Sunshine Farm Encore

16 min readJan 7, 2021


Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.

This is a tribute to bastard13’s original work ‘Sunshine Farm’

Main themes of this story are: big breasts, breast fetish, breast bondage.

The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.


Courtney went through her bills the upteenth time. How was she supposed to pay for all of this? Her account had been virtually empty for countless weeks and there was no end in sight. She had to face it, that low wage waitress job was simply inadequate for feeding both her little baby and herself. The rent alone ate up most of what she earned!

The young mother thought about those good times, the few weeks were she had enough money thanks to that creepy video shoot. She shook her head in disgust as she realized once again that her swollen tits had made more in 10 minutes than she would make in three months serving at that stupid bar.

‘Fuck it,” she muttered, “I’ve had enough of this shit!” and grabbed her phone.

“SF productions, how can I help you?” a familiar voice greeted her.

“Hi, uhm, Wilt, right? This is Courtney, the model performing that… that…”

“Ah, that lactation shoot, right? You are that hot girl with those incredible, milk-filled breasts!”

“Uhm, yeah, I guess. Uhm, do you… do you have another one of those… jobs… for me? Maybe? I could really use some cash right now…”

Wilt pondered for a short moment and said, “In fact I have. If you are fine with another round of breast abuse that is. I know, I promised a less painful and less humiliating continuation and I’m really sorry that I can’t deliver on that. As it turns out, our customers went wild over our last feed with you and demanded more of the same. You were in fact our top download for several weeks.”

“So it would be the same scene again?”

“It would be in the same setting. The details are still being worked on.”

“But the pay would be identical? 5000 bucks?”

“Well, if we do a less extreme feed the pay would obviously be less as well.”

This was the time for negotiation, Courtney told herself. If she did it right, she could get more money out of Wilt without additional work! She jumped on the chance and said,

“But Wilt, you just told me that my video was one of your most popular ones. Shouldn’t this be reflected in my pay as well? Shouldn’t it be more than before?”

Wilt laughed, “Nice try, sweetie. But our rate for ‘more of the same’ is unfortunately fixed, unless you want to change to a revenue-based model. Which would of course reduce the base pay but add some recurring income coupled to the popularity of the resulting video.”

“How much would that be?”

“About 500 base and 10 cent per view paid monthly. So with your first video you would have gotten about 1000 bucks extra for the first month. Typically the view-based revenue declines quickly over time though.”

“Uhm, and there is no way to increase that? What if I agree to do more weird stuff?”

“You still don’t want to show your face , right? Boobs only?”


“And you’re still lactating?”


“How much?”

“Excuse me?”

“What amount of milk are you capable of producing?”

“Maybe around 40 ounces per day?”

“Alright, let’s see… If you can increase that output a bit so we have more to play with, and agree to a more challenging performance, I can up our offer to the previous 5000 base plus the revenue-share component. And I would even add a bonus of 100 bucks for each extra ounce of milk you deliver on top of the 40 ounces in the final scene. How does that sound?”

“Better! So what would ‘more challenging’ mean, practically speaking?”

Wilt smirked, “More abuse of your boobs of course. Problem is I can’t go into details without spoiling the surprise. And without the surprise factor, the shoot wouldn’t be as good as it can be. So you need to trust me on that.”

“More abuse, alright. But surely no permanent injuries?”

“Of course not!” gasped Wilt, “What are you thinking? No, you’ll be fine.”

“Then we have a deal!”

“Great, we’ll need a bit of time to prep. Be at the studio on Friday 7pm in two weeks time. We should be ready by then. And if I may give you an advice: Pump your tits like there is no tomorrow if you really want to optimize your revenue. I read that emptying those funbags all the way on a regular schedule greatly increases the overall output. See you soon!”

Courtney wondered what she got herself into as she put her phone down. Her hands unconsciously fondled her full, taut breasts as she thought of the consequences of her actions, almost as if she wanted to soothe them of the pain to come.

