it sound when the heavy metal slammed downwards?

Cathy had taken position behind her expensive camera. The device recorded the scene already, one shot every few milliseconds. “Time to get that thing moving!” she shouted, “My memory card doesn’t have that much capacity!”

That was all it took for Maya. With a flick of her finger, the button was activated and the release triggered. A whooshing sound filled the room. And Jana was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Everything seemed to happen in parallel. The heavy weight crashing down, an almost rubber-like sound as the huge pillows cushioned the drop, the limiters activating and sending the weight back up again, clamps flying around, Jana screaming like a maniac… and plenty of milk drenching the bystanders.

Jana felt the weight crushing her bloated orbs, smashing into her body. It felt painful, like a giant squashing her melons to pulp. She couldn’t stop screaming.

Cathy cackled behind her camera, holding her tummy. Maya, too, laughed uncontrollably, and Gula just blankly stared at the flattened treasures that still spat copious amounts of milk.

“My my, that wasn’t working out all too well!” smirked Cathy, examining the sequence of pictures she took.

“Ow, ow, ow” groaned the scared model behind the metal plate, wondering how her tits looked, and why everything felt suddenly so wet. “Please, get me out of this… I feel… pressured!”

Gula examined the situation and said, “Well, I think we need to redo this one. That definitely didn’t look like the drawing… with all the milk spraying around.”

“Milk? Oh, fuck. That’s why…” Jana couldn’t believe it. Milk. Again. Her boobs were obviously full of that stuff. She shouldn’t have taken all those pills back when she did that movie!

“So, how do we deal with this. I mean, look at you, Jana, you’re messy! We need to get that stuff out of you. Or kind of seal off your ‘cannons’!”

Jana sighed, “I… don’t know. But for fucks sake, get that weight off me! It’s crushing me!”

“Simple!” smirked Cathy, got close to the trapped tits and got to work. She eagerly sucked at the bulging breasts. Between taking gulps of milk she giggled, “Let’s…. get… her…. empty!”

And so they took turns sucking at Jana’s bosom. The tied girl was squirming and moaning, thoroughly enjoying the attention she received. She gasped at every touch of her sensitive flesh, imagining how it must look from the other side, those hungry moths over a disembodied pair of tits, squashed, full of milk.

It didn’t take long to drain her sources. And as the flow died down, Cathy groaned jokingly “Empty already? Way to let us down, Jana! I was just starting to enjoy this!” The hungry girl suckled at Jana’s engorged nipples without a pause and tried to extract the tiniest drop.

“Can’t get enough?” laughed Maya as she watched her desperate friend feed from the slowly recovering boobs.

“Better be thorough! Don’t want to have to deal with that mess again, right?” Cathy grinned, joyfully biting into the swollen teats.

Maya chuckled, “You’re right, better be thorough!” and leaned into the crushed breasts, trying to put more pressure on the stressed-out orbs. A tiny fountain of milk gushed out of the strained sources and Jana moaned, “For fuck’s sake, please?”

“Aww… now it’s really empty,” complained Cathy loudly, making a sad face. Cackling vividly, she lightly slapped the tasty titties and smirked, “That was fun! But now it’s time to get to work again, sweetie! Guys, get the weight up and put those clamps back on her!”

Jana cursed furiously behind the machine, complained about the sudden change of attention, from the quite enjoyable sucking and teasing to the rather brutal clamping and biting. Her boobs were quite sore already, and she felt like she had enough for today.

“Just be quick with it, please?! I really want to get out of this! And be careful, OK? Don’t ruin my boobies for god’s sake!”

“My, my, what a drama queen you are,” laughed Cathy as she meticulously applied the clamps one by one, “Just hang on and do your part. Remember the pose!”

Soon, they were ready again, Cathy behind her camera, Jana waiting for the impact. She had a last look at the reference, readied herself for the shoot, and nodded, “OK, let’s get over with this!”

Jana saw Maya’s finger hovering over the button again. Her brain replayed what happened before, the harsh impact, the sensations on her trapped tits. Her cheeks reddened as her blood raced through her body. Would this be the last time for today? Or would she mess up again? She saw the huge grin on Maya’s face. That girl definitely enjoyed her job!

As the release triggered and sent the weight down, the whooshing sound penetrated Jana’s ears. Her large breasts again got crushed flat, and the poor girl, again, was screaming her ass off. The clamps were ripped away by force, and the scared look on the model’s face was close to perfection.

Gula immediately recognized that something was off this time. The sound was different. There was this whooshing of the weight and the rubbery sound of the tits absorbing the impact. But where was that metallic click when those safety pins triggered? Oh god… With panic in his eyes, Gula examined the flattened orbs that squeezed through the gaps. Was everything still OK with Jana?

Slowly, the model’s screams died down again, changing into a constant sobbing and moaning of the poor girl. Maya examined the situation closely and muttered with red ears, “Oops, I think we…. forgot… those limiters. Jana, are you OK?”

The bound girl was overwhelmed by sensations as the impact finally propagated through her system. Something was very wrong here! It felt like her jugs were indeed crushed to pulp this time! Moments after the immense hit, her head went dizzy. She saw stars and felt her legs failing. Moaning uncontrollably, the poor girl hung from her trapped tits, her cuffed arms supporting the collapsing body.

She babbled, swaying like a drunk, “Arghhh.. p-please… my t-tits! G-get me out?”

“Shit!” groaned Gula, “Get her out quickly! Hope she’s fine?”

Cathy, too, came running, and together they lifted the weight off the flattened pillows. “Looks fine, I guess?” mused Maya, carefully examining Jana’s boobs. Meanwhile, Cathy unfastened the cuffs and harness, and helped Jana get out of the holes.

“Ow..,. damn! Mashed melons, my ass!” Jana moaned, still dizzy from the impact and inspecting herself for damage. “They hurt like shit! Hope they won’t get black and blue from all that pressure! Ouch!”

Cathy patted her shoulder and whispered, “Great job again, brave girl! That’s dedication! Wait, let me apply a bit of relief to your boobs!”

Jana watched the photographer grab the first-aid kit and searched through it’s contents. Soon, Gula and Maya joined in and carefully applied plenty of healing ointment onto her breasts. Once everything was nice and squishy, Cathy wrapped some stretchy bandage around each sore boob. Even Jana had to laugh when she saw the end result, two gigantic, white balloons hovering over her chest.

As the group packed together, everybody made sure that Jana was doing fine and tried to soothe her body. Jana felt the ache, the soreness. But she also felt proud of what she had accomplished. That she didn’t chicken out. And the care and appreciation of her mates was so sweet!

She looked forward to seeing the photos, how she looked, the expression on her face, how her body gets crushed by that evil machine. Would the pictures bring back all the feelings she experienced while she was strapped in that thing? She could only hope! What a day…

Chapter 32: Rolling Pressure

After her meeting with the melon masher Jana needed a rest. Badly. And thankfully she got a few days off while the rest of the team worked on getting the pictures ready to post.

Cathy was pleased with the results of their last shoot. The time-lapse feature really paid off! She had so many pictures to choose from! The photographer couldn’t get enough of the changing expression on Jana’s face. And how those tits slowly bulged when that weight crashed down on them! Delicious! The sight of that flesh oozing through the gap as the metal squashed her fat boobs… she got wet just thinking about it!

And when she showed the sequence to the others, they were just as impressed as herself. Even Jana… especially Jana couldn’t believe how good she looked in the different frames. The tough girl was spellbound by the sight of her own breast getting compressed in slow motion.

They had a hard time selecting the best shots.

There was one frame that was a perfect replica of the drawing, up to the very detail. But other frames were even more thrilling, especially the ones where they forgot the limiters and Jana’s tits got crushed badly. In the end, they decided to do an additional animation of the scene, a short, looping image sequence that they could use on the website to draw in more backers.

Maya was especially eager to see the community’s feedback to their latest works and couldn’t wait to get everything online. The reactions to the tube-shaped device shoots had already been spectacular, and with ‘Mega GLUE’ and now ‘Training Clamps and Heavy Weight’, they should finally satisfy even their most critical backers.

And it worked indeed. While Jana tried to relax and soothe her body, the internet went ablaze. Quickly after the pictures were published to their rather small circle of backers, they showed up all over the place. The funding site got bombarded with requests and questions about their future plans. And the number of backers skyrocketed. Cathy couldn’t believe it. They did it! They made it work! The funding was there, time to think big!

As a first response to the overwhelming feedback, Gula posted a public message thanking the community and promising ‘pressure rollers’ in due time which then would be followed by the ‘HYPNOS’ pictures. He reminded backers that all photos are not to be shared publicly, as this would be unfair towards the other backers. Of course, those leaks had been instrumental to gain more backers, but now it was time to clamp down on unauthorized sharing.

For Maya, this was a dream coming true. For her it was not so much about job security or profit, like it was for Cathy. No, for her it was passion. Getting to design all those crazy machines, the monsters, the props was the best job ever. And with almost unlimited funds, she was eager to expand her business. The only problem she faced was staff, or lack thereof. She was used to craft things on her own and couldn’t imagine to work in a group of designers, where she would have to discuss any idea or change. But having some helping hands would definitely be needed. So she called Jana.

“Hey, how are you doing? Could you get some rest?”

“Thanks, doing fine. Actually I’m getting bored. My boobs still hurt a bit from that meeting with your creation, but in a few days that soreness should be gone, too. How’s life on your end? How are the others doing?”

“Did you see what happened when we posted the pictures? Fucking crazy!”

“Saw the comments, yeah. Incredible. So many people! And those suggestions….and requests… scary! Numbers are up quite a bit, right? Seems like my plan worked after all…”

“That’s the understatement of the year, sweetie. Your plan was fucking brilliant! Money is being thrown at us! Cathy is already making plans on how to use up the remaining funds to pimp her shop, and Gula is about to order a new tablet and what not. You broke the bank with that last picture! And did you see those memes? You’re a freaking internet star!”

“Well, at least my boobs are, I guess. Yeah, those memes are kind of funny. But it’s still irritating to see my tits all over the place, with captions like ‘Mashed melons are the best kind of melons’ or ‘Stuck because BOOBS!’ And the ‘Alone in the woods’ thing was kind of cute. With that ‘Waiting for you!’ tagline… Wonder if I ever get used to seeing this stuff. Hope people don’t recognize me when I go out shopping!”

“No worries, everybody is only looking at your tits anyway,” Maya chuckled, “Listen, I wanted to ask you if you’d like to lend me a hand. With all the cash rolling in, it’s time to work on more complicated props. And, being alone is a bit of a challenge. The pressure rollers need to be designed, and there’s plenty of work with all that ‘HYPNOS’ stuff coming up.”

“Sounds great! Maybe I can learn a thing or two from you!”

“Fantastic! Just come to my little workshop when you feel like it! I’ll be there tinkering around!”

Jana had great fun helping Maya with her work. She didn’t understand all those technical details, but watching the machine grow and imagining how she would later be trapped in it was oddly exciting. And she indeed learned a lot. Maya was just such a capable girl!

The two had so much fun designing that monster! Like the ‘tube-shaped device’, this was a dream made of pure steam punk. And Maya loved every minute of working on it. The big rolls made of steel, covered with soft leather padding, looked fantastic. The stakes that held the construction in place were made of thin but solid metal sheets cut to flat poles that served as mounting.

There were four rolls in total, one to push on Jana’s ass, one to support her waist, and two that would squeeze her mighty tits and hold her firmly in place. Maya had designed a nifty little mechanism that would, once activated, pull the model in place. A flick of a switch was enough to get the rollers moving, grabbing her fleshy pillows and squeeze them as tight as possible. The mechanic was really proud of that part, and was happily grinning whenever she thought about it.

It helped a lot to have Jana there, working on the machine. Every now and then, they measured a part of her body, mostly her boobs, to decide on some detail. And they progressed well. Only a few hours more, a bit of testing and tinkering, and the machine would be ready to go. Maya had already told Cathy that everything would be prepared for a shoot this evening, and Cathy was more than happy to round up the group and ask them to prepare for the event.

It had been quite difficult to design the rolls so they would actually be functional. But after a lot of tinkering, Maya had come up with a working solution. The trick was that all of the rollers had an embedded motorization that let them rotate independently. In addition, the hinges of the front rollers were made in a way that left a gap of a few inches when they were farthest away from each other, but with some steam-powered valve they could be pressed together until both rolls touched. And that steam mechanism could of course also be used to exert quite some pressure on the rolls and really live up to the name of the drawing.

Gula beamed as he saw Jana in that tight little pink shirt and that blue belt, not to forget the equally blue gloves. What a sight! He just loved it, when scenes he had fantasized about so long ago finally become true! And Jana’s naked rear looked so inviting! How the shirt strained to cover her boobs! The artist had troubles keeping those hands to himself!

“You look great, sweetie!” chirped Cathy as she inspected the giggling model, “Now we just need to get your hair in the proper shape again! Come over here and hold still!”

Jana once again watched mesmerized as Cathy went to work. She was so talented with this stuff! Soon, her hair was thick with spray and pushed around to look like on the reference. Eye-shade and lipstick was applied, and as Jana glanced at the mirror, she saw Yeina looking back at her.

“Looks like we’re ready to go!” said Gula, and soon the small group headed out to meet Maya and her machine.

This time, Jana didn’t feel all that scared. She had helped to create that machine after all, and she felt oddly familiar with it. Gula helped her climb up the slippery leather, and soon the model was draped over the giant rollers, her soft breasts lightly pressing against the leathery surface.

Chapter 33: Steamy Experience

Maya and Jana tested the model’s pose on the machine in every detail. But they never tried out the part where Jana’s boobs would get squeezed through. It was a decision Jana made on purpose. First, her tits still hurt like hell from the Melon Masher, which was what she mentioned to Maya. But the real reason was that she wanted to spare the ‘surprise’ for later. It was just so much more exciting to try out that part at the very last moment possible, when everybody was watching her do it. Life. On stage. With Cathy’s camera documenting her every move.

And now this exact moment was approaching quickly. Jana pressed her tits against the soft leather, her arms twisted backwards, cuffed by a rough, wooden board. Every detail was perfect, her clothes were adjusted properly, fake mist was hovering over the illuminated floor. Only one part was not in place yet. Her boobs.

“Ready?” Maya asked, her finger hovering over the main switch.

“Ready!” shouted Jana, collecting herself for what was to come. Her body shook as the machine was roaring to life, the different rolls moving a tiny bit.

With a huge grin on her face, Maya worked the controls of the metal monster. The rollers started to rotate slowly but steadily.

Cathy captured every moment of the show, zoomed into the pulling and twisting rollers as they tried to grab the beautiful, female body.

Jana shrieked in joy as the mechanical forces started to get a hold and raw, unforgiving power mercilessly grabbed her feminine flesh. It was a tight fit, but Jana stood no chance against the steam-powered muscle.

The bound model squealed and moaned as her large, soft breasts were finally yanked through the thin gap, rotating rollers tearing rudely at her soft skin. Maya grinned with glee as she joyfully worked the controls. The rollers slowly moved further together, compressing Jana’s boobs inch by inch between them.

“Almost there, sweetheart! We’re approaching the end of the first phase!”

The first phase… Jana shivered. It had sounded so logical during the design process, a step-by-step approach to slowly get her tits to ‘adjust’. But back then she wouldn’t have thought that the first phase was so challenging already! Her tits were screaming under the assault!

She felt the leather-clad rolls press against her mighty pillows, squeezing every ounce of flesh through the gap.

Meanwhile, Gula watched in awe as this masterpiece of creativity came to life. He couldn’t stop staring at those bulging balls of flesh, at how taut and shiny they looked. The artist stepped closer, reached out to the shaking orbs, his fingers touching the bloated balls.

“Whoa, your boobs are hard, Jana! Look at that, they don’t budge if you try to poke into them…”

“Approaching the end of phase two now,” declared Maya, “The rollers are almost in the final position. Jana, can you stand it? How are your tits doing?”

“Owww, owww... I… don’t.. know…. feels… so… tight…”

“Ouch, that looks painful!” whispered Cathy and joined Gula in fondling the straining melons,

“Incredible, how hard they are! Almost like smooth, shiny rocks! Look, there is no softness left, no piece of that warm, cushy stuff anymore… only solid, rock-hard, womanly balls of meat!” She tried to sink a finger into one of the shiny globes, “So damn hard….”

The mesmerized woman then searched one of the almost invisible nipples and pinched it mercilessly between her thumb and forefinger, cruelly pulling at the little nub. She chirped, “Are you OK Jana? You look a bit out of shape!”


“Approaching phase 3! We’re getting close!”

Gula studied the heavy, rotating rollers with interest. Those cushioned metal bars were almost touching by now, and the trapped flesh between them was definitely in trouble! He heard the machine creaking and screaming as the pressure on the rollers increased bit by bit.

“Look over there, Gula!” gasped Cathy, “See how those rollers start to bend? It’s quite unbelievable that Jana is able to cope with this! She must have tits of steel or something!”

“Yes… Incredible, right? How every inch of tit is squeezed by the machine… how she struggles… how those orbs change and harden…And now even those rods of steel need to give in!”

And indeed, the giant rollers that crushed those incredible breasts were getting out of shape, too. A slight curve was visible over the entire length of the bars as the machine struggled to compress the soft pillows even more.

“Maya, better be careful, I think it’s too much pressure already!”

And then it happened. All of a sudden, a thin spray of white covered everybody standing in front of Jana’s ballooning boobs. Cathy was hit worst, with plenty of milk running down her cheek and neck. But Gula got hit hard as well, with white juice all over his astonished face.

Of course, it wasn’t really a surprise to anyone that the increasing pressure made Jana’s tits leak again. But the discharge had happened rather sudden nevertheless, so nobody was really prepared for it. Jana noticed that something was going on but wasn’t able to see much. Somehow something felt different though. The awful pressure in her boobs seemed to get a bit less… and something was feeling kind of wet.

“What’s going on there?” she creaked, bending her neck, desperate to get a glimpse.

“No worries Jana, just your tits leaking, well, spraying again,” cackled Cathy, “Better to not waste the good stuff, right?” The photographer giggled as she grabbed a nearby bucket and positioned it just under the ballooning twins to collect the precious fluid that was dripping down from the taut balloons.

Getting mercilessly squeezed in a vice-like grip, Jana’s trapped tits were forced to deliver a never-ending stream of milk. And the further her pillows got compressed, the more of the fluid was squeezed out of them. Jana looked like a freaking sprinkler, like a statue that provided an endless stream of this rich, white fluid.

Cathy was absolutely stunned by the sight and gawked at what was happening in front of her. Suddenly, she remembered her role in this play and managed to break out of her trance-like state. She grabbed her camera, assumed position, aimed and yelled, “This is fantastic! Jana, give me your best! Look over here, squeeze those eyes shut! Show me how terrified you are!”

It wasn’t difficult to get into that role. Indeed, Jana felt intimidated and terrified about the whole situation, about her body compressed to pulp again. She knew every detail of the machine, in fact she helped building it. But even that didn’t help to lessen her growing fear and the immense pain she felt. And knowing just how much power that monster was able to deliver wasn’t going to help with calming her panic either.

“Phase 3 complete, end of preparation!” shouted Maya, “The rollers are in final position and we should be ready to go!”

“We need to wait a bit for the actual photo. Those tits need to be empty, there’s no milk on that reference drawing, right?”

“Yeah, good point. Maybe we can have a coffee while we wait?”

“Sure, let’s get outside! Hang in there, Jana! You’re doing great!”

“Hey, anybody need some milk? We could take some freshly squeezed stuff from that bucket!”

Everybody laughed, except Jana who was on the verge of panic.

“Hey! Don’t leave me alone?” screamed the model, fearing that she’d be abandoned once again.

“No worries, we’ll be nearby, just outside of the hall. If there’s anything you need us for, just shout!”

Again, Jana watched her team leaving her behind. The unforgiving rollers were still vibrating, pulling at her tits, squeezing the juice of life out of them.

Alone with the machine, Jana contemplated her situation. Once again she was helpless, her breasts crushed, at the mercy of a mechanical monster. She sighed, at least this time it won’t take too long. If just her fucking tits would stop leaking milk!

After maybe half an hour, the team finally came back. They looked pretty relaxed and apparently had a good time outside. Unlike Jana, who was constantly bitching and cursing.

“Hey, Gula, could you take that body oil and make those bulging balloons a bit more shiny? And please dry up that milk, this is way too messy!”

“Sure thing!” the artist responded, took some cloth, a bottle of oil and worked on Jana’s fat, bulging bosom.

“By the way, when can we start with the work on ‘HYPNOS’?”Gula asked while he polished the taut red balls.

“Depends on what photos you want to take first. I think the ‘Extreme Bondage Device’ drawing could be done pretty quickly. Some of the others will take a bit to prepare. I really look forward to creating that mouth monster sucking on Yeina’s tits though. Those huge lips clamping down on them like they are a pair of tasty berries… delicious!”

“And that device for the ‘Stretching Yeina’ sequence…”

“Right, that one is incredible! Oh, I think Jana is ready now. Look at how shiny her orbs are!”

“Ugh, th…anks for not forgetting about…me.. guys. I’d appreciate … if …you could finish the photos? My tits are going to … pop … soon from all that pulling…”

“Sure Jana, you’re almost done.”

Cathy finally leaped into action and did some great photos, with steam and red lights faithfully recreating the atmosphere of the original work. And Jana was so used to the posing by now that she had no troubles casting the right look on her face. And there was not much she could do with the rest of her body anyway, strapped down like she was.

“Fantastic, simply great, Jana! Give me that desperate look again! Squeeze your eyes! Maya, let the rollers turn again! Wow…. so hot!”

The camera whirred while Cathy was circling the trapped, moaning beauty who was looking back at her with panic in her eyes. “Fuck it, be quick! My tits are ripping any moment for god’s sake!”

“One second!” Cathy chirped and did another round before she finally declared, “OK, that’s it everybody! Get our star out of there!”

A few moments later, Jana stretched her muscles and groaned, “Ouch, my tits! Those rollers were quite insisting!”

“At least your twins are dried up by now, right? You looked like a fucking sprinkler, sweetie!”

Jana squeezed her sore breast, “Didn’t expect that one coming… do you think they ever stop lactating like that?”

“I hope not!” Maya jumped in, “They’re so much fun to work with! What’s next?”

“How about a nice dinner together? To celebrate this great achievement? And then we should start working on ‘Extreme Bondage Device’!”

“Finally, a ‘HYPNOS’ scene!” beamed Gula, “Thought that would never happen! By the way, how are our finances doing?”

“Finances? They’re great!” laughed Cathy, “I hardly can keep count with the actual numbers, but we have close to 20k Basics and almost the same number of Digitals. Physicals at about 5k, and a handful of Elites are showing up, too!”

Chapter 34: Maya’s Mistake

Jana was proud of what they achieved. She couldn’t stop checking the comments section of their latest pictures and craved the warm, fuzzy feeling whenever she was able to read through the feedback. It had been such a good idea to go after the tougher, grittier pictures, and it was such a pleasure to see how the community raved about them!

And now, with enough money to burn, the project was getting even better! Since Cathy knew her budget, her mood improved so much that she now got on everybody’s nerves with her constant stream of new ideas. But, to Jana’s delight, the photographer also recognized how big the model’s contribution has been to the current situation, and their relationship has morphed into a deep friendship.

Jana enjoyed some time off, relaxing, soothing her body. Whenever she felt like it, she showed up in Maya’s workshop to lend her a hand. It was fun to brainstorm with her about the project, and creating those props with her was such a blast!

The next picture on their schedule was ‘Extreme Bondage Device’, and Maya had already spent considerable time on the construction of the props. The setup wasn’t really complicated. But getting those jagged beams right, and crafting the poles that hold everything in place, required quite some thought.

The beautiful engineer had carefully planned the construction, designed the fixtures to minute detail and had great fun working on it. Maya got so lost in her task, obsessed with creating a perfect replica of the pictured device, that she forgot about everything else.

Images of Jana, strapped into the device, flashed through Maya’s mind as she worked on the contraption. She could practically see those warm, soft globes compressed between the wooden beams, oozing through the gap. Once in awhile she brushed over those spiky, wooden wedges with dreamy eyes and imagined how they would bite into the model’s womanly flesh.

How would that feel? Would Jana be able to cope with the pressure? Of course she would, she always managed to hold up! But what if … herself would be up for the challenge instead of Jana? If her very own breasts would be mercilessly crushed by those spiky beams?

The mechanic shuddered. She surely wouldn’t be able to stand it even for a minute! Or would she? Her oily hands kneaded her heavy, tingly bosom as she imagined being strapped into her own creation. What a strangely titillating prospect!

Maya shook her head, she had no time for this daydreaming! Instead, she had to get the second beam up on the stakes! But, were they the right size? Better check the proportions before it was too late!

The girl blushed as she removed her tight top. It felt rather silly, standing before the lower bar, bare-breasted like she was. Not really sure about what she was doing, she grabbed her heavy breasts and placed them on the wooden beam. “Yes, this is awkward, but it’s necessary!” she told herself. How else could she make sure that everything was right?

Maya panted, her heavy boobs resting on the rough wood. She could feel the uneven surface of the lower beam, how it supported her delicious burden. Her heart pounded with excitement as she slowly pressed her hands down on the soft flesh, imitating how the upper beam would press against her pillows.

Was it OK like that? Was the width of the beam right? She lightly pulled at her hardening nipple, pretending to correct the position of her flesh. Her breathing quickened, her cheeks reddened. What was she doing? Her eyes darted around, looking for the drawing.

Yes, yes it looked right, as far as she could tell. Of course, it was difficult to judge from this viewpoint… Maybe she should grab her camera and do a selfie? That thing surely had some sort of self-timer, right? That way, she could tell for sure!

Gula was the happiest person since it became clear that his pet project would finally take off. He always carried a printed Hypnos book with him and browsed through the pictures as soon as he had some idle time. Fantasizing about bringing all those drawings to reality was so much fun!

“How’s it going? When can we do the next shoot?” he nagged Jana as they met for a coffee, hoping to see his favorite girl naked soon again.

“Well, we’re almost there. Just a bit of polish here and there and that contraption is ready to go. Maya is working on it right now. Want to take a look?”

“Sure! Now?”

“Yep. She should be at her workshop this minute. Let’s go!”

Gula almost choked when they entered the large, chilly hall. It was hard to see anything from this distance, but the little he could make out looked more than promising.

“Oh my, what the hell is she doing?”

“I don’t know? Is she… naked?”

“Looks like it… and something’s wrong with her boobs, right?”

“Let’s get closer…”

Gula and Jana approached the illuminated form that appeared to be trapped between two large poles. A faint whimpering emanated from the bright platform.

Gula shouted, “Hey, Maya! Everything OK?”

Her head shot around, large, teary eyes greeted them.

“Oh god, finally! I’m so glad to see you! I… so got stuck in that monster! Help me out, please?”

“How the hell did that happen?” asked Jana, eyeing the two bulbous, red, fleshy balls that hung from the wooden construction.

“I… I wanted to try it myself, wanted to see if the press works as intended. I was curious how it would feel… if I would be able to stand it…like you… You were always so brave Jana… I just wanted to see if I could do it, too!”

“Alone? Without anybody to help? That’s dangerous, Maya! You should have known better! Why didn’t you wait for me?”

Maya shrugged, or at least tried to, but then winced in pain instead, “Ouch! I… don’t know…. I just… wanted to do a quick test run…”

Gula stared at the bulging tits in front of him and closely examined the jagged beams that were almost pressed flat against each other. The wood was slightly bending where the beams met the trapped boobs, which got mercilessly crushed between them.

Gula poked lightly into the taut flesh and asked, “So how did it feel? How DOES it feel right now?”

“It hurt so bad when those things clamped down on me! I thought my tits would explode any moment! But after an hour or so most of the pain dulled and my boobs went kind of numb. Now they kind of itch and throb though. And they look horrible, right? Now, can you please get me out for christ’s sake?”

“Sure, in a moment. But shouldn’t we use this opportunity to see if the machine indeed works as intended first?”

Gula nodded, “Absolutely. Look closely at this printout. Here, for example, the beams aren’t pressed as much against each other as they should. The gap between their jagged surface is much larger than in the picture. I think we need to increase the pressure a bit…”

Maya looked at him, eyes wide in fear. “Are you serious? My freaking tits are about to fall off and you want to make that thing even tighter? I can’t fucking feel my them anymore, Gula!”

Jana grinned, “Finally something I can relate to! But let me tell you a secret: You CAN feel your tits after all. Look!”

Before Maya could even blink, Jana raised her hand and smacked one of the red globes with might, making the swollen tit jump and fly into it’s neighbor. It sounded like somebody was clapping as those bloated twins crashed into each other, nicely complemented by Maya’s surprised scream.

