Lost in Akiba

50 min readJan 7, 2021


by QexiQex

Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.

Main themes of this story are: big breasts, exhibitionism, lactation, object insertion. This story has non-consensual aspects in it.

The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.

Chapter 1

It had been a rough year for Brea. Ever since her older sister Rachel delivered quadruples, her whole family had been in turmoil. And since only Brea lived close enough to the newly baked single mom, Rachel’s ‘sweetheart’ had left before the babies were even born, she felt obliged to help her sister out.

So she had moved in. Rachel had been so thankful about Brea’s compassion and soon shared every fear, every worry with her younger, thinner sister. The pregnancy had been a nightmarish experience for her and she felt so terribly alone after her boyfriend had left her.

And if that wasn’t enough she faced a ‘milk problem’. Rachel had managed to psych herself up to incredible levels with her worry about breastfeeding. So much so that the new mom wouldn’t talk about anything else for days. The only problem was that there was no milk. Not the tiniest drop.

The four tiny baby girls had cried all night, but Rachel steadfast refused to give them the bottle. She hoped for a miracle, hoped that her dry, uncooperative breasts would finally deliver. Only they didn’t.

Instead Brea’s did. And she still couldn’t understand why. The doctor had told her that some kind of ancient survival program had been activated in her body, that her breasts covered for the incapable new mom so the babies could be fed.

And how they did! Only days after the girls were back from hospital and the young family got settled, her boobs began to itch and ache; and grow; and wet her shirts. Her rosy nipples suddenly were thick as thumbs and poked through every bra and shirt she owned. It didn’t take long for Rachel to figure out what was going on. And of course there was no way for Brea to refuse the rather obvious request.

So yes, she had stepped in. The young redhead had nursed the little girls, and it had been a joy. Sometimes. Her bloated boobs had hurt most of the time and continued to grow to meet the increasing demand, but that was a price she was willing to pay. Life had been tough, but somehow Rachel and Brea managed to keep those greedy little monsters satisfied and healthy.

One year later Rachel thankfully decided that it was enough and that they would switch over to other food. And even better, her stupid ‘boyfriend’ suddenly turned up again. Apparently the pictures of those cute little baby girls had melted his heart. So suddenly Brea was free from any obligations — and quickly got asked when she could move out again.

The young woman had been planning to go back to university to get a grade in Asian studies. She loved Asia, loved everything Japanese since she could remember. Thinking about her future, she decided to visit that fascinating country first, with the little money she had left. Before committing one’s life to a culture, one should better experience it first hand first, right?

To her surprise, everything went smoothly. She had managed to get a rather cheap flight, got a study visa which included a limited work permit and a book full of helpful contacts from university. She even had found an affordable dorm right at the center of the Kando district, close to Akihabara station. Everything seemed to work out perfectly, just that her boobs were as large and bloated as ever and still hurt like shit.

The flight had been a major pain in the neck. She had been in the bathroom so often she couldn’t even remember, milking herself, spaying that precious white fluid down the drain. She had left the breast pump at home on a whim because she wanted her tits to finally stop lactating. So it was best to just give up with the pumping altogether, right? Just go cold turkey, she had told herself, things would settle down naturally.

Only they didn’t. It was probably the right approach in theory, but Brea just hadn’t been prepared for the awful pain it would cause. Maybe it was because she had been used to give milk to four screaming babies for an entire year, maybe her milky white boobies were just so productive that all the milk she was making simply had to get out.

Whatever it was, it made the flight a miserable experience. But she somehow managed to make it through. On the positive side, the rest of the trip had been a breeze. Immigration had been pretty easy with all the supporting paperwork from university, and the young officer behind the counter had enjoyed ogling the thin, short, big breasted girl so much that she started to wonder if he would ask her out.

So now she was in her smallish room that she apparently shared with a young, freckled girl from the Netherlands. A real cutie. She only had met her for a brief moment but she seemed nice.

The first weeks were over fast and Brea was stunned when she noticed she had been in Tokyo for three weeks already. On the plus side, she now found her way around and had figured out where to buy food and what cool clubs to visit. Her studies slowly picked up as well and she found the new experiences incredibly stimulating. Her course in Japanese was incredibly challenging but she was confident she would soon understand the language.

On the not so good side, her boobs still felt incredibly bloated and hurt most of the time. And she still had to empty herself on multiple occasions each day. Thankfully, she had managed to buy a new breast pump, measly small for the amount of milk her twins produced, and the little device had improved the situation quite a bit.

Brea soon noticed that her money was draining away much quicker than expected. Her cash was dwindling fast and she wasn’t quite sure how long her credit card was going to work. She feared that the limit was close already and that soon she would be in real trouble. She had to find a job.

Back when she had passed through immigration, the helpful officer had written down some Kanji characters and had told her with a smile that this would be her name in Japanese. She looked at the note again:

爆乳牛: Brea Stacey Cowie.

Brea had heard that it was essential to have business cards in Japan and wondered if she should get some with those Kanjis on them in order to find a job. It couldn’t hurt.

And so she got some printed, her English name on one side and those Japanese Kanjis on the other. Then there was her phone number, email and postal address. She chose a fancy black/white template that somehow resembled the pattern on a cow’s fur. It looked quite neat.

Now she just needed to find some job openings! Brea started her search right at the heart of Akiba. She browsed through the coffee shops and restaurants, always on the lookout for interesting postings. Unfortunately she couldn’t read Japanese and the chances to stumble on an English one were pretty slim.

After some days she figured that there was no way around it. She had to market herself way more aggressively if she wanted to land a job here, even if it made her feel uncomfortable. And so she actively approached whomever she thought might know something and forced her card onto them. Surprisingly many of the folks acted funny once they had a look at her card. Some even chuckled openly and she couldn’t make sense out of it. Was there some spelling error? Or maybe they just found her milk-stained shirt amusing?

And then, finally, one guy sporting a suspiciously wide grin handed her a sheet full of Japanese characters and told her “Yes, job! Next street! Maid Cafe OK?”

She looked back at him with interest. A maid cafe? Brea had heard about those already. Weird Japanese inventions. It wouldn’t hurt to check it out.

The guy showed her the way and a few moments later she was standing in a little coffee shop packed full of people. Her guide started to talk enthusiastically with an older man who finally approached her.

“You Ms… Cow…ie?”

“Yes, that’s me. Brea Cowie. You have a job for me?”

“Yes, yes I have. So you know about job? Milk serve? New idea! Very good job! Paying very good!”

Brea glanced around. The place seemed fine. She saw some girls in rather skimpy outfits serving customers. They had little horns on their head and a black and white pattern similar to that one on her card on their way too small dresses.

Cows. They looked a bit like cows. And it made sense somehow. The cafe almost exclusively served dishes and drinks made of milk.

So that would be her job. Serving milk to customers. In a skimpy outfit. Well, there were certainly better jobs, but she had not much choice.

Brea nodded, “Yes, I take it. When can I start?”

“Please sign. Also need take measure. Start Monday next OK? 6pm Monday OK?”

Brea nodded again as she signed the ineligible paper that he thrusted in her face. The man nodded happily as he pushed her into a tiny room behind the counter where they barely fitted inside. He motioned one of the waitresses over and started talking to her.

The young girl nodded several times and said ‘Hi’ all the time, which didn’t irritate Brea any more. She was used to that behavior by now. Then the man left and the girl turned to Brea and hushed “Wait please?” She dashed out of the room only to return a moment later, brandishing a flexible measurement tape that she unceremoniously slung around Brea’s waist.

