
53 min readJan 9, 2021


by QexiQex

Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.

Main themes of this story are: big breasts, breast fetish, exhibitionism.

The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.

Chapter 1

Estelle couldn’t believe just how much the place had changed. The chill bar run by a bunch of potheads was now a clean, antiseptic, gleaming white, space-themed restaurant developed by Vlad, a weird geek with way too much money and silly ideas. The walls were covered with displays that endlessly repeated scenes from the boss’s favorite movies, the comfy sofas and hammocks had been replaced by not at all comfy but trendy bar stools and high tables. Her beloved weed bar was gone for good, replaced by this blazing white hell hole! At least he had kept the smoking area so the old patrons didn’t completely freak out!

The previously open door frame to the kitchen area was now a fucking airlock, apparently an original prop from the set of some famous sci-fi movie. That thing constantly opened and closed with annoying sounds whenever someone came near it. But the absolutely worst change were those sexist uniforms! The old owners didn’t really care about anything, including what staff wore during their shifts but the new one was different. Vlad was all about brand image and presentation. And for some damn reason, he also decided to go full idiot and cater to young, horny males instead of the chill dope crowd. The beach was right around the corner and surfer-dudes were everywhere, but testosterone-filled geeks that couldn’t wait to see some sexy space girls? Nowhere to be seen! This place would tank big time!

And how were those skimpy outfits even legal? The bit of white spandex that supposedly covered their asses but showed every nook and cranny? Fine, why not, but it would have been nice to allow underwear as well to provide for some decency. The tops? Breast sleeves that pushed her tits into white-stalked, red-capped mushrooms? With her dark complexion, her tits would look like freaking headlights, framed by sparkling white spandex! Her thick, black nipples were apparently supposed to be covered by some sort of pasties just that those were no pasties at all! Actual pasties would have been a welcome improvement, but those things were freaking nipple clamps! Clamps with cutesy red caps and white stalks no less!

She needed to get out of this shithole and fast! Why hadn’t she looked for a job while the place got remodeled? Why did she instead bum around the beach, blowing the rest of her scarce savings with drinks and dope? She was royally screwed! The timing of this ‘rebranding’ was just horrible.

And to make matters worse, Estelle had her own problems to cope with. A few months ago, and with zero warning, her young, fit, chocolate brown body suddenly had chosen to burden her with another massive growth burst, propelling her already large breasts into an entirely different league. Her previously springy, healthy Double-D’s had expanded in a matter of days, blown up to dark, fat E’s at least, probably even larger. Of course her bras didn’t fit anymore, and with no money to spend, she wouldn’t be able to buy any new ones either. That didn’t matter much though because since that freak growth spurt her new balloons were so sensitive that she couldn’t stand any constricting undergarment anyway. A simple touch made her shudder, a hefty movement made her jump out of her dark skin. A gentle squeeze was an almost unthinkable event!

Back then, the lax dress code at that chill bar had made it relatively easy for her to cope with her sudden problem. She simply skipped bras altogether and chose baggy, wide hoodies instead. During the work hours she had restricted chest movement to a bare minimum and had tried to ignore the lustful stares of the patrons. It wasn’t optimal but apart from the odd bump or jiggle she had managed reasonably well. But how could she cope with those damn uniforms?

“Estelle was it?”

She nodded absentmindedly.

“So you’ll do the night shift on Fridays and Saturdays. Here, take your uniform and try it on. It’s… uh… I can see you’re a bit large up there but it’s the biggest size they’ll produce, so you’ll have to make it fit. Listen, I know all the changes are a bit much for everybody but I can assure you all that it’s worth it. You’ll rake in tips like never before!”

Estelle wanted to complain, wanted to tell that jerk that his juvenile fantasies were shit and what an asshole he was. She wanted to go back to that chill dope bar where she could wear whatever she wanted and didn’t have to parade her massive tits around for the creepy geeks to drool over. But she needed the money. Estelle bit her lip and watched the other girls, wondering what they thought about the whole mess. She couldn’t believe not one of them had objected yet! Well, actually there had been a bunch of complaints, but they had all come from the girls he had fired already. To no one’s surprise, all those unlucky women were flat as a board of course. After that incident, it took mere hours for new flesh to show up at the bar, big titted and dumb like shit. Obviously not as big as Estelle herself, but large and squeezable nonetheless. Her own massive chest still ruled supreme though, unmatched by a healthy margin.

Estelle sighed as she grabbed the sealed uniform. Would this skimpy thing even fit? And where was she supposed to change? Surely not in the kitchen, with all those newfangled regulations? Regulations… the icing on the shitcake. Since management declared that serving food was a must, but that those poor smokers needed protection as well, the requirements for staff passing in and out of the kitchen became so much more onerous. Instead of that little gate that had simply been left open all the time, they had now this fancy double-door that looked like an airlock straight out of a freaking space station. Of course only the outer barrier facing the guest room looked that fancy, the second one towards the kitchen was just a boring but efficient automatic door. The idea was that only one side would be open at any time, keeping smoke and dust outside the kitchen. So whenever staff wanted to pass through, they had to step into some sort of active area in front of the outer door, wait for that round hole to fancily swirl open, get inside the lock, wait for the fancy side to swirl close again, then wait for the boring door to open and finally step through into the kitchen. It took ages. And whenever someone was loitering around in the active area, no side would open at all leaving everyone wondering what the hell was going on.

The touted solution to that problem was of course shouting. Whenever one of the girls wanted to pass through she was supposed to yell “Coming” and step into the active zone, assuming that anyone on the inside would clear the way so she could enter. This of course didn’t work at all. When closed, the double doors were fantastic noise insulators that dampened every sound to a degree that made it impossible to understand a thing.

But the main issue was the design of the airlock itself. Vlad had literally bought it off a film set and performance clearly had not been a concern when that contraption had been developed, neither was safety. The thing needed to look good and that was all that mattered.

The airlock was basically a big, white, round gate of sorts, its inner circular door made out of segments that could twist and turn. Whenever the door needed to open, the outer circle would slowly rotate 180 degrees and the segments would be pulled into the frame. And whenever the door needed to close again, it would slowly rotate back, those blade-like segments would re-emerge out of the frame and block the circular hole in the middle. The optical effect was great for sure, the opening would grow or shrink with fancy whirring and beeping, just like the producers of a sci-fi flick would want to. But for an actual work place this was totally inappropriate.

Despite Estelle’s concerns, she decided to stay on board. She sighed once again, ripped open the packet and unfolded the uniform. Watching the other girls strip on the spot, she rolled her eyes and followed their example. Her baggy hoodie and comfortable shorts slid to the ground, her large, sore breasts slowly swaying in front of her chest. She grimaced as the pain hit her and tried to keep as still as possible while she struggled to get into the weird, tight top.

Vlad stared at her with a gaping mouth. “Holy fuck, those are massive!” he muttered, watching her dark chocolate cakes slowly sway to and fro. Estelle couldn’t believe it. Trying to ignore his creepy comment, she squeezed herself into the spandex and adjusted the garment, popping her head through the tight collar and pulling the hem down. Her bare shoulders were in position, her shapely arms hugged tightly by the uniform. Only her breasts were not in place yet. She reached through one of the openings and carefully pulled her sore flesh through, pushing the tight sleeve flush against the base of her breast.

She was stunned by how good it felt, almost like a tender hand supporting her burdens. The top was actually really comfortable despite its demeaning look!

“Nice! The white color really accentuates your delicious bits, Estelle. The contrast is just great!”

She almost felt offended by that comment but decided to ignore his leering mutterings. A few moments later, she had adjusted the other side as well, her two, tender, brown globes now tightly hugged into form by the white spandex sleeve. Her tits felt good, stabilized but not irritated. Estelle tried to catch a glimpse in the mirror and almost choked on the ridiculousness of her outfit.

“You need to put these around the bases,” her boss grinned and handed her two white, tubular objects. Estelle grabbed the two rubbery things and looked at him quizzically.

“The stalks for your mushrooms,” he grinned.


“The mushrooms. Don’t you remember the name of this bar?”

Estelle couldn’t follow.

