Disclaimer: My stories are of the ‘naughty’ nature and intended for adults only. If you are not of legal age, are easily offended or not interested in my kinky writings, please turn away now.
Based on characters created by Gulavisual. You can enjoy more of Yeina and Astrid at https://patreon.com/gulavisual
Chapter 1
“Are you the Chosen One? The Saviour I have been waiting for? The woman who will save us from our demise? Bless the Goddess!”
Yeina turned her head. A small figure, sitting in the shadow, was looking at her expectantly.
“Huh? What are you mumbling about old man? I don’t understand a word!”
“A stranger can’t possibly understand what has befallen this village. The future has been taken from us! A great evil is haunting our world! Our women have been abducted and nobody knows where they went. We desperately need a hero! Someone who’ll find them for us, who will destroy Udaar so this village can thrive again! Will you be our hero?”
“Udaar, what?”
The man sighed and started to explain. Two dozen young women had vanished from this small village over the last two weeks alone, all young, all about to start a family. And it wasn’t the first time either. As usual, nobody had seen or heard anything suspicious.
The people of this region had some scary stories to tell. One of their legends was about a magical tree growing deep within one of the caves. According to those tales, that blue, glowing, tree-like creature was responsible for all bad things happening to the people.
‘Udaar’ they called it. A creature that supposedly needed young women to survive and that got stronger with every poor soul it devoured. What puzzled Yeina most was that nobody ever witnessed how those women got abducted in the first place. Somehow the creature seemed to be able to capture those women without anyone noticing.
After he ended with his tale, the old man went inside his house and soon returned with a small chest. He opened it, showing its sparkling contents to Yeina. Two large, golden rings were sitting in it, richly ornamented loops, brimming with diamonds. Yeina held her breath. How beautiful they were!
“These are the Rings of the Goddess, divine artefacts that protect the most vulnerable parts of the warrior wearing them. I shall give them to you to support your quest. They will be yours forever if you succeed. But beware! If you fail, if our treasured girls are indeed lost forever, those artefacts will bring unspeakable pain to you and will haunt you until the end of times.
“So are you ready to take up this challenge? Will you rescue our lost ones?”
Yeina couldn’t take her eyes from the sparkling rings. Spellbound, the warrior nodded in agreement. Of course she would find those girls. They were probably abducted by some maniac or simply escaped from the boredom of the slow village life. She didn’t believe the ‘Udaar’ story one bit, but she would certainly check the caves for those people. The reward was just too good to pass. Two magical rings, coated in diamonds, full of ancient magic. Their value had to be immense.
The old man motioned her to take the gleaming artifacts.
“Those were crafted for our ancient warriors, women of power who protected our village in the old times.”
“How do I wear them? They seem to be too large for my wrists!” wondered Yeina as she inspected the twinkling objects.
The old man laughed, “As I said, those protected the most vulnerable part of our warriors which were all female by the way. And just like you, our heroes of old have been exceptionally well endowed. More often than not, those endowments have attracted quite some damage during the battle. So our forefathers created these artefacts to protect them. The rings kept them safe.”
“So they are for my boobs? But how…?”
“Just slide them around the base of your breasts and press them tightly against your chest. The rings will do the rest. You’ll see.”
Yeina hesitated. She didn’t want to strip, didn’t want to flash the old man with her large pillows. The old geezer might suffer a heart attack from the sight of her orbs! But there was nowhere she could go for a bit of discretion.
“Go ahead, girl! I’ve seen everything in my life! Don’t you worry about me!”
Yeina shrugged and removed her top. Her big breasts broke free and bounced around a bit. The warrior took one of the rings and got to work.
She effortlessly pushed the ring against her chest. The second ring was just as simple to wear as the first one, and soon both of the beautiful artifacts adorned the proud warrior’s body.
“Whoa!” she yelled as the rings started to vibrate, magically adjusting to the size of her flesh. Yeina gasped as those divine objects slowly melted into her skin and became part of her body. She was somewhat sad to see them disappear. They were so beautiful!
Suddenly those plump, swollen body parts began to tingle. Yeina felt immense pressure building inside her straining bags of flesh. The young warrior squinted, grabbed one of her bloated breasts and groaned. A fine, white mist coated the inside of her hands.
“Fascinating, right? Created by the wisest scholars of my people! Their knowledge unfortunately is long lost.”
“How… Why… What’s going on?” the warrior mumbled confused, still cuddling her painfully swollen orbs.
“The rings protect them from harm. You want me to demonstrate how they work?”
Yeina nodded, her finger tracing around the base of her breasts where the rings had been only moments ago. She could still feel them invisibly hugging her flesh.