Brea stood still, imagining herself in one of those cute dresses that all those pretty girls at the cafe wore. She followed the girl’s gestures, let her push her arms and legs around. Then the girl murmured “Excuse me, please?” as her tiny hands reached for the seam of Brea’s shirt and quickly pulled it over her head.

Brea was startled. Why would they need such exact measurements that a simple shirt would be in the way? Still in thought she jumped as the cold hands of the strange girl touched her again, this time at her back. And then her bra was gone. Brea gasped in surprise, her head flushing, her hands shooting forward to cover her massive breasts.

“What the fuck?” she screamed, more in surprise than in anger. The poor young waitress seemed to be equally startled by her sudden outburst, or probably by her leaking nipples. She leapt away and hushed “So sorry!” with her head lowered. She looked up again and said “Sorry but important! Please?”

The waitress stepped closer again, the measuring tape in her hand. She hesitated, tried to judge Brea’s reaction. Brea felt sorry for the young girl and decided to play along. Whatever she was up to, it certainly wasn’t dangerous. So Brea held still and let the girl do her job.

She was wondering though why the hell they needed to measure the circumference of her hurting boobs. Anything about her breasts seemed to be of special interest to the girl as she spent ages on measuring and documenting any possible fact about Brea’s chest area. Finally the tiny woman nodded, smiled brightly and, with an enthusiastic “Thank you!” handed the clothes back to Brea.

“What the fuck was that?” Brea murmured as she stepped out of the strange place and into the bustling streets of Akiba. She couldn’t really make sense of this experience and decided to just ignore it for now. She would see on Monday if that place was reasonable or not.

Brea spent the next days studying while trying to keep her expenses down. The Japanese language turned out way more complicated than she had thought and she was about to give up on learning it. Three different character sets, one of them made up of thousands upon thousands of weird symbols was just too much for her little brain.

Thankfully, her trusty little milking machine worked wonders as ever and Brea could be productive in her free time, more or less satisfied with the little she had.

Monday however was a different story. Not only got she up late, but her pump broke down just when she tried to empty herself in the morning. She was miserable and angry. Her roommate tried to be of help but she couldn’t do anything either. Once Brea calmed down a bit she barely had time to shower and eat before she dashed out of the door and to university.

The morning went kind of OK except for the slowly building pressure in her breasts. Brea tried to express some milk in the bathroom but it was so ineffective and she just hadn’t had the time nor the patience for it. And then, once lunch was over, she suddenly got nervous. What would the evening bring? Would the job be worth it or an utter disaster? It was hard to tell. She felt queasy.

As she entered the small cafe at 6pm she felt rather stressed and way too nervous for her liking. Her breasts were full and bloated and she yearned for a good milking. Brea looked for the old man but the room was bustling with younger people. No old guy to be found. She saw the same waitress though. Brea approached her, bag still over her shoulder and asked “Job?”

The girl nodded, motioned outside and said “Next door up!”

Brea was confused. This was the cafe where she was supposed to work at, right? She shook her head and said “No, I have a job here, at this cafe!” The girl nodded, “Yes, yes, next door up please?” Brea gave up and went outside looking for the door the girl had mentioned. She found a hazardous looking flight of wooden stairs that led to a small, unassuming door on the second floor. There was a card reader at the side. Brea tried to open the door but it was locked. Suddenly the lock buzzed and the door swung open. And Brea struggled to put some sense in what she saw.

The tiny room was crammed full of stuff, boxes of food and supplies covering every nook and cranny. Except for a small, wooden structure that was painted with the same black and white pattern and some bright, Japanese letters. The oddest part about that thing was the large hole in its middle section and the bright arrows pointing towards it. Suddenly a man appeared from behind the stall and greeted her. It was the same old man that offered her the job in the first place.

“Private room,” he grinned, “For special guests. Breast milk is speciality! This your workplace. This your costume. Please wear!”

Brea hesitated. What the hell did she sign up for? Breast milk? Yes, she lactated, but… He face flushed, she stammered “I.. I don’t know I…”

“Please? You signed!”

She nodded and reluctantly took the package with her new uniform. Brea entered the stall, shaking her head, mumbling to herself. She slowly stripped to her underwear, desperately trying to come up with an excuse to flee. She tried to put her new clothes on. It only got worse.

The so-called uniform was a cow costume, complete with shoes that looked like hooves, a tight-fitting, black-and-white cow-pattern leotard and a huge, rather cute cow head made of plush that resembled the many mascots of Japan. Brea struggled quite a bit but somehow managed to get everything on, including the giant head, her bra-clad breasts straining against the tight confines of the leotard. She stumbled back outside, barely able to see anything let alone walk with her new shoes.

Her boss smiled happily as he saw her new outfit.

“Very nice! But breast out, please?”


“Go inside and put breast out? Your job!”

Brea still didn’t understand. The man suddenly walked up to her and reached out. His hands found her tight bra and efficiently opened the clasp. Brea froze as he nonchalantly removed this essential piece of clothing and hefted her large, shaking boobs up and out, the seam of the leotard pushing uncomfortably against the soft undersides of her large, tender breasts.

Brea shrieked. But the man didn’t flinch and pushed her gently back in the stall.

“Now serve customers, please. Put breasts through hole so accessible.”

The confused girl didn’t know how to react to his demands so she complied, taking her position behind the hole. She pushed her chest forward and lifted her tits up a bit until they fitted through the rather small opening, her heavy assets resting on a ledge on the outside of the stall.

Something wet engulfed her right nipple, sucking gently on her teat. Brea gasped, surprised by the new sensation. She wanted to complain, to object to the blatant violation of her privacy, but instead she only could lean forward, pushing her bloated breasts into whatever was causing her to shudder in pleasure. The young woman was moaning joyfully and hoped the gentle sucking would never end.

After a while she came to her senses again, curious about what had happened to her. The pleasant tugging on her sensitive nubs continued relentlessly as she peeked through the gaps of the wooden stall. She saw the old man sucking on her tender breasts, emptying her milk-ladden udders slowly but steadily. He switched from one side to the other, causing her to moan again. Brea was almost sad when he finally let go of her, giving her tender tits a parting slap as he left.

Chapter 2

Brea was alone in the tiny room and soon missed the pleasant sucking. By now she understood what was expected of her and was actually looking forward to serve her customers. Soon a new guest entered the room, her room, and Brea didn’t have to wait long for the sucking to start again.

When she finally went back home that evening she whistled happily. For the first time since her pump broke she felt pleasantly empty again. Those gentle lips teasing her thick, hard nipples where the best thing that could have happened to her, and the young woman couldn’t wait to go back to work. And she wouldn’t need to spend any money on a new pump.

Every evening, as soon as she ended her study, Brea went back into her stall. She even started to like her strange costume as it brought back the memories of those delicious mouths. But unfortunately not all those customers were as well behaved. Sometimes those mouths where too eager, sucking with so much force that it hurt. Sometimes their hands would maul and pinch her breasts, and sometimes they would slap her tits so brutally that she felt the stings days later. But she was ready to put up with those nuisances. What she wasn’t willing to accept where those enterprising fingers that tried to break through the hole and into her costume. And unfortunately those expeditions got more and more frequent, with the most successful ones sneaking past her leotard and into her panties. It was only a matter of time until they would reach her honey pot.