“See? Looks like you can still feel them! So don’t freak out just yet and let us study the situation a bit in more detail. We’ll free you soon enough!”

The bound girl wept, “Damn, Jana! That hurt! Serves me right, I guess…. but please be quick? I really want to get out of this contraption!”

Jana smiled at Gula, “Alright, so let’s see if we can get this fixed! Gula, can you try to press the beams down a bit? We really need to close that freaking gap!”

Gula got to work, pushed and pressed against the wood. But to Jana’s surprise the gap didn’t narrow a bit. She studied the drawing again and mused, “I think we have a problem…”

“A problem? Of course I have a problem! My fucking tits are crushed by some sharp-teethed monster!”

“I don’t mean that, stupid! Gula, come over and look at that, look at the surface of the beams in that drawing! Actually, you should immediately spot the error, you dreamt up this thing after all…”

Gula blushed, “You mean…”

“This isn’t supposed to be wood, right?”

Chapter 35: Building A Monster

“Damn, you’re right! Back then, when I created this piece, I imagined those beams to be made from some magic material. Something sturdy, with a clean, shimmering surface. Something that can bend like that, but only when under heavy pressure… Can’t believe I forgot about this!”

“Right. And Maya and I didn’t get that part at all. We just assumed this to be wood! Did you hear that, Maya? We have to do it again! This thing that crushes your treasures needs to be made from some other, much more sturdy material!”

“Really? Really? Something ‘more sturdy’? That sounds even worse! Thank god it will be Jana who gets to experience that change, not me!”

“But I don’t even know if such a material exists in reality,” mused Gula, “What do you guys think?”

“I’m sure our engineer will find something fitting. Right, Maya?”

“I have to see… maybe some sort of carbon fiber? I… I’ll have to check. So… now you can let me out, right?”

“No, we’re not done yet. Let’s check the fixtures, too!”

With that, Jana climbed up one of the poles and soon balanced on top of the beam, the weight of her body adding to the strain on Maya’s tits.

“Ugh… damn! Why can’t you let me out first?”

“Shhh, don’t be such a pussy! Once you get your boobies treated, you get all whiny and complain all day long! Just imagine what I went through since this project started and toughen up! And Gula, can you come up here? I think we made another mistake…”

“Sure. Sorry Maya, but this is important.”

Gula huffed and puffed as he went up the pole, joining Jana on the narrow beam. The wood creaked below him, and Maya’s boobs ballooned a tiny bit more.

“Aahhhh, this is too much, guys!” the panicked girl screamed, watching desperately how her tits slowly changed shape again.

“Just a moment, sweetie! Now, look up, Gula. See, we simply fixed the poles into the ceiling and added a pulley so we can position it properly…”

“That’s… not how it’s supposed to be,” the artist whispered, “It’s a press, so there needs to be something that applies force, either from below or from up here. A machine that can actively push the beams against each other. No wonder that gap is so big!”

“Alright, so let’s get down again and help Maya out of her predicament. Guess we need to redo the whole thing anyway.”


Maya was so relieved when the awful beams were removed from her and her numb, crushed tits finally escaped from the terrible squeeze they endured for so long.

“Fuck, this was horrible! How the hell can you stand stuff like that, Jana? My boobs feel like shit and, instead of getting better after being out of that thing, they now get even worse by the second! They’re all pins and needles for god’s sake!”

She massaged her hurting orbs, desperately trying to soothe and comfort the tortured melons.

“Heh, I know how you feel! But you kind of get used to stuff like that, no kidding! Nice to see somebody else’s tits squeezed like that for a change though!”

“Ugh, I’m just glad to be out of that monstrosity! So we really need to start from scratch again? Can’t believe that we were so wrong with this!”

“Yup. Should have spotted those mistakes earlier. Need a bit of rest before we start the work?”

“Hmm, let me think about it. Nope, not rest needed. My tits still hurt like fuck, but that doesn’t stop me from working, right? Damn, what a disaster! Just give me a sec so I can get dressed again.”

“Sure. Gula, want to help us? We need to disassemble the whole thing and figure out what material to use and where to get it ….”

Would love to, but I really need to talk with Cathy. Looks like setting up this device will take longer than planned, so I want to check our options…”

“Aiiee fuck it!” screamed Maya from behind some crate, “That shirt?! My titties feel like it’s made from nettles or something! I can’t wear that!”

“Hehe, looks like your boobies enjoy their freedom a bit too much?”

“Damn. Do I really need to work like that? Topless? With my aching tits bouncing around in front of me?”

“I like it,” grinned Gula, “Your boobs are right about seeking more attention, they totally deserve it!”

“Yeah, not a problem for me either, Maya,” laughed the model, “Finally someone else’s tits get some notice, too! Now stop the bitching and come over here. We have some work to do, and bare bouncing boobies are no reason to skip!”

Gula watched happily as the two beauties got to work. Maya’s dangling treasures were surely nice to look at! And every once in a while the girl moaned annoyed when her boobs brushed over some tools or got trapped between some stuff.

“Would love to watch more, but I gotta go girls! See you later!”

“She did what?” Cathy couldn’t believe what Gula just said,” Maya? Really? Thought she’s a bit more professional! Should have known that testing her construction can be dangerous! Deserves her right that she got trapped! Strapping herself in there alone? With no one to help her out again? That’s just irresponsible!”

“Indeed. We made sure that she remembers that lesson though,” Gula giggled, “Was quite a sight, her melons oozing through those planks… hmmmm… delicious.”

“Hehe, seems I missed something! Anyway, so what now?”

“They’ll need to rebuild the entire thing before we can do the ‘Bondage Device’ shoot.”

“Really? What happened?”

“They selected the wrong material, didn’t include the pressing mechanism, stuff like that.”


“Yeah, It’ll definitely take a while, so I thought we should check our options, see if we can do another shoot in between.”

“Good idea! We have no time to waste! Any picture you fancy most?”

“I thought about ‘Yeina singing for her boobs’. really like that one, but it also requires some complicated props.”

“What about ‘Yeina stretching machine 02’? That one would be a real challenge for Jana!”, Cathy giggled.

“Definitely want to do that! But same problem, complicated setup.”

“I see… Oh, by the way, we just got our first request from an Elite backer!”

“Really? Great! what did he ask for?”

“A picture from ‘XR Ropes Ultimate’, I think. Yeina hanging from her boobs… Look!”

“Ah, yes, that one! Great choice! Jana won’t be happy about that!”

“Ha, you bet! But no complicated props required!”

“Good point…. we could easily do that while Maya keeps working on the press!”

“Let’s tell Jana tomorrow. Fancy a drink? There’s a new place downtown I’d like to check out.”

Chapter 36: A Backer’s Request

“How’s it going out there? Are you guys making any progress with that device?”

“My god, Cathy! Don’t ask! Finding a fitting material was difficult enough, but getting those beams produced was a real nightmare. In the end, we had them custom ordered to our specifications.”

“And did it work?”

“Work my ass! The carbon fiber Maya selected was pretty hard to get. Production is way more complex than imagined. And I won’t even start talking about the associated cost…”

“Wow, sounds like quite a challenge to make this press!” laughed Cathy.

“You bet! Maya finally got some professional support though. A company specializing in custom made carbon fiber construction sent over a team to help us out. You should have seen their faces when they asked for a ‘specification’ and we showed them the drawing instead. Thankfully, their asking price went down in a heartbeat after I offered to let them watch the show. Otherwise, the budget impact would have been disastrous.”

“He he. Neat! So how long will it take?”

“Really depends on how quick those guys work. We still need a motorized press and some other missing parts. The beams should be done by now though. I think we should be ready in a week or two.”

“Oh, that long? Well… then… our idea would work out just fine! Listen, Jana, we got our first Elite request in, and Gula and I thought we could do the shoot while Maya keeps working on the ‘Bondage Device’. It’ll be a quick and easy one.”

“Which picture did they request?”

“One that will be quite a challenge for you, but requires no complicated preparations or anything.”

Cathy placed a large printout on the table, “This is it.”

“Yeina hanging from her breasts? Ouch! I’m not sure I’m ready for this!”

“I’m sure you can do it! And look at those ropes, they’re thick and sturdy, and there are four of them! If we bind your boobs like that, there really shouldn’t be any problem.”

“But… my whole weight just supported by my breasts? How is this not dangerous?”

“You can do it, I’m sure! And it’ll only take a few minutes anyway! Want to do some testing first? To see if your tits can handle the task?”

Jana nodded, “Yeah, definitely. I doubt that this will work…”

“Alright, I’ll think up some easy testing. But it would be so easy to fulfill that request. We already have Yeina’s pants, gloves and so on. The only piece missing is that spreader bar to cuff your hands behind your back. But we don’t need that for our initial testing, right? And getting such a bar for the actual shoot should be no problem.”

“Right. But I’ll only do this if I’m convinced it’s safe, understood?”

“Sure, no worries. Be at my place tomorrow morning, I’ll have something ready by then.”

“OK, then see you tomorrow. I’ll drop by Maya’s place. Need to know if she’s making any progress…”

Coming up with ideas for the next day had been a blast for Cathy. She thoroughly enjoyed scheming about how to convince her friend that her spectacular boobs would hold up against those ropes. It only took her a few hours to come up with a plan and once that was set, she worked tirelessly to prepare for the model’s visit. Cathy made sure that everything she needed was in place and couldn’t wait for Jana to arrive.

“Good morning! Had a good sleep?” Cathy grinned as she opened the door.

“Honestly? It was rough. Barely slept at all! Had to think about that drawing all night, and how I get torn apart while posing for it. I vividly remember a picture of me, with my boobs ripped off as I fall down that chasm! “

“Scary. But don’t worry, it’s just your mind playing tricks! I’d never thought you would be so frightened though. Your tits went through quite some dangerous situations already. One would think that you are used to it, after all the challenges. Kind of hard to understand for me. But don’t worry, I know exactly how we can overcome your irrational fear!”

“Really? That’s… reassuring…” Jana smirked, unconsciously squeezing her breasts like she was preparing them for the upcoming challenge.

“Yeah, come right in and free your boobies! I redecorated my studio a bit just for you! Want some coffee?”

“No, let’s get started. The anxiety is killing me!” Jana laughed nervously.

“Right, so get your tits out and let me explain. And don’t worry, you’ll be fine!”

“Alright, just let me quickly say good-bye to my boobies! I’ll definitely miss them!” Jana joked.

Cathy smirked and grabbed some silk rope, “You know, your tits are just great! So soft and pliable, I really like working with them, eh… working with you.”

Jana turned around, her bare boobs in her hands, “Thanks, so… what now?”

“Just hold them up while I wrap that rope around each of those glorious orbs of yours. Man, I just love working with you!”

Cathy let the silky cloth brush over Jana’s soft flesh, sending shivers of excitement down the model’s back. Her nipples hardened in an instant and threatened to pierce Cathy.

“Looks like those little nubs are looking forward to our little experiment!” Cathy smirked, her fingers tweaking one of the offending pokers lightly. Jana giggled embarrassed as she tried to get away from the tickling fingers.

Cathy slowly started to wrap ropes around Jana’s breasts. She took her sweet time to accurately place each loop, twisting and tweaking Jana’s mighty bosom in the process.

“Could you pull on those ropes a bit? We really need to get this right!”

Chapter 37: The Test

Jana complied and grabbed first one, then the other heavy breast and presented them to Cathy. The photographer pulled the soft, silky loops tight until they snugly strangled each ballooning orb.

Cathy made sure that not the tiniest piece of flesh was spared. The curious model watched mesmerized, as her friend tightened the loops with painstaking rigor, forcing her boobs into the well-known balloon shape.

“This is getting a bit too familiar!” Jana laughed nervously, as her big breasts ballooned up in front of her eyes once again.

“Yeah, you should be used to tied up boobs by now. I will never know that feeling though. My boobies are way too small! How does it feel? Do you like it?”

“It’s kind of hard to explain. I like how they look when they’re bound like that. So big and proud. Puffy and hard. I feel very… womanly… I can… feel my heartbeat in my boobs. And when somebody touches them, bloated as they are, it sends shivers down my back.”

“Doesn’t it hurt?”

“Only a little. But when they’re squeezed too much it gets tough. They’re very sensitive…”

“Would love to feel it for myself… you seem to enjoy it so much!”

Cathy continued to loop more rope around the hardening balls, carefully testing if the rope was tight enough to not slip from Jana’s bloated tits. The model panted heavily as her breasts quickly reddened.

“Now, it’s getting too tight! That’s what I meant! Oh fuck…”

Blood was rushing through her veins, and it felt like those orbs were on fire. She felt Cathy grabbing her hard tits, weighting her heavy flesh. She heard her whisper, “They’re so pretty… perfect shape, perfect weight, perfect… everything!”

Cathy tugged at the rope, examined her work meticulously and calmly said, “Alright, that should do. See the pulley above? We’ll use that to slowly pull your tits upward so you’ll experience gradually how it would feel to hang from them.”

The squirming model looked up at the pulley. It looked flimsy and old. Jana had her doubts. She asked, “You really think this thing strong enough to hold me up?”

“Sure it is, And see that metal bar dangling from the ceiling? It’s there so you can get some relief if the pain is getting too much. Just grab it with your hands and pull yourself up a little if you can’t stand it anymore. But try to test your limits first, and hold off as long as you can!”

Jana smirked, “Looks like you thought about everything. But damn did you tighten up those nooses! My tits are killing me!”

But Jana was determined to try the little experiment. One of her fans paid good money to get the XR picture, and she would manage to do this stunt! The brave girl stepped under the pulley, her tits bound into two distended, red balloons. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she declared with trembling voice, “Alright, ready when you are! Pull me up, Scotty!”

Cathy grabbed the four ends and laughed, “Sure, honey! You’ll be dangling from your bouncy boobs in no time!”

She slowly pulled the ropes through the device above, checked that the silky cloth was not obstructed by anything and said, “Alright, here we go! And remember, test your limits, check how much of this you can stand before grabbing that bar!”

Jana felt the nooses tighten around her breasts even further, strangling her proud treasures horribly around their soft base. The model groaned as her heavy bosom was slowly pulled upwards, making her skin taut and tingly within moments.

The feeling was kind of nice, despite the rope’s stranglehold on her bloated twins. She liked how the loops relieved the burden on her back, how it carried some of the heavy twin’s weight for her, how the trapped blood pounded in her taut melons.

But the relief was a short one, and soon the rope tugged and pulled on her with vigor, yanking her balloons up in the air. Jana panted, squirmed and cursed. It felt like her orbs were going to burst any minute.

“Oh no, dear! You’re leaking again!” giggled the busy photographer, “Just look at this, you’re always making such a mess! Your tits are spraying!”

It took a moment for Jana to get it. But when her brain finally registered the wetness on her swollen boobs she understood. Of course, she was still lactating! And worse, she forgot to milk herself this morning! Looks like the strain on her puppies was enough to make her leak again!

“Sorry hon, but we don’t have time for this. I’ll clean up later. And given the scope of our little experiment, I think it would be a futile attempt anyway, right? So just try to be not too messy, OK? Don’t want to scrap your sweet milk from the walls of my studio after our little session!”

“Ugh, not much I can do about this, Cathy! And it’s your fault anyway! You planned this test. You are pulling me up like that! That’s what causes the mess, right? It’s not me, it’s you!”

The photographer laughed, “Nice try, but no way I’ll take responsibility for that leakage. Your tits, your milk, your fault. End of discussion.”

And then, with a mighty groan, she pulled at the ropes again.

Chapter 38: A Visitor

Jana screamed surprised as her bloated tits were roughly forced upwards. For a moment, Jana was back in her dream, felt her body ripping in half, her giant orbs torn from the rest of her body.

Suddenly, Jana’s vision blurred. Her head pounded, reality was shifting.

Raw rage churned in the warrior’s tight belly. How dare they? Who was bold enough to treat her sacred orbs like that? Her vision narrowed, searching… hunting for the enemy. Muscles rippled along the warrior’s arm as her empty hand reached for the weapon. Yeina was pissed. Somebody would pay for this outrage.

Jana gasped, her cheeks flushed red.

“What happened?” the dangling model creaked.

“Nothing really, except that you’re about to hang from your tits!” giggled Cathy.

Jana was confused. She still felt the lingering presence of Yeina. She didn’t understand what had happened, but something told that her stretched, strained body somehow — even if only for a fraction of seconds — got possessed by the mighty warrior herself! As if Yeina’s world was suddenly only an arms length away!

The model shuddered. What the hell? Was her mind playing tricks on her? Something was amiss! But it surely felt real! She could almost taste the raw power, the deadly focus of the busty warrior, who apparently had left her body again.

In the real world, not much had changed, except that the stretched-out model was barely reaching the floor anymore, with just her toes still touching ground.

“Oh… oh my god, that… argh… fuck Cathy!” Jana panted while she desperately tried to maintain her balance. Her hands shot up towards the metal bar, and she quickly pulled herself out of her misery.

“Damn, that was painful!”

“But the sight was incredible! How your tits bulged and throbbed! Stunning!” beamed Cathy, slowly pulling the slack out of the ropes.

“Would you mind if I take a picture of your next go?” she asked as she tied the ends around some fixture, “And try to stand it just a bit longer, OK?”

Jana rolled her eyes, “You’re really an insatiable bitch, Cathy. But I’ll see what I can do.”

“Great!”, grinned the photographer and dashed off to get her equipment.

Jana, still hanging from the bar, wondered what the hell she got herself into again. Sure, the rope was soft, and with that bar in reach, she could get some relief whenever she needed. But still, her tits were bound so tight they were about to pop, and dangling in midair, only supported by those bulging balls of fire, was definitely a scary prospect.

Suddenly, she heard a creaking noise. Something started to shift and move. Some small pieces of metal fell down inches from her and crashed on the floor.

And then everything exploded into a world of hurt.

Jana’s head buzzed. Her vision narrowed once again… and the warrior was back.

The warrior knew the situation only too well, it was not the first time she faced such challenges. Her mighty orbs were under attack again! She had to be strong, had to survive!

The metal bar was crashing down, and Jana with it. But the ties on her breasts didn’t give in. Instead, her strained body was dangling in midair, suspended by two ballooning, mushroom-shaped objects that barely resembled her warm, soft pillows.

Jana was hyperventilating, flashes of pain washed through her. She could barely form a coherent thought. Her tits were so deformed that they pressed against her chin, milk spraying into her face.

“Aiiee! Cathy! Help me!” screamed Jana, “…Cathy, where are you? …Please?! Somebody help me out?! Anybody?!”

But nobody came to help her.

The warrior knew that she had to endure her fate. There was no doubt that her sacred orbs would withstand that cowardly attack. But it would hurt. A lot. As always.

Where was her katana? If she could only cut those ropes! She had to focus her powers, focus on her mighty breasts, provide them with the strength they needed.

Jana couldn’t remember how long she hung there. Despite the horrible pain, she dozed off at some point, her tormented mind shutting down.

“Oh my god, look at this!” hushed Cathy as she entered the room again. Wide-eyed, she examined the situation with fascination, studied the metal bar and it’s broken fixtures. She whispered, “Who would have thought that those things would break so easily?”

Her gaze shifted to the dangling girl and her deformed breasts. The photographer was so perplexed by the situation that she didn’t really know how to react.

“Oh honey! I’m so sorry about this! Are you OK?” she gasped, the tips of her fingers tracing along the tight loops of rope. “But see, I was right! Your boobs CAN stand it! I think they’re holding up quite well!”

“Cathy… thank god you’re back! Please, get me down?”

The mesmerized photographer watched the stream of milk spraying from Jana’s engorged nipples. Spellbound by the sight, she cupped the swollen orbs with her hands and hushed,

“You’re a messy, messy girl, Jana! But I’ll fix that in a moment. Just stay like that for a moment, please?”

The photographer grabbed her camera, zoomed into the dangling girl and snapped away. Jana couldn’t believe it! Why was her friend acting like that? She clearly needed to get out of this mess!

Suddenly, the door burst open and Gula entered the room, “Here you are, finally! Was looking for you folks for hours! Maya is… what the fuck? What the hell are you guys doing?”

Chapter 39: The Press

The artist gaped at the scene in front of his eyes. The beautiful model was dangling from her bulging boobs, spectacularly suspended in midair. It was almost like the XR drawing he did some time ago, where Yeina was hung by her fantastic orbs by an evil vampire. He stepped closer, still not believing what he saw.

“Just a bit of preparation for the next shoot… You know, the backer’s request? XR ropes? Yeina hanging from her tits? See, Jana can definitely do that!”

So he was right. It was XR! But man, Jana looked miserable!

“Damn, Cathy, get her down, NOW! Can’t you see that she is in pain?”

The artist was furious. How could Cathy be so reckless? She seemed totally oblivious to Jana’s situation! He quickly grabbed the ropes and let the howling girl back down on the floor.

Jana staggered on her feet, clutching her still bound breasts with both hands.

“Are you OK, Jana?” asked the concerned artist, while Cathy continued to take pictures like in trance.

“…Ugh, my tits!” squirmed the sobbing girl, carefully inspecting her swollen breasts for damage.

“Let me help you get that off…” offered the concerned artist and carefully unwound the silky rope.

“Safe experiment my ass, Cathy! That didn’t work out so well, did it?” creaked Jana, her eyes wet with tears.

“Yeah, that bar wasn’t holding up all too well,” mused Cathy, “but in the end it was a success, right? I mean, we just saw that you can do it, didn’t we? Your glorious tits are still in the right place and they don’t look that bad either. So…”

Jana was appalled. Was that Cathy’s take on the whole disaster? That it was a success?

“Are you nuts? You nearly ripped my tits off and you don’t even apologize for it?”

Cathy smirked, “Alright, I apologize for that flimsy construction. Sorry for making you hang from your boobs like that and so on. But Jana, can’t you see? You just proved that you can do it, no doubt about that! You can’t deny it, can you?”

“She’s right, Jana,” whispered Gula, “I saw it, too. You… definitely can do it.”

Jana shook her head, “I don’t know. It just… felt so dangerous! My… tits! It still hurts! And… something was happening with me… It was like… Yeina… was suddenly there…”


“Yeah, like she entered my body…for real!”

Gula patted her on the head and calmly said, “It was just your mind playing tricks on you. Don’t be afraid. Anyway, I was looking for you guys because I have something to tell you. Maya is ready. The bondage device is complete. Everybody is waiting for you at the workshop. Right now. So please Jana, get dressed and come with me. And Cathy, grab your stuff and join us!”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, our star has arrived!” Maya announced happily as the team entered the spacious workshop. A group of men was standing around the rebuilt device, eagerly waiting for the action to start.

Jana glanced around the room. How many men were there, 20? 30? It was a real crowd! The model shuddered. What if she would fail? She slowly staggered to the reinforced press, her hands clutched against her still hurting orbs.

Jana closely examined the contraption, brushed over the spotless surface and said, “So this is it? Bondage Device 2.0? Man, you guys did a great job!”

“Indeed we did,” laughed Maya, “Thanks to all the help from our friends here. The promise to see your boobs crushed by that monster was all they needed for motivation! Right, guys?”

The men laughed.

“Are you ready for this?” asked Gula concerned, “I mean, you were hanging from those boobs only about an hour ago… Sure you can take more?”

Jana looked at him, massaged her soft pillows and nodded slowly, “Yeah… better get this done. That thing is kind of scary though. Those sharp, spiky teeth freak me out! Do you think it’s safe?”

“Yes. Maya added some safeguards. She assured me that you’ll be fine…”

“Just like Cathy did, before our little experiment with those ropes. Ugh. Well, guess I have to trust her. Hope those guys will keep their hands to themselves!”

“No worries, I’ll make sure of that. Good luck!”

Jana hugged the artist, pressing her soft boobs into his chest. She whispered, “Thanks, Gula. You’re the only one I really trust around here. Cathy and Maya are great and all, but sometimes they just lose it. Can’t rely on them when things heat up…”

“Th..thanks, Jana. Now get your ass on the stage and show ‘em!”

Chapter 40: A Nice Gesture

The model smiled weakly and headed behind the intimidating construction. The crowd cheered as she wiggled out of her pants. The cheering got more pronounced once her top was gone and her large, tear-drop shaped breasts dangling freely for all to see.

Jana smiled happily as she saw the honest appreciation in the eyes of those guys. It was like being a freaking movie star! So many fans! So much joy in their eyes! She slowly approached the group, aching breasts supported by her own hands, to let her audience check out her assets.

“Guys, have a good look! Remember their shape before that press is done with those puppies!” Maya laughed.

An eager hand that reached for the tasty melons received a slap and Maya giggled, “No touching, guys! Eyes only!”

“I … have something …for you…” stuttered a red-faced man with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Another, equally excited, worker presented a nicely wrapped package and whispered, “We are so looking forward to the show… Your work is amazing!”

Jana blushed. Was she that popular? How sweet of them to bring gifts! Jana unwrapped the box carefully. Chocolate! A huge box of her favorite kind! She beamed, “Thanks so much, guys! I feel honored!”

“Wait, there’s more!” grinned Maya and motioned to another man.

Suddenly, the entire group of workers raised and formed a line. Like in a well-studied dance move, they all reached into their pocket and presented a metal object, sparkling like silver under the bright beams of Cathy’s lamps.

“As a sign of our deep appreciation.” whispered the first in line as he handed over the little form. Jana examined the gift curiously. It took her a moment, but when she recognized what she held in her hand, she blushed.

It was a small silver bust of a big-breasted woman with tightly bound boobs. She remembered being in this situation only too well. It was her first picture, the start of the project.

The next one was a statuette of Yeina with her tits stuffed in a cardboard box. Her twins itched just from remembering that shoot.

Then followed a statuette of Yeina kneeling, her tits horribly restrained by the tube-shaped device.

One by one the men gave her a small silver statuette, an idol modeled after one of her recent works. Jana’s cheeks were red with excitement as she lived through all those adventures again, remembering the conflicting feelings of pleasure and pain, fear and accomplishment.

The statuette depicting ‘Mega GLUE’ triggered a particularly strong emotion in her. The proud model shuddered and moaned as she remembered how lost and vulnerable she felt, back in that desert.

“As you can see, my little team of helpers are great fans of our work. When I showed them the pictures we made, they couldn’t stop looking at them,” Maya laughed, “As you can imagine, negotiations were pretty easy after that. They were so blown away by your performance that they even created those little idols! As a memento to each glorious scene!”

Tears of joy traveled down Jana’s flushed cheeks. She was so moved by this show of appreciation that her voice was almost gone.

“Th…thanks so much!” she creaked, “I don’t know what to say… but you really make me feel like a freaking Hollywood star right now!”

She picked up the idol of her first picture, ‘Yeina in Bondage’, and examined it carefully. Her fingertips traced around the soft curves of the statuettes swollen boobs, followed the line of the artful bust. She could even see the different layers of rope and rubber that held her tits in place! What a nice way to remember her adventures! She would always have at least one of those idols with her from now, if only as a lucky charm of sorts!

Jana cleared her throat, wiped her tears away and creaked, “Thanks so much, everybody. I hope our little show will be worth it! Gula, can you help me with those idols, please?”

And then, one by one, she handed the silver statuettes over to the artist. Each of the little idols got another brief look-over from Jana, and the touched model muttered things like, “So beautiful”, “Fascinating”, and “Oh, how I remember this scene!”, while Gula, equally moved by the show, stowed the artful silver objects in a box.

“Alright everyone, that’s enough!” commanded Cathy, who did some last minute adjustments to the lighting before hiding behind her camera, “Thanks for the gifts and stuff. Nice statuettes! Really sweet of you and so on. But I think it’s time to get to work. So you guys, remember how spotless and tasty those boobies looked before the press had a go at them! And Jana, put those presents away and assume position!”

The model shuddered. Finally, she would meet that press. It almost felt like she was offering her ripe melons to an unforgiving monster. Like being the chosen one, the sacrifice in an age old ritual. And it was her holy duty to tame the beast with her cries of pain while her womanly breasts got squished to pulp.

Jana could only hope that the frightening contraption would spare her body. That it looked way worse than it was. And that Maya knew what she was doing. Oh well, now it was too late to back out. She survived the previous challenges, she would survive this one, too. Right?

Jana’s eyes scanned the room. Her fans were eagerly waiting for the action to start, for her bouncy boobs to get crushed by the spiky maw of that machine. Jana gulped.

She had gotten such sweet presents from these strangers! And those idols! Her tummy churned. Was this how a movie star felt? Was this what they called ‘stage fright’? And what if she failed? What if she couldn’t fulfill the expectations of her fans?

On shaky legs, the model moved behind the construction, to the jagged lower beam that was waiting for her luscious melons. Her gaze went up to the other half of the press, the upper beam lurking above her.

