by QexiQex
Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.
Main themes of this story are: big breasts, exhibitionism, breast bondage, breast glory holes, objectification.
The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.
Chapter 1
Valerie grunted as she hoisted her massive body up the stairs. She was glad the day was over. What a freaking disaster! Who knew she wasn’t only a fat and ugly pig but also dumb as shit with no talent to speak of! The art college would surely kick her out of this measly dorm in less than a week, now that they had terminated her! How was she supposed to survive in this situation?
She huffed and puffed as she waltzed over to her pink laptop. There had to be a job out there somewhere, something that even she could do!
Valerie searched the college’s classifieds as well as all of the offers from every local newspaper within a hundred miles. But nothing seemed to fit. Countless waitress jobs were on offer and quite a number of sketchy modelling gigs as well. But with her face and figure, there was no point in even trying to apply. Her gaze fell on one of the more sketchy ads, a ‘project’ searching for ‘nude breast models (large)’. She giggled. Her tits were practically the only part of her body that got praised regularly, provided that she showed them off in something else than the baggy sweaters she usually wore. She read the ad once again.
Project Hurting Hooters is looking for beautiful, large breasts that are willing to star in the nude and capable of taking some rough abuse. Generous compensation guaranteed. Download our PHH Assist App today to apply!
Was that really all that was left for her to do? Letting people play with her fat tits? And even that job would probably be unavailable to her, once those people saw the rest of her body. Oh well, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look.
She grabbed her mobile and downloaded the app. Her jittery fingers found the icon and opened it, just to be greeted by a boring and rather barebones form waiting for her input.
Fill out below and press submit to find out if you qualify for evaluation
Projection (depth):
Root circumference:
Separation (spacing between breasts):
Nipple diameter:
Nipple length:
Nipple color: (pink/light brown/dark brown/black/other)
Complexion: (lily white / rosy / tanned / cappuccino / chocolate / black / pitch black / other)
Lactating: (yes/no)
Wow, they really were taking this breast-thing seriously! If only the bra shop around the corner would take measurements with similar attention to detail. Valerie’s interest was piqued. She got some tape and started to fill out the form.
Of course she knew that her breasts were at least an EE if not F cup, whatever that meant with regards to ‘root circumference’ and ‘projection’. They were fucking monsters, phenomenal melons that refused to be tamed by even the most elaborate bras! And she also knew that her boobies were most definitely lily-white, with small, rose-colored nipples. But for most of the requested information, she had no fucking clue. Thankfully, her trusty measurement tape helped to obtain the missing data quickly.
Once she had entered all the details, her laptop displayed a green screen that said:
Breast-Id: 21FF-0010666
- Phase 1: cleared
- Phase 2: Pending
Follow instructions.
Attention: No personally identifiable information permitted.
A few moments later, a notification alerted her of an unread message.
The text explained in rather crisp sentences what she was supposed to do next. She was instructed to ‘Initiate Phase 2’ using the app, which she nervously did. The only thing that happened after she pressed that big, green, inviting button was that a QR Code appeared on her screen, and that she was asked to wait for another notification.
For three days Valerie wondered if she had fallen for a silly prank, that whoever created the app had compelled her to perform hilariously stupid measurements on her boobs for no good reason. She was afraid that the pranksters somehow managed to film her and that they would spread the recordings to embarrass her. But then her phone vibrated and notified her of the next step. Maybe it wasn’t a prank after all.
She was instructed to go to a nearby, anonymous post service and scan the barcode there. Valerie was torn whether she should be happy or freak out. She decided to go with happy and headed out to visit the place.
Everything went incredibly smoothly. She didn’t need to talk to anybody, in fact she never met a single person on the entire trip. Once she had scanned the barcode on a central, automated terminal, she received a post box number and a code that allowed her to retrieve a small package. There was no sender nor a recipient on the box. Valerie had no clue how this was even possible. But when she saw her phone screen change and acknowledged the receipt of her shipment, she was convinced that everything was in order.
The box contained a letter and a bunch of strange devices that looked rather intimidating. Valerie opened the envelope.
Initiate phase 3 using the PHH Assist App. Follow instructions to fill out form. Make sure all readings are correct before submitting for evaluation.
The app asked her to take ‘Device A’ and push it as hard as she could against the center of her left breast, right below her nipple. Then she was to press a button on that device and read the value.
Valerie yelped as a spring-loaded steel rod poked forcefully into her flesh. The pain wasn’t all that bad but she had been totally unprepared for it. The little device now showed the number ‘0.215’ in a small window. Puzzled, Valerie went back to the instructions and found out that she had just measured the ‘springiness’ of her boob flesh and that she was to repeat the exercise on her other tit as well.
Multiple other measurements were taken by the giggling girl with an assortment of devices. Valerie enjoyed the utterly ridiculous exercise tremendously and had plenty of fun. She measured the ‘minimum circumference’ of her breast roots with a healthy dose of determination, reducing the size of the supplied metal band she had wrapped around the base of her bulging tit until her pliable flesh took a decidedly purple tone. The stretch test of her nipples using ‘Device D’ was also rather painful but equally fun.
Determined to do this right, she took most measurements at least twice, including the one that required her to flatten her boobs as much as possible with a supplied breast press, which didn’t really work all that well on her springy, young globes.
When she was asked to glue some odd-looking markers vertically and horizontally over her breasts and take some pictures with the app, she finally lost it. But of course she followed through, even when she was asked to jump up and down as hard as possible while her phone filmed her weird, jiggling antics.
The instructions really didn’t tell much about the reasons for each measurement, but Valerie was pretty sure they simply took every imaginable data point of her tits, including their consistency, the sagging factor, her pain threshold and any other conceivable property of her bouncing monsters.
More curious than nervous, she finally pressed ‘submit’ once she had completed everything required and was rewarded with probably the most flattering compliment she had ever received in her life.
Breast Id: 21FF-0010666
Assessment: Passed
Grade: Superior +++
Compensation: Eligible for maximum rate.
250$ per hour payable in bitcoin
Maximum rate! A neutral assessment based on hard data just proved that her tits were literally world class! How much better could it get? Valerie was ecstatic. This was the greatest thing ever happening to her, and best of all, she would be rich! A few of those engagements per month and she was all set and wouldn’t need to find any other work!
Suddenly she became aware of something odd. During the entire procedure, she had never been asked to provide anything remotely personal, no name, no birth date, no address, no nothing. Not even an email address. This company literally knew nothing about her, except a very detailed measurement report of her boobs! And that was enough information to hire her for a ridiculous rate! The most personal piece of information, apart from her breast size and consistency, was probably her pain threshold, and even that had been measured using her breasts, in this case by making her twist her nipples as far as she could possibly tolerate. They even referred to her file by some breast id for goodness’ sake! She truly was just a pair of grade-A boobies for them and nothing else!
Valerie wasn’t sure how she should feel about that. On the one hand, whoever ran that weird project had simply reduced her to a pair of breasts, with no own personality to speak of. On the other hand, she had a really bad track record when people judged her by ‘personality’, which most of the time ended up in some sort of body shaming or worse. Why should she feel bad when someone finally was nice enough to judge her purely by her best attribute, her phenomenal tits? When she thought about it, she had to admit that she actually welcomed being reduced to her funbags, compared to the judgemental experiences she had to endure day in and day out.
Suddenly the display on her phone changed again.
Retrieve chip card from packet and follow instructions once notification is delivered.
A chip card? Valerie took the empty cardboard box and searched it thoroughly. And sure enough, there was a white plastic card with a ‘PHH’ logo on it.
Valerie had to wait almost a week and was again starting to worry that she just fell for an elaborate prank when finally, on Saturday early afternoon, her phone announced that she was expected at some address she had never heard of. Valerie packed a few essentials and drove there using the PHH app to navigate.
She was led to an underground garage that seemed mostly empty and then through a nondescript, locked door that opened once she touched the card to some reading device. Fancy, pulsing-blue light strips showed her the way. Doors opened as she approached them, illuminated signs led her through a maze of corridors until she finally reached a small, brightly lit chamber. Once inside, the door locked behind her.
The room was squeaky clean and empty, safe for an almost coffin-like black box sitting on some stand, about two feet above the floor. The box was padded inside and featured a few odd properties that immediately stimulated Valerie’s fantasy.
The most obvious thing were the two holes in the bottom, right at the position where her large breasts would be once she was inside the box. The other was a hefty vibrator, pitch black and shiny from lubrication, that was lying on the padded bottom. And finally there was the top half of the odd casket, suspended below the ceiling and waiting to trap her in darkness.
Should she really do this? Should she climb into this weird contraption and play this game, whatever it was? Suddenly her mobile phone vibrated again.
Breast Id: 21FF-0010666 to be positioned in openings of module 0010666 for engagement to start. Failure to do so will void offer and no compensation will be paid.
Valerie sighed. Now was the time to decide. She still didn’t know what they expected from her breasts, just that they assessed her to be top class material. And that they promised to compensate her well. But for what, she had no clue.
“There is only one way to find out,” Valerie squirmed as she undressed herself and put her belongings into a little compartment at the foot end of the contraption. Valerie climbed into the padded box, positioned herself and wondered why those damn holes were so small even though they had every conceivable measurement of her tender melons.
She carefully aligned her body with the openings, slowly pushed the fat rubber dong into her surprisingly wet sex and tried to relax. Her excited heart hammered away, her pulse raced, and her mind came up with all kinds of horrible things that surely would happen to her any minute. She heard some gears spring into action as the top half of the box slowly descended down on her. Its foam bottom suddenly pressed against her back, pushing her body into the form-fitting padding and leaving her very little space to maneuver around. Valerie was surprised about the force and wondered how exactly the top half was designed to make it feel somewhat comfortable but also provided such a tight fit.