“Shroom’s. A clever reference to the stellar movie ‘Mushrooms In Space’ and a nod to that old dope bar from before. It was famous for selling shrooms to anyone, right? Just look at the fucking logo for once.”

Mushrooms. Right, there was a mushroom on that logo, a mushroom in space, with a red cap and a white stalk. And now he wanted their tits to … to look like mushrooms! What a fucking pervert! Estelle rolled her eyes once again, “You can’t be serious! This is demeaning! You… you…”

“Just do it or leave, Estelle. Nobody is forcing you. It’s your choice, but the brand image is essential. Either you mold your fat black titties into mushrooms or you go. You decide.”

She examined the odd white sleeves again and put them in front of her bloated breasts. She giggled, “No way this stuff fits around my massive bust, boss! Just look at this, would you?”

“Don’t be such a pussy, Estelle. Just try it!”

“It’s not gonna work!”

“Let me help you. OK, if I touch you there?”

“Go ahead if you must, but be careful. I’m very sensitive in that area.”

He took one of the sleeves in his hand and grabbed her dark, crinkly nipple with the other. He slowly started to pull, trying to get her massive tit to change shape. Estelle grimaced as he put more and more pressure on her but the fat balloon did not cooperate. The ridiculously tiny circumference of the sleeve was simply impossible to get around her breast.

“Alright, alright, you win. Wait a moment, I have an idea.”

The young man vanished. Estelle was impressed that he gave in so quickly. She turned to one of her colleagues and said, “So what do you think of this, fucking stupid, right?”

“Y…yeah, but … you know, it doesn’t feel all that bad. Plus if we get more tips…”

Another one joined in and said, “Yeah, I think it will be great. I just think of it as a kind of weird Halloween, you know. Dress up like a slut and get some cheap thrills. Plus the money. My tits look great in this. And once our nips are covered… this is legal, isn’t it?”

Suddenly the owner returned and handed Estelle something.

“Try this. Stretchable bandages. Just loop it around the bases of your tits as tight as you can, make them into white stalks for those mushrooms.”

Estelle examined the two packets with a puzzled look.

“What are you waiting for? Get going! Now!”

She unpacked one of the rolls and started to loop the gauze around her tit. It was easy enough and with each loop her flesh got compressed a bit more. Soon, her boobs looked indeed like two mushrooms with dark, brown caps.

“Yeah, yours will be the exception. No red cap but delicious chocolate instead.”

She glared at him as she finished the wrap.

“Good but not good enough, Estelle. Come on, put some effort in it. Let me help you.”

Before she could protest, he grabbed the end of the bandage and unwrapped it quickly, making her sore tit bounce around in the process.

“Ugh, please! Careful?”

“Sorry. Now watch. You have to do it yourself from tomorrow on.”

He put a loop in the end and tied it off. Then he passed the roll through the opening and pushed the newly formed noose around her tender globe. With eager hands he pulled the noose tight, carefully watching her flesh bunch up. Estelle tried to ignore the pain but then he redoubled his efforts and tore the loop tight. She yelled at him, cursed him for his ridiculous ideas. But the young man just smiled and started to loop the gauze around her trapped tit. He pulled the material so tight that Estelle’s flesh had no choice. The stalk grew, her breast blossomed and Estelle complained. Once the roll was empty, Vlad lightly tapped her bulging mushroom and grinned, “See, wasn’t so difficult, was it? Now the other one.”

Estelle wanted to protest, wanted to tell him how much pain she was in, but she bit her tongue and hoped that the ordeal would be over soon. Once he was done, her bust indeed looked impressive and very mushroom-like. The bandages compressed the bases of her breasts into white stalks and forced the bloated tops of her tits into dark, buzzing caps. Estelle blinked away a tear and looked at the other girls. Their much smaller, brighter breasts were all squeezed in shape by the weird white tubes and each of them had a faint, rosy blush.

“You look great, girls. Now, to satisfy our government, we unfortunately have to cover those cute nipples of yours. Take two of those pasties out of the box and put them on, please.”

Estelle grabbed two of the objects and examined them closely. They, too, followed the mushroom story. The ‘non-pasties’ consisted of a small, metallic red cap designed to hide the areola and a small, white stalk designed to go over the nipple and clamp it in place. She grabbed her nipple and lightly twisted it around to get it hard. Then she carefully positioned one clamp over it, pushed it down and waited for the clamp to engage. But nothing happened. She looked at Vlad with confusion and asked for help.

“Not such a bright girl, are you? Let me show you.”

He grabbed the little black nub and cruely twisted it to get it hard again. Then he positioned the little object above her now hard nipple and pushed the stalk over the fleshy bit, just like she had done before. Then he reached for the red cap and gave it a mighty twist. Suddenly the clamp inside the little mushroom engaged and squeezed down on her little rod with force. She heard a lock click as a wave of pain rushed through her body. Estelle yelped.

“See, easy, right? Now try the other one yourself.”

Estelle blinked, wanted to complain but instead followed his instructions. She got her other nipple hard, pushed the strange thing over her teat and rotated the cap. Another wave of pain crashed through her body as the lock engaged.

“Nice! Just look at those cute little things!” Vlad beamed and reached out to toy with the horrible clamps, “Be careful to not get trapped! Ladies? Looks like we are all set for the grand opening! Everyone in position, time to get cracking!”

The work was hard. Bloated tits and swollen nipples were one thing, the crowd was an entirely different challenge. Estelle did not have much time to think about anything as she rushed through the masses of customers. Bills were exchanged, drinks were served, food was ordered and loud music blared in her ears. Of course some of the guys tried to get a feel, and the stares her massive tits got through the night would have been enough for a lifetime, but she simply had no time to get upset about any of it. The only real shitty part was when someone grabbed her by the nipple clamps and yanked her fat, black tits around for a bit of cheap fun. And when she yelled at him, the jerk simply apologized and claimed it was all an accident.

And that door, that fucking door! Waiting to get into the kitchen took forever and slowed down the entire operation. It was just ridiculous. Once her shift was over, Estelle jumped out of her uniform, freed her hurting tits and headed home just to collapse on her bed. She was thoroughly spent.

But the tips were massive indeed. On the next day, when she counted all the bills that had been stuffed into her skimpy dress, she was amazed. The place easily paid three times as much as the old job! So much for the demeaning outfit. Her creepy boss had been right all along!

A few hours later Vlad called and congratulated her for the stellar performance.

“You were great, Estelle! I heard so many compliments, our patrons couldn’t get enough of you! How did you like it?”

“Good money, boss, good money. But you know what? That fucking door… If that contraption would actually work, we could have served twice as much. It’s slowing down everyone! How long I had to wait just to get a damn burger!”

“I know, Estelle, I know. But I can’t tear it down, that thing is essential for our brand.”

“But you could make it go faster. Just speed up the thing.”

“Good idea. I’ll see what I can do.”

And that he did. He called her again a bit later and said, “Listen, Estelle. You have a great point. I have found a guy who said he could do it, who could speed up that door. He just needs a bit of time. So I’ll close the place for a few days and call you again when we’re ready. Alright? See you!”

Estelle smiled. Not only did she provide an actual improvement, she had off for the next days as well! No hurting hooters, instead some spare dough she could spend on a few nice joints and booze! What a day!

It took them almost a week to get everything done. She got called in on Friday afternoon for a team meeting and Vlad was beaming like a kid on xmas when he demonstrated the updated door to staff.

“See how much faster it goes? Especially the outer door facing the restaurant is now incredibly efficient. It closes in one second tops! The engineer had to go near the technical limits though so there are a few issues that everyone needs to be aware of. First, the collision detection has been disabled so be careful. The door won’t back off as it doesn’t detect anymore if something gets jammed between the blades. But there is still an emergency shutdown of sorts. If the blades are blocked, the motors will quickly overheat and there is a switch that triggers in that event to protect the engine. Second, the active areas in front of the door have been made more sensitive to ensure compliance with regulation. Keep those areas free of clutter, otherwise we can’t get in or out. Third, because the blades are now much faster, do not get your fingers in there or they might get chopped off. I’m serious, stay clear of the door, alright?”