She did take Wilt’s advice seriously. In fact she started pumping the minute she got home and continued to do so every moment she could spare. She even used her breaks at work to vanish into the restroom and empty her breasts. Naturally the baby complained whenever her tits did not deliver. But still, even when her boobs ran low on milk, she kept her little devil docked until her nipples were red and raw. Only then she offered a bottle of pumped milk.

It only took a few days until there was a measurable effect and Courtney was impressed by how much her supply increased in such a short time. And there was no denying, her breasts had grown quite a bit, too.

On the day before the shoot, Courtney refrained from pumping altogether and fed her hungry little baby with pre-pumped milk instead. In order to preserve as much of the precious fluid as possible, and prevent any leakage, she even opted to tie off her hard nipples using two strong little rubber bands which she wound around her rigid buds as tight as she could muster.

The young mother barely made it through the day. Already around lunch time her tits felt like they would explode any moment. She had a hard time keeping calm as she strutted around the bar. Serving guests and walking around all day didn’t make it any easier as any small movement made her tit hurt like hell. She was about to cry several times and couldn’t wait for the shoot so the pain would finally go away.

That day had been a pain in the butt, but nothing compared to the night that followed. Her hurting, bloated tits kept her awake throughout the night. Worse yet, whenever she dozed off her cute little devil started to cry and beg for mommy’s titties. She couldn’t even remember how often she had to get up and feed the baby with pre-pumped milk from the fridge. If only she could let it suck milk from her hurting bosom instead!

Somehow Courtney made it to the morning, weary-eyed and tired. After a quick breakfast and shower she prepared herself for the day. She dropped the baby at her mother and went to work. Her shift at the bar was again pretty horrible. Her tits hurt on every move and her customers were of no help either. Finally it was time for the shoot. Happy to get rid of her milky burden she set off for the studio.

The place hadn’t changed much since her last visit, and the weird little stage still sat right in the middle of the podium just like last time. It looked a bit different though, but she couldn’t really put her finger on it. The place was bustling with people setting up equipment, probably preparing everything for her shoot. Courtney scanned the room for familiar faces and finally spotted Wilt, who was talking to some woman right behind the little stage.

“Listen, Helen, just get her to do it, OK? Now get ready, our star should show up any minute!”

“Hi Wilt!”

“Oh, hi Courtney! We were just talking about you. Ready for the second round?”

“As ready as I can be!” Courtney smirked, “Those two can’t wait to be emptied though,” she pointed at her bloated breasts.

“Good, good. Why don’t you head over to Helen so she can get you all set up. We’ll need a bit more preparation this time.”

Courtney walked over to the small, blonde Wilt was pointing to and said, “Hey, I’m the performer. Wilt sent me over.”

“Great, Hi Courtney. My name is Helen and I’m the makeup artist here. You did this before, right? So you know the drill. Can you sit down and disrobe your bust so I can prepare you properly?”

“Uhm, there was not much preparation last time, except for getting in that thing naked. It’s only my tits that are shown anyway, so what is there to do?” Courtney inquired as she removed her bra and took a seat in front of Helen.

“Listen, today will be indeed a bit different. There will be part of the scenes were… how should I put it… things will happen. I’m not supposed to spoil the surprise so I really can’t go into much detail but we need to put on some special-effects cream on your girls. Also I was told that you agreed to all kinds of physical ‘treatments’ as long as there is no permanent damage, is that right?”

“Y-yes… Why do you ask?”

“Just wanted to confirm to be sure. You will experience rather… unusual… things today, but you will be fine afterwards. So just remember: Hang in there, don’t panic and everything will work out well.”

“You scare me, Helen.”

“Don’t worry. Now let’s get your twins ready. Can you… Oh, I see you have bound your nipples. I suppose you did this to avoid leaking?”

“Yes, they’re so full they’ll explode any moment.”

“Very thoughtful. Let me replace those with something more practical.”

Helen reached for a pair of scissors and two small silver clamps.