The mighty squeeze that the box put on her body didn’t help to calm her nerves, in fact Valerie was convinced she would die of a heart attack at any moment. It was pitch black, her body mashed between two layers of padding, her massive tits only partly through the holes, bulging flesh spilling out into the open. Then the vibrator kicked in. Valerie moaned, more excited than she had been for a long, long time.
Suddenly she felt the entire box move upward and shake slightly. Something was happening out there!
Chapter 2
Harry glanced at his mobile once again. His assignment was as straight-forward as ever. Go to chamber 113 to prepare breast id 21FF-0010666 for service, then move the object over to location 0001 and make sure it’s properly installed for the event. He had 30 minutes to complete this task.
The young man sighed. This certainly had to be the oddest job of all the things he had ever done for money. It surely paid well to prepare those fat tits and haul them from one place to another, but even after a few months in this business, he still couldn’t understand why women with such incredible racks would willingly sign up to this astounding level of abuse and objectification. Oh well, not his problem. He opened the door of chamber 113 and immediately realized that this one needed some additional hands-on time. Object 21FF-0010666 most definitely had not been properly prepared yet. Only the tops of the two fleshy appendages peeked out from the holes and jiggled slightly underneath the box.
Valerie’s pulse quickened as she heard someone move outside. Suddenly, cold, strong hands grabbed her exposed nipples and yanked at them, hard. Never before had she felt so vulnerable. Her breasts burned from the sudden pain and made her wonder what the hell she had signed up to.
The brutal fingers were not satisfied yet and kept pinching and pulling at her soft, pliable flesh. Without much consideration, they seemed hell-bent on stretching her glorious orbs as much as possible, relentlessly tearing at her hard, swollen nipples as if they wanted to rip them off.
This was the part Harry enjoyed most. Often, these fat knockers were hard to pull through the small holes, so he had developed his own technique to get them properly seated in a minimum amount of time. He grabbed one of the soft melons dangling from the wooden contraption and pulled the warm flesh outwards, one finger sliding around the edge of the opening to make sure nothing got trapped there. What a fantastic set of knockers this was, possibly the best he had seen yet. He allowed himself a few hearty squeezes of the swaying treasures before he moved on to the next stage.
Once she had recovered from the shock of having her tits pulled, Valerie wondered why, after the initial burst of activity, the toy inside her snatch seemed to only vibrate whenever the person outside touched her exposed globes. She couldn’t put her head around how this could even be possible, but the magic surely worked on her. Her body was clearly demanding more of that delightful buzz, but at the same time her brain screamed at her that it was too dangerous to be touched by that brute, that those demanding hands caused way too much discomfort to be enjoyable.
The disturbed girl squeaked in surprise as she felt a rather odd sensation engulfing her exposed body parts and the teasing electric toy awoke again. It felt like something cold and slick was being squirted on her sensitive orbs and massaged into her tender flesh by those strong hands. The rough squeezing combined with the relentless action in her tight sex made her purr like a kitten. If only this delight would never end!
Harry finally let go of the two pendulous mounds that swayed so enticingly and were now glistening from all the oil. He glanced at his watch, checking how much time he had left. As always during this procedure, he wiped down his oily hands, grabbed one of the round foils for packaging and carefully wrapped it around one of those jiggling breasts, with the sticky pink pastie right over the intriguingly rosy nipple. The pasties and the foil were a trademark feature of this establishment and were applied to seal these first-rate breasts before use. The foil was very similar to household cling film, but with a slightly oily inside and a dry outside. The embedded pastie was nothing special either, round, bright pink and with a funny latch in the middle. Its uniqueness really only came to light when the latch was pulled, which was unfortunately none of Harry’s tasks.
He carefully pushed the film into place, made sure that its edge was neatly tucked into the holes of the box and repeated everything on the second breast. Once done, he checked one last time to make sure these funbags were completely covered and grabbed the squeezers for the next step. These squeezers were essentially cuffs made of strong, black rubber, about an inch wide and adjustable in circumference through a nifty mechanism. One side of the cuff’s band had a sort of indentation and was quite a bit thinner than the other side, extending to the middle of the adjustable ring. The two separable halves of the cuffs were connected through a locking mechanism, consisting of a number of small metal hooks and lugs that would engage if pressed together. Once engaged, an allen key, inserted into a well-hidden hole right next to where the cuffs were connected, would then be used to tighten an embedded metal band which in turn would slowly shrink down the rubbery cuff to whatever diameter was needed.
Harry opened one of the cuffs and pushed it over one of the dangling, cling-wrapped breasts and up around the wide base, so that the thinner side was pointing towards the wooden box. He pushed the ends of the cuff together until the lock engaged, then repeated the procedure on the other side. Finally he pushed the still loose bands further up towards the box until their edge touched the wooden surface and began to slowly crank the allen key.
The trapped young woman wondered what in heaven’s name was going on out there, when suddenly she felt a yoking tightness around the bases of her breasts that gradually got worse. It didn’t take long until tears filled her eyes as the uncomfortable sensation slowly transformed into a terribly painful, mind-numbing squeeze. Soon, the poor girl was screaming her head off as blazing pain shocked her body. Was someone out there trying to slowly chop her tits off? It surely felt that way!
It wasn’t easy for Harry to turn the key any further, so he decided to take a few moments to enjoy the sight of those jiggling, pink, now almost spherical objects while regaining some strength. The muffled, frantic complaints of the anonymous owner made it clear that someone was not happy about his work, but that was something he had gotten used to a long time ago. After a quick break, and some fooling around with the cling-wrapped breast, the young man continued his work with renewed energy until finally the cuffs were small enough for the next step.
Valerie was out of her mind. Someone out there slowly garroted both of her fat tits! She was afraid that they would damage her glorious breasts, marking the best part of her body forever!
Harry took each film-covered globe and pulled it down while at the same time pushing the tight cuff up with might. Then he carefully checked each side, making sure that the cuffs were sitting right in the middle of the now spacious holes. He then grabbed the final pieces needed during preparation, the specially-made inserts that would seal the gap between the holes and the now rather small rubber cuffs. With well-practised moves, he pushed the wooden inserts into place, two on each side, each exactly measured to fill the gap between the wooden casket and the rubber cuffs. The smaller opening created by those inserts, complete with a small groove to provide optimal fit, snapped right under the rubber cuffs. Harry inserted the allen key into a small hole in each segment of the inserts and quickly locked them in place.
He stepped back and marvelled at the two breasts, now transformed into mouth-watering, shiny balls. The compressed flesh had ballooned enough by all the pressure that the cling film was now neat and tight with no air bubbles or wrinkles anywhere to be seen. The nipples were appropriately covered by the pink pasties and everything looked just perfect.There was not much left to do for Harry except to haul these tits to their proper place.
Suddenly the door opened and a whole group of people entered the small room.
“Oh, Conductor, what brings you to these lowly quarters?” Harry asked surprised, hoping that he didn’t screw up something that would get him fired.
*Don’t you worry Mister… what was your name again? I received a notification from the organization that they just acquired a spectacular pair for my use during the event. I obviously couldn’t wait to take a look.”
“I see, so… uhm… anything you need from me?”
The tall man chuckled, turned to his group of devotees and said, “See what an impression my presence leaves on these folks? The guy is quaking in his boots, already fearing that I would scold him for some unknown mistake!” He turned back to Harry and asked “So this is 21FF-0010666, destined for position 0001 right? The one that I will be using?”
“Ah, what a pity, I see you have already sealed them up. Well, then there’s not much we can do, right?”
One of the disciples, a young woman wrapped in a black tunic, whispered, “But Conductor, I think you should test the material before the big event!”
“A good call, woman. But these balls are already so neatly packed, and I despise wasted efforts, so what do you have in mind?”
“You could test their quality by manual inspection while keeping the seal intact,” offered another disciple.
The Conductor nodded and turned to Harry, “Could you please bring those into proper position for an inspection?”
Harry nodded, “Absolutely, sir. Please step back.”
Harry quickly attached a number of steel wires to the box and pressed a few buttons. The casket moved upward a bit, so the tightly packed breasts were now visible for all. He then moved the stand out of the way and was about to press some more buttons to rotate the box when the tall man interrupted him.
“Wait, let’s test them in this position first. It’s nice to see them swaying like that. Although when they are packed so tightly, there is not much sway, is there?”
He reached out to squeeze a neatly sealed, compressed globe.
“My, are these firm. They must be young ones, I would guess 22 years at most! Feels like they are ready to burst any moment! Where do you guys find these beauties?”
Harry didn’t know how to respond, so he simply asked “Should I get them into a proper position?”
The box was slowly tilted around so the exposed breasts were now pointing straight upwards. Harry then let the box descend until it touched the ground. The Conductor’s eyes were full of wonder as he inspected the spectacular set of female charms up closely.
“One of a kind I would say, truly one of a kind.”
He sank his hungry fingers into the plastic wrapped hooters and squeezed them carefully, “I have to confess, I can’t wait to experience them bare. When is the show starting again?”
“In about an hour, sir.”
“Right. Well then, time to get prepared!”
With that, the odd man and his group of disciples vanished again. Harry shook his head, puzzled by the unexpected disturbance. He grabbed two covers made of black satin and carefully pushed them over the swollen breasts. After tying the opening tightly shut, he grabbed the satin-clad tits and slowly pulled the box onto a carriage on rails, using the hard balls as convenient handles. Then, he unlocked the brakes of the cart and pushed the box out of the room.