Chapter 41: The Squeeze

Jana’s fingers traced along the strange material. Multi-layered carbon fiber. Rigid but flexible. Almost magical properties. Ideal for boob-crushing purposes. Maya had been so excited when she explained the properties of that stuff to her a few days ago. Apparently, the beams were supposed to bend slightly once they clamped down on her melons.

Jana sighed fidgety and grabbed her bouncy breasts with trembling hands. She checked her position once again and finally placed her buzzing twins on the expensive beam as if it would be some ancient altar waiting for a ritual offer. Her audience clapped politely.

The material felt nice. Almost warm to the touch. She could feel every ridge, every edge of the surface. Her heavy breasts tingled in anticipation, goosebumps forming on her spotless skin. Jana heard the machine roaring to life, creaking and shaking around her. The upper beam started to squeak and vibrate. It wouldn’t take long and this toothy maw would chomp on her magnificent orbs!

The audience held its breath. Jana whimpered quietly, her eyes fixed to the rattling upper beam. And then it moved! Only a fraction of an inch, but it moved!

Jana squeezed her eyes shut. She couldn’t stand looking at that scary thing that was about to crush her tender boobs! She heard the men whisper and chuckle. The machine creaked and groaned around her. She shivered. And slowly, oh so slowly, the jagged beam descended downward.

The suspension was killing her! Getting her tits crushed by that monster would surely be painful, but waiting for the inevitable to happen? Staring at the slowly approaching blade of a press with no way out? Pure torture! Jana almost wished those sharp edges would bite in her soft flesh already! She really wanted to get out of here, wanted to get done with this shoot!

Frantic breathing filled the room. Men groaned in anticipation. Whispered words about their expectations reached Jana’s ears.

“Will her tits survive this?”

“How will those balls look when that thing bites her?”

“Look at the tears in her eyes! I think she’s afraid!”

And the jagged beam was approaching her ripe treasures inch by inch.

“OK, here we go. Oh my god!” panted Jana, her eyes glued to the beam looming over her orbs. The jagged surface looked dangerous, like it would mash her breasts to pulp in no time! Shivers all over her body.

“Approaching target!” giggled Maya behind the controls as the beam ever so slightly touched the waiting globes. The mechanic shouted, “Touchdown!” made her machine pause for a moment, and added, “Time for some good pictures, Cathy!”

While the photographer got to work, Maya shouted gleefully, “Gula, I think it’s time for the harness!”

The artist knew what he had to do. He grabbed what looked like a bunch of leather bands and fastened them diligently around Jana’s beautiful, gleaming upper body.

The harness hugged Jana’s chest and shoulders, its bands joining behind her back into a single, solid leather strap. Gula pulled the strap tight and fastened it around a metal pipe behind the model.

“Stop! Don’t pull it too tight just yet!” shouted Maya, “Wait until the beam has clamped down on her enough or you’ll pull her tits from the machine!”

Gula nodded. Right. Jana wasn’t really locked in yet. It only made sense to pull it tight once her tits were securely fastened, squashed by the beams so hard they couldn’t move.

Jana was getting nervous. This whole situation was just scary. Those guys watching her being strapped into that machine, that spiky bar looming right above her breasts, its sharp teeth already scraping her skin… and a frantic photographer searching for motifs that would make her rich! Not a good combination!

“Attention Jana, prepare for impact!” laughed Maya as the beam crept further down.

The model couldn’t take her eyes off the approaching beam. She felt the jagged surface press into her orbs, denting into her shimmering skin. She held her breath.

Bit by bit her flesh was squeezed. Like a pair of large oranges in a juice press, her tasty fruits got slowly crushed. Jana was panting frantically as her buzzing twins slowly flattened more and more.

And, within moments, the brave model was screaming in pain.

To complete the humiliation, her straining balloons suddenly discharged their cargo, sweet, white milk spraying from the now taut, pressured balls.

“Now you can pull that string tight, Gula!” smirked Maya, “I think her melons are trapped for good!”

The artist stepped forward, grabbed the long leather leash and started to pull. This immediately forced Jana to bend backwards, which only increased the pressure on her mauled tits and made the trapped girl squeal and curse.

“Damn, look at those tits! It’s like a freaking juice maker! Fucking tit juice, man! And how they bulge from that thing!”

“And look at their color! I like that shade of pink!”

One of the guys from the audience approached the screaming girl and reached out to one of the hard, reddening, spewing balls.

“No touching, dammit!” screamed Maya and the hand was quickly pulled away.

“But I…”

“No touching! Go back to your seat and enjoy the show, please!”

One of the guys laughed, “Watching is enough for me! This is already way better than I imagined! You’re a tough one, girl! How can you stand this?”

Chapter 42: Solid Crush

Eyes full of panic, Jana watched her breasts bloat and swell. The never-ending stream of milk was still going strong, and those triangular teeth right at the far end of the beams were almost flush against each other. Jana’s face was wet with tears. But the only thought in her clouded mind was, what her audience thought of her performance, if they were satisfied with the show. She so hoped they were enjoying what they saw!

The pain was getting too much. It felt like her tits were getting chewed up! Jana whimpered, her eyes locked on her spraying balls. “This is all for the project, all for the show,” she told herself,

“And for my audience!”

“Something’s blocking progress here!” laughed Maya, “Looks like our press is having a bit of trouble crushing your taut, dripping balloons! Let me try something different…”

Suddenly the beams started to vibrate. Jana screamed surprised as tiny, reverse sideways motions caused her bloated tits to jiggle and shake. The feeling was unbearable.

“Ugh, now it’s chewing on her like a mouth!”

“Wow, so much milk! I wonder how it tastes!”

“Look how they jiggle! Can we make them jump a bit more?”

“Will do my best!” grinned Maya evilly and tweaked some controls.

The shaking increased and so did Jana’s milky discharge. Soon, her distended tits bounced around wildly, almost hypnotizing the stunned audience with their dance.

“Ugh… owww! Please, can you turn this down a notch or two?” complained the model, overwhelmed by the amount of pain the jumping of her twins caused to her.

“Sure, but first let me try another trick,” Maya laughed gleefully, “For your audience!” She twisted some more knobs on her control panel.

Jana’s bloated melons suddenly changed their movement pattern and started to rotate. Trails of white fluid filled the room and the men gaped in awe.

“Wow, this is so amazing!”

“I’d call this the ‘helicopter dance’!”

Giggles. Laughter. “Are they making fun of me?” wondered Jana, “Or do they appreciate my dedication?” She felt so exposed in front of those 30 guys!

The beams changed their movement pattern again and Jana squirmed annoyed as the pressure on her twins increased. “They are doing this on purpose!” the panting model thought, “Maya is playing with me just to amuse those men!”

She heard the triangular ridges along the beams crunch and snap into place, eliminating any gap between them. The bone-crushing pain made Jana tremble as her squeezed boobs were the only things still separating the two halves of the press.

“Damn, look at that girl! She takes it like a real pro! There is not even a gap at the sides!”

“Yes, the carbon fiber bends around her huge tits! the pressure must be absolutely breathtaking!”

“And how much of that sweet white milk is pouring out of her! I would love to have a mouthful of that!”

“I so want to touch those orbs!” groaned Bull, the boss of the team, “Hey, Maya, anything we can do so you let us get our hands on those balls?”

“I can’t decide that,” grinned the mechanic, “You need to convince our star! Up to Jana to decide!”

“But the girl is almost unconscious!”

“Hey! I can hear you very well!” complained the model who tried to ignore the nerve-wrecking pain, “So you want to touch me?”

“Indeed. You are fucking amazing! Your breasts must feel like freaking heaven!”

“Not … ouch…not many men ever lay their hands on my breasts, you know. Those twins may get … into trouble from time to time, just like now. But I’m rather picky regarding men. I really like you guys though. Those idols were so cute! So what’s …. fuck, this hurts so much! What’s … your offer? How do you plan to convince me?”

“Hint: We could use some help with those other HYPNOS props!” shouted Maya from behind.

Bull smiled, “Well, then my offer is that we help you build those props. For free, if you let us watch those shoots in return. And of course you will get another of those statuettes for every picture you create. Ever. Deal?”

“I… I have one additional condition before I sign up to this,” huffed Jana, “And that one goes to Maya and Cathy.”

“So?” asked Maya with interest.

“You guys have to strip, too! Let our new friends grope all our boobs, yours, Cathy’s and mine. They then can compare between small, large and… crushed… versions of boobies. Time for you guys to… contribute a bit, too!”

The workers cheered, “What a fantastic idea!”

“I don’t know…” whispered Cathy, “I mean… you guys always want big boobs, bloated melons and so on. I can’t offer that, so what’s the point? What’s my role here?”

“Show them what to avoid?” mocked Maya gleefully.

“That was mean, Maya,” Gula calmly responded, “Cathy is a great sport! Don’t be such an ass!”

“Sorry, couldn’t resist. Silly me. Anyway, I’m in. We need help for the props, and if Jana agrees to have her bloated melons touched, there is nothing holding me back. And Cathy, you’d better join us. It’s for the good of the project and, if I remember right, your stakes are the highest in there!”

“Yeah,” groaned Cathy, “Alright, I’m in. But don’t laugh, OK?”

The sturdy man smiled, “Great, so we have a deal!”

“Deal!” creaked Jana.

The workers cheered ecstatically.

Chapter 43: Hands On

Maya left her little control board, not without letting the press squeeze down on Jana’s bulging orbs even further.

“Just a little bit of payback for your fantastic proposal, sweetie!” she laughed. The model squeaked and squealed as the blades of the press vibrated around her trapped, bloated boobs and screamed, “They’ll fall off soon if you continue like that!”

A smiling Maya and a rather jumpy Cathy soon stood next to the squirming model behind the press and started to undress. Maya apparently had great fun exposing her body. She joked, laughed, and groped the painfully swollen orbs of her bound friend while she slowly removed piece by piece of her own clothing.

Cathy was much more reluctant. She glanced at her male audience anxiously whenever she removed another piece of her wardrobe. What would those guys say? How would she compare to those busty gals next to her? Would those rude, manly men mock her? She sighed nervously.

But for her, there was no other choice than to play along. It was her project, her future! Their offer was just too good to pass up! Jana had just tricked her into this uncomfortable situation! What a bitch. And Maya obviously couldn’t wait to jump out of her clothes and show off her bouncy assets. Just great.

Sweaty beads covered Jana’s forehead. This was taking way too long! Her boobs were about to pop any minute! And that bitch Maya made the press really go down on her before she started her little strip show! Even the nearby gaps between the beams were barely visible anymore and her freaking tits turned into a pair of overgrown, red, hot tomatoes! Those bloated balls were all tingly and hot! And to her own surprise, her breasts continued to spray milk without end. Would it ever stop?

Maybe the idea to pull in her two friends wasn’t such a good one after all, it delayed everything even more! She so wanted to get out of this monster and free her boobies!

“May I?” asked Bull politely as he approached the three topless girls.

“Y…yeah, but be quick, please? That press is killing me!!”

Bull’s rough hand caressed Jana’s hot, milky skin, pressing into the deformed tits, “What a spectacular pair!” He glanced on Cathy’s B-cups and squeezed a springy apple with his other hand.

“What a difference! But they’re cute, too!”

A bee-line of workers formed quickly, and each of the excited men groped the wondrous breasts of the three young women.

“Jana’s are simply spectacular! So tight and taut! Their color is just delicious! And those hard nubs leaking milk? A wonder of nature!”

Hungry lips wrapped around Jana’s hard nipple and Bull gulped down a mouthful. He let the nipple slip from his mouth again and whispered, “What a treat! You know, Jana, I would do anything for you as long as you let me suck on your puppies! May I check something? I would really like to see how they bounce…”

“Whatever… as long as you are quick with it.” groaned Jana. She appreciated his kind words, but everything just took so long! Her tits were almost numb by now! At least the pain subsided a bit.

The sturdy man ogled the delicious balls in front of him, the source of that sweet, sweet milk he just drank. What a marvel of nature! Then, without a further warning, he suddenly took aim and slapped the bloated balls, hard. Her buzzing, red melons jumped and jiggled, but Jana merely showed any reaction.

“Those are so great! Just look at how they move! How does this feel, Jana? Tell me how it feels!?”

Bull delivered another hearty slap. The trapped boobs bounced and quivered again, but Jana barely moved.

Gula put a hand on his shoulder and said, “Stop it, please. I think she can’t feel it anyway. Just look what those beams are doing to her!”

“Wow, really? You think she can’t feel it?”

Bull slapped the bound twins once again, with all the force he could muster. Milk was flying everywhere, but Jana just groaned a bit more.

“Guess you’re right. Crazy!”

Meanwhile, the other men were busy groping Maya’s sizable rack. And they didn’t spare Cathy either. Eager hands mauled, squeezed and pulled at the bouncy assets, and the air was filled with chatter.

The heated discussions revolved around the female breast and their properties, especially about which of those properties were most sought-after. Most seemed to prefer big, bouncy ones, and Maya’s assets received quite some praise. But Cathy’s comparably small boobies also had their admirers, and the photographer beamed whenever she received a compliment.

But Jana’s bound orbs were the clear favorite. Nothing compared to those wonderful melons, and everyone was just utterly amazed by their sheer beauty. Finally, the photographer creaked with a flushed face, still happy from the sweet comments she got, “I think we should get started with the shoot. Gula?”

The artist understood immediately. He looked at the ridged beams, examined the entire scene again and nodded, “Yes, I think we’re ready. I’ll clean the milk away. Maya, Cathy, get dressed and on your positions. Cathy, make sure to take enough pictures! And guys, please take a few steps back and get out of the picture!”

Jana was so happy once the ordeal was over. When Maya finally lifted the heavy bar from her crushed tits, she screamed in pain as the trapped blood rushed back. But she knew that the soreness was only temporary, knew that she finally had made it. And, if she was honest with herself, she couldn’t wait to see those photos!

The ecstatic cheering of her newly acquired ‘groupies’ helped her to quickly forget her hurting body parts. A happy smile was plastered all over her face when she finally pulled her incredibly sore tits from the monster while her audience gave her standing ovations.

“Thank god, we’re done! Can you show me the photos?”

Cathy grinned knowingly, “Soon, sweetie, soon.”

Chapter 44: Boob Eater

“Wow, you’re really getting used to this, aren’t you?” laughed Cathy as she helped her friend down from the stage, “By the way, your tits look like shit, honey!”

“No surprise, after my long and intimate meeting with that toothy metal monster! I’m happy enough that those orbs are still in one piece!” giggled Jana as she massaged her bloated melons, “I’ll definitely need a bit of rest from this … job…”

“Yeah, definitely. Can’t have those bruises ruin our nice photos, can we?”

Jana punched her friend in her side, “You’re such a meanie, Cathy!” she chuckled, “It’s not just the silly bruises… I’m just… spent! My tits don’t just look like shit, they feel like shit, too!”

“Just joking, Jana. Of course you need some rest! And you earned it! We have plenty to do anyway… need to set up the props for the next project, you know? This time it’ll be huge!”

“What is it?”

“Well, you do know Gula’s Hypnos book by heart by now, right? We’ll do ‘boob eater’… that’s at least how I call this monster. That ugly, Jabba-the-Hutt like beast that sucks on Yeina’s tits like they’re some lollipop or a scoop of ice cream… great picture!”

“Ah… yeah, I remember that one. And you’ll build the entire thing? Or just the mouth?”

“The entire beast. And maybe a separate mouth-thing, too. Depends on how well it will work. We want to do both pictures, the one from the outside and the one from inside the mouth.”

“I see. Well, I’ll be out for a bit… so I can’t help with that.”

“Yeah, you deserve it. Go to some spa or something. Relax and recover! We’ll need your ‘boob-force’ soon enough!”

Jana smiled, “A spa, huh? Good idea! Anyway, I’ll be back! Have fun, guys!”

And with that the brave girl vanished, leaving the rest of the team behind.

Maya and Cathy worked on the new project like crazy. Everybody was in a frenzy, preparing everything for the next shoot. Except Jana of course, who was relaxing at some pool or treating herself with a luxurious massage.

But the model soon got bored by all the calm and coziness. Already after a day, she missed her team, missed the fun, and the …challenges… She couldn’t wait to get back into action.

So it was no surprise that the model was entering the workshop again, not even a week after she left.

“I just want to know what’s going on! Want to inspect the progress, give them some tips!” she told herself.

“Hey guys! How are you doing? How is the project?”

“Hey, Jana! Didn’t expect you back so early! What’s up?”

“I … got bored… Relaxing is all fine and good, but without you guys it’s not the same! I felt lonely….I missed you!”

“Cute! And your boobies? Back in shape again?”

“Yup, everything is OK! Spotless and as good as new! No bruises or blemishes or anything! Ready for some action!”

“Great! Want to see what we were working on?”

Jana nodded, “Definitely!”

Maya showed her around, presented her the incomplete carcass of the soon-to-be boob eater and the meticulous mechanics that would later bring the thing to life. Jana marveled at the cunning mechanisms, the fine materials and the artful design. Her fingers traced along the huge, ugly lips of the monster’s mouth, scooping up some sticky stuff that covered the object.

“Ewwww... it feels so real! So…. soft and slimy!”

“He he, that was Gula’s idea. That guy’s just unbelievable! So creative! Artificial saliva and oil-filled , wetted leather cushions… I got nightmares from those things!” Maya laughed.

“Gross. So, how long until that monster is operational?”

“Only a few more days and we should be good to go. But if you want, you and Cathy could do the XR request while you wait. I think she has everything set up already. Oh, and I have a surprise for you!”

“A surprise?”

“Yes! I managed to work on another prop, and it’s fully functional already! Gula took it to Cathy’s studio so they could prepare the scene. We were basically just waiting for you to show up! Should be an easy one…. you can sing, can’t you?”

“Sing? What the hell are you talking about?

“Oh nothing… you’ll see soon enough!”

Jana shrugged her shoulders, “Alright then! I’ll let you continue your work and check what Cathy and Gula are up to. See you Maya!”

“See you soon!” the beautiful mechanic grinned, “And take care about your boobies!”

Chapter 45: This Time For Real

Cathy and Gula welcomed the model ecstatically as she entered the little studio. They, too, couldn’t believe that Jana was back already and enjoyed filling her in with all the details of what had happened.

And of course it didn’t take long until Cathy brought up the XR topic.

“So when will we do the Elite request?”

“You mean the one where I’m supposed to hang from my tits? The one we did that disastrous test for?”

Cathy blushed, “Y..yeah, that one. I’m so sorry, Jana. That really didn’t go as intended! But now I learned my lesson! I’ll be careful. And I found just the right spot for the scene!”

Jana was puzzled. As far as she could remember, the picture simply featured some bright yellow background. There was definitely no complicated scenery or anything like that.

“What do you mean? I thought I just had to dangle from some ropes?”

“No. It’s a bit more complicated. Look, Yeina is in a brightly lit, rectangular well. A really deep one, too! It’s important that we pay attention to details like that! Only then, the picture will be right!”

“And … you found such a well?”

“Indeed! And I already checked it out! And Maya installed some huge-ass lamps to light it up, too! And the costume and that metal pole to cuff your wrists… everything is already out there! We just need to go to the place and start with the work!”

“And you say it’s safe? I mean… it looks like I will be hanging down from something… above a deep, deep hole in the ground… Isn’t that dangerous?”

“We’ll be very careful, I promise!”

Jana wasn’t convinced. But she couldn’t resist Cathy’s pleading dog-eyes for long and soon she was on the road again, together with Gula and the photographer.

The location was at an abandoned paper mill. How did Cathy find those spots? The whole area had an eerie feel, and the rapidly setting sun only added to it. Cathy quickly released her seat belt and dashed out of the car.

“Come on, guys! We’ll need to get in before it’s too dark!”

“Aren’t there any lights we could use? This place is scary!”

“No worries, once we’re inside, everything will be fine. There’s a small generator in that building. It’ll be enough for the lights.”

Cathy showed them the way. The well was located in a small, run-down building that probably had been used to prepare some stuff for paper production. The place smelled of old wood and some unidentifiable chemicals. Jana could barely see a thing inside.

Suddenly, strong lamps sprang to live and pervaded the air with a low humming sound. A square hole, right in the middle of the building, was radiating like a little sun. Jana had to shade her eyes to see anything.

“Wow, that’s incredible!” whispered Gula, “This place is just perfect! And look, there is even a mechanism to lower something down the well! Just like in those old fairy tales!”

“You mean this rotten winch? I mean, yeah, looks like it worked a few decades ago…”

“Aw, Jana, don’t be so negative! I tried it out, it works perfectly! And look, this shaft has just the right dimensions! Come on, let’s try!”

Gula carefully inspected the bright opening, and checked it against the printout in his hand.

“Yeah, that should work. Jana, I think she’s right, this place is perfect. We just need you to get into your usual Yeina uniform, tie you up properly and lower you into that well…”

Jana looked straight into his eyes, “Are you serious? This place is falling apart! Just look around you!”

“Come on, Jana,” pleaded Cathy, “It’ll only take a few minutes anyway. Pretty Please?”

She groaned, “OK, OK, I get it. Just give me the damn clothes!”

Still skeptical about the whole idea, Jana freed her melons from the tight shirt and bra. Her bland but comfortable pants followed quickly, and in a matter of seconds the beautiful girl was stark naked, except for her shoes and a pair of sexy, red lace panties. Gula ogled her openly while the shivering girl donned the ‘Yeina pants’.

“So what now?” she asked, presenting herself to her small audience.

“This.” grinned Cathy and waved with a golden metal bar with shackles on each end.

“We need to cuff your wrists behind your back. Just like in the picture. You know the drill…”

Jana nodded and turned around. She should be used to this by now, but having her hands tied somehow made her uncomfortable, like it would leave her exposed breasts without protection. She shrugged and put her hands behind her back.

“OK, great,” whispered Gula as the cuffs snapped around Jana’s wrists “Now we need to tie up your boobs. And Cathy, pay attention. It’s four strands of rope, two around each breast…”

“That’s what you think, but I have a better idea. Let’s use only two ropes, but instead of wrapping the end around each boob we use the middle section of each rope. This avoids the danger of loosening ends… Don’t want Jana to get untangled and fall down there, do we?”

Jana thought about the idea. Cathy was right! Using only two ropes but wrapping the middle sections around her breasts was a much safer approach! Then, the ends couldn’t come loose! She nodded reassuringly, “Yes, Cathy’s right. Much better that way. You just need to make sure that both ropes are the same length.”

“Good! Come here girl. Present your bounty, let us prepare you for this adventure!”

Chapter 46: The Well

Gula couldn’t stop staring at Jana’s soft pillows, which slowly bulged into a more ball-like shape as Cathy tightened up the loops of rope around their base. This was always the best part! When Jana’s melons got bound like that! His tongue brushed over his dry lips.

“Stop staring and start helping, Gula! I need your assistance! Can’t you see? The loops always fall off again! Take the other side of the rope and pull, for god’s sake!”

Gula was more than happy to oblige, and under Jana’s skeptical looks, both started to wind the first rope around one of her large orbs.

It was harder than expected to get the rope to stay in place. But after some fiddling around, Cathy came up with an idea that solved the puzzle. If they would just form a small loop in the middle and fix it with a knot, they could push one end of the rope through that small loop and … voila… you have a bigger, better loop that wouldn’t become untangled.

Cathy and Gula got to work and indeed the rope finally stayed on. By simply pulling at the ends, the big loop constricted and made sure that everything stayed in place. Now it was just a matter of correctly winding the rope ends around the soft cushions, but a look at the printout made that rather straightforward.

Once the breasts were properly tied up, the loose rope ends dangling from them, Cathy beamed, “Looks good! Are we ready?”

Gula nodded, his sweaty hands caressing one of the bulging balloons in front of him. The flesh was hot to the touch and kind of buzzed and pulsated. The artist let his fingers sink into the erotic flesh and hushed, “How does it feel, Jana? Is it… OK?”

The model nodded, “Sure, Gula. You know, I like how this feels. So… exciting. Much better than lying on the pool. But… do you think this will work?”

Gula’s fingers sank deeper into the bloated balloon, “Yeah, sure it will. The picture will be fantastic! Just try to stay calm and let Cathy do her work.”

“Hey, stop cuddling around, you two! We have work to do! Gula, help me fix the ropes on that winch. And Jana, get ready for your descent!”

Once Cathy and the artist were sure the ropes were properly secured, Cathy shouted, “Ready to go, Jana! Just step over here. Gula and I will help you over the rim. Careful…”

Jana stood in front of the bright, gaping hole in the ground. How deep was this thing? She looked into Gula’s eyes, “C…can you check one last time if the ropes hold? Please?”

Gula nodded, grabbed each of the ropes and yanked at it hard, making her bound tits jump in the process.

“Looks alright…”

“OK, OK,” she gasped, inching closer towards the chasm, “So how am I supposed to do this, just jump down?”

Cathy grinned, “Yes, just jump!”

“I.. I can’t do this. Seriously. This is crazy!”

“Come on, Jana. Be brave!”

“No… I can’t!”

“Alright, Gula help me.”

With that, strong arms grabbed the tied up girl and hoisted her over the rim of the well. Slowly and carefully they let her down until the ropes took over and carried her weight.

Jana groaned as her own body forced the loops around her tits to constrict further, making her twins balloon even more. Blood was rushing through her ears and made her head dizzy.

The ropes held up! Jana was dangling above the well, supported only by her tied up boobs! Just like in the drawing!

Cathy inspected the scene and mused, “Now let’s position those ropes properly. Gula, look at the picture and tell me when everything is alright!”

“One needs to go between her boobs, and then one each along the underside. And the third one just over the top of her right tit…”

“Like that?”

“Almost. The bottom ones a bit further apart… Yeah, that’s it!”

“OK.. Jana, I need to fix your mane. Hold on!”

Cathy’s fingers brushed through Jana’s short, brown hair, tweaking the different strands and pushing them in place.

“Looks good!”

The photographer turned around and grabbed her camera. “Now we’ll need to let you down a few feet. Just so the perspective is right.”

“Eh… Cathy? How do we operate this winch?”

“Oh… just remove that brick of stone that holds the crank in place. Wait, we’ll need to do it together. Not sure if one is enough to work against her weight!”

“A stone? Isn’t there some locking mechanism or something?”

“What mechanism? This well is … just a well! It’s old and stuff. This was the best I could come up with. And it works!”

“Guess this has to do then.” Gula mumbled as he grabbed the crank.

Cathy got on the other side of the well and said, “Just hold it fast when I move the brick, OK?”

“Alright. I’m ready.”

She pushed the stone from the crank, removing the only thing that held Jana in the air. Gula’s knuckles turned white as he tried to hold the shaking crank.

“Quick, Cathy, help me!”

The photographer reached out and supported him. With combined effort they slowly turned the crank.

Jana was shrieking surprised as the rope that held her in place unwound from the winch and she was slowly descending downward.

“Be careful up there! Don’t let this rope come loose, please?!”

“No worries, Jana. We have everything under control! Cathy, is this enough?”

The photographer peeked down, “Yes, I think that’s good. Wait, I’ll push the brick back in place… oomph.”

“Great. Now make those pictures!” the artist huffed as he removed his trembling hands from the crank.

Cathy got to work, zoomed into the dangling model and pressed the shutter. “Great! Jana, twist your head back a little and scream! Yes, that’s it!”

Suddenly Gula tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey, Cathy…”


“I… I think we screwed up! Can’t you see it?”


Chapter 47: Getting It Right

“Her shoes! She’s wearing shoes! She’s supposed to be barefooted! Just look at the picture!”

“Damn, you’re right! Jana! We have to redo it! You forgot to remove the shoes!”

“Shit!” Jana’s angry voice echoed from the well, “Can’t believe this! Every time something goes wrong! OK then, get me up again!”

The artist grabbed the crank and groaned, “What a silly mistake. Cathy, push away the brick!”

Both were huffing and puffing as they rotated the winch with combined forces, lifting Jana inch by inch back up. The boob-bound girl was moaning in pain as she got slowly hoisted upwards. She usually enjoyed the feeling of bound breasts, but by now the rope was way too tight for her liking. At least her friends managed to pull her back out again, if only to get rid of her stupid shoes!

As soon as Jana could reach the rim of the well, she began to swing back and forth. Suddenly, with a surprisingly elegant performance, she expertly swung her long legs over the ledge and shouted, “Get the damn shoes off, please?!”

The artist was stunned by the sight and gawked at the womanly feet in front of him.

“Wow, Jana! Didn’t know you’re so flexible!”

“Get them off, now! I want to get out of here!”

Cathy grabbed her ankles and quickly unfastened the shoes, “OK, ready.”