Brea complained, first to the waitress, then to her boss. She wasn’t so sure if she got her point across, but the guy seemed quite happy with her services in general. He kept smiling at her, nodding whenever Brea said anything, and when she finally took a pen and some paper and tried to illustrate her complaints — doodling some hands that went to inappropriate places on a hand-drawn, sexy goddess — he emphatically voiced his support for preventing the undue touching.

Nothing really changed for a week and Brea assumed her explanation had simply failed. Then, one day, just when she was about to raise the issue again, her boss pulled her into the restaurant, served her a giant pot of ramen and beamed, “Ready! Please eat! Long service!”

Brea once again did not understand a thing. But her boss seemed so happy that she simply did as she was told and downed the steaming hot pot of noodles. As soon as she finished, the old man lead her up to the room again and showed her his surprise.

The small room had been thoroughly remodelled. Her crudely painted stall was gone, and so were all the cardboard boxes. A large wall made of beautiful, dark, finely textured wood took up an entire wall. And the room seemed a bit smaller. Brea marvelled at the sheer beauty of the wood and stepped closer to examine the odd object.

The material seemed to consist of thousands of thin sheets, layered on top of each other, providing the wall with an exquisite, polished finish. She brushed with her fingers over the delicate surface, mesmerized by the spotless, shiny object. But how was she supposed to service here? There were no signs, no stall, no nothing, just an empty room with huge, gleaming, beautiful wall.

“You like new place?” asked someone behind her. She instantly recognized the voice and spun around.

“It’s marvelous! But how am I going to offer my services? Where is my stall?”

The old man smiled and motioned her to follow him to the end of the room. His fingers traced along the right edge of the wooden wall. Suddenly a small panel snapped open, revealing a single, red button. He pushed it.

A dark hum filed the place. Silent creaking signalled that something was moving. Brea looked around, searching for the source. She saw a gap forming in the wooden wall, separating it into two halves. The view opened to a hidden, much smaller section of the room, equally clean and spotless with the only exception of some cameras mounted to the ceiling and along the tight space.

Her boss hustled towards the middle of the room, climbed over the lower section of the wooden wall and examined its surface. Suddenly he had two pieces of wood in his hands, both of oblong shape, their bottom circular and maybe as big around as a small bottle of beer. The top of each hole was flat and open towards the upper edge of the panel, their inner rim peculiarly formed. At the lower, round section, the wood was heavily tapered, the side towards the hidden part of the room significantly smaller in diameter than the outside.

The man pointed to the now visible, vertical, oblong gaps and said, “New workplace! Come!”

Brea didn’t understand. How was she supposed to work here? Where was she expected to put her swollen boobs?

“Workplace, here!” the man repeated and motioned her to come to the other, hidden side.

Brea climbed over the lower portion of the wall. She now noticed two large displays that were mounted in the corners. If she stood close to the wall she could easily look at them by turning her head left or right. The man pushed the costume towards her chest and repeated once again, “Workplace, here!”

Brea shrugged and put on the costume. By now she was used to display her large, white, swaying breasts to customers so she wasn’t too bothered to have the old man around. Once she was inside her leotard, shoes and mask the manager pulled her tits out and turned her around. He pushed her softly towards the open wall, maneuvering her breasts into the strange, open holes. Her large cow head bumped against something. A bit dizzy from the hit, the girl noticed that her swollen boobs were just at the right height as the man pushed them into the tight spaces.

The holes were small, way too small for her. But thanks to the oblong shape her breasts somehow fitted, squashed vertically into two funny looking, fleshy pillows.

She examined the wooden wall once again, her fingers trailing around the smooth surface of the cutouts that were now filled by her oddly formed breasts. The wall was maybe as thick as a brick and seemed very stable. The strange, tapered rim of the cutouts forced her breasts to bulge out further, constricting them tightly near her chest.

The man climbed over the wall again and grabbed her naked breasts from the other side. One by one he pulled them through the holes as far as they would go, until the tight inside part of the circular bottom rested squarely at her rib cage, her entire breast trapped in the odd openings. Then he snapped two clamps on her fat, hard nipples.

Her boss grinned happily and lightly slapped her tender pillows. Then he turned around, went to the small panel again and pushed the button, murmuring something about “Next time alone. Ten minute for automatic fitting!”

Brea watched with concern as the top part of the wall slowly descended. Was this really going to work? How was she supposed to get out again? And why was she wearing a costume when nobody would ever see her? For those cameras?

The upper section of the wall got closer and suddenly Brea saw something she didn’t recognize before. And it made her panic.

There, at the bottom of the wooden object slowly moving downwards, were two evil looking protrusions, their bottom side of circular shape and equally tapered. And those protrusions were heading right for the two holes occupied by her bloated breasts.

This was insane! Brea knew she had to get out and fast! She pulled her tits out of the holes. At least she tried, but two strong hands on the other side pulled as well, keeping her breasts in place. The girl panicked, yelled, smashed her silly cow head against the wall but it was no use. The grip on her vulnerable tits held fast.

Like stamps the two, wooden protrusions slowly pushed down on her tits, squeezing her flesh together. Slowly, very slowly the top part of the wall came down. Brea screamed frantically as her tits got squashed further and further.

The humming got a bit louder and as the upper section got pressed in place, forming her large breasts into perfect, circular globes again. The pressure was forcing her twins to bunch up and expand to the other side, to gain space wherever possible. Brea squinted, waiting for the pain to hit as her large melons got squished into tight rolls of dough.

She heard something click, the locks engaged. And Brea was surprised that the pain wasn’t actually all that bad. Sure, her breasts felt strange, like balloons ready to pop, but compared to the pain she was used to by now it was definitely bearable.

The gap had completely closed and was not visible anymore to the naked eye. The fine marbling of the surface, the pattern of the thousands of thin sheets was whole again, and nothing hinted at the hidden secret. Nothing except the two, gigantic, jiggling white objects with a slight pinkish hue, two strong clamps adorning the thick nipples, trapping Brea’s milk inside. The old man left and Brea pondered what the day would bring.

Brea turned her head to check one of the displays. It showed the other side of the room which was now empty. Suddenly the door opened and the old man entered, pushing a small table with some silver bowl on it. The image changed, now only her two, bloated, clamp-adorned, milk-laden tits were visible, filling the entire screen. Brea gasped, amazed by the vulgarity of the image. She saw the table appear beneath her breasts, hands maneuvered everything in place, moving the large silver bowl right below her boobs. Then she felt something at her nipples, felt the clamps open. She moaned relieved.

The old man chuckled as her milk sprayed from the compressed, bloated udders without anything touching them. He reached out to the upper slope of one ballooning tit and slowly stroked downwards. The flow increased immediately. Happy with the arrangement, the man put the clamps back on the hard, thick nubs to shut off the milk and left the room. Brea groaned in frustration.

Only minutes later the door opened again. Brea looked at the display and saw another old man enter. He immediately went for her trapped tits and removed the clamps. Brea sighed happily as his warm mouth engulfed her nipples and sucked hard.

One by one her customers entered and left, draining Brea’s large udders bit by bit. Then, once she was empty, her boss showed up and pressed the button, freeing the exhausted girl for the day.

Brea got used to the routine pretty quickly. The self-fitting at the start of her shift had been a bit of a challenge, resulting in some angry screaming and cursing whenever her flesh got squeezed in the wrong way, but in general she had no problem with the setup as long as her tits got emptied by the guests. Every morning Brea in fact looked forward to her work shift and enjoyed the exquisite feelings her disembodied breasts caused.