Valerie was trying to come to terms with what had just happened. She was still dizzy from being flipped around but had been able to listen into the odd conversation. She understood that some sort of big wig had ‘inspected’ her boobs and that she apparently would be used at some sort of event. The thin film had protected her hurting treasures somewhat from the probing fingers but sadly the vibrator had stayed silent as well and had deprived her of even a little bit of fun. If only the tightness around her boobs would go away! Her tits must be red as tomatoes already!
Valerie was acutely aware that her cramped box was on the move, that she was on the way to the place where she was expected to perform. Her breasts felt odd, tight and tender, like two pieces of meat on the way to the butcher. The poor girl was about to panic.
Chapter 3
Harry pushed the cart right into the middle of the large event hall. Scores of satin-clad globular objects adorned the tables that had been set up in a large semicircle. The one in the middle still sported a huge gap, but Harry was about to change that. The young man maneuvered the black box around until he was content with its position, operated a well-hidden crane and soon the pair of breasts were hovering through the air. Only moments later, the black box sank into the table until its surface was flush with the frame. The stars, those astonishingly beautiful breasts, were ready for the show. And Harry was done for the day.
The trip to the hall had been quite an experience for Valerie. Being shoved around while locked inside a pitch black box was not something she particularly enjoyed, and her separated, exposed treasures made it only worse. But now everything seems to have settled down again. The person that was responsible for all the shoving seemed to have left and there was no noise whatsoever that she could make out. Or did she just hear some girl groaning? Valerie listened intently, curious about where she was and if anybody was outside. She couldn’t really make out the details, but she was sure she had heard some muffled gasps out there.
Suddenly things changed again. People, plenty of people were apparently entering the room. She heard someone talking close to her, discussing some sort of event that was about to start any moment. She could make out glasses clinking against one another, smalltalk and chatter. To her dismay, nobody seemed to take notice of her exposed treasures. But that surely would change soon. The chatter slowly died down, she heard rustling, an electric hum filled the air.
“Ladies and Gentlemen! It’s my pleasure to welcome you to a new season! Our esteemed club has grown quite a bit in the past few years, and thanks to our generous sponsors we were able to expand our member benefits significantly. As you all can see, each of you has a pair of warm, fleshy, shrink-wrapped globes in front of you, just waiting for you to enjoy. These tantalizing balls of bliss are what binds us together, what makes our community so unique. We breast lovers can’t stop thinking about these wonders of nature, and how to make use of them for our own enjoyment. Not only did we work hard to make this event truly memorable, no, we were also incredibly lucky this year,” the Chairman grinned like a child on Christmas, “So lucky in fact that we were able to obtain a truly spectacular specimen for our members to enjoy.”
With that, the Chairman pulled the satin covers away and exposed Valerie’s shrink-wrapped breasts to the gasping audience. Excited murmur filled the room, a hurricane of applause was welcoming the beautifully arranged bosom.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, as you can see, this fine pair, just like your personal playthings, is still sealed, so it’s hard to evaluate its true beauty. To demonstrate these fantastic balls properly, we have hired no other than our esteemed Conductor to showcase the world’s best pair of tits to you, and to inspire you for the coming season. As already announced in our newsletter, you will be able to rent any of the breasts for rates published on our PHH members-only app. As usual, please use the app to reserve your personal pair in time to make sure you get your favorite specimen. Our facility hosts a plethora of different rooms, outfitted with all kinds of equipment to fulfil a wide range of fantasies. In addition, we allow now limited use outside of our premises, subject to approval by our hard working staff. If you feel something is missing in our offerings just let us know and we’ll do our best to fulfill your request. But now enough of me, please give a big hand to The Conductor!”
Valierie’s heart raced. They had talked about her tits! A whole speech that mostly was just about her boobies! ‘World’s best pair of tits!’ That was her! And now some famous star would use her boobs to demonstrate and inspire those people! And they would later rent her boobs for whatever weird fantasy they wanted to realize! Soon she would know just how pervy those people really were. Valerie was intrigued, intrigued and a bit afraid of what was in store for her taut, sore bosom.
“Thank you, Chairman. And congratulations for acquiring this truly special set. I must say I can hardly wait to reveal its beauty to all of you! It’s always a pleasure to visit this unique place, to celebrate the beauty and absurdity of the female breast in this dedicated community. My show today will hopefully inspire you all and boost your own ideas so you can squeeze every ounce of fun out of these delicious globes whenever you find a bit of time to enjoy the truly spectacular benefits of this club. So please just follow my lead and replicate every one of my actions with your own pair. Let’s start with unpacking those funbags so we can finally have a closer look. To do that, take the latch covering the nipple between your fingers and quickly pull it towards you.”
Valerie’s head swam from all the compliments. Would they ever stop praising her fleshy globes? She felt something tug at the tops of her bloated tits, a sudden flash of pain engulfed her left breast. She screamed. It felt like her nipple had been ripped off!
“See, once the seal is broken, these nice mounds of flesh are popping out of their tight prison. If the pastie is still sticking to the nipple, just pull it off and put it away. You might need a bit of force for that, so don’t hold back.”
Valerie could hear other girls screaming outside. It wasn’t only her, that was obvious now. And if she remembered correctly, those guys had talked about other ‘pairs’ as well, so it was safe to assume the room was full of similar boxes with other busty girls inside. At least she wasn’t alone in her plight!
“Now pull the foil away and free the other tit!” the Conductor explained and yanked the other latch off, ripping the pastie from Valerie’s tender breast.
“Once you have removed the film, you can study the beautiful mounds in more detail. Check out those nipples, make them hard by blowing on them or tease them with your fingers. Toy with them and see how they react! Witness a true wonder of nature! Now of course you are not as lucky as I am, with the superior set I get to play with. So if you want to check out this stunning pair to see if it’s worth renting it later on, feel free to approach my table and have a close look. But first dive into your own toys and get those nipples hard!”
Valerie moaned in delight as her breasts got sucked and toyed with. This guy surely was a true expert at his job and managed to propel simple nipple play into an own art form! And even better, her little friend down there in that wet tunnel was back at work and teased her endlessly. She was squeaking in pleasure again and was enjoying every moment.
The Conductor expertly dove into the world-class tits, licked, sucked and tweaked those delicious nipples into oblivion. Valerie’s groans and gasps could easily be heard by anyone, and her invisible audience was appreciating her enthusiasm tremendously. And when her moaning turned into a high-pitched squeal of pleasure from the relentless vibrations of her little plastic lover, the Conductor smiled benevolently and quipped, “At least someone has plenty of fun today!”
He continued the teasing for a while and slowly increased the force of his groping. After a few more minutes, he started to lightly slap the gigantic globes, observing their delicious movement patterns following the impact.
“As you can see, these phenomenal globes have their very own way of dancing. Try it on your own pair, slap them sideways with not too much force and watch them bounce. Slowly increase the power of your smacks and see how they move.”
His slaps got harder and harder. Soon, Valerie was sobbing in pain while her bloated tits got redder and redder and bounced around like a pair of oversized rubber balls.
“Once you have them all red and hot, let them calm down a bit and repeat the teasing. Try to get those cute nipples hard again and make their owner feel good. Yes, that’s the way. Keep playing with those little pebbles! Alright, now let’s inspect those balls a bit closer, not visually but with our tactile senses. Put your fingers around each of these balls and slowly but steadily squeeze the taut flesh. Try to feel what’s inside there, try to make out the structure of these breasts, the layers of the flesh. Yes, keep squeezing until they turn white, squeeze as hard as you possibly can! I want to see the imprints of your fingers once you let go!”
The girls occupying those boxes were all screaming and yelling as their tender breasts got brutally molested. But the audience ignored those muffled complaints, indeed it seemed to motivate them even more to test just how far they could go.
“Alright, back to the teasing and pleasuring, please. Let’s make them feel good again. Always remember, make it worthwhile for the owners at least for a bit.”
Valerie was sweating terribly in her box. The incredible sensations on her tits combined with the constant attack between her legs was driving her out of her mind. Just how often had she come while locked in this contraption? Suddenly, blazing hot pain hit her melons and the poor girl was screaming once again.
“Grab the candles our beautiful assistants are distributing right now and let a bit of the melted wax drip on those tits. Try to hit those rosy nipples, it will leave the biggest impression on those girls. Feel free to play around with them, let it drip on different spots until the whole thing is well covered. Yeah, like that. Looks stunning, right? Now let’s peel the wax away from these nubs and take the clamps you just received. Put them over the exposed nipples and squeeze them shut. Yep, that’s the way. Now slowly pull the chains upwards until those breasts take a cone shape. Aren’t they beautiful?”
Valerie couldn’t take it anymore. They were ripping her tits off! Again! Her tender nipples felt like they would snap! What were they doing out there? What’s this talk all about? Wax? Clamps? What was the purpose of all this?
“Pull them further away if you can. Watch me for a moment if you’re unsure.”
With that, the Conductor ripped the chains upward and the two clamps suddenly snapped off, leaving two long, angry red nipples bare for all to see.
“Now that we have warmed up those tender pillows, let’s get to our main event. We will do a bit of art together! Take the paint that our assistants are handing out and follow their guidance. Each of you will now create a beautiful pair of soccer balls, some bigger some smaller but all uniquely enticing!”
The room fell into a productive silence as everyone was starting to paint the pair of breasts in front of them. Finally the girls had a bit of a break, only interrupted by the slightly tickling sensations that the brushes caused as they danced on their exposed skin.