The old man raised himself, offered his chair to her and said, “Then give me your katana, sit down and place those pillows of wonder on the table. Brace yourself, this will hurt a bit. But don’t worry, you’ll be fine. And don’t flinch or you might get injured.”
Yeina hesitated, examined his kind face for signs of danger. Then she nodded, reluctantly handed over the katana and sat down, placing her bare breasts on the small, wooden table.
The old man smiled as he took the shimmering katana from her. He then took aim and slashed down, cutting the sharp blade right through Yeina’s soft boobs. Or so it felt to the screaming warrior. But right before the impact, something remarkable happened.
Yeina witnessed everything in slow-motion, her vision as sharp as a razor. She saw the blade — her blade — crashing into her naked breasts, denting them, deforming their soft skin. Suddenly, the rings reappeared, glowing brightly, burning with sizzling heat. Then her magic jewelry contracted, shrunk to a ridiculously small circumference, mangling her pillows and causing terrible pain. A bright blue light engulfed her large bosom, buzzing, vibrating, filling the air with electricity.
A loud bang made Yeina’s ears ring when the blade connected with her eerily glowing breasts and the katana was sent flying through the air. Yeina yelped in surprise.
“Wow!” she screeched, “What the fuck?”
“Impressive, isn’t it? Your breasts are practically indestructible with these protections. You’ll still feel the pain of course, in fact the old tales mention that the rings even amplify the experience somewhat. It sharpens your senses, you know.”
“Yeah, I can tell! My tits hurt like a bitch! But pretty impressive, this protection. You should be grateful that I didn’t attack you by the way.”
The old man giggled, “Indeed. But now, my dear warrior, it’s time for you to begin your quest. You will find the caves north of here. Return once you have rescued our women. And remember, you can’t quit. If you leave this land without completing your quest, the rings will be furious.”
Yeina nodded, “I will bring back your loved ones, no worries. No reason to threaten me.”
“Then farewell my dear.”
Chapter 2
Yeina slipped into her shirt again, fastened her weapon and set off. It didn’t take her long to find the first cave. But unfortunately there was no magical tree, no nothing in it. So she wandered through the lands, searching cave after cave. But she found no trace of Udaar.
What she however found out is that many more villages had suffered a similar fate. All of them were missing their young, fertile women and nobody knew where they went. One day Yeina met a young villager, a beautiful young woman doing her chores. She asked her about the other women, if there were more like her.
The girl broke down right in front of Yeina, cried her eyes out telling the warrior how utterly scared she was. This poor woman was the only one left, all her friends had vanished, just like the other girls. Yeina vowed to protect her and moved into her house so she could keep an eye on the scared villager.
Nothing happened for quite some time. The young woman, Donna, lived her life without disruptions. Then, one day, she told Yeina that she would now seriously start to look for a suitable young man, and that she really looked forward to spending her life raising kids. Yeina was a bit surprised by the announcement. And she wasn’t prepared for what happened next.
Donna’s chest suddenly started to grow. Overnight, she went from her previous B-Cup to a generous F. And the weirdest thing was that she didn’t even recognize the change. She just behaved like the day before. Yeina knew something was amiss.
Then, later that day, Donna suddenly announced that she will need to collect some berries in the woods and that Yeina shouldn’t be surprised if it got late. The warrior decided to secretly follow her to find out what the hell was going on.
Donna walked for hours. Yeina recognized some caves from her earlier searches and wondered where the young woman would lead her to. They entered a dark forest, Yeina trailing behind, hiding in the shadows.
Soon the two reached a small glade, surrounded by old, gnarly trees, with a small creek gurgling through lush, green meadows. Yeina hid behind one of the trees and watched.
The young villager approached the little creek and started to remove her clothes. She neatly folded everything together and put the small pile on a rock. Then she knelt down, bowing over the water until her luscious breasts dangled over the splashy surface. Her right hand closed around her full breast and started to massage her flesh.
Yeina watched in awe as the young woman intensified her ministrations and furiously worked her bosom. The warrior carefully stepped closer, approached the moaning girl until she was barely ten feet away. Donna started to tremble, groan and spasm. Yeina stared at the mauled tits bouncing about. White liquid was coating the engorged nipples and slowly dripped to the ground.
Suddenly the ground began to shake and grumble. The strange girl then stood up and straightened herself. Yeina watched in disbelief as Donna slowly sank down, swallowed by earth itself. What the hell was going on here?
Yeina jumped from her hiding place to examine the ground. It was solid as ever before. Nothing was unusual, except the stack of clothes silently sitting close to the water. Yeina pondered what to do.
Where had Donna gone? Did all those other women vanish from the face of earth here, at this creek? There was only one way to find out. Yeina walked over to the exact same position where Donna had been and knelt down. She lifted her shirt and slowly began to massage her own breast, just like Donna had done before.
