Tail Games

59 min readOct 9, 2022


by QexiQex, based on an idea by al55

Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.

Adults only! Big breasts in trouble ahead!

Based on an idea by al55. Young and coming engineer Rachel gets abducted and has to participate in a contest with severe consequences.

All characters are 18 years or older.

This story is a bit different from my usual fare. There is of course some big breast fetish, but also elements of horror, body modification, breast expansion, forced masturbation and similar themes. It’s pretty dark and contains non-consent and rape-like scenarios that may upset readers. The actions of some characters are abhorrent and have no place in reality. This story contains non-consensual elements.

Main themes of this story are: breast fetish, breast expansion, breast bondage, body modification, forced masturbation, humiliation, non-consent, objectification.

The Google Docs version (to download as ebook, pdf, etc.) is available here.

If you enjoyed this story, consider joining my Discord. Drop me a note through CHYOA or deviantArt to get an invite.


Everything was spinning around her. The splitting headache made her nauseous. Rachel tried to open her eyes, but the bright light blinded her instantaneously and forced her to close them again.

Where was she? What had happened? She remembered the bar, the party. Her birthday… Yes, her friends had this surprise party for her! Something about how she was now a grown-up and destined to climb the corporate ladder, that she soon wouldn’t have much time for her friends anymore with all her work in that fancy R&D department!

Oh god, how her head hurt! She opened her eyes again. This time, she could tolerate the light. After a few moments, she could make out black schemes that slowly morphed into people. They were all women, about her age, agitated, talking about things that seemed to concern them greatly. Rachel tried to understand what the fuss was all about.

“Right out of my lab! I was working on my project, which, by the way, will get me famous in no time, and the next thing I know is that I woke up in this dump!”

“Yeah, we all have very similar stories. I was on my way to our best client, to advise them on the judicial details of the lawsuit that had hit them a few days ago. And suddenly, I woke up here! Linda over there had the same thing happening, but for her it was during her break in between some complicated surgeries she was working on.”

“But what do they want? Why the abductions? It was an abduction, wasn’t it?”

“I don’t know. It looks like we’re all about the same age, all female, all rather gifted and well educated. So, take your guess!”

“How many are we?”

“Ten, I think? This one over there was just brought in.”

“Did you ask them? The masked men?”

“Sure, but they didn’t say a word.”

Rachel slowly got on her feet, her head still spinning. She approached the group to find out more, when suddenly the room went dark.

A bright spot illuminated a sort of stage in the middle of the hall. Someone close to her squeaked and was shuffled away. One of the guards, the only one with a golden mask, walked on the stage, a microphone in their hand.

“Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this year’s Tail Games! As you can see, we have been able to acquire a promising selection of candidates once again. Our contestants are all in their twenties and on the cusp of a great career! I’m sure you all can’t wait to learn more about them!”

One of the guards shoved a woman on the stage. Rachel noticed that it was the girl complaining about her abduction out of a research lab.

“Our first candidate is Emily, an up and coming pharmaceutical researcher developing drugs that could soon cure us from many ailments. As you can see, Emily is not only intelligent but also very pleasant to look at. I like her curly, brunette hair, but even better are her eyes. Just look at them, bright blue and magical, like the ocean on a sunny summer day. Emily, please get rid of those awful clothes for me and turn around, so we can all appreciate what you have on offer.”

The young woman hesitated, but without any rescue in sight, she slowly started to strip right there on the stage.

“Turn around, please?” The guard asked, now with more insistence. Emily reluctantly complied and slowly turned around, presenting every side of her tight, fit body.

“Look at those legs! Breathtaking, right? And that bubbly little booty! First class material! I can already imagine how she would look once she… Well, let’s not scare her too much yet, shall we?”

Once Emily faced forward again, the guard cupped her modest B-cup breasts from behind and beamed, “Those are just as beautiful, aren’t they? A nice handful to play with, and a great start for what we have planned! But let’s hide those sensitive little nubs for now to keep things interesting”

The guard pulled something out of his pockets and quickly applied whatever it was to the girl’s breasts. The now naked girl was brought off stage again and vanished in the darkness. At the same time, Rachel yelped surprised as strong hands pulled her forward. Moments later, she found herself on the brightly lit podium, next to the creepy, gold-masked guard.

It was an odd feeling, standing there in the light, not able to see anyone else but knowing that dozens of eyes were gawking at her.

“Our second participant is Rachel, a young engineer that has already proven herself in her field and was very recently hired by a large corporation to help develop a truly intelligent AI that would make our lives so much easier. Unfortunately for her, she stumbled right into our trap and now has no other choice but to compete. And look at her! Stunning, blonde hair that so pleasantly falls down her body and almost reaches her cute, little breasts! And those deep, brown eyes! No man can withstand that gaze, can they? Rachel, please lose your clothes for us.”

Just like Emily, Rachel was not sure how to react. Her pulse was quickening and she could feel blood shooting into her cheeks. With a pounding heart, she started to open her shirt. Her bra followed soon after, and moments later she was standing there, clad in no more than her white briefs and brightly illuminated by the stage light.

“Those too, please?”

Embarrassed and shaking, Rachel removed her last defense, baring her whole body for the eyes of the audience. She felt the hands of the guard on her sensitive breasts, playing with her rapidly hardening nipples.

“I think I already found my favorite candidate! What a wonderful specimen!” the guard beamed while toying with her bare, little boobs. Suddenly, the guard was pushing something against her naked breasts and Rachel noticed, surprised that it was a pastie, glued to each nipple and sporting a sizable tassel that was now hypnotically swinging back and forth. The guard seemed not to care and continued to present her body to the audience.

“Her legs look great, too, right? And what a tight little snatch! Say, Rachel, you exercise a lot, don’t you?”

The poor woman didn’t know what to say when the guard’s urging fingers suddenly started exploring her defenseless privates and simply mumbled, “I…I guess so?” hoping to get away from the jerk quickly.

“Sure you do. Such a body requires hard work, doesn’t it? I can’t wait to see your delicious little butt compete! Just be careful to not lose a leg or too!”

The chuckle at the end of that sentence made Rachel’s skin crawl. She could barely think straight when the fingers left again and she was suddenly shoved into the darkness.

One by one, all the young women were presented to an invisible audience, forced to strip on stage and shown off like mere pieces of meat while the guard explained how great their career would have been if only they wouldn’t have been abducted to compete in whatever nightmarish contest the abductors had planned for them.

After what felt like an eternity, the guard walked off the stage, leaving back the stunned, now naked girls. The light got switched on again and nobody had the faintest clue about what the hell just happened.

“That can’t be good! That can’t be good!” Rachel murmured, still shaken to the core by what she had to endure a few minutes ago. And the other girls all looked equally upset.

Suddenly, the room went dark once more and the voice of the guard with the golden mask boomed through some speakers.

“Ladies! It’s time to compete! Round 1 is quite simple and straight-forward. As soon as the guards have cuffed your hands behind your back, you are to take your starting position. When you hear the shot, you will run as fast as you can until you reach the end of the hall. There, you will find a little hook in the wall that you will use to rip each of the pasties off your breasts. Once you’ve managed to do that, you run back as quickly as you can. The first one to cross the line with no pasties covering their nipples wins!”

Rachel was still thinking about the odd task they were just given when a guard suddenly approached her and unceremoniously forced her hands on her back. She heard the cuffs click shut. Then, the guard’s hands were on her boobs, tugging at the tassels. “Everything fine,” the guard concluded, “Now go over there. Starting position 2! Be quick or you’ll be disqualified.”

The young woman walked over to the spot indicated by the guard. The other contestants were approaching their starting positions as well. Everyone looked confused and seemed unsure on how to proceed. Once each woman had assumed their spot, the by now familiar voice announced,

“Ready, Set, Go!’

A loud bang shook the room and everyone started to run.

Rachel could feel the tassels bumping against her skin, but all she could think of was to make sure that she was faster than her peers. She ran like her life depended on it. And it worked! She was the first to reach the wall!

But once there, she did not know how to proceed. Without hands to actually grab those tassels and rip them off, she was helpless. She struggled to get one of the odd appendages over the hook in the wall but to her dismay, the stupid thing kept slipping right off!

“Oh come on,” she groaned, annoyed while she tried her best to navigate her boobs into the right position, “Damn thing, just get on that hook!”

By the time she managed to get the tassel on the hook and rip one of the pasties away, her competition was way ahead already. And when the second pastie finally disengaged, she was the last one still on the track. All the others had already beaten her with ease.

“How can I be so clumsy!” Rachel thought while she tried to avoid too much jiggle in her hurting breasts as she ran across the line, “I can’t believe the others were so good at this!”

Everyone huffed and puffed as they gathered their breath. Most of the contestants were by now sitting on the ground and holding their hurting bosoms when Rachel saw a guard leading a beaming young woman towards the stage. The lights dimmed and the golden mask was back on stage, the happy girl right next to him.