And down she went again. The winch creaked as the model descended into the depths of the well until she reached the right position for the picture. Cathy zoomed in and pressed the shutter.

“Uh…oh…” she heard Gula behind her.

“What now?”

“Look at her hands…”

“Are you serious?”

“The gloves… she’s not wearing her gloves!”

“Fuck. This is ridiculous! Jana, can you hear me? You forgot the gloves!”

“You’re kidding me, right? Right?”

“Sorry hon!” laughed Cathy as they hoisted her up again, the winch creaking loudly in the process.

When she finally reached the top again, Jana bent forward and presented her bare hands.

“Just put those fucking gloves on me, please. I can’t believe this is happening! Have you an idea just how bad my fucking tits hurt? This is taking forever!”

Gula patted her head and whispered, “Almost done. Sorry. But you could have paid more attention, too!”

“I know… I’m just… furious… with myself.”

“OK, done. Let’s get you down again.”

As they worked the crank, a grin was forming on Cathy’s face. She started to giggle, “I can’t believe this… Jana’s cursed or something!”

“Wait, I think that’s enough. Take the picture!”

“Jana, look up here, and scream, please! Scream like your tits are about to rip!”

“Ha ha, that’s just how I feel already!”

“Good, that’s good. Now…. wait, what… hey, Gula! Can you have a look at that picture again? Tell me, what’s the color of Yeina’s panties?”

“White of course. Yeina always wears white!”

“That’s… oh fuck. Now, look down. See?”

“Hey, Jana, what the fuck? Red panties? Really?”

“Oh no…”groaned Jana from below. And then, split seconds later, everybody burst out laughing.

“He he, unbelievable, just fucking unbelievable. Get her up one last time!”

Cackling like young teenagers, both hoisted the bound model back up again. Jana, too, was giggling like crazy as her suspended body swung back and forth while it slowly traveled upwards.

“This time we have to get you out there for good. No way of changing panties without feet on the ground, right?”


Cathy grabbed Jana by the shoulders and with a mighty groan they hoisted her out of the well. Tears were running down the face of the model as she was still giggling like a maniac.

Cathy slapped Jana’s shapely ass and said, “Hold still, please!” She opened her belt and pushed the pants down, revealing the sexy, red lace panties to the world.

“My, what a hot one. Gula, turn around! Nothing to see for you here!”

“He he, you’re joking, right?”

“No, I’m not. Turn around and give Jana at least a bit of privacy!”

“Really?” Gula groaned annoyed but complied. Cathy efficiently stripped the offending underwear from Jana and put the white thong in place. The pants followed swiftly and Cathy gave the model a final look-over.

“Now have a good look, Gula, and not just at her popping tits, OK? We need to be sure this time, no detail to be missed!”

“Yeah, I now,” giggled Gula, “We can’t have that happening again, can we?”

Jana laughed, “No, this time we need to be sure. I will only go down there again once.”

“OK, so let’s check. Pants: there, gloves: present, spreader bar: OK, feet: bare, tits: bound, red and puffy, hair: nicely done. I think you’re good!”

Cathy gave Jana another thorough look, fixed some make-up and nodded, “Yes, you’re ready.”

“Great!” giggled Jana and stepped on the ledge. “This time I’ll be brave!” she declared proudly, “Just hold that winch!”

And then she jumped.

Chapter 48: The Jump

It all happened too fast for Gula and Cathy to react. The crank slipped from their fingers and spun around, Jana screaming from below.

Frantically, Cathy pushed the brick into the crank, blocking it in an instant. The winch jumped and screeched as Jana jolted to a halt, her bloated tits slightly dampening her fall.

“What the fuck, Jana? What did you think? you can’t just jump! At least tell us before you do something that stupid!” shouted Gula, scared that the girl got hurt.

“Ouch!” yelled Jana from below, “You almost ripped my tits off! And now they’re spewing milk again!”

“Sorry, but you were way too fast for us! You can be glad we managed to stop your fall! Why did you jump anyway?”

“I don’t know… I… I just felt like it?”

Cathy peeked over the ledge, “She’s way too far down now. We need to get her up a bit!”

Gula grabbed the crank and carefully rotated it. But something sounded different.

“I think it’s broken,” huffed Gula as he turned the grip,”It’s way harder to move this thing now!”

“But it still works, she’s going up! Wait, a bit more… yeah, stop right there!”

Cathy mashed the brick back against the crank again and peeked down, “Yes, that’s good. My, you could see the milk spraying from up here! Jana, what’s up with that white stuff? Can’t you stop it?”

“Ha, right…That’s your fault. That fucking crash jerked so hard on me that it forced the milk out or something… If that crank wouldn’t have slipped from your hands…”

“You jumped! We didn’t ask you for it. Nothing you can do about that spraying?”

“No, not really. Especially with my hands bound behind my back!”

“Well, then we just have to wait…”

“Ugh… I.. just… want… to…get…over…with..this…dammit!”

“Yeah, I know. But it couldn’t take long, could it? And I can do a few shots already. You’re looking delicious from up here!”

And so Cathy went to work again, taking pictures from different angles and positions. And soon enough Jana stopped to sprinkle the walls of the well and the final photos could be taken.

“Great! Look here! Turn your head! Scream! Gula, untangle those ropes, please? Yeah, just perfect! Stunning!”

Cathy took picture after picture. And then she declared, “We’re done! Whoohoo!”

“Finally!” it echoed from below, “Now get me out of here, please?”


Once again, Cathy and Gula worked the crank. Creaking sounds filled the room as Jana got slowly lifted upwards.

But Gula had been right, something was broken. Suddenly, the crank cracked and the winch started spinning without any control.

Jana was screaming in panic as she raced downwards, rapidly approaching the ground. A thumping sound echoed from the well as the ropes finally ended and Jana’s body jolted to a halt, mere inches from the floor.

“Aaarrghh, dammit!” screamed the model, “It hurts so much!”

Gula jumped to the ledge and peered into the depths, panic in his eyes.

“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Jana, can you hear me? Are you OK?”

“OK? OK? At least the ropes didn’t rip or I would be toast! I was just saved by my own fucking tits! Ouchie, that was bad!”

“As long as you’re still in one piece! The freaking crank broke off…but we’ll get you out! Hang in there!”

“Ha, I’m hanging alright. But I don’t know how much more my boobs can take. This gig is really topping everything! Damn, if I just could reach that floor! My toes must be only inches away!”

Gula’s head appeared, and he shouted, “We’ll get some lights ready any moment. We can barely see you from up here!”

Cathy and Gula pushed some large floodlights towards the ledge. A switch clicked and powerful beams illuminated the entire shaft.

“Better. Much better. Now we can see you alright! Can you reach the wall? Do you see any steps, anything you can grab on?”

“No, it’s just slimy and covered in… who knows what…”

“Shit. Then we need to take another approach.”

Suddenly, the brightness changed as did the hum of the lamps. The light flickered. A loud, ear-piercing bang shook the building. And then there was darkness.

Chapter 49: Darkness

“Hello? Hello? Are you guys still up there? What the hell happened? I can’t see a thing!”

“Yeah… yeah we’re still around. Lamps just went off. No electricity… I think the generator busted or something…”

“Fuck. Now what? I can’t take this any longer! My tits…”

“I know… let me think….”

Cathy’s voice whispered, “Gula… I have an idea… We could use the car to pull her up. We just need to fasten the ropes to it and drive away from the building. What do you think?”

“That’s… good! But we can’t remove the ropes from that winch. She would drop who knows how deep…”

“Right. But we still can pull her up. We have some rope left, right? We just loop it around those four ropes and bind both ends to the car. If we drive forward we will pull the ropes away from the well and Jana will get out!”

“Good idea. I just need to get a flashlight or something. Can’t see a thing! And for god’s sake, Cathy, don’t fall into that hole, OK?”

Jana was about to freak out. Not only were her breasts hurting like hell, but the darkness around her was so intense that she was thoroughly spooked. And even worse were the sounds. She heard some unknown critters rustling below her. Maybe mice? Rats? What a nightmare!

A small beam of light danced over the walls and illuminated a fraction of her surroundings. At least they had found a flashlight!

“Jana, don’t panic, OK? Cathy came up with an idea. We’ll pull you out with the car! But we need a bit of time to prepare. We’ll be outside for a bit, but you’ll be out of this soon. Promise!”

Great! She was alone again and hanging from her tits. What a familiar feeling. But in that pitch black hell hole, with unknown critters and creatures around her? The worst! Damn, her tits hurt! And she couldn’t even see them! Did they still look OK? If she could only touch them! She had to get out of this mess.

That stupid floor had to be only inches away! Why didn’t they just cut the ropes and let her fall down? Standing in slimy goo would be so much better than hanging from her bloated tits!

“Hey?! Why didn’t you just cut the ropes?”

No answer. Fuck.

Jana slowly swayed back and forth in the dark chasm and tried to ignore her throbbing globes. What a freaking disaster! If she just would have put on white panties instead of those red ones, nothing of this mess would have happened and she would be partying with her friends already. A spontaneous giggle escaped her lips. So stupid.

She heard the car move outside. Finally! Steps, beams of light. She felt the ropes move slightly, as if somebody manipulated them above.

“You’ll be free any minute, Jana! We’ll pull you out!”

Jana heard the engine start. Something tugged at her tits. The engine stuttered… and died. What was going on?

Gula and Cathy were standing in front of the car and just didn’t know what to do. They had fixed the rope already and were ready to pull Jana out. And now that freaking car died on them! Cathy pounded against the steering wheel, “Come on, dammit!”

Jana stared into the blackness. She shivered, her whole body hurt and her tits were numb and felt like an alien attachment. What would Yeina do? She surely would know how to escape from such a nightmare! If only the warrior would visit her again and tell her how to get out of this mess! But Yeina didn’t show up. Why? The previous ‘hang’ had been way less frightening than the one right now!

The model felt lost and alone. She sobbed silently. Only the rustling creatures below heard her whimpers.

And then the engine roared to life!

“Jana, hold fast! We’re ready to go!”

Suddenly, something jerked on the ropes and made Jana bounce around. Then, the squealing girl was rapidly lifted upwards.

Finally! Jana was ecstatic. Only moments and she would be done with this! She felt the machine’s strong pull on the rope, felt the vibrations traveling through the strings and to her taut balloons, making them jiggle and wobble painfully.

It happened so fast that Jana had no chance to prepare. Suddenly, one of the ropes ripped. Which wasn’t really that surprising given the force of the pulling car. And as each of Jana’s breasts was essentially only supported by one rope, with its middle section tied around the swollen orb, the consequences were nothing short of spectacular. In split-seconds the model’s left tit began to spin like crazy as the remaining rope unwound rapidly from it, pulled from Jana’s bloated boob by the rude and unforgiving car.

Jana’s screams pierced through the air as she was hoisted further upwards, now only supported by one of her bulging breasts. The pain was excruciating, but at least the remaining rope didn’t break.

Gula grabbed her shaking body and pulled her over the ledge. Cathy hit the brakes and dashed out of the car. Both immediately went to work on the ropes, desperately trying to free the bloated, hot balloon from its prison. The photographer and the artist were equally shocked and frantically checked the model’s body for damage.

“Damn, look at her tits! This doesn’t look healthy at all!”

“I have never seen them so dark purple! Her blood must have been trapped in there all the time! Help get her blood flowing again! Come on, massage her!”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Aieee… that hurts!” squealed Jana, still not really understanding what had happened. She looked down at herself and saw the two dark orbs that caused her so much pain. “Oh god… they look horrible!” she squealed, shocked by the frightening color.

Cathy vigorously massaged the discolored, bloated breasts to get the blood flowing again.

“Are you OK? I mean, except for your boobs…”

“Y…yeah, I think so. Ouch, they hurt so much!!! Do you think they will get back to normal again? They look like purple balloons!!!”

“You hung from one boob!” Cathy gasped, kneading the tender flesh and inspecting it for damage, “But yeah, your natural color will return. Damn those twins look so fucked-up!”

“Using only one rope each side wasn’t such a good idea after all, was it?” groaned Gula as he tried to soothe Jana’s hurting body.

“Fuck no, this was the worst idea ever!” hissed the girl, color slowly returning to her face.

“But we got you out at last! We did it!”

Jana blinked. Was Cathy serious? This was supposed to be a safe place, thoroughly checked for problems. But it turned out that they barely avoided a deadly accident!

“Cathy… I … this is just so… I mean… didn’t you say this place was safe?”

“I’m sorry. I thought it was safe, really. I checked everything… but then it all went sideways. And just because we didn’t pay enough attention and had to pull you up again and again…And when you jumped…”

“Yeah, but even then….”

“Shh… calm down everybody,” intervened Gula, handing Jana her clothes, “Let’s just pack up and head home!”

Jana was still furiously shaking her head. But of course Gula was right. The job was done, time to leave.

Chapter 50: Surprise

Jana was still shaking when they arrived at the studio. Nasty bruises and rope marks covered her breasts, and they still had a slight purple hue. Her whole body ached.

How come that every project went sideways like that? Was she cursed? Or was her team just not thorough enough? Of course, this time it was all Cathy’s fault. She didn’t prepare the location properly, didn’t make sure the winch was in a good condition.

On the other hand, if they wouldn’t have screwed up the preparations so phenomenally, forgetting to remove the shoes, not wearing the right panties and forgetting the gloves, the winch would have held up quite fine. In the end it was her stupid jump that broke it… So maybe it wasn’t that fair to only point the finger at Cathy.

Cathy… Yeah that woman sometimes acted kind of weird…

Jana entered the little studio. It was still dark inside, but thankfully the photographer had given a key to everybody. She entered the shop and looked around.

Light poured from the door of Cathy’s office that had been left ajar. Muffled noises were coming from inside. Jana quietly entered the room.

Cathy! Cathy was sitting at her desk, a picture of Jana with boobs squished between spiky beams lying in front of her. But what was she doing? Jana quietly stepped closer, careful to not make any noise.

Then she understood. That girl was fapping to the image! Cathy had one hand beneath her shirt, furiously groping her small breast, and the other one frantically rubbing herself between her legs! Jana couldn’t believe it! She always thought only the guys were attracted to her! But now… this weird girl was jacking off to her picture! She felt so proud!

Jana harrumphed and giggled,”I didn’t know you like this picture that much, Cathy!”

Cathy nearly fell from the chair. She yanked her hands away from her body and stuttered, “Heh… Jana? Didn’t expect you so early!”

“No worries, I was just… I didn’t know….”

“So sorry. I hope you are not weirded out by my…”

“No, no. Everything is fine, really! I … actually…” she blushed, “I think it’s the biggest compliment you could make. I mean…. You think I’m hot, right? You’re doing… this… to a picture of me! I mean… That’s great! I just didn’t expect… only guys usually… are you a lezzie?”

“Hehe, no, not a lezzie. I think. But you just look so damn hot, with your gorgeous tits smashed and mauled by some unforgiving torture device…”

Jana blushed, “I.. I don’t know what to say. Thanks, I guess? You… you make me really proud, you know?”


“Yeah. But…. Now I have a question. Do you… I mean, you really like seeing my tits handled like that, right?”

“Can’t deny that after you caught me with my fingers down there, can I?”

“Hehe. So if you like seeing me in distress that much… did you cause all those… accidents .. intentionally? That winch breaking down and stuff… Did you sabotage the setup? Did you want this to happen? Did you want to see me dangling from one tit, screaming for life?”

“Hell, no!” gasped Cathy, “No, that’s not… listen Jana, you have to believe me! I would never intentionally put you in danger, promise! I just love seeing you struggle, but back there things went way too far!”


“Really! Apologies for that horrible accident. I should have checked that place much more carefully, I know. I feel really bad about this. So glad that you suffered no permanent damage!”

“Yeah… I’m still shocked. Anyway, glad that you … enjoy… those pictures so much. Makes me feel really good!”

Jana blushed as she spoke those words. But it was true. She felt cherished and adored. Cathy, fapping to those breast-peril pictures of her… fucking crazy!

Cathy giggled, “Yeah… sorry. Glad to hear that you’re not totally freaked out by what you just witnessed. But those pictures are just too hot to give them a pass. Anyway, want to see the surprise Maya mentioned?”

Jana nodded enthusiastically, “Yes, I definitely want to see that!”

Suddenly Gula stood behind Jana and asked, “What are you guys talking about? Maya’s robot?”

Jana looked at him quizzically, “A robot? What kind of robot?”

“It’s really weird. You’ll see. Cathy, can you order a pizza or something? I’m really hungry!”

“No problem. Maybe you can show her the device while I make the call?”

“Definitely. Hey Jana, good to see you! Are you really OK? What a freak-accident back there…”

“Sure, sure, I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

The artist wandered off and Cathy left the room to order the food. Jana was alone. Thoughts raced through her mind, thoughts about the cold, dark well, about her hanging suspended from her tits, afraid that would never get out again. Sounds of slithering animals below her. Goosebumps everywhere.

Chapter 51: Popstar

“Cathy, can you help me please? This thing is heavy!”

Moments later they presented the ‘surprise’ to Jana.

“Look, this is it! The device for our next picture!”

Jana looked at the object. A …robot… but instead of a head it had a microphone on its shoulders. And instead of hands there were scary metal claws attached to its arms. She faintly remembered seeing it somewhere before.

“What’s this for?”

“It’s for the next ‘HYPNOS’ picture, ‘Yeina singing for her boobs’! Maya made it. She also modified a game console to control it. You will basically play Karaoke and have to sing really well to avoid getting your boobies squeezed,” he chuckled, “I had that idea at a club some years ago. Saw a big-breasted chick on the stage singing her favorite song. And she was really bad at it… So I thought this would be a great way to encourage her to sing better!”

“So it actually works?”

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it, too! I mean, we only want to do a still-picture, and it would have been enough to fake it and simply adjust those claws like in the drawing… but Maya wanted to do it for real!”

Jana’s eyes sparkled with excitement. Only an hour ago, she was hanging from her tits and screaming in agony. But now, back in safety, something inside her was actually looking forward to being at the mercy of this fancy torture device.

Her tongue scraped over dry lips and she hushed, “Can I… try it?”

“Now? Don’t you want to rest a bit? Your boobs must be in shambles!”

“Yeah…” whispered Jana, her hands kneading the bruised, buzzing orbs, “You’re right… that was enough already, right?”

“I think so. Looks like the pizzas just arrived. Come on, let’s eat!”

The three of them sat down and quietly munched on the steaming hot food. Everybody was deep in thought about the recent events.

“Hey Gula, Maya just called. She needs our help. She wanted Jana to stay here though, said she should rest and recover. The next shoot is around the corner she said. Looks like that boob-eater is almost ready!”

Jana looked up, “She… doesn’t want me around?”

“No, that’s not what she said. She just wanted you to rest. Your boobs went through a lot today…”

“You told her?”

“Of course! And she was absolutely shocked. Asked how you feel and stuff. Went right to her new creation to check that it was super-safe!”

Jana nodded, “Fine. Can I stay in the studio while you guys are out? Don’t want to go back to my empty hotel room…”

“Sure, no problem. Make yourself at home! Ready Gula?”

“Ready. Let’s go. See you, Jana!”

“See you! Take care!”

And then she was alone. Again. What a day. She shook her head in disbelief. Cathy… fapping to a picture of her? What a nice surprise! She really seemed to like those pictures… Jana clutched her sore breasts. Images of herself hanging from the ropes flashed through her head.

She sat there a few minutes thinking about the past, about her experiences together with Cathy, Gula and Maya. They were a good team after all, a bit careless of course, but also stimulating and understanding. Even Cathy was a good sport, just way too sloppy with preparations and a bit too excited during the shoots.

Jana slowly removed her shirt and bra to check how her breasts looked like, after their encounter with the ropes. The marks were clearly visible, and her flesh was still bloated and tender. But it would only be a matter of days until they would be back to their usual shape.

Her gaze drifted over her twins, wandering over the table that was still covered by the pizza boxes. There, right behind it, was the ‘surprise’. For her. To motivate her. She remembered playing a karaoke game a few years ago with a bunch of friends. It was great fun even though she had been really bad at it. But she was also totally drunk back then. No wonder she couldn’t hit a tone with that amount of alcohol.

She examined the robot more carefully. It was heavy! She was almost unable to move it! A power cord was dangling from its ankle, already connected to a power socket. Another cable went straight into the console port. Easy enough!

Jana stood up, walked across the room. She fired up the gaming system, and sure enough there was it. The Karaoke game. Another icon just below it had ‘Maya’s Test’ written below it. The icon resembled the robot’s claws squeezing some melons. Everything was ready and waiting for her.

Her heart raced, her cheeks were flush with excitement. She wanted to try it out, wanted to see how it worked. It was a present after all, a surprise for her! And soon she would be asked to use it anyway, for the picture. For Hypnos. For Gula. Her fingers trembled as she hit the button.

Chapter 52: Warm-Up

Please connect the device!

Right. Jana’s pulse quickened. “Just a quick test,” she told herself, “Only to check if it’s working. No need to put my boobs in there yet!”

She jumped on her feet, went back to where the robot was standing. Without a further thought, she grabbed its shoulders and tried to push it towards the TV. But it barely moved an inch. Jana groaned. She had to do better.

It took quite a while until Jana managed to move the device over. It was just so heavy, and her muscles were already straining from her feeble tries. But in the end she made it, drenched in sweat and panting like after a workout.

The plugs went in easily, and soon the message disappeared. The game booted up and greeted her with the selection screen. But there was only one option available, ‘Challenge Mode’. She pressed Start.

ERROR. Device not ready. Set up device properly!

Jana groaned. She looked at the scary machine, saw some lights blinking. Something was wrong. Was it complaining that it’s hands were empty? Maybe she needed to put her boobs in after all… Then she would be sure if something was broken or not. She examined the robot again. Its claws were in perfect height, ready to grab her tits. Just like in that drawing…

Maybe if she just…

Jana pushed her left breast between the metal blades to see if it would fit.

Suddenly, the device sprang to life and the claw snapped shut.

“Owww!” screamed the girl as her breast got crushed between the brutal metal fingers. Her tender, bruised flesh bulged from the gaps. Jana moaned, “Not again! I’m stuck! My boob!”

She tried to pull herself free, escape from the iron grip. Her trapped melon stretched as she pushed against the robot, screaming, cursing.

With soaked eyes she looked at her deformed boob, long and stretched out of shape. Was she really stuck again?

The iron fingers held fast, her skin turned white where they pinched her skin. Fuck, she was stuck indeed. The robot had her for good.

The warm sound of a bell was played by the TV and a new message appeared.

Step 1 complete. Proceed to Step 2!

What did she get herself into again? Jana eyed her sore, buzzing breast. The metal fingers closed further! Slowly but steadily, they squeezed her tit tighter and tighter! Fuck, what now?

Step 1 complete. Proceed to Step 2 IMMEDIATELY. Motivation sequence launching in 10 seconds…!



Shoot, she had to do something! What the hell did Maya think? This robot was supposed to be nothing more than a prop! Why did she invest such an effort?




Fuck! What was she supposed to do? Beads of sweat traveled down her face.



Jana squinted her eyes.


The claw suddenly rotated by 45 degrees. And the girl screamed in agony. Her bound tit was cruelly twisted around as the claws clamped down on her even more.

Jana panted, squealed, tried to figure out what happened with her. But she couldn’t see much through her hot tears.

Step 1 complete. Proceed to Step 2 immediately. Motivation sequence repeating in 10 seconds…



Dammit! There was only one thing she could do. She had no choice! In a desperate move, Jana jammed her other breast into the empty metal hand. It closed down on her in moments.

Preparations complete. Launching game. Please stand by…

A wall of bright, white text appeared. Jana tried to focus and read. After her previous experience with that robot, and her current boob situation, every piece of information was important!

DISCLAIMER: This version includes some additional motivational features. It is intended for enthusiast singers only and was designed for serious practice and performance evaluation. Entertainment options and recreational features have been removed to streamline user experience. Only ‘Challenge Mode’ is available, and difficulty level will be controlled automatically by our award-winning AI ‘Cora’, your demanding and experienced coach who will motivate you to go the extra mile and become a true artist.

Maya’s message: I just knew you couldn’t resist putting your boobs into those claws! You’re so predictable! By the way, this game is tough! I just added a few things here and there to let Cora control that robot so you have a more ‘physical’ training experience. Really hope your boobies can deal with the challenge! Enjoy the game!

Chapter 53: Training

Fantastic… It would have been nice to show those messages before the claws had her by the balls! A professional karaoke game? With an in-built coach? She had no idea something like that even existed!

“Hi, I’m Cora,” she heard the game talking, “Welcome to the ‘Ultimate Karaoke Coach III’! Thank you for choosing this product to improve your performance. I will be your assistant throughout your course and provide you with tips to help you sing better.

“I have three songs for you to practice on, and you need to pass each of them on Easy, Hard and Inferno mode. The number of allowed mistakes and the required accuracy varies with the difficulty level. If you have attached our external motivator (‘Feel your Greatness’) the supplied wristbands will vibrate on different intensities and might deliver weak, electrical shocks to give you immediate feedback on how you are doing.

“There are five motivator levels which will be activated in increasing — if you perform worse — or or decreasing — if you performance improves — order. The different levels are: Level 1: Short vibration, Level 2: Long vibration. Level 3: Pulsing vibration, Level 4: Alternating vibration, Level 5: Light zapping.”

Wristbands. Rrright. Maya surely wired the robot in a way that it replaces those ‘external motivators’ and acts on the same signals! And how would those feedback levels be mapped to the robot? She could only imagine what that metal monster would do with her tits.

“Let’s start with our first song on Easy Mode: A simple, slow ballad! Give your best!”

Launching Challenge on Easy mode in 3 seconds.

And then the music started playing. Text appeared on the screen — and got slowly colored red. Flashes and ‘boo’ sounds made it clear that Jana was not performing as expected, and the vices around her breasts slowly clamped down on her tender breasts.

“Oh no, you need to do better! Pay attention!”

Motivator Level 1 ACTIVATED

Jana was squealing as the metal claws slowly crushed her boobs. Damn, Maya! What have you done? She had to focus!

“Ignore the pain, Jana,” she told herself, “Perform!”

She started to sing.

Jana was surprised how often she actually hit a tone. But the incorruptible machine apparently had a different opinion on her performance. Slowly, her ripe melons got further crushed by the claws, her sore flesh bulging through the gaps between its fingers. Milk was dripping from her bloated boobs again, and the models voice had a more and more desperate edge to it.

“You are a really bad singer, girl! Focus! Try to hit a tone for once!”

Motivator Level 2 ACTIVATED!

It started to turn! The freaking claws squeezed and rotated! Her tits were absolutely screaming! How could she focus, with her boobs in a fucking vice?

She did her best. But the machine wasn’t satisfied.

“Really? That’s all you can do? You have to be better! You barely hit a note!”

Motivator Level 3 ACTIVATED!

Jana squealed, “Maya! What the hell? Squeezing, Turning and now Shaking?”

Indeed, the robot shook and tore at her trapped tits like it wanted to prepare an exotic cocktail. Jana couldn’t believe it. Her sore orbs sent warning signals to the rest of her body, and the poor young woman got dizzy from the pain.

How did she get herself into this? She just wanted to test if the machine worked! And that was clearly not the case! Maya had some serious work to do!

But Jana didn’t have time to complain. Instead, she had to focus on the task at hand, on the song and her performance. If she didn’t perform well, it would only get worse.

The girl collected herself, focused on the music. Her voice struggled to intonate the challenging lyrics, and the game decided several times that she was way off. But most of the times she was actually spot on. And it worked! The unforgiving coach announced that the motivation level had been decreased, and to Jana’s delight the strain on her boobs lessened quite a bit. And then the song finally ended.

“Congratulations! You have mastered the Ballad on Easy Mode! Now let’s proceed with this popular Rock song.”

Jana slowly got the hang of it. There were some mishaps here and there, but the awful robot never used more than Level 2 on her during the song.

Then, she was asked to sing a classical pop song with high-pitched passages and quick, challenging turns. Jana really had to pay attention, and the amount of errors grew. The robot soon had her tits crushed, twisted and shaking again, and Jana was about to find out what Level 4 was all about.

The model really gave her best, but those high tones were just way out of her league. She closed her eyes, tried to ignore the biting metal claws and sang with all she had. But the inevitable still happened.

“You’re getting better. But you miss every single high note! And pay attention to the beat!”

Motivator Level 4 ACTIVATED!

Jana howled in pain when the robot suddenly ripped her bloated, twisted, shaking tits to the sides. The metal claws pulled into opposite directions and made her boobs stretch like jello. Jana’s legs were failing, and only the robot’s grip still held her upright.

Hung by her tits. Again.