The girls watched the door open and close as Vlad pranced through several times, demonstrating to everyone that it was perfectly safe to do so. Then the more mundane matters of staff planning were tackled. Her boss motioned to Estelle to stay a bit longer after he finally ended the meeting.

“Estelle, I will remember that it was your idea to implement this productivity boost. You can expect an additional bonus, soon.”

Estelle beamed, “Thanks boss, my pleasure.”

“But that isn’t why I wanted to talk to you. We’ll have an important guest Wednesday night, someone that considers licensing our concept. We’ll have a closed event, no public but maybe about 10 members of their team. I want to have them entertained well and want to show our operation in the best possible light. I don’t need lots of staff to serve a mere handful. You’re the one I trust most so I have put you on that shift. I wanted to make sure you can deal with the additional pressure. Can you do that day? You can decide when to show up as long as everything is ready by 7pm.”

“Sure! Not a problem! No public, only ten patrons? That should be a breeze!”

“I hope so. Unfortunately we also have a shipment coming in that day. The new seats for the main room and some accessories I ordered. And I think some supplies are expected as well. So could you take care of that, too? You don’t need to do anything, just tell them to put the stuff somewhere well protected.”

“No problem.”

“Great. And please make sure that your uniform looks good that day. Show your best side, OK?” he motioned towards her massive bust. Estelle rolled her eyes, “As you wish, boss, as you wish. I’ll bind them extra tight just for you.”

“You’re the best, Estelle. So see you Wednesday!”

Estelle was happy to have some days off but Wednesday approached quicker than she would have liked. She had slept in that day and scrambled a bit to get everything organized. Biggest issue was the doctor’s appointment she had forgotten about and while she was tremendously relieved to learn that all was well with her tits, it meant that time was at a premium. Thankfully she had posted a note for the delivery man the day before, so at least he knew where to put the shipment. Once she got out of the doctor’s office she raced home, grabbed a bite, showered and quickly headed out to Shroom’s. It was 6pm when she finally arrived and what awaited her was straight out of a nightmare.

The day before, a bunch of college kids apparently had their fun. The entire property looked like a freaking war zone. The bar reeked of spilt beer and puke, the restaurant area was a god-awful mess and the kitchen… well, you had to look real hard to find any clean spot. Estelle panicked, tried to call for help, but she couldn’t reach a soul. So she went to work herself and tried to clean up as much as possible. When she went to the kitchen to get some cleaning supplies, she got acutely aware of another major disaster.

The delivery had arrived alright, but that idiot driver had misunderstood everything she had written and instead of putting the shipment in storage, he had simply squeezed the crates through the kitchen’s side entrance. Everything was safe of course, and the door could still be closed and locked from the outside, but no one would get through that door again unless all that crap was moved out of the way. The side entrance was useless like that, and the only remaining entry into the kitchen was through the main room and the freaking airlock!

She had no time for this shit. Estelle cursed, grabbed the supplies and started cleaning the main hall. Down on her hands and knees she scrubbed the floor, cleaned the tables and loaded up the dishwasher. The silly airlock constantly opened or closed whenever she passed through, but even that contraption was covered in vile fluids and looked like a sticky mess. Time passed way too fast. Estelle glanced on her watch and nearly freaked out. She had mere minutes left before the guests would show up! She knew that she needed to hurry and decided it was high time for her uniform.

Estelle made sure the main door was still locked, dashed into the kitchen to get into her skimpy outfit and quickly looped the bandages around the bases of her tits, careful to tie them off as tightly as possible. She cursed silently as her sore breasts protested with might, but she had promised to Vlad to put some extra effort in and she intended to keep her promise. She winced as she snapped the two clamps over her nipples. Squirming and bitching, she quickly checked her appearance in a mirror and was satisfied with what she saw.

Estelle went through the double doors into the main room when she saw that the airlock was still covered in sticky gunk. She sighed and considered to simply break down and cry her heart out right there, right now. But instead she got a bucket of soap water and started to clean up the mess.

Estelle was on all fours again, moving around in between the two doors, bucket on her side, tender and clamped breasts dangling right below her on the outside of the airlock. She focused on some remaining stains, carefully whipping the gleaming white metal clean, when she suddenly heard something tumble behind her. Then everything happened so fast.

The startled girl heard a high-pitched whir and reflexively pulled back her head just in time for the spinning gate to zip shut. Unfortunately her massive bust had no such luck and before Estelle even could comprehend what was going on, the unrelenting metal teeth bit brutally into the tied bases of her breasts, forcefully compressing them into a tiny diameter, all the while rotating with force. Estelle shrieked in pain as her entire body got slammed around, turned upside down by a brutal metal monster grabbing her by her tender tits.

“Aiieeehhh OOOOOOUCH! What the fuck?!” she cursed, worried that her tits had been severed from her body. But the immense pain suggested otherwise. Estelle tried to make sense of her situation, tried to analyze what just happened but it took her awhile to get through the details. What she could observe was that she was not on her hands and knees anymore. Instead, she had been turned on her back, her feet struggling to keep from slipping away, her face mashing against that god-awful metal door right below from where her tits should be, and her hands uselessly flailing about. Her tits were gone, stuck in that metal maw and were hurting like never before. To top everything off, the solid segments of the door still hummed and clicked, and the motors kept forcing the painful blades further into her trapped flesh, clawing down on the bandage-covered bases of her tits. She panicked, yelled and screamed her head off, her bloated melons securely trapped upside down in the now tiny, circular opening of the door.

It took her a moment to come to senses again, the pain was just too much. She blinked the tears away, sobbing and cursing, and desperately tried to somehow wiggle herself out of the horrible trap.

Pat tried to catch a glimpse of the interior but couldn’t make out a thing Was this really a good idea? A space-themed bar with sexy ladies? And where was the owner? It must have been 5 minutes already since their delegation arrived and the entrance was still locked for good! He groaned, looked at his team and declared “Five more minutes and we’ll be gone. Looks like any other run-down place on this beach. Won’t be worth the wait.”

Supportive complaints and whispers were muttered. Suddenly a car raced down the street and skidded to a halt right before the door. A thin, good looking man got out and beamed at them, “Sorry for being so late, the traffic was just horrible.”

“We were about to leave, Vlad. Better make this worth our time!”

“I’m sorry. The door should have been open. Please follow me.”

He got out his keys and unlocked the entrance. The delegation entered the dark room and looked around with interest.

Vlad wondered where the hell his best waitress was hiding and already cursed himself for trusting the girl when he heard one if his guests giggle and say “Nice prop!”

He lighted some of the large candles on the tables for a pleasant setting and smiled. If they liked the interior design already, this should be a cakewalk. He turned around and saw a few of his guests assembling around the favorite part of this place, the airlock. But something was off. Why didn’t the thing open for the people standing in front of it?

“Are these what I think they are?” asked his soon-to-be-business-partner, “Damn, these look just like the real thing. A bit too large maybe but fucking delicious! Just that somebody screwed up big time and put them the wrong way. They’re upside down!”

Vlad approached the group and his eyes went wide. There, right in the middle of the airlock, sat Estelle’s huge monster tits including her naughty nipple covers, hanging upside down. The sensitive undersides were presented in a convenient height, just begging to be touched by anyone passing by. The twin balloons looked terribly bloated, mashed together by the unrelenting force of the door. How the hell did she manage to get herself into such an awkward position?

He wanted to protect her, to get his favorite girl out of this mess! But when the guest’s laughs and jokes finally made it through to his brain, he realized that everyone but him thought Estelle’s tits were just a geeky, raunchy prop to get people talking. Pat wrapped his arms around Vlad’s shoulders and said, “Damn Vlad, what a hilarious idea! Where did you get those? These udders look so fucking real! I would have never dared to put up something like that, it’s awesome! Is this a scene from one of your geeky porn films? A busty space vixen getting trapped in her own ship? You have to show me that movie some time!”

Damn you, Estelle! How was he supposed to react? Should he free his girl, making a point of how unsafe an environment his bar was? Or should he instead just play along and hope Estelle made it out in one piece once the guests were gone? He had to decide fast.

“I, uh… so you like it? We got it yesterday and I thought I’ll test it out with you…”

“Can I touch it?” Pat asked, reaching out for the bloated, swollen pair. Before Vlad could even respond, his fingers started toying with the mushroom nipple caps, pulling and twisting the little objects with interest. Suddenly one of the caps popped off, unveiling a hard, fat nipple that was just begging for attention.