She could sense that something was off, that this wasn’t working. But she wouldn’t give up so easily. She kept up with the massage until her hand grew tired. But finally she had to admit that this was leading nowhere. Yeina stood up again, wondering what she was missing. Her eyes fell on the pile of clothes. Of course! That was it! How could she ignore something that obvious?
The warrior could feel that she was on the right track the moment she started to undress. This had to be it! Soon the naked young woman was leaning over the fast flowing water again, her hand mauling her buzzing breast.
The pleasure was extraordinary. Every touch of her hand sent her head spinning. Yeina could feel the rings within her flesh shake and vibrate. But it wasn’t only the rings, it was her entire body that was buzzing from excitement. She put her second hand on the free breast and intensified her massage. Her muscles strained from her awkward position, but it was worth it. The feeling was just too good. Yeina could feel something building inside her, boiling like it was ready to pop.
Her hands suddenly felt wet. Yeina barely recognized the change and kept pumping her large breasts with vigor. Milk sprayed from her shaking melons and dripped from her engorged teats, leaving tiny, white strands in the gushing water below.
The ground began to shake again. Like in trance, Yeina raised herself like Donna did before. Something within her warrior body must have sensed the danger as her hand unconsciously reached for her weapon. And then she sank.
Chapter 3
Yeina fell into a dark, moist underground cave, eerily lit by a blueish alien glow. As soon as she regained her senses, the warrior searched for Donna. But the young woman was nowhere to be found.
Instead, Yeina located the source of the strange light, a massive tree covered by strange, bulbous objects. Udaar! A faint sound reminded her of rain as she approached the shimmering tree with interest.
Breasts! That tree was covered in breasts! Every nook and cranny of the glowing object sprouted a set of warm, soft boobs! And every single one of them leaked a constant stream of white fluid that pooled at the bottom of the tree, close to its roots! Yeina’s thoughts raced.
“Awful, isn’t it? Such a cruel defilement of the sacred orbs!”
Yeina startled, jumped with surprise. Who was that? Who was talking to her from the shadows? She searched the darkness for the source of these words. There! A cowering figure at the other side of the tree! She readied her weapon.
“Don’t panic. I’m here for the same reason you are. To end this cruelty, to free those desperate souls!”
Yeina approached the shadow and asked, “Who are you? You seem to know an awful lot about this place!”
“I’m Astrid, Gaia’s priestess. And I have waited for your arrival. Gaia needs your help!”
“You… you know about me?”
“Of course I do. Gaia told me to wait for the great warrior.”
Yeina scanned the priestess, her luscious gown covering her ample body, her giant breasts spilling through an artfully decorated opening at the front.
“Wait! How the hell did you get your clothes into this cave? I had to leave mine behind before I was allowed in!”
The woman nodded, “Fair question. You still have your weapon, right? What the weapon is for you, the robe is for me. The robe protects me and helps to focus Gaia’s magic.”
“Huh? How does it protect you? Your boobs are dangling about in the open!”
“Indeed,” Astrid chuckled, “But my sacred orbs have special shielding!”
“Mine too!” smirked Yeina, “I wear a set of ancient protection rings around them! They are better than any armor I ever owned!”
“Really? Where did you get them? What do they do?”
“An old man gifted them to me to fight Udaar, the monster that abducts all those women. He said these are the Rings of the Goddess, and that they are incredibly powerful. He also warned that they would punish me if I fail with my quest. It was a bit scary, but they seem to work as advertised. Do you want me to show you?”
“No need. I’m sure I’ll witness their power soon enough. Let’s free those poor souls from that creature. So the villagers call it Udaar…That makes sense. And I thought that old curse had been eradicated ages ago!”
“You know about Udaar, too?”
“I… Just some old tales from times gone by. Our priesthood believed that this ancient curse had been lifted a long time ago. The Great Drainer of the Sacred Source, the Tree of Pain, the Orb Eater. We have many names for this ancient, evil creature.”
Suddenly something fell from the ceiling of the cave and landed right in front of the two. Another young woman, stark naked, with large, leaking breasts and blank eyes had entered the cave. Like in trance, she raised herself, stumbling. As she approached the glowing tree she found some sort of stalk growing between some of the many, trapped breasts and reached out to it. As soon as the mesmerized woman touched the thick rod it grew and sprouted, vibrating in anticipation.
The peasant girl turned around, seating herself on the fat object and groaned lustfully as she thrust her body down on it.
“Look, she’s docking herself! Just like in the old sayings! Udaar calls and its victims submit willingly. Poor soul.”