“Sing, girl, sing or I will engage the next level!”

The next level? Would it get even worse? would the machine finally rip her apart? How could Maya program such a monster? Would somebody come to her rescue?

Next level engaging in 10 seconds!



Fuck, not again!



“Jana, sing!” she screamed at herself.




She creaked a few tones.




A surge flashed through her bloated orbs and made them quiver. She had been zapped! Oh god, and the claws closed even further! And rotated! Her jiggling, vibrating tits would be toast in seconds if this continued!

Chapter 54: Release

And suddenly it worked. Driven by pure despair, Jana sang. She sang for her boobs, motivated by her boobs. And the claws slowly decreased their grip.

The model almost collapsed when the song finally ended.

“Great job! You just completed the challenge in Easy mode. Next up: Hard mode. Do you need a rest? Just press X to pause!”

A pause? How about to fucking stop this freaking nightmare? Jana frantically looked around to find the controller. There, just next to the TV. But the damn robot still had its claws embedded into her boobs!

Jana stretched, pushed against the robot. But it only made her tits hurt even more. The controller was way out of reach.

Launching Challenge on Hard mode in 3 seconds!

The frightened girl sobbed. What could she do? Would she survive this ordeal? She barely managed the game on Easy mode! But without being able to stop it, her only option was to sing the songs and hope that somebody would find her before that monster destroyed her hurting hooters!

It was tough. Jana struggled. And the encouraging robot had another go at her bruised, sore melons. The model almost fainted at some point, hung from her twisted tits again, and didn’t know how to get out of this mess.

But she somehow made it. With bloated, screaming balls of flesh, she ended the last song on Hard mode!

“Fantastic! You just completed the challenge in Hard mode. Next up: Inferno mode. Do you need a rest? Just press X to pause!”

Not again! Why couldn’t she reach that freaking controller and end this horrible nightmare? But the machine had no mercy.

Launching Challenge on Inferno mode in 3 seconds!

She had not the slightest chance.

Every single note, every single tone was deemed wrong, and her tits were grotesque, twisted sacs of flesh in no time. Milk was flowing freely from her disfigured boobs and Jana shrieked in pain. The robot tormented the struggling girl, squeezed her breasts like never before. In between her feeble tries, Jana felt the claw on her right suddenly getting scalding hot while the one on her left was getting freezing cold at the same time. The sensations sent her brain into overdrive, and the poor girl was about to blackout.

But the robot wouldn’t let her. Jana’s body suddenly jerked as the device decided that electric shocks would be a great way to keep the singer on her toes. The evil machine tried to electrocute her breasts! The girl desperately tried to get away from the monstrous device that apparently tried to fry her tits and frantically pulled at her trapped breasts.

“Aiiee, fucking robot, let me go!”

But the metal trainer was oblivious to her protests and continued with its motivational punishments. Jana’s boobs hurt so bad from all the shocks, from the freezing, the heat, the twisting and tearing. Was there any way out? Would she survive this ordeal?

“You have to be strong! You have to fight!”

Yeina? Was Yeina back?

“Thank god, Yeina, you have to get me out of here!”

“I have been in this situation before. Just follow my lead.”

And then the warrior sang the song. Her breathtaking voice penetrated Jana’s weak, tormented body and filled her with energy. It was magical.

Everything was so easy! She just echoed the crystal clear voice in her head and the robot suddenly cooperated. Jana flew through the songs, hit every note spot on.

Soon, the last song ended and Cora applauded, “Stunning performance! Spectacular! You are a real pro! The team of ‘Ultimate Karaoke Coach III wishes you all the best for your career. Feel free to try out our ultra-challenging ‘Super Inferno Mode’, soon!”

Not a fucking chance.

Tears of relief flooded Jana’s eyes as the robot hands finally disengaged from her red and raw breasts. Such a horrible, horrible device!

The door opened and Cathy’s head popped through.

“Hi Jana, how’s it going? Ouch, your boobs still look like shit. Wait, did you…. You were supposed to rest!”

“I… I didn’t…”

“Yeah…. Whatever. Listen, Maya and her dedicated team of tit lovers just finished the boob-eater prop and we are more or less ready for the next shoot.”


“Are you OK? Can you do it?”

“My boobs hurt like hell…”



Can I have a look?”

Jana presented her sore, bruised breasts.

“Ouch, what the hell did you do?”


“Anyway, we can fix this with a bit of makeup. Ready to go?”

“S… sure, give me a minute to get dressed.”

Chapter 55: Gross Lips

“Wow, what an ugly monstrosity,” gaped Cathy, “How did you guys make this? That thing looks like it would attack me any moment!”

“No comment,” smiled Bull, “Top secret! You like it?”

“I can’t take my eyes off! Those fat, padded, slimy lips! That gray, elephant-like skin! That humongous, flaccid penis lying in a puddle of who knows what! This thing would pass as a cousin of Jabba-the-Hutt!”

“Well, looks like we did a good job then!”

“I really should have checked in more often to see how you guys created this thing!”

“Well, you were busy with other stuff, I guess!”

“Indeed. Had to travel a bit. Anyway, so how is this going to work?”

“Our beautiful model will just need to stick her bountiful bosom into the maw of old Jabba. Then you take a few pictures from outside and from within..”

“I can go inside this thing?”

“Yep. Just take care not to slip. Bit slimy in there.”


Jana had trouble focusing. That little robot adventure still haunted her. How could Maya program such an evil device? She was still utterly shocked. If Yeina wouldn’t have rescued her, what would have happened?

“Hey Jana, great to see you! Look, this is our friend Jabba!”

“Well, it almost looks like him!” Jana smiled weakly, “So what do I need to do?”

“Just get naked and let that monster suck on your boobies as if they were a cone of ice cream! That’s basically it!”


“We still need a bit of time to run some tests, but in a few minutes we’ll be good to go. Is everything OK? You look tired!”

“Thanks, Gula, I just had… a few rough days. No worries, I’ll be fine.”

“OK. Let me know if you need anything. Why don’t you go over to Cathy and get yourself prepared. No fancy costumes this time, only naked Yeina with her legs bound around her knees.”

“So no way to screw up?”

“Yep, no way to screw up!” laughed the artist, “Will be much easier than that XR Ropes picture!”

Jana examined the slimy, puffy lips of the gray-skinned monster. It looked so intimidating! But it would be easy this time… She would just put her sore melons in that mouth and that was it. Her fingers traced along the wet lips. Gross.

“Hey Gula, do you have a minute?”

It was Maya, studying a printout of the reference.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“I just looked at the drawing again. So we need to have beautiful Jabba hold Jana in place, his claws will hold her just below those tits, right?”


“How will this work? The arms can only be moved manually, and the fingers need to be put in place with those screws and stuff. She needs to get up there so we can slowly tighten those fingers until everything is properly fixed!”


“And the same with that maw! No automatic control, only screws to open or close it.”

“But it’s possible, right?”

“Sure it is. Just need more time.”

“Great. Jana? Are you ready?”

“Give us a second!” yelled Cathy, who was busily applying makeup on Jana’s bruised twins.

“That looks better. My, my, those are sore, aren’t they?”

“A little bit,” lied the model. Better not tell them that she played with that robot!

“You look great, girl!” beamed Bull as Jana and Cathy finally joined the others.

“Thanks! So what now?”

“We need to get you up on mouth-level, so we can adjust the claws and maw. Bull, can you help Jana with that?”

“Sure. Jana, can you climb on my back? That should bring you into the right position.”

The naked model carefully climbed onto Bull’s broad back, her warm, unconstrained melons squishing around his muscular neck.

“Ooohhh, how nice! can you push a bit harder?”

Jana smiled. Bull was always so cute! She loved working with those guys, they made her feel so cherished and attractive! And they would never build such mean machines like that robot! Unlike Maya…

Chapter 56: Getting Fitted

“OK, I’m up here. Now boobs into that slimy mouth, right?”

“Yep. Push them right in!”

Jana carefully squeezed her breasts between the wet, slimy lips until her rib-cage touched the leathery face of the monster.

“Looking good! Now wait until we have adjusted those fingers!”

She felt claws grabbing her waist, squeezing her naked body. Suddenly, the mouth clamped down on her orbs.


“Sorry Jana, but we need to make everything real tight so you’re not slipping away. Now, can you step off Bull’s shoulders, please? Let’s see if old Jabba’s grip on you is good enough already.”

Jana reluctantly let her feet slip from Bull’s broad back. She felt her weight shift, felt the grip of the monster around her waist.

“Looking good! Maya, can you close the mouth a bit further? I think her boobs still have way too much wiggle room! Don’t want those melons to rip free!”

“Ouch, owww... my tits!”

“Sorry, Jana, just a tiny bit more!”

Suddenly her body started to move. It was just a fraction of an inch, but it was enough to make her scream. Jana felt the grip around her waist loosen and her body sliding downwards. The bite on her melons was solid though so she couldn’t slide that far.

“Ouchie! My boobs! What happened?”

“Oops… I think I accidentally loosened one of those fingers. Should be OK now though!”

“Eek! No, it’s not OK! It feels like I’m hanging from my breasts again! Are those claws supporting me at all?”

“They should! And by the way, you look absolutely fantastic! Just like Yeina in that picture! Bull, can you put that rope around her legs?

Moments later, Jana’s legs were bound and she was squirming in the hands of the monster. The team inspected the setup closely and everybody was happy with what they saw. Everybody except Jana, who was still bitching about how much her breasts hurt.

Cathy got to work with her camera and took pictures from every position.

“Now give me that look, sweetie! Show me how frightened you are! Yes, that’s good… now a bit more desperate! Imagine this beast will bite those tasty melons right off any moment! Come on, you can do better! Open your big brown eyes for me! Yes, that’s it!”

When Cathy was finally satisfied, she opened the hatch and climbed into the monster’s mouth for the inside shoot. She groaned annoyed from within and yelled,

“This doesn’t look right! There is no milk coming from her boobs!”


“No kidding! Not a single drop!”

Even Jana couldn’t believe it. She was always leaking, usually at times were it only complicated matters!

“So… what does that mean?”

“What that means? Well, we have to wait until your charming milk cannons have recharged! Guys, let’s get some coffee while our star prepares for the inside shoot.”

“Hey, wait! Guys? Don’t leave me hanging like that!”

This wasn’t fair! Why did they always leave her alone? This behavior really had to change! Sometimes, her friends were such jerks! Jana was furious. And that slippery mouth crushing her boobs didn’t help to improve her temper. This pose might look sexy through the lens of a camera, but it was a hell of a stretch!

The model felt her waist slowly slipping through the monster’s grip. Whatever those guys had done, it didn’t help much. The only thing really stable in this hellish setup was that freaking mouth holding her tits in place! And those twins were all pins and needles by now! Probably looked like red hot balloons already! But why was there no milk? There was always milk! Her boobs leaked like a fucking fire hose! And now? Nothing!

“So what do we do? Jana’s tits are dry as a desert!”

“We need them spraying, otherwise the picture doesn’t work!”

Maya grinned, “I think I have an idea…What if we let big Jabba suck at her tits?”

“Aehm… what?”

“I mean, let him really suck on her. Like, if we can create a vacuum in there… pump air out of that mouth and…”

“Can we get everything air-tight? If we can’t…”

“I think that’s doable. The material is pretty solid, the only problem is the openings. That small hatch for Cathy and her camera… and of course the mouth itself. But nothing we couldn’t fix with a bit of sealing compound.”

“And how do we get the air out?”

“With a compressor of course. There’s one standing in the shed outside that should do the trick.”

“Alright, so we have a plan! Let’s make those titties spray!”

The team entered the hall again.

“Hey guys? Don’t want to spoil the fun, but those claws are not holding up all too well! I keep slipping through! Feels like my tits are the only thing that actually keeps me in place!”

“But that’s OK, right?” grinned Cathy, “Your tits are doing a great job at holding you up! You look fantastic!”

“No, that’s not OK, stupid! It hurts!”

“Awww, fine. We’ll make those fingers a bit tighter then. Guys?”


The crew got to work. Jana felt the fingers tighten around her waist again. Her tits were still taut like a rubber band, but at least it was not getting any worse!

Everybody helped to make the monster air-tight. Jana watched with interest as all those people started to apply some greasy substance to every opening of the huge, ugly prop. It tickled when they smeared the stuff around her buzzing boobs, and the model wondered what the hell they were up to.

“Hey, what are you guys doing? Why are you putting this stuff everywhere? It feels so slimy!”

“Just sealing everything up. Didn’t you hear Cathy? We’ll make our big, ugly friend suck on you for real!”

Chapter 57: Milking Time

“Suck on me?”

“Yep. Just wait and see. This will make your boobs gush for sure!”

Jana frowned. What the hell? How would any of this make her boobs give milk? She was puzzled. And that goo was fucking annoying! Wherever her skin got in contact with that slime it kind of burned and made her skin itch like hell!

“Maya, can you turn that compressor on? Let’s see if everything is air-tight!”

“Sure, your camera is inside, right? Do you have a good view on what’s going on in there? We need to know if those boobs are working alright.”

“Yep, Camera is inside the mouth, mounted on a little stand. And I can control everything from my laptop. Right now, I just see a pair of swollen melons though. No milk yet.”

“Alright, let’s start the pump then.”

Jana watched nervously as Maya walked over to the big machine. Would this really help? And how would it feel, when all air is vacated from that big mouth? When that monster actually started to suck on her in earnest? Would it hurt? Or maybe it would make her feel good for a change?

She heard the pump kick into action. Jabba began to shake and quiver and her trapped tits jiggled around inside the big, wet mouth.

“Guys, check if air is getting sucked in somewhere. If you find a leak, plug it! I don’t think we’ve sealed it up enough yet. And please, can somebody give Jana something to drink? We need to keep her hydrated. That should help getting her juices flowing again.”

Jana watched the team leap into action. They carefully inspected every nook and cranny of the prop and smeared some stuff on it whenever they found a small crack or hole. One of the guys brought her a bottle of water. With her trapped arms she couldn’t hold it herself, so the guy had to stay right there while Jana gulped down the water through a long straw.

“Thanks! Didn’t know I was so thirsty!”

The model could tell that their sealing work made a difference. Her boobs started to feel weird. Bloated. Monstrous. Like they were getting blown up. Unfortunately, those balloons were well out of sight, and the poor girl had no clue if it was just her imagination playing tricks, or if her breasts were actually being transformed into something else.

“Hey, Cathy? Are… are you seeing what’s going on there? I think… something might be wrong…” Jana asked between big gulps of water.

“I’m busy Jana, can’t you see? We need to first seal your friend up. I’ll have a look at the video feed in a few moments. Just be patient, OK? And keep drinking! You’ll need it!”

Jana groaned. Sure. Why not. She would just wait and let that awful monster suck on her melons for a while. Damn. Why didn’t her friends take her seriously? Something was definitely wrong in there. Her boobs felt like they were exploding any moment!

“Hey Maya, how’s that pump doing? I noticed the sound changed a bit?”

“Everything is looking fine so far. I think we plugged it for good. Can’t hear any hissing anymore, so maybe we got it air-tight. How are her boobs doing?”

“I’ll check in a moment. Just need to run for the loo first.”

“Alright. I’ll tell the guys to take a break. After that our star should be ready and drooling. Right, Jana?”

“Hey guys… I … it feels like my boobs are expanding or something? It’s a bit like back there, in that dungeon…. When they jammed those glass cylinders over my melons… just way more intense…”

“That’s good, right? That means our little trick is working! Are your twins drooling already?”

“Can’t tell. Just feels… weird!.”

“Sure. But you’re used to that, right? Anyway, excuse us. We’ll get some coffee. Do you want something, too? Maybe some more water? Snacks? Coffee? Milk?”

“Naa… I’m good. But please hurry, I have no good feeling about this…”

“Right. See you in a moment.”

Jana watched her friends going outside, chatting and joking. Even the water-guy left. Her body hurt and she felt miserable. Were her boobs fine? Or were they about to pop like ripe, oversized berries? The uncertainty was killing her!

Finally she heard the team come back. Cathy was shouting, “Who wants to see how our star’s bouncy boobs look like?” Jana wasn’t surprised to see everyone gather around the laptop to get a good view. Damn, she wanted to see it for herself!

“Oooh… they look much bigger now! And puffy!”

“That color… is this for real? I don’t think that matches the picture, does it?”

“Well, it kind of does. The drawing is black and white, and I don’t think we see much difference after the color conversion.”

“At least she is giving milk again! The trickle is rather weak though.”

“Yeah, not enough for the picture. Any ideas on how to improve this?”

Chapter 58: Having Fun

“Can you … make it more natural? The sucking I mean.” creaked Jana.

“More natural? How?”

“Now it’s just a constant … suck … but it should be different. Like… like an actual mouth.”

“Alternating? More… pulsing?”

“Yeah… like that.”

“Good point, Jana. Maya, can we do this?”

“I’ll try.”

The pump changed from a constant hum to a thumping sound that more resembled an old steam engine. The effect on Jana was immediate. The bound girl gasped and squirmed as Jabba began to suck on her bloated balloons.

It felt so real, it sounded so real that Jana briefly forgot all the people around her. She actually felt like the trapped warrior being at the mercy of that awful monster. Until stupid Cathy shouted something that ripped her out of her fantasy.

“It’s working! Her tits are spraying again! I’m taking pictures right now! Wow, this is fantastic!”

Jana was furious. So the pump worked. Fine. Who cares? She felt kind of betrayed. Why couldn’t they shut up for a moment? When her brain zoned out… this feeling of despair… being at the mercy of such a horrible monster… sucking on her boobs like some tasty fruit… That felt so awesome! It was like being Yeina again! She so wanted to experience that once more! But she couldn’t, with all those people around, the noise, the distractions!

“Great, so we’re done here. Let’s get her out!”

“Uhm… guys?”

“Yes Jana?”

“This may sound a bit weird, but could you…”


“Could you take a break first? Get out, leave me back like you always do? And leave the pump running? Oh, and maybe you could dim the light a bit?”

“Are you serious?”

Jana blushed, “Please? Just a few minutes?”

“You enjoy this? Your tits being sucked at by this abomination?”

Jana hesitated. She nodded slowly, “Y-yes…”

Cathy laughed, “Sure, honey. Whatever gets you going. Guys? Let’s have a break before we help Jana out. Our star needs a bit of privacy.”

Finally she was alone again. The large hall was barely lit, the hideous face of her captor flickered in the darkness. Loud, wet sucking noises filled the air. Jana’s brain fogged.

The feeling was unbearable. The sucking maw hurt so good! Her bloated orbs were squeezed dry, her body had troubles to satisfy these unearthly demands.

Squish, squish, squish.

Suddenly she felt something move, felt the greasy lips vibrate. Was she hallucinating? She looked upwards, into the eyes of her captor. An orange glow emanated from them, it looked alive!

The fingers closed around her waist, lifted her fragile, female form upwards and jammed her swollen orbs deeper into the maw. The monster sucked at her like she was just a piece of ice cream with a rather excotic filling.

It felt so good! Jana panted and squirmed as the monster swallowed her trapped melons and drained them of her sweet, sweet milk.

“Hey, sweetie? Enjoying the attention?”

It was Cathy again. Damn!

“You’re panting since, like, half an hour! You’re enjoying this way too much, weirdo!” she giggled, “Can we please get going? I have to get all those photos ready for the website, you know.”

Jana nodded, weakly. Was Cathy right? Was she enjoying it too much to have her boobs sucked dry? She felt her breasts shrink again as Maya opened the valves and was a bit sad that the shoot was already over.

Soon, Jana was standing outside of the workshop, a loose, white shirt covering her still slightly enlarged, buzzing orbs. She was surprised just how sensitive the vacuum had made her twins and cringed whenever someone or something brushed over her hard nipples.

“Great job, Jana! Looks like you enjoyed it, too!” smiled Gula and patted her shoulder.

“Thanks. I’m kinda surprised that it felt so good though. Weird. Now I’m just tired.”

“Yeah, well… how about some drinks? Maya, Cathy and I are heading out to that new bar downtown.”

“Sure, I can definitely use a drink or two after this.”

Chapter 59: So Much Work

Jana had troubles sleeping that night. The Jabba-like monster haunted her in her dreams and devoured her precious melons time and time again. She woke up drenched in sweat and moaning in ecstasy.

The poor girl couldn’t make any sense of the weird attraction she felt towards that ugly monstrosity. Somehow her body craved for the feelings that wet, sucking mouth caused in her.

Jana finally managed to get showered and headed out to meet the others. The team was swarming around Cathy’s large table and gawked at the pictures of yesterday’s shoot.

“This one just nails it! Can you see just how thick this stream of milk is? Jana’s melons look like they’re gonna burst!”

“I just love those disembodied tits! I’m dripping whenever I see Jana’s boobies like that!”

“Yeah. That sight… when you cannot see her body, only her huge-ass tits bulging through somewhere… Simply spectacular. Can’t get enough of it!”

Jana tried to catch a glimpse.

The pictures looked frighteningly life-like. As if the huge, elephant-skinned monster would devour her body any minute! Jana blushed as she remembered how she felt in that situation, how her body responded to the ministrations of that wet, sucking maw.

“You enjoyed it quite a bit, didn’t you?” teased Cathy as she shuffled the pictures around so everybody could get a good look.

“It was OK!” Jana lied, desperate to change the subject, “So what’s up next? Are those other props ready?”

“Indeed they are. Maya and her team did a night shift, right Maya?”

The mechanic looked pretty tired. It was obvious she had barely slept that night.

“Yes, everything’s ready for you guys. We managed to set up all the props needed for the remaining photos. If you are up to it, we can complete Hypnos by the end of the day!”

“Great!” beamed Gula, “Can’t wait to have all those pictures ready!”

“Alright then, let’s get going! Maya, are you sure you can do it? You look pretty bad!”

“No problem. Just wake me up in case I fall asleep on the set.”

Jana marveled at the different props as she entered the well-lit hall again. Those guys were really a hard-working and dedicated bunch! She recognized the props for the small bathroom scene, where Yeina had one of her boobs tied and pulled, and of course the stretching machine that would soon show just how far her boobs could be pulled from her body. Everything was there, waiting for her.

After a quick coffee and some light snacks the team got to work. Jana was asked to pose for the different pictures, had herself groped by almost the entire team for “Yeina and Centimano” and had her tit pulled up by a rope tied to her own leg for “Bondage in the Shower”

Compared to her previous work, most pictures were relatively harmless. Jana enjoyed the attention and had great fun with the different poses and scenes. She even enjoyed posing for the different “Breast Torture” pictures for which she had different monsters pull and grope her melons in various ways. The picture with those heavy nipple clamps was kind of challenging, but she was so used to having her boobs treated that she didn’t bother too much.

Whenever she had browsed through the Hypnos book, she had wondered just how bad the stretching device would feel. And she was pleasantly surprised that the experience wasn’t as painful as she had feared. Having her huge breasts pulled as far as they would go, having those precious parts of her body measured and treated like an object, was kind of weird, but it didn’t hurt too much. Actually, she enjoyed the attention when all those guys around her commented on how well she did and how cute she looked. And simply seeing the jealousness in Cathy’s eyes was already more than enough to make it worthwhile.

The only thing that dampened Jana’s mood a bit was a comment from Maya.”Can’t wait to see you doing the Karaoke scene!” she had said, and ever since Jana couldn’t stop thinking about that nasty robot waiting for her.

It was almost night when they finally were done. They had photos of every single Hypnos scene featuring Yeina, and they all looked great. Well, they had everything except one scene. The Karaoke picture. Yeina singing for her boobs.

Maya grinned, “Ready for your mechanical friend? Who’s looking forward to Jana’s karaoke performance tonight?”

Everybody cheered. Jana gulped.

“Actually, where is that robot right now? Haven’t seen it around…” asked Cathy

“It’s at your place, remember? We left it there with Jana when we worked on the boob-eater. After that XR Ropes scene”

“Right,” added Gula, “So let’s go there, order some food and have Jana complete this final picture. Should be a piece of cake, right?”

Everybody agreed. Except Jana who was frightened to death by that awful, awful device.

Chapter 60: The Final Challenge

The team had a great time. The table in Cathy’s studio was bending from the weight of all the booze and food they had ordered. Tortillas, tacos, chips and guacamole; pizzas, empanadas, cake and fruit. It was a feast!

Even Jana enjoyed the food and drinks and managed to forget about the evil robot waiting for her in the corner. At the beginning, she often glanced over to the evil machine, groaned at the brutal claws that waited to crush her precious bounty. But with rising alcohol levels her anxiety diminished. She in fact enjoyed the party so much that she soon was pretty drunk and entertained the group with stories about her past breast experiences.

“When I was lying in that air duct…. for EDEN… my boobs hanging through that hatch… and that scary Orcogre tearing at them like they were some kind of fruit… I was sooo freaking out!”

“Did you have people pull on your tits before that project?”

“All the time! Not as open though, but I can’t tell how often people ‘accidentally’ groped me or poked into my boobs! Once a bus driver managed to close the door right when I wanted to hop off! The result? The freaking doors jammed around my tits. Boobs outside, girl inside, the entire bus laughing like it was some stupid comedy!”

“No way!”

“Not a joke! Some guys outside even ripped my shirt open to uncover my trapped melons! The bus driver grinned like a maniac and started the drive, my naked boobs bouncing around outside behind the glass door for everyone to see! Man, that was embarrassing! As soon as that dick opened the door again I dashed outside, covered my tender tits with my bag and ran away. Yeah, that was by far the worst experience ever!”

“Wow… what jerks!”

“Yeah… funny thing is… I still dream about this… incident, how all those people stare at my bouncing boobs….”

“What a nightmare!”

“No… it’s… I kind of enjoy it actually. As fantasy. Makes me horny as hell. But I can assure you, I never ever want to experience anything like that again! Ever!”

“But you still like your boobs groped and squished around?”

“Yeah, but I only let somebody do this if I trust them. You guys rock, so I don’t have a problem with letting you play. But to be honest, Maya and Cathy are kind of a challenge lately. You guys really should listen to my complaints! And Maya, how could you build such an evil device like that robot? You’re a demented little girl!”

“Aww… cute! But it’s so much fun to see you struggle!” smirked Cathy.

“Yeah, yeah, sure. Anyway, as long as Gula is around everything is fine.”

“Wait, what did you just say about the robot?” inquired Maya, a huge grin plastered on her face, “You tried it already, didn’t you? How else would you know?”

Jana blushed beet red and giggled, “Y-yeah. Couldn’t help it. Had to put my boobs at its mercy. But that beast is mean!”

Maya laughed out loud, “I knew it! I just… knew it! Did you beat the game? Come on, show us! Show us how good a singer you are!”

Jana giggled furiously, “Alright, but first I need a few more shots of this stuff here…”

She dumped three glasses of tequila in short order and staggered to her feet, “Now pay attention guys!” she shouted as she tore her shirt off and walked with faltering steps over to the machine.

“And Yeina, please, please, help me out again…” her foggy mind begged silently as the screen sprang to life.

Please connect the device!

“Now you have to…”

“I know!” groaned Jana and shoved Maya away, “I have to put my boobs into the hands of this monstrosity so it can torment me, right?”

“Exactly!” beamed Maya, proud of her creation.

Gula watched fascinated as his muse offered her big, soft breasts to the karaoke robot. He vividly remembered how this fantasy popped up in his mind years ago while he watched a busty karaoke singer performing poorly. What an inventive way to motivate a singer! And now he would see his fantasy come true!

Jana felt the cold claws close around her breasts, making them bulge out between the unforgiving fingers. Images of her first encounter with that robot flashed through her mind. It had been a pretty horrible experience back then. But this time she wasn’t alone. Her friends were here. And Maya knew what to do if things went sideways. She sighed.

Preparations complete. Launching game. Please stand by…

She saw the disclaimer flashing by. Only moments and she would be singing for her boobs again. This time in front of an audience. She shivered.

Chapter 61: Karaoke Girl

The A.I. assistant Cora started to babble, “Welcome back! I see you beat all the levels already! Congratulations! To help you become a true master, I will challenge you now with ‘Super Inferno mode’! Show your true talent in this incredibly demanding test!”

Launching Challenge on Super Inferno mode in 3 seconds!

Cora didn’t skip a beat. Everybody in the room had their eyes glued on Jana’s tits. Maya grinned, “So you did play the game already and even were good at it!”

The music started before Jana could even respond. And she was back in her nightmare.

It was terrible. Moments after the music had kicked in, the evil metal claws clamped down on her large breasts. Every tone Jana sang was off and the robot quickly started to increase the ‘motivational services’ it was applying. Jana squinted her eyes in pain as the two hands suddenly twisted her trapped melons 180 degrees, one clockwise, one counter-clockwise, after she skipped a few beats out of pure desperation. The poor singer was squeaking in panic as the torture device continued the encouragement by almost frying her twisted, ballooning melons because she wasn’t ‘giving everything she could’.