“I have to say, I love this place,” grinned the Conductor, “Where else can you play with such wonderful toys? Can you already see how your soccer ball slowly takes form? Mine are almost done, big and round and taut like real ones!”
The work went on for some more time. The Conductor finished painting his pair and then moved around the tables, advising the participants on how to improve their work. Once everyone was done, he called for a break outside, so the staff could prepare the scene for the big finale.
“This is the best ‘start of season’ show in years,” one grey-haired man declared, champagne in one hand and some nibbles in the other, “The one last year was a bit boring honestly, but this time it’s really interactive.”
“And you can see so many of those lovely breasts, it’s really hard to decide which one to reserve for an extended play session,” offered an older woman.
“You think so? Didn’t you see the spectacular pair at the front? The one that the Conductor is using? I for sure will get my hands on that one asap, and I don’t care if it costs ten times the price of those other ones. These tits are pure perfection!”
“I can enjoy the smaller models as well but you’re right, they do look spectacular. What do you think they are doing inside?”
“The girls? They probably hope that their tits don’t get chopped off!”
“No, silly, what staff is doing in the hall. Why did they send us out?”
“I have no clue, but I’m sure it’ll be great. I have a good feeling about this.”
Suddenly a loud whistle blew and announced the end of the break. Everyone emptied their glasses and went back inside. But the room looked very different.
Chapter 4
The big hall was mostly empty now and the ground was covered in neatly trimmed grass. A big metal frame with a net at the back dominated one end of the hall and some white lines on the grass marked the goal line and the penalty box. It was obvious to anyone with only a bit of knowledge about soccer that the hall depicted a part of a life-sized play field, specifically the goal, the penalty box and a bit of the surrounding play area. The bright green grass was full of soccer balls, some small, some big, and the biggest, roundest pair towered right at the penalty spot.
Camera teams entered from the sides, their bulky, professional equipment adding to the atmosphere of an actual stadium. Everyone hustled into the room, astonished whispers and appreciating whistles could be heard.
“My my, what a surprise, isn’t it? Did you find your pair yet?”
“With so many balls everywhere, it’s really hard to find the right one,” a woman giggled.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, as you can see we do everything to make this evening one to remember. If you can’t find your pair of balls, feel free to ask staff after my little demonstration. They’ll identify your personal specimen based on your visitor id. Once you have found it, please wait for the camera team to create your very own piece of art. But first let me show how to do this properly.”
A camera approached the Conductor who was standing beside the humongous pair at the penalty spot, dressed in professional soccer gear including protectors for his shins and polished shoes with dangerous looking cleats.
“Staff will hand out fitting gear for everyone and there are changing rooms right outside the hall. As you can see, the camera is now ready for my little performance. So what I’ll do now is, just like an actual soccer player, I’ll take a bit of a run-up and then kick one of the balls as hard as I possibly can to score a goal.”
The room fell silent in a heartbeat. Many of the guests shared concerned looks and wondered whether this was going a step too far, whether the poor owners of these fleshy appendages would be harmed in ways beyond the rules of the club.
Valerie had heard every word and could vividly imagine what was about to happen to her swollen hooters. She was scared beyond belief, hoping that these people showed mercy. But despite this horrid threat, her body betrayed her. The evil toy inside her snatch had not stopped humming for minutes and was now changing into a breathtaking cycle of intense vibrations interrupted by slow and sensual pulsing. They must have changed the control mode for it. The little devil did not react on touch anymore and seemed instead to be remote controlled by the organizer. She was so wet down there, she wondered if it was possible to drown in your own juices.
Her young body was brimming with lust in the pitch black darkness, the disembodied voices combined with the incredibly tight bondage of her breasts and the relentless caressing of her sex were challenging her sanity. She was inches away from a life-threatening eruption.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, don’t be afraid for our brave donors. They know full well what to expect and their wonderful body parts are capable of sustaining quite some stress. I can assure you that no one will get permanently injured by this little demonstration. Now please get into the mood and clap your hands. In a few seconds, I will deliver a truly outstanding shot and I’m sure our capable team will capture the moment for all eternity!”
The audience slowly fell into rhythm and soon the entire hall was cheering. The Conductor smiled, took aim and started running.
The impact echoed through the hall as his foot connected with the painted breast and sent it flying. Valerie yelled, surprised by the breathtaking blow. The pent-up lust was suddenly released and her cries changed to screams of pleasure as a massive orgasm consumed her mind. Still in the throes of passion, she felt another kick on her other tit, equally powerful, followed by another and another. Her mind reeled, the pain mixed with pleasure and the poor girl couldn’t stop coming.
“That should do it,” the Conductor panted as he stopped pounding the balls, “Please change into your soccer dress and do the same exercise with your balls once the cameras are ready.”
Valerie could hear the crowd cheering, could hear the screams of her fellow tit donors. Thankfully, her own breasts were spared this time around and her overstimulated mind slowly drifted into sleep.
She dreamed of gigantic, ballooning breasts sitting in the middle of a massive altar of sorts, worshipped by millions of horny men chanting weirdly arousing verses. The drenched girl startled as her body suddenly rotated. She must be on the move!
When the rattling and shaking stopped and she was lying on her stomach again, Valerie heard someone working on the other side of the wood. Tools scratched the surface of the box. Then, finally, her tightly bound breasts got some much needed breathing room as the invisible stranger removed the inlays and opened the horrible cuffs that had strangled her hurting breasts for so long. She could hear some locks disengage. A motor roared to life with high pitched whirring and slowly the top of her wooden prison was lifted off, bright neon light forcing her to squeeze her eyes shut.
Valerie rested for a moment, grimacing in pain as the blood streamed back into her prickly pillows. Her bosom was all pins and needles for obvious reasons and her whole body felt numb and tired. After a few minutes, she removed the dead vibrator from her soaked sex and carefully pushed her heavy body upwards. But her breasts seemed still stuck in the holes of the coffin. Valerie let herself slump down again and collected all remaining energy. With a violent push, she yanked her swollen melons from their confines, howling in pain as she ripped herself free. Legs shaking, she somehow managed to step out of the box and onto the ground.
For the first time since she had entered this odd contraption, she saw her breasts again. They looked bigger than ever before and were covered in black and white paint. Valerie giggled as she recalled the conversations she had overheard, that her tits had been transformed into soccer balls for an art project. She retrieved her belongings from the compartment and was about to get dressed when she suddenly realized that her tight bra and her sweater would get messy from the paint. But there was no sink or water to wash. She thought for a moment when suddenly her phone vibrated.
Breast-Id: 21FF-0010666
Assignment complete.
Compensation of $1500 transferred to Bitcoin wallet. $1000 for 4 hours of service at maximum rate. $500 member satisfaction bonus based on average feedback rating of ‘5 stars — exceptional’
1500 Dollars? Valerie couldn’t believe her luck. This was way more than she had ever expected, in fact she wasn’t aware of any job that would pay her a similar amount for 4 hours of work, not even outright prostitution! Why did they pay her so much? Just because she posed as exotic soccer balls?
Talking about soccer balls, she really wanted to see how she had looked! Valerie inspected her buzzing breasts again and wondered if she could recreate the image at home, just so she understood why they paid her this outrageous rate.
It didn’t take her long to decide what to do, and soon she entered the deserted garage, topless with her painted boobs jiggling and jumping. She would be in her car anyway, she thought, and nobody would recognize her nakedness from afar. The silly grin on her face didn’t go away until she arrived in her little dorm room. Thankfully nobody had seen her on her way from the car to her door.
Back in her private little cave, Valerie rushed to her mirror and inspected her painted breasts with curiosity. Free from their previous restraints, her large melons didn’t look much like balls. The pattern still reminded anyone who knew about soccer, but their shape was just her usual, taut and jiggly bosom. Valerie quickly grabbed the soft, fluffy belt of her bathrobe and tied it around her right breast. The rope-like thing didn’t cooperate though and repeatedly slipped from her still tender breast. But Valerie was not one to give up easily and quickly found a bag of rubber bands. She tried again, this time making sure the bands were tight enough so they would stay on. One by one the rubbers slipped over her swelling tit, squeezing the bases tighter and tighter. Valerie was soon panting heavily. The image in the mirror slowly changed, one side of her breast looked more and more bulbous and transformed bit by bit into a life-like soccer ball.
“Fuck me, this looks so realistic!” the excited girl muttered, her trembling hands caressing her own flesh. Suddenly the phone in her pocket vibrated. She fumbled it out and checked the screen.
“Thank you for your service, 21FF-0010666. Attached some pictures and videos of the stellar performance today. With best regards, PHH”
Valerie gasped excitedly. Evidence from her session! With trembling fingers she opened the first image. It was a close-up of her ballooning breast. The base was not visible, obscured by the green grass. It looked much rounder than her own version in the mirror. Surely the binding must have been more severe! With bated breath she swiped to see the next one. Now a booted foot was approaching the ball, inches away from impact. Valerie remembered the terrible kick vividly and unconsciously massaged her swollen orb. Her fingers quivered as she swiped the screen to see the next image.
Her other hand wiggled into her damp panties as she savored the crisp reproduction of her bound breast desperately trying to escape from the rest of her body. Her poor tit seemed awfully compressed in the shot, the brutal shoe had sunken halfway into her flesh, transforming it into a ridiculously defomed object. The picture must have been taken milliseconds after impact and the power of the kick was immediately obvious. Her hand was busy, one finger stroking her engorged clit, others dipping into her squishy hole and sliding around in her embarrassing wetness. Valerie moaned in pleasure as she swiped further.