Yeina couldn’t believe her eyes as she watched the peasant girl slowly being absorbed by the tree. The wood-like, bluish skin of Udaar grew around her, trapped her, swallowed her, all the while the young woman groaned in lust as the stalk pleasured her body. Soon, only her two, large breasts were visible, feeding the hungry plant with nutritious milk.
“Just how many women did this thing eat already?” muttered Yeina, unable to look away from the monstrous being.
“Just count the orbs sticking out from its skin. It must be hundreds!”
“We must destroy it! It will eat every single woman of this world if we don’t act now.”
Yeina grabbed her katana and took aim at one of the thick branches. Astrid shouted in panic as the blade crashed into the wood.
A scream of a thousand women pierced their ears as the whole tree jerked upon impact, scores of breasts shaking angrily.
“Oh my, did you see that? Do you see how those orbs get squeezed?”
Yeina gasped. Indeed, those strange fruits covering the tree suddenly looked even more swollen, like their bases were getting constricted more and more! And the milk flow increased, too!
“It’s healing itself. It needs more food! Do you think its victims feel the pain?”
“They sure do, you heard their scream. So stop with the silly violence and let us think this through. Your katana will not help us here.”
“So what then? How can we kill it? Did these old stories tell you how to fight Udaar?”
Astrid pondered, wrinkling her brow, “Well, when Gaia spoke to me, she mentioned mushrooms.”
“Huh? Mushrooms… what exactly?”
“That … mushrooms will seal Udaar’s fate or something. Not much else unfortunately. Gaia likes speaking in riddles, you know. I think she just meant that I should think about mushrooms when I face the monster.”
“Think about mushrooms, huh? That doesn’t really help, does it?”
“Mushrooms, mushrooms… what could she have meant with that…Oh Gaia, why do you always have to be so vague?”
Yeina, too, wondered what the hell she should do with this information and pondered for a bit. When her gaze lingered over Astrid’s exposed bust, a silly thought came to her mind.
“We could turn those orbs into mushrooms pretty easily, you know?”
“Orbs?”, Astrid massaged her heavy breasts, “You mean…”
“Gaia is all about tits anyway, am I right? So it wouldn’t be too far fetched to assume that she wants us to… bind our boobs into the shape of mushrooms?”
Astrid smiled, “You have a point! Maybe that’s what she means. So what do you suggest?”
“We just have to squeeze our orbs real tight around their bases and -tadaa- mushrooms! A bit of rope would go a long way, but unfortunately all my equipment is still at the meadows…”
“I don’t have any rope either, but there are some pretty sturdy looking vines dangling from Udaar’s branches. Maybe we can use them instead?”
Yeina grabbed one of the thinner vines and pulled it tight. Her katana effortlessly cut through the dark blue appendage leaving her with a few feet of finger-thick rope. Udaar complained only slightly by shaking its branches.
“Fantastic, can you cut one for me, too?”
Soon, both had a sizable length of almost rope-like material and were ready for their little experiment.
“So who goes first?” smirked Yeina, eyeing Astrid’s soft pillows.
Chapter 4
“Let’s start with mine!” Astrid chirped and went down on all fours, her breasts almost touching the ground. Yeina formed a loop and pushed the vine over one of her dangling orbs. Then she pulled at both ends until the large breast transformed into a delicious, pink ball.
“Tickles!” giggled the priestess, eyeing her swaying bosom with interest.
Yeina grinned and began winding the vine around the trapped melon. Loop after loop adorned her body, each pulled as tight as Yeina could muster. Astrid soon groaned from the pain, trapped blood throbbing in her swollen breast.
“Looks quite like a mushroom,” Yeina mused, “What do you think?”
“Uh.. ah.. I… I can’t really see. Do you have a mirror or something?”
“I saw a small puddle of water over there. Maybe that works?”
Astrid stood up and walked over. The image wasn’t very crisp, but what she saw made her smile.
“Yes, this is right up Gaia’s alley. But I think the shape of the top could be more pronounced. It doesn’t yet look like the cap of a mushroom, more like an angry, pink ball.”
“So you want it tighter?”
“Tighter and more loops around the top I think.”
“Alright, let’s do that.”
Both women were totally engrossed in their task, tying each other’s breasts until all four of them stood proud, their shape now clearly resembling exotic mushrooms.
“Ugh, so tight! Look, my rings are glowing under my skin!” complained Yeina as Astrid did the final pull and fixed the ends of the vine.
“They protect you as they should! Quite a powerful artefact!” Astrid chimed as she admired her work, “But they do look much more mushroomy now! So did you notice any change? Did Udaar react?”
“I can’t see any difference yet. The glow is unchanged and all those trapped boobs still get milked, just like before.”
“Maybe we need to get closer to activate Gaia’s magic,” mused Astrid as she caressed her bound, disfigured breasts.