“Wow! Did you see those young women dash? How that poor girl wasted so much time because she just couldn’t get her boobs to cooperate? Good for you, Lucy, good for you! I’m quite sad to see you go, it would have been so much fun to see your fine body sweating through all the stages! But you earned your win fair and square! Just between you and me, Lucy, you will be the only one getting out of this without permanent… aehm… without a keepsake.”

The ginger-haired, pale girl uttered a giddy “Thank you!” as she slowly realized that she had managed to end this nightmare before it really started. She didn’t understand what the terrifying guard meant with his odd comment, but she understood full well that she was out, that she won, and that she would even be paid for her troubles. Time to focus on her future, on her budding career!

Rachel watched the show mesmerized when suddenly a distinct hissing sound filled the hall. Everything wobbled and went out of focus. She could hear people crashing on the floor. Then, there was darkness.

“Ouch, what the hell?” Rachel groaned as she came to herself again. It took significant effort to just open her eyes. Everything was still blurry and her stomach was queasy, not unlike after a night-long binge.

She tried to come to her senses again and get her head to clear up. Slowly, the fuzzy forms around her converged and she found herself back in the hall, lying on the floor. Other women were lying next to her, all equally beat and groaning. Rachel raised herself and tried to get on her feet again, but she stumbled and barely managed to avoid a fall.

Something was different. Sure, she was still naked, which was definitely awkward even though she was amongst so many equally naked people, but that wasn’t it. Her body felt… out of balance somehow. Rachel stood still, her mind racing. She glanced down. Yes, something was different.

“Hey! You’re Rachel, right?”

The young, brunette woman was scanning her body, huffing, “Same thing happened to you, huh?”


“Sorry, I’m so clumsy. I’m Emily. You probably remember me, I was the first one on stage when they… when they introduced us.”

“The pharmaceutical researcher?”


“So what did you mean? What ‘thing’ happened to me?”

“You didn’t realize it yet? Wow. Most of the girls immediately figured out that their boobs were bigger than before.”

“My…. my boobs?”

Rachel glanced down again. Indeed, her very practical little breasts did not look so practical anymore. Instead, they looked like a very nice, very womanly handful! And quite a handful at that! Her ex would be thrilled if he could get his dirty paws on those puppies!

Rachel grabbed her breasts curiously. They felt so alien! Warm and soft and pleasant, but alien! She always wished to have actual boobs, to have enough up top to make people turn their heads, but she never had! And now…

“Yeah, I know. They look great and all, but I already miss my small breasts.”

“How did they…”

“I have no clue! Of course, everyone wants to find out what the hell is going on, so I talked to some of the girls. One of them is a doc, and she assured me that those are no implants. She said that from all she could see, our new boobies look and feel completely natural, just that they grew a few sizes overnight.”

“I need to get new bras!” Rachel blurted. Emily laughed out loud.

“That’s your concern? That your bra won’t fit anymore? Really? Look around you, girl! We are trapped in what seems like a pervert’s game show, buck naked and forced to do whatever they order us to. At least, Lucy managed to escape! Winning is the only way out of this nightmare!”

“Why would they do that to us? Why make our tits bigger”

“Who knows? As I said, it’s a pervert’s game show. I can’t tell you why they make our breasts grow or why they painted our toenails blue, but they did!”

“They… what?”

Rachel looked down at her feet, confused. Indeed, her toenails were sparkling blue! She crouched down to inspect her toes in detail. The paint looked flawless! She tried to scratch a bit away but wasn’t able to make a dent.


“Yeah, weird. Whatever they’re up to, it can’t be good. I sure as hell will make sure that I’ll win the next round. Who knows what happens next? Maybe they’ll paint our lips blue? Or our asses? They’re crazy!”

Suddenly, the light dimmed again and the speakers crackled to life.

“Ladies! I’m sure you’re rattled about the gifts we handed out so freely but rest assured, there is so much more to come! Now, let’s not waste time with idle chatter and instead focus on the next round. And remember, if you win, you will be allowed to leave and return to your promising careers. But if you lose, well…. I can tell you that it will get harder and harder to go back to your previous life. How hard? Some of you will soon find out!”

Rachel glanced at Emily who shook her head in disgust.

“This round is just as straight-forward as the last one. All you need to do is to get to your starting positions and run towards the wall, like you did before. But this time, there will be no pasties to rip off your bouncy boobies. Instead, a nice, juicy dong will be waiting for you at the end of the hall. Get that cock into your mouth and start sucking! As soon as it unloads and blasts cum all over your face, turn around and run back as fast as you can. First across the line wins! Easy, right? I’ll repeat, so everyone knows what to do: Get to the dick, suck it off as quickly as possible and return. To avoid any cheating, we’ll bind your hands again.”

A guard unceremoniously snapped cuffs around Rachel’s wrists and told her the starting position. The naked girl clumsily walked over, not yet accustomed to her new body. Like everyone else, she crouched down and waited for the signal.

Even though she knew what would happen, the bang still managed to startle her. Rachel ran, ran as fast as she could. Her larger charms proved to be a challenge though. All the jiggling and bouncing made it hard to focus and caused her to stumble more than once.

She wasn’t the first to reach the wall. The girl right next to her was already hard at work and frantically deepthroating the rigid cock in front of her. Rachel’s own specimen though? It wasn’t even hard yet.

With her hands bound behind her back, she had not much choice but to take the limp thing in her mouth. Rachel tried to remember what her ex had liked best, which areas of his dick had been the most sensitive. She inspected the sex organ sticking out of the wall closely, examied the nutsack with its large balls, the meaty shaft and the head peaking out between the foreskin. She licked her lips in anticipation and carefully took the first few inches between her lips.

The scared girl started to suck in earnest, bouncing her head up and down. The cock in her mouth ballooned slowly and soon filled all the space there was . Rachel kept up the sucking, forced the long, hard dick so deep into her throat that she had to gag. Her nose was touching the wall as she worked hard to get the thing to explode.

Rachel noticed the girl next to her groaning. Short, wet splashes announced her success. Moments later, the girl was running back while Rachel was still busy licking and sucking the damn thing in front of her.

Finally, it happened. Finally, the stupid cock blasted cum all over Rachel’s face. She immediately turned around and ran back to the goal line. Sadly, she was among the last to make it. Even the girl next to her, Emily, made only second place.

“Oh fuck this shit,” Emily groaned, “My jaw is hurting, I feel like a slut and I still have nothing to show! Stupid game!”

“Tell me about it,” mused Rachel, “Not a chance for me to win this one.”

Suddenly, the lights went out only for the stage to be drowned in brightness again. The man with the golden mask was back

“Thank you for the show, ladies! Obviously, only one can win each round, and this time it’s Linda who beat you all! Congrats Linda, that mouth of yours must be a real hoot! I would love to stick my dick in there!”

Linda blushed, muttering a meek “Thank you!”

“Good for you! You can be proud of yourself, you know? And those slightly bigger tits and blue toe nails shouldn’t be too much of a hassle, right? You’ll bounce right back into your job and continue performing those complicated surgeries nobody else dares to do! The compensation should be already on your account and we’ll get you back home in no time! For the others, time for a nap!”

Without much fanfare, the lights went out and the gas was back. Again, every girl was knocked unconscious, only to wake up some time later at precisely the same spot.

“Fuck this!” groaned Rachel, rubbing her hurting temples. Immediately, her gaze went towards her boobs. She shrieked in shock when she saw them. Her breasts were big! Nothing like the small A cups she had before! They were much more than a handful and heavy! She tried to get on her feet again and nearly stumbled from the new weight attached to her chest. Scared, she looked around. And sure enough, all other contestants sported an equally massive pair! And… and….their toes!

Rachel looked down at her feet. Blue toes! Not only the nails but the entire toe! Each of them! What the fuck?

She looked for Emily and found her sitting on the floor in a corner.



“How are you doing?”

“I don’t know… Feel like a piece of meat, I guess. Just look at us! Now, everyone has fat, jiggling tits and fucking blue toes! What are they doing to us? Where will this end?”

“Dunno. I just know I have to win the next race. It will only get worse from here.”

“Agree. But that means … no friends.”

“What do you mean?”

“Me, you, everyone. We’re competitors. Everyone needs a win to get out of this mess. We fight, we win. We get complacent, we lose. We can’t be friends, Rach.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. There was no way I was gonna win the last race. And with what they’re throwing at us, I can’t imagine how to… I dunno, cheat or what. I just have to give my best and hope I’ll make it out in time!”

“Yeah, guess you’re right. Wonder what the next run will be. Gets quite creepy and…. sexual.”

“Will get worse, I think. But no use in imagining what they’ll put us through. Just try to cope with whatever they dish out. Here he comes. I’ll kill the fucker as soon as I get the opportunity!”