Until the day everything went spectacularly wrong. That day, the fitting already was a disaster. Her tits got trapped when they were only halfway through, and it took more than an hour for someone to notice and call the manager. Instead of opening the wall again, some men simply pulled as hard as they could until her now hurting tits popped through.

Then the milk went out. Not her milk, but the regular cow milk used by the cafe below. And because it was apparently impossible to purchase some new milk, the manager instructed the girls to instead use Brea’s produce. A bea line had formed quickly in front of the wall, with young, sexy waitresses trying to express milk out of her swollen tits and into their tea cups and dishes.

Brea actually enjoyed the new sensations, the curious, tender hands caressing her bloated pillows. But once her tits were empty and couldn’t deliver, those tender hands quickly turned into evil, impatient monsters that squeezed, slapped and pulled her udders in a quest to harvest another drop. Brea soon yearned to be released. With her milk reservoir empty there surely was no point in keeping her around. And indeed, the waitresses soon stopped coming, only that another visitor showed up instead.

A young man, maybe in his twenties, entered the room, happily whistling, carrying a box under his arm.

“Cow? No-milk cow?” he asked, grinning evilly. He approached Brea’s breasts, put the box on the table and opened it. Having fun already, he showed the contents to one of the cameras saying “Now let’s check no-milk cow!”

Brea couldn’t really judge the size of the rubber bands but they looked incredibly tiny and very strong. Without further ado, the man pulled one of the bands open and let it slip over her left breast. Tears welled up in Brea’s eyes and she screamed in pain. But the stranger didn’t care and continued with his work.

One by one the bands found their way around her trapped tits, squeezing her flesh further and further, the tight loops of rubber quickly slipping down into the peculiarly formed wooden holes, vanishing from sight.

And suddenly there was milk again. It was only a trickle but it was enough to make the man jump in joy. His lips quickly wrapped around her leaking nipple and sucked with furor. Brea moaned as his eager tongue started pleasuring her, wondering how her damn buds could still be so sensitive after all the abuse. And for the first time she appreciated that the new wall kept enterprising fingers out. Otherwise that boy surely would have tried to get into her panties.

Suddenly the ground began to shake. It started with a tremor that made the walls creak. The tremor was followed by a series of loud bangs. Brea didn’t know what was going on but something deep inside of her was convinced that it was quite appropriate to panic. She felt the lips disengage. The man shouted something, clearly in panic, too, and dashed out of the room. The shaking only got worse.

Then the whole room crumbled, the floor breaking away, a chasm opening up below her. Brea skidded downward, only held up by her still trapped, awfully swollen breasts. She could now see the cafe below, see panicking people dashing out of the doors. Nobody seemed to notice the weird cow-girl with her huge, comical head hanging from her trapped tits.

And then the wall gave in as well. Brea saw the thin wooden sheets move, felt them squeeze her captured flesh even further. The pain was excruciating. The wall suddenly tilted and crashed down, taking the girl with it.

Brea screamed, her voice already hoarse, her tits the only thing keeping her from falling. The girl was dangling above the floor, her hands desperately searching for something to hold on, her boobs about to burst. Brea screamed for help, shouted and yelled but no one seemed to care.

Finally her fingers found a tiny ledge, a small, protruding piece of wood. Too small for her to hold on. She reacted quickly, grabbing her leotard’s shoulder piece and yanking it over the little nook to lessen the strain on her hurting bosom.

The stupid cow head was already pretty banged up and repeatedly got in the way until Brea finally managed to pull it off. She threw it down into the vacated cafe, happy to see a bit more of what was going on. Her head was still pressed uncomfortably against the wooden barrier above and her neck hurt already.

She felt the leotard strain and desperately tried to get more of the material onto the little hook. But it was in vain. Before long, the skimpy piece of clothing tore and bits and pieces of it sailed down to the destroyed room, leaving her hanging from her tits again, now naked. Only the shoes were still on her.

Brea was in panic. Slowly the thought settled in that it could be over, that this was how she would go out, hung by her own tits during a freak earthquake. But then she felt something on her trapped melons, someone was poking into her taut, bloated balls of fire. She heard somebody shout.

The strained wall trembled, Brea felt the tight openings around her breasts change shape again, squashing different parts of her flesh. The wall seemed to shift, the hidden gap in the middle move downward a bit. Brea feared the whole thing would collapse any moment, taking her with it.

The shouting got louder and more urgent. There was movement down the cafe. A group of men entered. They brought a large ladder with them and put it up quickly. The exhausted girl stepped on it, finally able to relieve her breasts from the strain. The guys looked at her with wide eyes, discussing something with a lot of giggling in between. Brea couldn’t understand a word but assumed they were surprised by the strange situation she was in. It surely had to be the first time they had to rescue someone trapped by their own breasts, naked.

She felt something poke into her tits again, heard faint mumbling. Someone squeezed her invisible udders from above. She heard someone laughing. Another hand squeezed her, then something harder, less careful hit her. Was someone stomping on her tit?

Suddenly a loud noise filled the building, a chainsaw cut into the wood. The blade appeared inches from Brea’s eyes. She felt intimidated by the powerful, dangerous tool and tried to step away from it as far as possible.

Which was a mistake. She missed the step, the ladder suddenly tilting and crashing down. Brea screamed in pain as her tits once more were the only thing saving her from the drop. The chainsaw stopped, someone yelled. A group of men appeared below her, quickly putting the ladder up again. Brea found the saving steps, groaning relieved and the chainsaw roared to life.

Soon, the wood trapping her melons got separated from the rest. The men curiously examined the tight rubber binding of her boobs, shaking their heads in disbelief. The bands may have saved her life though, keeping her breasts bloated and swollen enough to not slip through the holes.

A pair of scissors were brought and Brea groaned in relief as the bands were cut away. She was finally free again. The firefighters took the remaining pieces from her and guided her outside. A blanket was wrapped around her naked body and she was brought to hospital. It was all a blur.

Chapter 3

Brea was examined thoroughly, pampered and looked after. A kind nurse checked on her every hour and even pumped her breasts once she found out about Brea’s special needs. The tired girl slowly recovered and was released a few weeks later, now the proud owner of a brand new breast pump that the kind nurse had given to her so she could drain herself on her own again.

Still shocked by what had happened, the girl resumed her studies. It wasn’t much left to do except for a few remaining exams and some serious learning. The only problem once again was money.

Her previous job, the cafe and everything, was no more. She had heard rumors that her old boss even was facing trial for not following mandatory safety standards but she really wasn’t interested in any details and just wanted to forget that episode of her life. So she started to search for other jobs again but everyone turned her down citing her limited work permit and the pending end of her studies.

A few days later her roommate announced that she would move out in a few days. Brea was sad to see her go but didn’t expect the news to have any lasting impact on her life. She was wrong.

The new roommate showed up a few days after she left. And it was worse than she could ever imagine.

It was a guy. And she knew him. She had seen him on the display in her service room, binding her breasts with tight rubber bands. Brea was startled when she first met him, but he didn’t seem to recognize her at all. She thought about their first encounter, about the fact that she wore a cow costume at the time and that he anyway had only been interested in her naked, ballooning breasts. Of course he wouldn’t recognize her, he never saw her face in the first place! Brea relaxed a bit and decided to give him a chance.

