Portal Bra

38 min readJan 8, 2021


by QexiQex

Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.

Main themes of this story are: big breasts, breast bondage, exhibitionism.

The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.

Chapter 1

Helen browsed the lines of lingerie displayed in the shop. She had been so upbeat about fixing her silly problem that the thought she could fail so spectacularly at such an early stage didn’t even occur to her. As if her training schedule wasn’t already challenging enough!

Her first tries at running had been a hilarious if not humiliating event. Her ‘stuff’ had been bouncing around so wildly that she almost knocked herself out with her own boobs. And that had been her, using the most constricting sports bra she ever owned!

The young woman sighed. Selection got so much smaller once she had figured out where her size was located on those racks. And there wasn’t really anything that looked like it could tame her massive melons either.

“May I help you?”

The young girl smiled at her brightly.

“Ah…mmh… yeah! I’m looking for a sports bra. Trying to exercise more but my … well, it’s a challenge with the clothes I have, so I figured I need something that’s more up to the task.”

“I see.” The girl studied her.

“So… do you have anything that might help me getting those monsters under control?” Helen asked, pointing at her massive chest.

The girl grinned, “Don’t worry, we’ll find something. Let’s have a look at our offerings, shall we?”

Helen remained unconvinced. She watched the clerk go through all the available models, showing her this and that. The name tag on her almost non-existent bust displayed the name ‘Chloe’ and claimed she was an “Customer Consultant in Training” whatever that meant. Helen shook her head, “No, they are all way too small and I can already see that they don’t provide the support I need.”

“Well, why don’t you try on this one. This looks pretty solid, doesn’t it?”

Helen sighed audibly but grabbed the large, black piece and vanished into a fitting room. She quickly removed the body-hugging shirt and her favorite bra she wore today. Her breasts slid into the soft cups but Helen could already feel that they were too small for her. She closed the straps, looked in the mirror and groaned as she examined her flesh bulging out from the sides.

“It doesn’t fit!” she shouted.

“Really? Can I have a look?”

“If you must, but I told you it doesn’t fit.”

Chloe’s little head appeared between the curtains. “Wow, you’re massive! But it seems to cover…. aehm… most?”

“Look, I’m searching for a sports bra. Know what happens if I start running? This happens!”

Helen started to jump up and down, her breasts straining against the thinly stretched bra. Suddenly there was a rubbery bang and the inadequate piece of clothing flew into a corner.

“Wow, I haven’t seen anything like this before!”

Helen chuckled, “Well, it’s a first for me, too. Usually my boobs just jump out of those cups. So, any bright ideas?”

“Sorry, no. This was the largest of our conventional bras.”

“Conventional bras? So you have something else on offer?”

Chloe’s cute face flushed and she stammered, “N… not really. I …”

“Listen, I know you’re hiding something. Just tell me, please? I’m desperate!”

“OK. But my boss told me that almost every piece of those is already in use and the rest is to be reserved for affluent clients until we get the new shipment. Limited market introduction and all that. Not that I am supposed to understand any of it. They are awfully expensive, too, so they are usually only sold to our Elite members after careful consideration. They’re also really funny though,” she giggled. The young woman looked around and hushed, “But you seem to be in real need, so I’ll make an exception. Follow me.”

The girl dashed out of the small stall. Helen jumped into her shirt and tagged along, her braless breasts swaying to and fro beneath a thin layer of fabric. She saw Chloe opening a door with a ‘Staff Only’ sign. Helen entered the little room and looked around expectantly.

“Here, this is it. Our brand new ‘Vanish’ model. A world’s first!” she beamed.

“But this looks ridiculously small! How on earth should this be of any help? This doesn’t even cover a measly B-Cup!”

“Oh, trust me, it’ll work. This is a high-tech device that automatically adjusts to every need. It will practically make your bust invisible. Just try it on.”

Helen took the bright, neon-yellow piece of fabric. The tiny straps and some smaller, decorative parts were colored black, just like the big ‘Vanish’ logo written across the front. She shook her head about the absurdity of it all and removed her shirt.

When she tried to put on the new piece of clothing, she suddenly recognized that the inner side of the bra featured two rubber-like rings that seemed to adjust to whatever circumference necessary. And in the middle of these rings was… nothing. She put her hand through one of the rings and saw it suddenly disappear.

“What the hell is this?”

“It’s great, right?”

Now Helen really was curious. She pushed one large breast through each ring and tightened the strap. Her tits were gone! They were just gone! And her huge melons felt totally relaxed, too, like when she was lying on her back! None of the dangling and tugging she usually experienced all day long!

She looked into the mirror, turned around to see her reflection. Helen couldn’t believe her eyes. The young woman looking back at her had definitely her face, but that bitch barely had A-cups! She was as flat as an ironing board!

This was like a dream come true! What else could you wish for when doing exercise? Hide your tits away whenever you don’t need them! How insanely convenient!

“I’ll take it. Heck, I’ll take 5 of those!”



“Those are 20k each.”

“WHAT? What did you just say?”

“20.000 for one of the bras. The technology is just getting available now. Those early products are essentially prototypes. Or at least that’s what I was told.”

“I can’t afford that! How could you show me the solution to all my problems and then tell me that they are so fucking expensive I can’t buy them? That must be the meanest thing anybody did to me in a long, long time!”

“I’m sorry, but I told you already, remember? Maybe you can work a bit harder and then buy it when you have the money?”

“20.000 bucks? Are you kidding me? It will take forever to get that kind of money!”

“Well, I… uhm… give me a sec please? I need to check something and… make a call.”

Helen wondered what the hell she meant when she saw the young clerk entering what looked like a tiny storage room. Moments later she heard her talking to someone. Suddenly she felt her stowed-away tits shift and move. Like they were suddenly dangling down, hanging around and swaying back and forth. What a weird feeling! Then something poked and prodded into her, pinched her nipples until they got hard. Her tits got squeezed and jiggled, bounced around and slapped. Then they calmed down again, changed to their former, relaxed position.