The two women moved closer to the tree, examining it for any hint of distress. Suddenly a tendril-like vine shot down and coiled itself around Yeina’s exposed bust, brutally mashing together her severely bound breasts. The vine quickly tightened and Yeina screamed in pain as she got hoisted upwards.
“Great, just great!” the warrior complained angrily as she hung in the air, suspended by her bulging breasts, “Udaar is in for a surprise! Throw me my katana! I’ll show this monster who’s boss!”
Astrid shook her head, “Don’t be so aggressive, Yeina. Violence will not be the solution to this. We have to use our brains!”
Astrid reached for the weapon. But before she could take it, another vine shot down with lightning speed and coiled itself around the bust of the priestess, pulling her upward with might.
“Oh come on!” growled Yeina, “You can’t be serious?” eyeing her shining weapon lying on the floor, “How are we going to get out of this now?”
Both women slowly swung back and forth, suspended in midair.
Astrid growled, “Such a blatant attack on my sacred orbs! Gaia will be furious! This evil creature needs to be stopped!”
She tried to focus her thoughts to analyze the situation and to find a way out of this mess.
“Hey, Astrid! Are your boobs growing or what? They look much bigger than before!”
“That’s my protection magic. If I’m in danger, my sacred orbs grow and get this faint glow.”
“Wow! Uh, I think my artifacts are working overtime as well. They are not only glowing but sizzling hot!”
Slowly the vines lifted them further until they reached a massive branch on which both climbed on. Astrid huffed and puffed as she steadied herself on the gleaming wood. Yeina examined their new location searching for ways to kill Udaar.
As she stood there, looking for clues, Yeina observed the vines slacking. The thin, sturdy tendrils that hoisted them up in the air seemed to lose their strength, as if they needed some rest as well. The warrior searched for her weapon that was so far out of reach, sparkling on the ground below. Without hesitation she leapt at the opportunity and jumped from the tree. Astrid yelled at her for her foolishness but it was too late. Yeina’s lean, muscular body shot downwards, aiming straight for her much needed katana.
Only a mere foot from the ground the vines that bound her breasts suddenly pulled taut and jerked Yeina’s pounding tits upwards. But Yeina reacted quickly and stretched her leg towards her weapon. Her big toe just reached the promising piece of metal and she expertly jolted the katana up in the air. Split seconds later she grabbed the flying sword and held it fast while the angry vine pulled her up by her hurting tits. Yeina yelled, “Now you’ll pay, Udaar!” brandishing her katana.
Once up the branch again Yeina got to work. With a few swift strokes she cut the evil vines that had jolted the two women in the air. Free to move again she looked for revenge. Udaar roared, shaking his branches angrily.
Her hungry sword lashed out again. Vine after vine fell and branches got chopped off as Yeina swung her weapon. The loops around the warriors breasts suddenly pulled tight. The rings sizzled, their magical charm protecting her from harm as her tits got constricted even further.
“Are you afraid, Udaar?!” screamed Yeina, “You can’t stop me with your little boob-play, you know? I’ll chop you off right here and now!”
Astrid screamed behind her, “Yeina! Run!”
Chapter 5
The warrior spun around as a massive branch with large, milk spraying tits all over it suddenly lashed out on her. She ducked, tried to hit it with her weapon. The entire tree trembled.
“Run Yeina, run!” Astrid yelled again, her orbs swollen and glowing, “It’s too strong! It’ll kill you!”
More branches were coming for the warrior, shooting towards her from every side. The vines around their breasts coiled up even tighter. Yeina got hit by a massive pair of tits and flew to the ground, landing right on her mushroom-like pillows, screaming in pain. Astrid jumped from the branch by her own will, escaping the angry creature by inches, sailing elegantly down to earth.
Both ran away from the raging tree as far as they could. Their tits looked even worse than before, the vines around them still somewhat controlled by the angry creature. Puffing from exhaustion Astrid groaned, “I told you violence isn’t working. We can’t simply kill it by force, we have to use our brains!”
“Bollocks! Every beast can be defeated by force, we just need to find its weak spot! Just let me handle it, Astrid, I know what I’m doing!”
Yeina was angry. Her tits, while protected by the rings, hurt like hell. She was not going to be defeated by a stupid tree! That beast would pay dearly! She grabbed her katana and ran towards the monster, yelling an angry battle cry as she attacked.
Udaar didn’t see her coming. Yeina jumped up the tree, the blade of her sword between her teeth. She grabbed a pair of swollen, milk drooling tits and hoisted herself upward. Mumbling a silent ‘Sorry’ whenever she reached for a new pair, she slowly made her way up.