Kage was nice and polite towards Brea and was quick to do the chores. After a few days Brea decided to forget what had happened between him and her breasts earlier. Who could fault him for playing a bit with a pair of trapped, bulging white tits with nobody else in the room? It surely was only natural for such a virile young man!

But then he started to fill his part of the dorm with these strange posters and figurines. Scantily clad or entirely naked girls, all with enormous breasts, doing unspeakable things. She wanted to object, hoped that if she voiced her concerns he would put them away. But it didn’t work. Maybe he didn’t understand, maybe he just didn’t care, but the figurines stayed. He seemed to know no shame.

All the bare breasted girls on the walls and in the cupboards irritated Brea to no end. And it only got worse. When the rest of his stuff arrived, he set up his desk, complete with a hefty computer, a huge screen and some odd, tablet-like device connected to it. From then on he seemed to work at his desk every minute he could spare, drawing incredibly obscene and terribly offensive art on it. Sure, his technique was phenomenal and the images, on a purely technical level, were absolutely stunning, but Brea couldn’t stop blushing whenever she caught a glimpse. She really got concerned about what was going on in that guy’s head.

Brea somehow managed to finish her studies and wondered if she should just return home. But her visa was good for another year and she really wanted to learn more about this strange, fascinating culture. As weird as he was, maybe her new roommate could offer a few more unusual perspectives, some more glimpses into the soul of this mysterious country!

Either way, nobody was waiting for her at home and she didn’t really know what to do there anyway. The sensible thing was surely to stay a bit longer and take in the fascinating experiences. If only her stupid money problem would go away.

But it didn’t. Soon she had to confess to Kage that she couldn’t keep paying the rent. The young man’s reaction was pretty muted. First she was concerned that he didn’t get her explanation, but when he proposed to pay the whole bill if he in return could use all the space she assumed he actually understood. Kage quickly scribbled something down on a piece of paper, a series of little characters that seemed to agree on some sort of contract. Brea’s interpretation was that she would still have the right to sleep in the room but that she would need to ask Kage whenever she needed something else. And he would get to use all the space except her bed.

Brea asked him if he knew of a job for her, explaining that she had searched for ages and nobody seemed to be interested in hiring her. He looked at her blankly. She searched for her purse and handed him one of her cards to show how professional she was about the whole thing. Kage took the card with interest and turned it around. And then burst out laughing. He couldn’t stop giggling for minutes, bouts of laughter shaking him repeatedly. He grunted, “Bakunyugyu! Bakunyugyu!” poked her oversized breasts and laughed again. Brea was puzzled. Was there something wrong with her card?

Kage finally managed to stop laughing and wiped tears out of his eyes. He smirked at her asking “Who told? This say big breasted cow in Japanese! Fit very well!” He poked into her breast again and giggled.

Brea’s face went red as a tomato. Her cards said she was a big breasted cow? What the hell was that border agent thinking? She was furious and threw the stack of cards in the trash. Kage still giggled without end.

The thought of her handing these cards out to random people made Brea blush on the spot. She felt so mortified by the very idea that her heart skipped a beat. This was so much worse than even her job at the cafe! How dare that agent! But there was nothing she could do about that now, except not using the cards anymore. She straightened herself and asked Kage where she should put her clothes now as she wouldn’t have an own wardrobe anymore. Still giggling, he pointed to a section of his own wardrobe.

The little she had barely fit inside, but Kage was adamant that she cleared her cupboards and shelves as he needed the part to put up more of his weird figurines. So Brea was left with a small bed and her clothes stored in another person’s wardrobe. Her toiletries and other essential stuff, including her trusty milk pump was now kept in a metal box in the bathroom. The little else she had, like her study material, laptop and headphones were kept in her satchel that had contained most of her possessions already.

Life went on. Brea got used to the situation, to asking Kage for permission before doing anything. He always just nodded and she could more or less mind her own business. Her financial situation didn’t improve at all though, and her visits to the city, to museums, monuments as well as the courses she took ate up her remaining cash fast. The credit card finally stopped working and Brea faced another tough decision. Should she get her return ticket now, as long as she still had enough money for it? Or should she hold out, in the hope that her situation improved again? Unfortunately, as her exams had ended, so had her work permit. But there was so much more to see!

Brea talked to Kage again, armed with pen and paper to illustrate her dilemma. He smiled, nodded and smiled again. When she asked him if he knew a job for her he shook his head but then suddenly froze. He grabbed his phone and called someone. Brea got excited. Maybe he had work for her!

After the call had ended he contacted even more people, his face slowly brightening up. Finally he turned to her, nodded and said, “Yes, job. Next month! But challenge! Sexy!”

Brea sighed relieved. Finally she would earn her own money again and wouldn’t be so dependent on Kage and his good-heartedness.

But then things changed. The next morning, when Brea entered the small bathroom with her pump for her morning milking session, Kage suddenly demanded to watch. Brea felt uncomfortable and objected at first, but he insisted and considering her current situation she finally accepted. So they got into the small bathroom together and the young man watched her mesmerized as she removed her clothes and started to pump her swollen tits.

Brea thought to see his face change when he got a first glimpse of her naked breasts, something in his eyes that gave away his surprise. Did he remember her? Did he remember her bloated, snow white milk-spewing udders? Brea wasn’t sure and she sure as hell wouldn’t ask. But something told her that he, too, now remembered their past encounter.

“Drink!” he suddenly demanded, pointing at the pump, “Drink now!”

Brea was startled. She never had thought about drinking her own milk. It seemed kind of wrong, something weird to do. She shook her head.

“Drink!” he demanded again, raising his voice. She shook her head once more.

Suddenly his hand was on her breast, his finger pinching her hard nipple.

“Drink!” he said again. Brea blushed. Afraid of what he would do if she refused she opened the pump and put the container at her lips. She took a large gulp. It tasted delicious, sweet and very pleasant.

“So that’s how I taste,” mused Brea, taking another sip. Kage watched her closely, then demanded the container himself. He downed its contents in one go and grinned, milk still on his lips, “Good! Good for breakfast!”

And from that day Kage didn’t buy any milk anymore and instead tasked Brea with providing enough for their daily needs. With the amount coming out of her tits, there was nothing to worry about. The breakfast cereal tasted so much better that Brea wondered why she didn’t use her milk earlier.

Kage continued to act strangely. One day he suddenly took away her pump and insisted to be present whenever she used it again. So every few hours they would sit together, he watching her as her tits got drained by the machine. Brea felt awkward.

Then her bra snapped. Brea put it down to aging material but it still upset her. She tried to fix the damaged piece with some yarn and cloth but it barely held together. When it happened again the next morning she got suspicious. And when another bra broke the next day, she confronted Kage and told him to stop destroying her things. But he played dumb.

Her last bra finally broke only a few days later. She was in tears. How was she supposed to leave the dorm now? With those huge, leaking tits under her shirt? Would she ever be able to afford a new one?

And the nightmare didn’t stop. Suddenly her panties started to itch. And it wasn’t a normal itch either, it was an itch from hell. She had to scratch herself at rather inappropriate places as soon as she put them on and it drove her mad. Her cleanly shaven pussy got so irritated by the fabric that it produced massive amounts of goo as soon as it got in contact with the cloth to wash away whatever was causing the issue. She simply couldn’t wear them. And Kage just smiled and kept watching her naked, bloated tits during their milking sessions.