The girl returned, beaming, “Yep, just got the OK! You qualify for the new program.”

Helen looked at her quizzically, “What the hell are you talking about? By the way, my tits… something just happened to them while you were away. They… moved?”

The girl smiled knowingly, “Of course. That was me checking to see if you qualify. Have you not wondered where your breasts are going when you put on that bra?”

“Now that you mention it…”

“Each cup is basically a portal through space. It transfers your breast some distance away, where the second portal is located. The products we are selling allow the women to put the portal at whatever location they want, with this handy, gun-like, tool. So they can choose to put them into their clothing cabinet, into some secret box, wherever they like. Even in the pocket of their lover if they want. But for those that can’t afford the hefty price we are now establishing another alternative. If they qualify for our port-a-boob program, we keep the second portal to ourselves and rent them out to interested, well-paying clients. At least that’s the plan. We haven’t really started yet though, so you would be our guinea pig. “

“You will rent them out? To perverts?”

“To well-paying clients,” she smirked.

“How much is the bra in case I give you control over my tits?”

“My boss mentioned 200 bucks.”

Helen nodded, “So that would be actually affordable. Barely, but I could do it. So tell me, who would get access to that portal and what could they do with it? Worst case, what do I have to expect?”

“We don’t really have any experience yet as we are just getting started with this program. But what can somebody reasonably do with a pair of breasts like yours? Cuddle? Suck? Tickle them? I really don’t know what those people will be up to, once they paid the 500 for a week. If we ever find customers for this program that is.”

“500 for a week? There are people that pay 500 bucks to get access to a pair of tits for a week?”

“We hope so.”

“So let’s just pretend that I would agree to this deal. I pay the 200, get the bra, use it when running and so on. Fine. Now, some rich sucker comes along, sees my tits in your shop and decides he wants them for let’s say 10 days. To play with them, whatever. So what if I decide to not use my bra during that time? Because, say, I’m on holiday and don’t bother to workout while chilling on the beach?”

“That wouldn’t happen. We can obviously only rent out breasts that are available. And once the contract is sealed, you would be locked in for the duration of the lending period.”

“Locked in? How does that work?”

“Those rings would get so tight that you just wouldn’t be able to remove the bra again. Simple as that. Once the lock is engaged, nothing will get your tits out of there. Believe me. You’re locked in for whatever duration the client rents you.”

“Wow. That’s kind of scary. Do you have customers that did this sort of deal?”

“Not yet. But we have some customers that prefer to store their assets at our location. Those are all voluntary clients though, so no lock-in for them. Do you want to take a look at our collection?”

“Your… what?”

Chloe walked over to a bright-white cupboard and opened its front door. An array of full, well-formed breasts looked back at her.

“You want to touch them? I think our customers would appreciate a bit of attention.” Chloe smirked and then lightly brushed over the tasty, bronze pair next to her.

“So this is where mine would be, too?”

“Yep. Obviously with some signage to highlight that they can be rented.”

Helen thought about the offer. It weirded her out to have her own tits touched by some stranger far away from her. How was that even possible? On the other hand, it would really help with her exercise plans. And if she practiced enough, maybe she could actually run that marathon!

“So do you want that bra?”

Helen’s hands slid over her newly found flatness. She jumped around a bit, savouring the feeling of no jiggle. Then she nodded, “Yes, I’ll do it.”

“Fantastic!” beamed the young girl, “Looking forward to see a new set of tits in our cupboard. And such a lovely big one at that!”

“One last question: Can I… can I see how my breasts will look in this cupboard?”

“Sure thing!” the girl grinned. Chloe grabbed the portal gun that was hanging on the side of the shelf, took aim at an empty spot and pressed a button. A bright hot flash of pain surged through Helen that made her stumble. She clutched at her non-existent breasts, howling in agony.

“Ta-da! Here they are! Nice and big, ready to be rented out! The pain is a bit of an inconvenience, sorry.”

Helen, her vision blurry from tears, saw her very own breasts sitting neatly in the cupboard. She stepped closer, touched her own, soft boobs and shuddered. What an awkward feeling.

“You still want it?”


“Great. Interested in a pair of matching panties with similar function?”

“Excuse me?”

“Those are quite popular with couples, especially couples that live remote from each other.”

“I… panties?”

“We have female and male versions. You can get a set for a discounted price!”

“I don’t even want to imagine how those would work. Would I get stuck in them, too?”

“No. Those usually do not come with the lock-in.”


“Well, let’s just say we sometimes get some rather special requests. Plenty of people appreciate a little excitement, you know?”

“So how does one… Nevermind, I don’t want to picture how … ugh, gross! Panties! Thanks but no thanks. I’m not interested.”

“Alright. Please follow me to the cashier then.”

Now flat-chested and 200 bucks lighter, Helen couldn’t wait to start her first run. She finally would get fit and sporty in no time! Nothing would hold her back, nothing! She returned to her little apartment, put on her gear and was out running in minutes.

It was such a pleasure to exercise without the burden of her big, jiggly breasts. Helen ran longer and faster than ever. Before long, the young woman adapted to her new, healthy lifestyle, running early in the morning and eating small, self-prepared meals through the day. Soon, she could feel her body change, feel her muscles develop and the little fat she had melted away quickly.

Chapter 2

Jenny had looked for an exciting present for a long, long time. And finally she had heard about an offer that was so weird, and so out of this world, that she had decided to go for it. A friend of hers had told her about the program and she was convinced that it would so be the right thing for Jim, and just in time for their first anniversary, too! Apparently, one of those lingerie places had gotten hold of some crazy tech and is now trying out some new business ideas. She entered the shop and browsed the clothing on offer.

“May I help you?”

“Definitely. I heard you have a very … special… offer?”

“Sure! Our bathing suits are down there!”

“No, I mean something more body-related. Specifically related to this part of the body.”

Jenny pointed at her little mounds.