The room went dark and the now familiar stage was lit again. The guard with the golden mask went up, turned around and announced, “Welcome to the 3rd round, ladies! I hope you enjoy your new size up there! And those blue little toes? A blast, right? I can imagine that you’re all nervous about the next race and probably wonder what you’ll have to do. Will you get fucked? Will you have to do unspeakable things to win? I know, it’s exhilarating. So let me cut this short. This round, there’s no running. In fact, due to your massive tits, there will be no running anymore. And you won’t get fucked, at least for now. Instead, you’ll quite literally fuck yourself.”

He paused for a moment, seemingly enjoying the confused whispering. Then he continued, “Each of you will once again get their wrists cuffed behind their back. Then, you’ll walk over to those beams. There’s one for each of you. On those beams, you’ll find dildos of increasing size affixed to the top. Your task is simple, make each toy vanish fully. Once you completed the task, get yourself off on the final toy. If you manage to do that first, you win. If no one manages this feat, the one that stuffed the biggest one in there when time runs out wins. If there are multiple girls with the same size crammed in their snatch, the one that got it deepest wins. All clear? In short: Fuck every toy, starting from the smallest and ending with the largest. Then make yourself cum on the largest one. No hands allowed. And just to be clear: It’s your little slit that gets stretched in this run, nothing else. As usual, wait for the guys with the cuffs, then get to it.”

A few moments later, the eight naked, blue-toed women walked to their starting positions, their large breasts jiggling and swaying enticingly.

Rachel grimaced as she finally realized what was waiting for her. There, right in front of her eyes, was a device not unlike a balancing beam for gymnasts, just a bit lower than usual. As announced by the masked man, the top surface of the beam was adorned with sex toys of increasing sizes, glistening from the liberally applied lube. Rachel knew she was in trouble as soon as she saw just how massive the toys were. She would never manage to stuff these things into her, let alone reach a climax on the largest object! She sighed, thinking about the consequences. How her boobs would be forced to expand further, how her body would be turning blue in weird places. Suddenly, she was interrupted in her desperate musings.

“Terrible, right? Who in their right mind comes up with this stuff? What sort of competition is this even? My vagina hurts just from looking at these monsters!” groaned Emily, standing in front of the beam next to Rachel’s.

“No point in even trying for me,” Rachel replied, “My little cunny has always been terribly tight. The few partners I had all had made a point in mentioning that fact. And some of the larger dicks barely fitted in there in the first place. And the pain when they finally managed to stretch me out enough! I can’t fathom impaling myself on any of those things except maybe for the two smallest ones.”

“I shouldn’t say that as I’m desperate to win this thing, but you have to try, Rach. I don’t like where this is going!” she gestured towards her heaving melons.

“You’re right. I have to give it all. Fuck the pain, let’s impale ourselves hard and fast. Good luck, Emily. I’m really grateful for your company.”

“Thanks Rach. Good luck to you, too! Let’s beat this shit!”

A few moments later, the man with the gold mask announced, “Get ready!”

The women positioned themselves above the smallest toy, barely bigger than a middle finger.


Rachel inhaled, steeling her body for what she was about to do.


Rachel bore down, swallowing the lubed up toy whole in one go. She felt it buzz as if the thing was acknowledging that she had successfully completed the task. Not giving herself any rest, she got up and moved forward to the next dildo, a model that was already significantly larger than her last partner. She grimaced as shoved herself onto the dripping toy, feeling how her unprepared sex was stretched open with force. She needed three tries, three times she slammed her body downward until the thing finally vibrated Huffing from the pain and exertion, she made her way to the next one, a massive plastic cock as big around as her wrist.

“This is getting ridiculous!” Rachel mumbled, her eyes glancing forward to the remaining 3 toys, each bigger than anything she ever had inside herself. Then, she made the mistake to look at the girl to her left who was already busy mounting the second last dildo without much trouble. Rachel watched, mouth agape, as the young woman bounced on the coke-can sized toy, just to jump off a few moments later and force the head of the final, even bigger dildo inside her stretched-out hole. But even that thing which must have been as thick as a wine bottle, seemed to be not much of a challenge for her.

Rachel remembered that she, too, was supposed to fuck these things and tried to get her body to cooperate. But her tight pussy simply refused to let the fat head of the third dildo pop inside.

While she was still fighting against her own body, forcing herself down on the fat stick as hard as she could, she heard the woman next to her getting agitated. She couldn’t stop watching as the slender young contestant with her bouncy boobs crashed down on that incredibly fat toy, her hands bound behind her back, her body angled to make sure her clit got a good workout. With morbid fascination, Rachel stared at the woman exploding on that pussy ripper, barely noticing that the much smaller head of her own toy finally had popped inside her pussy.

“Aaaannnd….we have a winner!” Announced the golden mask, “Ladies? Disengage and let your sweet little pussies get some rest! Everyone back to the stage, please!”

Rachel couldn’t get off that prick fast enough. Legs trembling, she went over to the stage next to Emily who walked decidedly awkward.

“So how far did you get?” asked Emily.

“Well, I managed to swallow the first two, but already the head of the third was almost impossible to get in there.”

“Oh wow! And I thought I was doing bad! Managed to get the fourth one completely inside but I had to really pound myself open. Lost count of how many times I slammed my vag down on that thing with all the strength I had.”

“Damn. No wonder you walk like this.”

“Yeah, my pussy is in shreds. But that girl? Gabrielle? Fuck me, what kind of cunt does she have? A cavern?”

Rachel giggled, “Well, she beat us fair and square I would say. Oh, he’s climbing on the stage again.”

“Ladies! Hope you’re not too bruised down there!”

The women groaned in response.

“Yeah, I know. It’s a pain with those fat pricks. Anyway, we do have a clear winner! Gabrielle? Join me up here, please?”

A slim brunette climbed on the stage, her large, naked breasts swaying.

“So Gabrielle, how do you feel right now?” the masked man asked, scanning her body.

“Uh… empty?” the young woman giggled.

“Haha, and how did you feel some minutes ago, when you had finally managed to get that giant monster fully inside?”

“Like an overstuffed turkey at Thanksgiving!”

“And how did you manage to cum so fast and hard on that pussy destroyer?”

Gabrielle blushed furiously and whispered barely audible, “I… I have some experience with that.”

“Could you go into more detail? I’m sure these girls would love to know how to practice in case such a challenge comes up again in future!”

Her head lit up even more. She collected herself and explained with a shaking voice, “I’m a bit of a size queen. I… I love the feeling of getting stuffed to the brim. The… the stretching…. I get off on it! I was so close to cumming when I noticed that I had managed to cram that thing in me, there wasn’t much extra friction needed.”

“Wow, what a confession! A top lawyer negotiating corporate mergers that loves to get her hole stuffed to the brim and more! Not something you hear every day, right ladies?”

Poor Gabrielle looked like she wanted to shrink away, her whole body glowing in embarrassment.

“Well, your little hobby helped you to win this race, so congratulations! You can now go back to your important work! Your clients will be thrilled to see you again! Maybe one of them will even help you fill that void between your legs with whatever is nearby! Ladies? Applause for Gaping Gabrielle!

Rachel could already smell the gas when the lights went out again.

Her head hurt so much! How could they keep doing this! Rachel stirred on the ground, slowly coming to senses again. She had difficulties with breathing, something was weighing her down. She slowly got into a sitting position, the weight on her chest moving a bit

“Fuuuuck….” she groaned, hands on her now absolutely massive chest. Her tits must be the size of a honey melon! Too much for one hand, for sure! She looked down to check how her toes were doing.

“Blue feet? The hell?”

She awkwardly got up, the added weight making it difficult to balance. Emily was walking towards her, her own breasts looking ridiculously out of proportion on her small frame.

“I can’t believe this, Rach! Look at me! How big are these? D-cups? E? They’re way too big! And blue feet? Come on!”

“Perverts! Bunch of perverts turning us into big titted cows with blue… blue… yeah,.. blue what actually? What’s that blue stuff all about? Do they have a blue leg fetish or something? Wouldn’t a bit of body paint suffice?”

Emily had grabbed one of her tits with both hands and inspected it thoroughly.

“Flawless! Fucking flawless but way too big for my liking! And so impractical! Running will be an absolute pain with these!”

The light went out again, the illuminated stage popping into view.

“Ladies! You’re looking fantastic! Those fat tits on your slim bodies are really a sight to behold! Now, what’s next you ask? This one should be the easiest race ever. It will be a simple test of… speed… if you will. Walk over to your starting position where you’ll find a nice, powerful sybian device waiting for you with all sorts of interesting attachments to choose from. Select whatever strikes your fancy but do not touch yourself or you’ll be disciplined. You have until the countdown reaches zero. At that time, the guards will cuff you, set the machine up with the attachment you chose, and help you mount the sybian. We’ll start all of these pleasure machines at the same time and you have nothing else to do but to enjoy the experience! The girl that first reaches climax wins. No cheating though, the device can distinguish between a fake and a real one, and any attempt to cheat will be severely punished. So have fun!”

“Finally something that sounds fun and easy enough!” mumbled Rachel to no one in particular.

“Yeah, but it’s still not easy to win. I’m usually a bit slow to get excited and I’m sure at least one of those bitches is on a hair trigger! Come on, let’s get over there!”

