Pavlovian Reaction

9 min readJan 8, 2021


by QexiQex

Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.

Main themes of this story are: sensory depriviation, mind control, reluctant masturbation, fisting.

The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.


The first few beats of that damned song were already enough — enough to have her react like a well trained animal.

Stacy often played that song when she was in the safety of her own home. Then, she could truly appreciate those intimate reactions her body was conditioned to produce, with her trusty vibrator stuffed deep inside her, taking care of those devilish urges.

She closed her eyes as the signature guitar melody crashed through her body.

Di-da — dum-dum di-da — dum-dum.

But here, in this crowded shopping mall? With all those strangers around her? This was not the place to feel safe, to let herself go. She had to be careful, had to behave!

Where was the next restroom? Maybe she could go there?

Stacy’s pulse quickened, her juices prepared for what her body was demanding. She felt her nipples harden, poking through her thin, white blouse like tiny flagpoles.

How long before I get in?

Before it starts, before I begin…

Stacy closed her eyes, savored the exquisite feelings those delicious tones awoke in her body. She could already make out the wetness forming between her legs.

She knew exactly what was going to happen. It wasn’t the first time she experienced this kind of situation, and it wouldn’t be the last. Of course, she tried to avoid places where the risk was high, but who would have known that they played this song in a freaking mall?

She clenched her thighs together, waves of pleasure rippling through her. If just her body would not remember so well!

It had been almost two years ago when she volunteered for the experiment. She was young and needed the money. And it sounded so simple! Stay in the psych lab for a bit more than a week and earn 100 bucks a day! It wasn’t a hard decision to make.

She remembered being suspicious because of that gracious compensation. It was so much more than what they usually paid. But who would turn down the chance to earn close to 1000 bucks during spring break doing nothing?

How long before you decide?

Before I know what it feels like…

Stacy bit her lip, tried to ignore those rippling sensations. She felt her skin go numb, shutting down. Only her crotch area and her breasts were still sending signals to her overloaded brain. But those signals were so much stronger now. She could feel her bra squeezing her breasts together, the smooth silk irritating her rock-hard pebbles. She suspected this was a direct result of the ‘sensory deprivation training’ they put her through.

‘Sensory deprivation’… she remembered having not the slightest clue what that even meant back then, when she was asked to sign the form. They required her consent, and she gave it willingly. Without having the slightest idea about the consequences, how that one job would change her life.

And nobody bothered to explain anything to her! Only that she was scheduled to participate in an experiment to study ‘how music can influence bodily reactions’. That was it. That was all she got!

She liked music, liked the idea of earning so much money by simply listening to great tunes while some scientists would take some measurements. It sounded like the perfect job for her.

Of course, nobody had told her that she would be strapped into a weird contraption, designed to block out all sensations! Naked! She knew she was in for some surprises when they hooked her up on an IV drip.

But by then it was too late. Her head was already covered by some super-soft material and her mouth was filled with a sort of gag. That was just minutes before they put those virtual reality goggles over her frightened eyes and muffled her ears with large, noise-canceling headphones.

How long before you decide?

Before I know what it feels like…

Images of naked, sweating, squirming bodies flashed through her brain. Stacy was panting, her beautiful face red with excitement.

“Are you alright, Miss?”

A friendly face looked at her. A young shop clerk who seemed rather concerned was waiting for a reaction.


“Wait here, Miss. I’ll get some help!”

“No, please!, I’m fine. I … just …. need a … restroom…”

“Sure! There is one back at the staff area. I’ll help you get there!”

The kind soul helped her up, supported her swaying, fragile body and pushed her through a door marked ‘staff only’.

How long do I have to climb

Up on the side of this mountain of mine?

Stacy’s body went rigid as waves of adrenaline crashed through her system. Her crotch was dripping wet by now, and her boobs were so sensitive that she felt the slightest breeze. And the rest of her fucked-up body was completely numb. So numb in fact, that she was barely able to stand.

“Fuck me, please!” she whispered.

“Huh? Miss? Are you… are you really OK?”

“F…fuck me, quick! I need it, I … this song!”

Her mind was like a broken record. This delicious melody had been hardwired into her brain since those days. They had played the song day and night, while they did everything to excite her body.

It was a fascinating experience after all, strapped in that soft shell, not feeling anything, images of the weirdest porn flicks shoved into her face through those VR goggles. And the doctors used all kinds of toys on her exposed genitals. Constantly. For days.

No wonder her mind was fucked-up after that. She hadn’t orgasmed like that her entire life. In the beginning, she thought that experiment was fantastic, a blast. But they didn’t stop. Instead, they tried to out-do themselves each day, each hour. Tried to squeeze the last ounce of lust out of her trapped body. And that damned song played day and night. And they forced her to orgasm the entire fucking time.

Look up, I look up at night

Planets are moving at the speed of light…


The clerk pushed her into a small room, apparently pretty worked-up himself. He probably couldn’t believe his luck.

“Help me out of my clothes and fuck me, for god’s sake!” she screamed and shoved her sensitive tits into his face, “And don’t forget to play with my boobs! I really…. need… this…”

“Are you sure, Miss? This is quite … an unusual … request you know? I don’t want to get into any troubles for this!”

“For god’s sake, FUCK ME NOW!”

The young clerk fumbled around with her clothes and finally succeeded to push her pants down. She shuddered as he clumsily touched her soaked panties.

“Wow, you are quite wet down there, Miss!”

Climb up, up in the trees

Every chance that you get is a chance you seize…

Stacy squealed in delight as the young clerk’s fingers finally found inside her panties and penetrated her drenched sex. She wanted to hump his fingers so badly, but her frail body was of no use. It drove her crazy that she couldn’t feel a thing except around her now very sensitive sex organs. She was barely able to speak! But her moans seemed to be encouraging enough for the clerk, and she just hoped that the guy was up to the task.