When she arrived at the top of Udaar, where the largest branches sprung from the trunk, she immediately found her target. A small area was glowing faint red, the light pulsing, pumping like a heart. That surely had to be Udaar’s weak point. The warrior readied her weapon, and with one swift move, sunk it to the hilt into the pulsing, throbbing area.
The screams of a thousand women pierced her ears. Udaar shook, jerked and jolted, large branches whipping through the air. With her weapon stuck deep in the alien creature, Yeina had nothing else to do than to slide down the tree, grabbing one or another set of tits to slow herself down a bit. She ran towards Astrid at the far side of the cave, the priestess eyeing with interest what was happening.
“I told you there is a weak spot,” beamed Yeina, the coils around her breasts withering away and falling off as the beast retreated, “Now it’ll die!”
Astrid plucked the limp ropes from her own boobs and said “Yes, you hurt the old demon. But it won’t die so easily. Look what happens! See how all those innocent orbs get squeezed? How much more milk there is? Udaar is healing itself. You hit the beast hard but this only made it worse for the trapped girls. I told you we need to use our brains!”
Yeina groaned, “So what’s your idea then? How should we defeat this piece of shit without using force? By throwing flowers at it?”
Astrid sighed, “I honestly don’t know. Just don’t storm off and do something stupid, OK? There has to be something else we can do!”
Yeina looked at the trembling tree, heard the hidden girls wail as their massive tits got emptied to nurse Udaar’s wound. Yes, they had to do something, and quickly!
“We need to use its own weakness against it,” mused Astrid, stroking her now unconstrained, naked tits, “If we could use our sacred orbs to…”
Yeina looked at her, puzzled.
“You mean we should use our boobs? Like, I don’t know, push them into the trunk, let it grow around our flesh and rip them out again so tear holes in it?”
Astrid’s face brightened, “Of course! That’s a fabulous idea, Yeina! Quick, kneel down over that puddle, I’ll give your orbs a bit of extra protection.”
Yeina did as she was told, her dangling boobs touching the surface of the murky water. Astrid called her goddess, and suddenly the water was awake. The little puddle was now sparkling white, bubbling vividly. The priestess gently pressed down against the small of Yeina’s back, making her dip her large melons into the enchanted water. The warrior felt a surge of energy as the tips of her boobs touched the surface.
Astrid pushed her further down until she lay flat on the ground, her orbs completely submerged in the small puddle. Gaia’s magic pulsed through her body, made her orbs tingle and itch. The powerful goddess gave her strength and resolve, calling for her help to overcome the ancient evil.
Yeina was in trance, communed with Gaia silently as her boobs got soaked in the goddesses milk.
“Now you’re ready. Come, let Udaar feast on our indestructible orbs and rip it to shreds!”
“Don’t use force, eh?” smirked Yeina, “But using your boobs to ‘rip it to shreds’ is just fine, huh?”
Astrid blushed slightly and giggled, “Boobs are always the solution, believe me, I should know!”
Both women approached the trembling tree again, their enchanted breasts sticking out like holy weapons.
“So let’s do this!” yelled Yeina, pushing her tits into Udaar’s rough skin.
“With Gaia’s help, let’s bring this demon down!” shouted Astrid, pushing her tingling, glowing orbs into the trunk from the other side.
Yeina felt the quirky, glowing tree open up and swallow her breasts like it wanted to eat them. The creature vibrated, seemed to breathe as it closed down on her. A powerful suction pulled her breasts further and further in. Her eyes filled with tears, the pain was overwhelming. She saw the rings glow deep inside the wood, saw them protecting her with their sizzling magic.
“Now! Pull out now!” yelled Astrid from the other side of the trunk. With all her strength Yeina pulled, pressed her hands and feet against the evil being to untangle herself from it. But she was stuck, her breasts elongated and pulled tight but securely trapped inside.
“Pull harder, Yeina, pull! I think I’m in too deep already! Oh Gaia, why did you let it come to this?”
Yeina pushed herself from the hungry beast, used everything she had to get out again. Her tits got stretched horribly, but Udaar held fast.
“Damn you, beast! Let go of my boobs!” yelled the warrior ripping at her breasts with force.
“Yeina, help!” screamed Astrid in panic, “It’s eating me alive!”
Yeina’s heart raced. Did they underestimate Udaar? Was this how they would die? Tits stuck in an ancient demon? She pulled at her breasts like there was no tomorrow.
Chapter 6
Suddenly one of her melons popped free, Udaar’s skin gaping wide open, pulsing blue light inside the wound. Yeina pulled at the other breast, screaming like a fury.
She had made it! She was free again! Her stretched, hurting boobs were no longer stuck! Yeina jumped to the other side, gasping surprised as she saw the priestess’ situation. Astrid’s sacred orbs were completely submerged in the gooey, sticky skin of Udaar, her hands, feet and tummy starting to get sucked in, too. The warrior tried to get hold of the priestess’ body, pulled at her shoulders with might.