Rachel had of course heard of these devices before but had no prior personal experience with them. But she knew quite well just how famed they were for the incredible orgasms they would tease out of even the most pious women.


She went through the various attachments available, the little innocent looking flat-tops, the orb, the more traditional dildos in various sizes.


Then she saw the G-Egg, a 7 inch large ball with intriguing nubs all over its surface and a textured area in front where the clit would be.


She wondered how that shape would feel inside her tight vagina, if it would press right against that fabled g-spot and catapult her into a sexual frenzy.


Hesitating briefly and thinking about the task at hand, she took the attachment and felt its surface, imagining where it would go. Kinky.


Rachel thought about the prior experience with the dildo, how hard it had been to get that big head inside of her. And this egg was almost as big. Would she manage to ride it?


Or would it be too much for her inexperienced little sex organ?


There was no time left, she had to make a decision!


Rachel watched her hand turning the attachment around once again, exploring the nubs.

Yes, she would try it. There was no other way!


She would manage to force this thing inside, she would have the quickest, most powerful climax she ever exp….”

“Zero! Step away from the device and wait for staff to set you up.”

Rachel looked at the device in shock. She had waited too long! She had squandered her chance! She looked at the guard pleadingly, asked if she could still select one of the toys. But he shook his head as he cuffed her hands. Her pleasure machine was still bare, a single hole and a slight bulge at the top, nothing else! With no attachment, there was no way this thing would stimulate her enough!

Rachel panicked as it dawned on her that she wouldn’t win this round either.

The guard forced her down, her womanhood coming in contact with the incomplete machine . Then she felt the motor come to life.

Immediately, the women around her groaned in pleasure. She heard them hissing and moaning, heard the satisfying sound of flesh against vibrating rubber. But hers was only uncomfortable. There was nothing erotic about the feeling she experienced.

In contrast, Emily seemed to enjoy her ride tremendously, gasping and groaning as she ground her sex into whatever attachment she had selected. A woman a few rows away suddenly got very loud and screamed in ecstasy, shortly followed by a few more of the girls. And then, Emily exploded right next to her in a way Rachel never considered possible. It seemed to be the most spectacular orgasm ever! The young woman’s head looked as if it would pop, her large tits were flying around, and the sound of her voice was truly otherworldly.

Then, the machines shut down, the spent women collecting their breath, laughing and giggling from the phenomenal experience.

“Looks like everyone finally had a great time! Well, everyone except for our bumbling engineer that is!” the masked man quipped, “And wouldn’t you think an engineer is aware of the mechanics of sex? My sympathy Rachel, but you really screwed up this one and robbed yourself of a great experience.”

Emily, finally able to function again, glanced over to Rachel with big eyes, barely suppressing a fit of laughter. Cackling amused, she asked “Really? You couldn’t make up your mind quick enough? Damn, girl! What a loss for you!”

Then, the golden mask continued, “The lady that reached her climax the quickest, courtesy of our favorite G-Egg attachment, was Hailey! Please give a hand to the winner!”

A fit, blonde woman with spiky hair climbed the stage looking flushed and happy. Her tantalizing tits jiggled emphatically as she bowed to her audience.

“Great job, Hailey! So how did you manage to cum so quickly?”

“Well, first of all, my lead wasn’t that impressive. I think most of us came quite fast. Those things are just too good. But well, I guess the most important part is to select the right attachment, in my case the G-Egg that really massages your insides. It does feel incredible, almost a bit too much of a sensation down there. And, then…. I mean, You know I’m an author so I have a rather vivid fantasy. Already before the start, I imagined how it would feel, preparing me mentally for the challenge ahead. I got myself so hyped up, I would have orgasmed with a mere pencil and a wet cloth rubbing my clit.”

“Thanks for sharing your strategies, Hailey! I do hope you use this intriguing mind of yours to write not only boring but complex historic literature but also sexy, naughty tales for our more baser desires!”

“I have written a few already, and hope to write much more! Maybe even about my experience here!”

“Well, the good news is that you made it out in one piece, right? A pair of fat tits and blue feet should still be manageable, what do you think?”

For a moment, Hailey seemed to remember just how terrible the whole contest had been, how she had been made to suck an anonymous cock until it coated her face with semen, how she had been forced to shove ridiculously large toys into herself, and how her modest bust had been blown out of proportions with each failure. But then, the shadow on her face vanished again and she beamed, “Yeah, I always wanted bigger boobs, so I guess that’s a plus. And the feet… Well, it’s weird but I don’t really care too much.”

“That’s great to hear, Hailey! Then back to work, and write those steamy stories for us! Compensation is on the way and you’ll be soon brought back home. For the remaining six contestants, lights out!”

When Rachel came to herself, she wasn’t really surprised anymore about the changes her body had suffered. But she was annoyed about the extent of them. Her breasts were massive, at least E-cups and so heavy they seemed to pull her little frame down. And to top it all off, both of her lower legs were now sparkling blue, just like her toe nails had been in the beginning.

The young woman, weirded out by her own body, just shook her head and groaned in despair. Emily, who was waking up right next to her, had a similar reaction.

“Not again! These things were big enough already! Do they want to turn me into a fucking cow?”

“Seems like. Soon, we’ll have tits the size of cars if this doesn’t stop. How are you, Em?”

“My brain wants to jump out of my skull and these ridiculous flesh bags throw me off balance, but other than that? Dreadful. Not knowing what they’ll come up with next is killing me.”

Suddenly, her mood changed, a cheeky grin adorned her face.

“Although,” she added, “Your spectacular failure with that orgasm machine was quite hilarious. Hah, I could laugh my ass off! You should have seen your face, like a sad little puppy!”

Rachel groaned, “Don’t remind me! The only time everyone actually enjoyed this nightmare, and I screwed up so badly. I wanted to just fade into the background, vanish into thin air. But no such luck. And that masked guy droned on and on about me being a complete idiot “

“Well, he had a point!” laughed Emily, “I’m sorry, Rach, but that really brought tears to my eyes! Poor little puppy getting robbed of the most spectacular orgasm that at least I ever had! Hope the next task will be similar.”

“I won’t make the same mistake again though,” said Rachel, pushing her heavy breasts out of the way.

The two chatted for a few minutes more until the room went dark and the stage lit up once more.

“Ladies! Only six if you left! And you look phenomenal with those fat tits of yours. Jiggle them for me, please! Let them bounce!”

One of the women actually did what he asked for. Emily and Rachel chose to groan annoyed instead.

“Spoilsports!” the masked man quipped, “Guess you won’t like what I have to tell you but, well, you don’t have much choice, do you! The next task may not be as much fun as the last one, but it will surely lead to spectacular photos and videos for our sponsors to gawk at. Can you guess what it is? I think not! It’s about your hooters! And it’s quite simple as well! Many of our sponsors just love tightly bound boobies, so we decided to have you bind your own tits for them! And to motivate you all to give your very best, we will declare the one who binds her tits the tightest the winner of this round! We’ll measure right at your chest wall, so make sure that you bind yourself as close to your chest as you can! You’ll find a box full of helpful materials at your starting positions. The round ends when the countdown reaches zero! No cuffs this time, as you’ll surely need your nimble hands to complete this task. Now go! Once everyone is at their position, we’ll start the clock!”

The six women looked at each other, puzzled. Although, some of the more motivated girls were already groping their large breasts, studying how to best approach the assignment.

“Fuck ’em, fuck’em hard!” groaned Emily, mauling her fat knockers. She wrapped her hands around the base of one breast and squeezed as hard as she could, forcing the large pillow into a rounder, even fuller shape.

“No time for moaning, we have to get going!” concluded Rachel, “Come on, Em. Let’s win this.”

“Yeah, guess you’re right!” Emily replied, her hand still choking one of her tits, “Never understood how people could enjoy that stuff, it just hurts!”

“Perverts, all of them!” Rachel muttered while they walked over to their starting positions.

The boxes were filled to the brim with various ropes, belts and wires. There was other stuff in there as well, like rubber bands and duct tape. And a bunch of things that didn’t make any sense to Rachel, like random pieces of plastic and chopsticks. She scanned the box thoroughly, anxious about choosing the right tools this time around.

“Let the fight begin!” she heard the guard behind her. Everyone dove into their box.

Rachel had selected the most obvious choice, a thin wire she could loop around her heaving breasts. And she was quite happy about the quick progress she made. The large, soft mammary was quite easy to work with, and soon, she had tight loops biting into her flesh that forced her breasts into awkward, round and taut balls. Her eyes traveled over to Emily who was busy snapping tight rubber bands around her fat pillows while groaning in obvious pain. And she seemed to be much farther along in the task as Rachel! Her tits were even rounder, the part connecting them to her chest much smaller already!