“Those are remote-controlled and will automatically disengage right before the shoot so we don’t spill a drop. Now let me cut those little bands. Oh, wow, quite some pressure in there. Brace yourself.”

“Ouch!” Courtney complained as the little clamps closed around her thick, leaking nipples, “Those are tight!”

“But they do their job. The flood is stopped. Now lean back and relax, I’ll give you a nice breast massage.”

Courtney leaned back, but the relaxing part was unfortunately out of question. With her tits bloated like that, every touch of Helen’s warm hand was deeply uncomfortable. And when she started to grab and maul her taut flesh, Courtney’s eyes filled with tears.

“Aaah, OUCH! Oh my god, stop it, please?”

“Sorry Court, this needs to be done. I know your tits are tender and all, but please just hold still and let me do my job.”

Courtney winced but complied. The pain was excruciating. She couldn’t wait to get rid of that awful pressure inside her twins.

“Alright, that should be all. Now let’s check your skin. A natural beauty! You’re looking great hon. I think we are ready to go. Did Wilt brief you already?”

“No, not really. Anything else different from last time?”

“Yes, when you enter the barn you’ll see that the front has changed a bit. The ledge is gone and the barn door is now really close to your body. Once you’re in there will be a sort of cushion coming down and pressing against your back. Don’t worry, this is all part of the setup. It’s just that we need to make sure that your breasts are pressed really hard against that door. The opening right behind the door should be just enough for your tits. So just as last time, no other body parts of you will be visible. We have replaced the display with video glasses, so you still can follow the show and we have less stuff in that cramped space. You have to put them on outside though, you won’t be able to get your arms down once you’re in there.”

She handed her a device that looked like a mixture between blindfold and glasses. Courtney examined them briefly and put them on.

“Wow, this is great! Picture is fantastic and pretty comfortable to wear!”

“Glad you like it, we stocked up a bit in the technology department. Oh, looks like the crew is ready. Time to get in there, hon.”

Courtney nodded, her heart racing, as she prepared herself for what was to come. She donned the glasses and went inside the tight space, her large, bloated breasts swinging to and fro while she clumsily tried to figure out where to go. The small barn shook and trembled as the actress slowly assumed position, arms above her head, breasts pressed from the inside against the closed barn door. Wilt came along to check if everything was ok and mumbled something about a ‘posture enhancer’ while Courtney was checking just how far she could move around in her tight confines. Courtney noticed that she could indeed move a bit sideways and up, but she could barely move back and forth.

Suddenly something soft pressed against her back, jamming her tits hard against the rough barn door, taking away the little space she had.

“Hey? This is too much!” she yelped, but the back door was already closed and locked, and nobody seemed to bother about her predicament.

“Ready in 5,4,3,2,1!” she heard Wilt announce, and with that, her second stream began, broadcasted live on the internet and displayed in her fancy new glasses for her to follow..

The cheap animation of the ‘Sunshine Form’ logo came across the screen with the same goofy voice announcing “WELCUM TO SUUUUNN-SHIIIIINE FARM! STARRING TEX AND BRUNOOOO!!!” and as the animation went away she saw the two hand puppets come onto the screen again.

“Howdy Folks!” proclaimed Cowboy Tex which was followed by rowdy “YEEHAWW!” by villain Bruno.

“Welcome back to our beautiful farm life. After showing you how to milk a wild heifer, we thought you folks might be interested in some competitive fun!”

“Tex and I will do a little competition today, showing you just how efficiently we can milk our cows. But first, let’s see where they hide. Uh, oh, look at this, Tex, the barn is SH-SH-SHAKING!”

Suddenly the barn doors burst open. Courtney noticed the clamps disengaging and welcomed the increased space for her bloated tits. Her breasts bounced forward, squeezing out in the open for all to see.

“I don’t like to be interrupted like that, do you, Tex?”

“No, I don’t like that at all! Time to show this beast who’s the boss!”

Both puppets grabbed a door and slammed it shut, causing Courtney to yelp in pain as the rough wood crashed into her tender tits.