Slowly, very slowly she was able to extract the trapped woman again, pulling her out of Udaar’s deadly embrace little by little. Finally she ripped Astrid’s large, distended orbs from the creature’s body and both women collapsed on the ground.
“What a stupid idea!” groaned Astrid, rubbing her reddened boobs, “What a stupid, stupid idea!”
“Yep, pretty silly to think that we can hurt it that way. See how quickly its skin closes again. This approach for sure doesn’t work.”
“I know, but what else? How could we… Hey, what are those glowing things there? The green stuff?”
Yeina turned around, looked in the direction Astrid was pointing.
“Maybe mushrooms? I think those are… Hey… Wait a minute! Maybe that’s what Gaia meant?”
Astrid leapt to her feet and got closer, inspecting the green objects with interest. She poked the large, glowing cap and faint green dust puffed into the air. She sneezed.
“Do you see this? There is nothing else growing in the area around them, only these weird mushrooms!”
“Interesting. Maybe they are poisonous. All other plants seem to die when they get in contact with their spores. See this little bit of brownish moss there? It tried to grow near the mushrooms but it withered away.”
“Do you think what I think, Yeina?”
“Uhm, that it was really stupid to bind our tits into mushrooms?”
“No, not that. Gaia said we should use the mushrooms, so maybe we can poison Udaar with them. Like, you know, eat them and then let Udaar feast on us, poisoning him from within.”
“Uh, this sounds really dangerous though. Do you really think that…”
“I think it’s the only way to rescue those poor girls. We munch a few of those mushrooms and let Udaar swallow us and drink poisoned milk. And then it dies.”
“Alright, if you think it works. But let’s try one by one. First one gets swallowed, second one observes if it works.”
“Sounds good, I go first!” beamed Astrid, grabbed a few of the poisonous mushrooms and stuffed her face with them.
“Ugh, they taste terrible,” the priestess complained as her body started to get a greenish tint, “Oooh, I’m not feeling well! Quick, help me to poison that evil demon!”
Yeina helped the wobbly priestess up and guided her over to the tree. Udaar sensed someone coming and quickly opened up a pod for a new girl.
“You’re sure about this, right?”
“Yes. With Gaia’s help we’ll free those poor souls. Help me in, please.”
Astrid turned around and slowly pushed her shapely ass down on the waiting stalk. She sighed silently as the old spirit entered her body and penetrated her sacred treasure.
Yeina watched carefully what was happening, ready to free Astrid whenever needed.
Udaar seemed to hesitate as its body slowly closed around the writhing priestess, flowing around her gown-clad body until only her prominent breasts were visible. But the old demon apparently didn’t like what he got. As soon as Astrid’s milk started to flow, the area around Astrid got duller, almost greyish, and the old tree began to creak and groan.
The bloated milk sacs peeking out of the trunk around Astrid’s body suddenly increased their flow and wobbled angrily. And it got worse. The girls wailed and screamed as the poison slowly got absorbed by Udaar and its victims.
It worked! It really worked! Almost half of the tree seemed already dead! Yeina went back to the mushrooms and grabbed a few handfuls, munching on the poisonous fruit until she, too, felt queasy. Quickly she jumped to the other side of the tree and docked herself into a newly opened stalk.
It was overwhelming. The stalk caused the most thrilling, the most arousing feelings she ever witnessed. Her womanhood was drowning in pure joy, her body soon chasing climax after climax as the odd creature pleasured her without rest. She was losing consciousness fast, swallowed by pure bliss. If only the pressure around her boobs would lessen a bit. Suddenly there was pain, so much pain as the old demon began to milk her orbs.
Udaar couldn’t cope with the poison. It tried to wash away the toxic spores, clean itself with milk. But it was never enough. Soon, the tree was spasming, squeezing those thousand breasts to harvest more and more of the soothing milk, but to no avail.
It took hours and hours of excruciating torture for both, Udaar and its captives, but finally the old tree collapsed, its ancient flesh vaporizing into bluish dust. And the very moment it died, thousands of young women fell from the sky, landing with thuds on their incredibly large, swollen bosoms.
Just like all the others, Astrid and Yeina popped out of thin air and landed on their hurting boobs. They looked around in slight disorientation and broke out in relieved laughter.
“Bless Gaia, it worked! We conquered the old Drainer, Yeina! We did it!”
“Yeah!” yelled the warrior, “Take this fucking Udaar! Choke on the power of our boobs!”
Astrid looked around, watched all those women scramble, still lost in what they had experienced.