Rachel realized that she had a long way to go and grabbed a handful of rubber bands to follow Emily’s lead. She had no issues with the first bunch of bands that neatly settled in the cleft between her boobs and the rest of her body. But then the pain got worse fast. Rachel tried her best, tried to ignore the pulsing ache, the terrible buzzing of her tortured rack. She continued to snap smaller and smaller bands around her fat globes, making them into two rosy-read balls of flesh.

And it worked. But not for very long. After a while, the pain got overwhelming. Her hands started to shake, her lips quivered, her eyes were pouring, and her tits were in shambles. She wanted to snap more bands over her ball-like, sore breasts, to add more of the terrible, terrible rubber reshaping her womanly charms, but her body just refused to cooperate.

She was almost happy when finally the countdown ended and slumped down on her back, exhausted. She faintly noticed a guard approaching her and wrapping a measurement tape of sorts around the terribly squeezed bases of her tits. Then, he was gone again.

Next to her, Emily groaned and stirred. Then, they heard the guard call for them to the stage. Rachel got up again, still shaking, her hands groping the hard balls on her chest. When she saw Emily’s tightly bound knockers, her eyes grew wide.

“Holy fuck, Emily! How did you manage to get those things bound like that?”

Emily’s tits were indeed in another league. Their color was an unhealthy purple, veins popping through the surface of her taut skin.

“Det… determination!” groaned the exhausted owner, careful not to touch the two hurting melons.

“Fuck me, I lost again!”

“Y…yeah, p…possibly. Let’s…let’s head over, wanna know if I made it this time!”

To Emily’s utter disappointment, she did not win the round. Kendra, a red-headed, lithe young woman with freckles all over her body had managed an even more severe binding, her usually lilly-white tits round like bowling balls and glowing in a dark purple.

“Good job, ladies! Please, let your tightly bound boobs jump and jiggle for the camera, and show the audience just how taut your flesh became! Yes, like our winner Kendra over here! She seems to know no pain and no shame!”

Rachel rolled her eyes.

“So Kendra, I must say I have never seen tits bound so tightly. What’s your secret?”

“As a pro athlete, I am used to pushing myself beyond boundaries. And I guess I was lucky to spot those chopsticks! I just looped wire around my breasts, stuck these sticks through and started rotating them, garroting my fat, new knockers as far as I could manage. And then I pushed ahead and continued shrinking the loop until I thought my tits would pop!”

“So in short, determination and disregard for your own well-being. A combination hard to top! Congratulations on your spectacular win, no one else managed to get even close! Dear Emily was next on the leaderboard, but she was miles behind you! What will you do once you return home?”

“Well, with these,” she gestured towards her massive, bound tits, “I won’t be able to compete in my previous discipline, which was hurdling. So I definitely have to find a new occupation. It’s a shame as I was really good at it, but those things would knock me out cold sooner or later.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. The compensation will be adjusted to take this into account though. Maybe you can become a dancer instead? Flexible young women with endurance and … assets… like these are destined to be successful in certain niches!”

“An exotic dancer? Might be interesting to try!”

“And the blue legs would go well with it, too! Let us know if you go that route, some of our sponsors might be quite interested in booking you! Ladies? Applause for Kendra, the athlete with tits bound like no other!”

Then he turned to the audience, “Everyone! Please head over there, our media team will take a few pictures and make some short videos of you before you get out of the bindings. Kendra? Would be fantastic if you could join them as well, our sponsors would be thrilled!”

Emily was about to break down and rip the bindings off her boobs, but the guards wouldn’t let her. Instead, all the women were lined up and individually recorded. They had to pose, had to jiggle their tightly bound wares, and even let some schmucks touch and grope their hurting tits.

Then, once the media team was happy with their harvest, the gas knocked everyone out again.

When she came to herself, the first thing Rachel realized was that her tits still hurt like hell. Dazed and confused, she groped her breasts, finding out that they were not bound anymore but still awfully taut. She sat up, her even larger breasts sliding on her chest.

“What the fuck…”

Her legs were fully colored now, sparkling blue from her toes up to her hips. Even her naked, shaven little slit was blue! Although, she could barely see it due to her mammoth titties.

“What are we now, F-Cup? G? J?”

“Does it even matter? We’re freaks! Look at our legs!”

“Yeah, noticed that. Nice blue cunny, right? Talking about cunny, is it blue inside as well?”

Emily spread her legs and opened herself up a bit so Rachel could have a good look.

“Nope, rosy and juicy like it should be! Only the outer lips seem to be blue.”

“Well, that’s a relief!” joked Emily, hefting her massive pillows up a bit, “But these are getting monstrous!”

“Still five of us left, could continue for a while. We really need to get out of this or we soon won’t be able to move by ourselves!”

“You’re so right! By the way, are your tits also hurting like there’s no tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Did you notice the tiny loops they put on our nipples?”

“I did. Thought they gave us weird nipple rings or something. They look incredibly tight, guess the pain is coming from them. But with all the abuse, it’s hard to tell. The entire thing is terribly sore.”

“This is the weirdest competition ever, that much is clear.”

Suddenly, the room went dark. Emily and Rachel moved a bit further in to get a better look at the lit stage.

“Ladies! How are you doing? I know, I know, blue legs? What the fuck? But you do look breathtaking! So you might have spotted our little gifts around your nipples already. Do not try to remove them! It won’t be possible anyway. This round is a bit unique in that you don’t have to do anything, just lounge here in this hall, waiting for the time to pass. You’ll even get delicious food and nice drinks. I have to warn you though. Soon, you’ll feel a bit distressed. Your boobs might already feel bloated but it will gradually get worse. If you can’t stand it anymore, you can come to this stage where I will personally remove the nipple binding and milk you. Yes! I will milk you like a cow and remove the terrible bloat from your fat knockers. But getting me to milk you also means that you forfeit your chance of winning. So in summary: You are lactating and your tits will fill up more and more. But only if you tough it out and ignore the pain until all your competitors give up will you win. Easy, right? The round starts now!”

“Welp, at least we don’t have to inflict pain on ourselves this time around,” mused Emily, “Come on Rach, let’s enjoy this while our tits are still bearable. I’m hungry!”

Both women went to check out the catering, their large breasts swaying unconstrained. Joined by the other competitors, Alex, Dolly and Becky, they enjoyed the tasty food and chatted about the nightmare they were trapped in. The biggest topic of conversation was, of course, their large and bloated endowments.

“I can’t even walk without pain anymore!” cursed Dolly, a peroxide-blonde woman that looked rather fit and a bit intimidating, “I want my tiny little cupcakes back!”

“I hear you,” groaned dark-haired Alex, “They are weaponizing our womanhood against us and it’s despicable. I’ve seen young women in my clinic with painful boobs aplenty, issues with engorged breasts are nothing new after pregnancy. But they must have really blown up our hormone levels and pumped us dry for days to achieve such a massive swelling.”

“You’re a doctor or something?” Rachel asked, intrigued by the apparently knowledgeable Alex.

“Yeah, specializing in post-natal care, actually. So I know this stuff inside out! They must have pumped our bodies full with prolactin and other hormones, and they must have had plenty of time at their disposal. We don’t know how long they knocked us out after each round, do we?”

“Anything we can do?”

“Well, usually I’d prescribe some pain killers and of course to get rid of at least some of that milk trapped in the ducts. But we can’t do any of this except maybe some ice to cool the glands down a bit. They must have trained our bodies for it to be that bad.”


“Milk supply is demand-driven. If a baby needs a lot, or if a mother has twins or even triplets, the breast will accommodate and simply produce more. That is if the mother is healthy and everything works as intended. And if the kid doesn’t need as much, or if it stops nursing altogether, the supply will taper off again. But to get to the level at which we are right now?” she gropes her fat, bloated tits for emphasis, “Our boobs must have been emptied, like, every half an hour or what, for days on end.”

“So they prepared us for this? To inflict as much pain on us as they could?”


“And now they let us suffer for their amusement.”

“Jup. And I can already feel the ducts in my boobs filling up. The mammary glands are tender and sore, and I guarantee you, in a few hours we’ll all be crawling on the floor weeping from the pain. This is absolutely inhumane!”

“Fuck this! I need some alcohol. Why don’t they have any alcohol?”

Alex was right. It indeed didn’t take long until the pain was unbearable. After about two hours, the remaining women were lying on the floor, frantically searching for ways to position their bodies so that their breasts would be kept as still and as relaxed as possible. Every tiny movement, every jiggle would feel like their taut flesh bags got pierced by thousands of needles or mauled by an inconsiderate elephant.

“This works best I think,” mused Alex, her upper body draped over a chair, her boobs hanging down, “Just need to avoid the tiniest twitch. Bastards!”

“Oh fuuuuck!” groaned Becky, a shapely brunette, “Fuckfuckfuck! FUCK THIS SHIT! I don’t want any tits anymore!”

Rachel felt with her. Her own breasts were so bloated, so engorged that it blew her mind something like this was even possible.

“How are you… how are you doing, Em?” she wheezed, careful not to touch her burning hot breasts.

“F….fantastic!” Emily joked sarcastically, “My boobs are killing me!”