“What the hell, they really care about the details, don’t they, “ giggled Pat, his fingers pinching the fat nub and pulling it around, “It feels so real! What is that made of? Can’t be plastic, can it?”

Vlad joined Pat at the door and got a feel for himself. Estelle’s tits were simply sensational, huge and obscene, soft and warm and oh so taut from the pressure! He tickled the sensitive undersides that so conveniently were turned upwards and said, “I have no clue, but I know they’re expensive. They look and feel just like the real thing, right?”

“Indeed they do. But which idiot put them the wrong way? Come on, let’s put this straight, let’s turn them around!”

Pat grabbed the tits by their sides and tried to rotate them. But they didn’t budge. He tried again, this time putting all the strength he could muster on the two sorry globes. He grunted and groaned as he tried to force the tits around, but again, no such luck.

“Alright guys, I need help here. It can’t be that difficult, can it?”

“Uh, Pat? Could you just leave them like that? You’ll damage the prop.”

“Let’s try one more time, OK?”

Vlad sighed, “Alright, one more time.”

Everyone including Vlad tried to get hold of some of the flesh, and together they tried to turn the two soft titties around so they would face the right way. The delicious flesh bobbed and jiggled, the tits got stretched and distended, but they did not turn a bit.

“I give up. Whoever put those on that door did a hell of a job. But you should really get this fixed, Vlad.”

“Yeah, right. So let’s talk business then.”

“No Vlad, not yet. Let’s have some more fun with this prop first. Let’s see if they also taste like actual tits!” he beamed, craned his neck and sunk his mouth over the throbbing nipple.

Estelle was about to freak out. Why didn’t anybody help her get out of this mess? Since ages she screamed for help, her throat already sore and hoarse, but nobody seemed to care! Instead they were toying with her tits on the other side of that door! It felt like they wanted to rip her treasures right off! If at least that metal maw would stop pushing into her flesh! What a nightmare! And now someone sucked on her tits?! What were they thinking?

“Hmmm…. they indeed taste delicious, too! I have to get a pair like that, those would be ideal for a bit of stress relief, wouldn’t they? Oh, how about testing their physics a bit? Like, how they bounce and jiggle? Something nobody in their right mind would do with an actual girl of course, but those are just plastic so why the heck not, right? Nobody gets hurt here!”

Pat took aim and slapped the tightly bound pair from below, first one then the other globe, making the set of tits jump and jiggle.

“Oooh, look at that! How nice! Now if I put some more force into it… look how they slap against each other! What a great pair of tits! Wait, let’s try something else!”

Vlad felt uncomfortable. Could he really let that guy play rough with Estelle’s breasts? It definitely looked painful! But how could he step in without blowing any chance of a deal? He watched concerned as Pat pulled off the second nipple cap and started to tear at the nipples, yanking them in opposite directions. He let them go and observed how the two fleshy appendages wobbled back in place. Pat repeated the exercise a few more times, each time pulling with even more force than before. Vlad just hoped he would get bored soon and prayed that Estelle would forgive him for this evening. He watched Pat wrap his hands around the bloated breasts and pressing down hard. What the hell did he try to achieve with this?

“I can’t even get my hands around that phenomenal rack, look!” he giggled, showing how his fingers could not wrap around. Then he went back to slapping the underside of Estelle’s bloated breasts again.

“Awesome, just awesome. I could play for hours with those!” he dove into the tightly packed cleavage and performed some motorboating exercises, giggling so hard that he had troubles breathing.

“Nice,” beamed Vlad trying not to kill the mood, “So how about we talk some business?”

“We can. But only if you allow me to do something first.”

“What is it?”

“Are these heat resistant?”


“I mean, they can take a bit of heat, right? Just a tiny bit?”

“I… I don’t know, I would rather not…”

“So you don’t know, huh? Let’s try it out then. And if they get damaged I will of course pay for a replacement.”

“They can’t be repl…”

Vlad watched Pat grab a candle from one of the tables and position it right above Estelle’s breasts. Before he could voice his concern, Pat tilted the candle and hot white wax splashed down onto the sensitive undersides. Vlad imagined Estelle’s screams.

“See? Nothing damaged. I think those are perfect candle holders. Just let me put them onto those delicious globes and we can start our discussion, OK?”

Vlad watched him pour some more wax onto the tit until there was a large, slick sea of white. Pat then mashed the bottom of the candle into the middle of the sea. When he let go, the candle held fast. Pat beamed with joy. He grabbed another one of the large candles and repeated the whole ordeal on the other side until both candles were sitting upright on Estelle’s fat tits, slowly jiggling, burning hot, with little bits of molten wax running down the sides of the white sticks. Vlad felt sorry for his girl.

“Great. Let’s put a table here so we can toy with those while we discuss the deal. And don’t you have something to drink?”

Vlad nodded, wondering how Estelle felt about this. But now it was too late anyway. He set up the table and got a few bottles of wine from the bar.

“Let’s talk business then.”

“Right,” answered Pat, giving his new favorite toy another light slap, watching the dancing light mesmerized, “Let’s talk business.”

Finally Estelle had some peace, except for the odd feeling of the heavy candles and a tiny bit of hot wax every once in a while. Vlad had no troubles convincing Pat of his ideas, and in no time the deal was ready to be signed. Just one remaining item was open, the issue of Estelle’s tits, or more specifically, how her tits could be replicated at the new location. Vlad had no clue how to respond to that question.

“Can’t you just order another set of those? Whatever they charge, I’ll pay.”

“It’s not the tits, it’s the airlock,” mused Vlad, “It’s purpose-made, from an actual film set. You can’t just get out and buy something like that.”

“I don’t really care for the airlock, I would be perfectly happy with just glueing a pair of those on some random wall, Vlad.”

“I see. But… I haven’t told you yet, but these tits need to be taken care of. The material is rather delicate and can easily be damaged. They can’t just hang there for days you know?”

“So what? Just tell me how the maintenance works and I’ll take care of it.”

Damn, he really was in deep shit, thought Vlad. But maybe he could bullshit his way through, making stuff up along the way? He sincerely hoped that it worked, if not for the deal then for Estelle!

“That’s not how it works, Pat. The companies manufacturing them will only sell them with a proper service plan. You need to allow them to remove the objects whenever they seem fit. Because otherwise they will go to waste.”

“So tell me, what are those maintenance requirements?”

“You can only use them for maybe 4 hours a time. Then they have to be serviced which will happen at a central facility. You’ll have to negotiate a schedule with the service company, tell them which hours you want the product to be operational. Then they’ll see if that’s possible. And I think you might need a bit of space behind wherever you want to put them. There’s… there’s some complicated machinery involved in making them look so real.”

“Wow, that indeed sounds complicated. Wait, so that’s why we couldn’t turn them around. You should have told me, Vlad!”

“I… uh, right. By the way, they also cost a fortune, by far the most expensive object in this bar. I think I paid close to 500k for them. For a 2 year lease.”

“500k for 2 years, huh? That’s steep indeed. Could be easier and cheaper to have an actual girl performing that task!”

Vlad grinned, “But actual girls don’t have tits like that, do they?”

Pat giggled, “Right, not as big at least. Hmm…. you know what? It’s just money, right? And I have plenty of it to burn. So what the hell, I want such a pair at my place. Can you give me the contact information of that service company?”

“Sure. Let me write it down. Just don’t expect an immediate answer. They might be short in supply.”

Vlad jotted down Estelle’s number and handed over the paper,

“Good luck with your little project, Pat! So, ready to sign our licensing deal?”

“Ready as can be!”

Soon the delegation left again, but not before playing a bit more with Estelle’s bloated, wax covered breasts. The candles got finally removed and everyone was eager to get another handful. They tweaked and pulled at Estelle’s hard nipples all the while commenting just how awesome everything felt. As soon as the delegation was out, Vlad dashed to the airlock.

“Estelle, can you hear me?”

No response.

“Fuck, Estelle? We’ll get you out in a minute, alright?”