“Oh, I… how do you know? But you don’t look like you need one if those bras, do you?”

“I don’t want a bra. I want to rent a pair of breasts. For my friend.”

“Rent them? Ummm… yes, as a matter of fact we … but we only get started so… You know what we charge for this service? Just… I don’t want to be rude, but you don’t exactly look like the typical client we imagined, you know?”

Jenny rolled her eyes annoyed, “Please, would you just show me what you have on offer?”

“Absolutely. Please follow me.”

Jenny had to laugh when the clerk opened the large cupboard and a whole array of tits stared back at her. Only one was marketed as ‘for rent’ though. How large they were! She reached out to the rentable set and pinched one of those fat nipples.

“Do you like them?”

“They all look delicious. So only that one can be rented?”

“Yes, only that one.”

The young woman examined the humongous pair. She squeezed the warm flesh, poked into them and sucked at their engorged nipples. She wondered how they would move, once they were attached to her body, and started to slap their undersides to see how they jiggle.

Those were just perfect, matching her own skin tone like they belonged to her. Such a large, heavy set with flawless skin and the springiness of a young body. And those cute, bright pink nipples were so adorable! She instantly fell in love.

“They look great!”

“Want to try them on?”


Jenny quickly removed her shirt and her bra that had no actual function, and presented her bare chest to the assistant.”

“Alright, here we go. Brace yourself.”

Jenny watched the clerk pointing the weird gun at her. A strange humming sound filled the room and then Jenny squeaked in delight.

“Wow, those suckers are heavy!”

“That’s part of the deal when you are big up there. Wait, they are looking a bit off. The owner seems to have a bit of a bigger build. We have to slightly adjust the bases on those.”

She manipulated the dial on the gun and fired again.

“That’s better. See, now they match your chest area. And the little bulging it adds to those looks pretty neat!”

Jenny watched herself in the mirror. She couldn’t believe her eyes. It was ridiculous! The young girl started to sway her new assets around, jumped up and down and marveled at the huge globes wobbling about. Jim wouldn’t be able to keep his hands from her!

“I’ll take them!”

“Those are 500 for a week.”

“Really? That expensive?”

“We are still evaluating our pricing strategy but yes, they are expensive.”

“So how much for a day?”

“75 bucks.”

“Still expensive but manageable. I’ll take them. For one day. “

Jenny wanted to hand her the credit card but her new assets suddenly got in the way.

“Oopsie, guess I am not used to them just yet.”

“Alright, you’re all set. Do you need anything else? A bra? Some clothes?”

“A bra would be nice.”

“I have to charge for it, though.”

“Oh, really? But I only need it for one day!”

“I’m sorry but nothing I can do.”

“Well, thanks anyway. I’ll be fine with my old shirt then.”

“Great. Once your rental time expires, the breasts will simply vanish and you’ll be back to your old self. Enjoy your time!”

Jenny struggled to get into her tiny shirt again. It was a tight fit and her newly acquired melons threatened to rip the flimsy piece of clothing to shreds. At least she was kind of covered, even if her gigantic new boobs were clearly visible through the stretched-out material. Time to give her darling a call.

“Hey honey, happy birthday!”

“Hi Jenny. Where the hell are you? Everybody’s prepping for tonight except you! There’s still so much to do! I need you here!”

“But darling,” Jenny pouted, I have a present that needs your urgent attention. Imagine me, but with huge tits!”

“Did you get a boob-job?” Jenny heard him breathing heavily.

“Fuck no. Much better! But we only have a day to enjoy those suckers together!”

“What hell are you talking about?”

“Just imagine what you would do with a fat-titted girl if you would only have one day, alright? See you in a minute!”

She hung up, grinning like a loonie.

The place Jim had selected was just perfect for the phenomenal binge-fest he had planned. All his best friends would be coming and it would be great. Jim checked his to-do list again. Drinks and food had already been delivered, he just needed to take care of the decorations and think about how to entertain his guests appropriately. Time to get going.

“Hey hon, look what I got for you!”

Jim immediately felt the difference when his girlfriend bumped into his back, hugging him from behind. Instead of her usual, bony body, a soft, squishy mass pressed against him. He turned around, gasping, “How the hell? What happened to your tits Jenny? Those look ridiculous! Come on, show me more!”

Jenny giggled as her new assets squeezed out of the tight constraints.

“Feel how soft they are! And how nice they jiggle when I jump around!” beamed the girl as she started wiggling her upper body about.

“Wow. You did get a boob job, didn’t you? Aren’t those a tad too big for you though? They look like they would get in the way a lot!”

Jenny pouted, “Aren’t you happy about your gift?”

Jim hugged her, his fingers grabbing hold of an incredible amount of breast flesh, “I am happy, honey. You know I’m a boob man and I get all horny just thinking about your new tits flopping around while I fuck you from behind. But I also love you and would be terribly sad if you would suffer every day just because you want to please me.”

“Aww, you’re so cute! But don’t worry, they are only temporary. They are, like, glued to my body. They’re the tits of another woman. I can’t even feel them, just the tugging on my chest as they bounce around!”

“But they look so real!”

“They are! As I said, they’re the tits of another woman. And she can still feel them! Haven’t you heard about this new tech? The portal bra? They’re like magic! You stick your tits into some kind of black hole and they pop out at a different place! I rented them for one day! For your birthday!”

Jim’s head swam, “So you can’t feel them? You don’t feel pain if I do this?” He pinched her large nipples hard.

“Nope, don’t feel a thing.”

“Wow. Damn Jenny, you look hot with those udders! I want to fuck you so badly!”

Jeny grabbed her new set of boobs and jiggled them enticingly,”Then let’s fuck, honey! Your birthday, you decide!”

She slowly stripped off her clothing, swaying her tits back and forth, wiggling her ass invitingly, “You want to take me right here and now, don’t you? Come here, let me suck your hard-on!”