“Y…yeah, I … I don’t know how long I….Oh, look! Becky decided to give up!”


And indeed, the brunette woman with her blue legs crawled up the stage and pleaded for the trial to end. The masked man confirmed her choice, and then reached out and snipped open the tiny little bands. Becky’s nipples exploded! Milk was shooting out of her breasts without any other action needed! The masked man chuckled, then sat down next to the desperate woman who was still on all fours. He pushed a metal pan under her gigantic, swaying and spraying udders and started to milk her enthusiastically.

“Holy fuck I’m jealous!” groaned Emily, tears streaming down her beautiful face. They watched in awe as the man milked the girl who was now groaning relieved. When the milking had ended, and Becky had been sent away, Emily announced, “That’s… that’s it. Fuck this, I’m next!” and went up the stage.

Rachel wondered if she could ignore the pain long enough, if she could finally make it out. But her terribly hurting breasts told her otherwise. She watched Emily getting milked, getting her massive tits groped by that evil man and thought about giving up as well. The other two, Dolly and Alex, seemed to be so much more relaxed than herself!

But to her surprise, Dolly was next on the chopping block. The peroxide-blonde bombshell was waddling up the stage and offering her tits to the golden mask who promptly started milking her dry.

“Only… only one more!” Rachel groaned, “Almost… almost there!”

The young engineer was determined to beat her competition this time, to beat the last remaining woman. But Alex was just too knowledgeable about the biological processes happening in their bodies. She knew how to keep the pain in check, how to enter a mental state where she could shield herself from the mind-numbing sensations her breasts caused. There was simply no way for Rachel to win this fight.

Unfortunately, it took Rachel way too long to learn that lesson.

After what felt like hours, every breath she took hurt so much that she feared she would faint. Every small twitch, every tiny movement of her large bosom caused explosive pain.

“I … can’t….. I can’t take this anymore!” she groaned. Her eyes fell on Alex who was lying a few feet away, eyes wide, head wet with sweat but calm otherwise. “Screw this”, Rachel thought, “I’m out!”

With that, the young woman crawled over to the stage, the pain caused by her swaying breasts forcing her to stop in her tracks more than once. Finally, she had made it up to the masked man and dutifully offered him her bursting balloons.

“Please! Please milk me?!”

“You sure, Rachel? Already giving up?”

“Yes! YES! Please!!!”

“Alright then!” the man replied, suspiciously calm, “Let me get these off you then!”

Rachel felt the tiny loops around her nipples fall off, and moments later the milk shot out of her. The relief was so overwhelming, so beautiful, that she cried with joy. And when the man reached out to her hurting hooters and began to carefully massage her bloated breast, teasing out what felt like gallons of milk, her whole body glowed with pleasure. It felt extraordinary! All the pain, all the suffering magically turned into the most pleasant, most fulfilling emotion she had ever experienced. She moaned silently, pressed her heavy pillows in the wonderful hands.

Once she ran dry, the man patted her head and said, “There you go little cow, now go back to your herd while I announce the winner.”

Only then, Rachel realized her defeat. Tears shoot in her eyes as she noticed just how close she had been to ending the nightmare.

“Ladies! I know you gave all you had, but only one can succeed. And this time, the honors go to Alex, our bright and oh so knowledgeable doctor who, I must admit, had a bit of an unfair advantage this round. Alex? Please join me on the stage!”

The dark haired woman with her massive udders full of milk slowly walked up to the stage, careful to not upset her terribly sore breasts.

“So what do you say, Alex? Easy win?”

“Fuck you, you monster! How could you do that to us?”

“Oh my, are we a bit emotional today?”

“You fucking perverts! You treat us like cattle, make us lactate and then use our own bodies to cause as much pain as possible! You will go to jail for this!”

“I’m not alone, Alex. And there is only a tiny risk of us getting busted for this. But I understand, you are angry. The good news is that you’re done with us. You’ll get a nice compensation in exchange for your fancy blue legs and those massive milkers!”

He reached out and slapped Alex’ left breast forcefully, causing the poor woman to screech in pain.

“We’ll take the nipple bands off in a minute. Now, please go out of the door over there and let our sponsors have a good hands-on examination of your wonderful, pain-resistant mammaries! After that, we’ll bring you home where you can go back to your doctoring provided that those,” he slapped the other tit with might, “don’t pose too much of a challenge to your day-to-day work! Good luck with the rest of your life Alex! I mean it!”

“Fuck… YOU!” Alex spewed as she was dragged out of the room by the guards.

“And for our remaining four contestants, nighty-night!”

Rachel stirred and mumbled as she woke up again. As expected, her breasts were even larger now, each easily as big as her head. And something was decidedly wrong with her legs! She tried to ignore the splitting headache and got up so she could examine herself. But it wasn’t easy.

“What the…”

Her thighs were no more. Well, they were still there somehow, but not separate. Her beautiful if blue thighs had been fused together into a single, muscular and shiny blue… something. Only starting from her knees, her legs were separate as they should be, making it impossible for her to walk.

She somehow made it up on her feet and figured she could only waddle around like a damn penguin when she noticed Emily awkwardly moving towards her.

“What now?” Emily asked, her face wet with tears, “We’re done for! Our tits being the size of bean chairs is one thing, but not being able to walk? Horrendous!”

Rachel did not know how to respond.

“Y..yeah, fuck’em. But what…. What can you do?”

“I should have won that dildo game. Or maybe the sybian thing. I should have made it out by now!”

“I know. But we didn’t. We lost and now we’re in this terrible situation.”

“What will they do next?”

“I don’t know. But it won’t be good.”

The lights went out again and the stage got illuminated.

“Ladies! Only four left, right? What a nice little group, and such beautiful, busty creatures! You certainly wonder what’s next, don’t you? With your big, milky jugs and those strange blue legs. Just be careful that you’re not soiling the ground too much with all that milk flowing out of you. Although, that won’t be a problem for much longer. We have come up with a nice little challenge again, and it’s about those massive milkers of yours again! I know, I know, quelle surprise, right? But what should I say? Of course I know that you’re a bit … impaired… by the latest changes, so we’ll make it easy for you. Our guards will carry you over to your spot where you’ll be bound and… hanged.”

The four women looked at him in panic.

“Don’t freak out just yet, no one is going to die here! We’ll hang you by your wonderful if unwieldy breasts of course. And you’re supposed to get out of the situation by yourself as quickly as you can, understood? The first one that manages to escape wins! Guards? Get to it!”

The four women were carried away and brought on a wooden platform where they were positioned a few feet apart from each other, above a pool that apparently had been built during the time they were unconscious. Ropes were hanging from the ceiling, two for each contestant, and their ends were made into dangerous-looking nooses. The guards forced the nooses over all eight lactating mammaries and tightened them around the base of the breasts, pulling the ropes up until the girls were standing on their tiptoes, their massive melons hoisted upwards and pressing against their chins. Hands bound behind their back, the girls were deeply concerned about what was planned for them.

Rachel, as well as every other contestant, screamed at the top of her lungs when suddenly the platform collapsed beneath them and their poor, swollen and milk-filled breasts were all that held them up in the air. The scene was intriguing if not terrifying. Four women hung by their breasts, slowly rotating in mid-air above the pool, their nipples spewing an endless stream of milk as they moved to and fro, accompanied by earth-shattering yells and screams.

It took a while until the first contestant got herself under control again. Dolly, the peroxide-blonde movie professional, had seen her fair share of nightmarish stunts, being computer-generated or life acting. As producer and director of numerous arthouse movies, she knew that actors and especially stuntmen sometimes had to risk their wellbeing if they wanted to succeed at their jobs. Hanging scenes were nothing unusual in her line of work, but of course there were usually plenty of safeguards in place and most of the time the whole thing would be done using special effects either way, with no risk whatsoever for the actors. But she still knew some of the old tricks as well, tricks that may help her in this rather painful and unusual situation.

Already before being cuffed, Dolly had positioned her hands in a way that led to a slightly looser binding. With a few well-practiced twists, she was able to further slacken the rope. The constant pain in her breasts and the awkward swaying of her suspended body made it a bit harder than it should have been, but finally Dolly succeeded in freeing her hands. Immediately, her fingers shot up to her terribly bloated, awfully red melons and got to work on the tight bindings.

“Ngghhhh….” Dolly moaned, struggling to gain purchase. But then, she managed to slip out of the first one, groaning triumphantly, only to notice a second later that she had unintentionally worsened her situation dramatically. Now only hanging by one breast and screaming like a banshee, the poor girl had trouble staying alert. The awful strain on her body, the inhuman pull on her trapped tit, almost made her faint. Luckily, after several separate tries, she finally managed to get herself out of the last rope and crashed into the water below, her screams still echoing through the hall.

Meanwhile, Rachel, Emily and Becky had watched intrigued, unable to get the ropes to relax even a bit. The pain, while excruciating and nauseating, started to dull a bit and by the time their competitor had managed to free herself, Rachel had already given up on escaping.