“Some of them were trapped in it for ages, you know,” mused Astrid, “I think I better go recruit some as apprentices for Gaia. Those women would be perfect as her servants!”
Yeina smirked, “Always on the look for new recruits, are you? Anyway, our ways are parting, blessed priestess. Thank you for your help. Without you I surely wouldn’t have completed this quest.”
“Oh, I have to thank, brave warrior. Only together we could succeed. Farewell!”
Yeina remembered that she still missed her trusted weapon and began to search the place. Slipping through the masses of naked women she examined the ground, inspected the few remains of the old tree. Soon she found her katana and made her way up the surface.
Her clothes were still there, neatly folded besides the small stream. Yeina quickly put them on and fastened her weapon on her side. Back to her old self she whistled happily as she made her way to the village.
When Yeina arrived at the old man’s house, he was beaming with joy.
“You saved our people, brave warrior. I cannot express how much we owe you for your services. Look at all those young, fertile women, look at our future!”
And indeed, ripe, young girls, all with incredibly large, bouncy breasts were swarming the place, searching for a new home. The men couldn’t be happier. Yeina smiled, bowed slightly and said,
“It was my pleasure, Wise One. without your precious gift, I wouldn’t have made it.”
“Oh the rings!”
“Yes, the rings. Very powerful artifacts.”
“Indeed. Do you want me to remove them from your body?”
Yeina hesitated, then nodded. She lifted her shirt and presented her still hurting breasts to the old man. He caressed her tender flesh as he mumbled old, magical words. Suddenly the rings appeared again, scuffed and busted but still intact. With tender fingers he pulled them off her swollen orbs, put them in a case and handed the box to the warriors.
“That they should forever remind you of your adventure,” the old man whispered, “Now farewell proud warrior.”
“Farewell wise man. And take good care of your people.”
And so Yeina left the village, happy that she could help the desperate folks, and happy about her valuable reward.
“To new adventures,” she smirked as she left the land.
Donna still couldn’t remember what had happened to her. How did she end up with such large, tender breasts? Why was she lactating massive amounts of milk every day? And why did she feel so bloated, like she had eaten too much? There were no answers but many women around her seemed to face very similar issues.
Sure, the villagers welcomed them with open arms, and some of the young men even seemed interested in marrying her. But something nagged at the back of her mind, made her do odd things like pleasuring herself at night, or drink her own milk. And those extended walks during early morning hours were not her style either.
A few months later the pain in her belly increased ten folds and poor Donna was bucking in her bed. Sweating from exhaustion she stumbled outside, the village still calm and empty. And then, right at the center of the little town she gave birth to… something.
As soon as the round, hard-shelled seedling emerged from her womb its roots sprouted and penetrated the fertile earth. Donna didn’t remember anything, just that she was now free again, free to do as she liked.
The seedling quickly grew into a wonderful, small tree, blossoming with bright, pink flowers each and every day. Soon young women took note and curiously approached the beautiful plant.
And then one of the more daring girls suddenly vanished, her proud, naked breasts sticking out of the young tree’s trunk for all to see.
The villagers were concerned Udaar was back, in the middle of their village. And so a few volunteered to keep watch, to guard the disembodied pair of breasts now trapped in the wood. They would caress the swollen orbs, suckle their sweet milk and make sure the tree behaved well. And they made sure no other woman would get close to the dangerous plant.
After three nights the young woman emerged again, the tree opening up by itself. Her breasts however had been changed forever, now huge, springy and full of milk, tender and sensitive to the touch.
But it was not only her bosom that had changed, it was her entire body, now slender with wide hips and incredible curves. Her mind seemed changed, too, as the previously shy girl suddenly acted like the proud, beautiful woman she was, irritating the men of the village.
The girl soon told her story, shared with every other young woman what a fantastic adventure it had been. How the tree had hugged her, loved her, caressed her very soul. And everybody could see with their own eyes just what a beauty she now was, thanks to her brave adventure.
Everyone wanted to try it out themselves, try to get swallowed by the magical plant. First, the village elders blocked access, maintained it was dangerous to get close to the tree. But only a few days later they caved to the relentless pressure of the women and agreed that the tree could be used under the condition that only one person was allowed inside at any time.
The new generation had learned from the past. Udaar’s child did not impose its will on the hosts and enslave them. Instead it relied on their voluntary sacrifices, on willing girls that offered their milk by their own choice. And it gave back plenty.
Soon the ‘Submergement’ became a treasured tradition amongst the villagers, and every woman was expected to meet with the tree when coming of age.
It didn’t take long for the village to get nicknamed ‘The Milky Paradise’, famed for its beautiful, lactating ladies and their insatiable demands towards men. Udaar’s little child flourished and grew, and spread its seeds slowly throughout the land. A new generation was born, and it was here to stay.