“Now, where were we? Right, so today we will…”

BANG! The doors flew open again, giant, spraying tits leaping through the much needed gap.

“HELL NO!” screamed Tex and Bruno unisono as they slammed the door shut again.

Courtney whimpered and yelped as the heavy door squeezed her tits flat, hoping that this absurd theater would soon end.

The doors burst open again, tits bouncing about.

“This beast is WILD!” shouted Tex, “It’s desperate for freedom!”

“Freedom my ass. Let’s give it some freedom!” groaned Bruno and slammed the door on his side shut, causing Courtney’s breasts to shift so they protruded only through Tex’s side of the barn door now.

“Tex, Tex, what did I tell you? You have to keep those doors closed!” Bruno muttered as the puppet changed sides, “Care to help me a bit?”

Courtney watched wide-eyed as the two puppets slowly forced the second door close again, this time squeezing it past her billowing bust, confining her flesh to the tight gap between the two doors. As the gate snapped close, her sorry, swollen tits ballooned, her base constricted by the tiny space. Courtney went wild. She tore at her tits, tried to escape the terrible trap, and the barn shook and screeched, threatening to fall apart any moment.

“Well, well, well. You can’t hold them if they don’t want to, right? What a wild one. Look how she’s dripping!”

“Yeah, this heifer is full to the brim! If we don’t get going those teats will leak all that precious milk and there will be nothing left for our little competition!”

“Alright-y, let’s get going then. Time to go to the pasture with this animal!”

Bruno and Tex took their lassos and slowly bound each of the tits until they were purple, swollen balls. Courtney yelped and groaned inside as those puppets tore at her hurting breasts, wondering what they planned to do next.

“This one’s really stubborn today, Bruno. That cow doesn’t move an inch!” Tex shouted, tearing at the rope with all his might.

“Oh you’re so right. That dumb cow’s not playing fair, cowboy! Let’s do some convincing then!”

Suddenly Courtney’s world was on fire. Her taut balls jumped up and down, her body smashing against the confines of the barn as unbearable pain jolted through her flesh.

“What a bit electricity can do!” guffawed Tex as he brandished his new toy, “Let’s try again!”

“Still doesn’t move an inch, give it another surge!”

Courtney thrashed inside, her swollen tits bouncing wildly, spraying milk in every direction.

“Damnit, stubborn cow. Well, then we don’t have much choice, have we? Let’s do the competition right here, at the barn!”

“Yehaww! Time to get to work!”

“Wait, what did I just see? Did we forget to brand this heifer?”

“I can’t see no mark anywhere?!”

“How did that happen? Somebody clearly screwed up this time. Get the branding irons, now!”

Bruno hustled away and returned with two large, red metal objects. He handed one over to Tex and yelled,”Time to get this one marked!”

The two irons were pressed into Courtney’s large globes, and suddenly everything was ablaze again. Courtney shook like a mad woman, tried to get her hurting breasts free, desperate to escape this horrible nightmare. But her bonds held her tight. Two large black signs now adorned the tops of her breasts, one a cowboy hat, one a bowler hat.

“How could they…?” Courtney was about to go crazy.

“Nice work, pal!” complimented Tex as he inspected Bruno’s sign.

“Nicely done, too!” responded Bruno, “Ready for a little competition?”

“I’m ready as I can be!” he laughed, pulling two flat bowls onto the stage and under Courtney’s shaking tits.

“Rules are simple, Who gets more milk wins. Everything’s allowed. Ready, set, go!”

Both puppets jumped on the bloated tits, bit into the turgid nipples and pulled Courtney’s tender body parts around in a quest to milk her dry. The fluid seeped out everywhere, dribbled and drooled as the two worked on her hurting body.

“Watch this, sucker!” yelled Tex as he grabbed some rubber bands from off stage and let them snap around the udder. The milk flow increased immediately.

Bruno quickly replicated the action and both added more and more bands, transforming Courtney’s pillows into horribly disfigured objects spewing milk. On and on it went, with the puppets biting, tearing, squeezing the fat, taut pillows until finally the milk flow subsided.