Next up were her shirts, skirts and pants. Brea pleaded and begged Kage to stop this silly game but he simply kept laughing at her. One by one her clothes magically got lost or broke, and the cut or tear in the material somehow always affected the most important part of the piece, namely the crotch or breast area. Brea kept yelling at Kage, screamed at him to spare her from this nightmare. But soon there was nothing left to save.

She had spent an entire day naked in her dorm trying to figure out what to do. Stealing some of Kage’s clothes could work, but the guy had such a small frame and was so incredibly thin that she would have trouble to use anything from his wardrobe. She was lost.

When Kage returned to the dorm that day he brought a cute, gift wrapped box with him. He smiled, looked at her naked, dangling breasts and chimed, “For you!”

Brea opened the packet, fully expecting to find some sort of uber-skimpy dress inside that would show off her massive tits more than conceal them. She definitely didn’t expect what she found in there.

The shiny, black leather was a welcome surprise though, and the piece seemed to even cover the entire body. Definitely not the skimpy outfit she had feared, but a full body suit instead. It looked more appropriate for a ride on a motorbike than for a visit of the steaming hot, humid city thought. But it also did not expose any of her womanly attributes in inappropriate ways. She jumped in joy, happy to have at least one set of clothes to wear and hugged Kago thankfully, mashing her naked tits into his tiny body.

Brea unfolded the piece of clothing, trying to figure out how to put it on. There was a large zipper on the back of it, reaching from between the shoulder blades down to just above her butt. She opened it carefully.

The young woman then tried to get her shapely, naked legs into the leather suit but struggled to do so. The tight material just didn’t want to let her in. Kage watched her a while with interest, paying special attention to her wobbling, shaking tits. After a bit he handed her a bottle and motioned to apply its content to her body.

Brea squeezed the oily stuff on her skin and carefully covered herself with the lotion. Soon, her snow white body was glistening, her skin shiny like the skin of a pale, well oiled bodybuilder. She tried again to get into the suit and this time her legs slipped in without effort.

The pants fit snuggly, hugging her legs like they were made for them. Brea noticed that the legs didn’t have any openings at the ends but instead ended in spectacular, 10 inch stilettos made of equally black leather, affixed to the suit without any visible seam. Her feet slipped into the shoes with ease.

When she tried to pull up the leather pants she noticed something else. The crotch section seemed to be strengthened in some places. Thick bulges on the inside of the suit formed the area in a way that forced her bare nether lips to spread slightly and open up a bit. To top it off, a prominent nudge at just the right spot pressed into her most sensitive area as soon as he tried to close the zipper a bit. Brea squirmed as she forced the slick leather in place. Her new roommate looked at her questioningly but didn’t say a thing.

Brea examined the rest of the suit dangling down in front of her. The waist section seemed awfully tight and she wondered if it would fit at all. The chest area definitely wasn’t big enough to contain her massive breasts though and Brea questioned whether Kage actually had taken her size into account.

Two small holes in the chest section caught her interest. Kage smiled and pointed to her leaking nipples. The young woman hoped the holes would somehow allow for an easier milk extraction and was actually kind of happy to discover them. She turned around, tummy on the floor and aligned her breasts with the little openings. Then she tried to slip her arms into the suit, noting that just like the legs, the arms, without visible seam, ended in some sort of leather gloves. It became obvious that she needed help with getting the suit on.

Kage knelt beside her and started to work some thin ropes through a bunch of holes on her back that she didn’t notice before. Slowly, he cinched the suit tighter and tighter, squeezing her upper body into the slick leather. Brea could barely breathe as the suit wrapped itself around her body, compressing her flesh bit by bit.

The young man slowly pulled the large zipper up, cinching some of the ropes even tighter in the process. Brea felt like a sausage pressed in a way too tight casing. The sustained pressure took her breath away. She heard the zipper closing and something snapping shut. Kago let go of her and helped her up.

Brea had trouble standing upright. The 10 inch high heels were bad enough for her inexperienced legs, but the tight leather squeezing her body really made her pant. Her large melons were squashed flat into her body, her hard, fat nipples poking through the tiny holes, drooling milk. Kage playfully diddled her thick buds and messed with them a bit. Suddenly he had two black objects in his hand and put them over her gushing nipples. Brea yelped as the clamps squeezed her buds, immediately shutting off the milk flow. She still tried to cope with the sudden pain when her roommate pushed her towards the mirror.

The sight was nothing short of spectacular. A young, lean, tall woman with fiery red hair, dressed in black leather looked back at her, her posture as erotic as it could be. The high stilettos forced her legs into a position that emphasized her round ass and her impossibly thin waist. The two black clamps covering her nipples were totally unobtrusive and well fitting with the rest of the outfit. She looked absolutely stunning.

Kage stuffed a few things into his backpack and then announced, “Now go work!” He opened the door and motioned her to follow.

The walk to the train station was quite a challenge for Brea. Not only was it difficult to keep the balance on those heels, but every step made the leather rub against her unprotected clit. The tight leather squeezing her chest made it difficult to breathe and the looks everyone on the streets gave her made Brea nervous and self-aware to no end. On top of that, Kage was rushing her, pushing her to a brisk walk through the city.

She was sweating profusely by the time she entered the train and her pussy was rubbed raw by the leather. Brea feared she would come right in the middle of the crowd if anything would force her to move another step. Thankfully the ride was quick, and except for some painful tugging at her nipple clamps as people brushed by in the crowded train nothing really happened.

Just before they entered a nondescript business complex, Kage pulled something out of his backpack and thrust it towards Brea, telling her “Wear for job. Now!”

The young woman grabbed the black object and examined it curiously. It was the same black leather as her suit but much smaller. A mask! It was a mask, fitting to the rest of her outfit. Brea wondered what kind of job Kage actually had for her. A work place that required her to wear such a strange outfit definitely seemed fishy. She shrugged and put the mask on.

She didn’t expect the inbuilt ballgag nor did she expect Kage to quickly zip the mask to the rest of her leather outfit as soon as she put it on. Before she could even react, the young man had put another lock on her, fastening the zipper on her back to the one of her new headwear. The leather-clad girl was effectively silenced and transformed into a black doll, her face not visible except for a small area around her eyes. Her breathing quickened as she struggled to get enough air into her lungs.

Brea contemplated to run away, to escape from whatever Kage had set up for her. It clearly was something weird and potentially dangerous. But on the other hand it may help her to finally earn some own money again. And it might be a new, exciting experience. She decided to play along and entered the building.

Kage led her into the bowels of the large complex, taking an elevator several floors down. The basement looked deserted, no one else seemed to be around. They passed through some unassuming doors, walked along some abandoned hallways until finally Kage touched a card to some reader and a small, locked door opened. He pushed her inside and closed the door again.

Now the walls started to look nicer, livelier. Brea could make out a coffee machine and some bits of food on a table. Kage led her through another door and Brea found herself in some sort of classroom, maybe for an art class. Plenty of easels were set up around a red, plushy bed in the middle. A number of steel wires hung from the ceiling right above the bed, affixed to a complicated looking arrangement of metal and machinery. There were no other people around. Brea’s only guess was that her new job was some sort of art model and students would draw her. But why then the strange outfit?

Kage didn’t explain anything. Instead he pushed her on the bed and started to hook the wires into some lugs in her suit. When he was satisfied, he pulled another item from his backpack and handed it to her.

“Put on now.”

It was a blindfold, made of black leather. Brea hesitated. Kage impatiently stepped closer and repeated, “Put on now!”