He tried to pull the airlock open but to no avail. Vlad ran outside and around the corner to get into the side entrance but was stumped when he found it blocked with all kinds of massive delivery boxes. How the hell could he get inside the kitchen? He reached for his phone and called for help.

Soon, eager hands helped him push the deliveries out of the way, and maybe half an hour later they finally crashed into the kitchen. Estelle was in such an awkward position that Vlad first couldn’t make sense of it. He knelt down beside her bent figure and tried to figure out how to get her released from this incredible stretch.

“Estelle, are you alright?”

“Vlad! Finally, where the fuck have you been?”

“The door was blocked and…”

“Someone was feeling me up! Do you have any idea how much my tits hurt? And my back is about to break any minute!”

“Yeah, you’re in a hell of a stretch, dear. What the fuck happened? How did you end up like this? Oh, forget it, let’s get you out of this mess!”

He jumped to the panel hiding the electronics and ripped it open. A massive tangle of cables fell out.

“Oh shit, which one is the right one? Red or blue? Green? Maybe violet?”

Suddenly the door whirred.

“FUCK! It’s crushing my boobs even harder! My tits are going to pop!”

“Ugh, shit!” screamed Vlad and triggered the emergency switch. The door shut down but left Estelle still trapped inside.

“Sorry, girl. We have to call maintenance. Can you hold up a bit longer?”

Estelle sobbed, “I… I don’t know? My tits…”

Vlad called the mechanic and tried to soothe the poor girl.

“Do you need anything? Anything at all?”

“No… I just… just tell me why you didn’t get help earlier.”

“I … I called for help as quickly as possible, Estelle.”

“No, I mean before you found me.”

“The delegation was there and….”

How the hell should he explain it to Estelle? How could he explain that he let her stay trapped in this awkward position just because of some business talk? And that he even played with her naked tits while she was in so much pain?

“Listen, Estelle. The deal was important, and I was able to close it. With your help.”

“With my help? But I was stuck the whole night, how could I be of any help?”

“Your… your breasts. These guys… they thought your breasts are just a prop. A weird, exotic prop for our horny patrons. They thought your breasts were not real, that they were made of…”

“And you didn’t tell them? You pretended that my tits were just a thing anyone can play with as they like?” screamed Estelle, tears flowing down her cheeks.

“Y… yeah, something like that. But…”

“No but, Vlad. How could you? How could you not run to me and get me out? But instead you thought why not feel old Estelle up a bit while I discuss business with those guys? Really Vlad?”

“I… uh, they… they were really impressed, you know. They want your tits, too. Like, they want such a … such a prop… at their place…”

Estelle laughed hard and replied full of anger, “What the hell, Vlad. You really messed up, didn’t you?”

“They would pay 500k, you know. 500k for 2 years of service.”

“500k? Are you kidding me? Tell me you are joking. 500k? Just for fondling my tits?”

“Y…yeah. Just… I gave them your number. It’s really up to you what you make of it. Just wanted you to know that I’m terribly sorry that I put you through this, OK?”


“Oh, here he is. Hey, Mister Mechanic! Get this door open, would you?”

Within moments the airlock finally disengaged and the metal maw reluctantly let go of Estelle’s terribly sore and tender breasts. The young woman groaned in pain as the blood started to flow freely again and massaged her large set with her hands, scraping away pieces of wax and wondering how that ended up on her breasts. Vlad heard her mutter, “500k for my tits. Damn… what do I do? What do I do?”

Estelle slowly removed her skimpy uniform and put on her own clothes, careful to avoid touching her buzzing globes.

“Here, Estelle, here’s your salary. And the bonus for your… services. I hope… I … well, I might leave for other ventures, soon, now that I got that deal signed. You are of course free to stay, I’m sure whoever manages this place would be thrilled to have you on their team. So I wish you all the best, alright? No hard feelings?”

Estelle looked at him absentmindedly and mumbled, “500k for two years… what do I do? What the hell should I do?”

Vlad watched the girl leave through the door, cradling her overly large breasts in her arms, mumbling like a mad woman. He looked at the contract again and sighed. It had been worth it. He just hoped Estelle would make the right decision.

Chapter 2

Pat watched mesmerized as the fully mirrored enclosure slowly made its way down to the bar. The cutesy, dark-skinned cartoon girl depicted on the box gave the whole thing a light-hearted and rather nerdy appearance. The comic cutie was lying on her chest, ass high in the air and knees at her sides. And instead of a pair of squashed 2D boobies, two massive and very 3-dimensional, chocolate-colored funbags were dangling beneath the contraption, the exact same fake breasts he had laid his hands on for the first time a few months ago.

Back in Vlad’s space-themed bar, where they were stuck to a fancy wall, these peculiar objects had bewitched Pat’s pervy mind and kept him from sleeping ever since. Until he finally had managed to acquire them for his club here, up in the chilly north.

He heard the wheels of the enclosure creaking lightly on its rails, the intentionally jerky movements of the little cart forcing the two gigantic, artificial tits underneath to swing about violently and slap against each other. He glanced at his son who was busy controlling the odd contraption with his phone. Billy’s beaming smile made the whole experience even better.

“I had no idea how much of a handiman you are, son. This is great!”

Estelle couldn’t disagree more. If not for the rubber ball between her teeth, Pat would have to endure a neverending barrage of curses. Why had she been so stupid? How the hell had she gotten herself into such an impossible situation?

It all had started out so well. Once she had decided to take Pat up on his generous offer, they both quickly agreed on rather modest and quite manageable specifics. She would ‘install’ her boobs under the ceiling of Pat’s club just in time for his son’s 18th birthday, as a sort of present for the horny teen. She even had offered a personal test run where both Pat and Billy could feel her up to their heart’s content while she was hidden away. Due to the metal box she had used at that time to make herself invisible, she couldn’t see their faces as they groped her wares back then, but she could very well hear their raunchy comments and feel their very hands-on enthusiasm.

Billy had been so happy about his present that he immediately started designing and optimizing the installation in the club. Her originally fixed location under the ceiling turned into a train-like system designed by the horny young man that would shuffle her box around constantly. Estelle had to fight quite a bit to keep her boobs out of reach of the club’s patrons and had reluctantly offered to let her jugs dance instead as a sort of incentive.

Billy had loved the idea and had quickly constructed a pervy machine to achieve just that. The nifty mechanism would bounce her not-so-fake tits around in rhythm with the music with no additional work needed on Estelle’s part just by repeatedly squeezing and relaxing the bases of her breasts at the right time.

To Estelle’s delight, the two had left her alone for the most part during the following weeks. She had quickly gotten used to her bouncing globes and had made herself comfortable in the small carriage while the masses were dancing and partying through the night beneath her oscillating jugs. She soon started to bring plenty of pot with her and chilled in her favorite baggy clothes, earning frivolous amounts of money just showing her bare breasts while being high as a kite.

Her favorite vibrator was added to her equipment not much later to enhance the experience even further. Things were great and she really enjoyed her work days, naked and stoned, the fat toy buzzing inside her, chasing orgasm after orgasm while entertaining the crowds below. And then he found out.

The two disembodied breasts came to a jiggling halt right above their heads, the warm, flesh-like material pressing deliciously against Pat’s balding scalp. He reached upwards and grabbed one of the hard nipples, squeezing it between thumb and forefinger until a tiny drop of white fluid appeared.

“You have to pull harder, pops, like this!”

Billy grabbed the other nipple, squeezed it with might and yanked the nub downward, hard. A copious amount of milk sprayed out of the dark, swollen bud.

“Amazing that the company was able to include that feature in such a short timeframe,” said Pat, holding his hand beneath the phenomenal object, “And they even guaranteed the fluid to be 100% natural and edible, right?”

“It’s milk, pops, simple milk. No magic involved.”

“Then how do they store it? How can it be kept fresh? Anyway, what a great product. I still can’t wrap my head around how they accomplished this technical marvel. The boobs are a bit heavier than they used to be, a little more plump and taut compared to when I first touched them at Vlad’s, but that only makes them even more desirable! So did the company agree to your other request?”

“To cut down the servicing intervals? Yup. They bitched a bit but in the end we were able to work it all out.”