Jenny reached into his pants, grabbed his pulsing manhood. In moments, his jeans were at his ankles and his glistening cock buried to the hilt in Jenny’s hungry mouth. Jenny cooed, mumbling with his wood inside her skull, “I bet you can’t wait to titfuck my fat boobs, can you?” Jim squirmed as she let his dick slip out of the wet opening again. The tantalizing girl smashed her new tits together and presented them with sparkling eyes, “Now pound those boobies, Jim. Don’t hold back!”

His hard dick dove into the deep, soft valley as he fucked this incredible pair of tits. Jim was in heaven. He always dreamt of titfucking his girl but as flat as Jenny was, he had been out of luck. But now she suddenly turned up with the most amazing pair and he could do all the things he ever wanted to. He was huffing and puffing as he drove into the twin mounds, his gasps getting shorter and more excited by the second.

“Alright big pal, sounds you are close. Time to switch positions, I want some fun, too!”

Jenny let her tits go, turned around and went down on all fours, presenting a clean shaven, dripping slit to her boyfriend. His rigid tool drove into her with vigor, filling her tight chute up to the brim. They gasped in sync, moaning and groaning as both neared the peak.

“Hey guys, what’s going oooh!”

“Aahh….Uugghh,” Jim shot his load into the clenching, writhing girl.

“That looks delicious! Sorry to interrupt you guys but… Hey Jenny, what the fuck happened to your tits?”

Jenny was still occupied with her almost-orgasm, her fingers dancing between her wet folds.

“Ooohh fuuucckkk! Damn you Bobby, you almost cost me my big O! Couldn’t you just shut up and watch for a bit?”

“Sorry. Too late anyway. Now, what’s with your tits? Those udders look delicious! Boob job?”

“No, boobs for rent. I’ll let you feel them once I cleaned up Jim’s mess,” she groaned, her fingers scooping gunk from her reddened, gaping hole, “Thanks honey, that was fun!”

Jim smirked, “I have to thank you, Jen! I didn’t know I could come so hard but apparently a pair of fat, dangling boobs is all I need to get me going! Give me a sec to clean myself. Bobby you asshole, don’t intrude like that! You could have waited a bit and let us have our fun!”

But Bobby wasn’t paying attention.

“Boobs for rent? Like, real breasts? Oooooh, I know, from that lingerie shop, right? I heard some rumors about that, but damn do they look great!”

“She can’t feel them though. Like two glued-on watermelons.”

“But that girl, the owner, she feels them, right?”

“I guess so. Somebody somewhere just experienced a nice little titfuck. I hope she had some fun as well!”

Chapter 3

Helen had enough. She could live with the jiggling and bouncing about but now somebody was clearly abusing her breasts. She had just returned from her usual run and was truly thankful that she had made it home somehow. She had stumbled several times already, just because of some unexpected sensations in her chest area and was about to sit down somewhere until her breasts got some rest again. Thankfully she had soldiered through and was now back at home. Somebody obviously was pounding — fucking — her tits while she was out running! This had to stop! She grabbed her phone and called the shop.

“Sure, I understand Miss. But there’s nothing I can do.”

“I can’t live like that! Someone quite literally fucks with me and I have no control over anything. Can’t I just return the bra?”

“What was your name again?”

“Helen. Helen Hale.”

“Helen. Right. Oh, here you are. You’re on our pilot project! Your file says… uhm… yeah. The current engagement ends today but your schedule is blocked for another few weeks. I guess management wants to try out the program. Sorry, Miss, you’re our guinea pig. I can’t let you go.”

“A few weeks? I don’t want people messing with my tits the next few weeks. Isn’t there anything you can do?”

“Unfortunately not.”

“Well, thanks for nothing then!”

Helen threw her phone against the wall, in anger, shouting expletives in her empty apartment. Suddenly she got punched in her right breast and almost doubled over. She reeled, clutching her flat chest in pain. Seconds later her left tit felt like it got ripped apart. Tears were shooting into her eyes and the poor woman sank down on her knees. Helen slowly got on her feet again, sobbing in pain. There was only so much she could endure. She crawled to her medicine cabinet, got out some pain relievers and went straight to her little house bar. If drugs and alcohol wouldn’t help to get her through this, nothing will.

“Hey idiot, don’t just punch them like they’re some sort of speed bag! I can’t feel a thing but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about those udders, OK?”

Bobby grinned, “But you said I can do whatever I like! And I always liked to try this out at least once. Those fat sacks are made for a bit of glove exercise!”

“No punching, Bobby! Be creative! Didn’t you want to try out some bondage ideas?”

Bobby smirked. Right, he wanted to try that, too.

“You’re ok with getting trussed up, Jen?”

The thin, fat titted girl nodded.

“And what about you, birthday boy?”

Jim smiled, “Feel free to take advantage of those boobies. I’ll need some time to prepare for tonight. Just don’t break them, I want to have some fun with those later today.”

Bobby ẃent into the workshop and soon returned with a box full of goodies. Jenny rolled her eyes when she saw the coils of hemp rope.

“Creativity is not your strength, is it?”

“Why? You asked me to do bondage, didn’t you?”

“That’s the point! I mention bondage, you bring fucking hemp rope. You can bind tits with other things as well, you know. I have seen pictures of ladies with handcuffs around their tits. Or pipe clamps, zip ties, even chains and silk rope would be more creative.”

“Stop complaining and push your tits out. Time to sample the taste of the hemp!”

“I told you, I can’t feel it! If I would, there would be no teeth left in your mouth!”

“This kind of takes the fun away, doesn’t it?”

“Listen Bobby. This is the chance for you to actually try something new. Should I maybe help you with this?”

He looked at Jen with blank eyes.

“Alright. So let’s play a little game. Who can bind those udders tighter, you or me?”

“What do you mean with tighter? How tight I can tie those ropes close to your chest?”

“Hm, good question. Let’s change that to who can make them swell more. The tops should be nice round balls. You take the left one, I take the right one. And once we’re done, we’ll measure.”