“Looks like we have a winner!” giggled Bruno,, pointing to his slightly fuller bowl.

“WHAT?” yelled Tex, “STUPID COW!” and punched into his side of Courtney’s breast, “I’LL SHOW YOU!” he yelled again and pressed the stun gun against the hurting melon sending another surge through her flesh. Fresh milk sprayed from the abused ducts.

“YEHAWW!” declared Tex, “Look who’s the loser now!”

Bruno shook his wooden head, “Not so easy, pal. You might be ahead, but only slightly. He poked Courtney’s other tit with his electroshocker and triggered a surge. Courtney yelped, the barn shook dangerously and fresh milk seeped out of the engorged tit.

Tex and Bruno exchanged a few more blows until the decided for a draw and declared the end of the show.

“Thank you for watching, pals!” yelled Bruno, taking his bowler head off while bowing down.

“Thank you indeed! And as a surprise gift to our valued fans, a little fiery highlight at the end!” And with that he reached out to Courtney’s now empty udders and ignited what seemed like a small lighter.

Suddenly Courtney’s trapped melons stood in flames, immense heat engulfing the soft flesh. Courtney hollered in panic, tried to rip her breasts free from the ropes. But a blink later the fire was gone and the credit roll appeared on the screen. When finally the cameras were off, staff applauded frenetically.

“Great job, Courtney! This one should be a heavy hitter!”

“Get me out of here, asshole! Branding? You branded me?”

“Hehe, I knew the trick would work. Don’t worry, it’s only a bit of ink. The electric shock leads you to believe that…”


“Sure, sure. Helen, Untie her tits and open the hatch so our star can get out of there.”

“Wilt, ouch, WILT!” Courtney was fuming. Once she could remove her hurting breasts from their prison she crawled out of the tight confines. She stood there, in the middle of the room, her large, depleted, buzzing tits swaying back and fro and raged, “WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOU PEOPLE? THIS, THIS… YOU BURNED ME?!”

“Calm down, Courtney. You made it. You earned another 5000 plus bonus and a significant revenue share on top. There are guys out there who pay massive amounts of money to get such videos. And I was pretty clear on what you had to endure, remember?”

“But, but…”

“No permanent damage? Check!”

“But the branding…”

“That was a prank! We played you! We shocked you so you would believe that you actually got burned! But it was just some ink you can easily wash away! And the fire was just that special cream burning off, no damage done!”

“But, but… It was so horrible in there!”

“I know, I know. But truth is you are absolutely made for this, Courtney. Your boobs are just… I mean, look at this!” He gestured towards a computer display where a teaser video got produced, featuring her massive melons prominently as they burst through the barn doors.

“I… I know. I just, I …”

“You’re just a little upset, that’s all. Now take the money and spend it on something nice. Maybe go to a spa or buy some clothes, whatever makes you happy. And if you ever need some cash again just give me a call. I have some more ideas where I could use your fantastic melons.

Courtney grabbed the pack of money, blinked some tears from her eyes and sobbed, “It’s just, my tits hurt so much! I can barely move without them hurting!”

“It will pass. Just give yourself some rest. You’ve done your job really well today! And you earned a good bonus because you gave so much milk. Your preparation has paid off! Everybody here is impressed with just how much milk there is in you and how much you can endure.”

“Th — thank you, Wilt.”

Courtney left the studio, her hands desperately trying to shield her tender breasts from any unsuspected movement. Her mind raced as she thought about the awful shoot. Would she do it again? She couldn’t tell. But for now she just needed some rest. She looked at the flashdrive Wilt gave her as a parting gift. On it were the studio’s latest videos, including her own two streams. Before she would agree to another engagement she would watch them, all of them. And then she would decide whether another session was worth the money.




Written by QexiQex

I enjoy writing about big breasts in peril. Feedback always appreciated! In case you are interested in joining my Discord, send me a message.

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