“You’re quite the negotiator, son! Fancy her, huh? The maintenance woman?”

“Estelle? Yeah, she’s cool. Not easy to convince sometimes but once you bring up the right arguments, she’s quite forthcoming.”

“And her tits! Hot damn that chick looks great in her tight uniform. Those knockers must be almost as big at these unreal things! And even the color matches!”

Pat grabbed one of the mighty pillows above him and squeezed.

“Yeah, I asked her about that the other day.”

“Really? About her tits?”

“Yep, if you work together on those fake ones all day, it’s not as weird as it sounds. She actually admitted that her rack was used as a model for this version. So yeah, hers look almost exactly the same.”

“Wow. And they probably feel the same as well, right?”

“Probably, yeah. So about the servicing interval. This updated version can actually be operated through the whole night without pause. The milk supply might run out though, depending on the frequency of use. Estelle told me everything I needed to know to do a quick service check myself whenever needed, so we’re all set. The boobs still need to get serviced by the company every night after the club closes though.”

“That’s perfect! Having to pause the show every few hours was really a bother.Thanks for solving that issue for me.”

Billy tapped around his phone and said, “Now let me show you the auto-milker. Watch this!”

The young man activated the feature on his phone and the mirrored box above them whirred to life again. Pat watched fascinated as the bases of the pendulous, artificial breasts got squeezed by tight rubber sleeves that were slowly growing towards their tips. The milk flow increased tremendously and quickly drenched both their heads.

Estelle squirmed silently, her muffled squeaks inaudible to anybody but her. The new addition to her box was really something else. Her boobs felt like they were repeatedly wrung out by a gigantic rubber hand, forcing even the tiniest drop of milk out of her. And she already knew from the extensive testing with Billy that her melons would be tingling and sore for hours.

“Holy shit, this is fantastic! Maybe the bartenders can use this for some unique drinks? I can’t wait for tonight to see this thing in action! And what about the promo tour? Did they OK the request?”

“Not yet, but I don’t see why they would object. The truck is in the garage, right?”

“Everything is ready, yes. I’ll drive it myself if needed. Thought about starting the round after sunset. You think the vehicle can be prepped in time?”

“Should be possible. I’ll give you a call when it’s ready.”

“You won’t join?”

“Nah, I have some other stuff to take care of tonight.”

Billy pushed another button on his phone and the odd container rattled away, boobs swaying dangerously, and continued its journey until it reached the start of the loop further up in the ceiling.

“I’ll need to get going. See you later, pops!”

The adult teen quickly made his way up to the roof where he used his key to open the large box that meanwhile had entered its parking position. He beamed excitedly as he unlocked the small door and the chocolate bootie of his ‘partner’ welcomed him once again.

“How are you, Estelle? Enjoying the ride?” he asked as he clumsily removed the ball gag.

“Nggh… Oh fuck, Billy! Can you get me out of here? I really need to stretch my legs a little. Damn, that machine really kills my tits!”

Billy reached out and pried her moist folds apart until the pink interior of her delicious hole became visible.

“Sure, sure. My, you’re wet again, aren’t you? I’d love to stick my dick into your soaking twat right now but we have stuff to do. We’ll be going on a promotional tour together and I have worked quite a bit on it already. It’ll be fun!”

Estelle groaned, annoyed. If only that little jerk had never found out!

How could she underestimate the adolescent’s curiosity so badly? Of course he would smell the dope and find out that those massive tits were in fact very real! And, naturally, he wouldn’t be satisfied with a bit of groping and a joint or two. No! The little bastard turned full pervert within days and took advantage of her whenever he could! He was kinda cute though.

It had taken less than a week until he had fucked her the first time, just so he wouldn’t spoil her secret. Estelle had to admit that she had enjoyed the clumsy sex and that inexperienced but rock hard pecker of his. And only a few weeks later she had him trained well enough that he could keep his load to himself for a bit, so the sessions could be extended long enough that she got something out of them as well.

But the guy was just so crazy about her tits! He couldn’t stop making her do stupid stuff with them! And because Estelle never really pushed back, afraid that Billy would indeed spill the beans and get her in jail or something, he just got bolder and bolder. The train-thing had been bad enough, and some of the updates were actually quite nice, like changing the box to a fully mirrored variant so she could actually see what was going on outside. But how he tweaked the bouncing mechanism to get more and more ridiculous? And why did he constantly try to make those holes smaller? But the worst was the milking, oh god, the milking!

Estelle felt the openings around the base of her boobs relax and slowly pulled her melons out. Groaning exhausted, she exited the box and stretched herself.

“I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“Not if you want to keep your secret, no,” the young man giggled.

“You could be a great guy, Billy. But you’re really spoiling it with that attitude. So what do I need to do to keep you from talking?”

“Oh, we just need to get your chocolate tits sticking to the outside of our truck for a ride through the city.”

“You can’t be serious! It’s freezing out there!”

“Don’t worry. I have prepared a new box for that already, fully insulated and everything. Get yourself dressed so we can start assembling everything.”

“But my tits? They won’t be protected!”

“Don’t be such a pussy, Estelle. It won’t take that long and you’ll have it nice and warm inside. I even got a heater for us! And I promise, I’ll keep you entertained! You won’t even notice the cold.”

The box Billy had crafted looked just as stunning as the one under the ceiling. It was bigger and instead of the lonely girl lying on the ground, this one had the same girl standing, leaning against one side with her breasts missing and her ass up in the air. Behind her was a hunky young man who was ramming his cartoon dick deep into her.

Estelle walked around the box and saw that each side had a corresponding picture on it. The one in the back showed the face of the girl and her upper torso with two familiar holes where her boobs would be.

“Watch this!” beamed Billy and flicked a switch. Now the two characters moved in sync, fucking silently.

“Wow, that’s obscene! Is that even allowed?”

“No, not really. That’s why I have this other setting.”

He pressed the switch again and the image vanished. Instead, the whole box was now glowing in a bright, milky white.

“Wait a sec,” he announced and stepped inside, his shadow now clearly visible from the outside as he moved around.

“I don’t get it!” groaned Estelle, “What is this thing?”

“Oh, I forgot,” grinned Billy as he exited the box again, “Here, we need to put those on as well.

He gave her a bunch of stickers that promoted the club’s events including her now lactating ‘fake’ boobies in bright colors.

“Ah, right. And you need me for what exactly?”

“Your boobs need to be sticking out of the back of course. People will get curious and check out our club! We’ll have to put some pasties over your nipples to comply with regulations though. Oh, and I will be fucking you during the trip.”

Estelle shook her head in disgust. “You really are a filthy little perv. OK, let’s get this over with.”

The two started to decorate the box and mounted it on the back of the truck. Once satisfied everything was in place, Estelle stripped and entered the contraption. Soon, her delicious mammaries appeared in the two openings on the back. Billy grabbed one of her wet nipples and started to pull.

“Ahhh…wait! You’re hurting me! Couldn’t you make these holes a bit bigger?”

“Nah, they’re fine as they are. Come on, let me tear those wonderful melons through.”

“Ouch! Don’t be so rough, please?”

Estelle bravely endured the torture while Billy repeatetly grabbed her warm flesh and pulled at it, slowly working her tantalizing charms through the tight holes until they were sitting completely outside the box, slightly swollen and with a faint spray of white leaking from her nipples.

“Nice!” Billy beamed as he meticulously checked that every ounce of her breast flesh had been accounted for. Estelle squirmed a little as he groped and patted her, and when he started to slap her buzzing pillows, she nearly lost it.

“Stop it, jerk! This hurts!”

“Just checking their movement patterns. Your boobs will jump around quite a bit once we’re on our way, so I need to see how they look!”

“You’re just being silly again,” huffed Estelle from the inside.

“No, I’m being professional. And as it happens, I already identified a problem.”

“And what might that be? That my boobs are too big?”

“You’re leaking and we can’t have that,” mused Billy as he inspected his handiwork, “Give me a sec.”

A few moments later, tight little rubber bands squeezed both of her nipples shut. Billy then glued two sparkling red pasties over her wet nubs and announced, “Now they’re ready! And just in time as well! Sun is about to set! I’ll get my dad so we can start the tour.”