“Ahhh… no… no way of getting out of this!” Emily groaned, twisting her bound hands behind her back, “How…. how long will our tits last?”

“Urgh… I … I don’t….know! I can’t get out! Too tight!” replied Rachel.

And so the three women oscillated in mid-air, strung up by their massive pillows and unable to free themselves.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the masked man showed up and ordered the guards to get the remaining contestants back down on the ground.

“Well well well, looks like we have found our winner! Guards? Bring them to the stage. Dolly? Get out of the pool. I’ll carry you over so you don’t have to hobble,” he laughed, looking at her strangely fused, blue thighs.

Soon, the four were back at the brightly lit platform, the masked man and Dolly standing in the spotlight while Rachel, Becky and Emily were watching off-stage.

“Congratulations Dolly! You made it! How was it, to get out of that bondage?”

Dolly wanted to yell at the awful man, wanted to curse and shout just like Alex did. But she was also quite proud of her feat, proud that she had managed to get out while all the others had failed.

“It was… tough! But I … I made it!” she blushed, cradling her large, hurting breasts in her hands.

“You had prior experience, right? Are you a bondage enthusiast?”

“I… No! No, no, I’m not a p..perv. But yes, I know a few tricks from my work on the set.”

“That’s great, Dolly. You can be proud of yourself! I hope these knockers made it out of the experience unscathed?”

“Well, I’m a bit sore, I guess. But it’s … it’s OK.”

“And what about your thighs? And your massive size? Think you’ll be able to work like that?”

“I think it will be a challenge. I don’t know yet, but maybe I can keep directing? I hope so.”

“I’m sure your employer will help you to make you comfortable,” smirked the masked man, “And the compensation package should tide you over whatever challenges you face! Thanks again, Dolly! Great job! You’ll be brought back home soon. For the others? Have a nice nap!”

When Rachel woke up again, lying in some sort of cot, she wasn’t terribly surprised that her breasts had grown even more. They had been massive already, and are surely of a quite ridiculous size now, but it’s something she had expected. What did shock her were her legs. Sparkling blue as before, they were now fused from her waist down to her feet, making it impossible for her to walk except for the tiniest steps.

She looked over to Becky and Emily who both seemed equally upset about the new feature of their body. Rachel tried to stand up, which worked reasonably well, but with her legs the way they were, it took forever to even move a yard.

“We’re screwed,” Becky moaned, hoisting her strange legs in the air, “This is the end, right? Fat tits and useless legs! How should I ever work in the lab again like this? My team members would laugh at me all day instead of developing the new rocket engine!”

“Yeah, we’re boned,” conceded Emily, “But that won’t stop me from suing these fuckers into oblivion as soon as I’m outta here.”

Suddenly, the light was switched off again only for the stage to pop into brightness.

“Ladies! Only three of you left and look at your new bodies! You look great! We’re nearing the end of the contest, only two more rounds to go! And you’ll be thrilled to hear that your womanly charms will be spared from now on. Given your recent… developments, we will move the remaining rounds to the nice pool that we set up for the tit hanging fun you just aced,” he giggled a little about his own joke, “The task will be easy. You’ll find a man waiting for you in that pool. Swim over to him, pleasure him until he explodes, done. The challenge? There’s only one man for the three of you, so you’ll have to keep your competitors at bay. How you make him climax is totally up to you. Have fun! I’m sure I will enjoy it!”

It felt good to be in the water, Rachel thought. Her legs, while useless on the ground, were perfect for moving around in the pool. And even her freakish boobs were not too much of a burden here. She dashed around, searching for the target while staying aware of her competitors. Then she saw him, sitting in one of the corners. Something was obscuring his face. It was the man with the golden mask!

A shadow was gliding beneath the surface. Emily! Rachel suddenly realized that the contest was on for good, that whoever would manage to make that awful man cum first would make it out. She thrust herself into the water and swam as quickly as she could.

To her dismay, Emily was already well ahead of her and had the man’s dick buried deep in her cleavage. The young researcher slammed her fat boobs over the man’s hard cock like a freaking porn star.

“Hey!” Rachel yelled, “Stop that!”

Then, suddenly, Becky launched herself out of the water and flew towards the dick-pounding woman.

“What the…!”

Emily had no chance. Becky’s massive tits hit her so hard on the head that she bounced right off the golden prick.

Without missing a beat, Becky swallowed the hard dick in front of her whole and started to suck like a pro. Rachel could see that the man wouldn’t last long and took her chance. Making use of her oddly fused legs, she sent a wave of water their way, drenching Becky and the man from head to toe.

“Holy fuck!” Becky screamed just before Emily’s fat melons knocked her away. Rachel used the opening to finally get to the prick and used her massive, milky endowments to pleasure the man.

When she looked in his eyes, she saw a telltale glint that told her all.

“You fucker enjoy this, huh? Us girls fighting over your cock?” she rambled while smothering his dick between her tits. Yes, he wasn’t far away from climaxing. Only a few more strokes and she would be declared winner!

Suddenly, something whacked her head and before she knew it, she got dragged under water. When Rachel finally resurfaced and tried to orient herself, she saw Becky going to town on the golden prick, her mouth so deep on that fuck stick that her lips touched his pubes. The man moaned in pleasure while his hands dug deep into Becky’s massive tits.

Rachel was devastated when she heard Becky’s cries of victory, her mouth still drooling with cum.

“Fuck it, not again!” moaned Emily as she swam past the spellbound Rachel.

It took the man a moment to collect himself and untangle from the busty mermaid, but once he raised to his feet, he grinned like a loony and said, “I just love a good fish fight! Becky, your mouth is incredible, just like your tits. Great job! I couldn’t hold out a second longer! You won this round and are free to go! Not sure how you’ll deal with your various enhancements but the compensation should help you find your new role in life. How are you feeling about this win?”

“Honestly? It’s about time! I hope I can get used to those fat milk bags and my legs… Well, I don’t know if I can ever work again and keep designing rockets, but I’m glad I finally made it out! Better late than never, right?”

“That’s the spirit! We’ll get you home in no time. Hope you find peace with your new body! Rachel, Emily? You lost again! One more round to go for you. Now, take a nap while we get everything ready for the grand finale!”

The gas knocked Rachel out while she was still in the pool and for a moment she thought she would drown. But the team paid close attention and got her out in time. When she woke up again lying on some chaise-lounge right in front of the stage, Rachel noticed even more weight hanging from her chest. She just couldn’t believe how ridiculously big these things were by now. But what bothered her even more was that her feet were gone! All she had left was a shiny blue tail, with fin, scales and all! There was no way Rachel would ever walk again!

“Look at our two mermaids, all relaxed and chilling! Like your new size? Who am I kidding, you must be so proud about those beach balls! And that tail fits just perfectly! Ready for the final round?”

Emily and Rachel grunted annoyed.

“Yeah, I know. It’s a tough adjustment. But the winner will still be better off than the loser, that’s for sure. This round is quite simple though. We’ll bring you to the pool so you’re back in your element and can move about. All you have to do is race. The one that reaches the end of the pool first wins. But there’s a catch! I won’t tell you though, but you’ll soon find out! Have fun!”

Rachel thought about her ridiculous situation and wondered what they had in store for her next while the guards hoisted her up and carried her to the pool.

The water felt so much better than the land! Her tail, while of no use outside, was strong and propelled her quickly through the pool. It was so much fun swimming around! She heard one of the guards shouting and swam towards them. Emily was already in position, eagerly awaiting the start of the race

“Here’s your spot. Now stay still for a moment while we get you set up.”

Suddenly, Rachel’s nipple exploded and she screamed in pain.

“What the fuck? You said we’re done with our womanly charms!”

“Sorry, the boss lied. But it’s not that bad, just a little bit of fun for the final test.”

The other side of her breast got treated the same way and Rachel kept wailing. Emily seemed to not fare much better.

The man with the golden mask approached the pool and explained, “In case you’re wondering, we just attached a bunch of weights to your wonderful bosoms so the race won’t be over too soon. Your task remains the same though. Reach the end of the pool first and you win. The strings that connect your nipples with the weights are very strong, so don’t bother trying to rip them off. Thankfully, they’re long enough so you can comfortably swim on the spot without drowning, but that won’t help with winning the game. But enough of me babbling about details, let’s get started!”

Rachel still tried to come to terms with her new situation when she heard the man shout.

“Ready. Set. Go!”

The loud bang still rang in Rachel’s ears as she lunged forward.

Unfortunately, the damn weights tore so hard at her poor breasts that she didn’t come very far. The strings elongated her fat, milk-filled tits into two, giant pyramids but the heavy weights stayed in place despite her powerful thrusts.

“Oh, fuck this!” Rachel bubbled, water splashing everywhere. She grabbed one of her gigantic melons with both hands and tried to lift them up, but without anything to stand on, it was impossible to get any leverage. Wondering how her competition was doing, she was shocked to find out that Emily had managed almost double the distance. And while that woman was cursing and bitching just as much as herself, she seemed to have developed a working strategy.