“Deal!” grinned Bobby, reaching for the hemp rope.

“Wait, I have to get some stuff. I’ll be back in a minute, OK?”

“If you say so. By the way, do you know that your lover digs breast bondage?”

“Jim? I know he likes big tits, but bondage?”

“Specifically breast bondage. Tightly tied tits as evidenced by his porn collection. Just ask him.”

“Really? That’s a surprise. Oh well, maybe I should let him try that as well then. There won’t be much to tie up once those udders vanish again. I’ll be back!”

Bobby grinned. He was looking forward to see Jim’s reaction and how everything played out. Damn, Jen looked fucking incredible, lugging around those fat udders! Suddenly the door opened and Clara entered the room. Fat, busty Clara who was always so aware of her inadequate body. Actually the girl looked great and that little bit of fat made her only more attractive in Bobby’s eyes. And her tits were phenomenal, at least when packed in that sweater. Not as large as Jen’s new fake ones but large nonetheless.

“Hey Bobby! Where is everybody?”

“Oh, Jen is searching for some tools to bind her tits and Jim is out organizing stuff.”

“And you?”

“I wait for Jen so I can bind her tits as well.”

“Wait, what did you just say about Jen? That girl has no tits to speak of. And why the sudden interest in bondage?”

“Oh, she has tits. At least today. You haven’t met her yet, have you?”

“No I haven’t. So what’s up with that bondage talk?” she whispered, clutching her own breasts as if she wanted to protect them.

“Just wait and see. She should be back any minute.”

Suddenly Jenny entered the room again, her bare tits jumping in front of her. Betty’s mouth was agape. She gulped, “What the hell did you do, Jen? Did you get an expansion?”

“Nope, just rented out a pair for my loverboy.”

“You… what?”

“Doesn’t anyone keep up with the news? That lingerie shop is renting out tits, real tits. How many times do I need to explain? Portal boobs, ok? And yes, I can’t feel a thing but the actual owner can feel it all. Any questions?”

“What… wait… how… ah, fuck it. Now what about all the breast bondage talk?”

Jenny grinned, “You want to take part?”

“Huh? I just wanted to know what you guys are up to!”

“Oh, Bobby is just living out his usual pervert hobby and I am being helpful. Because I don’t feel a thing, I thought why not offer him a bit of playtime. So how about it, wanna join?”

“You mean…”

Bobby grinned, “Jen’s got a point, Clara. If you join in, we would know how it actually feels to get bound like that. Otherwise it’s kind of boring I guess. So how about it, will you let us use your boobs for comparison?”

Clara blushed. She didn’t want to parade around her fat pillows, she in fact felt quite a bit ashamed of their obscenity. On the other hand, the two seemed to be so focused on Jen’s huge bags that no one would care too much about hers. So maybe this was the chance to… to impress her crush?

“Alright, I’ll join. But only if you’re gentle, OK?”

“Sure, gentle…” smirked Bobby, “Then go ahead and unpack yourself! We don’t have all day!”

Clara hesitated but then wiggled out of her sweater and unclasped her bra.

“Nice ones!” gushed Bobby.

“Woohoo, knockers!” chimed Jenny.

“Alright, so how to do this?” asked Clara, painfully aware of her nakedness.

“You missed the start, right? I made a dare with Bobby about who can make those tits bloat more. And we’ll just duplicate our efforts and copy everything on your set. Bobby? Your turn!”

Bobby grabbed the coarse hemp rope and made a noose that he then pushed over Jenny’s fat melons. He jerked around a bit and then began winding the rope around her tit, slowly binding it from the base up to its tip. Soon, the head of the strangled object bobbed about, blushing and reddening by the second. Bobby bound off the end of the rope and inspected his work.

“Not bad, huh? Looks like a nice red ball!”

“Looks funny,” agreed Jenny, “Now do Clara so we know how that actually feels!”

Clara looked at Bobby sceptically. This was remarkably different from her fantasies, when Bobby touched her tits in her dreams! Usually he just nibbled and teased her, made her almost come from romantic breast play. But here, in reality, he stood there with a hemp rope in his hands, threatening to strangle her tits!

“Alright, brace yourself and tell me when you can’t bear it anymore, OK?”

The coarse loop of rope felt odd around her naked breast. But when he pulled it taut, the real fun started. Clara sucked air through her teeth and tried to ignore the painful tugging. Her white breast expanded into a tight ball, blushing lightly as Bobby put loop after loop around her flesh. Her blood rushed, her heartbeat made her flesh jump. She saw stars. Her breathing was laboured and she feared losing her balance.

“Nice! So how does it feel, Clara? Do you like it?”

“Uh… it’s tight! It kinda… hurts? Not… not so bad, but it’s really intense!”

“So you like it,” concluded Jenny, “Then let me try, too!” She took something from a box and started to apply rubber bands around her own breast, carefully making sure that they squeezed the base of her borrowed flesh first.The previously unconstricted breast quickly changed form, it’s top getting more ball-like while the base got pushed into a smaller and smaller diameter. But Jenny didn’t stop and simply kept snapping rubber bands around her bound melon until the fat, globular end looked like it would pop at any moment.

“See? Much bigger than with your silly hemp rope. Now let me try this strategy on our little angel. Clara? Present your tit!”

Clara didn’t dare to object. But she immediately felt the difference, felt that those simple rubber bands were much more dangerous than the rope. Her flesh quickly changed form, her tips expanding, her base shrinking, her white skin turning red. And it hurt like hell. But Jenny just kept popping rubber bands over her tit.

“Stop! Please, Jen, stop! My tit bursts any moment! This fucking hurts!”

“Just a few more, Clara, just a few more.”

She kept going, one band at a time.

“Aaahh, please? This is too much!”

“So it does hurt! What do you think the owner of my set feels right now?”

“For real? I think the poor thing is going insane! You really should remove those bands.”

“I will, but only if you promise me something.”