A few minutes later, Billy sneaked into the box and switched on the little heating he had installed. After checking the settings again, he pulled the ball gag from his pocket and worked it in Estelle’s protesting mouth. Once he had pulled its straps tight, he opened his pants and positioned himself right behind Estelle’s inviting behind, where he had easy access to her precious pussy.

Hands on her tight waist, and with a quickly hardening cock, he whispered, “He’ll be here in a minute,” his fingers excitedly caressing her love button and poking at her glistening hole, “I’m so looking forward to this!”

Estelle wanted to tell him to slow down, to take care of her needs, too, but the damn ball made it impossible to communicate.

Billy giggled nervously and continued his tease but this time he was a bit more focused. Soon, Estelle felt his tongue wiggling into her slit and moaned lustfully.

“Now that’s better!” she thought.

Billy continued to tease her, meanwhile with two, then three fingers pushed deep into her quickly wettening snatch.

“I think you’re ready for the main course!” chuckled Billy just as they heard the door of the truck close.

“Uh-hu, looks like our adventure is starting!”

He grabbed hold of Estelle’s bottom as the truck rumbled to life and drove out of the garage onto the cold and the rather busy road. Billy heard Estelle groaning as he switched on the outside image so everyone knew what they were advertising for. Then he returned to fondling her wet pussy while also trying to keep his balance.

Estelle had less trouble balance-wise but her jugs on the other side of the box were jumping around so much that it started to hurt already. And the temperature made everything just worse.

“Fuck it, Pat! Drive sane!,” she thought, “And my god is it cold out there! My nipples must be popping!”

The milky coating of the box made it hard to see much from inside, but the bright headlights of the cars were clearly visible and Estelle squirmed uncomfortably as she thought about the size of her audience.

“Alright then, let’s get this party started!” grinned Billy and switched off the image again, replacing it with the bright interior light so their own shadows would be clearly visible from the outside. Then he positioned his raging hardon at Estelle’s drooling opening and slowly pushed inside.

“Oh fuck, are you tight!” he moaned as he started to drill into her with long, slow strokes.

Estelle grunted approvingly. He did feel good today! Hopefully he would have enough stamina for her to enjoy this, too!

Pat steered his truck through the busiest parts of the dark city, having no clue about what was happening further back. He appreciated all the honking outside and was happy that everyone seemed to love those fake boobs just as much as he did.

He wasn’t the best truck driver and would sometimes hit the sidewalk full speed, making Estelle’s wondrous melons jump and quiver, or would steer abruptly in one way or another, causing her boobs to slap hard against each other. Unfortunately for him, he would never see the mayhem his awful driving caused further back.

But Pat soon noticed that whenever he did any of these involuntary maneuvers, the honking would get louder and he thought he even heard some encouraging yelling whenever he hit an obstacle. And so he took extra care to hit each and every speed bump or pothole on his way as fast and hard as he could.

Estelle didn’t appreciate this driving style at all. Not only did her tits bounce around like a pack of rabid kitties, the jerky movements also caused Billy to lose focus and plow her terribly off-rhythm. Also, the awful driving caused loads of little pebbles to splash against her unprotected pillows, not to mention all the grime and dirt that must be sticking to them by now.

She welcomed the brief breaks she got whenever a red light forced Pat to stop for a moment. But not always were those pauses all that relaxing. Sometimes, the people outside jumped at the opportunity to grope her icy tits shamelessly while Billy used the quiet time to really pound into her pussy. Or he would take a break himself and use his favorite vibrator on her while he was catching some breath.

The hands on her tits were kind of nice though and helped warm them up a little, although most people were rather rude and seemed to enjoy slapping her freezing globes around.

The pasties and the rubbers around her nipples didn’t survive long though. Enterprising fingers quickly peeled them off during one of the stops while excited voices were sharing their appreciation of those almost realistically detailed obscenities sticking to the truck. Of course, someone quickly found out that she was leaking and started sucking her teats like a damn baby.

But only too soon, the vehicle was back to driving, forcing her cold melons to bounce around like crazy once again.

Estelle was so aroused by the constant pounding and by Billy’s vibrator play that she thought she would explode any moment. But somehow her adolescent lover managed to keep her right on the edge. Her pussy was a sore mess, her thighs were quivering and her flat tummy spasming, but the big climax stayed just out of reach.

Then she felt rain on her tits. It was tolerable at first, although it made her boobs freeze even more. But it got really bad real quick, drenching everything in icy water. Nobody seemed to care though and thanks to the ball gag, she couldn’t tell Billy about her plight either.

Soon, the rain turned to a heavy snow storm, coating her boobs in a layer of fluffy white. By now she was desperate for any stop, hoping for random passersby to check out her boobs and free them from the cold snow. And thankfully many did.

One pair of hands felt much different than others though, soft and feminine and oh so caring. Those particular hands carefully removed every once of snow and lovingly massaged her icy breasts back to life. It was at that moment that she nearly exploded in a massive climax, but Billy sensed what was going on and immediately withdrew his cock leaving her dry and high until her breathing had calmed again.

Outside, someone was kissing and fondling her breasts like no one else had ever done. Estelle wanted that stranger out there to never stop, but Pat had other plans and soon the truck continued its journey.

“Uh, I don’t think I can last much longer, Estelle!” Billy announced breathlessly, his dick pulsing deep inside her soaking snatch.

Estelle squirmed and huffed, and reached for her love button. And just when she started to touch herself at all the right places, all hell broke loose.

Suddenly, the truck rattled and jumped like possessed. A loud bang shook the vehicle and the box came tumbling down with incredible force. Estelle’s unprotected boobs took the brunt of the fall and were mashed into the uneven ground of a construction site.

Billy came right at that very moment, pumping his hot seed vigorously into the poor girl while screaming bloody murder. Estelle’s yells were once again muffled by the studpid ball gag while she wondered what was worse, that she had been robbed of an incredible climax or the terribly in pain from whatever had happened to her boobs. But she knew she wanted to yell. A lot.

Billy’s hand finally found the straps of her gag and opened it, desperate to see if his girl was alright.

“Are you OK, sweetheart?” he whispered, still recovering from the fall.

Estelle cursed like a sailor.

“Shhh! Be quiet! They can’t find us!” Billy whispered as he covered her mouth with his hand.

Estelle angrily pushed his fingers away and moaned, “I know! But it fucking hurts! Get off me! Your weight makes everything worse! Sweetheart my ass!”

“I can’t!” Billy whispered, “I’m stuck just like you!”

“At least pull your dick out for god’s sake! This is not sexy!”

They heard people rushing towards the box, construction workers chatting excitedly.

“Is he hurt?”

“No. That idiot is fine. His truck took a beating though. How can you not see the signage? Drove right into the damn bridge!”

“Should’ve seen that we work here!”

“There’s not even a road, man! Skidding over the steel grid like it was fucking tarmac!”

“What is this thing though?”

“The box? No clue. Was on his truck. Some promotional gimmick, I guess. I called the cops already. Should be here in a moment.”

“The cops? Oh fuck!” squealed Billy, still stuck on Estelle’s back.

“Calm the fuck down!” Estelle cursed, “And be happy that we are still alive! Damn, my tits hurt. What the hell happened to them?”

“Let’s get this thing out of the way, men!”

Suddenly the box moved again and was lifted upwards. But something was holding it back. Estelle groaned.

“The fuck? I’m stuck!”

“What, your boobs?”

“Yes, my boobs for god’s sake!”

The men outside noticed as well that something was amiss. Someone peered under the box and said “There’s something glued to it. Push harder!”

“Oh fuuuucccck! I can’t stand this anymore!” squeaked Estelle through gritted teeth.

“It’s stuck! Get the crane and rip it away!”

“Oh god, the crane? They can’t be serious, can they?”

“I think they can,” whispered Billy, “Just try to stay silent, alright?”

They heard chains clanking outside. Then the box shook again and was brutally lifted upwards. Estelle screamed into Billy’s hand as her boobs were ripped out of whatever had trapped them.

“Tits? They glued tits on that box?”

“Oh I know,” a younger voice said excitedly, “It’s an ad for that club! Chocolate Shakers!”

“The one with those boobs hanging from the ceiling?”