Brea shrugged and slid the leather over her eyes. The mask fit perfectly, hiding the last remaining parts of her skin. She now was all black leather.

Brea heard Kage move around, pull her arms on her back. She heard some clicks, noticed worriedly that she couldn’t move her arms anymore, that her chest suddenly felt even tighter. She heard the door open, heard someone talking excitedly. More voices, chatter, people walking, moving things. She heard Kage say something, heard people laughing. Then there was silence.

Somebody was touching her, first on her breast then at her back, fiddling with her suit. Suddenly the bite on her nipples was gone. People were laughing again. Something squeezed her nipple, pulled at the bud. Something warm wrapped around it and sucked hard. Brea groaned into her gag.

Then something popped, followed by another similar sound. The leather-clad girl heard people gasp and murmur. Some were apparently applauding. At the same time, she felt fresh, cold air on her breasts and between her legs. And she felt much less constrained around her chest, almost like… could it be?

Chapter 4

She heard Kage talking again, giggling and joking. Suddenly something was pulling her upwards. She was tilting, flying in the air, her large, leaking pillows dangling down. Then there were hands on her tits, squeezing her, pulling her tender, white flesh out in the open. Yes, yes her breasts were obviously naked now, free from the constraining leather. There were more hands, different hands, touching her, pinching her, exploring her. Some found her bare pussy, teasing her glistening folds. And there were mouths, thank god there were warm, hungry mouths sucking on her tits, drinking her sweet milk.

Brea experienced pure bliss. So many eager hands explored her warm, full breasts and her wet, excited sex that she didn’t know on what to focus on. So she tried not to worry and simply enjoyed the attention. The constant sucking, the poking, kneading and squeezing overwhelmed her senses. And the black suit only served to amplify everything that was happening to her tits and cunt by effectively muting every other part of her body. Plenty of fingers soon explored her tender love button more closely and Brea was writhing from her first orgasm in no time. And it was only the beginning.

She couldn’t remember how often she came that afternoon, but it was a lot. Her tits got drained like never before, sucked empty until her nipples were chafed raw. She had been spun around, bent, even hung upside down for quite some time, all the while her tits got mauled and her pussy explored. Sometimes she felt her tits being jerked around, constricted and bound tightly. Sometimes they slapped them or pulled at them, manipulating her boobs in all kinds of ways.

She could also tell that they were entering her sex, not only with their twitchy fingers, but also with other objects. At one time a vibrating stick, probably a dildo was pushed deep inside and they slowly fucked her with it until she twitched and trembled. And one time she feared her pussy would get ripped apart. It started slowly, with a dull ache. But they kept adding to it, jamming more and more things into her tender hole until she thought she would explode. Stuffed full with god knows what, they diddled her exposed marble until she came again and again.

On and on it went until they pulled her upside down and eager hands opened up her slick folds once again. This time she felt other, more papery things getting pushed inside. Their voices sounded happy, grateful even as the many hands stuffed her little pussy with something she couldn’t put her finger on.

Finally she heard the door open and people leaving. A few moments later she heard Kage saying, “Finished now. Good job!” as he got to work on her groin. She felt leather slip over her bare, tender pussy and heard some clicks. Then the wires moved until she was lying on the cushy bed, her bare breasts out in the open. She felt leather slipping and heard Kage grunting. He squeezed her large tits brutally, huffed and puffed as he tried to put the breast section back on the suit. Brea squirmed, her sore tits hurting terribly. Finally the leather clicked in place and Kage let go of her.

He helped her up and fiddled with the back of her suit. The zipper of her mask was opened and he carefully removed the blindfold and the tight headgear. For the first time in hours Brea could see again. She creaked, “Wow, what a job!” her eyes glinting from endorphins in her bloodstream, her cheeks rosy.

“Yes, yes, good job!” Kage beamed as he tousled her sweaty hair lovingly, “You good girl! Good!”

Brea glanced around the now empty room. The easels were still there, it almost looked like nothing had happened. Kage put the mask and blindfold into his backpack again and slowly pushed her through the door.

The trip back to the dorm seemed much quicker than before. Brea was still so excited, so agitated by the unusual experience that she couldn’t stop thinking about it. What did those people do to her? What really happened in that room? And why did her pussy itch so terribly?

Kage helped her out of the suit as soon as they were back. He opened the little lock on her back and carefully peeled the tight leather from her sweaty skin. Brea welcomed the newfound freedom, enjoyed being truly naked again.

Standing on her bare feet, her tendons twitching from exhaustion, she spread her legs and reached into her slick pussy to find out what was irritating her so terribly. Surprised by the odd find, she pulled out a crumbled 10.000 Yen note. Another trip into her raw hole netted her a few more notes. Brea’s eyes grew wider and wider as she kept pulling money out of her body.

“I can’t believe this! It’s like I’m a freaking piggy bank! They stuffed me full of cash!”

She kept fishing for more, pulling more and more notes out of herself until she couldn’t reach deep enough. She moved around a little, convinced that there was still more inside. There was only one obvious way to find out. And he had seen her pussy already anyway by now. She turned to Kage and asked him for help.

The young man happily complied and asked her to lie down. Brea spread her legs for him, opening her sex as wide as she could. His rough fingers got to work, pushing deeper and deeper inside her. But he couldn’t reach deep enough either. He suddenly stood up, went to the bathroom and returned with some lube that he generously applied into her hole and on his hand.

It worked much better now. Soon his hand popped into her body and his fingers pulled out more of the hidden notes. During his cleaning exercise, Kago fished out another odd object that he handed Brea with a smirk. She curiously examined the pen cap, wondering how it had gotten in there. Then Kago patted her groin and said, “Empty now! It’s convenient purse!”

Brea blushed as she saw the huge pile of money between her legs. How much was it? She grabbed the sticky, smelly bills and started to count.

It was so much it made her head spin. How many people had been in that room? And how much did each of them pay for her little show? It was way more than what she would have made at her old job for sure. If she could keep this up, her financial issues would be no more. Brea headed for the shower, she had to think.

Of course it was an odd job, but it also was the only job she had. And if she was being honest with herself she had actually enjoyed the experience a lot. She kind of liked the helplessness, liked to not need to think. And she had more orgasms during that one session than in the past month! There was only one thing that she was really bothered about. And if she wanted to continue, she would have to address this.

“Hey, Kage, do you have a minute?”

The young man looked up from his screen and nodded.

“So… I kind of like the job you got me, it’s very exciting. But no fucking, OK? Nobody will put their dick in me, right? You will take care of that, right?”

Kage smiled and then said, “You fuck me, nobody fuck you, OK?”

Brea gulped. So that was the deal? If she would let him fuck her she would be good? Was she OK with that?

Brea desperately wanted to get out, wanted some time for herself. But with the options of either being naked or wearing that incredibly tight leather suit she was basically stuck at the dorm. Thankfully Kage suddenly excused himself and went out of the door. She was alone, naked and alone.

She pondered what to do. Should she accept his proposal? Fuck him? He had seen everything she had to offer already. Letting him put his dick into her was the only remaining thing anyway. But did she want this? Kage was a weird guy, with all those figurines, his pictures, his fantasies. When he laid hand on her tits back in that cafe he wasn’t gentle and caring, he was demanding, brutally binding her tits with rubber bands. But he also paid her rent and got her a job. She actually started to like him. Maybe it was worth it. Maybe she should let him fuck her, just to be safe during her work hours. to have a guardian. Because she really wanted to keep that job, no matter what.