And it only got worse. The metal claws started to vibrate like a jackhammer while its individual fingers squeezed her hurting hooters terribly and in an awfully random sequence. To add insult to injury, trainer Cora was making fun of her poor performance while her robotic avatar continued to randomly squeeze, shake and maul Jana’s aching orbs.

The robot shook her distorted breasts so violently that they were slapping against Jana’s chin and made the poor girl scream in pain. Cora didn’t even announce the motivator level she was using on her as she proceeded through her instruments of torture. The robot just randomly zapped her boobs, made them bounce around all the while it tried to alternately freeze them off or boil them alive.

Jana was out of her mind. There was no way she could focus on the song while she got assaulted like that! She just wanted to give up already, but the barrage of new attacks continued and her tits were twisted out of shape again and again.

“You really need to do better, loser!” Cora shouted at her while the robot somehow managed to twist her trapped tits by 360 degree. Jana hollered, squealed and cursed as wave after wave of pain hit her overloaded system. How was this even possible, to twist her boobs like that?

And while Jana was hoarse from crying, her disfigured melons were getting wrung out. Her sore orbs busily discharged their milky white cargo while the evil claws slowly rotated and forced her flesh to twist and turn. Jana felt like she was reduced to her tits. Her entire being seemed to shrink into those two, twisted, hurting bags of flesh. The terrified girl watched in panic as the robot lifted her by the breasts and let her dangle from them for minutes while it continuously zapped and kneaded those bloated balls. The robot started to shake like it wanted to harvest apples from a tree all the while it intensified the grip around her red, ripe fruits. Jana’s body jumped around wildly, while her breasts stretched and trembled like they would snap any moment.

“Sing, Jana! Sing!” shouted Maya, totally captivated by the sight.

Gula’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull as he saw just how badly the machine treated those melons. With a flushed face he whispered, “We have to get her out! Look what that thing is doing to her! I think it rips her apart! Look, her breasts will tear any moment!”

Cathy watched, mesmerized and said, “It looks fantastic, don’t you think? Such a sexy sight!” She looked through her camera and dreamily took one picture after the other, zoomed in on those turgid, bloated, straining balls of flesh and seemed to enjoy her job tremendously.

“Maya! Stop it!” shouted Gula frantically, “This is too much! Look how Jana is jumping around! Look at her breasts! They’ll snap!”

But the mechanic didn’t react.

Yeina, Yeina where are you? I need your help!” was all Jana could think about. But the warrior didn’t appear.

“STOP IT!” screamed Gula and jumped towards the TV. He reached for a bunch of cables, ready to rip them from their sockets, his fingers closing around a thick power cord. He chucked at it, trying to shutdown the power of the console. But somehow the thing was stuck, jammed so badly that it wouldn’t come loose. Gula cursed, grabbed the cable again, this time with all the force he could muster. But suddenly he stopped in his tracks.

A heavenly voice filled the room, singing a beautiful song with emotions so deep every breathing being would cry from joy. Gula turned around. Jana. it was Jana who was singing like an angel, standing on the ground again, her bruised, swollen boobs now only lightly supported by the metal claws of her tormentor.

Yeina! So good to see you!

“You have to fight Jana, didn’t you listen? I have shown you before, and you should have learnt by now! Funnel your energy, focus your thoughts! Use the power of your womanly endowments! Sing, Jana! You know you can do it! Sing!

Cathy couldn’t believe her eyes less so her ears. What had just happened? How did Jana manage to sing like this? She zoomed in. The view was perfect, just like the drawing. Jana was fully focused, chanted into the microphone, and the robot seemed to caress her swollen breasts instead of the cruel torture it applied to them before.

Jana was surprised at how good those metal claws suddenly felt on her. Those evil fingers now only lightly brushed over her sensitive skin, carefully supported her heavy burden and gently massaged those twins with intricate movements. It looked so gentle, so delicate. And it suddenly felt good! Incredibly good! Somehow the machine had triggered her pleasure centers and made those hurting orbs buzz with joy! Jana was in heaven.

Cathy watched as the robot lightly grabbed her boobs and pushed the right breast slightly upwards. It looked so cute! Almost like the robot made love to those incredible orbs of joy! That was it, that was the picture she needed! Cathy hit the button, a bright flash illuminated the scene.

Suddenly Jana’s chant skipped a beat. Cora the A.I. immediately criticized her laziness and her robotic servant was back at punishing the ripe melons and, with a powerful surge, ripped the trapped twins unceremoniously upwards.

The troubled singer struggled to get back into rhythm, the intense pain catching her off guard. It was so hard to focus when your tits are being wrung out like wet clothes! And talking about wet clothes… her tits were still busily spraying her surroundings, drenching everything with copious amounts of milk as soon as the robot claws squeezed them the slightest bit.

It took several minutes for Jana to regain her composure but finally she managed to get into the flow again. And while Gula and Maya marvelled at her outstanding performance and the gentle treatment of the claws, Cathy curiously wondered if she could repeat that stunt. She had noticed the link between her picture-taking and Jana’s slip-up and she simply had to find out if she could do it again.

And so she took aim, straight from the front and pressed the shutter.

And indeed, the bright light disturbed Jana enough that her artificial trainer had her dangling by the tits again, squealing like a panicking piglet. The poor woman hollered in pain as Cora punished her again and again for the tiniest error, twisting her hurting breasts sideways in impossible ways.

There was no way Jana could beat that karaoke machine in super Inferno mode, even though she was performing exceptionally well. But the show was so spectacular that even Gula was so utterly fascinated by the performance that it took ages until he finally convinced Maya to stop the torture.

The model was totally spent once the robot was shut down, and creaked with hoarse voice, “About fucking time, morons!” as she tried to free her sore breasts from the iron grip.

“Wait, sweetie, just one more picture please! Give me the look! Focus, Jana! Look at me!”

Jana darted an angry glance at Cathy, “Really? You already made enough pictures, don’t you think?”

“No… the flash! Maybe the lighting is off! Please? Pretty please?”

And of course Jana complied. She just couldn’t help it. And despite all the pain a wicked little grin sneaked onto her face.

“Good, that’s good! Give me another one! Yes! that’s it! Great! Maya, let her out!”

The group quickly assembled around Cathy’s big table. Jana clutched her sore, tender breasts and said, “Damn, what a show! That robot can be so mean!”

“Yeah, but when you hit the tones it looked so cute! Like a lover caressing your breasts!”

“And that actually felt surprisingly good! The motivation feature worked well! Just that I couldn’t keep up with the demands of that monster. If Maya would turn down the difficult level a bit, this could actually be fun! But when those hands get to work… fuck, that hurts like shit! My boobs are still in shambles!”

“Yeah.. you were good, but somehow you always screwed up in the end…”

“Funnily enough only when somebody pointed the flash at her,” giggled Maya.

“Oops. My bad.”

Jana raised her brow, “Really? That was it? Your flash? You distracted me?”

“I.. I don’t know. Must have been a coincidence. Anyway, Maya had her fun building this thing, you managed to escape from it after a nice treatment of your bouncy balls, we got the picture we need, so all is fine, right?”

“Right. So this is it? Hypnos is done?”

Chapter 62: The End?

“Yep, Hypnos is done! Gula and I will work on the pictures and get everything ready for publication. We already found a company that will print them. Like, make a real book out of it.”

“Shit, that’s so hot!”

“So… End of the project or what?” inquired Jana, already sad that this venture was about to end.

“Well… we have quite a number of Elite backers that still have open requests. And then there is an Ultimate who hasn’t even told us yet what he wants as reward.”

Jana looked over Cathy’s shoulder on the screen in front of her, “So what does that mean? What do those Elites request?”

“Let me look. Wow, look at that! That must have come in only hours ago!”

“What? Don’t make it so exciting, please?”

“One of the backers somehow managed to convince all others to go along with his idea…”

“And that’s what exactly?”

Cathy hit some buttons and the printer sprang to life. Jana grabbed the paper as soon as the device was finished and read through the document. A big, fat smile was plastered all over her face as she put the paper down. “A picture of EDEN 1 with a personal note? A picture of each backer next to my boobs hanging through the ceiling? Fucking fantastic! That’s like… going full circle! I’ll be back in that air duct! That’s fucking awesome! What’s the name of this guy? Who came up with that idea?”

“Let’s see…. Bob. His name is Bob.”

“Bob? Really? What’s his email?” Jana looked at the screen again. “Fuck, it’s him! It’s an old friend of mine! The guy who controlled the Orcogre robot when I did that Cosplaying Yeina flick!”

“Really? Wow! So it’ll be a kind of reunion?”

“Hehe, yeah, you could say that. And he convinced all other backers to…”

Cathy searched through her mailbox again and nodded, “Yeah all agreed to his proposal. Wait, one is still missing… and the Ultimate guy.”

“What does the missing Elite want us to do?”

“Some weird-ass picture Gula apparently posted to some obscure website ages ago. Yeina with… slugs… ewww… Gula, did you really draw this?”

The artist blushed, “Y-yes, it was a request. Paid good money!”

“Wow, look at that sketch! So many of those slimy creatures! Jana, do you think you can stand it?”

“Ugh… I don’t think so. This will give me nightmares!”

“And what was that joint EDEN proposal?”

“Every backer gets a personal picture of your tits hanging through that hatch in the air duct. This Orcogre creature will pose with a printout of their names and their avatar that it will hold next to your boobs. Of course it will also squeeze your melons and stuff. The backers can ask for specific poses or something, so small variations are apparently possible. Anyway, the basic idea is that this Orcogre poses with your tits sticking through that hole and some personal message is part of the picture.”

“Fucking brilliant!” grinned Gula, “I like this Bob-guy!”

Jana beamed, “Yeah, he’s a real charmer,” and then, with a huge grin on her face, “Bet he just wants to play with my boobs again! And he loved that robot monster so much, he probably can’t wait to get back into action!”

Cathy laughed, “Hehe. And it looks like our star is also quite open to that request, even after her boobies were treated like shit just minutes ago!”

“That’s dedication for you!” smirked Maya.

Gula giggled, “I think you missed that old dungeon and that air duct, didn’t you Jana?”

Jana blushed, “Yes, I did. It was my first experience with this kind of… performance… I have fond memories of that time. Can’t wait to go back there, “ she smirked, “But first let’s get that gross slug picture out of the way.”

“OK, so first that slug thing and then back to the dungeon?”

“Yep. But first things first. Let’s celebrate the completion of Hypnos,” shouted Jana, boobs still naked and dangling freely in front of her, “Let’s hit the clubs!”

That was all what’s needed. Jana and the team quickly wrapped up and headed out into the city. Everybody was dressed-up to celebrate, but especially Jana had a very special outfit that night.

Chapter 63: A Night Out

“You really want to go topless?” asked Cathy, her hand touching one of the exposed globes, “Your little mini skirt is cute, and I love your shoes, but shouldn’t you at least cover up those melons a bit?”

Jana cringed, “I would if I could. But that robot… My tits hurt so much that I can’t stand any clothing right now.”

“Hehe, that’s understandable. And thinking about it… we celebrate the completion of our project, right? The end of your never-ending boob adventure named Hypnos! So actually going topless is very fitting. You can be proud of your achievements and show everybody just how capable your globes are!” she giggled, “You might gain quite a following tonight though. You look so hot!”

The night was great! At the beginning, when they had dinner in a little bar, Jana still tried to cover up her exposed breasts and tried to hide them behind the table. Of course, Cathy took advantage of the situation and tickled her bare melons whenever she could. She even teased her with the ice cubes from her drink and made her nipples stand out like red, hot pokers.

And then she continued her play on Jana’s exposed thighs.

“This mini skirt is great! Doesn’t get in the way, does it? So Jana, are you looking forward to those slugs kissing you there, on the inside of your legs?”

The model felt the cold ice tickle her. She squeaked surprised, “Cathy! Don’t do that! And don’t mention those slugs, please? Ewww! Just thinking about them makes me sick!”

But Cathy didn’t stop and continued teasing the beautiful girl. Soon, Gula and Maya joined in and fondled her sore breasts lovingly under the table.

Then, they moved to the clubs to dance. Jana didn’t hold back and enjoyed every moment to its fullest. She danced so enthusiastically that her flying breasts nearly knocked off half the people on the dance floor. The other guests didn’t really understand what was going on first, but soon somebody mentioned her name and told everybody why that big-boobed, topless girl was such a famous star.

Cathy couldn’t believe her eyes when she witnessed how those people adored Jana, how even the girls wanted to touch her, feel those fantastic breasts. She heard them whisper about those pictures, about Jana’s fantastic gift. Some of the more voluptuous girls even started to remove their tops, too! They exposed themselves to imitate their idol!

And with rising alcohol levels things got so out of hand that even Maya and Cathy ended up topless, with clusters of ecstatic, horny people touching and kneading their bare breasts. It was as if Jana just invented her very own style of fashion and all the girls wanted to follow her example!

Everybody had a great time and a terrible hangover the next day. But somehow they managed to reconvene. There were some details that needed discussion.

“Ugh, my head! What did I do last night? Feels like the last drink had gone bad or something.”

Cathy smirked wryly, “No, it was just way too much. Can’t believe they showed those teasers from your first project in that club! Your titties were all over those giant screens!”

“Yeah, that was a surprise, right? Felt like a celebrity!”

“You ARE a celebrity, sweetheart. And when all those girls removed their tops and mashed their tits in everybody’s face? The guys had fun for sure! Can’t believe that nobody got arrested!”

“Hehe, yeah, that was cute! I received so many compliments! Everybody wanted to know how I feel and when I told them how my boobs ache they cuddled and fondled them so nicely!”

Gula noticed an envelope lying on the table and asked, “What’s that?”

“That’s the backer’s request. The picture with the slugs. Oh, and Bull gave me these for you, Jana.”

Jana grabbed the gift-wrapped box. “What’s this?”

“I think I know!” smiled Maya.

Gula grinned, “Hehe, yeah, it’s kind of obvious, right?”

Jana opened the box and beamed, “The statuettes! Wow, that Jabba monster looks scary! And they even did one of my boobs inside the mouth! So nice!”

The model marveled at each of the little objects and examined every one of them carefully.”Look at that, look how detailed the Karaoke robot is! And the expression on my face! Pure panic!”

“Neat. So you have one of those for each of the pictures?”

Jana nodded enthusiastically, “And they’re so cute! I really love those guys!”

“Yeah, great bunch. We should invite them to that last shoot, don’t you think?”

“Definitely!” beamed Jana, “They’ve earned it. So what’s the plan?”

“Does anybody know a place we can use for this? And where do we get so many slugs?”

Everybody looked at Cathy.

“Why me?”

Chapter 64: The Pit

“You always know weird places for some reason!” whispered Jana.

“Yep, yep you do,” laughed Gula, “Probably because you’re a photographer? You need those places as scenery, right?”

“Well… in fact I know a place that might actually work. It’s a bit far away, at an old ruin in the middle of nowhere with a creepy forest surrounding it. Last time I went there, I saw tons of critters and stuff. Want to check it out?”

Jana hushed, “I didn’t know this would happen so quickly! I hate those critters! Do you really think I have to…”

“We promised this to our backers! You can thank Gula for that, who knew he drew such pictures?”

“Sorry…. but I had actually great fun drawing it!” laughed the artist, “So let’s head out?”

“Yes, let’s get rolling.”

The place looked nasty. The whole area was wet, muddy and messy. A moss-encrusted stone board sat in the middle of a particularly muddy patch close to a small, greenish lake. And the ground lived! There were slugs everywhere!

Maya beamed, “This is perfect! Look, there’s a pit over there! We just need some rusty drain pipes, like in the picture! And a customized wooden plate!”

“Don’t forget the shoes and the spreader!” laughed Cathy, “We need to stay close to the sketch!”

The place made Jana’s skin crawl! She just couldn’t imagine posing in that muddy hell and having slugs crawling all over her. She would be naked! What if those slimy creatures would get close to … down there? She shuddered.

“Do we really need to do this?” she asked, “Those critters creep me out!”

“No worries Jana. This is actually much easier than your previous challenges. No pulling, no squeezing, no pain… You just sit there, one breast slightly bound, and ignore those animals as good as you can. Cathy will quickly do her job and you are out of this in no time. There’s really nothing to freak out about!”

Jana wasn’t convinced. But somehow her friends made her agree to it nevertheless. They just pushed the right buttons. As usual.

The group quickly checked the location in detail, made a plan and headed home. And while Maya prepared the props and Cathy organized the shoes and spreader, Gula and Jana had nothing to do. So they went out for a coffee and had a chat.

As soon as they had left the room, Cathy’s phone vibrated.

“Hey look, Maya. I just got an email from that backer. He attached some more pictures… wait… this is … why the hell didn’t Gula tell us that he actually finished the picture? He only ever mentioned the sketch, but look at this! See how many slugs there are? And there seems to be an audience, too! Some kind of creature…”

“Damn. And that other one,” moaned Maya, “Just look at that fat slug and what it is doing to Yeina! Wow, that’s nasty! Do you think Gula did that on purpose? That he didn’t tell Jana the full story?”

“For sure! And I think we shouldn’t tell her either! She would totally freak out! But once we have her sitting in that pit, she doesn’t have a choice, right? So let’s just prepare for everything and don’t mention anything to her.”

“OK, let’s do that. Hope she can cope with that. Eww… nasty!”

And while Maya and Cathy were working on the props, Gula and Jana enjoyed their coffee and chatted about the very same sketch.

“So why the hell did you draw that image, Gula? This really gives me the creeps, you know? I love your breast bondage pictures and even when you treat Yeina’s boobs in a really painful way, I still enjoy it. But slugs? Ewwww”

“I don’t know, Jana. Some guy asked for it, so I just tried it out. And in the end I really enjoyed working on it. It lets me picture Yeina in a different way; not hurt, not in pain, just thoroughly creeped out and very, very angry. I loved it!”

“I see. So… do you look forward seeing me strapped in there, covered by slugs?”

“Well… YES! Of course I do! I always enjoy seeing you in challenging situations, and this one is no different!”

“Hmm… So if it would be you strapped in there, naked, what would you do?”

“Just trying to… I don’t know… explore your own fears… find out if slugs are really that creepy? Maybe it’s not so bad after all, you know?”

Chapter 65: Icky

Jana and Gula talked for hours. In the end, the model understood somehow why the artist enjoyed that particular fantasy. Being at the mercy of hundreds of slimy, slow moving creatures seemed to be the most exciting aspect. But she still had no clue just how bad that experience would be for her. Well, she would soon find out.

As soon as Maya and Cathy were finished with their preparations, the team drove back to the ruins again. It took some time and some help from Bull and his eager team to prepare the place, to clean the pit, position the wooden plate and the narrow stone bench. But finally, just before sunset, everything was ready. Jana was asked to strip and assume position so they could fix the wooden platform around her torso and the reluctant girl scanned the location once again with a pleading look in her eyes.

“So you really want me to do this?”

“Of course! Everything is prepared already. Way too late to back off now!”

“Well then…” she slowly removed her clothings and folded them into a neat stack, “So what’s first? Shoes and spreaders?”

“Shoes first,” replied Gula, his hungry eyes glued to the attractive, naked body in front of him. “You look so incredibly hot, Jana! This will be awesome!”

The girl sighed, stepped into the challenging footwear and waited for further instructions.

“Now just sit down and let us do the rest, sweetie!” chirped Maya as she carried the wooden platform to the spot.

Soon, Jana was locked into place, her feet separated by the spreader bar, her body immovable because of the cut-outs in the board that securely fastened her torso and arms in place. Cathy checked her cameras, set up the lights and said, “Time for our slimy friends!”

“Damn, completely forgot about them!” groaned Gula, “We still need to collect those.”

“Really? I thought we prepared everything already? The pipes, the funnel,…”

“Yes, everything there, except for the actual slugs.”

“Well then, start collecting,” groaned Jana, “Don’t want to sit here all day!”

“OK everybody, get out there, grab a bucket and look for those slimy little animals. Collect as many as you can find. Clean them thoroughly and then dump them into the funnel right above Jana. We should get enough to accurately replicate that picture, which is quite a lot. And again, make sure that they are squeaky clean before you let them loose! They need to shine! Don’t want to have some nasty stuff smeared on our beautiful model! And look out for the bigger ones, too! We need at least one really fat one, about the size of a coke can, if possible!”

Everybody nodded in agreement and swarmed off. And Jana was alone again. It was getting dark quickly, and the mossy bench she was perched on was getting uncomfortably clingy.

Suddenly, there was a thump, and a large slug crashed into the wooden platform just in front of her. The girl watched anxiously as the creature slowly started to move towards her trapped self.

“Ugh, now it’s getting real. Fuck!” the model muttered. More thumping sounds announced the arrival of some fellow critters, and to Jana’s horror the platform was soon crowded with slugs. She shivered.

Slowly, the slugs approached her body, going straight for her milk-dripping breasts that were so conveniently waiting to feed the scary creatures. Jana heard more of the now familiar thumping sounds and wondered just how many of those things were raining down on her.

Then there was the first contact. A particularly adventurous specimen had reached her wet nipple and was slowly climbing up on her. Jana squeaked in disgust as the slimy thing touched her skin and crawled up the slope of her breast. The feeling of those icky creatures climbing up her body drove her nuts. She could even hear the faint little noises they made as they moved along!

Suddenly, she felt another, very similar contact. But way down there, where she couldn’t see. Way too close to that very sensitive, womanly spot!

Panic was rising. Jana tried to figure out where exactly that new critter was, but it was surprisingly difficult without actually seeing it. That icky beast was definitely close, very close to a very intimate area of her. What if that monster would move further? What if…

Jana screamed for help.

Chapter 66: Slimy Hell

It felt like an eternity until someone checked on her. Slugs rained down on the panicking model, covering her body in a squirming, leaching mass. Jana’s frantic cries got more and more pronounced as clots of slugs were feeding on her lactating breasts and crawling over the sensitive inner thighs out of her sight. The poor girl was about to lose her mind.

But finally, Cathy was there to help.

“Wow, what a mess! That looks disgusting! Are you OK Jana?”

Maya came running, too. “Shit, that looks hotter than I expected. How are you doing, girl?”

“This is soo horrible! Can you look under the platform? Are those things getting into dangerous territory?”

“Dangerous territory? What do you mean? Oh, I see!” she chuckled, “Nope, still about half an inch away. But they’re bound to get there soon! Eww.. that slimy trace… does it tickle?”

“How’s it looking?” Gula arrived, panting from the run, “Fuck, this is great!”

Suddenly, more slugs fell down from above, covering Jana’s body with even more of the squirming critters.

“Oh wow, some of them are really huge! Look at this guy, it’s even larger than the ‘king of slugs’ on that picture! Poor girl!”

“Thanks guys, this is really helpful!” complained Jana, “Can’t you just make sure those things don’t get too close to… there? Having them gnaw on my boobs is one thing, but …”

“No worries, Jana. Guys, I think that’s enough of the slugs. Let’s prepare for the shoot. So we need three creatures as an audience. Actually four, there’s another hand on the left. And we are… three. Cathy, can you call Bull and see if he can join us? The costumes are ready, right?”

“What are you guys talking about? What creatures? There are no creatures in that sketch! Do you mean the slugs? That doesn’t make any sense! They don’t have hands and…”

“Well, you know, that sketch…. we actually received the full picture when you were out. And yes, there are creatures… other creatures… that watch the show. But the rest is identical… almost.”


“Yes. There are only a few more details. You need to wear striped over-knee socks, for example. And there is slime… everywhere. And a very large slug… stuck… somewhere…”

“A large slug stuck… somewhere? Are you kidding me?”

Gula calmly tried to convince the concerned model to proceed as planned, and with Cathy and Maya helping him, he finally succeeded to some extent.

“Hey guys!”

It was Bull.

“Hey! How the hell did you manage to come here so fast?”

Bull smiled, “As soon as I got the call I jumped on my motorbike. Don’t want to miss this! Hey Jana, you look gr… ewww… this is nasty! What are you guys doing to her?”

“Well, some backer requests… here, look at the picture.”

“Oh, wow. Damn… I see… Jana is almost ready except for the socks… So what’s next?”

“We have to dress up as creatures. The costumes are in the car.”

Jana watched puzzled as the team dashed out. Fuck, alone again. Covered by slithering, squirming, icky beasts that crawled all over her. The sound of their movements was absolutely horrifying, and feeling them touch her everywhere? A nightmare. Jana just hoped that her team would be back soon, so she could get over with this.

She looked down on herself, examined her tender breasts covered by those little monsters. There was slime everywhere! At least the binding of her right breast wasn’t too tight. But she could feel her blood pumping nonetheless. She watched the slugs covering her mounds. Eww…

Looking closer, she recognized some unique features on each of them. The one chilling on her stiff nipple had a light-brown side and some small dots on its head. Then, there was one climbing up the steep slope of her breast which had an aggressive red tint to it. A fellow slug with darker markings almost looked like it was in a race to the top, pitted against the other dude!

Chapter 67: Little Critters

Despite the gross situation, Jana got interested. How did those little guys feel right now? Did they enjoy climbing up her hills? Or were they just confused about the whole situation? What were they looking for? Food? A challenge? A… warm, wet place to relax? Eww… better not think about that!

But those guys on her boobs really looked like they were in some kind of competition. Maybe they were playing a ‘king of the hill’ game? Jana giggled. She searched for other slugs of interest. There, right there at her drooling nipple were a whole bunch of different ones that appeared to fight over the precious food. She tried to focus on that scene, tried to feel their little mouths on her body. It tickled.

Jana found it interesting that most of the little suckers were busy climbing up her big breasts. Why was that? Why didn’t they just chill on the platform, or below her dripping nipple? Did they just love climbing those big, round, soft forms? Her eyes followed the slimy trails of one really fat specimen. She could tell where it had started its journey, right below the drainpipe. Then, it had randomly moved around a bit, probably trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

The next stop clearly had been the area between her breasts, were it decided to climb up the hill to find who knows what. It’s trail continued over the slope of her right breast, covering the area where the tight rubber band cut into her flesh. Then, it proceeded down to her nipple again were it currently attempted to overcome its competition.

Jana was so fascinated that she completely forgot about the gross situation she was in. Suddenly, someone shouted, “Jana, are you OK?”

She looked up. And screamed in fear.

Four evil-looking monsters were in the room, ready to rip her to shreds!

“Jana, JANA! What the hell? It’s us! In costumes! No need to freak out!”

“You? It… it looks so real! Those disguises look so real!”

“Thanks!” one of the creatures laughed, “OK, I think we’re ready. Let’s just check if our star is covered enough in slime…ewww... yes, looks good, I guess. Oh, and the big guy is heading straight for its target. If we start now, we might just catch it at the right moment! Cathy? ready to take some pictures?”

The disguised photographer grabbed her camera and started her work. She asked Jana to look frightened, to pose like on the reference.She even had Maya redo the model’s hair so it better fitted the drawing. In parallel, the others had to pose below Jana, hands cuffed, yelling like they attended some very entertaining show.

Jana couldn’t wait to get over with the shoot and constantly feared that those creatures would finally reach for her most intimate places. The masses of slugs feeding on her dripping twins tickled her, their little mouths scraping over her sensitive buds. If it wouldn’t be so icky, she might have enjoyed that sensation. But those slimy little monsters were just way too gross.

“Now watch! Here comes the big one! Jana, brace for… ewww.. gross!”

“Eeek! What’s this? What’s happening? This feels so wrong!”

“Oops, now it vanished! Great timing, just at the right moment! OK, that was it! I’m done here. Get her out!”

“Fuck, what’s this shit?” screamed Jana, freaked out by what just happened, “Can somebody please take… that … away from me?”

Within moments the squirming girl was freed, and everybody helped to pluck the nasty animals from her naked body. The fat slug that caused Jana so much discomfort was quickly removed from its new, cushy place and every single critter was taken away.

Jana couldn’t wait to shower and clean herself, and complained bitterly about the whole experience. She still couldn’t believe that they actually did it, that she went through with that icky picture.

That night, those slugs haunted her dreams, crawled over her helpless body, fed from her, devoured her. She woke up in the middle of the night, screaming, drenched in sweat.

“Great, just great!” she muttered, “Another awful scenario for my brain to work on. My collection of nightmares is getting bigger and bigger. Fuck that.”

The next morning, freshly showered and more or less relaxed, Jana joined the team again. They reviewed the pictures, joked about just how creepy these looked, and how absolutely terrifying it must have been for Jana.

When Cathy sent the picture to their backer, the guy was absolutely thrilled. He promised to promote their work all over the internet and vowed for ongoing support of whatever Jana’s next project would be.