A short movie started. An agitated audience was cheering in the background, two large balls were lying on the green field. A player dressed in soccer gear took a run and pounded into one of the balls with might, squashing the taut object and leaving it quivering and shaking. The video repeated itself, looping again and again, each time showing how badly her tit had been mistreated. A powerful orgasm washed over the frantic girl as her fingers continued to dance around her sex.
It took Valerie minutes to recover. She was confused and embarrassed. How could something so brutal turn her on so much? Why was she enjoying seeing her breasts objectified and manhandled? She couldn’t make any sense of it. Somehow she made it into the shower. As the paint slowly disappeared from her breasts and her shaking fingers removed the tight rubber from her bound melon, Valerie analyzed what had happened.
Why was she responding the way she did? And why were people paying her so much money just to play with her tits? Were these odd appendages so very special? And if so, what would that mean for her? If even she got all worked up when seeing her tits mistreated like that, how was her audience experiencing the show? Were they as horny as she was?
Either way, today had clearly demonstrated that her boobs were quite literally her biggest asset, the most valuable possession she owned. And if she lost that… oh my god, she needed to insure her boobs! Just like those hand or leg models insured their most valuable body parts, she would need to insure her fat melons! Valerie giggled at the thought and wondered if there was actually such a thing as a boob insurance, and if so, what the conditions would be. Would they cover the gross abuse she had endured as well?
She heard her phone vibrate several times and decided to exit the shower.
“Breast Id: 21FF-0010666
New booking! Request Id 0001 by member StressedOut. Day: Tomorrow 7pm. Duration: 2h. Compensation: Standard Rate. Description: ‘Just need a pair of high quality stress balls to decompress!’” Accept? Yes/No”
“Breast Id: 21FF-0010666
New booking! Request Id 0002 by member TeamScience. Day: Monday 10am, repeating daily. Duration: 30 min-1h. Standard Rate + 200%. Silent Option required. Description: ‘We need to test a newly developed lactation inducer engineered for improved response to physical manipulation in order to avoid leakage and guarantee delivery on request. Needs significant time commitment over 3–6 months. Engagement ends once study has been completed.” Accept? Yes/No”
“Breast Id: 21FF-0010666
New booking! Request Id 0003 by member ArtistCollective. Day: Friday 6pm. Duration: 6h. Standard Rate + 50%. Description: ‘Need beautiful and resilient breast prop for performance art show. Performance will be 3h but needs some prep time. Possibility for future engagements.” Accept? Yes/No”
Three new requests within hours of her return? Valerie scrolled through the messages once again. The first one seemed pretty inconspicuous and was along the lines of what she had expected. Without much thought she pressed ‘Accept’.
But the second and third one were different. Valerie wondered what she should do. Playing stress balls for some busy manager seemed easy enough but committing to what sounded pretty much like a medical trial was another league entirely. And what did ‘Silent Option required’ actually mean? She had no clue.
And the art project… Well, there was all kinds of weird art out there and participating in such a project as a model felt almost like she was doing good, not only for some lonely wanker but for an entire community. There was still some time though, so she didn’t need to rush things and could think about it a bit more.
For some reason, Valerie was proud. Proud that her tits drew so much attention, that people, even artists and corporations, couldn’t wait to get some alone time with them. If this was her new life, she was ready for it! Earning money suddenly seemed so easy. Maybe she should check out some nice flats and houses, she would soon need a new place to live and with all the money coming in she had plenty of options on her table! To celebrate this start of a new life, she changed the background on her phone to one of the soccer ball images, the one where the powerful shoe was milliseconds away from connecting with her camouflaged tit.
Chapter 5
From now on, Valerie’s life centered around her breasts. Whenever she had time, she shopped for creams and lotions to keep her skin soft and shiny, and did everything she could imagine to keep her boobs in pristine condition. And while she was constantly on the lookout for a new home, she was quite relieved to learn that the art college allowed her to stay a few more weeks to get organized.
Soon, she was finding herself in the tight confines of the box again, vibrator pushed against her excitable little clit, breasts tightly bound and squeezed through the two holes just like before. Only this time she was not part of some grand ceremony, instead her swollen, tender and cling-wrapped breasts had been put into a small room for much more private pleasures. Her twin globes were protruding through the surface of some nondescript office table, waiting for their first real client.
Valerie heard the door open. Someone inhaled sharply. Steps echoed through the small room as the unseen person approached her waiting treasures. Strong, eager hands found her hot globes and ripped the flimsy film away, forcefully pulling the pasties from her nipples. Valerie yelped as the tight package burst open and rough fingers wrapped around her soft flesh, squeezing her pillows aggressively. The vibrator started its work as soon as the hands made contact with her hot skin. Valerie winced with lust as intense sensations radiated from her breasts and sex.
“What a fabulous pair, just what I need to calm down!” a raspy voice muttered while the hands brutally worked Valerie’s taut breasts. The excited girl moaned encouragingly.
The invisible hands kept Valerie busy, pushed and pulled at her exposed flesh, squeezed and even slapped her taut globes for some lewd entertainment. The devilish toy hummed and tickled her whenever her breasts were touched and, to Valerie’s dismay, immediately stopped once the hands pulled away from her exposed skin. It drove her crazy.
After their initial, demanding assault, just when the trapped girl thought she would reach her first climax, the hands suddenly withdrew as the visitor settled down. A lonely finger was circling one of her hardening nipples. The vibrator inside her immediately sprang to life again and teased her endlessly. And then the man began to talk to her exposed, bulging boobs.
“I’m sorry that you have to endure this, but a fat, bound pair of breasts is about the only thing that makes me relax nowadays. I know it’s weird but this club has been a godsend for me. And your gigantic melons absolutely take the cake, hon. I’ve seen a bunch of nice titties in my life but never a pair like yours.”
His hands caressed Valerie’s hard nipples and tugged at them lightly. Her pussy was sopping wet and ready to explode any moment.
“My life has been a real shitshow lately. My company keeps sending me around the world, makes me work hours and hours without end and still treats me like shit. And even with all that crap they put me through, there’s no guarantee that they won’t make me redundant next month, just like they did with Jeff.”
The tip of his finger poked into the rigid little pebble and circled it teasingly. Valerie yelped as the first climax of the day hit her hard and made her shudder.
“Having fun in there, huh? Anyway, to top it all off, my wife just sent me the freaking divorce papers. Apparently I was neglecting her. She wants to keep the kids as well and the house, of course. I’m pretty sure that she lets that artist guy a few houses down the road fuck her brains out whenever I’m away.”
Suddenly he slapped Valerie’s breast forcefully, making her taut pillows quake and jiggle while she came down from her high.
“Fuck that!” he yelled, and then added a bit calmer, “That the booking for your top class tits went through was the best thing that happened to me in a long time, hon. Sorry for the outburst by the way.”
He continued to massage her pillows much more gently now, the vibrator humming away busily.
“Listen, you don’t need to talk to me, but I really would like to learn about your side of this arrangement. Why do you let me abuse your breasts like that? I of course appreciate your services but I don’t really get why you are doing this. Is it the money?”
Valerie was surprised by the direct address and didn’t know how to react. She hadn’t spoken to any of those people and wasn’t even sure if she was allowed to. On the other hand, the guy seemed to have real issues! Either way, what was she supposed to say? That it was all about the incredible amount of cash she earned? That her tits were the only thing that was actually any good on her? Not knowing what to do, Valerie stayed silent.
Suddenly her breasts exploded in pain. The strange man cruelly twisted both of her nipples with might. She screamed.
“Just checking if you’re still alive in there,” he laughed, “Anyway, sorry for bothering you but I guess you get well compensated for this. My reserved slot ends soon, so let me slap your melons a bit more and then call it a day. My dreadful life is waiting for me out there.”
Valerie felt her tits jump around as the blows rained down on her exposed flesh. The sensation was simply overwhelming.
“Wait,” she grimaced, “Stop for a moment please?”
The hands halted their painful work.
“What you said… You’re right, I mostly do that for the money. It turned out that my tits were my only real talent and I had not many options left. A girl needs to eat and all that. But since I started in this line of work, I find the experience quite … uhm… stimulating.”
“Stimulating, huh? So what do you like most when you’re inside the box?”
“Not knowing what happens next, I guess? The suspense.”
“I see. Damn, my time’s up. Thanks for talking to me, you delicious pair of tits. Has been a real pleasure to use you today. I promise to book you again soon.”
“Thanks. And good luck sorting out your life.”
“Oh god, don’t remind me of that train wreck.”
Valerie heard the door close. Then she was alone again. Soon, someone would haul her away and she would get out of this odd prison again.
Back in her tiny dorm, Valerie was thinking about what had happened. That man had been frustrated and stressed out for sure. But her breasts had comforted him, had provided him an opportunity to calm down and get rid of his anger. Of course, he had been quite brutal with her tits, but it was so nice to know that her boobs were such a valued prize to him, that this session with her breasts had been the best thing that had happened to this man for ages!
It felt like she was doing something good by letting people use her body in this way, and it made her feel appreciated. She smiled sheepishly as she thought about how incredibly horny it made her to be in that box, locked in and stuck, breasts exposed and waiting for whatever would happen to them. Her naughty little pussy got already excited again.
The next morning, Valerie was ready to make her decision. Several new requests had come in overnight and she accepted every single one of them, including the medical trial and the request for an art model. She’d be a busy pair of tits in the coming weeks!