“I want us to do another challenge. Not now but tomorrow after lunch, just before those puppies vanish again. Only you and me.”

“Sure, what do you want to do?”

“Hang us by our tits.”

“What, really?”

“I think it’s hot. And because I don’t feel a thing, I want to try it. And I want you to tell me how it actually feels.”

“But that’s dangerous, Jen. You could damage your breasts!”

“Not my breast, but I get your point. Anyway, do it or I continue putting those rubber bands around your udders.”

“You can’t be serious! This is blackmail!”

“No it’s not.” She popped another band around the swollen tit and grinned, “And you want to feel it, too. Don’t you?”

Clara looked at her and then said, “Fine, but only for a minute or so, OK?”

“Sure, only a minute. Now, let’s remove those bands from your titties. Did you like it?”

“I… I’m torn. It feels weird though, and oddly exciting.”

“Hey guys, what’s up?”

It was Jim, beaming at the small group, “Wow, Clara, your tits look great, bound like that! Any reason for the two different designs? I like the rubber bands much better to be honest.”

“Of course you do, the rubber bands are my idea,” grinned Jenny, “But Clara doesn’t like them all that much, right Clara?”

“Uh, yeah, I think we better remove them again!”

“Already? I just arrived!” Jim grabbed Jennys tits and examined the tight bondage, “Those are so great, babe, you should always wear them!”

“No way, Jim. My tits will be gone by tomorrow. If you want fat udders, look at Clara. Hers will be around for some time!”

Clara squirmed when she heard her name. She still wasn’t comfortable with her tits, and prominently displayed like they were, it was even worse.

“Damn. Anyway, we’re all set for now. Guests will pour in soon! Can’t you leave those ropes and rubber bands on? You two look great! I’m sure the new arrivals would be thrilled!”

“No way Jim,” laughed Jenny, “Maybe we can play later but for now I’ll change into something more comfortable. Clara, what about you?”

The busty girl giggled uneasy but then started to unwrap her bulging tits. “Yeah, maybe we can play a bit later. Bobby, can you help me with this?”

She eyed her crush, hoping to impress him with her daring actions. He surely liked her fat tits, didn’t he?

Bobby was happy to oblige and carefully helped Clara out of her predicament. Then everyone dressed up and went to the main room.

The party started slow, but the more alcohol was consumed, the livelier it got. Soon people were dancing and singing. Jen was enjoying herself, and once her few remaining inhibitions went out of the window, she flaunted her borrowed tits around and let everyone touch and squeeze them as they liked. After another round of shots, Jenny remembered that she wasn’t the only one with tits and shouted, “Hey, Clara, show us your wares! Come on, girl, your tits are bigger than anyone’s. Except my new ones of course, but still!”

Clara felt uneasy. She had not nearly enough alcohol to strip in front of that hungry crowd. But Jenny didn’t give in. She pestered her with her demands, mashed her naked, dangling tits into her body and teased, “Come on girl, show’em. Tomorrow we’ll hang, so who knows if you still have some tits after that.”

Clara thought that that argument wasn’t all that convincing but Jenny started to get on her nerves. And the easy way out was to simply expose her beasts. Alcohol surely was part of the reason that she finally removed her shirt and bra, but with Jenny and her gigantic melons it was so much easier to fall in line.

First Clara was uneasy and nervous, wondering what people might think of her slutty behavior. But soon those thoughts were gone and buried, and instead the two girls thoroughly enjoyed presenting their sizable assets. The guys didn’t complain but instead enjoyed the squeeze fest and made sure that each tit got its fair share. Soon, any girl at the party faced the question whether she joined in or was considered a boring prude that people would want to avoid. And so the bras went down and those fleshy bags were proudly presented to the crowd. It was madness.

The next morning was hangover hell. Everyone complained about headaches and queasiness and Jenny could barely stand upright. But that didn’t stop her from remembering the deal, and so she staggered over to Clara and groaned, “Remember your promise? Time to perform! Follow me!”

“You can’t be serious, Jen? My head bursts! And my tits are kind of sore as well from all that jumping and jiggling!”

“They will be much more sore in a moment. Come on, you promised!”

Clara sighed but followed her lead. Jenny called everyone outdoors and explained to the groaning, wailing crowd what she intended to do.

“Guys, these fine tits will be gone in a few moments. To celebrate that, I decided to hang myself by them. And I am happy to announce that our friend Clara will join me as well. Jim, Bobby? Will you do the honors?”

The guys grinned amused, hungrily eyeing the big busts of both girls. “Sure! I’ll get some rope. You two can get your tops off while you wait!”

Clara still wasn’t convinced but she just couldn’t back out, not with Bobby watching. And so she got out of her clothes and proudly presented her large chest. Jenny followed suit and soon both were eagerly waiting for Jim.

As soon as he arrived, he started to wrap the rope tightly around Jenny’s large pillows.

“Make sure to tie them down as securely as possible. I don’t want to have an accident, OK?”

Jim was more than happy to oblige and, together with Bobby and some other eager hands, they wrapped the rope so tightly around the two twins that her borrowed flesh almost popped. With Clara it was a bit more difficult. Because she actually felt something, she quickly complained about the terrible stretch. But faced with the consequences of uncoiling rope, she did her utmost to ignore the pain and nervously watched as her two tender globes got transformed into red hot balls of fire.

Then both were led onto a wooden bench and the ends of the ropes were thrown over a massive branch above. The guys quickly pulled all slack out of the ropes and announced that everything was ready.

“Just pull the damn bench away, guys!” shouted Jenny, her head still hurting from all the drinks. Clara watched in fear as Jim and Bobby followed her request and suddenly her feet slid down from the slick surface. She had nothing to hold on to except the two ropes.

The pain was unbearable. Suddenly her entire weight rested on her two, bound melons and the loops holding her in mid air quickly got tighter and tighter. She screamed her head off.

Jen on the other hand was totally relaxed, swaying in the air like her tits were a freaking swing. Clara couldn’t believe her eyes and wondered how she would survive this ordeal.