“Stupid, freaking tits!” Rachel cursed while using her tail to create a powerful forward motion. Her breasts were screaming in pain, anchored to the bottom of the pool by her poor, unbelievably stretched nipples. Rachel tried to ignore the terrible sensations and whipped her tail even harder. Finally, she could feel the weight moving a bit!

“It was all a question of power”, Rachel thought. She scolded herself for not giving everything from the beginning. Her engineering background should have helped her, but she was stupid enough to listen to her body instead of her rational brain. She whipped her tail again, grimacing in pain as her tits dragged the weights a little bit further.

Bit by bit, Rachel made her way forward, one agonizing inch after another. But she was never able to overtake Emily, who was just as committed to win this game. Exhausted, Rachel watched Emily’s struggles while she collected more strength for the next pull. When she realized that Emily was already dragging herself over the finishing line, Rachel was heart-broken. Tears were shooting into her eyes as her monumental failure became apparent to her.

“Aaaannnd… We have a winner!” announced the masked man in his usual, over-the top voice, “Congrats Emily for this stellar performance! I sincerely hope you haven’t ruined your tits with all that pulling! How are you doing? Everything a-ok with our little mermaid?”

“Fuck you, punk!” Emily spat while one of the guards removed the strings from her sore, elongated nipples.

“Language, young mermaid! You might be upset but that’s no reason to use such nasty words! Now, I know that you are asking yourself about your future, being not entirely human anymore and so on. But you’ll be relieved to learn that we have everything planned out already. You, too, will get a sizable compensation package and in addition, we’ll be offering you a well-paid position in our exclusive, members-only, uhm, exotic escort services. I suppose there are not that many other positions for a young, busty mermaid like yourself, so I would advise you to think long and hard whether to accept our proposal or not. But first, celebrate your win! You made it out just in time, although with a slightly enhanced body.”

Emily launched a few more curses at the man but finally agreed that the guards could take her into a private room where she could relax and think about her future.

After Emily had been carried away, the man turned towards Rachel and said, “You might not know this, Rachel, but you are the real winner of this contest. Everything here was devised to find the perfect candidate, the girl that would make the greatest, most gifted mermaid the world would ever see. You have proven time and again that you are a docile, weak-willed and honestly rather clumsy young girl that wouldn’t stand a chance running away, ever. And your performance pleasuring males was so abysmal that there is no risk the fun will be over too quickly. I am looking forward to the rave reviews we will surely be getting by happy men that enjoy your sloppy blowjobs for hours on end.”


“Now, now, don’t be upset. As the one and only true winner, you unfortunately have no choice in what’s coming next. But I’m sure you will quickly adapt to your new role and make peace with what you are now rather sooner than later. I for one am looking forward to visiting you regularly in case your new owner allows for that. But first of all, we’ll make sure you are presentable. Don’t worry, you’ll have some time to relax as well. Guards? Take her to the prep room.”

Rachel was quite upset about losing the game and nervous about her future. The guy did mention a ‘new owner’, which didn’t sound all too promising. The treatments and pamperings she received in the coming days were top notch though and helped to distract her from her worries.

Rachel had never felt so well groomed and beautiful! Her skin was shining from all the scented oils they constantly rubbed on her and her hair had an almost magical gleam. Her diet was healthy and varied, although Rachel noticed that they took care not to overfeed her.

When she was not being treated by swarms of beauty specialists, she was enjoying the giant pool of her new, temporary home and made use of the many facilities it offered for a busty mermaid like herself.

And the compliments she received! Everyone seemed to be enthralled by her body, dazzled by her gigantic, milk-seeping bosom and her deep, blue scales. Her new life was quite enjoyable so far.

Then, after days of lazy pool lounging, she was finally picked up by a crew of men and transported to a fancy, old villa of sorts.

“Welcome to the auction house, where your new life will be decided within a few hours,” beamed the man with the golden mask as she was put on a podest of sorts among all kinds of expensive-looking artifacts and rare animals. There was a white alligator, a striped lion, a rainbow-colored unicorn and other exotic beasts.

They didn’t explain much to her, but Rachel quickly understood what was happening either way. Soon, swathes of people in expensive clothing wandered through the halls and examined the artifacts with interest, including the busty young mermaid herself. Men poked into her massive, shiny breasts, fondled her scale-covered bottom and ruffled her radiant blonde hair.

“What a beauty, eh? I wonder for how much the mermaid will go. I would love having her in my mansion to entertain my guests.”

“Yeah, she’s fantastic. What you could do with those knockers! Oh, the possibilities! But alas, my wife would not be amused.”

“Poor boy. Mine would be thrilled. Having another play toy around that couldn’t object to her whims and schemes would be exactly what she wants.”

“Yours is bi, right? I’d be concerned she would leave me for those tits alone!”

Rachel listened to so many conversations just like that. It was rather upsetting that none of them actually addressed her directly. Rather they spoke about her body, especially her boobs, as if she was nothing else than a fantastic, sought-after rarity.

Many of the comments were quite degrading and dehumanizing, liking her to a piece of furniture or an expensive painting. The man with the mask had made it very clear to her that she wasn’t supposed to speak unless directly addressed, and while Rachel wasn’t that eager to talk in the beginning, she meanwhile wanted to yell at those people and tell them that she was still a living, breathing human although a grotesquely deformed one.

“Having fun?” the man in the mask asked her after a particularly hands-on groper who had even sucked milk from her bloated breasts had left her again.

“Ugh. Not in the slightest. Some of these jerks are really fond of my boobs and very thorough with their inspection. My tits feel like somebody had put them through a wringer!”

“Can’t blame them. These things are a scientific marvel and have cost us a fortune. I just hope we’ll earn back enough selling you that our expenses are covered. Who am I kidding, we’ll make bank with you, that’s for sure. Almost time for the big show. Excited?”

“Quite. Being sold like an exotic animal does that to a girl.”

“Oh, don’t worry. They’ll treat you well. You are a significant investment after all. Enjoy the show!”

The man then turned away and Rachel was alone again. Then, one after the other, various objects were taken away. The artwork, the vases, furniture and artifacts, the lion, the alligator, and all these other animals were carried out of the room one at a time. After what felt like an hour or more, Rachel was the only object left. She was nervous of course, and her thoughts raced. She wondered who of all those people would buy her, and how much money she was worth. Would the awful groper be her new owner? Or the sensual artsy guy? That bitchy woman? Or that young brat who played with her hard nipples for ages?

Then the guards came and carried her away.

The auction hall was packed! And all eyes were on her! They put her on a stand right next to the auctioneer, the man with the golden mask himself!

“Ladies and Gentlemen! It is my honor to present you our final and most valuable piece. A real mermaid with breasts so big you could drown in them! And they are even giving milk! This specimen is truly unique, a one of a kind, beautiful, docile creature that will do everything to please her new owner. I can attest that she is a true marvel and able to bewitch men and women alike with her unique attributes. I trust you all had plenty of time to sample the wares, so let’s get going. We are starting at 100k for this wonderful creature. Place your bids now!”

Rachel watched intrigued how the crowd slowly worked itself into a bidding frenzy. The first increases were rather modest, going from 150k to 160k and similar. But then, the big whales entered the game and the numbers kept skyrocketing. Soon, they were in the millions with no sign of slowing down. Rachel was fascinated and quite shocked about how much her new body was apparently worth. Never in a thousand years would she have earned that amount of money with her well-earning engineering job.

Finally, only two bidders were left. The last bid had been 500 million by what looked like a mafia godfather, the previous one by a woman clad in black with diamonds sparkling everywhere.

“550!” announced the woman.

“600 million!” replied the mafia boss.

“Ah, padre! Just accept for once you can’t have this shiny new toy! 700!”

“Natasha, go to your museum and play with your raunchy exhibits if you must, but this one is mine! She’ll fit perfectly into my tropical jungle arrangement! 800!”

“Naughty boy. I’ll bankrupt you for this. One billion!”

The two fought it out, one bid more ridiculous than the other. Finally, the mafia boss gave up.

“3 and a half billion for one, 3 and a half billion for two, 3 and a half billion for three, aaand… SOLD to NATASHA! Congratulations and have fun with your purchase!”

The woman! She had been sold to the woman! The only person that did not examine her before the event!

“Oh my, so Natasha it is,” whispered the man in the golden mask with a concerned look, “Poor thing, I think you’ll be in for an exciting time! We made more with you than we ever dreamed though. Good luck, Rachel. You’ll need it.”

Rachel noticed the tall, scrawny woman looking at her intently, her dark eyes focused on Rachel’s massive chest, her tongue slowly licking her lips.

“What’s with that woman?” hushed Rachel, “Why do you suddenly show pity after all you did to me?”

“Oh, you’ll know soon enough. Just be careful, please.”




Written by QexiQex

I enjoy writing about big breasts in peril. Feedback always appreciated! In case you are interested in joining my Discord, send me a message.

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