Friday came quicker than expected and soon Valerie was back in her box. Member ArtistCollective had booked her for an off-site engagement, which meant that this session would be the first time her tits would venture outside of the confines of the PHH facility. Valerie had no idea where she would end up and for what her breasts would be used this time, just that they would be needed as a prop for some performance art show. She had to admit that this made everything just more exciting.
Valerie felt the box move and wobble. After a bit of shaking, she seemed to be finally in the right place. The hidden girl could feel wind gracing her shrink-wrapped breasts and hear cars driving by in the distance. Someone was squeezing her exposed flesh and massaged her plastic-wrapped pillows.
“You guys really have great suppliers, man. Have never seen such a perfect pair of tits! And Fiona’s pussy is so nice and clean! I can only imagine how many fingers will poke into her sopping hole today. Even Derek’s dick looks great, though I don’t intend to touch that thing with a ten foot pole!”
“Yeah, Carl’s amazing. Do you know how it all started?”
“Everyone knows that. It was Fiona’s devious prank with that box! Still can’t figure out how she made him put his hand in there. That wasp was just cruel.”
“Yeah, poor guy couldn’t use his hand for a week! But it got him thinking, and here we are! Fiona couldn’t really say no after what she did to him. Hope she enjoys having her bare pussy fondled by a bunch of strangers.”
“You don’t know Fiona all that well, do you? She loves it! She would pay good money to be in that box!”
“Really? Can’t wait to feel her up a little. And Derek?”
“What about him?”
“Does he like showing off, too?”
“That guy is so in love with his dick, he would put it on display anywhere! Guess he can’t wait to have some innocent girl explore his jewels.”
“And the tit model? You know anything about her?”
“No I don’t. But Carl got those from PHH so she’s definitely capable of whatever people throw at her. Apparently it’s their top model right now, fucking expensive if you ask me. Should have talked some art student into it, would have saved us a lot of money.”
Valerie felt rough hands on her globes again. Strong fingers were ripping the seal open and pulling away the film. Someone was tweaking her nipples forcefully.
“Fuck man, that pair is just incredible. You get what you pay for, I guess. Could play all day long with those things!”
“Better be quick though. Not much time left before the big reveal!”
“Yeah, let’s get ready.”
Valerie heard something clank against her box, sounds of a drill and a hammer could be made out. The noise continued for a while until one of the workers announced, “OK guys, we’re done!”
The project was called “Hidden: Dangerous Desires” and consisted of a number of beautifully ornamented metal boxes that contained a wide variety of objects people were supposed to feel out. There were ordinary things inside, like a mug of beer, a cake and a pot; funny things like a wet sponge or a piece of dough; pleasant things like a docile cat and the soft fur of a fluffy sheep; painful things like nettles and a cactus; creepy things like spiders and glasses full of bugs; and sexy things like Derek’s hard penis, Fiona’s squishy vagina and Valerie’s pair of ballooning breasts.
The artist’s main intention with this setup was to observe how the audience would find their way through the boxes and how long it would take them to figure out where the pleasant and where the unpleasant objects were hidden. The boxes were set up in a beautiful park, open for the general public. There was no explanation or instruction, the only concession the artist had made was to allow staff to warn families with minors and direct them to ‘safe’ boxes so they wouldn’t get hurt or exposed to indecent material.
Carl watched with fascination as his first curious and clueless guinea pigs entered the park and stuck their hands into the intriguing openings. Amused yelps and giggles soon filled the place and people were obviously having a lot of fun. It didn’t take long for the more explicit boxes to attract a lot more attention than the other more boring ones. Carl laughed as he watched a group of men fighting over Fiona’s box, they obviously knew by now what was hidden in there and couldn’t wait to get a better feel. He was sure Fiona enjoyed the attention.
To his surprise, the breast box had drawn an even larger audience. Young men and women were haggling about who would get access first and shared their experience when they finally got to stick their hands inside. Carl laughed when he saw the jealous look on some of these women as they compared their own measly breasts with that hidden but absolutely spectacular pair of tits in the box.
Valerie enjoyed this session a lot more than when the business man had his way with her. So many hands examined her bloated balloons! The difference in how they touched her, how they poked or pinched her flesh soon allowed her to tell who was male or female, who was young or old, who was curious and who was just horny. To her relief they all behaved relatively well, except for the odd jealous bitch that would tear at her nipples or slap her melons angrily. The little toy once again did a formidable job of enhancing the experience and hummed away whenever someone touched her exposed skin.
She didn’t really know how long she was in that park letting random strangers play with her twins, but she enjoyed it a lot. The number of orgasms she had experienced was proof enough that it had been going for quite a while.
At some point, despite all the attention her twins attracted, she drifted away in a restless sleep, dreaming of hungry hands groping and squeezing her hurting breasts. She woke up again when the box started to move. The exhausting gig finally had ended, her tits felt incredibly tender and her pussy was equally sore from the endless work of her toy. She heard people talking about how incredibly successful the event had been and whether they would repeat the show in some other city as she was transported back to the PHH facility. Valerie smiled when she heard that her breasts had attracted the most visitors and that people also stayed longest there. It was so nice to know her services were valued.
Back in the facility, when she finally stepped out of the box, Valerie inspected her naked body. She could still make out reddish spots on her skin, spots where people had pinched her flesh. Her tits hurt terribly, so much in fact that she tried to avoid any sudden movement. And her pussy screamed at her whenever something touched it. But despite all this, Valerie was happy.
Chapter 6
The next day, after a good, long rest, Valerie looked into the mirror, like she did every morning, and examined her body. Why were people so obsessed with her breast? Were these things really so special? She grabbed her left boob and made it bulge. It looked funny, but other than that she found nothing interesting about the odd appendage. Sure, her skin was smooth and spotless, her nipple cute and rosy, and the whole globe was positively massive, but nothing out of the ordinary she thought.
Valerie toyed with her hardening nipple a bit more as she analyzed the strange situation she found herself in. The fact that her breasts were now her only source of income made her queasy, but she had to admit that she enjoyed letting people play with them. Wasn’t this a good thing? She may be dependent on people groping her for money, but at least she had fun in her job, right? But was this all she would ever do in her life? Letting strangers play with her tits and get paid for it? What would she tell people if they asked about her job? After a bit of unproductive pondering, Valerie shrugged and checked her messages.
The first booking of TeamScience was coming up today and Valerie was terribly nervous about it. This one was different from her previous engagements, this was not only about fooling around with her boobs but using them for actual research. She dreaded being used as a guinea pig for some new medication and wondered why on Earth she had accepted the request in the first place. Of course, being part of a team creating a new miracle drug to help women in need was great in theory, and the thought that her tits would actually be put to some good use for society was thrilling. But it also seemed terribly dangerous and she really did not look forward to having her breasts abused and potentially harmed for ‘the greater good’. Hopefully these people knew what they were doing! In the end, she had not much choice though. She had accepted the request already and they paid good money, so of course she would honor the booking.
What the ‘Silent Option’ requirement actually meant became clear once Valerie stood in front of the open box. In addition to the usual vibrator, an unassuming ball-gag was waiting for her. First, Valerie ignored the pervy toy and tried to get into the casket without wearing it. But the top wouldn’t close. Then, she considered aborting the engagement but remembered the consequences of such a reckless reaction. Not only would she give up an incredibly well-paying gig but she would also be considered unreliable which would negatively affect her future prospects. No, she would honor the booking, no matter what.
And so she popped the ball between her teeth, fastened the harness around her head and arranged herself in the comfy box, the heavenly toy stuffed deep inside her glistening sex. The top finally came down and soon the familiar hands were pulling her breasts through the tight holes again, preparing her wares for the session until they were sealed in cling-film once more. The world shook around her as she was transported into another room.
She heard people moving about outside and could only imagine a busy lab full of scientists in white gowns talking sciency stuff, and her pristine, film-covered tits sitting atop of a metal table, ready for some weird experiments.
“Finally! If those things don’t yield good results we are done for.”
“How did you actually get permission for the trial, Diane?”
“Well, I didn’t. But I can’t afford this project to fail. The simulations have been very encouraging so far but for some reason the higher-ups are losing patience. If we don’t produce some good, hard data that shows this drug is actually doing what we promised, they will cut our funding by the next quarter. So what am I supposed to do?”
“Isn’t that risky? Who knows what the drug will do to those!”
“Don’t be such a wimp, Gordon. Everything will be fine. The worst that could happen is that these boobies feel a bit tender for a few days. But look at those fat funbags. They can take a beating, don’t you think? I’m sure they have been through much worse than this.”
Valerie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Terribly frightened, she wanted to scream, but the ball gag prevented any audible response.
“Alright then. Gordon, give me the sample, please.”
Valerie felt hands on her packed tits, the cling film got quickly ripped apart and gloved hands touched her exposed flesh, massaging her breasts lightly. To Valerie’s dismay, the vibrator did not trigger.
“So how do we apply it?”
“The drug should be able to pass through the skin, so we just rub it into those melons in regular intervals. Pay special attention to the nipples. Cover every square inch of those things with the lotion and really massage it into these fat globes. Here, I’ll show you how it’s done.”
A cold glob of fluid dropped on her left bud and strong, rubberclad fingers meticulously rubbed it into her entire breast. As the massage went on, Valerie felt her skin suddenly heat up. And it got worse quickly. Soon, the frantic girl felt like her boob was on fire and screamed into her gag. The people outside did not hear a thing though.
With complete disregard of Valerie’s plight, the rubber fingers proceeded to give her other breast the same treatment. Tears were streaming down the trapped girl’s face and she sobbed in pain.