Bobby already looked rather concerned and seemed to stare at her bloated tits when it suddenly happened. Something popped and Jenny landed on her ass, her massive tits gone. Everyone ran over to her, concerned that she had hurt herself. But the only one who was actually in pain was Clara. Because her tits didn’t just vanish, she was still hanging in the air, breasts strangled by the coarse rope. It took them ages to even recognize what she went through. When they finally let her down, her boobs were glowing, an unsightly red stripe wrapping around each of her breasts.

“Welcome back, flatty,” Jim laughed as he helped Jenny on the feet again, “I guess Clara is now the only one remaining that actually has any tits to speak of.”

Clara knew he was right. And she had to admit it felt good!

Chapter 4

Helen clutched her chest in pain like she did for the past few hours. The pills and the drinks helped a bit to numb her senses, but whatever that ‘customer’ was doing to her breasts was driving her nuts. The night had been a disaster already, and the morning didn’t fare much better. The most horrible experience had been when suddenly her hidden-away pillows had gotten yanked from her like somebody would tear them off her chest. And the tremendous sensation of someone ripping her tits off simply stayed like that until a more familiar flash of pain brought her to her knees, just like in the store when her tits got put into the cupboard.

“The rental finally terminated”, she grimaced to herself, “Thank god I survived this horrible customer from hell!”

She hectically grabbed her phone and called the shop again.

“So the contract just ended, right?”

“Slow down, Madam. Who’s speaking?”

“Helen. Helen Hale. Your guinea pig for the breast rental.”

“Ah, you again! Let me see…. Yes, the breasts have been returned and are sitting safely in our storage. They look a little banged-up though.”

“Banged-up? How? Listen, I want them back, I want to get out of this bra and out of this silly contract. Now.”

“As I said before, Miss. Unfortunately this is not possible.”

“Oh come on, stop with this shit, please?”

“Your breasts have been reserved already. The next rental is coming up in a day and I think that one actually plans to keep your squeezeables for a bit longer.

“I want to get out! I don’t want my tits to be shipped around like a fucking commodity!”

“Then the only option is to pay up. For 20.000 you can buy your breasts back!”

“But I already paid 200?”

“Sorry, we can’t count those towards the 20k. Different contracts.”

“I hope you die a horrible death!” Helen screamed as she threw her phone against the wall once again. Dammit, she was really stuck, and quite literally so. She better found some money quickly to end this nightmare!

The night was a welcome rest. No odd feelings or painful tugs, just the peace she so much craved for. But it didn’t last all that long. Right after breakfast, she experienced the now familiar and still very painful bang, indicating that her tits had been transferred again. She just hoped their new, temporary owner was a bit more sensible.

The middle-aged man looked eager and rather excited as he paid for a full month of Helen’s humongous breasts. Chloe giggled and joked as she completed the transaction and giddily asked where she should put the gigantic twins.

The man grinned and pointed at the pockets of his rather baggy camouflage pants.

“Right in there!” he laughed, “So I can make use of them immediately.”

Chloe was intrigued and tried her best to be helpful. It was rather difficult to position the gun right, but after a few tries, both breasts were firmly seated within the pant pockets of the new renter, pulling down the baggy piece of clothing with their weight.

The customer beamed as he put his hands onto them, lightly pinching and squeezing the soft flesh inside.

“Wow, this feels great,” he grinned, “Just what I always wanted!”

“Alright, you’re all set then! The breasts will vanish again once your contract has ended.”

“Wait, can I have that gun, too? Maybe I want them somewhere else, right?”

“I’m, uh… Let me check.”

Chloe quickly called the management and when she came back she smiled reassuringly.

“Yes, you can have the gun for an additional 500. It will stop working once the contract terminates of course and you’ll have to return it to us when that happens.”

“Great! I’ll take it.”

A few minutes later, Diego left the store again, tits in his pocket and gun in a bag. He was looking forward to trying out some of the ideas he had fantasized about. And then he would show his new toys to his friends at the hunting club!

Once in his house, he moved some clutter from his desk and aimed the gun at where his old mousepad had been. Wondering how work using those two pillows would feel, he zapped the tits right on the desk. Giggling with anticipation, he sat down and put his wrist right on the two heaving titties, checking eagerly just how good a cushion those two lovely globes would be. And he was impressed! His new wrist rest improved the overall mousing experience tremendously! He tweaked one of the nipples lightly tucking the warm flesh around and smiled happily. It was doubtful that his new toy would actually improve his productivity.

Diego didn’t get tired from playing with those soft globes. He zapped them onto his bed before going to sleep, using them as comfortable pillows for his night’s rest. Of course he also had some more private uses for these fleshy bags, for example when he zapped them further down his mattress so they could be used for a quick masturbation session. The stress relief these massive tits were providing to him was just phenomenal. Whenever he felt down or tired, he would simply cuddle the two funbags a bit, toying with their hard little nipples until he had enough. And if he felt angry because of some random shit that didn’t go his way, he would slap or punch them until they were all red and sore.

Diego had fantasized about a breast carpet for as long as he could remember. In his dreams, the floor of his entire house would consist of thousands, maybe millions of soft, spongy breasts that were packed so densely that the wooden ground could not be seen anymore. He would walk around the house and feel like he would be in heaven, walking on clouds. The warm flesh would carry him, cushion his feet and just feel great.

Unfortunately, the shop had only this one pair for rent, and even if there would be more available, it would be prohibitively expensive, even for him. So the next best thing to simulate this dream that he so much wanted to experience was to turn the whole thing around and put those breasts on the sole of his shoe.

Excited and a bit nervous, Diego selected the most comfortable pair he had, turned them around and aimed the gun at the middle of the sole. It looked ridiculous, the two breasts separated, one on each shoe and covering most of the sole. Seeing how this experiment turned out, Diego was rather sceptical if this would actually work. Nevertheless, he was hell-bent on trying.