“Well, I’m so glad that this one’s done.”

“But it wasn’t really difficult, was it? I mean, no twisted boobs, no severe bondage, no nothing. Just slimy stuff.”

“But it was worse than anything before! I much rather get my tits horribly mangled by some maniac than doing something like that again! Ever!”

Chapter 68: Bob

“So you’re looking forward to EDEN?”

“You bet! By the way, any proposal from Bob how to get going?”

“Well, he says he prepared everything already. We should just go to that dungeon tonight and bring those pictures with us. And Cathy’s equipment of course. Easy.”

“Great. And what about this Ultimate backer?”

“No word from him yet. His reward is the only one still open after this gig.”

“Well, if he doesn’t tell us what he wants, tough luck for him! Maybe we sent him a note that he should raise his request now or otherwise his reward will be a similar picture like we do for the others?”

“Sure. I’ll send him a note.”

There was still time before they had to leave, so Jana headed out to kill some time. Soon she was sitting in her favorite coffee shop and let her mind wander.

How would it be, back in that dungeon? Would she enjoy it? Or would she be disappointed? Jana frequently had dreams about those days, about being stuck in that tight enclosure with her breasts dangling freely, open to all kinds of surprises. Those dreams had been quite enjoyable and she sometimes actively tried to get into them. And now she would be going back there for real!

Bob was so looking forward to this! He had followed Jana’s new work closely since their project ‘Cosplaying Yeina’ had ended. He still remembered that fantastic party, when they showed those trailers in that club. Good times!

But then Jana told them she had received an offer too good to pass up. That huge-ass smile on her face… yeah, it had been obvious just how lucky Jana was back then. It didn’t take long until Julie broke the news that Jana and Gula himself were working on a crowdfunding project. Of course they had to back her.

Julie, Tom and Tim were supporting Bob from the moment he explained his idea. And getting the other backers in line had been surprisingly easy. Since weeks, Bob had been working in the dungeon, making sure everything was prepared well for his favorite girl.

The robot was fully operational and Bob had learned quite a few new tricks when training for the big event. He looked at his watch: Only an hour and Jana would be here.

He checked the supplies again. Jana had told him that a bunch of people would come with her. A guy named Bull, and the sizable team he apparently commanded. And that photographer. And Maya, that beautiful mechanic. And of course the artist himself, Gula. It would get packed in here. Somebody knocked on the door.

“Hey, you must be Bob?”

“Yes. And you are… Jana’s photographer, right? Cathy?”

“Yes, I’m Cathy. Great to see you, and a fantastic idea by the way. Can I come in?”

“Sure. Wow, that’s a big case!”

“Yeah, just my cameras and stuff. There’s another one in the car. Can you help me get it here? It’s a present for the gang.”

“Sure, what’s inside?”

“Hehe, you’ll see in a moment. Just help me with this if you can.”

Soon, Cathy was busy setting up her equipment. She laughed at Bob who was eyeing the big container with interest and said “Go ahead and open that case. You’ll like it, promise.”

The moment he opened that box he knew what was inside. “The hypnos book in print!” He grabbed one and ripped it out of its packaging. “Wow, those pictures are fucking brilliant! They look even better on paper! Can’t get enough of Jana modelling those drawings.”

“Great, right? Everyone who shows up tonight gets a free copy.”

“The guys will be thrilled! I’ll put them on display close to our buffet.”

Chapter 69: Curious Maya

Soon the rest of the gang showed up including the star of the show, Jana. The old dungeon was buzzing and everybody had a great time. Of course most conversations were about Jana’s project, and how dedicated the beautiful girl had been in the past weeks. Jana felt great amongst all those admirers and couldn’t stop talking about her past experiences.

Time flew by and then, just before midnight, Bob stepped on a bench and said, “Great to see you all here, at the location where Jana’s adventure started. I thought it would be a great way to end your spectacular project by convincing our star to get into that air duct again.”

Everybody cheered.

“And I have to say it was way easier than I imagined to get Jana here.”


“Now, Jana, anything to add from your side? Or would you prefer to just get naked and climb in there again?”

Jana blushed, “Hehe, yeah… I don’t know what to say. Great to see you guys again! I have fond memories of this place. I really look forward to this shoot, to having my boobies dangle through that hole up there. I always wondered what it would look like from below, but I guess I will only ever see it in pictures. And… well, screw it. I think I’ll just jump out of my clothes and get up there. That’s what everyone is waiting for anyway, right?”

The crowd laughed. Catcalls and cheers pumped up the atmosphere. Suddenly Maya stepped forward, face flushed and declared, “I want to do it!”

“What?” Jana was puzzled.

“I want to get in there and try it out and have my tits stuffed through that hatch. Like you did.”


“If I don’t try it today, I’ll never find out!”

Cathy gaped at her. “Are you sure Maya? I mean, you definitely have enough boob material to do it, unlike myself, but really? In front of all those people? I thought only Jana…”

“Yes, really. I want to do it. Now. And besides, Jana wanted to see how it looks from below, so I figured I should show her, right?”

Bob grinned, “Nice! Do you also want to experience my magical, robotic hand treatment?”

“Hehe, yeah, that’s part of the package, isn’t it?”

“Indeed it is. Fantastic! I’ll jump into my Orcogre then. Looking forward to meeting a new set of melons! And from what I can tell yours are just as spectacular as Jana’s incredible pair.”

Maya chuckled happily. What a cute guy! Now she just had to find out how to get into that duct.

“Hey, Jana! How do I get in?”

“Just enter that small cell over there. The ladder should be right below the entry,” then, looking at the fidgety girl, she giggled, “Don’t you want to get out of your clothes first? The guys would certainly appreciate to see you naked!”

Maya glanced around and laughed, “No way! Too much audience here! I definitely prefer some privacy. But you guys should see my bare orbs popping through that hole in a few moments!”

“Alright then! Have fun!”

Maya walked out of the packed room and into the empty cell. She closed the door and made sure it stayed put before she started to unbutton her blouse. This was so exciting! Finally, she would experience the same emotions like Jana! She would play the role of Yeina, just like her! What an adventure!

She removed her bra and let her heavy breasts spring free. Should she get out of her pants, too? It wouldn’t be necessary for the stunt, and it may be quite dirty up there. But to get as much as possible out of this rather unique experience, wouldn’t it be better to go completely naked? Maybe it was her only chance to ever experience something so completely wacky in her entire life! She wanted to get it right. She wanted to get as much out of it as possible. She wanted to… do it naked!

Maya jumped out of her clothes, stripped of her trousers and panties. Even her socks had to go. Then, completely naked, she went up the ladder.

The duct was narrow and dusty. Maya coughed hard as she hauled herself into the confined space. Her heart raced. Now she was in the same duct as Jana before. Like Yeina. She was a warrior, escaping from evil monsters. Slowly the blonde girl crept forward.

A faint light was visible in front of her. She heard voices from below. She was close, only a few more feet and she would be at the hatch. Her naked, sweaty body moved through the dirt.

“She’s coming! Look up there! I saw something moving! This must be Maya!” shouted Cathy, her finger pointing upwards.

Everybody looked at the hatch, waiting for those blessed orbs to arrive.

Maya’s fingers reached the rim of the opening.This was it! Now she just had to slither over the hole and let her boobies dangle down. Easy! The mechanic surged forward, feeling her heavy bosom fall into the opening.

“There they are! What a nice pair! And look how they sway back and forth!”

Julie added, “Those look tasty! Almost as good as Jana’s! So how does it feel up there?”

“Not so bad, not so bad. It’s a bit dusty, but the feeling is kind of interesting. But now what?”

“Just stay there. Bob is already gearing up, the Orcogre will be operational any minute. Just relax and enjoy the situation!”

Jana gazed upward. So that was how it looked from this perspective. Interesting. But how would it be to knead those breasts? To grope and pull them like the monster in that comic? To be that monster?

“Hey Bob, would you mind showing me how to operate this thing? I would really like to try it out myself. I want to know how it feels to be on the other side.”

Chapter 70: Sweet Revenge

Bob beamed, “Really? Great! Hop in and I’ll show you. Will be a bit of a squeeze in here, but we can manage if you don’t mind a bit of body contact.”

Jana smiled happily and climbed into the gigantic robot. Lights were blinking everywhere and the machine looked terrifyingly complex to control. But Bob was a real pro, showed her enthusiastically how the robot could be controlled, and soon the two were stomping around the room.

Bob moved the Orcogre right below Maya’s dangling breasts and teased, “Want to have a look through the goggles?”

Jana turned her head so Bob could slip the VR helmet over her eyes and grinned, “Definitely! Can’t wait for it!”

Bob fastened the device around her head, adjusted some straps and asked, “Can you see anything?”

“Wow, what a picture! What a nice set of titties!”

“Now let’s scare your friend a bit!” laughed Bob and switched on the P.A. He pushed the microphone in front of Jana’s mouth and smirked, “Say it again!”

Jana shouted in her best monster-voice, “What a nice set of titties!”

The room vibrated from the dark, evil voice of the OrcOgre.

“Now put your hands in there and let me fix the control mesh around your arms. But be careful, this mecha has tons of power. One involuntary jerk and Maya’s tits are pulp. You don’t want to crush your friend, do you? So hold your hands steady and grab those beauties slowly and carefully.”

Jana nodded, fully focused on the task at hand. She let Bob fasten the control mesh and patiently waited for further instructions while Maya’s delicious melons dangled right in front of her VR view, suspended in mid-air.

“Now slowly close your fingers as if you would grab a can of soda.”

Jana felt the gloves slightly vibrate and could practically feel how her hands engulfed the sweet melons.

“The force-feedback works great, right? You can actually feel those boobs!”

“This is fucking unbelievable, Bob! It’s as if those claws belong to me!”

She squeezed a little tighter and immediately Maya’s tits bulged and distorted like a pair of big, straining stress-relievers in her giant hands.

“Mhhh.. this feels great,” giggled Maya behind the wall, “Can you please massage my boobies, you big, ugly monster?”

“Sure thing, sweetie!” laughed Jana and tightened her grip. She could really feel those squishy boobies between her fingers! It felt incredible! Her hands strangled the dangling objects.

“Hey, be careful, please?” wailed Maya from behind the ceiling.

This was so fucked up. Maya was breathing frantically. The start had been quite funny, with those huge claws on her titties. But now it was just scary. The intense groping was one thing, but not seeing what happened to her boobs drove her crazy.

“Can you show me how to slap them?” asked Jana with a mischievous grin, “I have some old scores to settle with that girl.”

Bob laughed, “Old scores? Should I ask for more details?”

“Well, ‘Karaoke Robot’ is all I’ll say. If you followed our project, you should know what I’m talking about. So, will you show me?”

“Definitely. It’s really easy. I’m sure you remember when you were on the receiving end, so be gentle.”

“Gentle? You know how that ‘Karaoke trainer’ treated my boobs? So what do I have to do?”

“Just open your hand and then strike those danglers with the flat of it. Just like you would do it with your own.”

“Alright, let’s try this.”

Jana opened her fingers and let the trapped breasts slip. Then, she raised her new, claw-like hand and smacked those wobbly treasures in earnest.

Cathy marveled at the spectacular sight above. The huge Orcogre had just slapped Maya’s titties, and they bounced around like jello! She could hear Maya curse behind the wall, but as far as she could see, Jana enjoyed the play a bit too much for it to end soon. Sweet revenge.

“You know, Maya, that Karaoke robot.. Cora was a real bitch to me. I think I’ll make you pay for that program.” the Orcogre boomed.

“Jana! Don’t! Please?” screamed Maya, her voice trembling with fear, her heavy boobs slapping against the ceiling and constantly crashing into each other.

“So how does it feel inside there? Like the suspense? The danger?” the monster asked, his paw grabbing a tender breast and slowly squeezing it like dough.

“Ouch! Jana! Be careful?” Maya hollered from above, frantically trying to get away from that maniac. But her tits were stuck for good. She couldn’t move a bit. Just like Jana back then.

It was such a scary experience! Her tits out of reach, out of sight, available to that robot for all kinds of mischief! What was Jana doing now? Maya felt something pull on her. The strain was incredible. How did her boobies look like at this very moment? Were they stretched like rubber? Ready to snap? It surely felt like it!

The claws closed around her tender melons. Her blood must be trapped already! Everything was buzzing, tingling. Then another slap. Hard.

“Ouch, dammit Jana!” the trapped woman screamed, tears streaming down her dusty face. Her whole body quivered in fear, “Please let me out again? Please?”

“I’m not done yet. I just want to test those wondrous wobblers a bit more. You know, everybody loves playing with my boobies, but now I finally have the chance to play a bit with yours, too! And when I think back to your lonely adventure with that beam, you surely enjoy this treatment quite a bit, don’t you?”

Did she? Did she actually enjoy this? Maya wasn’t sure. Well, it was her idea to go up here and to try this out, to let her boobs dangle through that opening. But she wasn’t expecting Jana to take over. And she didn’t expect her to be such a bitch! Her breasts felt like they were about to rip.

“Wow, you’re quite determined,” grinned Bob as he watched Jana work the machine, “Don’t you think she had enough? Look at her boobs! They’re red and raw already. If you don’t stop they will be all black and blue after this session!”

“I don’t care,” giggled Jana, “I enjoy this way too much to stop.”

“But you will be back in there later, right? Do you want to be treated like that?”

“They always treat me like that! Maya and Cathy didn’t hold back in the past, did they? They quite enjoyed fooling around with my boobs. And by the way, you will be in control later, not Maya. So there’s not much risk, right?”

“Anyway, you really should stop now.”

Chapter 71: Back In There

“Alright, alright. One last slap, OK?”

“One last slap.”

Jana clenched the iron fists until both of Maya’s breasts were bulging out at the other end. She slowly moved the closed hands downwards. Maya screamed in pain as her trapped, bloated melons were forced further and further away from her body. It looked absolutely terrifying.

Then, suddenly, first one then the other tit popped free and jiggled around beneath the ceiling. Maya cursed like a sailor, her voice hoarse from all the shouting and screaming.

But Jana hadn’t enough yet. She took aim at the two red bags of flesh and let both paws crash into them, one from the left, one from the right. Maya’s breasts were mashed between the metal claws and forcibly flattened like pancakes. Maya’s frantic cries of pain filled the room.

“OK, I’m done now. You can let her out.”

The moment Jana ended that sentence, the room went dark.

“What happened?” asked Gula who was still staring into the direction of Maya’s disfigured boobs.

“I don’t know. It’s suddenly so silent! And I can’t see a thing!”

“I think we just lost power,” said Tom in a no-nonsense way, “And that girl up there is stuck for good. Let’s see if we can figure out what the hell is going on.”

The Orcogre was completely non-functional. Without power that thing was just a pile of metal. Jana didn’t see a thing through her VR helmet, and even Bob couldn’t do anything to free Maya’s trapped breasts. Both climbed out of the machine and went to the others.

“You gave the girl quite thrashing, Jana. What’s up?”

“I just enjoyed playing with her boobies, that’s all. Did you like it?”

Cathy laughed, “Yes indeed. But that poor woman must be devastated. And now what? Is she stuck?”

“Yup, I think so. No power or something. Hope we can get her out quickly. Can you see her boobs?”

“No. Too dark in here.”

“Hey guys,” wailed Maya from above, “I hope this is not your fault, but my tits feel like shit. Something squeezes them like there is no tomorrow. What’s up?”

“Power went out Just when I wanted to stop the play.”

“Fucking brilliant. Can you see my boobs? Do they look OK?”

“Nope. Can’t see them. But I think Tom and Bob are checking what happened. We should know any second. Hold tight in there.”

“Fantastic. Just be quick, OK? It hurts!”

It took them more than an hour to restore the power. When Maya finally was free again, her big boobs tender and bloated, she groaned, “Damn, what a disaster. Jana, what the fuck is up with you? Did I do anything to upset you?”

“Well… yes? Remember that Karaoke robot? The program you wrote for me? To torture me?”

“But… right… anyway, let’s forget that. You had your fun. And to be honest, now that I’m out of there, it was fucking fantastic!”

She inspected her bruised breasts, “I mean… my boobs hurt like shit and will probably do so for the next few weeks, but damn! That was some crazy stuff! I’ll dream about that for ages!”

“You enjoyed this?” asked Cathy, eyes wide open in disbelief.

“I…I think so.”

“Freaks!” laughed the photographer, “So what now? Maya is free again, but our star still has to do her work. So Jana, want to get up there?”

“Yep. Just need a bit of a refreshment. Do we have drinks or something?”

“Yes, right outside. Go grab whatever you like and then climb in there.”

Jana looked forward to the shoot. All the fun with Maya’s boobs had been great, but now it was time to get in there herself and experience the suspense first-hand once again. After a quick coffee she entered the little cell, striped and went up the ladder.

The narrow, dusty opening was just like she remembered. She hauled herself into the duct and crept forward, her body all tingly in anticipation. She heard the team down in the hall talking about the project, about all the pictures they had to do.

“Any bright ideas? Bob, can you somehow hold each drawing to one of Jana’s boobies so I can take the photos?”

“That’s the plan, right? Let’s see if it works. Oh, there she is. Look out for those fantastic melons!”

And indeed, Jana’s huge breasts appeared in the hatch and dangled above them.

The model tried to get into the mood again. She was now Yeina the warrior, a captive in a dungeon of the Orcogres, trying to escape from a cruel fate. Her cheeks flushed, her breath quickened. Then she felt something on her exposed breasts. It was starting.

Bob was so fucking happy. Finally he was back playing with those wondrous breasts! He made the claw grab one of the dangling treasures and slowly squeezed it.

He still knew how to control that robot! It almost felt natural. Like an extension of his own body! He groped the two breasts and chuckled.

“Did it look like this when I was up there?”

“Yeah, almost. Your boobs are a tad smaller and Jana was a bit more… enthusiastic… with the groping. But other than that it looks about the same. Now, should we do the first picture?”

Cathy grabbed one of the large printouts, a picture of the avatar and handle of a backer. The robot’s hand came close, took it from her and held it next to Jana’s wobbly breast.

“That’s great! Hold it!” shouted Cathy and got her camera.

It was a breeze. Cathy took one picture after the other while Bob worked through the printouts. He posed next to Jana’s exposed breasts, made them sway and jiggle. Sometimes he pulled at them lightly, sometimes he grabbed them so hard that her flesh bulged from between the large fingers. It was a joy.

Jana enjoyed the powerful hands on her exposed body parts. Yes, that was it! Just like back then, when they shot the movie. She whimpered. Now if he could just massage her a tiny bit harder it would be heaven.

Chapter 72: Payback

“Almost done, guys! That’s the last one… Hold it… Yes, give me that big, fat smile again… and… that’s it! We’re done!”

“Woohoo! Great job everybody! Now let’s get Jana out of there!”

“Wait!” It was Maya, “Don’t you guys want to know how it feels being in that robot? Don’t you want to experience how those gigantic orbs feel? I surely would like to try it out!”

“I don’t know… I think Jana had enough!” whispered Gula, “But of course I would like to….”

“Well, Jana tried it on me, remember? And she wasn’t gentle, was she?”

“You got a point!” laughed Cathy, “And I sure would like to try it, too. Maybe Bob can be our supervisor? He can show us what to do!”

“Hey, guys! What’s going on down there? Can’t you open those claws so I can get out? My boobs kind of had enough for today!”

“Not yet. Looks like everybody wants to have a go with that robot, just like you did. Can you stay in there a bit longer?”

“What? Are you kidding me? Only Bob knows the limits! This thing is dangerous, remember?”

“Well, you tried it on Maya. And she survived it. So why are you suddenly such a coward?”

“I… well, I guess I can’t do anything anyway, trapped like I am, right? So please just get over with it. And be gentle. Do you hear me Maya? Be gentle, please!”

Maya laughed, “I’ll consider it. But first the others should get a go. Enjoy, Jana!”

The first one was Cathy. Bob explained the controls to her, told her what to do and how to use those claws to grab those breasts. The photographer looked like a little kid on christmas eve when she groped and mauled those swaying twins in front of her. Bob had a hard time convincing her that her time was over. The girl just didn’t want to stop playing.

Next was Gula, who enjoyed operating the robot just as much. It was endless. One after the other climbed into the machine and toyed with Jana’s bloated melons. Involuntary slip-ups lead to vocal cursing and awfully disfigured boobs, but Jana somehow managed to get through.

Finally it was Maya’s turn. The mechanic was happily whistling when she climbed into the robot, and in no time she had those boobs crushed between her mechanic fingers.

“Feel it, girl, feel my power!” the dark voice bellowed through the room. “Are you afraid, bitch? Do you fear me?”

The hands slowly descended downward, the two, bloated breasts trapped inside them. Milk was trickling from between the fingers and Jana howled in pain.

“Ow, OW! Please, Maya! Be careful!”

“Don’t be such a pussy. I just want to play a bit!”

The robot’s hands turned about 180 degrees. Milk was everywhere. And it looked absolutely crazy from down below.

“Milky shower, eh? Way to go, Maya! Just don’t destroy them.”

Maya went on and on. It took almost 30 minutes until she was finally satisfied and let the robot disengage. Jana’s breasts were hurting so much that the model had trouble removing them from the hatch. What a bitch!

But the pain was quickly forgotten when the group headed out to celebrate. Jana could of course understand Maya’s reaction and her desire for payback. But still, she could have been more gentle with it, right? On the other hand, Jana would remember this evening, this experience for years to come! If she was honest with herself, she wasn’t all that upset. In fact it had been worth it. It made everything so much easier to remember.

Because this was it. Nobody would play with her boobs for the foreseeable future and Jana already was sad about it. Could this really be? That everything was over for good?

“Eh, guys, can I have a word with you?” It was Gula. Everybody went silent.

“First of all, thanks everybody for your hard work. Special thanks to Jana and her boobies, but also to Maya and Cathy who both did a tremendous job. Now, as you know Hypnos is done and even this memorable trip back to EDEN is completed.”


“However, we just received the final outstanding request. It’s a couple. Apparently a rather wealthy one. Technically they are too late, our deadline has already passed, so if you guys don’t want to honor their wish that’s fine. But let’s be fair and at least consider it, OK?”

“So what’s it? What do they want?”

Gula grinned, “Living Iron. One picture. With both you and Maya trapped in those metal things.”

“Really? How…. This is impossible! How can you even create those devices? They don’t exist for real,do they? It’s fiction!”

“As I mentioned, they apparently are stupidly rich. And as a matter of fact we also received two crates from them. They’re back at Cathy’s place. Do you want to have a look later?”

“They sent those devices already? Wow. What do you think, Maya? I’m torn. Living Iron… You know the theme, right? Those needles freak me out!”

Maya grinned, “I think it would be great! Needles or not, I would love to do that shoot with you. Me as Miria, you in your usual role as Yeina… we would be warriors! Our boobs would of course get their fair share of pain, but… wow! And who knows, maybe they pay a bit extra, right?”

“So you want to do it? Really? Are you not afraid?”

“After what you did to me with that robot? I think I can handle it. And you surely can handle it, too! Come on, Jana, let’s do it!”

“I don’t know. Let’s decide tomorrow, OK? Today I just want to party with you guys!”

And that’s what they did.

Jana couldn’t sleep that night. Her thoughts circled around the final offer, around Living Iron, around Yeina and Miria. She ended up reading that entire comic at 5 in the morning just because she couldn’t get it out of her head. And as she browsed through the pages in the middle of the night, she wondered if she should accept the request.

Chapter 73: Living Iron

A shoot with Maya. At least that curious girl would get an equal share of boob-hurt if they would agree to this. And it surely would be fun. But those metal devices looked awfully painful. On the other hand she had gone through much worse. Maybe they should just do it. Another challenge that would make her feel good afterwards… Yes. Otherwise she would only regret it later, right?

“So did you decide?” inquired Cathy the next morning, eager to start the new project, “Will you do it? You’ll do it, right? Come on, please? You want to see those metal devices too, don’t you?”

Maya laughed, “I’m game. I’m ready to play Miria. You just have to convince our beautiful model and we can get going!”

“So what do you think, Jana? Come on, we had so much fun playing with your boobies! You can’t let us down now!”

Jana smirked, “You know, Cathy…” she slowly massaged her breasts, “If you would have such melons like Maya and me you would understand…”

“Don’t tell me you reject?”

Jana’s grin broadened, “Silly girl, of course I’ll do it! I just have to see those metal devices! That comic looks fun to pose for! But I still hope they skip the needle-part…”

Gula whistled, “You girls are incredible. So you’ll really do it? Living Iron?”

“One picture. Just one picture, like we promised. So can somebody please check the details on what those guys actually want from us?”

Cathy nodded, “Let me get their request. Sit down everybody. I’ll be back in a moment.”

Gula looked at the two girls and asked, “You know that comic, do you? Living Iron? It’s pretty brutal. Lot’s of stretched boobs.”

“As usual!” grinned Maya.

“As usual!” laughed Gula, “I just want to be sure that you won’t be surprised. Ah, Cathy’s back.”

“So here it is. Let me read it out.” She harrumphed and then, in a serious voice, she lectured:

“Dear Jana and team, we have watched your little project over the last few months and have supported you by joining on the highest level, as Ultimate Backer, donating more than 50k to your work. Now that the project comes to a close we would like to request that you deliver the reward we are entitled to.

“Our reward according to your project page is ‘Whatever the backer selects’. We are hereby choosing an image from Living Iron. The one where Yeina’s delicious breasts are stretched to the breaking point and those metal rings around her disfigured boobs are clicking into place.

“Furthermore we hope that a member of your team would be willing to pose for Miria’s role and supply us with a picture of Miria with her assets clamped and pulled as is shown in the comic a few panels before the scene we selected for Jana.

“The two crates with the necessary props will be shipped directly from our M.A.M.M.A.R.I.E.S. division. Looking forward to seeing your work. Best, Philippe and Antoinette Morlac.

“P.S. If you face any problems with the supplied devices please let us know.”

“M.A.M.M.A.R.I.E.S division?” Maya chuckled, “Let me see. Where are those crates?”

“Over there. Here’s the delivery slip. It says ‘Morlac’s Applied Micro Mechanics — Advanced Research Institute — Emotional Sensors’.”

“Wait… what? That’s the name of the company? Either they try a bit too hard to be funny, or this is a hilarious coincidence. Anyway, can we open them now? I can’t wait to see what’s inside!”

Gula, Maya and Jana got to work. Soon the wooden boxes were opened and everybody strained their necks to get a peek. A sparkling metal device was sitting inside of each container, carefully protected by styrofoam.

“Are they really the same like in my comic?” inquired Gula as he tried to hoist one out of its box, “Damn, this is heavy. Can somebody help me?”

Soon, the two devices were sitting on the table, unwrapped and ready for a test drive. But how would they be operated? What did they have to do to use them?

Jana carefully inspected ‘her’ device. It had two large metal loops that were supposed to go around her torso and four that would go around her boobs at some point. Now those were open and waiting. Dangling on the end of two extenders were the braces for her arms. There was another extender with a choker at its end and another set of extenders sported two evil-looking clamps.

Maya’s device looked equally intimidating. It, too, had the two large rings for her torso. But in addition it had a set of four plexiglas plates, extenders with an array of clamps as well as arms that ended in a variety of loops and other objects. But there was nothing obvious to actually switch them on.

“Hey, there’s another package in there containing a small remote. It just has one button that says ‘activate’. What do you guys think, should I press it?”

Gula examined the control closely. Indeed, just one button. Nothing else. He looked at the girls. Both nodded slowly. His finger lingered on the remote.

“Are you sure?” he asked one last time.

“Yes, press it.” said Jana.

“Do it!” urged Maya.

Chapter 74: Stuck

And so he did. The moment the button was activated both devices sprang to life. As if they knew whom to attack, they surged forward. Jana was so surprised about what happened that she only managed to produce a tiny squeak. The device wrapped itself around her body in lightning speed and shredded her clothing within moments. Jana’s bare boobs jumped around wildly as if they were trying to escape, but the fancy machine instinctively knew what to do and steadied them by clamping down on her fat nipples.

“Eeek! That thing is alive! Look how it slithers around my waist! And now it… Aiiiee! Stop it!”

Gula watched in awe as the steel extenders expanded and forcefully stretched Jana’s breasts away from her body. Like two, giant torpedoes the two, soft objects towered over her rib cage and threatened to poke Gula in the eye.

Maya, too, was attacked by her new friend. The machine wormed around her waist while those plexiglass plates squeezed her boobs flat. Then the plates got replaced by tight rings that closed around the base of each breast and made them balloon out. Maya squealed in pain as the clamps one by one bit down into the top of her breast and slowly hoisted her heavy bags upwards.