“Looks like the skin absorbed the first dose. I have them booked every day so we can continue the treatment until we see results. We have… another 20 minutes left so let’s use the time to really work those things. It will help distribute the drug to the right places. Man, I’m really looking forward to the next phase.”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t you remember what we are researching here? The milk flow control feature? We’ll have to test if and how the let-down triggers and simulations show that the most sensible parameter is physical stimulation also referred to as blunt force! I already have some ideas on how to do that but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Valerie squirmed silently as her tender breasts got brutally squeezed.
“There, there, almost done. As you know, we will have to repeat this procedure every day, so I’m confident you’ll get used to it quickly. Please report anything unusual immediately through the App and only wash your bosom after a minimum of 3 hours following each application. There are no restrictions otherwise for now but do note that your breasts might feel tender and more sensitive to the touch. And please, don’t freak out. This study is as safe as it gets, trust me.”
Back in her little apartment, Valerie was trying to come to terms with what they had done to her and that they would keep treating her like a lab rat for the foreseeable future. Sure, these guys paid incredibly well for the little time they needed with her, and as it was a daily recurring booking, this one alone would ensure enough money for the coming weeks. But wasn’t this too dangerous? Wasn’t she risking damage to her most valuable asset, her breasts? She examined her buzzing pillows but apart from a slight redness there was nothing unusual. They did feel a bit more tender than in the morning though.
Despite her concerns, Valerie went to PHH every morning so the trial could go on as scheduled. The two doctors kept massaging the substance into her globes and kept asking if she noticed anything unusual. In addition to those regular appointments, Valerie provided her breasts to other customers who,to her delight, mostly treated them with care. Then, a week after her first meeting with the doctors, the business man was back at using her twins as his personal stress balls.
“How are you doing, my favorite pair of boobs? You look even bigger today, has anything happened?”
Valerie enjoyed his familiar hands on her tender breasts, enjoyed that the vibrator was working so efficiently inside her.
“Uhm… Yeah, but I really don’t want to talk about it. Listen, can you keep your hands on my tits for a bit longer? Whenever you touch me, the vibrator inside my pussy is activated. And if you remove your hands, it switches off. And I am in dire need of some fun right now.”
“Really?” asked the man,quickly pulling his hands away from her breasts.
“I just asked you to not do this?” complained Valerie, cursing herself for disclosing that particular detail.
“I heard that,” giggled the man, “But now that I know this, I can’t let this information go unused.”
His hands were back on her globes and violently groped her funbags, making the toy inside her work overtime. Valerie groaned lustfully as he continued his assault, tickling and squeezing, licking and biting her bouncy boobies.
But whenever she got close, he immediately withdrew, causing the vibrator to stop. Valerie was getting frustrated.
“Damn, can’t you keep your hands on me?” she squealed, wondering why the man was so mean. He chuckled and said, “Sorry, just messing with you. But I can’t resist those funbags either!”
His hands were back, now groping her more forcefully than ever before. Soon, Valerie was gasping and groaning and finally her pent up horniness exploded in a most delicious climax.
“Wow, thanks! I needed this.”
“My pleasure, I could actually need some relief, too! Would it be too weird if I jerk off using your tits?”
“You paid for them, you can do whatever you want! Go ahead, I don’t mind!”
She felt something cold dribble on her boobs, then his hands squeezed her charms again and worked something gooey into her skin. Her breasts felt very slippery. She heard the man grunt as he pushed her tits together and something warm and fleshy was pushed between them.
“Ugh, this is great!” he moaned as he drove his hard dick into the tight valley between her glistening pillows. The rhythmic, squishy noises and the pounding of her melons told Valerie everything there was to know. The guy was fucking her tits! And it made the vibrator buzz as well!
The feeling of being used for the man’s own pleasure made Valerie proud. Her breasts got squeezed so hard by his hands that she feared he would bruise them, but the regular grunts and the squishing of his slippery dick felt almost therapeutic. Her sore pussy was hurting from all the action it had gotten already but somehow that plastic lover was able to tease another orgasm out of her, just in time when the man outside came all over her precious funbags.
“Whew, thanks! That was great! Hope you’re not weirded out by this.”
“No, no, all good. I’m happy that I made you feel better.”
“You did! By the way, I would really like to get to know you better. I mean, I know you have the most spectacular boobs on the planet, but I’m curious about the rest that is attached to them. You seem like an interesting person and I would really like to meet you.”
Valerie felt his hand on her soiled tit, lightly flicking her hard nipple.
“That’s what you think, hon. But once you see me, you will regret you ever asked! I have bad experiences with people.”
“Oh come on, I don’t believe that.”
“And I don’t think PHH allows this sort of thing, do they?”
“They don’t have to know. Alright, let me make you an offer. I’ll write the address of a nice little cafe on the vast expanse that is your boob flesh. I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon and every week after that. You can identify me by my fancy yellow fedora. My soon-to-be-ex-wife hates that thing. Drop by if you feel like it. I promise, I won’t murder you. And I will keep booking your charms no matter what, those stress balls are such an effective way to decompress, I don’t know how to live without them.”
Valerie felt something small press against her boobs and skid over her skin.
“There! Now it’s all up to you. And don’t be afraid, I already know how beautiful your tits are, there is no way the rest of your body can disappoint me that much.”
“You have no idea!”
Chapter 7
That night, Valerie couldn’t stop thinking about the business man’s proposal. Should she really meet him tomorrow? Or would her vile body once again chase away someone that had claimed to like her? If only she would know in advance!
After a few rough, sleepless hours, Valerie was back at work with TeamScience.
“It’s working! Oh my god, Gordon, it’s working! Look at those fantastic tits!”
“Check the nipples! See the white fluid? We made it!”
“We sure did! Let’s see how much we can squeeze out of them with the regular method. Here, take the pump and get going! If we were right, this should yield only a few drops.”
Valerie’s groans were muffled by the ball gag. The pull on her poor nipple was so strong and so enduring that she instantly pitied all the poor nursing mothers out there. And the terribly strong suction didn’t stop either but went on and on.
“Give them 10 more minutes. After that, let’s proceed to phase 2.”
Valerie had no idea what phase 2 meant nor did she want to find out. She just wanted to get out of her box!
“You were right, Diane, only a few drops.”
“Good, then let’s see if the trigger impulse works as expected. May I?”
“Sure, go ahead!”
Valerie heard a loud, sickening slap as her right breast exploded in pain. Only seconds later, her left tit joined in and stung terribly.
“There! See? She’s leaking! And now…”
The poor girl winced as her nipples were cruelly squeezed shut by an invisible pair of fingers.
“One… Two… Three…Four…Five… Alright, that should be enough. And voila, no milk!”
“Like magic! Oh god, we will be millionaires!”
“We will be, but we need to be thorough. Let’s book those monsters for a few more weeks to do some additional testing. Also, we need to keep them on the medication to see if there are any adverse effects with higher doses. But damn, does this look good!”
“Alright, more lotion then. Won’t she be in pain though?”
“We have talked about this already, Gordon! Progress doesn’t come without sacrifices. It’s just a pair of tits, who cares if they feel a bit uncomfortable for the next few months! Get the lotion on them, I’ll work on the report.”
Valerie wanted to scream, wanted to tell them that her boobs already hurt enough, but there was no way she could communicate. And so she endured another painful massage until her box was finally moved away.
It got worse and worse the next few days. Valerie could barely move without causing searing hot pain in her boobs. Whenever they jiggled a bit, she wanted to scream, and whenever someone touched her breasts, she wanted to go ballistic. But she had her commitments and so she decided to tough it out.
The few customers that had experienced her wares before quickly noted that her boobs were even bigger, even better than before. And although the poor girl complained whenever someone squeezed them, they did not hold back for the most part.
But only the business man managed to break the seal in his session. He was in a bad mood from the beginning and slapped her bloated boobies for several minutes until his temper had calmed a bit.
“Ouch, Ouch, OUCH! What are you doing?”
“Sorry, but I really needed these puppies today. My, my, why are you so wet there? Is this….”
“Something is trickling out of your nipples! You’re messy! Let’s see… “
Valerie felt his wet tongue scraping over her hard nubs.
“Mhhhh, nice! Did you get pregnant or something? You’re lactating!”
“I am not pregnant, no.”
“Then why do you leak like that? Mhhh, I’m getting hungry!”
She felt his lips latch on her nipple and his mouth sucking hard.
“Wow, you taste great! Now tell me, how come?”
“I’m part of a medical trial. They, uhm… they made me lactate. But something’s different. I usually don’t leak, just when…. They… they usually hit me a few times and then it starts. And when they’re done, they just squeeze my nipples shut for a few seconds and the flow stops.”
“That’s very convenient! No random leaking! My ex wife would have killed for that feature when she was breastfeeding!”
“You have kids?”
“Yes, two beautiful daughters. Unfortunately my now divorced wife doesn’t let me see them. Life sucks.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault. Did you think about the meeting? I really want to see you in full some time. I mean, your tits are great and all, but I really think there could be more.”
“You just hit my tits as soon as you saw them. That’s not nice, you know?”
“I… I’m sorry, but they’re not… they’re just objects, right? If I could see your face, things would be different. But I only see these two, massive, milky-white mountains of flesh on the desk and can’t help myself!”
Valerie felt his hands on her breasts, squeezing and kneading them. Milk continued to flow down the slopes of her boobs as he continued his massage, causing the toy inside her to purr.
“So I just squeeze them shut, right? To stop the flow?”