So he turned the shoes around again, snickering about the wobbly, soft flesh dangling from them. Then he put the shoes in front of his feet and slipped inside.

It was pure heaven. Diego couldn’t believe just how good it felt to walk on these boobies! He wandered around his house, from his study room to his kitchen, from his sleeping room into the attic and from the attic down into his well-equipped cellar. He walked outside into his garage and then into the garden and back into the house again. Diego tried different walking styles as well, from a shuffling gait to stomping, from bouncing up and down to a sincere but ultimately unsuccessful try at a moonwalk. It was way better than in his dreams and something he promised himself to do every morning and every evening until the rental expired.

Helen didn’t know what the hell was going on, but the pain she felt in her breasts was just as bad as with the previous customer, if not worse. In the beginning it had been tolerable, if not pleasant. She had felt something pressing on her hidden breasts, sometimes even experienced some light sucking or stroking but nothing really painful. The nights were a bit difficult though as the pressure didn’t go away, as if something was lying on her the entire time. And sometimes she felt frantic movements which reminded her of the tit fucking she had experienced earlier, ending with a warm and slimy feeling on her boobs.

But since a few hours she went through hell. Her breasts felt like they got squeezed flat by an elephant over and over again, just to be freed for a second or so before the immense pressure returned. And even worse, it felt like her boobs got pressed in all kinds of stingy, prickly things and ripped over rough surfaces like someone was trying all kinds of different tortures on her.

She couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus, couldn’t do anything except howling and popping pills. And it drove her mad that she hadn’t had the slightest clue on what happened to her boobs and how long this horrible torture would continue.

In the end, it was only a few minutes each day. But that this cycle repeated so often made her really miserable. She woke up screaming in the morning when the mauling started and was put through hell again in the evening, usually just after dinner, when the strange and painful experience repeated. And she hadn’t had the faintest clue what was happening.

In between, things usually calmed down a bit. There was the odd slapping and poking but mostly her breasts were apparently attracting gentler treatment. Rarely it felt good though, like when they felt like they were put in some bubbling bath. Nevertheless Helen wanted it to end. The endless cycle of repeating, horrible pain was driving her crazy and she feared that her breasts were a black and blue mess after all they apparently were put through. She was determined to stop this terrible experience once and for all and finally called up her lawyers.

It took her quite a while to explain her rather unique situation to them but in the end they drafted her a letter in which they threatened to sue the lingerie shop. It took only a day or two for the shop to respond, suddenly in a much more cooperative mood than before.

The manager offered Helen to convert her contract so that her breasts would only be used for product demonstrations from now on. They even promised that her twins would not be used during night time and that appropriate care would be taken to not harm them. Helen first was suspicious as she only wanted to get out of this mess but in the end accepted, not least because she still wanted to exercise more without her breasts getting in the way.

She had to endure a few more days of abuse but finally she felt the familiar zap and things got much calmer afterwards. Until a week or so later, when she suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, screaming her head off.

Chloe couldn’t believe that the bitch had threatened to sue after all she had done for her. Of course, her boss came running to her and asked for an explanation. She almost lost her job over this stupid thing, just because that fat-titted woman couldn’t cope with a bit of rough breast play! She glared at the two tits in the storage cupboard full of anger.

When she told her boyfriend Jack about it, he immediately suggested a fitting retaliation. And that was exactly what she was going to do tonight. Her courses would start again soon anyway, so she didn’t really care if she got fired for messing with those fats sacks of flesh or not.

“Hey honey, look what I brought with me!”

“Great. Fuck, are those huge! Alright, let’s do what we discussed.”

“Is everyone coming?”

“Yep, we’ll meet at the boxing club.”

“Fantastic. Can’t wait to see those babies fly. You think it’ll work if we attach them to a speed bag?”

“We’ll put them under the ceiling. There’s a spot there that’ll work perfectly. It’ll be great, I promise.”

“And everyone will have a go with those!”

“Yes, everyone will give all they can.”

That night, Helen screamed for hours on end. She felt her boobs being pummeled, slapped and beaten. And it didn’t stop. Her invisible breasts got smashed into hard surfaces, crashed into all kinds of things, got punched and squeezed without a moment of rest. She thought she would die on the spot.

But somehow she survived, somehow she had made it to the next day. And then she called her lawyer again.

They finally agreed to her requests, agreed to let her out of the contract. And in order to settle the dispute without going to court, they even gave her the bra for free. Helen was still furious with the shop for all she had gone through, furious that she had tried this hellish device in the first place. But now, with full control over her body again, she had to admit that she enjoyed this unique product and she appreciated how it helped her to pull through with her plan.

Her breasts now rested securely in her own home, locked away in some cupboard while she was out to exercise. Nothing distracted her anymore and nothing hurt her tits while she was running. She finally ran the marathon, fit and trim like she had never been her entire life.

Everything was good. Helen could focus on her workout without the danger of being molested. She enjoyed being free from her ‘burdens’ whenever she needed to, but also that she could have them back on her chest whenever she wanted them.

But then, to her own surprise, a few months after the horrors had ended, she suddenly started dreaming about her breasts, about how they were being caressed and pleasured while out of her control. That dream stuck with her and kept haunting her in her sleep. Sometimes her breasts would get kissed and cuddled, but sometimes they would get slapped around and squeezed hard.

She couldn’t understand what suddenly had come over her, but the longer this continued, the more she asked herself what her body wanted to tell her with this odd dream.

Maybe she had enjoyed at least some aspect of this strange adventure, maybe she secretly wanted her breasts to be subjected to things out of her own control. Maybe there was someone somewhere who would appreciate a pair of big, bouncy breasts and would treat them with respect while still making her feel good.

Yes, she would find someone who knew how to handle a pair of breasts like hers, someone who would make her life exciting again.




Written by QexiQex

I enjoy writing about big breasts in peril. Feedback always appreciated! In case you are interested in joining my Discord, send me a message.

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