Suddenly Jana shrieked in panic as her boobs were stretched even further. Under the gaze of the stunned group, the small holding rings quickly snapped right around her straining flesh and trapped Jana’s deformed breasts for good.

“You guys look like in those panels!” giggled Cathy, her camera pointing at the squirming model, “Can you hold that pose, Jana?”

Gula added, “Yep, just like in my story. Those devices are amazing! Maya, look over here and hold still so Cathy can do her job!”

Cathy took her sweet time to pay those pictures justice. She circled the two bound ladies and made photographs from every possible angle. At one point she was even lying on the floor while she commanded Jana and Maya to bend down above her so she could get a nice picture of their four, constrained pillows.

Finally she declared, “OK. We’re good! That should satisfy even Philippe and Antoinette! I’ll sent the pictures over to them right away!”

“Great, now how do I get out of this?” asked Maya, struggling against her tight bonds.

“I honestly have no clue. You’re the mechanic, don’t you have an idea of what to do?”

“With my hands cuffed behind my back? I’m pretty useless right now. Gula, can you help us? There has to be something to shut those things off! Oh-oh, it’s moving again! Arghhh!”

Gula watched in horror as the clamps clipped to the top of Maya’s breasts suddenly moved further up, pulling her soft skin tight as a drum. Her boobs looked ridiculous but also weirdly sexy. His trembling fingers touched the straining pillows, searched for a way to free them. But the clamps were locked tight and there was no obvious way to open them.

“Try pressing that button on the remote again! Maybe that will switch them off?”

Gula grabbed the remote and pressed the button. But it had no effect.

“Dammit! Maybe I can get them off with some tools? I can try with some pliers…”

Jana gasped behind him as her tortured tits got stretched even further, “This is getting out of hand! We have to get out of this. Can somebody help us, please?”

Cathy dashed off to get some tools while Gula inspected the situation in detail. The metal looked sturdy and difficult to break. What really puzzled him was that there was no apparent way to deactivate the devices.

“Maybe if I remove the batteries from the remote? Maybe that resets the device?”

“Worth… ugh… a try I suppose!” moaned Maya, her soft body parts getting pulled in front of her face.

Gula opened the remote and yanked out the batteries.

There was an immediate effect at last. Unfortunately it wasn’t the intended one. Both girls screamed in pain as their companions got even more determined to destroy their trapped wonders. Maya could hardly believe just how tight her breasts got constricted. One side seemed to only be connected to the rest of her body by a tiny piece of flesh and the other side hung in front of her eyes like some freshly washed piece of clothing! And Jana’s boobs looked like they would snap any moment and hovered in mid-air, feets away from the rest of her body!

“Aiii…. that… didn’t… work!”

“I see that!” screamed Gula, panic in his voice, “But what can we do? How can we get those things off?”

Cathy appeared, tools in her hand and eyes open in disbelief. “What the hell guys? I… how…”

“Quick, we have to call the company. There’s no way we can fix this without ripping our friends apart.”

Cathy dashed over to the delivery papers and searched for a phone number. “Here. Here it is. Quick, call them!”

“Welcome to Morlac’s Applied Micro Mechanics — Advanced Research Institute — Emotional Sensors Division. What can I do for you?”

“We… fuck… we have a bit of a problem here. We received your samples and they are getting a bit out of control!”

“A bit?” screamed Maya from behind.

“What’s your Customer Id?”

“Customer Id? I … I don’t know. I’m Gula, and we’re the team of artists that creates those pictures… fuck… the Morlacs want us to do some work for them…”

“I’m sorry, but without Customer ID there is no way I can be of help.”

“HERE! I found it!” screamed Cathy the slip of paper in her hands, “It’s 549112”

“OK, the customer ID is 5–4–9–1–1–2” repeated Gula.

“Ah! Here it is. Project ‘Like Yeina’, is this correct?”

“Yes, yes it is.”

“Great. So what’s the problem?”

“The devices cannot be shut down and are…. attacking our friends. Their breasts… get molested by them badly. I fear for their life!”

“Don’t worry. Our devices are safe to use and will never cause any lethal damage. But it’s hard to diagnose from afar, so I suggest you bring the products back in our lab so our engineers can have a look.”

“Really? There is no easy fix, like pressing a secret button three times or something?”

“There is no secret button.”

“So how do we get to your lab?”

“Give me a moment to check the position of those devices… ah, yes, here they are. It’s about a 5 hours drive from your location.”

“Wait, so you can check our location but you can’t just switch them off?”


“This is so stupid. Nothing you can do to ease the strain on our friends?”


“So how do we know where to go? Can’t you just send us the coordinates or something?”

“The devices will show you the way. Thank you for your understanding. Have a great day.”

And the line was dead. 5 hours! 5 hours sitting in the car, with Jana and Maya in their current situation? How would they manage that? They had to conceal their ‘attributes’ somewhat of course but even more important was, would they manage to get through all the pain? And how the hell would the devices show them the way?

Jana murmured, “Hey guys, something’s happening!”

“Eh… what the hell?”

Chapter 75: Boob Navigation

The device slowly twisted Jana’s bound orbs into one direction. Those stretched twins now definitely pointed somewhere to the right. And to top it off, the extenders made tiny forward/backward movements as if they wanted to tell her to move ahead.

Perplexed, the group watched the spectacle. Cathy giggled, “Guess we now know how the devices show us where to go. Anything happening on your side, Maya?”

“Well…. look for yourself…”

Maya’s tits were forced into a slow up/down movement by the clamps and the constraints around the base of her breast pulsated.

“As if it wants to tell us to get going. Awkward. Well, then let’s do that. Nothing we can do here to get you guys out of this mess anyway.”

Covering up was out of question as they needed to see where the devices were pointing to. Both Maya and Jana didn’t like the idea of driving around topless and wanted to at least have a seat in the back. Sitting in front would be just too humiliating. But Cathy objected.

“You have to sit next to me, Jana! I have to see where we are supposed to be going! I need your tits as guidance!”

“But then everybody can see me! And my boobs wouldn’t fit in there anyway, they would be jammed against the front window given how much that nasty thing stretches me right now!”

“Good point. Alright, then Maya you get in front. That way I can at least tell if we are on the right track. And if Jana sits behind you, maybe her tits are sticking out far enough so I can see them, too. Gula, you sit right behind me, OK?”

“Great. Just great. And what do we do if some guys out there get a bit too curious and want to get hold of us and our weirdly shaped assets?”

“Drive faster? We have more urgent things to worry about. Don’t you want to get out of this mess? Let’s just jump in the car and get going!”

The group quickly packed for the long ride, Maya and Jana trying carefully to avoid upsetting their new companions. It took them a while to get into Cathy’s old VW Beetle Convertible, but somehow they finally managed to squeeze everybody inside the tiny vehicle and Cathy started the engine. The drive was far from comfortable. Jana’s place was so cramped, her elongated breasts took up way too much space, that her weirdly-shaped melons constantly banged against the back of the front seat.

“Hey, stop it back there! You drive me nuts!” complained Maya as once again Jana’s awkward boobs were pushed against her back.

“I’m sorry! But this isn’t working!” Jana groaned, her body firmly pinned against the back of her seat, “This damn machine makes my tits hurt so much! It takes up all the space!”

“Just push your orbs to the side of my seat then! Try to squeeze them through the gaps! Can’t be that hard! Maybe that way Cathy can actually see where they are pointing to!”

“Right…” Jana grabbed one of her deformed breasts and yanked them sideways so it could expand into the gap between the seats.

“Whew, thanks Jana. That’s better. Oh look at that! A new armrest?” joked Maya, patting the hot flesh that protruded from behind.

The car was just too small, huge boobs got constantly in the way, and it took ages to even get out of the clogged city. Suddenly, the weird device twisted Jana’s boobs in earnest, made her nipple poke into Cathy’s sides. And Maya’s boobs quickly joined the fun and started to bounce up and down.

“I think it’s trying to tell us something. To the right, Cathy! This is the way…”

“I don’t know… Look at her tits, I think it’s pointing to the left, isn’t it?”

Maya turned her head, “How the fuck should I know? I can’t really see anything from here. Jana, what do you think?”

“I… I don’t know. It kind of twists them… Argh.. Fuck. not…enough… space!”

Gula giggled, “Yeah, I can tell. Just look at how hard you get pushed into the back of the seat by your tits! Cathy, I think we need to do something.”

“Do something? What can we do about this? We don’t have any alternatives, do we?”

“Can the seats be removed?”

“Sure, why are you asking?”

“If we remove the seat of the front-seat passenger, the one Maya is sitting on, there would be plenty of space for Jana’s stretched boobies.”

“And where would I sit then?” asked Maya, puzzled.

“In the back, right beside me. I’ll squeeze in between you and Jana. Would be a tight fit but doable.”

“I like the idea!” groaned Jana, “Anything that gives me more space is an improvement! Aieee.. Look at that!”

Gula gaped at Jana’s twins that suddenly were pressed so hard against the sides of Maya’s seat that they turned white.

“Yeah, we need to do something. Cathy, can you stop somewhere? We really should get rid of that seat.”

“Understood. A friend of mine runs a garage. He should be able to do it. But it’s right in the center of the city, next to the ‘Little Italy’ coffee shop and all those other bars and restaurants. It would be quite a detour to get there…”

“Can’t we just stop right here and yank it out?”

“No way! I don’t want to lose that seat! And I don’t have the right tools anyway. So either we drive back or you have to cope with your boob situation as it is.”

“Drive back, please!” moaned Jana from behind, “We have no clue how long this trip will take and I can’t stand it already!”

“Alright then. Hold tight, we’ll have to ignore your boob-pointing for a while.”

It was way worse to not follow the directions of those devices. Once they started ignoring the not-so-subtle hints, the evil machines went absolutely crazy. Jana screamed in pain as the device twisted her elongated tits so hard that they made them point backward and leak milk at the same time. And Maya hollered frantically as her own companion squeezed the bases of her breasts painfully so that her bloated balloons turned to an unhealthy, dark-purple color all the while it continued to make her swollen balls bounce around like puppets on a string.

“Faster! drive faster!” shouted Gula, shocked and fascinated by what was happening right beside him.

“I do my best, guys. Just keep hanging in there. Only a few more minutes!”

Chapter 76: Pit Stop

“Amazing what that device can do! And that your boobs are capable of this stuff! Doesn’t this hurt?” Gula touched the straining flesh with his fingers.

“Hurts like a bitch!” moaned Jana, “But what can I do? We just need to get to that lab! Fuck, it made me leak again!”

Indeed. Milk was dripping from her distended breasts and soiled the interior of Cathy’s car.

“Damn, Jana! Can’t you stop that? I mean… I like your tits and all, including that white stuff coming out of them. But in my car? Really? It will take ages to clean that up again!”

“Sorry. But I can’t control this!”

“Yeah, whatever.”

Jana was so relieved when they finally arrived at the garage. She couldn’t believe just how cruel her new companion could be. And Maya looked like she was on the verge of passing out, with two purple, bloated balls jiggling and jumping in front of her eyes.

“Ok guys, we made it. Get out of here! And try to cover your enhanced assets somehow! Wait here until I talked with Zoe.”

Cathy dashed off to arrange for the removal of the seat while Gula and his two trembling and cursing companions examined the place. Thankfully, nobody was around. A high wall separated the garage from the busy streets and provided for some privacy.

“So how the fuck should we cover up ourselves? I don’t even have a blanket with me, and my clothes are of no use with how far my melons are stretched!” complained Jana as she searched the car.

“I don’t know. Everything would look funny anyway… wait, I think I have an idea. See those cardboard boxes back there? We can use them just like we did with that ‘YEINA VALENTINE’S DAY’ picture. Quick Maya, help me.”

Soon, Gula was standing in the small coffee shop, his two, beautiful companions carrying suspiciously large cardboard boxes in front of them. At least that ruse avoided awkward questions by the resident blokes that occupied the small bar.

“Whew, I hope nobody can see those deformed things now. If your boobs would just stop banging against the boxes!”

“Can’t do anything about it. It’s that god-awful machine! Look, Cathy’s coming!”

“Hey guys! Nice… boxes…” she smirked knowingly, “Zoe said it should only take a moment to remove that seat. Fancy a drink while we wait?”

“Sure, why not!”

The beer tasted great and finally the girls could relax a bit. With their strangled boobs out of sight, it surprisingly got so much easier for Jana and Maya to ignore the pain.

A beautiful redhead wearing a rather stained, blue overall appeared at the door.

“Hey… Cathy… the seat’s gone… but…”

“Hey Zoe. My friends Gula, Jana and Maya. Is there a problem?”

“Those boxes look familiar…aren’t those from my garage? Anyway, wanted to repair your roof while at it… One of the latches was totally jammed. But when I tried to fix it that damn thing broke off! Had to remove the whole cover… Not safe to drive anymore. Weather is good though, so I hope you guys don’t mind too much. Driving a convertible with an open top is more fun anyway, right? Will order some parts to fix it. You can give me the money later. Sorry guys, have to run!”

“What did she just say? She broke the roof?”

“Yeah… that’s what I heard…”

“Fuck. And what now? We can’t drive around like that with no top.”

“Hehe… no top…” Gula giggled, “Topless girls in a topless car… so funny!”

“Yes, very funny, Gula. Laughing my ass off!” groaned Jana, “So what do we do?”

“We start driving of course! What else? You won’t die just because some creep gets off by looking at your bare, bound boobies! Just grow a pair and get going!” cursed Cathy and motioned them out of the door.

Needless to say that the drive was a challenge. As soon as the car left the parking lot of the garage it got stuck in traffic. And without the top obstructing the view, pedestrians and passengers around them soon spotted their juicy secrets. Gula, framed by the two beautiful women, enjoyed the situation endlessly and giggled happily, “Uh-oh, look! Those girls in that bar? I think they envy you!”

Jana tried to catch a glimpse. Yes, yes those chicks had definitely spotted them and apparently couldn’t believe what they were seeing. They already had their mobiles out, presumably to document the incredible scene and post the pictures to who knew where!

And it wasn’t just those girls either. Everyone around them stared at their disfigured orbs that constantly got manipulated by those strange devices. Everybody seemed to grab their phones to make some juicy pictures. People were whistling, whispering, joking. Somebody laughed at how the machines made those huge tits point around. Right now, the majority of those people seemed to still be dumbfounded about what they witnessed, but Jana feared that somebody soon would like to ‘know more’, would try to feel them up, to ‘investigate closely’ what was happening. She hushed, “Cathy, we have to get going, please! Everybody is staring at us!”

“Yeah, I see that. Creepy. Hold on tight, I’ll get us out of here!”

Suddenly the car jerked and jumped as Cathy steered it through a narrow pedestrian alley. She honked and screamed as the beetle blasted through the busy street, bystanders watching in awe as the exotic bunch zoomed by.

“I just hope the police won’t stop us!” screamed Maya, frantically clinging to the door handle.

“Yeah, that would suck. Only a few more streets to go! Hold on tight!”

A loud bang shook the ground and made everyone gasp.

“Fuck, what just happened?”

A large truck in front of them just drove right into the window of a shop and blocked the street, the driver still gaping openly at Jana’s disfigured, pumping boobs.

“Dammit, do you think it was us?”

“Looks like so! Driver got distracted or something. Can you steer around it?”

Cathy made a left turn and dashed off into another narrow street.

“Hey, watch it Cathy! You almost made my boobs crash into that traffic light!”

“Honey, I have enough on my plate already. I’m trying to get us out of here! You have to pay attention to your gigantic melons yourself, can’t take care of everything!”

Jana tried to haul her breasts back into the car, but with those devices stretching her flesh like rubber, it was easier said than done.

Chapter 77: Following Their Lead

The truck wasn’t the only accident that happened though. Wherever they showed up somebody seemingly lost control of their vehicle and crashed into something. It was a nightmare. Pedestrians were openly gaping at the group of four whenever they had to stop.

Gula was the only one who thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

“OK, where’s it pointing now? To the right?”

“Yes, go right!” groaned Jana, her boobs forcefully twisted by the device.

“What’s it doing now?”

“It…argh… I dunno… it turns my breast around itself. Ouchie… No clue what that means. Go faster? Slower?”

“Damn Jana, can’t you take care of your tits? They’re really getting in the way!”

And indeed, her breasts were stretched so badly that they almost touched the front panel and even managed to accidentally push the button of the hazard light.

“I’m sorry Cathy, but it’s not me, it’s the device!”

“Just… do something already!”


It was Gula.

“Cathy, just try to follow their instructions. If we do what the devices tell us, they should relax a bit, right? And then they won’t get in the way so badly.”

“Yeah, that’s a great idea. Just follow their instructions!” gasped Jana, “Because otherwise this thing will kill me anyway! Look, it’s doing that weird turning thing again! Aiii….it makes my boobs look like some freak bottle opener, twisting them around like that!”

“Mine are now pumping like crazy. Maybe it means we are on the right track? Can you try to drive faster?”

The car accelerated.

“Yeah, that seemed to work. Now they’ve stopped with that painful twisting thing.”

“Whew, better. Much better. Thanks Cathy, my boobies finally feel kind of normal again. They even jiggle a bit!”

“That’s good news, right? The jiggling…”

“Yes, very good news. Those devices can be so cruel!”

Gula stared at the now relaxed pairs of boobs next to him and grinned, “I like them either way. They still look a bit reddish and sore though.”

He reached out to the quivering flesh, the tips of his fingers brushing over Jana’s hot skin. He felt the vibrations of the car.

“Attention guys, rough road ahead!”

That was a bit of an understatement. The paved street ended abruptly and turned into a bumpy dirt road that caused their car to groan and screech as it dashed over gigantic potholes. Maya squealed, surprised as her large breasts smashed into her face and flew around. Jana was similarly surprised by the sudden change and tried to somehow steady her jumping melons.

Gula watched in awe at all the bouncing and laughed, “You guys are really giving everything! Never before did I see such beautiful jiggles! I really should make a video of this so I can study it later. Very interesting physics!”

“Ha ha, glad you like this,” smirked Jana, “But actually that hurts quite a bit. Cathy, can’t you slow down?”

“Sure, but won’t the devices then hurt you again?”

“Yeah, sure they will! I can try to give you guys a bit of support instead,” beamed Gula,”but I have only two hands for your four boobs, so one for each?”

He cupped one of Jana’s breasts, grabbed one of Maya’s pair and grinned, “Best trip ever! It’s such a nice feeling! Your warm, heavy breasts jumping and quivering in my hands… Heaven!”

“Glad that at least you are enjoying it! Cathy, any clue how long this will take?”

“No idea, the dirt road should end soon though.”

And so they drove for hours, following the instructions of those bloated melons, until the devices started to act up again.

“Oh, something’s happening. I think you have to go left now. Ugh.. U-Turn? Really?”

Gula gaped at the horribly bent breast that now pointed just behind its owner. He couldn’t believe just how much Jana’s boobs got stretched. Her swollen, distended bags of flesh were bent so hard that their swollen tips were now pointing behind her! The poor girl sobbed and whimpered as she tried to figure out how to ease the pain.

And it only got worse. The horrid device clamped down on her melons, bit into the now taut, hard flesh and strangled the bound boobs mercilessly. Maya’s companion went berserk, too, tore at her massive melons and squeezed them into shapes never seen before. Both girls gaped in panic and yelled,

“Turn around, turn around!”

Cathy tried to comply, turned the roaring car and screamed, “Just tell me where to go?”

Chapter 78: Strangling Companions

But even when she finally followed the device’s instructions, things didn’t improve. It appeared as if the devices finally lost their patience and forced the group to follow their orders. Severely bound, those four almost unrecognizable breasts were bouncing around as the car dashed along. Things went so bad that Jana finally passed out while her stretched out orbs protruded outside of the car and crashed repeatedly into passing signposts. Her sore nipples were pulled with such a force that the formerly tiny nubs were now inches long and stretched like never before.

Meanwhile, Maya screamed like a maniac, completely freaking out over how the cruel device separated her boobs from her body. The formerly massive base of her breast has gotten so small that she feared her skin would break and the ball of flesh would simply roll off her body! She would never forget that nightmarish picture.

Gula yelled concerned, “Cathy, you have to do something! I think Jana is already out cold, and Maya is not doing well either!”

“Just tell me where to drive, dammit! This doesn’t look good…no, this doesn’t look good at all!”

“To the right, turn right! Jana’s boobs are still navigating! Follow their lead! I just hope Jana will be fine….”

Gula tried to wake up the passed out girl, splashed some cold water in her face and over her strained breasts and tried to fan her with his bare hands . But it didn’t help. At least there was enough fresh air since the top of the car was open.

And then Maya passed out, too. Gula just heard a final moan and the girl was out cold. Now he was alone in the back of the car, alone with four jumping, jiggling and horribly distended breasts that drove him crazy.

“Cathy… Cathy! Can’t you do something? Maya passed out… And look at their boobs! They’re… they’re turning purple! This is bad… This is so bad!”

“I’ll… what the heck should I do? I can only drive faster!”

“Then do it! We need to get there, quick! Maybe those guys can save them! If this continues, our friends will be toast!”

Gula watched the boobs dancing around, slapping against each other, banging against the interior of the car. Another signpost hit one of Jana’s breasts that jutted out of the car. What a mess.

Cathy drove as fast as she could while Gula tried to read the instructions from the bouncing flesh around him. Both were totally stressed out and close to breaking down when they finally approached a huge industrial complex in the middle of nowhere.

Cathy yelled, “Hold tight!” as she steered towards a closed gate, the car zooming at full speed.

They crashed through, the flimsy barrier ripped to shreds, and roared to a halt. Two guards came racing towards them and yelled, “Don’t move! Don’t move or we’ll shoot!!”

“This must be it! The boobs are stopping their torment! Jana, Maya, wake up! We arrived! Come on, girls! Wake up!”

Gula was so glad when he saw Jana open her eyes. Maya stirred and groaned as she regained consciousness. Both girls gasped in shock as they saw their breasts.

“I thought it all was a nightmare…” mumbled Jana as she inspected herself, “At least that thing stopped tearing at me!”

“Ouch… This hurts so bad! I have to get rid of this thing!”

When Gula finally got aware of the yelling guards he muttered, “Uh-oh, I think we’re in trouble!”

The evil-looking man approached them, guns pointing at the steaming car, and yelled, “Hands up, hands up! Who are you, what do you want here? Why did you crash through the gate?!”

“Oh fuck it!” screamed Cathy, totally fed up with the situation, “This is M.A.M.M.A.R.I.E.S, right? Just get me your fucking boss or whatever. You guys ordered us to come here! Just look at our friends, look at what your great invention does to them!”

The guards slowly approached the car to get a better look. When they saw Jana and Maya, saw the metal contraptions treating their bountiful breasts they grinned openly.

Then, after they enjoyed a good view and joked about the wonderful sight, they finally verified their customer ID. Each of them grabbed one of the whimpering girls, hoisted them over their shoulder and guided the small group into the bowels of the M.A.M.M.A.R.I.E.S. complex.

A technician was awaiting them and greeted, “Please make yourself comfortable. Our support staff will be with you any minute. Let me ease your pain a little”

“Better be quick!” groaned Jana, barely awake, “This evil thing is killing me!”

He reached out to Jana’s companion and poked around a little which made the monster relax it’s evil grip slightly. Then he turned around and repeated the procedure with Maya’s metal friend and muttered, “Sorry, that’s all I can do. Our experts will get you out later.”

“How’re your guys doing?” asked Gula concerned, checking the bloated orbs of both girls. They looked very, very painful but also breathtakingly sexy.

“It’s the worst!” complained Maya. But Gula thought he spotted a slight grin in her face.

“Yeah, can’t wait to get out of this. Where are those guys?”

They were alone again, waiting for whomever called them here in this absolutely mind-boggling way.

“What do you guys think, what will they ask from us?”

“I’m really scared,” whispered Maya, “They tricked us in this situation, grabbed us by our boobs and yanked us into this lab! Certainly they’re up to no good!”

“I liked their approach though. ‘Boob-navigation’…” Gula giggled.

“Yeah, kind of funny,” smirked Cathy, “That was a hell of a ride!”

“Yes it was. But only in the beginning. I really want to get rid of this damn thing now! It freaks me out! I fear it will rip me to shreds any moment!”

“Well, it’s only interested in your boobies, so there is no real danger…”

“I love my boobies! I don’t want them ruined by some whacko metal monster!”

Suddenly the door opened, and an elderly couple entered the room followed by a bunch of technicians.

“Welcome at our labs. I’m Antoinette and this is my beloved husband Philippe. We’re the proud owners of this facility, and enthusiastic fans of your work. Your achievements are really amazing!”

“Thanks… So can you fix your… machines?”

“Sure. But first let us do a short tour.”

“Please, those things are killing me?!”

“OK, OK. Mr. Bright, can you please give the girls some relief?”

A guy in a lab coat approached Jana, connected some device to her companion and suddenly the extenders collapsed a bit and let her boobs relax a bit more. He then continued with Maya’s robot and made her breasts feel better, too.

“Thanks. But can’t you just get us out of those monsters? They’re holding us hostage for hours!”

“Not yet, not yet. Let us first do that tour. We want to show you something.”

Chapter 79: The Offer

The group was ushered into the next building, a large, fancy, arena-like complex. Antoinette explained, “Of course we could show you all the boring research we do here, the A.I. we develop and the micromechanics we invent. But I think you experienced our capabilities already with your two companions. By the way, thanks Mr. Gulavisual for that inspiration. You really are a creative mind. We would instantly hire you as chief designer for our more adventurous creations in case you are interested.”

Gula blushed, “I’m humbled. What a kind offer!”

“So here you see our entertainment area. Both my husband and I are fans of performance artists and inventive, provocative theater shows. We are regularly sponsoring upcoming talents and host exciting events within these walls.”

“Sounds interesting. But what exactly does that have to do with our project?”

“Please let me finish. Just take a look at the modern equipment and extensive capabilities of this building. We can do everything here that’s technically feasible, including live projections of artificial, life-like 3D animations. Now to your point: We want to offer you, Jana and Maya, an ongoing engagement. We have received the pictures you did for us and are absolutely delighted. You are indeed a great team.”

“An engagement? What’s the catch?” asked Jana curiously, stroking her buzzing melons.

“Well, you and Maya would perform ‘Living Iron’. Live on stage, in front of a large audience.”

“The complete Living Iron?” Jana’s voice trembled. “With needles and stuff?”

“Yes. The complete works. But we can do all kinds of tricks and have an excellent medical team on standby, so you really shouldn’t worry about those details.”

Maya looked at Jana, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “We should do this!” she whispered. But Jana wasn’t ready just yet.

“What’s in for us?”

“So much money that you can live off a 1-month engagement for at least a year. And we would graciously support Cathy’s new ventures. And as mentioned before, Gulavisual has already gotten a job offer from us anyway.”

That sounded too good to be true. Jana looked in the faces of her friends. Everybody was eager to get started. But could she trust those people?

She looked in Cathy’s pleading eyes, in Maya’s flushed face and said, “I don’t know… I’m not sure I can trust you so much that I would be willing to go that far.”

“I understand that. This is why we also hired your original team for the project. Your old friends Tom, Tim, Bob and Julie will be sitting through the rehearsals and help you perform. And Bull and his team will be helping, too.”

Jana grinned, “That’s great! I’m happy to hear that! This actually makes a huge difference. I know I can trust those people! If those guys are part of the arrangement, I’m definitely in!”

“Thank you. This is fantastic news.”

“Oh, by the way, who will play the role of the blacksmith?”

“That will be your friend Julie. She already volunteered for the role. In fact, she was the one who proposed the project in the first place.”

“Really? I see… And the demon? Who will play that demon?”

“Oh, that will be my husband Philippe. He is really looking forward to this! Alright, enough of the chatter. Jana, Maya, follow me. Our medical team wants to give you a quick training before we start with the rehearsals. They will also get you out of your companions. Everybody else, please enjoy your time off.”

The medical section. So there will be needles and stuff. Jana shuddered. She just hoped that she would indeed enjoy this engagement. Having such a large team taking care of her was definitely a plus, but was she up to the challenge? Jana followed Maya into a blindingly white room full of people dressed in white lab coats. At least she would finally get out of her awful companion.

And Maya seemed to be so happy! Her excitement definitely carried over to the team. The mechanic giggled constantly and couldn’t stop looking at all the high-tech stuff around them.

If she was honest, even Jana was looking forward to the actual play. If they would only skip the needles part! But with all those friends around her there was nothing to fear. They would care for her, they would make sure everything was fine.


Thanks again, Gula, for your great art!





Written by QexiQex

I enjoy writing about big breasts in peril. Feedback always appreciated! In case you are interested in joining my Discord, send me a message.

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