“Yep, that one. Man, I always wanted to see those up close.”

The crane driver lowered his cargo so the crew could inspect the damage.

“They’re gigantic! How on Earth could they even get trapped in that hexagonal steel grid? Must have been a hell of a force!”

“Huh, they look undamaged. Quite the tough material it seems. Something is leaking out though.”

Estelle groaned. Fucking milk! Why did she ever agree to get herself to lactate? Just another one of Billy’s stupid ideas. And it had taken real effort, too! Constant use of that little pump, a bunch of pills, lots of sucking and squeezing, but finally she had been able to deliver.

That little shit couldn’t stop sucking her dry whenever he had a chance ever since! And then his machines! The one that was now built into the box at the club was definitely the most effective version, but it had taken a while to find out what worked best. And now she was leaking in front of a bunch of construction workers!

“Is that milk? Unbelievable! Ned, get some water over here, we need to clean that thing! I really want to taste that stuff!”

Estelle felt her nipples harden as the cold water was splashed over her hurting tits. Right then Billy whispered in her ear, “Uh, don’t get upset but I think I am getting hard again!”

And indeed, his slime-covered cock was pushing against her sloppy hole and quickly slipped inside.

“Ugh… Billy! This isn’t the time!”

“I know! But you’re so hot! I can’t help it!”

“At least be gentle, I’m a bit sore down there! Just stay still and don’t move!”

“I really don’t know if I can do that, Estelle!” whispered Billy, “Not when you squeeze me like that!”

“Oh, so now it’s my fault?”

“No! It’s just… It feels so good when you do that!”

“Oh god, now they’re sucking at my boobs! Fucking perverts!”

Suddenly there was commotion outside.

“Shit the cops. What do we say?”

“Just cover these things with some blanket or something. I don’t want to explain why we sucked them.”

Estelle felt something being wrapped around her tits. There was more discussion outside. The voices mentioned Pat, who was apparently at the hospital now and that the box belonged to the club. Someone suggested putting it into storage until the owner asked for it, but then the young voice from before offered to bring it to the club instead as he had to drive by there anyway.

“I’ll take the one with that little crane,” the young voice announced, “Just help me get the belts around it.”

One of the construction workers found it funny to attach one of the belts around the covering of those fake boobs instead of wrapping it around the box. And he giggled like a schoolgirl when the crane of the truck pulled them upwards with might when they loaded the contraption on the vehicle’s bed.

Estelle nearly bit through the bone of Billy’s fingers when her tits suddenly got ripped upwards. She was swearing furiously, sure that they finally had managed to destroy her breasts.

Thankfully, the pain soon dulled when they were back on the road, with Billy back to fucking her again and not too concerned with her wellbeing.

Estelle was livid, but the pounding cock felt too good to be ignored and so she, too, was soon moaning in heat. And this time she managed to come as well.

At the pub, the box got unloaded, causing Estelle to swear and scream in Billy’s hand when her tits once again got jerked upwards. Billy was glad when she calmed down again. He finally removed his hand from her lips and looked at the bloody mess that Estelle had left behind.

“Wow girl, that hurts!”

“Tell me about it! He’s back at my boobs again!”

The young worker removed the belts and carefully untangled the cover they had put over the plastic boobs. He closely inspected the odd objects with interest and gave them a light squeeze. What a fantastic way to promote the club! He would surely return tonight and bring a bunch of friends with him.

Finally, after some additional fondling, the construction worker left and Estelle and Billy were alone again. Billy quickly unlocked the box and went outside, checking if the coast was clear.

“Looks good, I’ll get you out!”

They both squeezed and pulled at her cold boobs again until they popped back into the box. Estelle moaned relieved as she quickly got dressed and emerged from the container.

Fuck, my breasts feel like they went through the wringer! I never needed a shower more than now!”

“Sure, get inside. I’ll check on Pat in the hospital and see if he’s alright.”

“What about the club opening tonight?”

“Yeah, I’ll ask him.”

“You know,” Estelle stammered, blushing furiously, “I kinda like this box better than the one under the ceiling….”


“Yeah,” she creaked, “It’s… spacious. And… I could use some company during my work shifts… if you know what I mean.”

“Rrright…” grinned Billy, “I’ll see what I can do. But it will take a bit of time.”

Pat turned out to be OK, with only slight bruises. His biggest concern was the damaged truck and how much it would cost to buy a new one.

“So what about the club tonight?” asked Billy.

“What about it?”

“Should we keep it closed?”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because you’re injured!”

“That’s no reason to keep it closed! In fact we should open it more often and get more customers so I can afford a new truck! Those tits cost a fortune and while I still have enough money on the side, we really need to up our income! I like what you did with those boobs and the idea to use them at the bar is brilliant. Try out the new setting and tell everyone to make good use of them. People really need to notice those things and enjoy them!”

“Alright pops, I’ll get to it. I… uh… I also have a new idea for the carriage. Can I try something different?”

“Sure, go ahead! So far your ideas were all great!

“OK, see you at home then.”

“See you, son.”

Back at the club, Billy and the freshly showered Estelle prepared everything for the night.

“Staff will be here an hour before opening and it looks like everything is ready. How are you feeling? Can you deal with more tit groping?”

Estelle grinned, happy that Billy finally showed some compassion.

“Yeah, I’m good. I actually look forward to tonight. You know, I kinda like you, Billy. You were a bit of a brat first but you improved a lot!”

“I did? Well thank you, Chocolate Tits! I’m honored!”


“Just joking. We still have a few hours until the club opens. Wanna go home to rest?”

“Yeah, I think I’ll need a nap. See you later!”

“See you Estelle!”

The nap indeed helped a lot. Estelle was brimming with energy when she was back at the club. Billy let her in and both went up the attic to get her set up.

Billy was inspecting the carriage under the roof and said, “I think I can make it bigger. Need to get some material though but I should be done in a few days. Ready for the night?”

“I guess so.”

“Can you get inside and check if everything is OK?”

“You mean I should get my tits into the holes again and see if they still fit?”

“Yep, that.”

Soon, Estelle’s boobs were once again hanging outside the bottom of the box and jiggling enticingly. It looked spectacular.

“I’m about done here. Will send you on a test round to see if everything works. Don’t worry, the pause over the bar is rather long now.”

Estelle felt the carriage shake and slowly make its way over to the bar. Once it arrived there, it just sat in place while her boobs got squeezed by the milking mechanism. After a few minutes of having her boobs cruelly crushed, the carriage made its way over to the dance floor where it waited a bit and finally climbed back up to the parking position.

“Looks good! Do you need anything before we open?”

“Yeah get me my bag, please?”

Estelle took a while to arrange herself. But with a nice blanket, a few drinks, food, dope and her favorite toy, she was ready for the night.

Billy wished her a good shift and locked the door of the carriage. Then he headed downstairs to open up.

He was rushing through the bar to see if staff was ready when he heard someone knocking at the side entrance.


“Hi, sorry to disturb you,” the young, busty woman outside said, “But I… I saw that advertisement earlier with those…. breasts… and I have a few questions.”

“Sure, but we’re just about to open, so I’m in a bit of a rush. What do you want to know?”

“Those are… uh… fake, right? I had the chance to check them out at a traffic light earlier today and they’re incredible.”

“Yes they are. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“You know… I have once created a similar… art object… and was quite successful with it. So I wondered if you maybe could use another pair of breasts? For your club? They would be much paler though, not dark like yours.”

“Another pair? Absolutely! We have a few spots where we could use them right away but so far have been unable to acquire more. When could you provide the product?”

“Maybe tomorrow?” the girl said, her face blushing, “I would need some time to prepare and someone to transport the, uh, object as I’m… a bit busy.”

“That can be arranged,” beamed Billy, “What’s your name again?”


“Nice to meet you, Ann. I’m Billy. Now let me show the place where we would use those breasts of yours. Come on in. Oh, and what do you want for them?”

“I… I’m not sure yet. I would offer you a free trial, maybe for a week? Then we can negotiate.”

“That sounds perfect.”




Written by QexiQex

I enjoy writing about big breasts in peril. Feedback always appreciated! In case you are interested in joining my Discord, send me a message.

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