“Yes. But keep going, I can use some good draining right now. And you’re … you’re doing great…aaaahhhhh…. Just a bit longer….please.”
The man whistled knowingly and continued his massage until he heard the girl whimpering and moaning.
“Thh…thanks. That was great. Yeah, just squ… OUCH! Yeah, l…like that. Five…five seconds or so.”
“One…two…three…four…done! Ta-Da! Wow, it works!”
“Yeah, it does.”
“So if I hit them again….”
“Don’t, please? But yeah, milk would be flowing again.”
“A pity that my time is up already. Meet you in the cafe then?”
“I’ll think about it.”
It was hard to ignore her awfully bloated breasts. Her skin was taut as a drum around there and her globes were heavy and simply gigantic. Valerie was careful when moving about but she couldn’t avoid the random jiggle of her overabundant flesh.
“I need to get milked,” she groaned when another flash of pain jolted through her bosom because of a careless bump-in with her fridge. Valerie tried to focus on the task at hand, to prepare some dinner and do some paperwork, but she just couldn’t think about anything but her sore tits. Finally, she gave up and went into the bathroom for a nice, relaxing bubble bath.
She sighed happily as the hot water engulfed her body and took the edge off her pain. Valerie’s thoughts circled around her recent adventures, the doctors, the milk she was now producing and yes, the business man as well. She wished he would be with her now so he could make her boobs leak and her pain go away. But alas, she was alone and if she wanted to get something done, she’d better do it herself.
A bit unsure of how to go about it, Valerie raised her flat hand and aimed at one of her bountiful melons. Squeezing her eyes shut, she slapped herself as hard as she dared, causing the water to splash in her face. It hurt.
She inspected her nipples, curiously looking for any trace of the white fluid. Unfortunately she couldn’t find any. Her second and third attempt didn’t lead to any result either. Annoyed by her unsuccessful antics, Valerie looked around for tools she could use. But there was not much that caught her eye.
Desperate to relieve herself, she quickly got out of the water, grabbed the soft belt of her bathrobe and her trusty hairbrush and then slipped back into the warm bath. If she would do this, she should better relax herself!
Valerie awkwardly looped the soft belt around her wet breast and tied it off as tight as she could manage. The pain was terrible, but her boob quickly transformed into the familiar ball shape and started to blush. The desperate girl huffed frantically as she inspected her work. With trembling hands she took aim and smacked her bulging melon as hard as she could.
With teary eyes she noticed the white mist that sprayed from her sore nipple. She sighed relieved.
“But just to be sure…”
She hit herself again with the hairbrush, smack in the middle of her spraying boob. The milk flow increased.
“Oh god, finally!”
The brush crashed into her taut balloon again.
“Ugh… this is good!”
Valerie was hitting herself harder and harder, causing her swollen breast to spray more and more milk. Soon, she turned her attention to her other, so far neglected boob and smacked her hairbrush into it repeatedly.
“Ooooohh…” she groaned lustfully as she let herself slide deeper into the water. One hand found her burning sex while the other caressed her sprinkling nipples. Soon, Valerie was thrashing in her bathtub, fingers dancing on her clit and moaning in ecstasy.
It took her quite a while to calm down again. Skin rosy from the hot water and head flushed from the recent climax, she groggily inspected her surroundings, noticing the now milky white bath water and her still spraying breasts.
“Damn were they full,” she giggled, letting herself sink back once again, “Better wait until I’m empty.”
After what felt like an eternity, the milk flow was down to a dribble and her breasts much less taut than before. Valerie decided that she had enough as the water had meanwhile gotten quite cold, and so she squeezed her nipples shut for a few seconds to stop the drooling for good. And like before, it just worked.
Happy with her recent achievement, Valerie cleaned herself and hopped into her bed, hair still wet and skin covered in goosebumps. And just before she drifted into sleep, she wondered if she should finally meet the business man in person.
Chapter 8
The engagements kept Valerie on her toes. By now, she had a good amount of regular customers that made use of her phenomenal bosom in all kinds of creative ways. In addition, TeamScience kept a close look at her and continued to apply their medication causing her boobs to fill up ever quicker to bursting capacity. The scientists continued their studies on her, trying out various ways of triggering her let-down reflex with more and more elaborate setups every session.
Of course the business man, her secret favorite, kept booking her as well and kept pestering her about his meeting request, and so finally, in a moment of weakness, she decided to meet him.
That day, her boobs were filled to the brim with a good milking due since days. Valerie could barely move without hurting herself but thought that her well-filled jugs might sweeten the deal for her new acquaintance and draw attention away from the rest of her body.
When she arrived at the cafe, dressed in an all-black outfit sporting an incredibly daring boob window that really showcased her cleavage, she nervously looked around to find him. He had reminded her in several sessions of his yellow fedora but there was no such hat to be seen. She felt the eyes of the patrons on her body, judging her by her unconventional looks. Were people whispering about her, gossiping about her massive size?
Valerie almost left the place again when a grey-haired older man with a yellow fedora entered the cafe. Their eyes found each other and his face lit up.
“Finally! I know these two well, I guess,” he joked, motioning towards Valerie’s barely contained bust, “But I’m thrilled to finally meet the rest of you! Come on, let’s get us a table.”
Valerie watched him suspiciously, waiting for any sign of disgust or aversion.
“So why now? I have almost given up hope, you know? Damn, you look delicious in this dress. Really accentuates your best sides!”
“I…. Thanks…” Valerie stammered, “So…wh…”
“Miss? Could we get some nice Capuchino, please?”
“Mister…. I … would you…”
“Let’s first introduce ourselves, shall we? I’m Theodore, your regular customer and admirer, recently divorced as you know. And you are?”
“V…Valerie. But I really would like to…”
“No need to be nervous, Valerie. I have learned a lot about you in our past sessions and I can assure you there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And if people are talking behind your back, just ignore them for god’s sake.”
“But don’t you think I’m…”
“You’re right, your breasts are by far the most astounding part of your body, but the rest, while a bit on the chunky side, is not bad either! You seem to be very self-conscious, so let me repeat, there is nothing to be ashamed about.”
“But I…”
“Whatever bad experiences you had in the past, just forget about them. You’re beautiful in your own right and whoever claims something different is an idiot. And not only that, your character, your personality,… I mean, I don’t know you that well yet, but I can’t wait to learn everything about you, and not only about your boobs. Although I can’t see them soon enough again!”
“Really? You don’t find me disgusting?”
“I don’t. In fact, let me take you out tonight. Let’s go to the fanciest restaurant in this city. You’re already dressed perfectly for the occasion. I just have one request.”
“And that is?”
“Pull that dress further down, show me a hint of that delicious nipple.”
Valerie blushed as she adjusted her clothes, enlarging her cleavage further and further until one of her boobs nearly popped out.
“Brilliant! Now let’s enjoy our coffee and then get some food. Mhhhh…. Maybe you could offer me a very special cappuccino later?”
“What… oooohhh… you filthy old man!” Valerie giggled as she sipped her drink.
The evening had been spectacular. The food was the best she ever tasted and Theodore had been a true gentleman. She felt so special with him around. On the way out he said,
“You know you’re famous, right?”
“Famous? Me?”
“Your boobs are.”
“What do you mean?”
“I see them all the time! People in the art community talk about them, the internet is full of them, everyone is raving about your tits. I have to admit, I’m getting a bit jealous.”
“I had no idea!”
“You will have no trouble getting bookings for the foreseeable future, that’s for sure. In fact, I have a booking for tomorrow, and I’m planning to take full advantage of it! Good night, Valerie. It was great meeting you.”
“Good night Theodore.”
“Maybe next week again? In person I mean?”
“I can’t wait.”
Valerie couldn’t believe her luck. Although the disclosure of her identity had been a great gamble, it had paid off. Not only did she meet the most intriguing man she could imagine and bewitched him with her big bad boobies, but found a soulmate that finally helped her get over her insecurities.
Back in her room, she looked in the mirror and tried to see her body through his eyes. Yes, maybe it wasn’t all that bad. Maybe she was beautiful after all. At least for some.
Valerie and Theodore were quickly getting closer and only a few months later, the happy girl and the old man were moving together. The business man had bought a fancy little house that provided enough space for both of them and was equipped with all sorts of kinky features to enhance their exciting love life.
After a few weeks Theodore asked her to quit her job at THH as he had enough funds for both of them. Valerie didn’t respond immediately but mulled over the request for a few days. Finally, after a few more sessions for the art community and random perverts, she declared with trembling voice,
“I can’t, Theodore. I can’t give this up. I know it’s pervy and all, and that I shouldn’t enjoy strangers fondling my boobs while I’m locked in a box. But I…”
“You don’t need to explain yourself, Valerie.”
“I don’t?”
“No. I understand. You enjoy it. You enjoy getting your tits mauled. You love when that part of you is appreciated. And you are hooked on that rush when you’re climaxing in that box while someone out there does who knows what with your exposed boobs.”
“Y…yeah, I guess…And I … the money…. I want to have some independence, you know?”
“Oh, sure. That too. I’m fine with that, really. But only under one condition.”
“And what’s that?”
“I’ll keep booking you as long as you work for THH. And during these sessions, I will treat your phenomenal boobs just like the lewd objects they are. I will use them as stress relievers, as mere pillows for my head. I will squeeze, grope and smack them to my heart’s content.”
“I would expect no less, my love. Now, would you mind milking me for a bit? These scientists just keep increasing the dosage and I really feel quite sore right now.”
“Of course my love, with pleasure.”