Brea paced back and forth through the small flat, wondering what to do. Her gaze fell on Kage’s desk. His computer was still running. She sat down and pressed a key. A password prompt greeted her. She looked around, searching for clues. His password certainly had something to do with his hobby, with big titted girls. She started to enter whatever came to her mind.




Nothing. She saw one of her old cards peeking out of the trash and had an idea. How did he call her?


Nothing. She squirmed as she entered the next one.

“huge breasted cow”

Still nothing. Maybe in Japanese? She searched the weird keyboard, experimented how to get the right characters. Finally she managed to enter “爆乳牛” and suddenly the screen changed. She was greeted by an anime lady with huge breasts, spraying milk everywhere. What a background to choose.

She poked around a bit, clicked on some icons, opened some folders. She found his work, images he had drawn. Big breasted girls in all kinds of peril, their fat, mostly milk-leaking tits tightly bound, stretched or groped. Some situations were pretty funny though, like the one where a lady slapped a guy with her fat tits in the face. And they looked incredibly well made. Some of them even aroused her a little.

She poked around some more and soon found Kage’s extensive porn collection. What she saw was mostly pretty vanilla, just that the girls all had massive tits and their privates often were pixelated. What was up with Japan anyway, all kinds of weird porn but not allowed to see a pussy? She giggled.

Then she found a movie in which girls rode bikes that had dildos attached to their saddles. Brea moaned, silently watching some tantalizing scenes, her fingers caressing her wet little slit as the actresses came violently on their bikes. She found the movie incredibly sexy and couldn’t stop watching those girls getting off in public.

After the video had ended she clicked some more, found pictures of tightly bound breasts and some videos of girls being tied up. Then there were images of girls stuffing objects inside their cunts, and massive ones at that! There were some videos of a girl that seemingly could cram anything and everything into her tight hot hole!

What she saw stimulated her quite a bit. Brea noticed her pussy getting slick. “If only there were some dicks as well!” she thought, then giggled as she recognized what a huge turnoff that would be, to know that Kage was into dicks! She clicked around some more. One icon looked like a camera roll and when she activated it the web browser opened with a page full of pictures. She blushed, recognizing the place and the leather-clad figure in the middle of the room. Those were the pictures made by Kage’s mobile phone!

Her tits looked huge! And there were so many people, guys and girls alike! Kage had apparently salvaged some her business cards and gave them out like fucking candy! All those people reading her name, reading the awfully wrong translation! How they laughed at her stupidity! How they joked about her fat, milky, naked tits! She browsed through the photos with bated breath, one hand firmly embedded in her twitching hole.

There were close-ups of her boobs, constricted by ropes, bulging and bloated like red-hot balloons. She saw her gaping sex, glistening with juice. A guy was opening her up using both hands, a girl pushing what looked like marker pens into her pussy. And not only one or two, but twenty or thirty, top end first! As deep as they would go! No wonder Kage found that plastic cap inside of her! Unbelievable that only one got lost in there! And how far her body could stretch, how wide her pussy could open! Her fingers danced over her clit.

There were more pictures. Images of people fooling around with her swollen funbags, glueing googly eyes on them. They apparently had put even more ropes around her melons and played with them like they were puppets on strings! It was breathtaking. She squirmed and groaned as her fingers plunged into her hole.

She furiously worked her clit, dipped into her wet depths as she watched more and more of the pictures. Then she found the videos, each only a few minutes long, each showing how her excited body writhed and jerked in lust as those strangers filled her up with pens, dildos and other objects.

She saw her tits flying when some flat-chested girls pounded them like punching bags, giggling furiously as they made them jump. Brea couldn’t believe what she saw. She was so close to coming when the last video played. A beeline had formed in front of her gaping sex and each and everyone in the room searched their wallet and stuffed some bills into her wide open hole. People were chatting excitedly as they watched her slowly fill up with money. Brea’s hand thrashed into her groin, her face flushed, gasping excitedly.

Suddenly the door flew open. She ripped her slick hand from her sopping cunt and spun around, face glowing red. Kage had entered the room, furious about seeing her at his desk. The video was still playing, showing a bound, leather-clad woman getting stuffed full of bills.

“What? WHAT?” he yelled, storming towards her, upset that the naked girl was using his computer.

“Fuck me, Kage! Fuck me now?” she squeaked, presenting her dripping, needy pussy.

Kage stopped in his tracks, his temper improving within moments. He grinned as he ripped his pants open, his hard dick springing free. He got between her legs and unceremoniously drove his rigid cock into her in one swift motion, right there, while she was still sitting in his swivel chair, her legs spread, held wide open by her very own hands.

The sex was brutal and intense. Kage didn’t hold back, drilled into her like the angry young man he was. He fucked her hard and fast, made Brea squeak like a piglet. He grabbed her massive tits, used them as a handle to steady himself as he plowed into her again and again. Brea came, wailed in joy the moment he erupted, filling her womb with hot jizz.

Both were panting from exhaustion as he finally removed his dick from her messy hole.

“Fuck, Kage, this was just what I needed,” purred Brea, “But it was a tad short. Can you do another round?”

Kage grinned and rumpled her ginger hair. He smiled. Finally he smiled! He pointed at the pictures on the screen and asked, “Like?”

Yes, yes, oh yes she liked it! She liked being exposed, being examined, touched and played with by curious strangers! She even liked the weird leather suit! Just looking through yesterday’s photos made her squirm! Brea nodded enthusiastically, “Yes Kage, yes! I love this job! So will you protect me?”

Kage nodded and smiled. And then they fucked again.

The young man seemed insatiable and Brea was glad he was. They fucked every morning, right before Kage milked her tits dry. And they fucked every evening. He pushed her to try different positions, especially ones that allowed him to fondle and squeeze her large, bloated funbags while he was drilling deep into her shaven, quivering cunt. The sex was so messy they had trouble cleaning up afterwards. Her spilled milk was everywhere!

Kage changed quite a bit since she had started to fuck him. He became so much more likeable and seemed to open up a little. He brought her presents, new clothes that she could actually wear outside. And he finally tried to talk to her. Only the bra situation didn’t improve. Finding one in her size seemed close to impossible.

Of course Brea kept posing for the art class, and continued to let those randy students play with her naughty bits as they liked. But since she knew that Kage was watching over her she was much more relaxed in her tight leather suit.

Knowing that someone was paying attention obviously took away some of the thrill but she still had plenty of fun. And sometimes Kage didn’t stop the more daring students, sometimes something naughty happened, which in turn helped to keep up the excitement of the unexpected. Like the day her pussy got stuffed full of chewing gum. It had taken them hours to get the slimy goo out of her twitchy hole again!

The young woman finally was happy. This country was perfect for her, perfect to satisfy her unusual needs. She had found her peace. Brea tried to learn Japanese again, confident that, with Kage’s help, she would be able to understand at least the basics. Because one day he would propose, one day he would ask if he could marry his big-titted girlfriend so she would be forever his. And she wanted to be prepared for that.

She would stay with him, fuck him senseless every minute, every day. She would offer her tits to him whenever he was bored so he had something to play with. She would happily let him brag about the massive, milky udders he now owned and let him show off with his little gaijin cow to his weird friends. She loved him dearly. He was all she would ever need.




Written by QexiQex

I enjoy writing about big breasts in peril. Feedback always appreciated! In case you are interested in joining my Discord, send me a message.

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