When his shaky fingers found the clasp of her bra and freed her quivering breasts, Stacy was in heaven. The slightest touch of her warm boobs, the faintest flick on her hard nubs was enough to cause the purest pleasure. And then, finally, his hard dick found its way into her soaking wet body and the young man began to pound in earnest.

Stacy screamed in ecstasy as she was penetrated. At least the clerk had some stamina. And once he got going, he thankfully began to maul and squeeze her large, tender breasts, too.

For Stacy this was pure bliss. Her body finally got what it expected, what it demanded. Her brain was flooded with endorphin as orgasm after orgasm wrecked through her while the young man drilled her dripping sex expertly.

How long am I gonna stand

With my head stuck under the sand?

But Stacy knew it won’t last. The clerk was already panting so heavily that it was only a matter of seconds until he would shoot his load and would be done with her. Her fogged brain was on high alert, she clenched her muscles, tried to trap his hard dick inside her in a vain attempt to prolong the fuck. But she knew it was too late.

I’ll stop before I can stop

Or before I see things the right way up

“Nnnnggg…. Arggghhh”

A few powerful thrusts, and he was done. His hard member, buried deep in her body, quivered, sprayed her insides and became limp. Panting and moaning, the young man pulled his softening dick out of her. Shit, what now? She wasn’t nearly done yet!

All that noise and all that sound

All those places I got found

“This was great!” the clerk grinned as he cleaned his cock, “Definitely the best fuck in my life! Are you OK now, Miss?”

Stacy groaned in frustration. Her body was definitely not OK yet.

Waves of lust rippled through her sweaty body. She still couldn’t feel a thing, her limbs were numb, her muscles paralyzed. It was like being back in the lab again, her groin on fire, her nipples painfully erect and starving for a touch.

“I… need… more. P…play with me… fuck… me….”

The clerk blushed, “But… I… “

“Please? Play with me… touch me…I need this… badly…”

And birds go flying at the speed of sound

To show you how it all began

Birds came flying from the underground

If you could see it then you’d understand

The young man’s fingers prodded her, touched her sensitive breasts, grabbed one of her rock-hard nipples, pulled on it lightly, then more daringly. Watching how the beautiful girl squirmed under his touch, the clerk got bolder. His pulling and twisting fingers got rougher and rougher, squeezed the hard nubs mercilessly. Stacy squealed in pain. And in pleasure.

Ideas that you’ll never find

Or the inventors could never design

The buildings that you put up

Or Japan and China, all lit up

“You’re quite desperate, are you?” the clerk muttered.

“… Please, fuck me… fuck me with your h-hand..”

The young man smiled happily, pushed first one, then two fingers into her slippery hole. Stacy whimpered silently as he began to thrust inside her. His fingers went faster and faster. The desperate girl gasped and moaned as he worked on her sensitive sex.

“My tits, don’t forget my tits!” she hushed.

The sign that I couldn’t read

Or a light that I couldn’t see

Some things you have to believe

But others are puzzles, puzzling me

The clerk laughed, “You’re quite a demanding one!” His flat hand crashed into Stacy’s soft boobs, made them jiggle and bounce.

“Owwww.... so… good!” moaned the girl as pain and pleasure mingled, as her lover roughly yanked at her tits, mauled and kneaded them like dough.

His fingers slithered in and out of her flooded gate, made her sex quiver and throb. She felt another finger enter her. Was it the third one? The fourth? The filling sensation was all she needed. “More. Please give me more!” was all she could think of.

All that noise and all that sound

All those places I got found

His thumb squeezed past her slimy lips. The clerk jammed his hand up against her body, twisting and pushing with force.

“You’re too tight down there! This won’t fit!”

“Try… harder! I need this! Please?!”

And birds go flying at the speed of sound

To show you how it all began

Birds came flying from the underground

If you could see it then you’d understand

Oh, when you see it then you’ll understand

Suddenly, his wrist popped through. Fingers scraped along her insides, filling her up completely.

“Wow, I’m in!” panted the guy, “This feels great!”

He balled his fist and pumped into her body, first slowly then more pronounced. Stacy was lost, lost in her dream. This was all she needed, all she ever wanted. She was so full, so… fulfilled.

“Faster, fuck me faster! Fuck me with your fist!” she mumbled.

All those signs I knew what they meant

Some things you can’t invent

Some get made and some get sent, ooh

The clerk gave everything. He punched into her, fucked her until his muscles strained. Juices squirted from the stuffed hole, wet sucking noises filled the room. And Stacy was in heaven. Finally. She saw it coming, saw the big one approaching. And then it hit her. Hard.

Her whole body went rigid. Cries of joy left her trembling lips, tears of pleasure smeared her face. This was pure bliss, this was paradise.

Birds go flying at the speed of sound

To show you how it all began

Birds came flying from the underground

If you could see it then you’d understand

Oh, when you see it then you’ll understand

Stacy’s body spasmed and trembled while the helpful clerk kept fist-fucking her furiously. The young woman felt her muscles clench one last time. The song was over. The urge was gone. Her world slowly returned to normal.

“Th-Thank you!” Stacy hushed, “Thank you so much!”

The clerk kept fucking her with his fist, sucking noises leaving the stuffed cavern.

“You can stop now, please? But thanks for … everything!”

“Sorry, but this is way too much fun!” grinned the clerk, his free hand reaching into his pocket. He fumbled out a remote and pressed a button, “You don’t mind hearing that song again, do you?”




Written by QexiQex

I enjoy writing about big breasts in peril. Feedback always appreciated! In case you are interested in joining my Discord, send me a message.

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